Variety (Dec 1940)

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W^dheedkji December 11, 1940 ouses |)(lTx)ve'tt$9B Chicago, Dec. 10, Every - theatre in town will be Iightied-next week; the largest legit lat in this city, in years. Evea .tne Mieh igan avenii^ Sttidebaker: is re- lighting, with the second edition of . •Tins arid Needles' due in on Dec. 17 at $l -,(tax Included) top. : •*M<eet: the People,' originally slated to finish Dec. 14, has decided to hold on still another week due to the ej(cellcnt trade that this musical hiis; been pulling. Will pull out . pjt here Dec; 2i arid: open: in the Mansfield;, New YOrk^ pe(3,'.25.,-.■ ■ • ■ • ■ ' Grand •will .be taken over Dec.; ?6 by Alfred Luht arid Lynn Fontanne Jri,'There Shall Be No Nijght,' for. , a run of-three .arid a hjalf w«ekg. .. Due to'a liooking mLxiup, 'PygniaT lion' with Huth Chittertoh were' forced'. but of the Selwyn .'Saturday .(7) ;after two weeks and yesterday (Monday) opened in. the : Erlanger, Where, .als6, . it. will be iaildwed . to, stay only, until. Dec. . 22, when that house will be taken :Over by 'Du- barry Was a Lady.' Selwyn wais taken over last night (Monday) ,by Ruth Gordon in 'Here Today' as the third play on' the Airierlean Theatre Society-Theatre Guild subscription . season. ."The LuntTPontahne: shbw; wjll vbe the. fourth pn this seasort's series. ' Estimates for IdJSt. Week . 'Life With Father,' jBlackstone <40th week) (1,200; $2.7.5). Several, turnaways again last week and pounded through to brilliant $16,000. 'Meet the People/ Grand (10th week). (1,200;. $2.75), Will have had a highly profitable run of it. P*owier- ful last week at $14,000. 'NJjht of LoVe,' Harris (Isf week) (l.dOO; 2,75). Drew n.g. reviews.^. Poor $9,500 for, initial sessioh. Pysmalloh,' Selwyn - (2nd week) (1,000; $2.75). With party trade helping, got excellerit $12,000. Moved . to Erlianger last night (Monday^).' 3 JEETERS PLAY KOAD' IN N Y. ON 8TH ANNI ... Hollywood., Dec: 10. ■ Sallci'i PappeU folded^ at El.Capi- ^n. aftef.. ohe. week ib.,yjery poor trade; ..despite excellent, notices. Marioriettes'.garriered ilhti $4,000 on the stanza arid hbUse goies dalrk. until after .holidays;.:. . ; Nothing else Jii town, and indica- tions- are : holiday - period will find most of legit hpusea dark. •• < ... LfiGlXIMAtE 81 With, three Jeeter Lesters on stage . and several, dozen alumni from the various connpanies out. front, the im- p.erishalile 'Tobacco Iload' gave a nip-up perfonnarice at the Forrest \theatre last Wednesday, night (4) .to mark the start of its eighth year on Broadway. The party tossed' by au thor Jack Kirklarid at todts. Shor's afterward set some kind of a long- run record, too,„It was quite a night all around., Actual performance was the !2,972d, drawing a capacity house of $880 at a $1.ID top. Besides filling the reg- ular jseats arid bdxes, the. audience also required the jplacihg of chairs in the orchestra pit. Many appeared to be seeing the show for the first, time, but others had obviously attended before,, in some cases several times. As usual, there were several sailors in the house, the play apparently be- ing a favorite with men on shore leave in New York. Three Jeeters for the occasion were Will G^r. Charles ,'Slim* Timblin and James Barton. Geev. who ha.s been in the part:iri New Ybrk for some months, played the first act. Timblin, whib had played it on the road, but never in New York, djd the; second , act. Barton, whose 1,89,9 performances in the part are more than-anyone else,has played it, took the third act.; 'All. tbok bows to- gether at; tht final curtain: To one. who, has: seen Six .diffeferit actqrs •: in the . role of . the ". shaggy shar^-cropper at varibus times. Geer|s performance wais the most legitimate. Bbth Tinifilin and Barton, did cprisid- erable vaudeville clowning and miig- Sllhg/ gettirig mdre comedy out 6f the oart. but thereby,sacrificing .the piay itself., Bartonl in particular, did'pne bit of business early in the third act thait dtevf a lengthy howl, but which was. in^ such bad taste that it weak.