Variety (March 1909)

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VARIETY 27 CHERSDAH SIMPSON The Only Prima Donna in Vaudeville introducing an original PIANOLOGUE which is as big a hit as her SONGS are. Booked Solid over ORPHEUM CIRCUIT UNTIL AUGUST, 1909. Theatres Wanted We arc in the market for Theatres la dtieo SC* 40,000 population and upwards. Must bo of food repute, centrally located and la conformity with State and Municipal Building and Fire reflations. Give fullest particulars, suoh as location, capacity, term of lease obtainable, figure at which purchase option oan be had, amount of looal license, character of recent book- ings and on what basis of division of receipts, etc, etc. Address THE ELROY AMUSEMENT * REALTY CO. 3S-40 West 3M St., New York PtaMM MM If af Imo 04nan. ELSA DAVIDSON DESIGNER of THEATRICAL COSTUME PLATES. Oriftlaal Sketch©* for Darloaqaa CostaoBOO A Specialty. 715 LKXINGTON AVE., NEW YORK Ttl. 8078 Plana. THE A re a l ways foaad la m > TBfiT THE WHIRLPOOL. *£LTJSJ Sample oopy and latest son* alt, 10a. JOKES P. W. OITTOBD. Obiea—, PL Maka a noise like a bora aad blow yoanelf to aew material from the pea of LEW BONNER Rochester, V. T. 18 Obamplala St., DIOP^ rOH » a~JL Two hsndsome Lee Lash leg snd back drops, risntatlon scenes. For particulars address A. O. -ZmBare VARIETY. Two Beautiful Vaudeville Sketches. By Miss Adele Hen-mints. "The Last Job"—"Out of the Past." Hsppy Hamilton's Exohaage, Suite 808, 1416 Broadway, Hew York. PHOTOS. CABINETS, $8.50 per 100. Flral Clot*. Est. 25 yrt. llavo sittings or send photo*, or n«-«ai;vo. JOHNSON, UM Wabftfth A v., Chic*.:... "BlBTOl" "DCP01TP" "»0TAI jMTOT Onea Label, eSo. Bias Label, The Origins! Egyptian" placid an audience as the Pantages' gathering Heems Incredible, but that is what our one- time townsman, J. Bernard Dyllyn, accomplished. His "horseshoe" melody was a heavy swing. The Hanlons, in a pantomimic comedy, "Just for Fun," stood in good favor and led the bal- ance of the bill. Sommers and Storke offered a comedy playlet entitled "Jackson's Honey- moon." Kid Gabriel and Co. had a pleasing novelty with their living statuary rellcas of Remington sketches of range life. Ladell and Brown, In a routine of eccentric acrobatic danc- ing and the Two Johnsons, completed. DENVER By HARRY X. BEAUMONT. Office, Crystal Theatre Building. ORPHEUM (Martin Heck, Ken. mgr.; agent, direct).—Bill below the standard of this house, week 15, headed by Angela, Delores and Co. (New Acts), Jewel's Manikins, one of the best sets of Its kind shown here; Melnotte Twins and Clay Smith, fair; Paul La Croix, comedy juggling, hit of bill; Flo Adler, assisted by n "plant," went big; Josselln Trio, aerlallstn, strong opener; The Louise Schmidt Opera Trio, good. Business fair. CRYSTAL (Win. A. Weston. gen. mgr.; agent, W. S.).—One of the season's strongest bills, beaded by Thalcro'H Dog and Pony Circus, the most sensational animal act ever seeu here. Two fox terriers turning back somersaults on the backs of running ponies and a swift finish, where four dogs mount and ride a pony running bare- SHORT VAMP SHOES (Exclusively for Women). for Stage, Street and Evening Wear. Great Variety, Exclusive Models. Creator of Short Vamp Shoes. 807 Slxtb Ave., New York. Bet. 80th and 81st Send for Illustrated Catalogue. One Plight Up. Tel. 1808 Madison Sq. becked, bad the audience literally stsndlng op. Petchlng Bros., close second to headllner; Bam and Ida Kelley, laughing bit; Barney First bad them going with some excellent parodies and some good patter. Business good. NOTES.—The locsl Shrlners will hold a circus at the Stock Yards Amphitheatre, commencing 29. The Sells-Floto shows will give the exhibition.— Thalero's Circus hss signed with the Wallace* Hagenback Shows for the coming season.—The local office of the Western States Vaudeville As- sociation Is booking sixteen houses in Colorsdo snd Wyoming.—Bsrney First has Just finished thirty weeks on the W. 8. time snd will return to the cosst to play return engsgements under the direction of Ed. Fisher, of Seattle. The Florens Family and the Yoscsrys open at the American Music Hall, Chicago, April 6. PHILADELPHIA By GEORGE X. YOUNG. KEITH'S (H. T. Jordan, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—There is quality as well as quantity In this week's bill. It plays out as well as any seen here this season and a lot better than the majority. There was also a deal of freshness about the bill, only four of the thirteen acta having been seen here before. This Included Chalk Saunders who did not appear until Tues- dsy. The big feature was the Mirsa-Golem Troupe. No troupe seen here hss offered a newer or more showy routine of tricks and all were cleverly executed. The Dunedln Troupe of cyclists celebrated their return by landing a substan- tial shsre of the honors. Some new tricks were shown and the act is moving faster than ever, the freedom with which the girls work sddlng no little to the act. "The County Fair" con- densed, with Nell Burgess snd the exciting horse- race, which has been worked into a stirring finish, was well liked. A new sketch, "The Home Breaker," presented by Edwins Barry and Co., made an excellent impression. "Mistaken identity" figures ss the base and it Is cleverly woven Into a bit of comedy which reaches the right spot for laughing purposes. Considerable of the success of it is due to Miss Barry's ec- centric character acting as a trouble-making slavey. William Richards has not a congenial role, but does well enough with it. The in- troduction of ministerial garb In a comedy sketch is always open to question and It could be avoided in this. The sketch moved at a rapid pace until the climax, which was unconvincing. The Six Nosses had rather an early position, but got away with it in fine shape. Some changes have been made in the Instrumental portion, which forms the base of the act. The singer is too light to show to advantage. Pretty stage setting and bright, new costumes give a pleasing color. Amid this array of big acts there was a wild free-for-all scramble for honors among the acts in "one." and it cannot be called to mind Just now when a bunch acquitted themselves more creditably. Katherlne Nelson and Eliza- beth Otto won themselves into favor quickly with their musical number and bad no trouble holding It right through. The piano playing was much enjoyed. George Whiting and the Clark Sisters put over a solid hit with their talking- songs, and Wblt Ing got extra merit for his Italian and "frog" numbers. It was asking a lot of Jack Wilson and bis pair of assistants to follow all the laughing bits, and the halt caused by the talky "County Fair" sketch, but Wilson made splendid use of the other act ahead of him, and with his own material got the house livened up at the start and kept tbem go- ing. It was a fine bit of work In a bad spot. Evans and Lee found ready recognition for their dancing act, getting away from the worn style and adding some loose-stepping that was right. Gill and Aker bad a ventrllqulal act In "one" to open, the woman furnishing the novelty. The act met with fair success. I/ouls M. Granat, who is yearly Identified with almost every branch of the business from managing a burlesque company to acting as a "stall" for a mind- reader, is back to whistling again, and pleased as usual. Jules Herron, in a German talking act, and Valveno and Lewis, gymnasts, were the others. UNIQUE (W. I). Hall, mgr.; agent direct).— This bouse Is the latest hi "Amusement How" on Market street, and n>l.le from Lubln's Palace, which Is directly opposite. Is the only opposi- tion In the "ten cent" clnss on the big thor- oughfare. It has been well patronized since opening on Washington's Itlrtlnluy. With a seating capacity of between tiOO and 700, about seven rows nre reserved during the week, sell- ing at ten cents extra. Saturday ten rows are out oat for the increased price. m% asvvilldlng is large, neat and comfortable. The stage Is small. Tbls was specially noticed this week in presenting the act called Keller and Thurston's "Reincarnation." The mystery portion of the act was not well worked out, and on Tuesday it waa possible for everyone In the house to see the women disappear through the rear curtains, the fault being the poor handling of the lights. There is a little love story in the act, some- thing on the order of the "Adam the Second" sketch. It pleased very much, snd where the stsge permits of* better handling should make a satlsfsctory number. There were nine others on the bill, snd of these six were single turns, giving a rather cheap appearance to the bill and causing a continuous conflict. In addition, the show was not well put together, five of the single acts being bunched in one-half of the show. This made It easy for the other half to get away with the honors, which It did with- out much trouble, for the best acts were placed in it. Of the single turns the honors belonged to Jsne Stuart, and she Just sbout carried her success through the entire show. Miss Stuart does imitations, bat has adopted a different method of introducing them. Some are better than others. In addition, she hss a good de- livery, and with proper development of the Idea now in use, ought to become a valuable act. Eckert and Francis did very nicely In a talking and singing act. One adopts the Ger- man character with a neat make-up. for