Variety (March 1909)

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—a. VARIETY 23 JEROME H. REMICK Prei. 6 Managing Director. REMICK OX COMPANY 131 Weit 41.1 Street JEROME H. REMICK & CO. 131 WEST 41st STREET, NEW YORK E, LAXOEIT PUBLISHERS OF POPULAR MUSIC IN THE 'WORLD F. E. BELCHER Soo'y ft General Mauagar. REMICK ill COMPANY 131 West 41st Street READ THIS LIST 1. "Golden Arrow." t. "Honeyland." t. "Dear Old Dear." 4. "Shine On, Harvest Moon." I. "I Want Some On* to Call M* Dearie." 6. "Naughty Eyes." 7. "Airy Mary." I. "The Wltohlnr Hour." 9. "Denver Town." ii WE PUBLISH THE ftlO.OOO BEAUTY I WISH I HAD A CIRL » The Most Talked of Sons In the Country PROFESSIONAL COPIES SLIDES ORCHESTRATIONS MOSI GUMBLE ....... Manager Professional Dopt READ THIS LIST 10. "I TJtod to Bo Afraid to Oo Homo in the Dark." 11. "Rainbow." If. "The Bolo Rag." IS. "Dear Heart." 14. "When I Harry Ton." 15. "Golden Bod, Flower of Liberty." 16. "When Hatilda Bin**." 17. "Lo Kic-King." 18. "Dancing On the Levee." LOUIS WESLYN WHITER OF SKETCHES AHD SOHGS. Announce! hit latest work aa follows: "THE GIRL and the PEARL" As played with biff success at Hammersteln's last woek by WILBUR HACK AND NELLA WALKER. "THE TAIL OF A COAT" New Faroe Just Produced with success by EHIL HOCH AND CO. "LEVINSKY'S OLD SHOES" New Oue-Act Playlet soon to bo produced by LEW WELCH AND CO. Augusta Glose's New Songs Written Especially for Her. Katherine Nelson's New Songs (NELSON AND OTTO) Written Especially for Her. Lyrics for "HOTEL LAUGHLAND." The Pat Rooney Co.'s Latest Production. LOUIS WESLYN Headquarters with M. WITHARK A SONS, NEW YORK. Schuster, Milton, Palace, Boston, lndef. Scott, Edouard, Grand, R«no, Nev., lndef. Scott A Wright, Proctor's, Newark; 6, Empire, Hoboken. Sean, Gladys, Tiger Lilies, B. R. Semon, Chas. F., Keith's, Columbus, O. Semon Duo, Majestic, Kalamazoo, Mich. Senettl. Anne, City Sports. B. R. 8herman. Luken, B'wey Gaiety Girls Co., B. R. 8berry, Joseph V., John H. Sparks' Show, indef. Bhirhart, Anson, Crystal, Detroit, lndef. SUveno ft Co., 2029 Liberty, Ogden, Utah. Simpson, Cora, 718 No. Maine, 8cranton. Ps. Simpson, Cherldah, Orpheum, Minneapolis. Six Girls & Teddy Bear, Orpheum, Oakland. 81ater A Finch, Trousdale Bros.' Minstrels. Smlrl ft Kessner, 438 W. 184th, N. Y. Smiths, Aerial, Hansa, Hamburg, Ga. Smith ft Heagney. 272 So. 11th, Newark, N. J. Smith ft Brown, 1324 St. John, Toledo. Smith, Al, 123 Irving. Brooklyn. Smith ft McNamara, 49 No. Englewood, Phlla. Snyder & Buckley, Orpheum, St. Paul. Somers ft Wlble, Box 24, Colllogswood, N. J. Soper, Bert, Star, Altoona, Pa., lndef. Splasel Bros, ft Mack, Ronacher, Vienna, Aua. Starr, Mabelle. Orpheum, Marietta, O. St. Clair, Annie, 2910 Armour, Chicago. St. Elmo, Leo, Varieties, Terre Haute, Ind. Stafford ft Stone, Orpheum, Harrlsburg. Stafford, Alice, 213 W. 85tb, N. Y. Stleger. Bessie, Champagne Girls, B. R. Still City Quartet, Miss New York, Jr., B. R. Steinert, Thomas, Trio, 469 Lenox, N. Y. Steeley ft Edwards, Poll's, Worcester. Stanley ft Wathon. 