Variety (March 1909)

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VARIETY 25 LETTERS Where C. O. follows name, letter Is In Chi- cago Office. Advertising; of circular letters of any de- scription will not be listed when known. Letters will be held for one month. P. C. following name Indicates postal card. Avery, D. Anderson, Albert. Aahcroft, Ralph W. Arado, D. Acee, The Three (C. O.) Alpha Trio (O. 0.) Angers, The. Alden, Bob. Ami, Bertha. Adams, Winnie M. (C. O.) Astrella Bisters. Allen, Miaa Violet. Bnrdlek, Bnth. Bragg, Archie (0. O.) Bell, Alfred J. Bagley, Charlie (C. 0.) Baldwin, Kitty. Beat, Loola P. Brlgnola. B. (C. O.) Beck, Carl B. (0. O.) Belmont, Freda. Brahama, The (0. O.) Barrett, Bertha L. Bertram, Helen (0. O.) Bellrue, Bd. (C. O.) Bnrton, Steve W. (0. O.) BeTan, C. Batea, Mr. Baggeaen, Carl. Barnold, Charles, Beraac, Cliff. Bllyck'a Seals. Brooks, Herbert. Bottler, If. J. Bell, Floss (C. O.) Bernard, Leater. Bothner, Al. Bottom ley. Joe. Brandt ford. Tom. Brindemour, Qreat. Beam, W. B. Bowles, George. Boyle A O'Brien. Bulger, Irlne. Betts & Betts. Bordeaus, The. Barlowe. Frederick. BIsset, Joe Wm. (C. O.) Blssert, Beverley (C. O.) Buchanan, Lorraine (C. O.) Binder, Grace (C. O.) Carroll, Joe D. Carroll. Bena (C. O.) Clifford A Lane (0. O.) Clayton, Webb A. Calvert, Albert (C. 0.) Close, Sydney (C. O.) CarrpH, Tom (O. O.) Campbell, Flossie. Cameron. Francis. Crosse, Dr. Margaret. Curtis. Bca (C. O.) Constantlne, W. J. Clark, Geo. Cole A Da via (C. O.) Crnmbaker, Bdwln. Cooghlin, John X. Crewe, Anna (C. O.) Conklln, Al. Chunn. Abvah. Caldwell. J. Craven, Sidney (C. O.) Cunsnn Slat era. Oonklln, Billy. Conroy, Frank J. Carey & Stampo (C. O.) Clayton, Webb A. (C. O.) Dornton, Harry. Daly, Flny. Dunbar, James T. Dresser, Louise. Davis, Warren (0. O.) Drew, Lowell (C. 0.) De Louis, Millie. Dleberlch, Ray 0. Drew, Lowell B. (C. O.) Delton, Al H. (C. 0.) Dagneao, Clara (C. O.) Dudley. Alice Cbeslyn (0. O.) Damn, Geo. A. (C. O.) Daly A O'Brien. Daly, Nellie. De Lora, Maude. Dale, Mlas. Daly, Beatrice. Donovan ft Mackle. Doyle, Bart. Dixon, Bowers ft Dixon. Durfae, Ralph. Desmond, Belle (P. C.) Dunswotth ft Valder. Deatoo, Chas. W. Dietrich, Mrs. (C. O.) Darrell ft Hodges (C. O.) De Mund, Chas. (C. O.) Dnrant, Paul (C. O.) Everett, Agnes. Eagle. Daniel Bed. Bckert ft Berg. English, J. A. Earle, Edward. Ferrla. Hasel. Facclattl, Tom (0. O.) Flsber, Mlas Minnie, Frascona, Menotl (C. O.) Fsccenda, Alberto (C. O.) Fagan, Ben. Fischer, Madalyn. Florence. Genevieve. Fltxgerald ft Wilson (C. O.) Fields, Harry W. Fairchlld, R. D. Fields, Vic. Ford, Mable. Gordon, Paul. Gibson, Estelle. Glrard, F. Gillen, Edward. Gould, Jay (C. O.) Grant. Lawrence. Garrett. B. Greenfield, Caroline. GUI, Flora L. Gilbert, Elame. Gotch, Frank A. George, Dandy. Goodman, Lottie. Gilltnore, Lew. Gardner Children, Three (C. O.) GUck, Lou (C. 0.) Ilarn, Ayeahn. Haynes, W. H. Hynes, Tom. Harris, Will J. Huntington, Val. Heald. Henry D. Howard Hall Co. Hendon. A. T. Hill, C. W. Hoff, James. Haverley. Tom (C. O.) Hayes, Harvey (O. O.) Haroey, Arthur R. Harvey ft Lee. Halgbt. Dean ft Co. Hutchins, Miss Mary. Haverlejv, Ed...