Variety (March 1909)

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30 VAKISTY REPRESENTATIVE ARTIST© REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS * LOVELY * FASCINATING * LIVELY * Appearing in the Middle West for the tret time. MAGNETIC AN A BATTEBY — PRETTY AS A PICTURE. m ■ I ^1/ m Direction. JACK LEVY* GUY RAWSON AID PRAINOES GLARE BON TONS. "JUST KIDS •• Address VARIETY. MELVILLE ELLIS IV VAUDEVILLE. HARRY 3. LaRUE'S IMPERIAL MUSICAL TRIO Instrumentalists Supreme. Musical Protean Offering, Featuring MISS MAT DtLAIRE World's Representative Cornetiste. Mri Mrs. Murray Ferguson DT VAUDEVILLE. A L W A Y I IMPROVING. Management, ARTHUR NELSON, 1408 Broadway, Vow York. VELDE TRIO la their Enroneaa EflaUltrlal Aerokatlo Combination. Inolading the "L00F-TH2-L00F" BOOB (The original, not a copy). For Parka and Fairs address Miss Ethel BoUnson, Western Vaudeville Permanent address, cere VARIETY, Chioaf o Office. A ssociation, Chloago. Valerie Bereere AMD HER OWM OOMPAMY. PreMBilaei m rwfttrtwlrw c4 Plaflwts, TIME ALL TILLED * Astrella Sisters JOE DOTAL, Ok CO. la A GEMUTME MOTEXTY URGING AMD DAMGIMO ACT. Aelelre>u» Cssrw Varlwtx >• In her ORIGINAL HULA-HULA-DANCE "PAKA'8 HAWAIIAN TRIO** BOOKED SOLID BY UNITED BOOEINO OFFICE. MOZART PLAYING P. G. WILLIAMS' CIRCUIT TO BE FRIENDLY IS THE MOTTO OP SCOTT Ireland's Original Dublin Comedian The public's favorite in 5 countries. Enough said. STILL WORKING UP AROUND HALIFAX, N. S. Coming down soon. JNO.ZOUBOULAKIS The Veloeione Olay Oerteeaist and Musical Dexterioso. (An imbroglio of Bpeeial drop la •Two." eleae la ••One," Address VARIETY. ilo art sad aaata.) IM That Fanny Misnlo and Yodlor. Vow Playing for Western Vaudeville Association, ENGLISH COMEDIAN WMg MARCH S9. ALHAMBKA, N1W YO RK IV VAUDEVILLE. HILDA HAWTHORNE "THE MATTMEB GIRL." WEES MARCH tt, NOVELTY, BROOKLYN. VARIETY IMi BROADWAY, MEW YORE OITT. CARDS OF ARTISTS UNDER THE HEADINO OF " REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS 1-2 Inch alnflte ool., 1 Inofc 1-2 Ineh double ool., I look AT FOLLOWING BATES S4.00 monthly, not 7.00 760 1 2.S0 2 I none* double ool., S22.60 monthly, 1-21 oh ooroaa, page, 16.00 - 1 Inoh M 25.00 2lnohoa " 50.00 ft not it •• Larger Space Pro Rata No advertisement under this heading accepted for lets than one niont'i n-d ri -r^'erroJ position given. Remittance mutt accompai<y advertisements forwari-t-J ly ma.l, Cash discount for 6 and 12 months. \ Mr. SAM LIEBERT AND CO. '! ir>i Ci EZnd of th VeA/orld 39 BY AARON HOFFMAN Sole Direction, K , 1A0 W. 42d Street, New York Wkm •ntwmim f •ivwHtemmU bi mHp mmMou Yartety.