245 W. 38th, N. Y. Stanley, Mae, B., 0. H. Douglas, Alaska, .ndef. Stephenson, Chas., 2 Sumach, Toronto, Can. Stewart, Cal, Unique, Minneapolis. Stewarts, Musical. Sam T. Jack's Burlesquers. Stevens. Paul. 323 W. 28th, N. Y. Strickland, Rube, Orpheum, Yonkers; 5, Orpheum, Utlca. Stuart, J. Francis, 2448 Martin, Philadelphia, Pa. Stuart ft Keeley, 822 College, Indianapolis. Stutxman ft May, 1553 B'way, N. Y. Subers, Emlle. Auditorium, Lynn; 8, Lowell, Lowell, Mass. Sullivan Bros.. Four, Star, Westerly, It. I.; 5, Puritan, Fall River. Sully ft Phelps. 2329 Bolton, Phlla. Sunny South. Keith's, Philadelphia. Surazal ft Racell, 5, Orpheum, Salt Lake. Susana, Princess, Alpha, Erie, Pa.; 5, Grand. Cleveland. Sutcllffe Troupe, Colonial, N. Y.; 5, Orpheum, Brooklyn. Sutton ft Sutton, Palace Hotel. Chicago. Sweeney ft Rooney, 174 W. Madison, Chicago. Sylvester, Harry, Irwin's Majesties, B. R. Symphony Quartet, 1028 20tb, Washington, D. C. Tanean, Felix ft Claxton, 881 B. 93d, N. Y. Tangley, Pearl 87 8o. Clark, Chicago. Taylor, Chas. E., Tiger Lilies, B. B. Taylor, Mae, Bijou, Decatur, 111. Taylor, Viols, Champaign Girls, B. B. Taylor, Eva, ft Co., Orpheum, 81oux City. Teed ft Lasell, Bryant's Extravagansa Co., B. B. Templeton, Robert L., Moss ft 8toll Tour, London. Templeton, Psnl Francis, 1428 18th, Osklsnd. Ten Dsrk Knights, Liverpool, Eng.; 5, Bristol, Eng. Ten Brooke, Jim, Uncle Sam's Belles, B. B. Ten Eycks, The, O. H., Greenville, O. Terrors, Four English, City Sports, B. B. Texas Steer Quartet, Colonial Belles. B. B. Trolley Csr Trio, 1142 Tunnell. Milwaukee. That Quartet. Oylmplc, Brooklyn; 5, Greenpolnt, Brooklyn. Thardo. Claude, Hippo., Lexington, Ky.; B, Grand, Hamilton, O. The Quartet, 1553 B'way. N. Y. Tbemalues, Musical, Theatre, East Palestine, O.; 5, Cooper, Mt. Vernon, O. Thompson, Harry, 112 Covert, Brooklyn. Thompson Slaters, 824 E. 41st, Chicago. Thornton, Geo. A., Keith's, Providence. Tiecbes, The, 114 B. 2d, East Liverpool, O. Till, John ft Louise, 898 Salem, Maiden, Mass. Tompkins, Charlotte J., 2541 Lafayette. Denver. Townsend, Charlotte, A Co., 601 W. 185th, N. Y. Toomer, Henry B., Pastime, Jacksonville, Pis. Toms, Tumbling, 2789 Fulton, Brooklyn. Toons, Mile., P. O. Box 654, Denver, Col. Tops, Topsy ft Tops, 617 W. School, Chicago. Travera. Belle, 207 W. 88th, N. Y. Trobel ft Ruge, Orpheum, Seattle. THchernoff's Dogs ft Horses, Orpheum, Los An- geles. Turner. Bert, Richmond Hotel, Chicago. Thardo, Claude. 