Variety (March 1909)

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24 VARIETY JACK CONNELLY A N D MARGARET Since producing our Operatic Dime Novel Cyclone we have witnessed the following piano acts, and they were not using the ideas contained in our cyclonic finish. ORTH AND FERN. JOLLY AND WILD. MONTGOMERY AND MOORE. ECKERT AND BERG. FRANKLIN AND GREEN. HILBERT AND WARREN. BERNARD AND 8EELEY. JOHN AND MAY BURKE. RAZELLE AND 8URRAZELLE. HOWARD AND LAWRENCE. COLE AND JOHNSON. HYMAN MEYER. LA ZAR AND LA ZAR. HARRY FOX. NELSON AND OTTO. THE ORIGINAL THE BROOKLYN BOY Billy Watson WILL PLAY AT THE EIVIPIRE BROOKLV Week BROOKLYN Mar. 29 Strongest show in the Burlesque Circuits. Broke the Monumental record Baltimore against a Johnnie newcomer using my name. I'd be ashamed. I have a program 27 years old.— Billy Watson. AT LIBERTY STILL CITY QUARTETTE Next season this act will positively be the best straight Singing Four in Burlesque. All soloists Communicate with GLEN SCHOAFF En Route, "Miss New York, Jr." (32d Week) MINTHORNE TOTTED TIME, "ON THE BtACH" BROTHEB AND SISTER. Big Hit at Bijou, Brooklyn, till traik (Karon SSd). II NOW ENGAGING FOB NEXT SEASON. THE LID LIFTERS" Eastern Wheel. Note Chanre Ofloe—Oayety Theatre Boildinc, Broadway and 46th St, Hew York. Boom IIS WANTED.—BURLESQUE PEOPLE IB ALL LINES. H. 8. WOODHULL, Manager. Week March 29—Gayety, Boston. Crossman Trio THE BOYS THAT SING AND PLAT. LANNON, BOBBINS AND GROSSMAN. Engaged as an EXTRA ATTRACTION for the Opening of tho NEW GEM THEATRE, MILWAUKEE. ^/^ WEEK M ARCH 28th. DICK « ALICE McAVOY "Herald Square Jimmy" Xing of the Newsboys. Address oare VARIETY. COMEDY AND NOVELTY ACTS AT Nothing too big or toe em* 1 '- Open time and lowest salary first letter. BLISS AMUSEMENT 00., 218 Tremont St., BOSTON, MASS. Tscklay A Bunnell, Blm VlUa, Wltmer, Pa. Yalto Dno. 228 W. SSth, N. Y. Yamamoto A Koyoahi, General DellTery, N. Y. 0. Yeoman, George, 45SS Gibson, St. Loots. Ybder, Dare O.. Miss New York. Jr., Co., B. B. Young, B. P.. 407 W. 128d, N. Y. Young, De Witt, A Sister, Majestic, Birmingham. Yonng, Ollle. A Bro,, 5. Orphenm, Kansas City. Young, o. M., Kitty Faye A Oo., lndef. Zalno, Joe. 41 80. Old, Philadelphia, Zanslgs. The. SSS W. 45th, N. Y. Zeda. H. L., Midland Hotel. Pueblo. OoL Zimmerman, AL Masqu«rad«ra, B. R, Zlnn's Mnateal Oomedy Co., Memphis, Tenn,, lndef. Zasell, Vernon A Oo,, Budapest, Ana. BURLESQUE ROUTES Tor the weeks of "L. 0." indicates SB and April 6. is "laying off." Af Reeves' Beauty Show, 28, Trocadero, Chicago; S, Gayety, Milwaukee. Americana, 28, Bmplre, Indianapolis; 6, Buck- ingham. Louisville. Avenue Girls, 28, Academy, Pittsburg; 5, Apollo, wheeling. Behman Show. 28, Corinthian, Rochester; S, Gay- ety, Toronto. Big Review, 28, Empire, Chicago; B, Star, In- dianapolis. Blue Ribbons. 