Variety (March 1909)

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VARIETY 31 First Announcement—Special In readiness to open April 19th "In Africa M ii Queen of the Junele" and "THEODORE" Four People, her wonderful Troupe of Lions* Snakes, Lizards and Birds. Special Scenery by Lee Lash Sketch written and staged by W. H. Lytell This act under exclusive direction of M. S. DENTHAM The Vaudeville Sensation off the Season X Will Marion Cook in charge of our Chicago Office at 67 Clark Street GOTHAM-ATTUCKS MUSIC COMPANY 50 West 29tK St., NEW YORK COLUMBUS, 0. KEITH'S (W. W. Prosier, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).— Jesse L. La sky's "Blrdland," headlined, scored heavily; Alba, feats of strength, Tery good; Gladys Arnold and Edwin Felix In "What the Moon Saw," fair; Harlan Knight and Co., "The Chalk Unc," amuslug; Pearl and Yosco, singers and instrumentalists, pleasing; Chasslno, shadow- grapblst, one of the best seen here; Barry and Wolfortl, a bit. QAYETY (A. L. Wlswell, mgr.).—The Parisian Widows. PRINCESS (W. M. Ebel, mgr.; agent, Qua Sun, Springfield, O.).— Bell-Hop Comedy Four, beadllner; Hlllman and Roberts, Wayne LaMarr, Seymore Sisters. COLUMBUS (Oabe Sachs, mgr.; agent, Columbus Vaudeville Agc>icy).—Rcllly and Flemmlngs, head- liner; H. II. Alvln, John and Mayme Sloane, Lew Gordon. LITTLE CHARLEY. DAYTON, 0. l.VKIC (Max Hurtlg, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).— Myers and ltosa, good; BUI Cooklln, songs aud tHlk; Tom Jack Trio, European musical novelties, pleasing; Kay Cox, The Girl From Dixie, very k<mh1; Sam J. Curtis and Co., "A Session at School," laughing bit; Everett, "The Straight Jacket King," good; Hoey and I^ee, Hebrew parodists, applause; Laura Jaffray and the Eng- lUh Rockers, very good. R. W. MYERS. DE8 MOINES, IA. KMPIHE (M. J. Karger, prop.).—"The Em- pire Show," worthy of the big bouses. MA- JESTIC (agent, W. V. A.).—"Naked Truth, '• clever: James and Sadie Leonard and Richard Anderson proved delightful; Armstrong and Clark, HongM, liked; Sisters Gaicb, gymnasts, remarkahle exhibition; Murray Slaters, good; Three Yoscarys, acrobatics, skilful; Mankln, entertaining. ELMIRA, H. T. MOZART ((1. W. Mlddlcton, mgr.; agent, I. B. CO.—Six Plerrotts, excellent; Billy Harper, Mattlo Krone and Co., hit; Terry Twins, amua- Iiik; Howard Dot Hon, clay modeller, good; Lew Wells, well received; Goyt Trio, clever. KI ALTO (F. W. McConnell, mgr.; agent, same). Kolser and Moffatt, Clausen Sisters, I .en a Mon- roe, Ida Cain, Lottie Fayette, Max Bruno and John Hahn. GRAND (E. J. Toole, mgr.; agents, Ver Beck A Farrell, Oil City, Pa.).— Strickland Dog Circus, Martin Milan, Richard Carlton, Stella Van Horn, m. p. and HI. songs. HAPPY HOUR (Ira Van De Mark, mgr.; agent same).-Cole and Wood, In "The College Roys"; in. p. and HI. songB, good. J. M. BEK11S. ERIE, PA. ALPHA (K. II. Suerken, mgr.; agent, U. B. O. Kehearsal Monday 10).— Larklns and Burns, s. and d., good; George Clark, fair; Fee, May and lVtrboH, musical travesty, good; The Powells, con- tortionists, very good; m. p. M. B. MIZBNER. EVANSVXLLE, IHD. ORPHEUM (Chas. 8weeton, mgr.; agent, South- ern Vaudeville Booking Association).—Three Kobers, physical culture; IfcCall Trio, new and novel act of singing, dancing and rope skipping; Ben Fagan, good; Warren and Faust, good comedy musical act; 111. songs and m. p. MAJESTIC (Edwin Raymond, mgr.; agent, W. T. A.).— Ilannoo, Dlgga and Barns, singing comedians, good; The Glockers, new and novel comedy sketch; Harvey and De Vora, one of the best singings dancing and talking acta ever seen at tbla the- atre; Mae Taylor, comedienne; m. p. S. 0. FALL RIVER, MAM. 8AV0Y (Julius Cahn, leasee mad mgr.; agent, Joe Woods).