83 W. 66th, N. Y. Thurston, Leslie, 85 Lexington Ave.. N. Y. "TILLIE TUCKER" BYBJTK-OOLBO N PL AYER8. IV VAUDEVILLE. Tunis, Fsy, Champagne Girls, B. B. Tuttle ft May, Lyric, Ft. Worth; 5, Lyric, Dallas. Tweedley, John, 242 W. 43d. N. Y. Tyrrell, Al. H., Majestic, Birmingham; 5, Majes- tic, Little Rock. Tyson Sisters, New York 8tsrs, B. R. Urma. Hetty, 104 E. 14th. N. Y. Usher, Claude & Fannie, Majestic, Chicago. V, Vagges. The, Surprise, Alexandria, Va.; 5, Thea- tre, Richmond, Va. Valadons, Les, 407 Thames, Newport, R. I. Valdare ft Varno, Grand, Marlon, O. Vance. Maids, Irwin's Majesties, B. B. Van, Billy, Orpheum, St. Paul. Van Buren ft Close, 2259 W. 95th, Cleveland. Vsn Eppea, Jack, 15 W. 64th, N. Y. Vandergould, Cbarelrol, Pa., indef. Vardelles, The, Mystic, Pittsburg. Kas. Variety Quartet, Colonial Belles, B. R. Veronica ft Hurl Falls, Greenpolnt, Brooklyn; 0, Poll's, Hartford. Vass, Victor V., 25 Haskln, Providence, R. I. Vasco, 41a Acre Lane, London, Eng. Vasco ft Co., 1418 Beaver, Allegheny, Pa. Vaughan, Dorothy, Majestic, Ft. Worth; 5, Ma- jestic, Dallas. Vedmaro, Rena. 749 Amsterdam Ave., N. Y. Vermette-Capottl Trio, 451 Breboeuf, Montreal. Verne & Verne, Main St., Peoria, 111.; 6, Lyric, Danville, 111. Victorlne, Myrtle, Unique. Des Moines. Viola, Otto ft Bro Sheedy'n, Brockton, Mass.; 5, Olympln, Lynn. Vloletta. Jolly, 0, Orpheum, San Francisco. Von Dell. Harry, 1558 B'way, N. Y. Von Serly Sisters, 436 E. 138th. N. Y. Vincent & Rose, Orpheum, Ilchhlng, Minn. Vynos, The, 866 W. 31st, N. Y. W Wade ft Reynolds, 615 Second. Louisville, Ky. Wahlund & Tekla Trio. Trevlno Circus, Mex. Ward ft Harrington, 418 Strand. London, Eng. Ward ft Hart, 1909 South 11th, Phlla. Ward ft Sheppel, Al Reeves. B. R. Wartenberg Bros., 104 E. 14th. N. Y.. c/o Tauslg. Wenrlck ft Waldron. Richmond Hotel, Chicago. Wallace, Vane, Irwin's Majesties, B. R. Walker, Nella. Poll's. New Haven. Walker, Mabelle, 208 Pottlnatonlne, Leavenworth. Kan. WALSH, LYNCH Us. GO. Presentinff "HUOKTV'S RUN." MARCH 89, GAYETY, BROOKLYN. Waller ft Maglll, 102 Seventh Ave., N. Y. Walton, Irrln R., 140 W. 48tb, N. Y. Walton, Fred, ft Co., Hansa, Hamburg, Ger. Walsb, Lynch ft Co., Irwin's Big Show, B. B. Walsh, May, Fads ft Follies. B. R. Ward, Tom, 102 Lexington Ave., Brooklyn. Wardell, Harry, 1553 B'way, N. Y. Warren ft Malloy, Lyric, Chattanooga, Tenn. Watson, Sammy, Maryland, Baltimore. Watson Slaters. Irwin's Big Show, B. B. Watson ft Little, 428 W 145th. N. Y. Welch, Mealey ft Montrose, Majestic, Cedar Bap- Ids, la. Werden, W. L. ft Co., Csstle, Bloomlngton, 111. Indef. Washer Bros., Family, Ford City, Ps. Wesley ft Bnrns, 120 E. I22d, N. Y. Wharton ft Mooter, Majestic, Montgomery. White Ed B.. ft Rolla, Wonderland, Stratford, Can. White ft Simmons, G. O. H., Indianapolis. Whiting, George, Hippo, Cleveland; 5, Sbea'a, Toronto. Whittle, W. E., Orpheum, Salt Lake. Whltely ft Bell. 1463 B'way, Brooklyn. N. Y. Wilbur. Carl, 98 Charing Cross rd., London, Eng. Wilder. Marshall P., 10, Orpheum. Butte. Wilkin* & O'Day, Broadway, Camden, N. J.; 5. Keith's. Philadelphia. JOHN W. WORLD AMD MINDELL KINGSTON MARCH 89, EMPIRE, HOBOKEN. Wlllard ft Bond, 5, Dominion, Winnipeg. Williams. Chas.. 2652 Botger. St. Louis. Williams ft Gordon. 