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Variety (Dec 1940)

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20 HOUSE REVIEWS Wc<1nc8(1ayf Dcfccihbcr ll, lOlO STATE, N. Y. (Contlnued-from page 18) Apple Tree/ a few bars ot the oViK- Inal tufie being discerned now and thisn. N umber .' played by;, IHe brasses principally. . .Luncefords ar- ranger has done too, with a Beethoven sonata. . . Lunceford,' a • I>h,B;- incidcntaily, gets oft .to a cob'd stirt with'Whatdha Yoii Know Joei'' and then-into,'We Three,' 'for those who. are not swing cojiscious," opines the .leader. , He. Intvoes all. his soloists as they , go into aiction and th6, men are billed, on the ■ hoiisie . boards,: : including bandsinari Jaines. Young, .who wrote. 'Taint What You Do"; Dan Grissom Joe Thomas, Willie' Smith and .El-, mer Crumbleyare those ; giyen credits. Band's quartet struts, to the. mike lor an effective rendition .of the familiar, irielodious • 'Ain't-_She Sweet,' and trumpeter Paul Web-., ster comes forwatd fot '.What^ Yqur Story.' . 'The number . started the. rhythni hounds upstairs: clappmg in tempo. . Finale as a bow to ;swmg fans is. Tor Dartcers. Only.' Mairty May has what comedy there is in the bijl all lo himselfv Sily^.r- thatched single , f^res well- enough, especially with vocal nonsense, higbr. lighted .with the- burlesquie ' of^^a. prima donna. Kidding with the fiddle he cues in a line aboyt ASCAP and the 'medley' of 'my one hit,' which is amusing. May ""8"} have encoded but instead, introduced Lunceford with -a strong buildup;, First of the farKily Billy' Wells and the Four Fays, but: there is an added girl, in the acrobatic dance act. Young new ' member .-is. Patsy, who. does a one and a half twisting sdtnersault Wfells. and- the girls open the. show with an ani- mated routine; Following . is. the Vaiss family, lour^- y^arblers and their popV cOmbo knowa; in. radio. 'Baby's Asleep' is a novelty; nuinber* others beihg •Perfume Counter, •Sierra Sue' and .'D.Qing The Quiz^' Okay in its way. . Ibec.. ORPHEUM, MPLS. Margery i)aye, control, and aciolbatlc dancer who also i.s on. the eyes- Heilbbrn steps out from the band for, a. second time to : spill merriment with his impressions of. Bonnie Baker and Mary Martin in their I.'Oh, Johnny' and 'My Heart Belongs to. Daddy'numbers, his special Jyricp and the Avay that he goes from bass to soprano enhaficihg the'hilarity. With - Garbcr's assistance, Gilbert chga|;es In aiiother' skit; doing a tailor bit this:time. It landed laughs, Then-Garber; sblos oh the. violin,'his medley of oli^ waltzes wlivning de- sierved favor. At: the finish: Gilbert is on again, discarding .hi$ dialect and telling about :expei'iences in, re- cent pictures: arid ..about, tlie stpirs with whom, he has played. He uses: sbfne good:'gag linCs in this. .rc.cital. Jilst before the final curtain, he and his wifei' and'the other, two girls from the show- -sing 'I?ll Never: ShiUe; Again.' ... .' : •.' : Lowier floor.about two-thirds, filled at first show opening day, Friday (6). : " ■ .'■ 'fiees. .; MinTicqpolis, Dec. .7. Jan Garber Orch. (12). Bud Hughes, Lee Berinett, Billy Gilbert (2), DoTothv eordrai;, Fritz Heil hron, Mnrgery Daye; 'Moon Ovgr Burma' (Par). There's nothing pretentious to this layoutj. but it adds upi to a pleasing, if not particularly thrilling, show. Aside from. Jan Garber's 11-piece band, there are only three, acts, each a single, excepting; Billy Gilbert, whose wife : works with hini. - The band, howevei:, boasts three first rate singers, ipcliiding one of the musicians, and these contribute substantially: to the entertainment. Garber's swing: band, although small in size as such organizations go, merits a place among the top- notchers, and the selection of num- biBPs and the arrangements rate right up with their able renditions Leader himself does 'a smooth m.c iob along with his conducting, vio- in soloing and stooging foi: Gilbert. During the show, the laitter makes no less than thfe^ appeiarances, and while his material is nothing to ex- cite raves he