Variety (Oct 1940)

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Wedn^isday, October 2, 19^ MUSIC 51 FAMOUS DOOR, N. Y. i HURRICANE, N Y, Tcdflw ' Poiaeli brbh lOitK. Rtith. Gavlotd, Jimmy Blair, Sid ToynaQk, and Reit Bros. (2),.jRoss Sisters (3), Connie Russell u)ith Al .Siegal. piinirriurn. • ' • . •■ After bieing shuttered all- summer*; the JF^imous ]>dor/ cr.adle of swirtg Ijahd^; reopened last week backed by Teddy Powell, whose;team (Band -Reviews) occupies ,the ; stand. Both the spot and the orch haye been re- furbished sihce.::P6weirs last date here. His was the "crew .on tap ^yheh the place', folded early .last summer. Joint: is pperating under a 11 week night miniiinum ^ arid $2 . weekeiids. Cornpletely redecorated,, the Door presients a neateir iappiearance than formerly, . Spruced up by Bob Creig in white pigskin and liriflhished ■yvobd, the spot hag been made into an atttactive tobim., In addition, its. myalls and bandstand have, been soundproofed; spi the buiput of a 13r piece hop crew • can ho ibnger cuff tustomers around as iormei'ly. Criew such -as Powell's,Vwheh it takes ■oft on a jive arrangeniieht; could make, things ia bit uhpleasant.: . Pow.ieirs appiarent; • nervousness when caught, murdered the turn of Sid tomack and Reis Bros. As if that wasnit enough, the. trio was re- peatedly stymied by waiiti&Ts.skiipping in .front of .'eiri. ; Comedians' stuff consists of. songs and ichatter along the lines. Of the Yacht Club Boys, .etc. They do. 'piece on Orson Welles. Si parody- of -South of the Border' and an arirarigement of 'Sonny Boy.' . Ross Sisters are a harmonizing trio with little to catch; the: eye or ear. Arrangements are. colorless arid vo^ caling. just fair, IDo 'Shottriin- Breiad' for a starter and,' 'Hallielujair to ■.finish..' Connie Russell (Ne>y Acts) newest protege of Al; Siegal, is the possessor of a rich, wairm voice and is ariother Siegal click. \ Wood. 1^ HbtEty . ■ PMladelpKtd, Sept. 27. Bob Russell, Dord Maugham, Paul Sydell, Oxford Boys, Patricia King, Glajnour Girls (I4). jfeil fon- tdine Orch (14), AUgusto Sanabia Band (8) with Felicia, Helen Heath, Eloine Barrett, Patricia Kingsley, Vlnc^int; Rizzo Oreh (4), Gheena di Sinttme Dancers (.6).; no cover, $1.50 minimum Saturdays and holidays^ . .Drifting away from his policy of bigtime yaude names. Jack Lynch';? purrent patronage lure is a prtfduc- t)0h piece reminiscent of musical comedy I'ather than the , nitery floor show; It's tagged 'Wine, Women and Song and staged by Marjorie (Midge) Fielding. Origirial music was written by Charles , Barnes and the dazzlirig costumes are the prod-; Uct of Miles White. ^ Shotv is sliced in three, each sec- tlon representing part of the *W. W. & S/ motif. Openier yclept 'Wine* has Bob Russell as the 'wine steMvard' introducing shoWgals. each supposed to represent a different viritage. Patricia King, oomphy brunet, who yjv^^x.'^".'™?^^""P to 'Miss America 1940,' highlights the humber with a slave girl dance with Neil Fontaine, .pand^ maestro,: who has added terp- •"S .to his repertoire. Background music for this nuriiber is supplied by the Oxford boys. .--^Woriien^-portiofr :bf - the - -show- -Is taken care of by Dora Maugham; making her return to'the American entertainment scene after a self-im- posed European exile of hjore than a: decadci Miss Maugham is: the ^dean of a girls' seminary. The Seminarians, dolled up in caps and gowns, come out arid t^ll how th^ smartened up abbUt men.: They sing ® mater piece and walk off with their diploriias; • I V35t .part of the production, 'Song.' is handled by Miss Maugham, Russell and the Oxford Boys. A roving mike |s, takeni arbiind the table for :cUs- i9}"er ;participatibn.. Russell, who pilots the show neatly^ baritones iri nis usually socko