28. Star A Garter, Chicago; 5, Standard, Cincinnati. Bohemians, 28. Star, St. Paul; 5-7, Empire, Des Melnee; 8-10, L. O. Bon Tons, 29, Waldman's, Newark; S, Gayety, Hoboken. Bowery Burlesquers, 29, Casino, Pblla.; 0, Wald- man's, Newark. Brigadiers, 20. Howard, Boston; 5, Imperial, Providence. Broadway Gaiety Girls, 29, Dewey, Minneapolis; 0, Star, St. Paul. Bryant's Extravaganza, 29, Garden, Buffalo; 0. Corinthian, Rochester. Casino Girls, 29, L. O.; 6, Gayety, Birmingham. Century Maids.' 29, Monumental, Baltimore; 5, Trocadero, Phlla. Champaign Girls, 'At, Star, Toronto; 5, Lafayette, Buffalo. Cherry Blossoms, 29, Eighth Ave., N. Y.; 5, Em- pire, Newark. City Sports, 29, Gayety, Detroit; 3, Star A Gar- tor. Chicago. Colonial Belles. 29, Bon Ton, Jersey City; 6-7, Luzerne, Wllkes-Barre; 8-10. Gayety, Scran ton. Cosy Corner Girls. 29, Trocadero, Phlla.; D, Bou Ton, Jersey City. Cracker Jacks, 29, Gayety, Hoboken; 0, Music Hall, N. Y. Dainty Duchess. 20, Olympic, Brooklyn; 5, Mur- ray Hill, N. Y. Dreamlands, 20, Empire, Newark; 5, Bijou, Phlla. Ducklings, 20. Standard, St. Louis; 5, Polly, Chi- cago. Empire Burlesquers, 20-31, L. O.; 1-3, St. Joe; 5, Century, Kansas City. Fads A Follies, 29-31, Gllmore, Springfield; 1-3, Empire, Albany; 6, Olympic, N. Y. Fashion Platen, 20 31, Luzerne, Wllkes-Barre; 1-3, Gayety, Scran ton; 6, Bowery, N. Y. Fay Foster, 29-31, Gayety, Albany; 1-3, Ly- ceum, Troy; 5, Royal, Montreal. Follles-of-the-Doy, 20-31, Empire. Des Moines; 1-3. L. O.; 5-7, L. O.; 8-10, St. Joe. FrollrMome LambH, 20. Lyceum, Washington; B, Monumental, Baltimore. Girls of the Moulin Rouge, 20, Gayety, Phlla.; 5, Gayety, Baltimore. Golden Crook. 20, Westminster, . Providence; 5, Palace, Boston. Happyland, 20, Gayety, Pittsburg; 5, Gayety, Columbus. Hastings Show, 29, Gayety, Columbus; 5, Empire, Toledo. High Rollers, 20. Palace. Boston; 3-7, Gllmore, Springfield; 8-10, Empire, Albany. Imperials, 20-31, Folly, Peterson; 1-3, Empire, Schenectady; 5-7, Gayety, Albany; 8-10, Ly- ceum, Troy. Irwin's Big Show, 20, Gayety, Brooklyn; 3, Gay- ety, Phlla. Jersey Lilies, 29, Greenwald, New Orleans; 3, L. O.; 12, Majestic, Kansas City. Jolly Girls, 29, Century, Kansas City; 3, Stand- ard, St. Louis. Kentucky Belles, 29, Imperial, Providence; 3, Howard, Boston. Knickerbockers, 29, Gayety, St. Louis; 3, Troca- dero, Chicago. Majesties, 29, Star, Brooklyn; 3, Gayety, Brook- lyn. Mardl Gras Beauties, 29, Gayety, Toronto; 3, Princess, Montreal. Masqueraders, 28, Star, Cleveland; 3, Garden, Buffalo. Merry Maidens, 29-31, Lyceum, Troy; 1-3, Gay- ety, Albany; 3, Columbian, Boston. TWO WEEKS