—Sbeedy's vaudeville and m. p.; Marr aud Evana, acrobats, good; Emmett and O'Nell, a. and d., good; Crlmmlna and Gore, com- edy sketch, good; Ray and Roth, comedlana, good; Willard's Temple of Mule, a hit.— BIJOU (L. M. Boas, mgr. and agent direct).— J. J. Brleo, comedian, good; Lembert and Will- lama, comedy sketch, good; Gotham Comedy Four, excellent; Adeline Francis, songs, good; Toubey and Co., comedy sketch, hit; J ere Sanford, songs, very good. PREMIER (L. M. Boas, mgr. and agent direct).—Smith and Richards, parody sing- ers, very good; Hindoo Sam, magician, good; Roland and Moran, very good; Andrews and Andrews, good; Camella and Bpaoldlng, ill. songs, good. PURITAN (F. Hooper, mgr.; sgent, J. J. Qulgley).—Woodford's Dog and Monkey Cir- cus, exceHent; Martella, trick cyclists, very good; Km He Cbevrlel, trick musician, good; Wm. Ssn Soucl, 111. songs, good. E. F. RAFFERTY.. FOND DU LAO. WIS. IDEA (F. W. Jenks, mgr.).—Week 10: Con- ners, acrobats, good; Mabel Elaine, soubret, plessed; George Lens, 111. songs, good; Hender- son's "School Boys and Girls." hit. BIJOU (W. E. Smith).—M. p. and 111. songs, excellent. A. O. H. FT. WAYNE, IHD. TEMPLE (F. E. Stouder, mgr.; agent, W. V. A.).—Roland West and Co., "The Criminal," well received; Kramer and Scbeck, gymnasts, clever; Isabella Howell and Co.. "Games of Childhood," success; Grace Leonard, '"The Ideal Boy," hit; Besnah and Miller, s. and d., good; Pero and Wilson, Juggling aud barrel Jumping, excellent; and Ilda Schnee, HI. songs, One. MAJESTIC (M. E. Rice, mgr.).—Week 22: Own Stock Com- pany and Frank Jones and Chas. Hasty, "The Hoosler Boy," with 111. songs and m. p. H. J. REED. HARRISBURO, PA. ORPHEUM (C. F. Hopkins, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—Fennel A Tyson, s. snd d., fair; B. C. Strickland, rube muslclal, entertained; Veronica and Hurlfalls, comedy acrobats, good; The Vil- lage Choir, well-merited applause; Frank Gardiner, Lottie Vincent and Co.. went big; Carroll John- son, blackface comedian, continued applause; Clarence Wilbur, with Six O'Connor Sisters, "The New Scholar," scream. HIPPODROME (A. L. Ronmfort A Co., mgrs.; agent, M. Rudy Heller).—The Wrocs Duo, Juvenile s. and d., very good; Reeves and Reeves, musicians, enter- tained; The Regal Trio, songs, merited spplanse. SAVOY (P. Msgaro, mgr.).—"Monte Carlo Maidens" Burlesque Co., sll week; well-fllled houses. After April 1 this bouse will he avail- able. J. P. J- HAVANA, CUBA. PAYRET (Frank Costa, mgr.).—Week 15: Komi, Jap wrestler, good; Hurl and Portela, dances, took well; The Corbettas, s. and d.. very good; Phillips Sisters, s. snd d.. neat act. ACTUAIJDADE8 (Euseblo Ascue, mgr.).—Lcs Marl liriinl, still popular; Noelda. French novelty act. good; Sanches and Dlas. Spanish dancers, best In their class; Rose T. snd X., dancers, good. MARTI (Adot Co., mgrs.).—A mall a Molina. popular Spanish singer, closes this week; has played ten weeks, breaking all records; Lole and Ixde, musical, took very well; m. p. MOULIN ROUGE (Alfredo Misa. mgr.).—La Belle Choi I to. dances; bill closes with m. p. NATIONAL (Kuseblo Ascue, mgr.).—Spanish Grand Opera Co. In repertoire. NOTE.—"The American Fes- tival." composed of American Circus side Bhows, Ih Installed in the suburbs of this city. ROCKY. HAZLETON, PA. PALACE (Joe J. Laughran, prop, and res. mgr.; agent, William Morris, Inc.).^Tbe third and successful week includes The De Veau Twins, and <l., good; Connelly and Bannon, comedians, "The Battle of Too Soon," very good; Mosart, novelty musical act, enjoyable; The Three of Ua, comedy singing act, very good; John F. Clark, i. and d. comedian, hit; Burrows-Travis Co., one-act musical comedy, excellent; The Three Newsonies, equilibrists, good. FAMILY (Harry Knoblauch A Harry Hersker, props.; agent, U. B. O.).