Variety (Dec 1940)

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52 LEGItlMATE Wir!dp:esda;|r, Dxrcembf^r 11, 101,0 son DELICATE STORY IJarvy^ Cinbb()ii as , UVc ' Caplain;It j is tlio iicas'o.'npci comic's fii:i!t aPUCaii' (."I'lsii'T. V.. An. l.:tiTi>i>l. l"i)ii> ;■. KtiUii'i'liH^-: t.ii'c.v .\r;n'il ; i-'.:vlii-ViM •■ liOvv"his calling carris s.Kbuld be matte bh so Avcll :.doiio l.hat Ihe- siiriihirily was bai-cilv. noted. More o£ Gribbon • ■ ^j^g .•r"Mk";;^V!'^;;!I;;U/:^.;.-v>'i:fv^ placed : the^ play . " '/the 'I'"- J ;.V^ ■' "^h; V M'"-"l;u.i; - Tlic. otlicr s^ ;is between:.Miss .ItUe tilrl. •ivlloe Caiil'.ilh..-, >nice Atti'ni!;i.iiV. ;.iilM)n'>i:...... -• • •• '■ ;".>Uci;<' <ilrl. Win. Clci-niirtU.,; iprvniil .(.ilrl. .. •■>* I'liyslciuii.. .. ...v.. •Dielieate Story' is .ttuely titled. It Is light comedy but sO well n)lavcd and presented th{»t the. latestvMolnat contribution, after . his . long- lApsc.. Bhpiiid be part of ;Broadway;S none too sturdy .stage fare for a moderate engagement. 'Stpry' is Gilbert Miller's Becpnd participation ' this season. • being teamed with .the Theatre: Guild in presentihe>. 'Twelfth Nighl" ^ <St, James).' He arid Vinton Er.cedicy.aro co-prodUccrs of 'the new. plaV; Miller in additibh 'having -: translated the Hungarian's scr.ipt. based on: the. short work 'The Patsy Baker s Wife, and he. also" stage;d it,, adroitly. -. 'Story' has 22 speaking-parts and, three settings. Chief among the players is - Edna Best, -one' of. the favorite comedierirtes from London. She is charming, as the pretty' niatrbn of the play:' .• Heir Mary, wife of Hen^y Gristof, whom;sh;e aids irt tori"- diieting a delicatesseri: in Switzerr land, may be. somewhat embarrassed in her .pseudo love atfairs. but the part is given the allure of a fine actress. Miss Best has been; on the Coast for years and her L. A. to K, Y. adds lustre to the Broadway boards. In expanding the one-acter to .a full length play, in two acts, the author ha^r spread his humorous lines. - Principal background, that of a shop .with its sweetmeats and edi- bles., is somewhat bizarre for the sometimes bright dialog. Frecjucntly fresh pastries are brought on by the. loquacious apprentice, usually amus- ing- • ' ' ■.- Among those who come to the shop for beer and sandwiches . is Oliver Odry, a young man who must report'to the Army in a few weeks. He .is sure he'll n6yer re- turn - and. presents the argument that therefore wbm6h should grant favors to lads going ,io the..fronl, as. their part of the sacrifice. •. Mary fancies that Odry Is In love with her. .She almost throws her- self at him, unmindful of her «om- Satable 11 .vears of. marriage with :enry, let along, their three kids. Mary Is even brusque to the cus-. tomers, so- intent is . she oh being romantic with Odry, then crestfallen when- she learns at the end that the young man is in love with a heigh Dorhood stenographer. There are . two top - scenes, in 'Story.' - Ohe Is at the finale of the first act, -within a police station, with cSliili^);;-i^ncti-rirr^ 3:axi; "in ■ Which. ;Mary V-Vtior'ion N.:iw,n. and. Odrv .weic passengers, on; an J,.'ni.