- Haggerty, Harry. Hayes, Lew. Harris, W. H. Uarrlaon, Charles. Hausel, Rmlle. Hammond, Chas. Harvey ft Farrell (C. O.) Hart, Henry (C. 0.) Hyde, Jimmle. Hammer, Frank A. Hales, O. W. Harford, Sadie. Hennessey, J. B. Henrlcl. Howell ft Webster. Hoppe, Guy. Hlggins. R. D. Hoey, Geo. Henry. Frank J. (V. C.) Howe, Bert (P. C.) Hoey ft Lee. OTf/%\A//%, OINT. MOTE CECIL Rats and rof< ilon Home. \A/hlt< The finest Hotel in Canada—bar none. American and European. Absolutely new. NEXT DOOR TO BENNETT'S and THREE BLOCKS TO OTHER THEATRES. SPECIAL RATE8 TO ARTISTS. WALTER B. WALBY, Prop. FURNISHED FLATS 4-f Rooaae and Bath—Hot Water, Steam Heat. Rataa: $10 and upwards. 606 Ith ATX., WEAR ttth ST. 7M Ith ATX., NEAR 46th ST. 716 6th AVE., BEAR iTta fT. Florenz House One Block to Time. Iq. NEW YORK OTTT. Rational Rotel EUROPEAN PLAN. Ik X> Oer. Van Bursa and Wabash Ave. In Vicinity of all Theatres. THEATRICAL HEADQUARTERS. D. A. DOOLET. Prop. HOTEL PROVENCE Leicester Square. LONDON J. T. DAVIS, Prop. He»aadquamrte»rs9 of White* Rata* BEST PLACE TO STOP AT nr NSW YORK CITY "tt Baooads from Broadway." THE . KIL 163 Wsst 34th Strtet Furnished Booms only. Bathe—Telephone— Eleotrlo Light ('Phone 6446—66th St) Te>rms R«»soias»ble> Under Management Mlssas COOKE and OLTBTOV. Wa are at the old stand setter than are*. ™ MILLER HOTEL MISS EMMA WOOD, Mfr. H. 0. MILLER, Prop, S. E. Cor. 16th and Raoe Sta., Philadelphia, AMERICAN AMD EUROPEAN PLAN. "THE ACTORS' HOME." Cafe attaehed. Batha and Steam Heat on all Soon. PROFESSIONAL RATES—67 double, 66 ■Jugle^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ KATHERINE McCARTNEY 8SS WE8T 46th STREET. Furnished Rooms Reasonable. Hot Water, Heat and Bath. Board If desired. Just Wast af Eighth Avenue. Hllllard. W. E. Hanlt, Goo. & Edna. Huntley, J. 11. .Hodges, Jamt'.s (C. O.) Irwin. C. Ioannoti, Panachlott. Isbmael, Prince 1*. Jourdeon. Annette (C. O.) Johns, Harry (0. O.) Jarrow, Emll (C. O.) Johnstone, Gordon. Johnson, Otto. Jenson, Otto. Jones, Gwyri. Jewell. Blanche. Johnson, Mark. Jsckson, Carl J. Johnson, Sabcl. Kirk wood. Jessie (C. O.) Klebs, Elsie (0. 0.) Kelss, Mrs. John. Kingsbury, Geo. (C. O.) Kramer A Srheck. Klnsella. Kathleen. Lee, H. Linton, Harry B. (C. O.) LeCall. Ed. (0. O.) LaMont. Grace (C. O.) Low, GUman. La Frenlere. Arthur. La telle. Edward. Lord. Elanor. Levitt Co.. J. M. Linne, Hans (C. O.) Lenon, Ted. Lelbert. Aler. Lockette. Mattle. Lloyd. J. D. Leo, Boh, La Belle. MIhh. Lee. Minnie. Lawrence & Edwunls. Levllle. Mabel il'. ('.) La Dent. Frank. Lefller, Bennle. (Mrs. 7. Florens, Prop.) The Mama of the Profusion, 176 Wast 47th Street. Maw York First-class Rooms and Board. Reasonable Terms. Convenient to sll Principal Theatraa. 