iitilizes the comedy methods which have stood him in such good screen stead extract every possible laugh. As far as his fans are concerned; hie tindoubtedly more than fills the bill in this per Bonal appearance. The other two acts pass muster, too.' Brasses monopolize the Garber, outfit iand the music runs largely to swingt but, for the most piart. it's well modulated. The boys go right into the groove with their opening number, 'Boog It,' which has one of them, Fritz Heilbron, doing the vocal. A swing : arrangement , of 'Lieb^straum' features Jack. Barrow and Doug .Roe at th^ trombone and piano, respectively. Bud Hughes starts out with sleight- of-hand tricks; arid thien puts two dogs through remarkable balancing feats. Qne of the canines; balances on one foot atop Hughes' .thumb The manner in, which he swings and twirls the animals :intb their posi- tions on his. hand: or fingers ihcrea$es the stunts' difficulty.' 'Only Foreverv' 'Night and' Day' and other pop .iiumbers are ac- corded ,tiprt6ip\ti'eatment by Lee Bennett, whose , swell baritone be; .guiles the customers. .He precedes Gilbert who first 'appears as a chei running out, on. his job.. The patter^ and business aren't specially, funny, but latter's .iscrainbled English;- ex;. plosiyeness and. frantic efforts to ex- plain-hiniself corral plenty of laughs His familiar sheezing bit also . has them shiafcing: their sides. Mrs. Gil bert stooges effectively. Dorothy' Gbrdray, .formerly of Minneapolis,; is ^youthfuX and pretty, selling neatly.' 'Madame LsiZonga,' 'Msiyhe': and 'Ma, He's Making Eyes At Me* neatly. ' Thie band hits a torrid pace with 'Johnson Rag,'; which has Muddy . Berry at the drums arid Jack Barrow arid Buddy Wallace on: the^ trombones tossing re sti-aint to the. wihdis. Berry, in par CHICAGO, CHI : : ■ :ChicagOy Dec. "7. Fraday- Dancers : (6),, Novak and Faye, Leni Lynn, Sjiyretpos (3)', Mischa Auer, Lou Adrian House Orch;'Letter' iWBY. APOLLO, N V. Bang-up show,' and on6; that must. Calise ejtcellent w0rd-6f«mbuth for .the house;.'- ■,.: . ■■,.; .:- Mischa Auet: is back as headliher, and . again demonstrates that, he is not making just a personal appear- arice, but is coming, out to do an '^ct. Has retiirriied with.a chariged routine, for the most part. . Bulk of the tiirri is as a conscnptee. Costumed in an ill-fitting soldieir's uniform, with 158 painted on the back; Auer gives, out with a.monolog of his 'expeirierices' in bemg drafted and mustered.Into the arriiy. It's good, stuff throughout and handled well for a iflock of gcfbd laughs. For the encore Aueir :pianos, ..flnishihg :offl -with his novelty of- playing piano with two grapefruit instead of fingers. Fraday Dancers are an. excellent flash turn; they're three . men arid three women in a series of dance numbers • which are interestingly executed. Make a fine appearance and established' themselves w.ell with ■ this audience.: Musical accompani- ment is particularly well. chosen. Novak and iFaye remain a laugh- gettirig hokurii knockabout acrobatic team. Comedy falls and mix-up kept this audience in laughs through a standard routine. Among, the new young isingers Leni. Lynn rates with the best; A warm little .personality that suits her youth and size helps much in putting, her songs over. She sings a couple Of operatic arias and adds the 'Movie Fan* Letter' song that Judy . Garland introduced. She does all threfe well, arid had a real. click at this catching with the 'fan' song. Solid from start to finish are the three Shyrettbs in a. topnotch bi- cycle and Unicycle turn. A great flash, they top their appearance with dynamitfe cycling. Fast actiori at all times, with the stunts hitting the bull's-eye throughout. . Lou Adrian and ihH house orchesr tra irate high conimendation for the great assistarice they gave to every act. Gold. TOWER, K. G. Kansas City, Dec.'7; Ross Sisters (.3), Waily. Rand, Charles Moore ond Susie, Lester Harding, Phyllis Arbuthnot, House Line, Herb :Sik House Crch; 'Liiile Bit of Heaven' (XJ). : QhdrTxe Barjicf .'Grch. (17). tii,ith Bob