>in;« ..i.'.r.>w.ii .evening - vvhcn . she said ;sh& visiteo. NVai.:>ii.v-.", jifi-sick' Mary .not .only, adv ;a^:«^'-v.';u^mH>?,^il.i.^^ says^;s),6.had ;..,.jiariy irvin.i similaiiv . cared for . at;,least; six othctv«uys at. vari.bus times, yet there had never' been' aity fnfidelitics.,: -. • p'assettr is vei-y good during that scene ;>nd the,final interliidc; Ther6 are a. nuirrber of smalT parlii assigned to good -playfei'. : most iof .-whom. wort Plaudit.';:"Norman Tbkar, as the ap- prentice; Arnold KorfT, .as a barori; Les'lie Kintr and Harry Irvine, John Craveiii. who play.<J Odry.. .stepped-mlo the cast, replacing Tbom'a.s- Beck, • after Ihe^ tryout iri New -Havdn and. cive.s-. a creditable perforriiahce' considering, the' .quick ■study. , r h -:/:. l^^e:. Eyery Mab foi* Hii ■ -kui-ftB viini»(lv ■ 111 (liro.o. nr(s i» at tlis (luM.V. N.V/-; P'V. n, -.MO/. Uj;- -Arthur UiitcCilhson niul ArUviif Hlplcy; .wi-ltlon by Mljlon.'I^iir.artis; I.Vfe^ .Trticy alan-eU-;: stncoo Wnlly lU-Jll...... .'iiieoilon.. . ... ........... J•;flz^ll)^.>lll.■..^.'. ■ ^mpI. ^.moy.-,. . . Yorlc.. . v. . <.. 1. Ilrlcn. . t'. Mrs., llvimsoy. i.:...... Mnii.. Wou.i'in .....-. . TlKtfnhotf.-.;.;. r{|-OK!in Ilun'iplirty Uar.iisoo, I,:tnf..i..'.. . Mr."!;.- IjO.1i'". .....'... T.lilleltoy.;.......... orn<;or.' . . : Watly's -I'ucle.......; America'sOfsUnQtlVv .JKntertaliiM.. ON TOUR . ■.■ ■■■in;' ■ • ..' '-• '•H € L L Z ^ A P P 6 P I N; J R." ' ; Mtii.i WMr KENT 1776 B'way. New York i.. .Murr.'iy: Alpfi'"' ;........ . Tnicy ..DiivlJ noftition ...-,;.. Kay .:tilrn>ker ...Ch:irilP Williams ..Hftryl Vnnchah ,.. ... ..lolin. GnUiiuflel , .Miirgnrct T»ll|»-"U'ft ..;..".t .'....1c(i.»iri(» SpcI ..:. . !.irtln Myers .. .Coiiev'ii Keenan- .Waily 'Mnhcr ^.Cliarlcs A. HURhes .... .Gra;nt VTHcUards ; . iRIolmnV Bo rtcli ;.....,Oerry Ureht ...... >:.Bltly" Curlls , ....-'Woalley Glveivs '<lKar-.Koi.\na Murvny .....Gcoree Roberts. Tailichet, jnaking het: debut here. Is attractive as Helen, but rrdmarice is not CJTiphasizcd; in the- new play.. Vf^li'y Maher and Charles A. Hughes are. beUevahle as . stage!. gunmen. John Gallaudct. as York, aiid Grant .Richards, as , a picture, bad-man, about coniplete the. priticipal parts; Action .is cluttered .'%ip by a w.oniah rcntiiig agent bringing lu . people to look the house oV;j>r; ; ■ ,.: 'Three Hollvwood comedie.ST^'Bev.- (irly -Hills;' .'0'ijlet PJca.tiev-and. 'Qloim- ciui" Prcforried^—opened and jirprnptly clo.sed iecbntly," and it is dbubtfUl- if this one will .do niucli better.' lb??.' , Orip-man reViin (n. l'w« • iir.(3. ' 10 .Irenes,, fir.ofipritcrt liy, -Siivo, iiii-; ■■ t-njirei™*)!' by n)itl ■ Htara Jimiliy- ttiivo; vfivlirft- iinnotatloiin.. tlirom :■ ■' Slienu.'iii ;■ - phinn : HVp.oiiiiiiinlniPiit,: IIi'i'lici-l,' Klii(;!'l''y 1' (iiiiRi'^ .d.-rpi.-nii-; .VI \Vel>-.J sfer, : At lIPliiHiDi." .N', i':, 'oi)<''il'iB l>ce.' 5,' 40; $3.^0 topi.fdiriO j'lrcPiU.- SAMUEL FRENCH .. SINCE 1830 ' . ' nEPRESENTATiyC.;/ Piiyt (or. Slaw; Serteii' and ftadU.' 