Variety (March 1909)

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22 VARIETY - In Vaudeville under direction of PAT CASEY By kind permission Messrs. RLAW <EL ERLANGER and FLO ZIEGFELD, Jr. WEEK MARCH 29 POLI'S, HEW HAVEN Will Marion Cook THE ORIGINATOR. Former acts— "Clorindy sad Memphis Stu- deata." Bsw acts—Origical, Sensational, Melodiout. "ROSE LAND" Negro Sketch — 25 People. "HAWAIIAN ROMANCE" Mntical Drama of the South Sea Island*. ABBY MITCHELL in Cook Songs NEW TOM CHICAGO Si West 29th Strett 67 Clark Street Montague, Mona, 2839 TJrala, Dearer. Montgomery. Geo. P., Orphean, Hot Spctaga, Ark., indef. Moutrsy, Edward. 814 Western, N. 8., Plttabwf. Moooey A Holbein, Bolton. Eng. Moore A Young, Grand, Montgomery. Ala. Moorbead. Harry, Dreamland. Norfolk, Vs. Moran A Winer, Apollo, Nenrenberg, Ger. Moreland, Cbas., 734 ft Central, Hot Springs, Ark. Morgan A McGarry, Pantages', Seattle. Morris A Morton. Pada A Follies, B. K. Morris A Sherwood Sisters, Majestic, Lincoln, Neb. Morris, Felice A Co., Majestic. Lincoln, Neb. Morton A Elliott. Moss A Stoll Tour, indef. Morton. Hugh. Moaart, Elmlra, N. Y., Indef. Morton, Jewell, Troupe. 5, Empire, Hobokcn. Morton. Ed, Proctor's. Utica. Mots Girl, Wintergsrten. Berlin. Ger. Mowstta. Juggling, Hanaa. Hatnsburg, Ger. Mosarts, The, Orpbeum, New Orleans. Mullen A Correlli, Sbuburt, Utica. Mulvey, Ben L., Majestic, Cblcsgo. Murray. Eddie. Fisher's. Los Angeles, lodef. Murray Sisters. Orphenm, Sioux City. Murray A Mack. Shelbyville. Ind.; Dayton O. MAURICE HAROLD ROSE. THEATRICAL LAWYER Murray A Alvin, Great Albinl Co. Murphy A Magee, Ducklings, B. R. Musketeers, Four, Vanity Fair, B. R. Mr. ■ Mrs. MARK MURPHY My Fancy, 12 Adam, Strand, London, Eng. Myers A Rosa, Majestic, Johnstown, Pa.; S, Poll's, Waterbury. Narabos, Four, Orpbeum, Oil City, Pa.; 4, Family, Kane, Pa. National Four, Golden Crook Co., B. R. Nawn, Tom, A Co., Orpbeum, San Francisco. Nealon A Titus, 611 Brown, Phlla. Neff A Starr, 38 Johnston, Chicago. Nelson A Otto, 10 Howland, Rozbury, Mass. Newell A Nlblo. 14 Leicester, London. Eng. Newboff A Phelps, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Cal. Nichols. Fonr, 610 Deuber, Canton, O. Niblo, Victor, Colonial, N. Y.; 6, Orpbeum, Brook- lyn. Nickel. Earl, 343 E. 40th. Chicago. Nirro A Le Roy, 1326 Page, Allegheny, Pa. Noblette A Marshall. 1012 Hempville, Ft. Worth. Nolan, Fred, World Beaters, B. R. Nonette, 154 Henry, Brooklyn. Normans. Juggling, Orpbeum, Sioux City. Norton, C. Porter, 6342 Klmbark. Chicago. Norris, Leon. A Co., 63 W. 7th, Mt. Vernon, N. T. Norrises, The, 617 Wslnut, Hsmilton, O. Norton, Mina, Dime, Walla Walla, Wash., IndsL N oases. Musical, 5. Hippo., Cleveland. Nugent. Wm, F , 11 W. 118th, N. Y. Nugent, J. C, The Oaks, Canal Dover 0. O'Coaaors-Saunders Co., Majestic, Denver. O'Dell A Hart, 2063 8trood, Green Lake, Wash. Odell A Gil more, 870 W. Monroe, Chicago. Ogden. Helen. 270 Clybourn, Chicago. OHsos. Ed. Irwin's Majesties, B. R. Okabe Family, 29 Charing Cross Rd., London, Eng. Onlsw. Ous, Trio, Keith's, Boston; 6, Colonial, Lawrence, Mass. Onken, Al, The Chutes. Ban Francisco, Indef. O'Neill, Emma, Saratoga Hotel, Chicago. O'Neill, W. A., Orpbeum. Oakland, lodef. O'Neill Trio. Family. Haselton, Pa. Ollvetta Troubadours, Keith's, Portland. Onthanke A Blanchette, Grand, Hamilton, O. Opp. Joe, Travelers Co., B. R. Orbsssany, Iron, 9 Altkenhead Rd., Glasgow, Scot. O'Roarke, Eugene, A Co., 