style. He's show- stppbinp in his irenditiori of 'Got You under My Skin,' 'Too Old to Dreiarii' and a series of spirituals. His encore, I Am An American,' is also socko. . : Paul Sydell and his two dogs make a return herie and uphold their rep as one of the: top airiimal acts in show Dusiness. •• ' . ' Miis Maughairi's solo'; is a ■ femme version, of:; Dwight Piske, Husky- voiced, she puts plenty of meaning in ner double entendre/ It^s good ih- - timatie. stuff...v -;:'. . - :> ■ ' V Fpntairie's cfew has bieeri built up ■ * ® 14-mah aggregatibri arid -wrbrks . smoothly during the show arid then ensuing dansapatlon. .; Lull eriteirtainthent is supplied by AUgusto Sanabia's Thumba, outfit With its vocalist, Felicia. Touchbff tor^ppngas is handled by the Clieena "'"Sin i b ^ie troupe. ..Vincent Rizzo's ; quartet plays in ; jne Tropical Bar. accompanying the ii}^?? ^anaries there, Helen Heath, filalne Barrett and Patricia Klhgsley. \ . ■ Shal . ^ Rotno Vincent, Alma Ross and Lei Lahni Ladteg (3), Bnrica and JVb- vello;, Carole and Sherod, Deane Janis, Eddie Bush Orch;. Chi<iuit6 rhuviba band; $2 minimumi no cover, Mario has parlayed Ribmo Vin- cent's fabulous stomach and a South Seas Island atmosphere into a well- paying; proposition.' ; It's now 17 wieeks since the beetle-browed Vin- cent and his belly cariie out of the west for their first bUmps on Brpad- yway; He vras. ari • immediate person^ allty click, with the. result thai the Hufricarie, which initially, laigged be- cause ':' of: its too-clbse copy pf Monte Prbser's hearbjr; Beachcomber, picked up enough to i>ut the i ledger on the .black side. Click; i^ riow; big enough for :Viri- .cent tP gag: 'This town isn't big enough for both of,^the ;Beach-; coriiber, will have to get out!' .Mairio should, be : making, him; a 'partrier, besidies haying hirii tied up jAvell into next year; . : x':'' ■:■ .This is. a partially new' show; at'the Hurricane. Three new acts are" in the layout, including; Carole : - and Sherbd,. a couple Pf tall:'. beaut blondes who look like twins and do unispri dancing of, a very pbjite type; Dearie Janis; a shoutirig singer ;whp dbes alright ' with.; 'I Can't Resist Yoxi ' ^Iiriagiriation;' 'Gaucho . Ser^ enade' arid' a modeifnized 'I'm : No- body's Baby.'; . Bea Walker, who used to do ;the. chore for Raje Sam- uels, .accoriips on the piiariO;. Third new eritrarit here is the ballrpbhi teiam of Enrica and. Novellb, long standard -in vaude and. evidently novtr a swell bet :fbi" niteries.: This teaiih is,polished, smooth and gbodlpoking; plus ,.having :nifty routines .that' are sufficiently flashy fpr the cafes.- . ; B.esides Vincent, the only holdover is Alma Ross, a -hula daricier. vi^ith a Swiss-v/atch rriOvementT-and her personal line of three girls, who also gyrate in the Hawaiian; mariner. It's the brily touch of South Seas in . the . show, but everybody forgets about such;, iricbrisistericies ■ once 'Vihterit takes the triike for his closing chore. . He's a tiroU comic with: an. aston-. ishingly ' good voice. He . .Sings,. clowns and does imitations, :the .take- off of Charles Laiightort being standout. This Is serious,-but-he fol- lows it with laughs in an iriiitation of a cowboy and. singing 'The Last Roundup,- A.mere bump of his edu- cated istomach gets laughs and he's .surefire material foir a comic opera ^a type of show: that's Ibng been absent. - . . Eddie Bush's orch plays .the shbw and straight dancing, while -Chiqui- tb's 'brew:, alternates; -for • the. congas and rhumbas. Both .arie satisfactory in their:assignmerits. . ; 5c.hp. NIXQN CAFE, P J'tttsburgh^^ ^ Lee Dixon, Freddie and Betty Roberts, Two . Monocled ■■ Ambassa- dors, Boh Carter,. Al: Mdrsico Orch (8), Ovandi) Rhumba Bond (5). Names have always been some- thirig nitery