2S W«tt 45(h mitX, Naw Vork . Sl l . Wtit .7th .StTNi, L«i- Angele|. When, this play was tried out in the cast two seasons back it layed an egg. ,uhder the title of .'Once Upon a Night'. Laurence Schwab, who had. it then and worked oil Milton Lazarus' script, tucked it away in the storehouse. He appears to have been right, judging frpm first; night im- pressions,.. ■As 'Every . Man For Himself the play went on at Santa Barbara sev- eral weeks a'go and it was reported, around the sttidios that a Surprise hit had been uncovered. ; That it brought Lee Tracy back, to, the boards warranted attention in itself. He doubtless was attracted to 'Him- self because of the melodramatic angleSi for it was the coiriedy-melo- drama 'Broadway* that 'made' T.racyi. New play seems to miss on a hum- bei* of points, not the least of which is the lailure. to win enough laughs. It has gangsters, but sudden - comedy incidents that made 'Broadway' a- sock attraction are absent. It is a Hollywood play and Broadway isn't going in for that type of comedies this season. .'Himself concerns an-author able to outline what sounds like good stoiries when, in Tils Cups, but who completely-forgets the whole thing- upon sobeting up. There was just such a' writer who A\'as well known on Bi'oadWay and who went to the Coast, -where he figured in- fashion- ing a nUrtiber of .grade A films. Wally Britt is the: . prototype. Emerging. from a four-day birige, in his Hollywood Hills, home, hie knows itbthing of his' actions,' even tUat he .itiarried. Helen atTia ~ Juaria-, the night beioiel. She Was supposed to •Wed York; a film producer,: Britt had promised York, a synopsis of a yarn for . thiestudio's specialist :ln toiigh ibatts, Huirtphirey Harrison, and xvas to bii paid $10,000. ': . . .In walks one RittehholTi a cpuhterw pa'rt ;of Dutch SchuU^ (a prphibition. mobster w;ho was bumped- off in Newark), and . with . him' a sitiister sider^kick called Grogan. They are armed with rods.:and thrfeaten :the others every: now and then, but don't fire a; shot. After repeal Rittenhoiff wein.t : Into • the candy;: biisiness,;; specializing, iij fudge; ' .. . ~ His presehce 'is explained by: the fact that he is .ill love with Helen,; whose guardiah'lie: was, and he pro^^ jiosed: doing away with York., "The I<..A.: detective chief arrives just 'in> lime to thAvart the - mobstcir. Most, of-the play's "fun is provided; by sound eflects, sirens of police cars and ah earthquake effect. Doubtful if Coast audiences .were -aniused' at the latter bit, especially in San> Fran- cisco, where .the show - playedvbefore jumping east. - V Tracy is a very clever striiight comedian, bis sbnse of timing'usually being' unerring, and he tul-ns- in "a creditable jierfprmance as Britt aftier tteirig away from Broadway for- five j'ears. Aniong thbse. who : returned with him are Charlie Williams, v?hQ wins of ..the laiiphs as. a screw,.^ ball soiind-elTcct. jYian,' - Margaret '.Presentingr..Jirihni.- .-• Savo's pantp-^ mime for more .than .. two hOur? is like running, a racQhoi-se. fpi; .