Carr6\l, ford LearyvBil% and VUnan, Edith Wilson, JWfttf Digges, Ferdie . RobiiiSoji, " Sandy Biirns, George Wittsfiire, Vii'idn Harrxs, House Line (Id); 'Qimrtcrbncfc' Apblio pares its Usual drawri-oUt dance . .arid; <3Qmedy routines to a fitting ~ miniriium this:: week, and eliminates most of the ponderous production that slo.Ws up shows here. However, with only two putside .acts,: riibst Of. thfe burden is. put on' the Charlie, Bar net band,,a group :doirig; its aiihual shot at this, colored .Fpot. The outfit carries itis load riently; .; .Barnbt's band .has power to burn.. It's composed' of 17 playing: pieces, four triimpetisi fdui- trombones, five saxes incltidiriR the , ilcader's, ' and four .rhythm. Driving Ihrbitgh such, stuff as 'Rbckin'. Rhythm,' 'PoiriptOn Turnpike' an!d/ other.^ sizzling arr- rarigemerits; - the- crew - stacks up solidly with only oiie fault, arid that probably will remedy itself in. tiihe. Weakness is in the rhythrii, ..spe- cifically the drurhs.; They're played by a new ,man. arid he's inqliried to rush . Ipmpbes on ; faster stuff.. On medium speeds he's okay, :Beat. is: solid. Hefty brass and >ax sections come up with cleari and fu}I. work that's a: pleasure for listeningV .One of. the few tries. at staging :a number .(patrons dori't as a, rule; go: much for band productiori here; they just warit a band tb get into a drive groove and keef) going) is effective.- . It's an un- billed piece muting all eight brass, who. work as a chbir; and. alternating in the spotlight with the sax group. Barnett. jsedriis tb b^ using a soprario sax almost explusively, fitting it in ensemble With the other four most of the time. It gives the group'ah iearahle tone and a. distinguishing mark. Decked Out in blue business suits the barid piresents a nice pic- ture onstage. bob Carroll and Ford Leary, from the trombones, hiandle the lyricing. Carroll do:esn't impress at all with 'Only Forever' and furthers that, im- pression on; 'That's for Me.'. Leary, formerly with . Larry Clinton; is a dick with 'Rhumboogie,'. hiis starid- ard.'Shadrack;' a fast'Old Man River' 'and a short original. Edith Wilson, apparently a Har- lem fave, proves, a likeable turn, using only originals. - First tells why 'I'ri;!. Just' a Fat Gal,', second ad- monishes 'Don't Advertise Your Man,' which gets a'ri encore. Voice isn't the best, but it has personality and it's sold in ingratiating style. Well liked. Billy arid Vivian, tap duo, work up front, Band behind them is too loud, ruining their opening tap. duo and cutting heavily irito the male • half's trick tapping. Using, a chaii*, he clicks off terps in various positions, wiriding up tapping sitting down, Mae Digges, comedians Ferdie Robinsori and Saridy Burns. and straights George Wiltshire and Viv- ian Harris have several sequences between them. Miss Digges gets in 'Jive is Here to Stay' early. Comedy is short and stamped with n\OTe than the usual zip. House: line rates a nod for orie try. It's intricately worked out, ; bells being. fastened to each girl's hips, ankles and wrist. Jumping, waving arms or reclining and. kicking legs separately or in twos and threes culls, a melody from the Varied toned bells. . IVs nicely . carried out. Otherwise, the group is Composed of rugged individualists; Wood. EARLE, WASH. Regular formula of. mixing three standard acts with the house talent is reverted to, and the result some- what tops the usual run of stage shows here. The 43 minutes are neatly packed arid every- act well received. . ■ ' . Tifle .of 'Cocktails ol 1940' is car.r ried otit by the line in a; sprightly opienirig number.. Wally Rand fol-. lows. 'Mairi strength of his act i.s juggling, with comedy patteH based on the Eriglish with which he makes- a . piir of . teijnis : balls do . tricks! Closing. terp . arid. deceptive stunt made possible' by a ragland sleeve topcoat leaves custorriers iri" jovial mood. '. ■ .'■ - iThe.Thre.e Ross Sisters (Neyir Acts)' are on next to draw the gapes Over: their acrobatic cbntbr- tions. Youngsters range, from 16 years down to 13,. and their eight- minute turn, ranks high.