'Phone. 8911 Bryant. FURNISHED ROOMS REASONABLE. Near Times Square and Broadway. 242 W. 43rd ST., NEW YORK LONDON. ENGLAND. The BATH HOUSE HOTEL, 86 Dean St.. Oxford St, W. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ashby, of Kelly 4 Ashby. pleased to aaa all old and new friends. Luncheons from 12 to 8. Wines and spirits of the finest quality. Muenchner Beer on draught. One minute from Oxford Music Hall, two minutes from Palace Music Hall, three mlnutea from Empire and Al- hambra. Largo Club Room for Rehearsals. THIS RUOGER High olass Rooming and Boarding House. 261 West 42d St., New York Directly opposite American Musie Hall. Special rates for professionals. AN INNOVATION K)K ^kliMh Houseaeeping sViites and Single Booms. Electrio Lights. Oas. Heat and Baths. Everything new and modern. Laundry in the house. Use of same free. Nothing to approach this house in the ooun- try. SUITES 26 to $8. ROOMS |8 to $6. THE BON-MR, UNESVILLE, OHIO Write or wire for reservations. Look for the Eleotrlo Sign. W. F. ISEMAN. Prop.. 81 Bo. Eighth St. HOTEL ROSELYN 6 Minutes to Theatre: Newly Furnished and Strictly First Class—Excellent Bervioe; Cuisine the Best; Theatrical Hoadquarters; Bates. LANCASTER, PA. 886-850 N. Prince St. Yos. F. Bruegerly, Prop. !£*] MONTREAL ..<•< KASTEL'S HIOH CLASS. POPULAR PRICE RESTAURANT 846-848 St. Catherine St., West Martin, Felix. McClary, Mr. Merl, Gullla. Mario, Mabel. Mallla A Bart. McCary, May. McKIm, Edward. Martin, B. J. Mueller, Albert. Moore, H. L. Mullen, Dennis. Meredith Sinters. Martin, Frank. Metchal, Arthur. Manning Slaters (Twins) MrCormick. U. McLeori. Arthur. Meers, Oeorjre. MrGeevey, James. Mitchell. Hszel. Marshall. Mndelyn. Meaney, Lottie. Merlin, Helen. Mnuran, Stella. Martyn, Victor. M iczkofT-Sauiiriers Troupe. Maddox A Melville. Morrle, Llonal. Mack, Walter. Matthew A Harrla. Morris, Elldn. Mark. Wilbur. Miller*!. Mimical (P. C.) MH'iilio. Willie <l>. C.) M''LauKhlln. II. Morris, Police. MatinhiK »V Murray (C. O.) MaM'iiciil, Stephen (C. O.) Morris Three (('. O.) McI>oiial«I. W. <C. O. i Miller, Arthur (('. M.) McCarthy, W. T. (C. O.) Man-la, May (C. O.) McUlbuey, Viola (C O.) Metcalf, Ken (C. 0.) Moore, Herbert (C. O.) Minton (0. O.) Murray, Helen (C. O.) Milton, Lola (C. O.) North, Happy. NUes, Virginia. Newboff & Phelps. Neal, George. Norton, Ned. Nelson, Artie (C. O.) Norton, Jack (C. O.) Owley ft Randall. O'Day, Ida. Omega Trio. Porter, Lena. Penn, Jennie. Page. John. Plxley, Lulu. Page, D. R. Powell, Eddie. Potter A Harris. Prltskow, iioola W. Prentice. Miaa (C. O.) Pianki.