—The best bill of the sesson is holding forth this week at tbe Family: Cora Youngblood, Carson Sextet, pleasing; The Three Ernests, comedy, bounding table, laughable; Alexia and Schall, comedy, very good; Yule and Simpson, comedy duo, excellent; James B. Kane, 111. song, good. RAY T. DRUM. JACKSONVILLE, TLA. (LARK'S AIR DOME (A. J. Clark, mgr.; agent, Empire Theatrical Exchange).—Thomas and Ham- ilton, good; Collins and Jewell, comedy sketch, laughing bit; Dolly Sisters, catchy; Pepper Twins, amusing. R. N. DICKEY. JAMESTOWN, N. T. LYRIC (H. A. Deardourff, mgr.).—This new playhouse opened March 22. Robert Rogers snd Louise Mackintosh, In "The Blue Mouse," head- line, pleased; Bryant and Seville, "The Two Blue \ Jays," hit; Josephine Gassmsn snd her "picks," fine; Laurence Darrell in ill. songs, excellent; Marvin Brothers, equilibrists, clever. T. L. BERLINER. HOLYOKX, MAM. SUEEDY'S (Dan Casey, mgr.; Jos. Woods, agent).—Phil Herman, Robinson and Grant, Jessie Blair Sterling and the Jessie Keller Troupe, bi- cycle riders. G. A. P. HOUSTON, TEX. MAJESTIC (C. A. McFarland, mgr.).—Week 14: Ann Hamilton and Co.; Joseph Brandon, fine; Mamie Harniah, comedienne, pleased; Devlin and Bllwood, good; Tom Moore, comedian, hit; Hill and Sllvlany, cyclist, fine; Vardaman, Imper- sonator, pleased; Nick and Ltda Rassell, musical comedy, fair. J. M. LOWE. IOWA OITT, LA. BIJOU (H. F. Potock, mgr.; agent, W. V. A.). —22-24: Anita Primrose; Cole and Davla; The White Zola. 25-27: Theo and Her "Dandles"; Flexible Fredericks; Owen I. Hoffman. J. J. M. JOHNSTOWN, PA. Majestic (M. J. Boyle, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.) —Tbe house opened this week with three-a-day. Contrary to the first announcement the bill will run the same all week, tbe split Idea having been abandoned. Petroff's Animal Circus, good: Martini and Maximilian, burlesque magicians, fair; Sullivan and Van, In "The Craziest Act in Vaudeville," do not belle themselves; Phil lis Gordon, singer, has a fine personality and a splendid voice, hit of the bill; Geo. L. Re!IT. ill. songs. CAMBRIA (A. W. Scherer. mgr.; agent. Ed Gallager).— Wilbur Held and Dora Pelletler both disappointed by not coming. Gsr- land Gaden and Laura Loralne, in "Tbe New Girl," and James McDuff, mimic, were sub- stituted; Kelly and West, In "The Stock Brokers," fair; Blake's Animal Circus, good; Hayes and Suits, eccentric s. and d.. were splendid; The Time, tbe Place and the Girl bntt in 24tb. 18-20: Frank Bush, good, but "Blue"; Daly's Country. Choir, fine: Tbe Thrillers, rag picture artists, good; Gertie LeCIalre and her AND One Big Hit in "One" "Carlin and Otto have enough comedy for two acts." —"ZIT," N. T. Journal, Maroh 20th. LAST WEEK, ALHAMBRA. THIS WEEK (MARCH 22), K. & P.'S 125TH ST. NEXT WEEK (MARCH 29), GRAND, PITTSBURG. APRIL 5, GREENP0INT. APRIL 12, KEITH'S, PHILADELPHIA. N. B.—Don't forget the big* Vaudeville Comedy Club's Building Fund Benefit at Broadway Theatre, Easter Sunday, April 11th. CAN BOOK ACTS A TOUR OF EUROPE. CAN BOOK ACTS A TOUR OF AMERICA. SAILING 8ATURDAY, MARCH 27th. UCKN TRAVELING INTERNATIONAL VARIETY AOENT, 719 St. JemmosB Bldg., INow York. Fourth entire tour of Europe in sixteen months. During absence sll bookings "looked after" by EDWARD S. KELLER'S AGENCY Ofllce remaining open with Jules C. Rubiner in oharge. Artists desiring time abroad RUSH. Photos, lithos, programmes, publioity billing contracts elsewhere, etc., to demonstrate acts to foreign managers. Buokner's address abroad—SAVCY HOTEL, LONDON. wW JQ^VQ W&WwD^^^NJ &9w^m^&vwN^Mw9 stWWwv^ wffwIIPw ▼ i