- ' -fned; the play as si ;whole. ; .. /: • Hbw many iriembers of that .anrii- .v^ersary audience had at; some Jtimie been . in, .the origirial ; - of the. various road .companies nb bhe^ preSr ent seemed to know. A cursbry; look around the lower; floor teVealed more than- a .dozen, of ' whom the most notable were Jariie.s. Beli; who. plsyed Jeetier for a time early in ;the. New: York run,, and Haila Stoddard (Mrs. Jack .Kirkland ); who played Pearl-^n the first road cbmp^;ny. ..• , ; Toxes- 3G In Sppkarte; \ . . .^ ■ •.. Spokane. Dec. 10. • .Talltilah Bankheftd in 'The- Little < Foxes' at the FoJt for one night f5) [ last- week, jjrossed ' approximately i $3,000. ■ ■ •:. . ■ Majority tff tlckete wire sold by mail order., ; , . Philadelphia, Dec. 10. Legit.blz; figured to nos«-:dive last week In; slump, held up to a cdinfortable . lever for both, the town's current shows. V •■ ■ . 'DuBarry. Was a Lady/ playing'« return engagement bf- a single week at; the Forrest after a terrific warm- Up visit here bpfoire going to Broad- v/ay, grossed $25,000. In-the repeat stariM, ' 'Ladies in Retiremient,'; pla'y^ ing bn, ATS subscription, got $11,500 and left town with. two profitable weeks to. its credit..;. . ; This week's newcomers are 'Ofl the Repord/ coriiedy tryout; which bowed in last night : (Monday) at Locust, and tomotrow night (Wednes- day) comes George Abbott's musical; .'Pal Joey,', to the Forresrt—the first actual preeni here in exactly a yiear: Both sh.ows stay to Dec; 21;; Estimates, for Last Week ; 'DuBarry W«B 4 Lady/ Forrest (one week orily) (1,800; $3.30). Fine biz for this rieturn engagement, with only some matinee weaknesses due to. Xmas shopping; flirie $25,000; 'Pal Joey' opens, tomorrow (Wed.). 'Ladies in Retirement/ Locust (2d week) (1,500; $2.85). Got>ll,000 in final stanza, slight drop from open- ing week also laid against shopping cbmpetish In aftetnoons: / TbillyStoiT'Big $19,500 In Mpls.-St. Paul Split Miririeapoiis, Dec. .10,. Katharine Hepburn in 'Philadel phia Story,* ih 2,200-seat Lyceurii at $3.30 top, did terrific estimated $15,000 in three nights and matinee last week. Severar perforhiariees were capawty and the others riear^ .sell-outs.. ^ ;• ;■..;■ . ;• In St. Paul, siame: attraction grossed approximately $4,500 for two nights. Critics went overboard praising pjay and company. By drawing more than $5,000 in Madison,. Wis., gross on we^k approximated $25,000.. ; ;. , LUNTS'GET BIG $15,000 IN BIDm^SG ipVlLLE Indianapolis, Dec. 10. ,|:ddie Dowling and Julie tfaydbn opened, yesterday (Monday) at the English Theatre for three nights and ' Wednesday . matinee in 'Time of Vour Life.' ' I . Last week, ;!There . Shall Be No Night,' with Lurit and Fontanne; in four; night, .performances iand Satu^-; day (-7), ~ garnered approximately great $15,000. BwayinSligiitPre%^ 9 i 15G in Del Lunls' 5G in L'yille Lbiiisville, Dec. 10.: ' The; Lynts in 'There; Shall Be No Night' . grpssied estimated $.5;00O at Mem.brial Audttorium, Tuesday (3). ;.Thi$ is a remarkable figure; in view of fact that house seats 2,400, and rarely has a sellout except for an occasional big name coricert. ■ Entire Ipwer flopr.\was 'sold put,- with very: few balcony seats un- sold;/ • 'Old Acquaintance' Trytiiut Got So-So H300 in N. H. : New Haven, Dec. 10. . " Press practically raved and gen- eral comment .was good, but pre- Xmas lull apparently was caus<e of holding press of 'Old Acquaintance' down to a so-so approximate $4,300 on thrtf^-performances at $2.75 top at .Shiibert here last week. Last booking prior to; holiday is current week's stand; of Dante in. 'Sim Sala Bini/. Only other show pn file at the moment is Miriaih Hop- kins in breakrin of the Guild's 'Bat^ tie of Angels/ sist for Dec. 27-28. Inside Stuff-Legit Way Thelma Schriee first met Herman Shumlin nnakes a' good story^. now that'yOurig. actress has clicked fpr . ptoducer in a big way in 'Corn Is Green*. Gal Was Just out of Carnegie Teph drariia school in Pittsburgh and had returned to her home In New York when she learned that Shum- lin lived iri the same apartment house where her parents resided. After repeated effprts to meet him coming put of the building, she went dbwn- towh to Shumlin's office and told a secretary .she had beeri sent by a mu- tual acquaintance. Shumlin asked lier . who the mutual acquaintance was and Schnee gal said 'the doorm§n at the apartment house'; ' Producer thought It was a good jpke, and yPung actress seized the op- pbrtunity to show him she could act, going through a couple of scenes before he could, open his mouth. Shumlin was impressed arid promised her he would use her the first time a role came along. . ;Part in :'(jorn Is Green' fesultedv She had appeared on Broadway only once before, in a minor role In Sidney Klngsley's .'World We Make' last season. Girl was born in Bridgeport, kin of the Schriee Brpthers being Well known iri busi- ness circles. ' . •. ' ■ Detroit, Dec. 10: • 'The Male Aniinai/ ; with Elliott NUgerit, .wound up its "six, days here, eight performances, ori Saturday (7) at the Cass:;^ole survivor among the town's. legit: houses, with. an esti- mated good $15.000.. The house was scaled up. to .$2;65.. House resiirtied Monday, (9) with the Luhts iri .'There, Shall Bfe No Night/ at $3;3p" top;. ;. : i(i iNili ;■ ; ■ ■; . .• •• •■ Boston, Dec. 10. • Interest in the twb riiu'sicals,'Hi/^Ya Geritlemen'.. ("with. Max. ' Baer) and; 'All. in Fuii* ?(with Bill ;RbbinsPri), is light^: W-hile. 'Life.with Father,' ribw In its llth stanza, Is the hit of the" town; with seats still selling way. in •. advance,., ■ :'Fun' is. improvijig during its try- but: revamping Here arid. remai ns a third week before going to New York: Phil Baker is definitely, out of the show". Estimates for Last Week ^Llfe with Father/Repertory: (10th week) (965; $2.75). Still plenty lively and beconiing a fixture', around; here. Spniewhat under earlier pace; but at $13,000, record here for'ruii show. 'Ail; in Fun/ Shubert (2d ;week) (1,590; $3;30). Getting;a' fair break at the b.o., around $15,000 for' seicohd stanza."-' .'Hi-Ya Gentlemen/ Colonial (1st seven performances). (1,643; $3;30).' Landed faybrable press, but n.g. $9,000. Max Baer will remain in. starring;role here, despite rumors of Jack Haley's stepping in. HECORD'FAIR $8,500 AND PANS IN WASH. Staff of the Dante, magic show, 'Sim Sala Bim/ was sizzlirig last w«ek at management of the Playhouse, Providence, iri which the show played, arid has flleid a fprriral cpmplaint With the United Booking Oflice. Claims William B.rOwri/the manager, hamstrung them, by-refusing to take; any responsibilities, referring everything to home office of the theatre owners, Schneider Theatres, In Boston:Opening night, according to the. cornplaint., the doorman in the orchestra section cbuldri't put tickets in: the right slit of his box and had to open It during a lull to .straighten out; the ducats; .also, that balcony tickets were dropped; into, an open container: At. the end of the night Dante's staff couldn't get a .staternent from Brown. They: squawkied, .but. were •told;.tha.t he'd bririg in an auditor the next; day. tp prepare'One.:■■■; ■;;■ ■■- ■"'• ■;■;■■■.■.;. , ■; ■ Deal . whereby 'Delicate Stbry,' which opened at the. Miller;; N. ..Y., last Week, was made ;a Theatre Guild .subscriijtibh attraction is regarded as. a smart niove on; the part of- Gilbert Miller; and: ■Vintbri Freedley/ whp pro- duced. ;the hew., Molriar comedy. Play - thereby,; pbtaj ne'd; - the' Gfuild's sub- scriber- support during the thriee week^ipHor tb (ihris^ is ..usually the^weakest of;the-season in: attendance;.; .; '.; ■■; .■ ■.;■■.