1229 Tlnton Ave., N. Y. Orpheus Comedy Foot. Psotages, Portland, Ore. Orth A Fern, Majestic, Galveston. Ortmann Trio, Clrco Bell, Mexico City, Mex., Indef. Otto Bros., 10 Howland, Roxbnry, Mass. Owen A Hoffman, Palace Hotel, Chicago. Owens, Billy A May, 1421 Adams, N. 8., Pitts- burg. Osavs, The, Kinsley Ave., Kenmore, N. Y. 140 H a St.. Pollard. W. D.. Majestic, Des Moines. BARNEY FIRST "the sociable guy II Row Playing- Rstara Eagage SO WEEKS PANTAGES — W. 6, CIRCUI T. ;acat. "That's Going Soma." ED. FISHER, AGENT, SEATTLE. BUT SPEAKING of THEATRICAL TRUNKS Wd it ever occur to you that when you paid for one of the heavy, old-fashioned, canvas covered wood trunks your expense had only begun? That every week it would add to its original cost In excess baggage charges, until after a couple of years It bad really cost you seversl times Its original price? That, on the other hand, a BAL FIBRE TRUNK was an income paying Investment from the stsrt, and by its light weight saved you its original cost every season or to. Food for thought, all right, eat and become wise. WILLIAM BAL, Inc. HMD FOR CATALOGUE V. BUILDERS OF 210 Wsst 42s4 Stmt. New YsrK /ML' Truss Palmer Sisters, 646 Hart, Brooklyn. Palmer A Lewis, Scenic, Boston. l'amahaslke, Prof., 1987 B. Dsophln, Phlla. Pepper Twins, Lindsay, Ont., Canada. Pattens, Three, Lyceum, Cincinnati; 6, Hippo., Lexington, Ky. Paterson's Bronae Studios, 619 Larkln, 'Frisco. Pauline, Keith's, Providence. Paullnettl A Plquo, 2214 So. Broad, Phlla. Pearce Sisters, 725 Lane, Seattle, Wash. Pearson A Garfield, 229 W. 38th, N. Y. Peck, Roy, Vogel's Minstrels. Pedersou Bros., Main. Peoria, 111. Pinard A Manny, 276 South Fifth, Brooklyn. Perry A Elliott, Clark's Runnwsys, B. R. Petchlng Bros., 16 Packard, Ly mans ville, B. I. Pbillppo Sisters. 140 W. 36th, N. Y. Phillips A Bergen, 373 Charles, Boston. Phillips A Newell, White's, Concord, N. H. Phillips. Moodsne, Lyric, Sslina, Kan. Phillips, Samuel P., Forepaughs, Philadelphia. Piccolo Midgets, Box 28, Phoenicia, N. Y. Pike Bros., 973 Amsterdam Ave., N. Y. Pilcer, narry, 265 W. 143d, N. Y. Plamondona, Two, 1114 Qnlncy, Topeka, Kaa. Polriers, The, Lyric, Danville, 111. Polk A Polk, Majestic, Ft. Worth; 5, Majestic, Dallas. Pollard, Gene, World Beaters, B. B. Pope, J. 0.. A Dog, 240 Franklin, Phlla. Potter A Harris, Bennett's, Hamilton; 3, Ben* nett's, Ottawa. Potts Bros. A Co., Revere Hotel. Chicago. Powder A Cbspmsn, Girls of Moulin Rouge. B. R. Powell, Eddie, Park, Manchester, N. H. Powers Trio, Frauklyn, Worcester. Preston, George, Watson's, B. R. Price, Bob, Starland. Montreal, indef. Pucks, The, Majestic, Little Rock. Puget, George R., Runaway Girls. B. R. Purvis, Jsmes, New Century Girls, B. R. Quillln, L., German Village, Columbus, O., indef. Badford A Valentine, Vaudeville Club, London, Eng. Rainbow Sisters, 5. Majestic. Evansvllle, Ind. Ramsey 81sters, Fsmlly, Lafayette, Ind. Rankin A Leslie, 413 W. 80th, N. Y. Rastns A Banks, Apollo, Vienna, Ans. Rawls A Von Ksufmsn, Folly, Oklahoma City, Okla. Ratelles. The. 637 Letmuneaux, Montreal. Raymoud, Ruby. A Co., Proctor's, Albany; 5, Proctor's, Utica. Raymond, Clara, Scribner Show, B. R. Raymond A Harper, Princess, Columbus, O.; 5, nippo., Huntington, W. Vs. Rsymond A Hsll, Saratoga Hotel, Chicago. Raymonds, The, Majestic, Lexington, Ky. Rayno, Al, K. A P.'s 5th Ave., N. Y. Rector. Hsrry, Circo Trevlno. Monterey, Mex. Red Eagle, Poll's, Wllkes-Bsrre. Redding, Franceses. A