-h. Harry (C. O.) Panic k, Annabella (C. 0.) Qulnlan, Oartroda. gulgg A Nickeraon. gulnlln A Mack. Robins, A. D. Richards, Ola. Ryan, Dan. Richmond, Marie. Itomoff, Mrs. A. Rogee. Leon. Rodrlgues, L. J. Rundy, H. A. Reed, John P. Reeds, Musical. Kuggold, Isolo. Baffin, Fred. Iilgo, Harry. Ilobtnsou, Miss (P. C.) ItoHani, Mrs. Win. Raymond, Melville B. (C. O.) Heiuhardt. Cyrus (C. O.) Ray, Elizabeth (C. O.) Roberts, Prof. C. E. (0. O.) *■ Reynolds, Max (C. 0.) Rice, Felix (C. O.) Rowley, Sam (C. O.) Rivers & Rochester (O. O.) Stanhope, Joaeph. Scholi, Mr. Smarl, Mlsa. Schultse, Henry. Strovenbal, Mlsa Marie. Stone. Fred A. Shesn. Alf. Silver. Morris. 8«menk (Crandall A Schenk). Swain A Ostman. Shtlton, K. B. Stoltz, Melville. SUbon's Cata (C. O.) Saona, Herr (C. O.) Homers A Storke (C. O.) Slater, F. A. (C. O.) Silver, Joe (C. O.) Sallna, Mile. (0. O.) Seeley, Blossom (C. O.) Satterlee, Oale (0. O.) Sullivan, Jamea F. (0. O.) Sylvester, Joe (C. O.) Sutherland A Curtla (C. O.) Stevens, Helen (0. O.) Stinson, J. B. (C. O.) Sutton, John H. (O. 0.> Thompson, William. Touljee, Dan. Trimble. Maud. Tata, Harry. Thurston, May Hondnr son. Thatcher, Eva. Taylor, Geo. Thomas, William. Thomas A Payne (0. O.) Tivoll Quartet (C. 0.) Thatcher, Bva (0. 0.> Vardon, Frank A. Valln, W. Ver (C. 0.> Vivian, Annie (C. O.) Wlttachlrk, Frtta. Wilson, Lealle. Williams, Loon, woodruff. Hi Wooley, Frank. Walker, Thomaa. Wlnchaatar, F. L. Welch, lint. Whallen. Mlka. Wlaaman, Goo. H. Wahland-Lolka Trio. Whit* A Stuart. Wilaon, Goo. W. Wolff, Loin. Weber, Harry. Wyckoff, Fred. Wardell, Edith. Waggoner, Rod (C. 0.) Wills, Nat M. Walters, Roland. Wilkinson, Mrs. O. J. Walsh, May (P. C.) Warren, Day A Warren. (C. O.) Williams, Male (C. O.) Wallace, Frank (C. O.) WU'lanis, Arthur (a 0.> Yuma. Young, Florlan. Yunakel, Amy. Youngaon, William. Young, Jamea. Yorke, Alva. Young, William (C. O.) Young, Mrs. Wm. (0. O.) Zink. Adolpb. Zarrow. George. Zotittoulakls, John O.) (0. CORRESPONDENCE Unless otherwise noted, the following re- ports are for the current week: GMIGAGO By FRANK WTESBERO. VARIETY'S Chicago Office. Chicago Opera House* Block. AMKItH'.W i Wm. Morris, Inc. micr.: agent, direen. rriKll'iilly <-vi-ry sci.t In the house wae sold liefore i.vertnre on Monday evening, not an nniisiial or* hi renee. While "hoiiit boosting" la :i \ luliit ion mi the -. 111. • r \ nuileville thenircs here there N ii |ii-e\niem e >>f the "evil" tit the Ainer- l«iiii this week. I lurry Von Tllaer. who makes his llr*l ii|i|ieiiriiin e hen- im n vinnli-\ lllliiii. I* probably the most iii:i:res»«ive hiiiik "plmcKer" <'liW-a»ro has ever m en. Tin 1 popular »onir writer and publisher «:niK >»ix •"i , il'» in :i -urpi i-ink'l.v effect ive manner. II,. . |r |. jiii'l fi-e- ■ - \ |>i i --ion to i tie -ioii^<. Mabel M<Kin|.\ \\.i~ 111 ill- :.*■ <Ii• •::>(• :md -In- snDR the ciiMiiis "i ".iii'i <•■.•• s-M-i'i <;ii-i," while u young When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety.