Variety (Nov 1940)

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Active National Spot Accounts (According to Reports from VARIETY'S 'Radio Market Cities') Wednesday, November 20, 1940 1\ I * • 9 • 9 * * t • * ft .• .• » 4 ■' * * ft *. ■ ■ « • ■ • ( Account Albers Bros/: Milling..■■,,>/.... i .. American Popcorn Co.......-..■;. B-C Remedies...:........;,.-.. Beaumont Laboratories......... Beech-Nut Packing... Blue Ribbon Books Carter Products... Carter Products (Arrid). . .. V> Carter Products (Little. Liver ' • pills)..'. •.'. : .—. Chelsea'. Cigarettes..,;..... Cluett, Peabody... *. . . ..., *.. Compagnie Parisienrie.........: Denalan (Dental Plate Cleanser ). Farnsworih Television & Radio. Flamingo Sales (Nail Polish)... General Mills.. ........v... Greyhound Bus Lines..; Grove's Bromp Quinine.;... . .. Charles Gulden (Mustard)....•. Luden's Cough Drops."......... Manhattan Soap Co .. .. ......,.. Mishawake Rubber & Woolen.. Red Heart Dog Food;....;..... Musterole..............;..... North American Accident Insur- Agenor Erwin, Wasey... Buchanan-Thomas Harvey -Massengale H. W. Kastor Newell-Emmett.... Northwest Radio.;,.... Street 8c Finney .... Small & SeifTer .. « .« • « • r Time Purchases ...........Y4 Hours .... .Announcements Hours Announcements Announcements Spots 5-Min. Announcements Street 8c Finney . Announcements Warwick 8c Legler....... .Participations Young 8c Rubicam.. ,.. . . .10-Min. Northwest. Radio. . .....>....-....Spots Rufus Rhoades....;....... v.. . .. 1. .'.Spots N. W. Ayer.. .. : .•.■. ...........Chain Breaks Milton . Weinberg......... .Announcements Westco Adv. .... . I'. ..... .Vi Hours Beaumont & Hohmaii............ Y* Hours J. Walter Thompson........; 10-Min. News Charles W. Hoy t................ Hours. J, M. Mathes... i ..J......Chain Breaks Franklin: Bruck.;, . ...>..%-Hour News. Campbell-Ewald '...■>.'......'. .-........Spots Henyi,. Hurst & McDonald..... ....... .Spots Erwin, Wasey............... Announcements ance. >•••**< Packard Motors....;■..........;..'. ., Pacquins Hand Cream...... Pillsbury Flour Mills........... Pillsbury (Globe A-l)......... Pisb Co.............. ..v.... ■. Reid, Murdoch 8c Co....;.;... Safeway Stores 1 Franklin Bruck.... Young 8i Rubicam... Wm; Esty ... ; . v ..... Hutchinson ' Adv..... Dan B> Miner <v. .-.i Lake-Spiro-Shurman Rogers & Smith.. J. Walter -Thompson • • • * • Sheaffer Pen Co... r ... U. S. Playing Card Co. Vick's Cough Drcips, Willard Tablet Co...... Wood Briquettes. • • • p • • • »- Russel M. Seeds. ....... J. Waiter Thompson. . Morse International,..... .First United Broadcasters . Emil' Reinhardt..... ■', :'. . .... . ;5-Min. .Anno uncements /Announcements ..; Participations > .. Vi. Hours .Announcements .Announcements Announcements, V Participations . Announcements . Announcements . .Announcements ...........5-Min. ...... . J. . .Spots DEPARTMENT STORES BUYING RADIO TIME LAST WEEK St. Louis Retailers No Radio 1 Pact But One Chain Store Breaks Away to Use KXOK ; to Plug Women's Apparel St. Louis, Nov. 19. . The second defection from a 'gentleman's agreement' of members of the St. Louis Retail Credit Men's Assn. against the use of radio as an advertising medium was hung lip last week when the Three Sisters/ a chain of popular priced women's clothes, began a test series on KXOK. A slightly different setup of the local programs has been made in compari- son with, those in other cities where a pdlicy of stressing Its name and merchandise is maintained. Rose Claire, station commentator on clothing styles, Is used. The commercial is inserted with the info that while New York and Hollywood are paying stiff prices for the gowns and dreJSs just discussed they are available at the local store at 'pop prices; Programi Is aired six times weekly, divided between 9:30 and 7:15 p.m. ..." The Well Clothing Co. is a steady user of radio time but nont of tha three, large dept. stores Have de- parted from the agreement to stick to visual advertising. BUT Store , Broadway Dept.- Store. Broadway Dept. Store. Charles Brown & Sons. Bullocks Dept. Store.. Carson, Pirie, Scott Hale Bros...... •....... ..■... *«.■ Joske Bros. Dept. Store;..... Rosenthal's Dept. Store...... Wolff-Marx Dept. Store...». t • • * • • i City , ■ .Denver . .......... Los Angeles.... . V4 San Francisco.... .Los Angeles. . . . . . Chicago...., San Francisco San Antonio.....;. Baltimore .;........ . San Antonio.,.... '. Time Purchases >.... . ';'Annouhcer|ien ts I Hours, Announcements • . '....... Participations .. i . Announcements ... .Time Signals. ...... •■....... . Spots ........ Announcements ...... Hours 5-Min., Hours Baltimore, Nov. 19. Loss of time picked up in network and local classifications by political activity took its toll in last week's unit count in comparison to previous doings. National spot biz, however, provides some hypo to the receding figures with steady gain a bright spot. Some important renewals and schedule placing by local retailers with eye to Xmas biz, points to rosy possibilities, with all stations report- ed ' okaying most bullish indications in years. V . Strong mailing piece titled 'The Forty-niners/ sent out' by WFBR with 49 national advertisers using the station listed and claim made that N. B. C. Red outlet carries, more na- tional spot advertising than rest of town's stations, combined. WBAL: Fleer's Double Bubble Gum, through N. W. Ayer, 39 an- nouncements; Reid-Murdoch Co. (Monarch foods), through Rogers 81 Smith, Chicago, 156 announcements; Zerbst Pharmaceutical, via /Barron Cd., Kansas City, 115 announcements; Dill Go. (Espotabs), through Herbert Slifer Cp 4 , 526 anhouncements; Bar basbl and Bost Toothpaste, 260 an nouncements via Erwin, Wasey; Seven-Up Bottling : C6„- through Hamblett Agency, Baltimore, 260 fifteen-minute programs; National Brewing Co., through D. Stuart Webb, tied up local weekly boxing shows for 39-week period; Mangels Herrold Co. (King Syrup), through Brown-Alexander, 201 spots; J. H. Filbert (vegetable margarine), via Courtlarid ^Ferguson, 364 announce- ments; Albert Goetz Co. (meat pack- ers), through. Harry J. Patz, 312 an- nouncements; Sim Spot 'Beverage, 600 ^Ive-minute transcriptions;. Rey. Wm. Detweiler, evangelist, 52 half- hour Sunday airings. WFBR: Fleer's Double Bubble Gum, through N. W. Ayer, five spots a week around juve programs; Coca- Cola, renewed through D'Arcy Agency, 'Singin' Sam' five days a week; Read Drug Co., renewed for fifth year, participation on 'Studio Party'; Wm, Cook, undertaker, bought 'House of-Dreams' transcrip- tions for Sunday quarter-hour, air- ings. Nov. 16 Compared to Nov. 9 | Network Local Units Units 8,910 4,841 9,590 5,661 —7.1% —14.5% (Included: WFBR) National Total Spot Units Units 1.903 15,654 1,885 17,136 +1% -r8.6% WBAL, WCAO. WCBM, LOCAL POT 0' GOLD KOWH Telephones Hoasewives As Listeners Hear (But Only Him) Omaha, Nov. 19; Modified Pot-b'-Gold idea being used effectively by KOWH here. Keri Stewart, production man," makes an- nouncement, then. calls number by phone with listeners getting in bh half (his) of the conversation; He asks if housewife has any of the sponsor's , (Miller's Muffin Mix) on hand and if so, pays her $1 per pack- age. If none on hand, he sends over a couple of packages by special mes- senger., . ' •'/„■ , Idea has caught fancy here and proof of efficacy is sribwh'.in. the in- creasing number who report they have the stuff on hand! ,' Program is on every morning 9 to 9:15, except Sunday; Rounded out with music and some clever comments by Stew- art, who is vet newspaper man, script ■writer and special feature newsman. Los Angeles, Nov. 19. Only station to show a gain over the week was KF1. picking up smart- ly and local units. Others dragged the aggregate down into the minus brackets. KNX reported lit- tle activity other than participations in . the Fletcher Wiley . combination. Tabbed . 'Housewives League' and 'Sunrise Salute/ this pair will ac- count for ,'$220,000 in .billing for the: year, "which, KNX points- out is more, biz than 60% of the country's sta- tions chalk-up. KFI: Pacquins Hand Cream,. 188 one-minute transcriptions, through WilliamJSsty; North American Acci- dent Insurance, 39 five-minute pro- grams; through! Franklin Bruck; Bulova Watch, 678 announcements, through Biow Co.; Sweetheart; Soap, 39 quarter-hour programs, through Franklin Bruck; 4-Way Cold Tab- lets, 100 one-minute transcriptions, through Morse International; Broad- way Department Store, 11 announce- ments, through Lee Ringer. • KECA: Aggeler 8c Musser Seed Co., 26 quarter-hour broadcasts of •Garden Club of the Air,' through Julien Resel; Safeway Stores, 49 one- minute transcriptions^ through J, Walter Thompson;; Institute of Ap- plied Science (fingerprinting), 13 quarter-hour broadcasts of Nick Harris detective stories, through Matteson-Fogarty-Jordan. KHJ: Broadway Department Store, five quarter-hour programs, through Lee Ringer; Dr. Hiss Foot Clinic, 52 half-hour programs, through Foot Health Adv. Alliance; Kelley Kar Co.. 52 one-hour programs of record- ings, through: Allied Adv.; Midnight Mission, six quarter-hour programs, through Glasser agency; Safeway Stores, 48 announcements, through J. Walter Thompson; Par Soap, 42 announcements, through Tomaschke- Elliptt; Safeway Stores. 15 participa- tions in Norma Young's 'Happy Homes,' through J. Walter Thompson. KNX: Linsay Olives, 78 participa- tions in Fletcher Wiley combina- tion, . through Lord & Thomas; Cudahy Packing, 78 participations In Wiley combo, through Erwin-Wasey; Helms Bakeries, 24 participations «tn Wiley combo, through Martin-Allen. Nov. 16 Compared to Nov. 9 Network Units 11,672 11,844 —1.5%. • (Included: Local. Units H.414 11,581 —1.4% KKCA. National Spot Units - '. 2,182 2,295 1.9% ' Total Units 25,268 25,720 —1.8% KPI. KPWB,' KHJ, KNX) YOUR SALES PUNCH YOUR PRESTIGE YOUR $ VOLUME FAIRMONT WEST VIRGINIA . . and if it's mail-pull you want to check, just ask Fairmont's busy postmaster. WMMN is on the h 0 me stretch in a successful drive to break its remarkable mail record for last year Xopreiented Natlooallr - br JOHN BLAIR & CO. 5000 WATTS DAYS 1000 WATTS NIGHT A FORT WPUSTRY STATION "TEXACO STAR THEATRE" CB8, Wednesdays—9 to 10 P.M., EST ; Also "LOUISIANA PURCHASE," Imperial, N. Y. Vocal Arrangements and Direction by HUGH MARTIN Personal Mnnngcmrnt: FR1CD RTEELK ' R*ok«Ttller . Plua, Ntw Ytrk City Suite 604 COlUmbm 5-2142