Co., 204 W. 133d. N. Y. Red ford A Winchester, Anderson, Louisville; 29, Olympic, Chicago. Reed A Earl, Ideal, Tltnsvllle, Pa. Reed, John P., Gaiety, 8prlngfleld, III. Reed A 8t. John. 454 Manhattan. N. Y. Reed Bros., Poll's, Wllkes-Barre; 5, Orpbenm, Wllkes-Barre. Relck A Howard, 128 Greenwich, N. Y. Reld Sisters, 45 Broad, Elisabeth, N. J. Rlesner A Gores, 128 Roanoke, 8an Francisco. Remington. Msyme, Hotel Gersrd. N. Y. Rensrds. Three, G. O. H., Wheeling, W. Vs. Rcinfleld's, Lady, Minstrels, Crescent, Nashville, Tenn. Renshsw, Bert, Emporium, Hoopeston, 111. RIckrode, Harry E., Pantages' Theatre Bldg., Seattle. Rich Duo, Pantages, Oakland. Rich A Howard. 811 W. 18th, N. Y. Richards, Great, Poll's, Wllkes-Bsrre; 5, Poll's, Scrsnton. Richards A Montrose, Majestic, Ft. Worth; 6, Majestic. Dallas. Richards A Orover, 5, Family, Butte. Richardson, John 8., 18 Grauyer pi., Buffalo. Richardson, Lsvender A Co., Academy, Haver- hill, Mass. Riley A A hern. Majestic, Detroit. Rlngllng, Adolpb. 840 So. 6th, Newark, N. I. Ritchie, Gertie. 805 Elm, Buffalo, N. Y. Ritter A Foster, Csmden, London, Eng.; 6, Leeds, Eng. HYDE & BEHMAN'S Amusement Enterprises HYDE S BEHMANIMUSEMENT CO TEMPLE BAB BTJTLDnt0, BROOKLYN, V. T. When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety. Rroads A Engel, Scculc. Hartford, Conn. Roattlno A Stevens, 114 E. 11th, N. Y. Roberts, C. E., A Rats, Majestic, Rock port, 111. Bobbins A Trenaman. Elite, Atlanta, indef. Robinson, Alice, 457 Orchard, Chicago. Roberts, Hayes A Roberts, Keith's. Phils. Rogers A Mscklntosb, Orpbeum, Warren, Pa.; 5, Bennett's, Hamilton, Can. Rogers, Will. Orpbeum, San Francisco. Roltare, Ohas., 215 W. 23d. N. Y. Romaln, Msnuel, A Co., 12 Seattle, Boston. Ronaldoe, Three, R. D. 5, Plymouth, Mich. Rooney. Pat. A Co., Maryland, Baltimore. Ross, Eddie G., Anderson, Louisville. Ross A Lewis, Touring South Africa. Ross Sisters. 66 Cumberford, rrovldence. Rosey, C. W., 1821 So. Wichita, Wichita, Kss. Rossi, Alfredo, Orpbeum, Brooklyn; 5, Albambra, N. Y. Rossleys, The, 0. H., Chatham, Can. Royal Doll Princess, 162 W. 85th, N. Y. C. Royal Musical Five, 249 So. 9th, Brooklyn. Roy, Rob. 5 Polk Alley, Elisabeth. Pa. Roys, The. Ides, Fond Du Las, Wis. Roy's Minstrels. 5 Salads pi.. Pittsburg. Russell Bros., Elmhurst, L. I. Russell A Davis, Idle Hour, Atlanta, Indef. Russell A Cburcb, Dominion, Winnipeg. Russell, Jessie. A Co., 517 So. 7th, 8t. Louis. Rutledge A Pickering. Grand. Nashcvllle, Tenn. Ryan A White, Keith's, Phlla.; 5, Polls, Scran- ton. Ryan A Rltchfleld, Colonial, Norfolk, Va.; 6, Hammcrsteln's, N. Y. S Sal mo. Juno, May Albambra, Paris, France. Salvail, Saratoga Ilotel, Chicago. Sandberg A Lee, 711 Orchard, Chicago. Sanders Troupe, 309 E. 14. New York. Shedman, W. 8., Victoria, Baltimore. Sampson, Harry. 5411 Addison. W. Phlla. Samson, Doc. Coburn Greater Minstrels. Samuels A Chester, Box 116. Melrose Psrk, 111. Sanford A Darlington. 2422 So. Adler, Phlla. Santell, Great, Oxford Hotel, Chicago. Sevengala, Original, Watertown, N. Y., Indef. Shannons, Fonr, Saratoga Hotel. Chicago. Sharp A Sharp, 209 B. 18th, N. Y. Schaar, Wheeler Trio. 5130 Commercial, Chicago. Shedman, W. 8., Victoria, Baltimore. Sherman A De Forest Co., People's, Cincinnati, O. Shefels, Msle, 1018 3d. Appleton, Wis. Slddons A Earie, 928 Main, Phlla. Slneay's Dogs A Cats, Follies Bergere, Mexico City, Mex. Schoaff, Glenn, Miss New York, Jr., B. R,