ON 125th STREET That Classy Dutoh Team, CARLIN and OTTO Didn't do anything but set Harlem orasy with " The Whits Wash Man By JEROME AND SCHWARTZ. Published by the House that Publishes "Meet Mo In Rose Time, Rosie" ' II I COHAN & HARRIS 115 W. 42d St, New YorK Between Broadway and 6th Ave. J. and 8. Corner. Merry Makers, 28, Star, Cleveland; 5, Academy. Pittsburg. Miss New York, Jr., 28, Royal, Montreal; 5, Star, Toronto. Morning Glories, 28-81, Empire, Albany; 1-3. Em- pire, Holyoke; 0. Gayety, Boston. Morning, Noon A Night, 28, London, N. Y.; 5-7. Polly, Paterson; 8-10, Bmplre, Schenectady. New York Stars, 28, Gayety, Baltimore; 5, Gay- ety, Washington. Night Owls, 28, L. O.; 3, Majestic, Kansas City. Parisian Widows, 28, Empire, Toledo; 3, Gay- ety, Detroit. Pat White Gaiety Girls, 28, Apollo, Wheeling; 5, Lyceum, Washington. Rents-Santley, 28, Standard, Cincinnati; 5, L. O.; 12, Gayety, Birmingham. Rice A Barton, 28, Olympic, N. Y.; 5. Star, Brooklyn. Rice A Barton's Big Gaiety, 28, Euson's, Chi- cago; 5, Empire, Cleveland. Rlalto Rounders, 28. Gayety, Birmingham; 5, Greenwald, New Orleans. Rolllckers, 28, Arenue, Detroit; 5, Empire, Chi- cago. Rose Sydell, 28, Princess, Montreal; 5-7. Empire Albany; 8-10, Empire, Holyoke. Runaway Girls, 28, Gayety, Milwaukee; 5. Eu- son's, Chicago. Sam Devere, 29, Columbia, Boston; 5. Eighth Avenue, N. Y. Sam T. Jack, 29, Lafayette, Buffalo; 5. Avenue, Detroit. Scrlbner's Big Show. 20. Music Hall, N. Y.; 5. Weatmlnster. Providence. Serenatlers, 29, Gayety, Washington; 5. Gay- ety, Pittsburg. Star Show Girls. 29, Buckingham, Louisville; 5, People's. Cincinnati. Strollers. 20. Bijou, Phlla.; 5. Empire, Brooklyn. Thoroughbreds, 29, Folly, Chicago; 5, Star, Mil- waukee. Tiger Lilies. 20, Bowery. N. Y.; 5-7, Lyceum, Troy; 8-10, Gayety, Albany. Travelers, 29, Star, Milwaukee; 5, Dewey, Min- neapolis. Trocadero, 20, Majestic, Kansas City; 5. Gayety, St. Louis. Uncle Sam's Belles, 20-31, Empire. Schenectady; 1-3, Folly, Paterson; 5, London, N. Y. Vanity Fair, 20, Murray Hill, N. Y.; 5, Casino. Phlla. Washington Society Girls, 29, People's, Cincin- nati; 6, Star, Cleveland. Wataon'R Rnrl«wqiierH, 29. Empire, Brooklyn; 5-7, Gayety, Scranton; 8-10, Luzerne, Wllkes- Barre. World Beaters, 20, Gayety, Boston; 3, Olympic, Brooklyn. Yankee Doodle Girls, 28-31, Gayety, Scranton; 1-3, Luzerne, Wllkes-Barre. All that remains of "The Man Who Dared," the sketch in which Howard Hall tempted fame at the Lincoln Square re- cently, rests securely in a dark corner of "Bin Q" at Charles E. Blaney'g storage house in Brooklyn. There also lies the lion, to the great disturbance of the im- mediate neighborhood. When antwering advertiiemenU kindly mention Variety.