-five' miles before he-goes to the starting gatie. In both instahces■ thty get; very.:tired—and Savb^also -nvakcs the audience Y.o'ry. ve.ry tii'ed' / .' '; "There's- no 'disputing tive . fact fhit- Savo is: one of .the gi'eatest ..panto.-: mimists of modern times. In vaude.T ville he was. always a 1.5 to 2Q-min- ute isock act; dependable every- where; That also went for. musicals and revues. But in. carrying a: full, evening's; entertainment, spaced ohly by- betweim-scehes.-: • cbmmeht from Hiram: Sherman.- he's , stretching- a; gobd thing too far-bey Olid the breakf ing. point, And at. .$3.30 topi, his chances of getfingr-'by arc extremely thin in New Ybi:k, where show com- petition is miich.too keen. • ' . Most: of Savo's bits in this show, are new. 'He also Strays in arcouple of spb.ts:. from laughs to ; ttagedy. notably 'his .version., of. 'Old . Man River' and a Bbwerj derelict. They give a new -slaht to.'his great, talent of making': thie slightest moVfemeht of his facial muscles,. Or the widen- ing of his ■ eyes; speak paragraphs. On the comedy side, and except foi: a couple of hi.s vaudeville bits at the end, only thfe scene in the hos,- - pital, in which Savb, the porter, gets' his pppprtunity to.'perform ;an opera- tion, and that bit' depicting the love-.: Stricken washerwoman, staiid out. As anv epilog. Savo delivers 'Did You Ever See: a Dream . Walking?', which was One of his vaiide toppers; Open- ing; night :he Was forced to encore with 'Biver Stay Aw:ay. from My Door'; also from his variety theatre turn, and these bits make the others pale by cbmpaf ison, • . .. Hiram Sherman's In-betweeh-the- scenes 'annotations' are fairly amus- ing, and Herbert Kingsley's . piano accbmp is excellent. AH in all.' this may stand a. better chance on spon- sored, road dates; a la-:Ruth Draper and Cornelia Otis; Skinner concerts, but there also the scale will have tp be cohisiderably lowered to draw sufficient attendance. . ' Sclip. - ' Caiiaida'a.--V.':.-8.:-Mai:. Ba'n-.. ' U. S; comic, .strip magaz.ines, as well as crime, sex and simflar pulp; fiction, are prohibited In Cah'ada lin-^ der new reguiaitions "designed to. con-^ serve fbireigh exchange for purchases • of war materials. Offltial goycrn- iheht ruiirig, banning importation of long list Of •luxury' oi- 'hon-csseh- \tial .Articles includes: ^ : • 'Periodical publications, unbound paper :bound,:Consistihg-of flrtiqn;. or prihted thatter of- a .Similar char-^ aCteri includihg detecti:'('e, sex, West- em . a.hd alleged...true pr coniEession; itpries,.. and publications bourid or papet: bbtind, commonly., known- as: cQmicsi .bu|' not Including bona .fide supplements ..usied With newspapers.• The bari i? 'not consideTed liUely to aflect .importp:tion\ of .the 'better- class, serious magazines',, from -ihe ;U:S;A. ■ ;■.. ■.■: shows itself to be .16.3% Over Oc-, tober of last year, according: tb- slii. • tistics released! by' the Canadiaii Daily Newspapers {Association,- ;. ' Local advertising. iriqrcased 1.6%. ' classified' lineage- wa?. bpoStiid 2.3V'{,', jjnd',.: general advertising -Rained 13.5:%. • . \..'; >'••• ■-:;■■:;•...-■.- . J-.-"^ : . ; Free MaV f«r. Upper SitraU .' New' mag,.;Park- East, designed to appeal to 'the {Ihteriibtional ;Sn->art set now in' NeW 'York,' will make its appearance shortly after the first of th^ year.. It win be unique in. that it >y6n!t be sold; biit Vill be diis-^' tribnted free byi Postal. Telegraish ■:■ -.■Talk-:N;'TC. Pbst^Eajsfle'Mer^^r ' Reports .current- -of '- : psrojccled merger of the Ne>v "York post and the: Brooklyn Eajgle --appear " to -be ' based on discussions . between the , publishers of -, the -two paiiers; Al- though both sidcs'ye.sterday • rrufesday) .made therriseives: unaVijili able for coiiijn^rit; ^ .; , / ^ - It iis: said that major points, in iit agreement fp.r. melding the ^ two dailies .have, been, settled and that only. details "remain to , be worked but; Frank D. ; Schrbth; prez ^and publisher of the Eagle, admitted last^ : week the merger -. 'has bccil dls- ' 'cusa^d.'•.■:'::'■■■'■"■.■::-■■ .Readers Digest's Contrittution:-. : Readers Digest; turning;'oyer 15.% of all Gahadian subscriiJtiohs.tb Can- adian iijoverrimeht, -sum earmarked rnesSengiers ; to ,12,00d.-15,opo: ^jieraons : for the purchase of Hiirricane fight- -. selected : bh th^. ba.sis ;bf^'^^ f-irtiily. .arid Cultural' arid. social back i crs. ground.' ;:Mag',rwlll interest Itself solely with events' Within ! the 'bounds ' oE 4Bth e-treet and 96th street,, east ..of Fifth avenuei-:N. Yv ' Publisher js Pat,eai>:: 1 in; former classified ad exec fpi: the Phiiadciphia-: fteCprd, Philadelphia ilulletiii arid old New' • ■Y;orfc. Post. Editor is Madeleine Riordan,'former spciety ed- of -the Post; Among its '■ features,- iall of Which >ylil have :a cpntinental' flavor, will be a coi- tagged 'Where There's Smolce' :by-. LaWirence' £)odd. Who recently <?ame to this country, after years of gadflying. With .socialites in . Paris arid other European capitals. . Mag haS; about 125,000 SUbscribTirii |n Cariaida plus newsstand- buyers, : Current Road Shows . (Wcek.o/ Dec, 9) . Wlnchel) Molls Aiitob.ior : Walter Wihcheil, noW :ba:his Mi- ami Beach winter sojourn,':\vhich may run 16 weeks away from Broad- .Way, is Starting to. give a thought to the Simon & Schuster autobiog commitmerit he owes that ftrn-i since 1927; Winchell. has been stbritig up notes With that ip mind. W.lricheU .i$..pfivUeged to' do. h\i broadcasts frbm /Florida, per con- tract, and iricldentally .pbirits to his new high Crossley of 20.3 which, iiv a letter from the .Jergens Co., his sporisorj observes, 'is an all time high and - remarkable 'considering the number of Republicans yOu seem to be alienatingi*! 'A Niffbt. of Lbve'r^-Hariis, Chi- cago.' . • ■- 'About Tomdrroiv': (Frank Crayen, Sally.EilgrsJ—Curran, San,Frariciscb. - 'All in Fun* CBill Robinspri)—Shu- bert, Boston. : Ballet Russe de Alonte Carlo—Mu- sic. Hall,. Lafayette.- Ind. (9); High- sChobl auditorium;. Elkhart, Ind. (10).; Civic auditbrlum; La Pprtei Ind. (11); ■Srocatipnal Highschobl auditorium, Lacrosse, WiSi (12); Mayo audito- rium, Rochester, Minn; (13); Pab'st auditorium, Milwaukee (15 ). ' ; 'DiiBarry Was a Lady' (Bert.Lahr) rr-Hartman, ..GPlumbus (9-li); Eng lish, Indianapolis (12-14). . •Flight- to the:. West': (fBetty: Field) ;—McCarter, Priheetpri (W); . 'Hellzapoppln'-^ Shea's Bradford (9); Shea's,'Jamestown. Ni Y. (IQ); Shea'.^ EriCi pa; (llV; Cioldriial, Ak: ron (12 ); Park, Yoyhgslbwn. ' b; (13- m.- :r -- . • \y--:- '-'' - : 'H<6re today' (Ruth Cordon )-^Sel; ■wyn< Chicago; . 'Hl-Ya, Gentlemen* (Max Baer)-^- Colonial; Bostbri;.:.: ::- - .:. , 'Ladles In Retirement' (Flora. Rbb- son.)f^Eflanger; Bu/Iaio (9-1W; Hartr riian, Columus (12-14),' - . .'Lady :rn Waiting* (.Gladys..George) ^■Rbyal Alexaridrai-'TprGhtb,: ■ . ; ^ ;'Llfe With fsLVaty' ;(Lillian/Gish)-^. ■BlackSfone; Chicago. ' . V ■ 'Life ;Mrith Father (Dbrbthy Gi^h) ^Repertoryi^Bbstort-;.-■ '-..■ • ' - ■ "L.Uile Fp-xcs'. (Tailulah;.Bankhead) —^Metrppoiitori, Seattle (.8-10); Tcm-: pie, Tacoma UdV Memorial audi^ toriiiirii';'Portlanrt;'Ore. (12.ri4).' >>MaIe Animal*-; (Elliott Nuge^it)^ Hanria,(?.leveland; ' . ' " - .-'[.'.■^ ; 'Man Who Came io. pinner* ((il.if-; tpn Webb)^)Paramount, Toledo (9 X; Shrine, . Ft, • Wayne, flo);. ':Vict6ryv, payton . (11-12); Membrial auditor rlUrii, Lpuisviije (13-14V,. V ; ,;'Meet-the People*—G'ra[iiid, ehicagQi '•Morilingf*s at Seven'— Americari, St; LpuIs;- 'Off theiRecord' (Hugh O'Connell. Bruce Gabpt. Mar;v Bi-ipn, Betty Ful- ness )-^I/0cust, Philadelphia. •Old Acqiiftlularice*. (Jane . Cbwl; : ; .1 .---.i I <• ^- I- .- I- I. .1 • • . .. —. c , Hiigb Speck In Sofia . As result of his: difficulties: with the Turkish gbverriment recently o'ver hia United; Press di!!patche.<?,' which Istaribul considered objection- able; Hugo Speck, also a V.\r.iETr correspondent in Europe, has been switched to Sofia; Bulgarian catJital. The Turkish' government told him over a Week ago to hit ihe road, Dana Schmidt,'Who' had been the Softari Corresponderit for UPt goes to Istanbul.: . LI'TERA'TI OBITS: ..• Arthur ;E.' 'Hattzell, 4?, : author and : adyertisihg man; dropped <lead of a lieart attack Dec. 3 in the offices :of the Harold Strong: Corp., New; York public relations firm. Where: ho had " been^ a staff memberv for the '. past: two .years; .Leaves- his widow; Pauiline.' ';;'-.■■■■;'■ '..■:.:.-:: ■ • ■■ ■ ./ ' ; Wilitam B: Pennant, '70,, secretary- bit, t^'S board of Richmprid (Va.) Newspapers, Inc.; publishers of Tlia News Leader : and 'The. Times Dis- patch,, both in the Virginia capital, died there Dec. 3 after a. short ill- .ness. . ■■ ■■ \ Col. Harry. M. Bigelow, €8, retired editor of the Portland (Me.) Pres.? Herald; died in Portland, Dec. 4, : after a long illness; ; • Joel H. Bixby, 52,'editbr and gen- eral manager of the'Springfield, Mo., Newspapers, Inc., died last week of V heart attack. . He was general , rinan-: ager of the Muskogee (Olila.) Phoe- nix and, Times-Democrat until last March when he went to Springfield to; take charge of the Spririgfield pa-. ; pers after the death 6t hi,s brother, Edson K.-Bixby, who had been it;*: head. WidbW,. daughter and a brother suryivef ' ; Frank Parker Stockbrldffe, 70, edi- tor; journalist and .founder; pt tlie magazine American Home, died at : his home in Stockbridge,;Mass., Dec. 7. For several years he cpriduclcd a vveekly column in The Villager, Greenwich Village, N. 'Y., tiabloid. Mrs. Marti Sniilvan, 61; wife of tlie Washington columnist, 'died: Dec. 6 at Women's Hospital, Baltimore.- She had been in ill. health for sbme lime. Look's $500,000 Libel Suit John H. Backus, former U. s; At- torney for Massachusetts, filed a $500,000; libel action. In; N. Y. federal coiitt Friday .(6) against Look, Inc. Alleged liljel'. occurred. In the Dec; 19; 1939 Issue-of Lopk-rii'ag.^"^^^^:; : PlaintifT claims;:his piclurfe. Was used lii 'corinectlpti with ' ia stbry: Calted.'Iriside Story of Graft in Mass. Canadlait Neyrspaper: Adit Up , ; Iricr^aso , of national., tidvertisiijig. lineage as :Tepprted by 60 ,'dail'ies Peggy; Wood )-^Plymouth,' % o s t o ri. ■ •Out ..West it>-l»l£fe'ren.t?--National.' Washington.--:;..:':'■.■■'■-;■:,.: , ■.''■'..■:.'; - •Fai: Joey'^TrFbr-res't;. Philadelphia ■ (jiri4);'.;:'■.': ' :■'::■::'■} ::y"--. i •Philadelphia Story* (katharlne .Hepburn--;iPwa, .Cedar: Rapidfi '9">: OrpKeum, Paverip6rt,.ta.; (10); Slirine aUditpriuiri, Pes Moines (11); .br- phpijm,;'Sioux ;Gity ;<i2);■ Coii,st:urri; Sioux Falls, S. ^p.; (13); -Techliicai Highschobl auditorium, bin'aha (14). ^Plns and Needles'—Nixpu, ;Pitts- butgh; :'■ ,.-..::.v ' '• ■ ■ .■■'' :'. ' • •PygIhiali^b^i^ (Ruth • Chaltertpn)-;- Erlarigter,: Chicago. • ^^There Shall B« No Night' (Alfred Luntj Lynn::' Fpntaniie)—Cass, Dei troii;.' "''.-.'''■ ■■ ''Tlirie .of Tour Life* (Eddie-.ijpwl- irig)-^English,: Indianapolis , (9-11); Cox; Ciricinriatl (12-14). ; 'Tobaieco Road' (John Barton )i-:- eapitol, 'Benton, 111, (lOi; Illiribis,. Belleville, 111. (U); Roxy, Spring- field., ill. (12); Shtine, Fl. :Wayne (14); ', , ...:;'. ,.'|.- CHATTER ..' .iiraomi Vcnyus in HolIyW-odcl to wHte personality tales fpr Honplulu Advertiser. ... ' Erich: Maria Remarque arrives in;: New York tomorrow ("Thursday).,'Hollywood,;'. • :. Carroll Grahlam's- new. novel, ;*A : :Piague .on You,* has beeri' accepted by- Simon (St Schuster.for public.atipn;. ; Pearl Buck's first story ■ with ■ « :; riiodef n American b'^ckgrbund; ' 'A, Man's D4ily .Bread,' sbld : to.. Red Book - for 'threerpart: "serializatioti. . :startirig:;'next;:March;.'.- -.Z^: ..;.'^-;^^.- Stephen Lprant, editor' of the ton- doni mags. Picture Post aind Lillipu.l, in the ' Lenox .Hill hpsp;, N.Y.-,; re- cuping: from apperidectpmy. . A^'^'V^'^ ih :U.S. two weeks .agb;' '; • ' ,^Sirig for a Pemiy,v;eiifTord Dow- , dey's-.bobk Which .Wilt be published by Little, Brown, has been bought by SEPbst for-four-part serialization'^ in condensed form. Latter's a new idea for the; Post. :.' ' .' Schedules in .the reorganization of the Spanish Newspaper Corp.;: pub'r Ushers of .'La .Voz,' were-filed Mon^ day (9) in N. Y: federal court,; show- ing /assets, of $20i295 and liabilities of $14,644... • '-.. ': '- ■-■..:■ : George Lait; sent; to Loridoix. twn weelis ago . by Ihternatibrial .Now.h Service as its coresporidont : there, brily: arived af the British Capita- -Monday (9) due to traftsportatioi • difficulties from: Lisbon, where h'' had to lay over for the; t\vo Weeks. ,