fliwners locally figured they could do without, but no niore. With competish on the rise here and everywhere, and the downtown cafes pushinjg out ia all directions to get the edge, the boys are eyeing the marquee these days as iriuch as: they are the budget; For instance, it's doubtful if there's ever been a line of autograph-hounds in front, of any; Pittsburgh, bistro, but there was :wlfein:e'e ^Dl*Dfrbperied here; - In past, couple of spots have brought in onetime riames who were washed up at ■tiriie. of their engage- ments here. But Dixon's still riding high; His filrii rep is still, fairly green -in public's memory arid; those who follow the stage, here also know that he was a solid click on Broad-- wiay only this seasort in 'Higher arid Higher.' He should help the Nixon's b'.o. mightily as much as he's help- ing the : floor show. A; cforkmg hoofer,: he's mopping • up .With his taperfectiori, givirig out with at least half a dozen numbers, best of which is his crack ; hoofery, to 'Daricing in the Dark.' ; Lighting plant here doesn't give this nurriber productipn it rieeds, but even so Dixon: nriakes it a standout. ■ • Freddie and Betty .Roberts are. okay balliroPlriers, with flash, class ■and ari extensive repertoire that en- compasses. most of the terp peren- nialSi Couple-make . a striking^ap- pearance on; the flbpf and every thing They do is smart and graceful, pther turn is Monocled ; Airibassadors, co;uple of cheerio, tuxedoed boys wh(* : knock off . soriie • ^ spectacular tumbling arid strong-arm stuff.■,^: a leisurely;. 'Anglicized temPO. . B.^yj carry out the hip-hip-old-deah ..stuff into the acrobatic sturits and- it s a, good nbvelty .twist to a better-than-; regulation act. v They lose ..a little soriiething because they haye./to open the show but everi so click heavily, Individually, performers, are way —Hlldesarae-contlnues4cMvharii-'em- at the Hotel Savpy-plaza's (N. Y,) Cafe Lounge, with her intirnate pi- ariblogs but, above all, her unde- niable : .personality. V Geographically: liriaited now as to her former 'Cbn- tinerital!: ;. penchant, - which mieans elimination of previous Well-estabr lished Vierinese chansons—and even the French ditties are' no Idhgei". in the. popular mood—the showmanly Hildegarde has bridged the transi- tion well with: a choice assortment of pbpsV; including the current crpp arid yesteryear Gershwin, Porter and other: (Bxcerpts. _ Her cUrrent Berlin, iteiri; from 'Louisiana.' Purchase,' titled 'Outside of 'That I: iiove You,' ;is, exceptio.rially; well handled with riiaestrb, Eriiile Petti .now. "dbirig; a good vocal straight. 'Babes in ^he Woods,' 'But Npt for: Me,' 'I Love Music' arid kindred : numbers . are bth(5r;iiighiightsi. . :. :.' ;: . A . fetching : personality alVvayis, Miss Hildegarde ; makes . the . now oyferdorie cognomen of 'glamour' rriean something.:; Per .usualj .Leo Kahn is. a: very /able'; •accpmpanist. when the. warbler works; Sans self-; accompanimeriti • Petti's septet give out in sprightly fashiori.:/ Biz ap- parently is'terriflc^;./ ' Eddy . buchin is winding up the Hotel Waldorf-Astoria's Starlight: Roof (N. Y j: in great style with sevr eral new vocal: features .in.~ June iElbbbiris, : 'ipriy.. Leonard,.; Johnny Drake arid: the ;standby: LeW ;Shier- wbod, plus the fetching dancing pair,: Gower and jeahrie,. clickirig better than ever With' their unusual terps. Their waltz, ibperier shows this fin- ished, albeit: very, youthful couple to (excellent advantage',; preceding ■their, ■dress ;r(ehiearsar .Cbnceit, arid ^theribe' into- ; the Rachmaninoff c; .. Sharp Minor (rhythniized) . and the pixie finale.;; Duchiri;,who has done very well for;; the Waldorf in the past, seems to be repeating his b.b, values; Mischai Bbrr is the alternate.: (relief), combo, alsp long a Waldorf staridard, and clicking. Next, week Duchiri with ; Carol Bruce. (doubling from .'Louisiana Purchase') incept the forr mial" winter .seasbh in the down- Sert Room. _XeiehiiBiL.J5l?diIft:i^]bahi3i:b reopen William Perin Hotel's Chat-l for a .date Nov."l2 ahd Wifi" have to" terbox, .Pittsburgh/^beginning Friday' split commissipns with CRA. Lat- (4),: Placed by MCA> Ma;jc Adkins, director Of Stanley theatre orchestra,; Pittsburgh, has, installed; a smali cPmbp: at ■ Riviera, suburban: Pitt nitery; ::.; :'" ' .: ; -Frank v Hernandez ./ rumba /band, opens indefinite engagement 'Thuirs- day. (3) at El Chico, Pittsburgh, re- placing LbliaCo^dPba outfit. 'Wanda and Her Escbirtis close long stay, at Wiiliarn Penn hotel, Pitts- burghr: Friday (4),.. open folloWirig night at Buffalo's Hotel Statler: for three weeks ;.arid then niove to StatV ler iri .St; Xouis Obt. 28 for ai:stay. Placed by MCA. ■ : ; Fran Elchler opens tbriight (2) sit William P'enri TaVern, near Pitts- burgh,: for four weeks ; with optiphs, ; Harry James orchestra icorities irito the Panther Robin of the Sherriiaii Hotel, Chicago, oh; Oct. v 18. Follows ■the currerit ;.Duke Ellington .aggre- gation. ■:;'.' ■ '/[ ' Betty Allen,. Ethel Merman's unr derstudy who succeieded.her in 'Du- Barry Was; a Lady,' is doubling intp Monte Proser's N.: Y. Bea:chcomber and doing a good job as a - singirig singlle. She Warbles pops in the modern idiom such as 'Latins Know How' (from 'Louisiana Purchase') and the like, . while Raul and Eva ■Reyes do rhuriiba antics in above- standard style.. Their , 'Shoeing the Wild Mare,' a now familiar Havana conceit^, is done with distinction, and was; long identified with this comedy. Latinish couple. Their 'Cranking the Ford,'however, an attempted switch on 'Mare.' does hot pan out so well, :running too long and tediously. Cha vez: and Soririy Kendis' bands, dis> pehse ;sockb dansapation, Abei; a few minutes of highrclass terioring. Al Marsico'S orch is still aces for playing a show and gives the danc- ers their mohiey's worth, too. Now, he's alternating for the hoofery with Ovarido arid his rhumba orch, latter also clicking With its rhythmic rightness. ;:Coheni ■ Cbcbanut Grove, Ni Yi (PARK Central HO'TEL) Jacic "Waldron, Elenore Wood, Barry, Prince and Clark, The Pas- tines and Fanchon,: 'Scat' Poweli, thiree Nightingales, Roberta Robefts, Three Mer} of Gotham, Buddy Clarke Orch;- -dinnax ^rnini'mum $2; supper rnmimum $2.50; SdttirHdys, IS.^ '~ Jiiiiy Richards ipiried Mairt Kenriey, and His Western, Geritleirien iri Winnipeg; Man., as vbicalJst. She re- places Beryl Bodenne; Billy Claytori, Vancpuyer, has / been added as druirimer,; The band has just tpured Canada; and has pperied , a winter erigagerrieht at Brant Inn, Burlington^ Ont. ,■ :■■.■,■■■■''..., ;Matiy Malneck is sigried for' a iiiusical featurette' at Universal. Paul Spor at ,Willa^ hptel, Tp- ledo, ; Spor also emcees the; floor shows for Frarik Gordon, riianagier. . . Sandy be ■ Sautis' orch,, V B, C.,, has Lai^a Shirley to replace Judy Richards, Who went: to Mart Kenney'S: West<?rh Gentlemerii:; Jack Crawford current;: $t 'Blue Moon, Wichita. . ter has hirti in Pottstown,. Pa., Nov, 2. ; ■■.: ■■ ':.'■-■ ■■: ■ '■•"•:'■■■■.:. Jimmy Livliigstbii has.~taken over: at the: Tutwiler Hotel (Tontinehtal': Room; Birmingham./' ;' :: ;, Ben Beride and orchestra , set ,fo^ second annual, Natiorial'Cotton, Festi- va:i Fr-iday, :0cti;-4; GreenyiUe,/S. . Bobby Barns has; quit Al Siitphin's Cleveland :\Arena : .J)ublicity -staff; to return :to Charlie HPrvath'i Trianpn ballrppm as .prpmptipn; nianagen ; .' Sainmy Ka:ye will yacatioh for six days, - Oct; 4-9, . before starting his annual stretch at: the Coriimodbre hotel. New ; YPrk, Oct. 17, Plays; RKO theatre, Bpston, beginning Oct. .10. ■■■<:'•.