Variety (Oct 1940)

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THEY KNEW WH THEYW San irmismsknew whof fbe/ mnfed/.. .Icrsf fliiiflif every person who tould pack into the Golden Gate Theatre thrilled to the sensational world premiere of THIS YEAR'S GREATEST DRAHHA! Thundering echoes of the tremendous reception were heard all the way to New York, which gets its own elettric thrill tomorrow, when the lug show opens at Radio Gty Uliusic HalL..wiHi more excitement brewing lor pre-release runs beginning this week at Chicago, Boston, Providence, Detroit, New Orleans, Columbus. DIRECTED BY GARSON KANBNT »//iWIIXIAM GARGAN -HARRY CAREY-FRANK FAY • hmk t owtraii i>»*r». j,mtH nmiiH maMivtmtma FrmihPiriiairrriiipinhmin miit