- . :RbUtine is based on ^ome Incredible, backbends. Lester Harding steps to the rriike to.^iirri out .a lively 'Ferryboat Ser- enade' and;: encore wth a^ mellow 'Girl of My Dreams.' He baritones 'Champagne Waltz,', the cue; for the line to take oyer in a waltz ballet. , Weekly ariiaiteur cbntributibh is offered by Phyllis Arbuthnot; > Air though handicapped by a paralyzed limb, shei dpes a heat, but uneri-i ambured,. trick of playing the piano with a. blanket over : the keyboard and gloves" qp. her hands. Closing spot is turned tb Charles Moore in a comedy terp and knbckab&ut -vi^ith who made-;'01 Man Mose' farinoiis.' Pretty, vivacious bi-Unet packs less, visual appeal in short white' dress and kid hair ^'ribbon thari in evening gown, which she wore last trip, but -.the piit5 enough' pep into 'Rhurii- fcrobi!ie^?'It Had to Be You.','Sugar Blues,' .'He-s My Uricle^ arid; the in- evitable" '01- Man : Mbse' encore to click as solidly as: ever; . Line ^1-: low."! in bi-ief; I'lvythm bit,.: each ygal (licking- big .. \yhlte .liaiKlker'c>)ief, which they line up at finish lo'.ispell but Shea'and .Raymbivd.. TaU,,lSinky dope tyiie and the ho.tty parjtnef .h,lve been'arourid once this year, 50, they yhopt their feportoire fast and .sweet this tjrive, tlifting'everythihg., fore the customers gpl ia chance to say^ 'hey, I seen, that last tiriie.'; Thc^ 'Gbtia Be a! Football Hiefb' parody', the. silly soit-'s'hoe hoofing, . the nut tango, the asp: pantomime; a flash of the str-irigy red!r:W.ig biz and a Xyild; jitterbug finish with the lanky guy wiridirtg. Up in. the orch pit are as siircflre as ever;..; ■ ; ' ':: ., : ■■, Gals take Over again, all on rbller SkateS;-. for, simpleformation stuff, whipping ;up .surprising speed on mass wheieling tQ ehrn .strong hand. Liric'.falls back to give the three Walkmirs full stage; Hefty: mfln ftnd two: women, /one. blonde arid one brunet, waste almost no. time on. :elatibrale bowing;, bane of most cir-; CHS acrobats. In viiiide, working ju.sf enough showmanship, into their stuff to hypo it effectively. it's the brunet doing ladder arid bar work atop a 30.^fObt pole..:baliiriced on guy^S: shbUldei'. i Finish.: is' both galsr spirir nirig in . directjons on hbri- zontal- ,bars. atop pole., balanced, -on. strong-man's :headv rio hands. Line fihishes -.with Jaiitern parade with. Walkmirs in center doing strong-arin gro.undwork.. ;Biz fair at sh6\v qaughtV Craig. . KEITH'S BOSTON ticular, is .sizzling with his . sUci..- '.yC'^;^^^^y^^ Frequent . a use outbursts Finale is a -' dance combiriing greeted the kicking, contortions.! rhumba and swing steps to 'Rhumba- splits cartwheels and balancinjf of . boogie.'; .. Quin. \Washingtqn,I)ec^lOi' Wiilard: Gary, Pdpricia Norman, Shea and Raymond,: Walkriiire, 16 Goc Foster. Girls;.'One Night in the Tropics' (U); : If ariy of-the youngsters, wonder. why the vets still call it .variety, this one should straighten them out. It ope^s -with a .tap. tra'nsplarited.-frbm bahet : arid fihishes with .the line on i'oller skates-and .a circ'us balancirig act, with a swing sbrigstress and an eccentric hpofirig dub bridging the gap. It's one of those bills' that doesn't-have to'make seriise as ia unit, beoaUse *ach portion, stands solidly on.its.'p^yri feet■. . ShioW is? launched, as.vsual,: With Roxyettie Eileen 'Ritter's - Sing-A^ Sqrig-With-Me community song, get^ ting extra.- interest With recb):ded .Playbacks ot volunteers. This week it's Irish tunes and they really hoU lered:;'em at performance caught. CurtaitiS open on line .in cute jitter- biig routine, gals falling- back to let Wiilard Gary pop out/iri ^striking black pants and close-fitting jacket for tap solOi Kid maintairis'effective tap rhythriis whae utilizirig the ga-^ mut. of standard ballet l.eaps and I spins.; His riioOd is a bit too much ori the airy side^ for the boys in the bal- cony, especially the -unnecessary head-throwing biz, but overfall. ire- ^ception Was o.k. -'. - Miss Rrtter, Who does what emcee- ing the hoiise indulges in these days, presents Patricia Norman as 'the'girl STRAND, N. Y. . Bb'j!to«;. Dec.