-:■ .-:'-'.; ■ .:v:—.. -■■'; Ted Lewis .ceiebrates 25th wed- ding :anriiyersary in New; Qriearis Oct. • Milt :Pickmari,' foririer mari- ager, and' seyeral others flying from New.:Yprk-;fbr party;■;;;■■"'.■:;';-.;; Greg Jackson, frpih'v Rayriibnd Scott's barid,v takes base - spot with Jan Savitt's outfit tonight (Wednes-. day) ■: at ■ start of .'i Sayitt's;; date' yni Meadowbrpok, ;Ced;ar brpve, N. j; ; ■ : HoraceVHendersqn band ; has, been : airnbst entirely: rebuiit.- Israeli Crpsi- by, base,, and Emiriett Berry, trum-. ptet, only old menib6r^ left. ; Ed Fishman, of Wrii. Morris agency hand dept.,: out oh, toiir of iPcatlbns, taking : him :to; coast. „ Away three weeks..:' Paul Smith and h)s 10 Regal Rockr ihg. RBythmaires complete second yeat at Club Rex, Birmingham, Oct. 5.': ': '-:;■ Jan Savitt's shift to Music Corp. of: Anrierica mariagemerit is officially :; Dick Stabile' band was replaced at. Sunny brook ; Ballroom, Pottstowh,: Pa., Sunday (iZ9) hy JiBrry : Wald, iStabiie taking instead a date at Ba. tavia, :N. Y. Dance was the one for whibh Charlie" Barnet was -originally scheduled :and refused tP-play after it was booked by CRA. :; - : Helen Forrest, Benny GPOdroan :vocalist, doing: single at' tiapitPli the- - atre, Washington, b. C, starting Friday (4). GURLErS CAFE^ MPLS; / Minneap6lis,:Sejpt.28r Oscar Bellman's 'Storytone' Orch <5), Jane Leslie, Jimrny Hegg, Miss Jeanette, Ravaye arid Mdrgo, Ceorgie Givoti iU) covet or miriimum. ■^bove^usuatiMtex-y-ave^^agfiJier^ . collectively, - they; leave :^som;ethirig7To be desired. 'For orie . thing/; layout: needs a little riiore s.a, .-; ; . ... ■' -- j Bob Cartisr m.c.s. and registers on • his pwn at the midway pPint ; i New shpw succeeding the Sally iRand unit includes a nudist'daricer, , Elenore ' Wood : (New; Acts), Who hails from burlesque,: plus numerous other ac.ts and specialties Which combine: to produce a pretty sbck- ful floor revue. It was conceived and staged by Boots McKenria,- A feature of the show is 'Peelin' the Banana,':ia Cuban takeoff on the Big .Apple, for : which; members .of the :audlerice are asked; form a circle and with the liriegirls . do : rhumbas, congas arid caribcas. Nurii- ber serves as the: finale and draws, laughs; as interidedv 'Scat' Powell,, who formerly worked in the cocktail ibunge at the.:Park Central,,is in on the isingirig end. 'Peelin' the Banana', was written specially by Boots Mc-.: Kenria-and Michael Cleary.: A click turn on: the sho.w is the; piarib-singirig trio of Barry, Prihcie;: and .Clai-k . (New Acts): Jack Walr I drb'n, 'seas;bned .-in vaude. and- riight clubs, • is:the "m.c. and,' as usual, has [ no trouble scoring;: Also, "pro.iriirient I :on the show are The Pastihes arid •■ Farichori (New. Acts), dance offering. Lessers . include. Rpbertti . Roberta, soprano; who does the:'Italian Strieet Sonig' wfell, the Three Nightingales and 'Three Men. :of . Gotham,* singers': who figure in the 'Arriericana' se-: querice, a. patriotically hackgrpurided scene. . Miss Roberts, was forrtierly known as Roberta Roberts.: ^^^hcrl^r^. 5lrow4s:^ast-arid-nicely^^ turried. '. There are three: iiightly. . The Buddy Clarke, orchestra plays for the: show as well as for .dancing, doing a good job on both*. : Chor. : •With Cv.ebrge Givot as its headlirier, this attractively appointed hiii com- paratively small, nitery has launched' a new name: . p<il:icy,V Main ; rooni, 'where show is staged, seats 206 and; an adjoining Ipunge, off the long l^ar, takes care of about 100 more. There's dancing, before arid, after/the floor shows in a rather cramoed sDace In the center of the .room. ; Aside from GiVPt;: show does not represent much of a monetary ex- penditUre._ Jimmy Hegg is an un- assUriiing