■ . . -' . Guild's, subscriptions are .n'sually absprbed in' three arid, brie-haif weeks:: Some seasons., back, wheri. -there were'more .subscribers, .such patronage; covered approxiriiateiy the first five, weeks. Miller: asspciatc.d; .with the Guild in preseriting.'Twelfth .Night;' iSt; Janies, alsp'.a subscription show.; • Bbostofithe Equity IrtitUtion fe« to; $100, .which'started Dec. .1,' applies to all new. irien>bers, ;but is not refroactive in regards to former membipTs who may rejolii.; It was understppd.that people not in gpbd standing cbuld ■wipe out; dues pwed' by paynient bf .the fbrrrier 550 initiatipri fee, if apply*- ing prior to the deadline. Forriier members back; In dyes are riot required to file membe'r.ship applir catipn. If ^wishing to/obtain good staiidiiig, they may seek a settlement o£ the airiount owed. Known that , in any nurrib^r -of/Cases-Equi has acr ceptcd bn^-half or even lessl.: It is mostly up to the explanation. furnLshed for.not paying pfeviously,^-. " - ■: Washlrigtori, Dec. 10.' 'Off the Record,' John Shubert's first go as an indie producer, can thank its quintet of Hollywood names for approxihiately fair $8,500 last week. Local; critics not only tore into show here last week: at National, but. se4nied to imload all their disapppintrrient over preceding four flops upon it, too.: Opening was big,; reviews knocked props out frbm under b.b, the next twp days and then it;built for the finish, latter obviously due to film, fans whb were interested in seeing Bruce Cabot, Mary Bfian, Betty, Dennie Moore and Hugh O'Connell. Current is another new one. Max Gordon's production of the Spe- wack's new comedy, 'Out West It's Different,' with. Claire. Trevorr and Levene. Next week another tryout, Playwrights' 'Flight to the West/ by Elmer Rice, with Betty Field. 'Time of life' PuBs Milwaukee;: Dec. 10. . In spite, of below zero tempera- tures and snow storms that derhoral- ized traffic, 'The Tiine pf Your Life', .(.Eddie ■Dpwiing and'Julie HaydPn), second show of the., legit .season at the Pabst last week, grossed an esti-r rhated. $12i00D at; $2.7.5 top ' eight performances..... ! ■ ■ . An- unusual treat for. the cast waV a big beer party given by Frederick Pabst, one of; the .sponsors of the Society of Allied Arts, under whose auspices they, appeared here, at the Pabst, b're.Aweryi • ■ .;. ; . •Lady in WaitingNTakes Fair 1^9,000 iit -St- Louis ;:. St.. Louis,.Dec. 10. :. "Lady in Waiting/ in which Gladys Gebrgis has the .lead foie, finished, a onerweek stand at' the American theatre, 'sole legiter here, Saturday (7) with a fair b,o., record for this season *of the year. ' Nine perform- Omces.atop the.Little.:N..Y.,.principally occupied bj^ Brock. Pembertpn, S'tlS^^gc '^aleS'^^Sa ^ are being -repainted .and repaired .by the Times.' .which owhs the prppptty; vv(irc l.OO'/f. for the . piece. . . Site>vas.acQuire.d;by. the daily for the':pvirposc' of biiildinj.' anplher:entrance ■' 'Mornings:- at . Seven/, a TNiitibntil to.the.publicatibri plarit, .which ranges along 4.3d. street, but. the cbhstriic- .Playgbcra Gujld,'. Inc;, pi-csenlalion, lion :plari-wa.s. shelved indefihitely some tiitie ago.' ■.'and.-Ihc-only; one' from tHi.s, source ■"■■•.tittle is available for-shows, "but. any. deal would be 'for °^ fcur'''walls?! ^•^'P'-'X ■here,;"^«"r.i' sco- .rental arrangement; for a limited period or a term leasef*. Times' will n'oti?l'Sv^.^f^h»*';(MoS enter .show business .and. Ih.erb^ore will npt (Jpi-rnte. i.he"bpu:-ie<' (inKngement House, is <!rnlrri Itri. S2 20. : .: - Estihiates for Last ^Week ■ :JCey: C (Com^dyy, D (Dratnd), Jl .(Revue), \M .musical), F ■ (Farce), O (Operetta). 'Boys and \G!rIs I'ogethei-/ Broad- hursr (10th■ week) (Rwl,I60; :H;40).' Seasonal decline in attendance fbr period before Christnrias started last week, but grosses 'not badly dented; better than $23,500 quoted here. ; ". ! 'Cabin in the Sky/ Martin Beck (7th week) . (M7i,214; . $3.30); Has been : operating to goodly profit de-. spite opposition .from bther musicals: colored outfit rated; ;over $16,000, J ■ 'Delicate- Story/ ^Miller (1st -wieek) :(CD)-940; $3:30). Opened last mid^ Week; soriie hptlces favorable with the balance niixed; Theatre. Guild subscription .will help; better line this week;..' . • .