-6; :' 'tunzafire' .with" Benny . Meroff brcK ■ (10),. Five . SuildreMes, . Bill Morosco, Joe BbJiell, Louise Shan- non, Ginger Manners, Ke.n and Roy Paige,, Dianrie Abbey, Al Spiro, 8 Daughters of Satan\ (line); The Farpo Kid' (RKO) .a7jd '5 Little Pep- pers in Trpubic' (Col). Produced in ;.the. ^Hellzappppin'^ vein, this unit is one hour of pep and variety, There is not a. sensational act in the show, biit no act has time to wear, out his or her welcbme; and there are so many screwy bits and interruptions that the next turn is on before pne gets acquainted with the precedirig pne. ■ Perspriality mpst likely to. be re- membered is Benny Meroff!s.. He's pri mpst bf the time as band leader and m.c. arid dpirig.a pretty gpod jpb pf it. His owri'iact, cut. down like thie others, is the same, line of .juggling and instrumental novelties Seen here seveiral years ago. hut nbw hei's not taking himself seriously. Result of injecting hokum into ..his work is very okay, and in. s*. wbrking MeroR adds to - his quota of the laughs, WhM he juggles the stooges' go him one bettei: with rigged-up tricks, and :when he plays the cello hie's gumuied. up by a dog heading for a prop tree, arid a .comic sleight-of- hand bit on the sidelines. . Meroff's band is riot featured as an act, except for a comedy turn hy Al de'Vito, drummer, who garnered a. nice hand when caught for his clowning as a tympani artist. One of his gags that won't be copied in Symohony Hall comes in .the dizzy finale: "he bouhces a slice of bread off the drum head arid thcri bats it out front, CJoes through a half loaf of bread and hardly misses a beat. Screwy, but novel. Louise Shannori is the featured, danicer, tappirig- out two nymbers. The first is conventional except, that Miss Shannon makes it seem better by -her gestures' arid mannerisms' which Were apparently as -well- routined as the hoot beats. Her sec- ond session Is erihariced, riot only by more flashy steps, but by the use • of ; rather .unusual musical back- ground,..which irieludies 'Grand Can- yon-Suite.':.;•■'.;-:.-:: ■ Ken and ; Roy Paiige are", the prin^; .cipal ebonies. With the. latter; tearirig himself apart in..rOugh'-house biz With his straight partner,: prattfalls, skids arid a dive iritb the orch;pit Jbe Boriell toots a saxbphorie. while hoofing and i-egister's well in- his fast stepping and pliaylng. Billy MorOsco does eccentric dancing on rOUer skates and;-eriibellishes ; with fupny falls. \ v. -: '■.:.'. ■ Ginger;:' Manners, impersbnator, has two fairly good; offerings. One is an impression of a cuffo society 'debutramp,' and the other is all pan- tomime. An offstage platter blurts out 'Roll Out Hhe Barrel' while MisS Mannei*s: rinouths the words and gestures in .a biirley mObd; Five Sailorettes are ;okay ;in a fast tum- bling.turn early iri the show, some of them doubling in the eight-giri line, which adds some flash,' .. Much; of the fun in the show is developed by a. grand assortment of stooge gags from the audience, airid the unit itself opens in a melange-of confusion from this direction.. It's riot- the classiest show around, but it has more oomph than most. Fox. Ozzifi Nelson Orch with Harriet Hilliard, Humphrey Bogart, Gall Call, .Jock Seymour and Kay Pit. turc.; Roseanne Steveiis, Mauo Methot;.'The^Letter' (WB), rcuictced in yARiETY, Nov. 20. -V Deciding td hold The Letter' arid Ozzie Nelson for four weeks, which takes the Stj-and up to Christmas week, a departure frorii'. policy was to bring, in..Humphrey Bogart, his wife, Mayb -Methot (both under New Acts), and two other tUrns for the .final 14,- days of, the- run starting Friday ' (6),; This added shot, in the arm for the boxoffice had an instant effect bperiing day, Nvith the house the only one on .Broadway doirig any real business Friday evening. (6) . There vtks standing room'- at-' .9,:30 pin the^ .last . shpw; . . ; idea et 'routing iri Bogart fbr the- second half of the four-Week en- gagement ;:bf''Iie'tter'. arid Nelson, . both: ;alsb;. b.O.i - is exceedingly good • showmanship. Draught pf the Bpgart name' cannot be disputed; and : although ' the hoiise would probably, , still do a nice business had it carried ■ .the ; opening shbw all .th^ Way'- through. With; the -screen , heavy in ' th'et'e as bait^ the difference -iri the : gross, will no doubt'be highly com- pensatory. . Bogart cOmes in with a nice little act, , written for him by Harry GbUrr fain, Who stages, the shows here, iand Sidni^y/Fields. ;He and Methot close the show, With both Nelson- and Miss Hilliard wbrked into, the ;: . routine. -■ .'..;, ■ . The Warner. contraCtee is brought . bri by a specially-iriade trailer com- bining highlight of gangster arid other ;:roleis . he has played, With Cagney',. Robinson and others - in- , .eluded. Bogart's talk' is^ crisp and : bits wbirkied are effective nudir .: ence ■ pabUluriti, ■ including the gag - built, aroiirid brgariizing a' new mob ambng^ Nelspri'.s .: bandsmen, plus the quartet stiirit of 'Down By/ the Old: Mill Stream.' Nelson, Miss Hilliard ' and Miiss Methbt work: in this brief : sequence with Bogart, each-in turn being taken lb the Wings and 'shot' ; by the manager for their 'poor* per"-": : formance, <6ogart wiriding it up by; bumping off the sBid manager. ; Miss Methot, making .a nice ap- pearance, sings 'More Than You. Know,' scoring. She Was formerly ■ in legit. ■' '■ . In addition to Bogart and his ; missus, the new show includes Gali • Galii Egyptian sleight-of-hand artist .. with a smooth line of gab, who has work^ in vafidus: pight clubs,, and, thie dance tearin :of Jack Seymour and: Kay Picture. Youthful double of . Seyriiour and Miss Picture does a rhythm tap and a novelty tap, get- ting across solidly. Seymour has : been, around for sometime and a few years ago headed a flash act. Char. FOX, ST. LOUIS St. LouiSi De6. &. Carty and Bradford, Stubby Kaye, Connie- Dowltrig, Three Rhythm Kings, Johnny McGuire> Jcrriy .BcTO- man. Bank Sisters, Porky and H^s Rooters; Ben Rader OrcJv (20). •South 0/ Suez' (WB) ond 'Escdpe to Glorft'. (Cot ). Uriearthingv-local talent, groups, of seven 6f tbr-tyros being given their big chance, each night for one week, the best of . each set to be selected for a orie-week local stand with Will Osborne's band three weeks hence, i| the manner in which Fanchon &, Marco is currently continumg ttie combo talker-stage policy in its 5,000 seater Fox in midtown. Scheme was cooked up between the theatre and KMOX, local CBS outlet, . and talent judges of both organizations gave the critical o.b. to the hundred who flocked for auditlpris, Manage- ment also has returned JO a double feature talker, policy; after ditchiijg it. for a single , last week. Ben ; Rader's tobters, after a. one-w«ek vacatibri .'(Larry'.s outfit -was in last week) .also ; are: back at tpe old stand.. ^ ■ - -.. , - F A M's execs- Will nave to admit that the search to date hasn't been such. a hoWling success. What was dished out opening night, when caught, was nothing about which to write to the WilUam Morris Agency or others; 'Session started well enough but bogged dow.rt^ ^an^ (iouldn't get: back on its-feet. -Before . the curtains parted an offstage .voiee , inttroduced the band , and the laqs -; ladled but'I Want to Be HaPPy with , a ' hot trombone ..featured.- Then Stubby : Kaye, a portly young guy, fetched from New York, assumed the , m,c. xole. He is personable, but hB attempts to gag; fall .flat. The flfst: act was Carty and Bradford, tapsters, and the lads should have saved some of their better steps an the nrst ,; part of their routine instead of using all for the finale. : Connie^ Oo.wling. ■t'- striking platihum blonde;^ trilled •Maybe' and 'There I G^,'. but has. an -inclination, to. sing through the nasal passages. , The Rhythm Kings, mandolin; guitar and bull fiddle,,:did p.k. with , a couple of pop numbers. Two ol 'em warbled 'My phadoyv and Me,^ The lack of stage experience was-.- very evident. Johnny McGuire._a2 oldster, does bird imitations,-: ^l"* - (Continued on page 55) , . . ; .