and~^pTBrsonable Lm,.Q._who also does a bit of warblinC Ooeriirie the show. Miss Jeanette,. an eye-fill- ing blonde, delivers some fast taps. She and all the; other performers, excepting Givot, are on twice at each show.; For ; her secbrid appearance she contributes an acrobatic dance topped off by some ;. Unusual head spins :and contortionistic work.; Jane Leslie,, also ai. looker, sellis-her;'ppps; nicely, both when she sings With the band and duririg. the show. : A 'smobth-working .ballroom .pair. : Ra- yayef 'arid. Margb, score with their whirls and a Con^a.: / Givot closes the show and .thiisVinti- mate atnibsphere arid lively crowd: seerined right.up his alley. The. cus-. tomers ate UP :his gags, stprieis and songs, delivered in; his usually scram- bled Greek dialect,, It's, pretty, much: the saine material he has been Using in :Vaudevilie. and ovfer the .radio fbr years; but plenty sjpiced . up for the last midriight/shpw. Of:' course,- it's not drawing robm stuff,: but still hot tpp; blue and, judgirig by: thC; laughr :ter and api)lau$e, juist .made to order; for the envii'onmeht ' He works a, full half :hpur. > Ken Nichols assists -at .the/piahp. ■-■: -,^:/^ Oscar : Bellman's ,, orchestra ,'(5) plays dan.cie music arid ;shpw ,well. Conduptor aids cphsiderablV by; his Work On the 'Storytorie' piano and at the regulat; keys. •; / Rees. : , ~Mf lls7MiisIc-r:Ce;-tl&-'^ ::the score of 'Meet the People,' Ihe^HPlly^' wood stage revue ;;which ;:gpes into New York Christmas'week.v LA OONGA, N, Y. Eddie LeBatori Orch (ll), Rosita Ribs, Gloria: Belmbnte and Ramon/ 'Serrano, Harrii/, Claire ;& Shdnnon. Johtiny : Rodriguez,. Galvan Danceri. (6>; $2 and $2.50 minimum. . .: The liliitbh Rubin-Irving . Zussman: inanagement. gives La Cpnga custom* ers; full value, .with .their iQatiri- American showr. 'With: Mario step- ; ping, out into; his own nfew spot, the Hurricane, riearby on Broadway, the ex-preSs agents for thie nitery ire now ;. co-bonifj^ces and seemingly, making a click of it. : . • ; Last year, of course, saw the hey^ day of the Conga whehJDesi Amaz : and Diosa Costello'put this basement; room over for big b.o. This season, in absence of this sock pair who went from 'Too Many Girls,' stage;. musiealr-and. -thence_.ihta. thei BKO.:_. 'Girls/ Eddie: LeBaron comes in as a band with more than average name .value for a room of. .this cali- , bre. LeBaron is breaking th^ jump back to the Rainbow Rpom, with a : month's stay here; first. : Rosita Rios who, ; too,.; has ■ been around,. is the, toplinery selling her Latin ballads well. . Johnny Rbdri-. guez^ is a slightly Wild and wooly conga kid to whbm the mianagement . gives extravagant billing as 'the new, ■. king of the conga': in ah endeaypr, perhapsV to btuld him up as: a: riiale counterpart to the effervescent Diosa Costello. He's ^ri eriergetic enough worker,. terpin^ and wbrkirig with the conga drums . ;. .Real sock of. the show are the nbri- Latin Harris, Claire and Shannon,, two girls and. a boy, standard with, their routine Whereby, he utilizes two femme . vis-a-vis as ballrbom partners ait brie and the saritie, tiriie. It makes for a good' novelty. H« handles them expeillj^: - / v Gaivari and. his Sari, Souci Danders/- (6) from Cuba are a glorified' conga line, breaking; up the prpceedings w^il, as do Gloria Belmonte arid Rambri Serr'ario with their .'castariet, \ cape and kindred caperings; She also > essays a solo dance specialty. : La Conga,, withal, hids fair to rid* the creist of the Latin vbgue for an- other season although; as competitiph: stifferis, something riiore socko will . have to/be introduced. As it is, it / shapes • up -as' a. .b'risk^^brjgbt__litthL^' sho\v;.g6od value for the.$2 arid $2,50. (Saturday) minimuiri for supper. ;:-.-.•/■::.-■ - Abel.