-.;■. 'Every Main for Himself/ Guild (C-956i $3.30). Presented by Arthur Hutchinson and Arthur Ripley; writ-, ten by Milton. Lazirus; jumped here, from .."Coaist; opened. Monday (9); ■weak press;- ■; .• ■;'- ■:■,■.■■;-■:■ ' ■; • 'Fleagiihy/ Hudson (2d week). Withdrawn Saturday; panned; played one and one-half V;ceka; . 'George Washington Slept; Here/; Lyceum (7th; week) (C-1,004; $3.30). Eased off, but turned in fairly .good grpiss to profit, and ,will .make th* • grade; $12,600, / . : . ■ <HelIzapoppin/;: -Winter'Garden (116th week) (R-1,671: $3:30), Holds to excellent rifibhey; ratied aroUnd $24.00.0; got $5,000 Saturday, evening scale being $4.40. 'Hold On to tbnr~ftata,' Shiibert (13th week) (M-1,405; $4.40). Still among the liist's good. things, biit' under pace , of early weeks; tated around $23i000; piakes good profit at that level. 'Horse Fever/ Mansfield ;(2d week) (e-1,000; $3.30). Somewhat im- proved, but mnist rriat'erially perk up to stick; arOiind $4,OO0; house ^eUi •Meet the People' Week of Dec. 23; 'Fiever' will possibly jmove. . 'It Happens 9b Ice/ Center (9th week) (R-3,087; $2.75). Opposed 'lea FolliesV ,at. Madison Square -Garden hardly affected rink revue; which got $29,600; advance sale indicate! big holiday attendance. ; 'Johnny. Belinda/ Longacre (l2th , week) (D-1,016; $3.30). Itfoved her» from Belasco Sunday," when night performance was given; claimed bet»; terment; around $6,500; two for onet have been dropped. JLife With Fattier/ Empire (56th Week) (CtI.OOS; $3J0). Sellout pac* coritipueS with, little variance; lead- ing holdover comedy quoted over $18,600 again. 'Lonisiana; Pnrehase/ Imperial (28th week) (M^l,450; $4.40). I^ed bff. slightly and tied with 'Panama Hattie' for gross leadership; quoted at better than $32,000. ^ , 'Man Who .Came to Dinher/ Masia I Box (60th week) tC-1,013; $3.80); I Felt the post-Thanksgiving dip; natu- ral for attractibn playing in second year; $12i50O was profitable; will play into January. . 'Panama HatUe/ 46th St. (6th week) (M-i,347; $4.40). Getting all house will hold ' with standees al- .ways in evidence;, better than $32,- 000; no higher gross on list and tops ticket demand in agencies. 'Romantic Mr. Dictcens,' Playhouse. Taken off : Saturday; played single .; week; adverse press.' ■ ■ 'Separaie Hooms,' Plymouth (37th' week) (C-1/107; $3.30). Was slated for toUr after holidays, but iriterition is . to stick through January;, rated around $0,000;'makes riiohey at that level for one-setter. . ■ 'The Corn Is .Green/ National- (2d week}' (.D-1,162-, $3,30);. Gross again around $17,500, with capacity ' ricg-.. istered through week; if not for the- atre parties at cbnccssibn rate, tak-- jrigs would have beeri; higher: . - 'Tobacco Road/ :-Forrest (364th wreck): .(Ct1,107; . .,$1.10), Sundays have -helped of ; late;/ betters even ' break here,'but road show continues tb; turn in; real prbflts; around $4,000;' - ^Revivals' : rrwelfth Night,' Sti James :(2d week) (D-1,526; $3.30), Among the best draws, with patronage riiostly through direct boxoffice sale; quoted - at better than $21,500 • last week: •Chariey's. Anht/ - Windsor (8th wieek)-. (C-J.064;, $3.30). ^ For first tirii'e in ^O years old laugh:;show will not .be revived' In London at Christ^ ;' riias; has been dbing very; well here;: eased to $10,000: but still-pkay: "Added:- 'MUm's the Word/ Belmont (1st' .week) (400: $.3.30);, Was; announced-. to .stop. Saturday after, four' show- ings,: but cbrifihUahce decided .on; Arthur Elmer replaced .Hiram .Sher- ^rriari as commentator; otherwise, it; is Jimmy Savo's solo revue which tfrewr ' I mixed notices..' ! .'Biillet^Husse,' . Slst St; (Warner-af ; Hollywo6d>.' Exlehdcd ..cnga(;emerit .- of .dance attractibn has, been . getting ; : hot ..and .'cold reviews, but business ' excellent; espcftially and i Sundays average" well .pver $30,000;