2232 Indians, Chicago. Williams ft Segsl, 37 E. Robinson, Allegheny, Ps. Williams, Nelson. Watson's. B. R. Williams. Thompson ft Copeland, Bijou, Quincy, 111. Williams ft Stevens. Pekln Stock Co., Chicago. Wilsons, Musical, Pat White Gaiety Girls, B. B. Wilson, The, Greet Gay Masqueradera, B. R. Wilson Bros.. Star, Chicago. Wilson, Tony, Helolse ft Amoros Slaters, 104 E. 14th, c/o Tanslg. WIImq ft Frailer, 145 E. 48th. N. Y. Wilson, Mse, Lulu, Butte, lndef. Wlnans ft Cassler, Devll'a Auction Co. JOHNNY BUSCH TRIO The sot that draws like a otrcus. Ws break house records. REICH ft PLTJHKETT, Agents, Winchester, Ed, Washington, D. C. Winkler ft Creaa, 252 W. 88th. N. Y. Winter, Winona, 41 W. 04th. N. Y. Wlxon ft Baton, 80 Tecumseb. Providence. Wolford ft Blugsrd, 150 W. Congress, Chicago. Woodford ft Marlboro, Gem, Merldlsn, Mian., lndef. Woodward, Ed ft May, Colonial. Richmond; 0, Colonial, Norfolk, Va. Wood, Ralph, Lyric, Ft. Smith, Ark., lndef. World'a Comedy Four, Al Reevea, B. B. Wise. Jack. 89th. Pittsburg. Wormwood's Dogs A Monkeys, Poll's, Waterbury; 5. Orpheum, Portland. Work A Ower, Majestic, Chicago. Worthley. Mint borne ft Abbott, 128 Lexington^ Ave., N. Y. Wright, Lillian, ft Boys, 485 W. 46th, N. Y. SUN CIRCUIT I C n HOUSES I UnquestioiMily toe Litest Circuit of F.mily 1 1 r n HOUSES I J U BOOKED VdUdevil,e n " m in lhe World J lull BOOKED GENERAL BOOKING OFFICES New Sun Theatre Building SPRINGFIELD, 0. BRANCHES 415 Ferguson Bldg., Pittsburg, Pi. 502 Lyric Bldg., Cineinnatl, 0. OUR EASTERN (United Booking Offices of America) AND WESTERN (Western Vaudeville Association) AFFILIATIONS ENABLE US TO BOOK ANYTHING ANY WHERE ANY TIME INFORMATION FOR THE ARTIST INFORMATION FOR THE MANAGER INFORMATION PARK BOOKING INFORMATION IN GENERAL Can use first-class vaudeville acts of all kinds. No acts too large, and nunc too small. Some salaries too high; a season's work; short Jumps; no l>ss of time to the acta that make good. Park acts booked April first to fifteenth. Hooking one hundred and fifty first-class family theatres In Ohio, Pa., W. Va.. N. Y. State, Canada and Va. and Ind. Short Jumps, consecutive work, la an inducement for artists to accept reasonuMe salaries. This la tlic secret of our success. All manage™ boosters. Can furnish park attractions, book summer attractions more reasonable than any other agency. Sensational novelties. Good Sketches. Minstrels, Carnivals. Write for particulars. Can use producer. Address all communications pertaining to the business to GUS SUN BOOKING EXCHANGE CO. NEW SUN THEATRE BLDG., SPRINGFIELD, 0. WRITE WIRE CALL GUS SUN BOOKING EXCHANGE CO GU8 SUN. President. JOHN McCARTHEY. Vlce-Pres. O. O. MURRAY. Treas. RAY LEA80N. Bec'y. A COURTEOUS REPLY TO COMMUNICATIONS When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety.