Variety (March 1909)

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p VARIETY 79 HEALTH IS BETTER THAN WEALTH. THE COOL SYSTEM OF SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT FOR MEH AMD WOMEH WITHOUT DRUGS. WITHOUT KNIFE. HAS PRODUCED RESULTS RT PURELY NATURAL MEANS THAT RORDER UPON THE WONDERFUL. Many ohronlo diseases heretofore oonsidered incurable hare been oared. laoh troubles as Gastritis, Ohronio Constipation, Appendicitis, Liver Complaint, Nerrous Headache, Kidney D i seas e s, Khoumstlsm, Gout, Leoometor Ataxia, Paralysis, Heart Disease. As to the marvellous results obtained inquire of the following, who know by experience what the COOL SYSTEM is: OEOBOE EVEH8 JIM MASOO MBS. ED. rOSTER FLORENCE WIL80M HELEHE UVDUEB MOM D. MOBEIB TOMMT GLENROY ED. WARREN AL WAEDA 0HA8. YOUNG ADELE MoNETL VIOLBTTE CURTIS IfTT.T.IiM FLOOD CHAS. KePBEE 0HA8. TALK JOE J. BgU JVAB BIO MEE LEY E. W. OBI1TZTK W. STLVAB JOE PALMER OPEBS MAT THOSE APFLIOTED WITH LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA BEAD THIS: The facts stated below can bo verified by hundreds of people living la uiy immeiliste neighborhood, where I have resided ell my life, 6301 Halsted St., corner 63<l, Chicago. I contracted that dreadful disease. Locomotor Ataxia, during the year 1693. At no time since I was stricken have I been able to get around without the aid of cane and crutch, and a great deal of the time I have been wheeled in an Invalid chair. I bare treated with a great number of noted specialists on this disease, spent months at different springs, snd all without any results. I certainly gave up all hopes. Bow- ever, I was advised to try the Cool System of treatment at 185 Dearltum St. Suite 81KI. After taking this treatment for three months I cannot only walk without the aid of cane or crutch, bnt I can run. All those unfortunates who have this dreadful disease Investigate this. (Hlgned) WM. F. CABBEBBT. MAXB APPLICATION HOW FOB ACOOMMODATIOE. DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET WILL BE BEHT UPOE APPLICATION. SANITARIUM AND HEALTH HOMB, SITUATED ON BANKS OP BEAUTIFUL LAKE MUSKEGON, MICH. THE ■VI Suited 803 W. 8. MORRISON, Pre*. CHA8. L. COOL, Sec'y. 139 Dearborn Street* LEW EARL, Manager CHI I come to St. Louis from the home of sU "girl" shows, the La Salle, Chicago. Maud Lambert and Billy 8. Clifford are featured and surrounded by a large company, including Countess Von . Hata- feldt, Florence Martin, Leo Hayes, Bernhardt Nlemeyer, Robert C. Pitkin. Edward Beck and Harvey Fellows. "The Ghost of Ragtime" Is the particular song hit of a score replete with tuneful melodies. Tbe production is clean and deservlngly prosperous. GRAND (John Fleming, mgr.).—The Raya (John and Emma) In "King Casey" are at tbe Grand. Tbe music Is the beet the Rays have ever exploited. John plays tbe fireman of the Wal- dorf-Astoria and his wife has a good part. They are well supported. AMRR1CAX (Sol. N. Oppenheimer, mgr.; agent, W. V. A.).—Marie Stuart, once one of America's foremost actresses, and Clayton White, present- ing "Cherle," are tbe headllnere. Tbe sketch gives as much chance as any one act play can for tbe still Infinite art of the former stsr. Kathryn Bowe Palmer and Edwarda' "Kountry Kids" have a fair singing and dancing number. Colby and May In "Tbe Ventriloquist and the Dancing Doll," good; Les Durando, Italian singer, treat; Hamil- ton and Ronca, singers and dancers, fair; and Jack Hawkins complete the bill of general Inter- est. Tbe local card is a series of pictures of the Browns, baseball team. COLUMBIA (Frank Tate, mgr.; agent, W. V. A.).—Marshall P. Wilder vies with Clara Belle Jerome for stellar honors at the Columbia. Wilder has his ut.ual line of good stories and Miss Jerome appears in "Joyland," a vest pocket musical comedy, with Willism Seymour and eight girls. They please. The others sre Nichols Sis- ters, acceptable; Sullivan, Paaquelena snd Co. In "A C. O. D. Package," funny; Salvaggls. dancers, agile; Tbe Allisons In bright sketcb; Blasonette snd Newman, electrical experts, novel, and Joe Marsh, cartoonist. STANDARD (Leo Relcheobach, mgr.).—"The Thoroughbreds" In "Maloney, the Judge" and "Union Men." It is different from others and better than tbe average. GAYETY (O. T. Crawford, mgr.).—Al Reeves, who claims this snd every other stand as bis home town, brought his "Beauty Show" to tbe Gsyety Theatre 8unday, and tbe business even tickled Al. NOTE8.—An Independent film ezcbsnge has been established here In the former offices of the Swsn- soo Bzcbsnge.—Joe Marsh, doing a cartoon stunt st the Columbia Theatre, was a former St. Louis newsboy.—Fred Stone, of Montgomery and Stone, gave out an interview last week that he hoped some dsy to have nine or ten children. Charles Dillingham wrote to him and told bim to make It a dosen so he could arrange a special transporta- tion rate.—Jacob Oppenheimer le due In New York this week or next from Europe, where he has been booking acts In London and on the con- tinent for Suburban Garden and West End Heights. ALBANY, N. T. TROCTOR'S (Howard Graham, mgr.).—Bnlg- marelle, headliner, excellent; Edlna Phillips and Co., very good; Mr. and Mrs. Jlmmie Barry, pleased; John W. World and Mlndell Kingston, good; Mauri ce W ood, pleased; Ed. Morton, very good. GAIETY (O. Stacey, mgr.).—Miss New York, Jr., pleasing. BMPIRB (J. H. Rhoades, mgr.).—The World Beaters; The Rose Hill Folly Co. last half of week. MARTEL. ATLANTA, OA. ORPHEUM (II. Cardoaa, mgr.; agents, U. B. 0.).—Unquestionably tbe best bill shown here this sessou. Melrose and Kennedy, acrobats, clever; Hsrry Breen, monolog, good; Sidney Dean and Co., scored nicely; Ryan and Richfield, one big hit; The Marcellos, rag pictures; Chss. F. Semon, comedian, fine reception; "Blonde Type- writers," hesdllne honors, well earned. BIJOU (H. Cardoaa, mgr.; agent, N. Jeffries).— Melnotte and Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Spann. Valen- tine Morse, aerlalist; "Destiny," scenic novelty. BRIX. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. YOUNG'S PIER (Ben Harris, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).— Nance O'Neil and Co., in "$1,000 Re- ward," a hit; Phlllpplno Band, a hit; Adams and Alden (New Acts), went big; Madden and Fltspatrlck, In "Tbe Turn of the Tide." very good: Hopkins Sisters, in "Lunsland." good; Harvard Judge, the man with the ladder, very clever; Will Dockray, blackface comedian. SAVOY (Harry Brown, mgr.; agents, Wesley A Plncus).—Daley Harcourt, comedienne, a bit: May Tully and Co., "Stop, Look and Listen," well received; Blanche Balrd, songs, very good; John Bucker, songs and talk, good; Warren and Brock- way, musical comedians, good; The Zarues, flying ring experts, clever; Cogan and Bancroft, roller skate artists. CRITERION (D. W. Barrett, mgr.; agent, M. W. Taylor).—Danegrelly Broa.; musicians; La Raub and Scottie, English panto- mlmists; Louise Byrd, songs; Samuel B. Philips, Impersonations; Abbott and Roberts, s. and d. I. B. PULASKI. BALTIMORE, MD. MARYLAND (F. C. Schanberger, mgr.; agent, U. B. O. Monday rehearsal 10).—Pat Booney Co., In "Hotel Laughlaod," headline, one of the best comedy acts seen here In a long time; Mat- thew and Ashley, "Held Up," big applause; WiUard Slmms and Co., "Fllnder's Furnished Flat," caught the laughs; Dag well Sisters, songs, very clever; Griff, good comedy Juggler; Bessie Valdare Troupe, made good; Claremont's Cir- cus, above the ordinary. NBW MONUMENTAL (Montague Jacobs, mgr.).—Tbe Cosy Corner Girls, In "Tbe Honeymoon Troupe" and "Va- cation Time." GAYETY (W. L. Ballauf, Jr., mgr.).—Tbe Serenade™, The Abdullah Troupe of acrobats, featured. VICTORIA (Pearce A Scheck, mgrs.; agent, Wm. Morris, Inc.).—The Lulgi Plcaro Troupe, acrobats, good; Sam Mor- ris, funny; Foster snd bis Dog Mike, good; White and Barton, musical, excellent; Flo Patterson, songs, fair; Moos and Jenkins, acrobats, good; Grace La Tour and Co., well handled; Chas. Hughes end Singing Girl, fair. BLANEY'S (Ollle Ballauf, mgr.; agent. W. S. Cleveland).— Robertson and Fancbette. songs, good; Langweed Sinters, plessed; The Sharplles, musical, very good. Tbe bill Is to be increased two more acts next week. JOHNNY MEYERS. BEAUMONT, TEX. LYRIC-MAJESTIC (Rupert Cox, mgr.).—Week 15: The La Velles, dancers, very good; Jennie De Weese, trick Instrumentalist and dancer, pleased; Four Masons and Corrlne Frances, in "A Country School," exceptionally clever. GEO. B. WALKER. BOfOHAMTON. N. T. ARMORY (B. M. Hart, mgr.).—Reed Brothers, novelty gymnasts, very good; Eleanor Henry, singing comedienne, good; Jones and Mayo, Im- personations, clever; Violet King, violinist and pianist, encores; Estelle VVordette snd Co., "A Honeymoon in tbe Catskills," much laughter; Bison City Quartet, good; Kudara Japs, good. BRISTOL, TENN. ELITE (Meaney & Anderson, mgrs.).—Week 15: Allen Bennett, Impersonator, fairly good; Charlie Raynord, blackface (return), fine; Cur- ran and DeGray, excellent; m. p. and 111. songs. REYNOLDS. BROCKTON, MASS. HATHAWAY'S (McCue A Cahlll, mgrs.; sgent, Wra. Morris, New York).—Marlowe, Plunkett and Weston, travesty, very funny; Frankle and Wm. Grace, clever dancing turn; Alice and Sadie Mc- Donald, "At Mack's Cafe." pleased; Wood and Lawson, dancerH, good; Charles I>a Noire, mu- sical act, excellent. NEW ORPHEUM (F. U. Bishop, mgr.; agent. Phil. Hunt, N. Y.).—Mile. I,orette, with her statue dog, Is the feature; Ad- dle St. Alba, character Ringing, good; Jos. Cusack and Co., "An Eventful Honeymoon," pleaHed; Manny Worth, monolog, very good. SHEEDY'S (W. S. Bulllvant, mgr.; agent, Jos. Wood).— Dally Brothers, acrobats, better than the aver- age; Margaret Keene and Co., "Before the Play," excellent; Bessie Rosa, comedienne, pleased; Ned Norton, excellent; Collins and Ballard, s. and d., good. H. A. BARTLETT. BUFFALO, N. T. SHEA'S (M. Shea, mgr.; Henry J. Carr, asst. mgr.; agent, U. B. O.; Monday rehearsal 10).— Farrell Bros., bicyclists, good; Mattle Lockette, dainty and clever; "La Petite Revue," pleased: Clifford and Burke, s. and d., fine; Cressy snd Dayne, "The Wyoming Whoop"; Spencer Kelly and Frederick Rose, good singing act; Mont- gomery and Moore, headline and big hit; The PlBSIuttls, excellent. GARDEN (Chas. E. White, mgr.).—The Behmsu Show made a hit. Mollle WIlIlamH. Jns. Morton. F<at)k Moore head the company. LAFAYETTE (('has. M. Bagg. mgr.).—"The Rolllckers." with Walter Wll- loughby ns an extra attraction and good come- dlana, pln^cra and dancers and a chorus that can Hlng.- LYRIC—"Wine, Women and Song." with Bonlta. DICKSON. BUTTE, MONT. ORPHEUM (Martin Beck, gen. mgr.; agent, direct).—Week 14: Fine bill presented to big houses. Ames and Corbett, good opener; "Ar- cadia," prima donna and viollnlste, big favorite; Neill and Chapman scored; Fred Bay'a Players, very amualng; Imperial Male Quartet, good; Frank Fogerty made tremendoua bit; Paul San- dor's Circus, fine. BMPIRB (L. M. Qulnn, mgr.).—Week 14: Packed bouse*. Musical Bent- ley, xylopbonlet, very good; Bdwin Arnold, black- face, fait; Lew GUck, Italian character, pleased; Daisy Tborne, prima donna, excellent; Hickman- Miller Co., very laughable. FAMILY (Newton Crawford, mgr.; 8.-C, direct).—Week 18: Or- dinary bill; good bouses. Fred Bedmond, mu- sician, fair; Polk and Leon, comedy acrobats, very clever; Daley Gordon, songs, pleasing; Great Klnsners, balancers, fine act, a novelty; Bonnie Gay lard, ordinary; Lewis and Young, comedians, fair. NOTES.—Mr. and Mm. Jamea NeUl, who appeared at tbe Orpheum 14, are gueata at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Crelghton Largey. Mrs. Largey was formerly one of tbe leading members of tbe "Land of Nod" while tbe Nellie were motoring In the Largey car 16 tbe escape of gas- oline caused en explosion, and aa a result tbe automobile waa burned. T&e Nellie and Largeye Jumped in time to escape any Injury.—Cheater N. Sutton, res. manager of tbe Orpheum, baa estab- lished a reputation as a Judge of various events. Last week be acted in a "lone letter con teat," conducted by the Butte "Evening New*." later In the same capacity in a "beauty contest" by the Butte "Miner," and this week waa one of the three Judges at the big "Marathon" race at the Holland rink. Mr. Button took one long awful chance in selecting tbe beauties of all the Butte beauties assembled, but be got away with It. H. T. A. Floods, Clipper Comedy Four, Hugh J. Bmmett, Kelso and Lelguton, Healy and Lloyd, Garnea and Brown. G. M. YOUNG. CHARLESTON, 8. C. MAJESTIC (Geo. 8. Brantley, mgr.).—Yager, Lewis and Kemp, comedy acrobats; Carrie M. Scott, singing comedienne, excellent; Milam and Du Bose, comedy artists, good. IDLE HOUB (Geo. 8. Brantley, mgr.).—Clifford and Amea, a. and d., good; Marvin G. Belle Isle, Juvenile co- median; Billy and May Owena, comedy aketch, good. J. EHRICHS MESSEBVY. CAMDEN, V. 7. BROADWAY (W. B. MacCallum, mgr.; agent. U. B. O.).—Nat Wills, the biggest hit In tbe comedy line yet seen here. Others were Four . 0. KEITHS HIPPODROME (H. A. Daniels, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—Henry Potter and May Har- ris, ring artists; Basque Grand Opera Quartet, pleaaing; Swan and Bambard, eccentric comediana; Kltamura Japanese Troupe do clever perch work; Nora Kelly, "Tbe Dublin Girl." assisted by Msx Bandera, made a hit with her song; The Three Demons give a sensational bicycle riding act on a revolving table; Cooper and Robinson snd "Tbe Ix>ve Walts," a condensed comic opera, well liked. GRAND (J. H. Michel, mgr.; sgent. U. B. O.).—Dills and Templet on, • clever contortion novelty; Kolb and Miller, German comediana. fair; Marshall Montgomery, singing comedian and pianist, pleased; McGrsvey, pleases; Geo. Austin and Co. have a good comedy wire ect. EM- PIRE (Geo. Cbenet, mgr.).—Harry Bryant'e Bx- travagansa Co. was well liked. STAR (Drew A Campbell, mgrs.).—"The Avenue Girls." with Zallaba, dancer, as extra attraction. FAMILY (Ed. Helm, prop, and mgr.; agent, Verbeck.).— Ed. 8wlss, comedy musicsl, fslr; Jack Connors, Imitation of Eddie Clark as tbe Race Track Tout, good; William Monaban gives a lively blackface act; Zat Zams, magicians and Mexican knife throwers, cntertsinlng. WALTER D. HOU'OMD. THE COLUMBIA BROOKLYN, N. Y. VAUDEVILLE One place where all managers either see acts personally or get reports. Booked Through United Booking Offices. NA/AIMT AT ALL TIMES For time Inter-State Circuit VER BECK & FARRELL, Booking Agents Grand Theater Bldrf., Oil City. Pa. FIRST-CLASS ACTS of all kinds. Can give from TEN TO FIFTY WEEKS. If you can deliver the goods. Good treatment, responsible managers. Ask any GOOD act that baa worked oar time. MANAGERS of VAUDEVILLE and FAMILY THEATRES wishing GOOD SERV- ICE, WRITE for particular*. Address VER BECK h FARRELL. Oil City. Pa. B03ANQUET THIS WEEK, LINCOLN SQUARE. MARCH 29th—AMERICAN. NEW YORK. Enormous success. Thunders of applause and kept vj> t.ll thn ueit number. Managers and Agents must see and hear Bosanquet to believe and r. .;''>.e the great attractions of his novel performance. Wk— aiwweriaf •tomtUtmtmU ftemUy mention V