which he deserves credit, the other working straight snd opening with a well-handled song. The talk la of foir merit. The act appears to need priming up, which steady work may give it. George Offermann holds over each week. He is a singer snd also a comedian, though bis comedy does not get very fsr past the orchestra. But his voice does, and George manages to get a good deal out of bis songs. He would do Just ss well without the side remarks, also the Jes- tuxes. Pope and his Dog put over sn entertain- ing number in a small way. Norrls and Wiley, colored, worked bard and secured good results. There Is one gag that should be cut out st once. It is sbove even the poorest kind of s show and the Unique alms higher. Billy Sully, black- face, and Harry Mantell, comedy make-up, were tao close together snd their sets too nesr alike for either to show to sdvantage, but what there was In a meritorious way belonged to Sully. Charles Wright drew sketches and did a bit of talking, both of light calibre, while Cecilia La Velle was just present. LUBIN'S PALACE (George Bothwell, mgr.; agent, William Morris).—Nonpareil Trio, oper- atic vocalists, scored a big hit. Stuart Rollins and Carmen Sisters, well received. Four Dan- cing Denos, dancing went big. Others were Hat- tie Weybel. Mons. Herbert, Beverly and Lee, Prince, trained tiger; Hannan and Hannan, John Zlmmer and m. p. LIBERTY (R. II. McFarland. mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—Bush and Peyser, Heidelberg Quartet, Tamahaska's Birds, Cowley and Belle. STANDARD (C. L. Ensley, mgr.; agent, Jules Ruby).—Graham and Lawrence, dancers; Frankle Wallace, singer; Howard and Jones, parodies; Itert Marshall, monolog; Cope land and Jones, colored team; Wilson and McKcndrlck. comedy acrobats; I.awanda. Wilson and Co.. miniature circus and the Camera phone, with "Vesta Vic- toria" featured. CASIN (Ella* & Kocnlg, mgr.). —Rellly and Woods' show received a warm reception this week. Pat Rellly had special nights to enter- tain visiting delegations. Ayeshu-Ilara, Grecian dancer, was the special attraction. BIJOI7 (Sain Dawson, mgr.).- Billy Watson (the original), with his cute burlesquers, packed the house nil week, arid "Krausemeyer's Alley" was Just as well received as ever. TROCADKRO (Charles Cromwell, mgr.).—"Co- lonial Belles." GAYKTY (Kddle Sbayne, mgr.).—"Bon Tons." ST. LOUIS By FRANK E. ANFENOEB. GARKM'K (Pan S. Flshell. mgr.).—"Madame Hutterlly" Is playing a successful engagement. The Kngllsh opera cempany Includes Adelaide Norwood, I.oule Culller, Ellen James, Julia Ryan, Oltle Cranston. Henry Taylor. Arthur Beune and a half hundred others of talent. 'Hie production Is being accredited quite as artistic as the Savage presentation, busy as the Colonel and his staff are denying any connection with the present or- ganlzat ion. OLYMPIC (Pat ShTt. mgr.I.--"The Girl at the Helm" Is as pleasing an entertainment as has I. MILLER, Manufacturer 202 W.238ST of Theatrical Boots A 8boee, CLOO. Ballet aad Acrobatic Shoe* • specialty. All work made it short notice. CMS. lella Maker of Flaw Slags Footwear Guaranteed superior to all others. 131 W. 424 Street, «EW YORE CITY. K 2107 MICHIGAN AYS., I— I I UMER EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS. Oostnmsr for the Loading 'Phone, Cslumet 2402. Sta«e Oelebrlttee. SOT 8. STATE IT., 08X0*00. Harrison 8680. Full line of slightly ased Ersaing Gowns, Opera Coats aad Street Gowns, all suitable for stare wear. Soubrette Dresses made to order, all odors aad styles. Special prices aad attention giroa te theatrical profession. Sealskin Coats aad Furs ef all descriptions. FOR SCENERY OO TO Formerly with Tony Psstnr 14 years. Fireprooflng and Asbestos Curtains at the lowest prices. FAIR- BUILDING. 122 B. 14th St.. N. Y. I WROTE JOE WELCH'S new monolog, including; the funny real estate story and res story. Mr. Welch has arranged with me to write ALL his mono- logue ■ hereafter, because he says I am f iving him the best material he over had. Can I write an act for youl JAMES MADISON (Publisher Madison's Budget.) VAUDEVILLE AUTHOR 1138 BROADWAY. Hours 10 A. M. to Noon snd by sppolntment. Crowa Bar aad Gold Crowa aai Brligo Work Filling OR. QOLOBERQ U. 8. A. 43S Strand, LONDON, W. C. (Next door to Gattls) Telephone, Gerard 4648. Recognized Acts Wanted BIG CITY PARK TIME 12 SHOWS WEEKLY. SEASON MAY 15 TO SEPT. 15. Sond recent proKrammu—with proper figure— artists so doing receive reply. Square deal hare. Practical management. Pleasant week at a 160 acre Forest Park with elegant clulihoimo and half hundred Big Events Daily. G. W. ENGLEBBETH, Mannper, Coney Inland Co., Cincinnati, O. When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety.