Variety (Dec 1940)

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iffednesilajy December . 11, 1940 CiiAtTER 53 Brdadvmy la The Geqrjiie: McCaUs in Ipwh,- ■ •Cynda Glenn-back ifrom Rio. ■ Sam. Kopp into BMi iiress dept. ; Ldi3 jianiiary at the Cafe de i>aix>':^V-. .-: ;/ ph.<!cilla Lane ie-ft for-the - Coast •Friday -(6)..:--■ • Bernard . .Simon agenting JThe Old AFdoliBhness.';- ■■ C • ■vi'alter: .MQore> :' son reciiperatiflg from i)neurobnia, ■ ^ Kprn\ah7G6rwin w^^ .on' iaMigrimen.t'for WfiQ-. ',-. v Miifray. .Lang; of' Music Box fcoxf iiffice st^ff lost. hls-father;.;^ - ■ New Barttgue supper : club, preems - Dec. :2b dh East 5.3d .witji Johnny ^Paynei':;- . Rhys. Williams, currently in *jPi^ Coi n Ts Gr^en,' .being sdrcentesteg by • 2pth-Fox.-■. : . First annual- ;Ziegfeld Club.\Xrrias ' party. datfed -Sunday .(15) afternoon ■at'El Morbccd.;;-,■■ . '.^■':' •' Claire"- Millet.: find Hume.' Cronyh svill • be^'' married the end of this; month. - Thfiy.'i;e :both legit players. Harry C6heh> RKQ branch' man- ager in Los Angelas,-■in N. Y. setr ting details on Fpx-^Wcst Coast deal. John Leeii p.^.: for Screen. Actor!s Guild, returns; to tJie .Goas:t this Tveefc> aftei- month-.east.- fof .Douglas. Air-: -.'<:raft: . '•:•■; : ■;. ■ ■:-; ■•. ■■ ' Jack Kir.kland. et ali tossed .party. . M -Toots'. Shor's--' in .celebrati6ti .:;bf seventh aririiversary ^of 'Tobacco ■Road;'.- '■■ " :■; ; ' ''y '.^ Jimmy Strootk'is .wife.. Bianca. has ^npervi.'sed costiirries' .for another: ■ ■,show. Max Gordon's 'Out .West It's Different^.'•'-■ "^:- -■ • Jack Gohfi, Columbia Picturesy.-p., fs speaker at weelclV :AMPA luncheon at \ the . Hotel Edison tomorrow :-('rhursd3y).: V- ' T : Joan Blondeli .Tias .gdnii into the . cosmetics busihe.sp, in Hollywood, backed by Gene Weiher, hu.sband of Lillian'Roth; ': • Mattln Gang, attorney lor the ■ Artists Managers Guijd. back to the ■ CQast today XWeiJ,). ,after twb. weeks 'east on busit).es§. ; . Bobby Connolly, who d i.r.e ct e d dances for 'Hi-Ya Gentlemen,' planed back to the Cpast Sunday <8) but diie east late in. the week. : Grbucho. Mai-x to Miami for a .few; days' 'vacation before going 'on to" "New York Id appear, on the 'Infor- mation Please' broadcast. Dec. 20. . Mogul, who- haS; been x-raying minds ' at .the .-Rainbow Room, .. switched his talent Monday (9)-tP the noggins at the Hotel Wyndhain. . . It was-Lindy's-a-Poijpih pver the :'weekend, .- when the songwriters heard of E. B. Marks, disaffection : from ASCAP" ranks, to sign .up with ■BMI.... . L. M. Devahey, Canadian division sales manager for- RKOt checked into the homei office last week-to see Ned • Depinet and oth^r ; distribution ex^ V eciitives; : . .: ■ ■ ■■ •' ' ' . Charles Siclis who designed the Theatre Pigalle, Pari.^, . for Baroii . Phillipe de Rothschild, arrived tn New York.' He's a brother of Eriiile Boreo, comedian. Freddie Wheeleif, from the Coast, into the. Algonquin Supper Club' albng with Olga who suc- ceeded Greta KeHer, latter sailing • for South. America soOn. • . • ' ■Arthur M; Loew recuperating nicely after three dayis iii Mt. Sinai hospital for operation on the little finger; of hi$ right hand, in an effort , to coirect-a contracting ailment. Donald Friede, of the Mvrbn .Selzr nick .offibe on the Co.ast, plahes back, today (Wednesday)'.after two weeks In. New York • talking to eastern agents whom Selznick reps. . Don Reeve, son of Arch Reev^, is • reported projiressing favorably from a: .t6xic condition •which; set in after an appendix operation at St. Liike's. He'll be bedded several Wieieks, hpw- .' everv-; ■ •••' ... ■ • ' ■, •'' ' ',- .,. .Ellen Richter, fbtmer German. si- .'knt -Aim star, apd Willy.vWolff. her '. husband, .film" dlrectbi- and author of Berlin tevues, ..Just arrived froi^n goyerriment's .information . depart-, ment,-' '.■ [ . ' Celestino Gbrostiza has quit . as manager of "the Palace of ; Fine Arts (Natlohail Theatxe}.; Successor nbt nained y'et. .- '.:■•" :■ Bullfight season, openied' .later than usual, bepause- tit contract. . tangl.e.«t with, some fighters and the civic igov- erhnient. Enjoying.good tripide, : .; ILooal press cameraman, . assigned tp picttjre.-a testiinohiai diririier to Linda Dariiell, turned in-25 pix, iipt; one of which showed-the iftltii star: Lobby tjf .the Palace. o£ Fine Arts (N^atiohai. Theatre) converted, into: a dining hall for the .bariqiiet the: civic go'vetninerit : tendered . (5)" to Henry Wallace'and the delegiates pf 26 other; Amlei'icah countries. tP. the inaugura-. ti'oh . (1). of President Gen. Manuel A^vil^ C&machoi. V ■'! . Queens pf. Churubusco,. constituted of ' the • present:.and pant Queens picked at the' annual Black.. arid White Ball of the Mexico City (3pun- fry Club, presented a TihoW .of col- ored, pix.. made . by .members of the Cinema Club, at the local Cinema Rex tp buy Christinas presents fpr iPcal poor children, :- \ ■*•+; ■ ■:■ ' . .. By Eric Gorrick :, ■ 'Gone' : copped - $6,000. itl': iti? first .wieelt in minor Tasmaniah territory. Marie playing,:'Kb Tiifie-for Sunday Afterribon' and .'The Nati- vity'- U5) ajid (22) under: the direc-.: tion of Harold ''ge. ^; AnnC' Oliver,Bassage'iirrangcd the music.: Mtiurj.ce. Evaris will appear . at a bcnefjt .'petfortnance . for tlVe :;w.o-: Uien'.*! Allied War Relief Assn.. at the Amevipan' theatre .'Sunda^ .il5). Comedy'.in Melbourne for-William- ; Evans will fly .here; after hi.s Satur-. sorirTait; : . ..:'.:'■•.;! day night performance in NewYprk. " . .Three Men .On A Horse' skedded. by "The.. Mxiriimcrs next month. Keliy Yeaton will dii-ect. Slated for Jenny Howard, ■^British star..: will repeat for Hoyts by '.Srrarige'ment jvith T'ivoli.::.. . ../ .•: .,■ .■-••:- •'Bunch. bf':.oldtime .:vaud.er5 will do a liabe, pic runarbuiid: after' bomplcr •tion.seasori l.bppi : ; . 'Banana : Ridget .noh-ciick . in. .'Syd- ney .fpr' 'WilliamsonrTait, ■ Levantei .magician,'follbws for' a season roles are William 'McDade, .Maiiry- Yafl'e, Virginia Morri.sbn, Fred. Schu- ; l^r, Fi-ed Shaw, .William Fletcher, Marie Lehmann,,VFr<inlclin; iFalkerir haiiierV John ■ Grbssbauer,.:- j.r.:,,. arid Dan Shea. ^Hal -Thbitipsbh, U.Sv^player;:c1icked ] ^KKy-^A.^li''^ '^a^ in. 'No Time^ for Coriiedy^ at King's, ^ l^^'^'l "le ^^Theatre; -^Prdon _;,,^^LoiiUnucd from pase.Slii—.i- : cpUnty . and . . the . WP^. In ' equal amounts.;'XvV ;;.■.>'^■■;■ \ "Sad^tb :alarming , scar-f city , of", funds deveibped; from. bpth; sources, with opening' day pnly. .•?0: d?iys ' away. We had t.b ppenf.- sp ^ Ipaned them $.400i000 to .complete the piaiit .for .jQs to rent. I'm still iri. fbr ■i^36o,OG6y -'\--\. y."■ -'If this revelation .- permea^ted the; holy. h^Us b.f- Cbhgress://with' an un- holy odor I igiveybu leave to specu- late on' the VsPniething.less than pleas.-, ant aromc*. which - assails my hPstrils from time to. time,: 'At least. .Con-: gress is used' to it; ■: . 'While I'm being factual -I might -mention that I. was .niakiriig the same money in 1931 arid I-am now, arid, tha.t I'm.-ribt yet. a millionaire, 'and; there seems little (:l^larice^. I'll' be- come ohe—which is probably a good thing.;'-;: . " 'Be. assured ; i; made no; attack on President Rbosevelti I said 'was voting for Willkie and jrientiotied a hutnber of my friends jwho were do- ing; the. same thing; Truly, I know little ^ of politics biit this privilege seeriis pretty, rudimentiarily Amer-' ican.'.' .. .:;'■ " An editor's note appended to the letter 'printed in Thursday's editions sard:.--. ' • •We merely observied that, one whb had iprospered so rhuch, under the New Deal, should be fpi^ it not ag'in it. Gpvemmient figures for 1934,siipw Bing inade $192;898 that year, .$410- 000 in 1938;; fifth highest in'cbine listed. As for topping , a ; million, Bing shouldn't be $P pe.'isimistic; Anybody whP can .haul off and lend a racetrack 400,000 bucks shpuldn't be.;sp easily discouraged.' .. Theifrical. • Employees . Assn. pr.Or testing tp pbliticiajfis the .; ol Sabbath shows.- even fpr charity; \ .'-Howards of yir<»inia* (Col).. re- naimed ' 'Trets^ of. .Liberty,' original title of book, .for this ibne^ by. Greater,Union Theatres., . .• Tiyoli loop .may bring. 'Wee Gebf-gie .Wood hete next year. Booking:'was- ^or this year, but British yauder' couldn't-malte':it,' . . ; ' . : .• Noel Cbwrai'd. sPrihblfed .Sprne. ishort yarns on .his .way from' thb U.- S'. lb here. Yarris will be offered to Brit- ish and U. S. publishers shortly.: Wallace Parnell. managing director of Tiyoli loop, riiay; take over- the King's) Melbourne; ffPrn Williarrispn- Tait -to': prpduce revueis .atid musi- .eals.-'. ■ : . •':■ .-i -'- '• .■ ■: ■■:■. .'■ ■ Sir . Ben. Fuller-: ^producing: .'ThW Sleeping .Beauty' in Melbourne, thi.s' Yulet.ide with . Charles Normari. Edgely and Dawe, Flsa- Sterining arid: -Dpri'-'Nichoi;:, ■■ '■• .-^'v:-^•-^■■■V: ■': '■ .Edwin Styles arid Claude Flem- rriirig ;the. lead males; in -Dave Mar-i- tin's .production of 'Design ;lor Liv- ing* at Minerva, Sydney^ Noel C6v>- atc] Present, at preem. • ' ;.Alf Got'ldihg will direct a local pic starring Tex Mbrtbri:- for Alf Grey,. :w;hp has- been produciiig: soriie propa- ganda pix. Mbrtoh opus;wilrbe.set a la Gene Autry sty,le... ' ;- Cutting down, on overhead;;. the. Australian Broadcasting Gomriii.<!sioff is releasing Jim DaVldsort's A. B. C.; band. It's said that ^he"banxl, one of; the popular on; the airways,, conned $800 weekly. Stuart F; Doyle pjesently inferr, e.-sted in; wartime manufacture. One of his units. Fireproof Tanks: :Ltd., has .been grantied a contract for the manufacture and application of fiirer prppf and. bulletDroof coverings lor aircraft, fuel tanks.:-. sel.s.;-. Cast includes Elliot; BergfjekU Albert Miller, Charity Grace.. Dale'; .Dojuglas, Stephen Taniiriany. .George Abel; Bobbie; Schwar?. Gordon Ash- ■ ley.: Delia Mae RiegeU Frank Mc-' Leah,. Russell 'Yieager, Emily Cole- man and Mae Greeri.. Oscar Straus .Gontlniied from pag« 2. pld tunesmith arrived from :Lisbori last week to make his hpirie with his son, Walter,; 27, in New . York. Latter was a film directbr abroad: arid. alsp.did film wprk.iii Hollywood When Oscar Straus -wa^ under cbri-; tract variously to Metrp, Paramount,; Sol Lesser and others. Straus' last visit tb. the U. S wi>s in 1938, when the :Shuberts 'were^ readying;his ;Three Waltzes,' feature of which \yere the first iact cbmppsed Dave Plersbri eiriceeing at the new Club. Alibi. Gladys Swartho.ut;pped off ori; her way east. . -'■: Madge Kelly in from, the Coast to' 0.0. spme agency deals. .: J. Hall Burton lias l)een appointed midwest rep for Musi.craft Records. Irwin S. Cobb spoke at the Manu-. fa'cturers Convention' banquet last week!.. ; Jojie Mojica calling off. his Chicago Opera, assignments due to the death of his'mother in Mexico. . . . ; Ruth Gordon celebrates her 15th year in show business next week, appearing in 'Here Today.' [ Martin Caine arid orchestra-leader George Duffy In froih Detroit , last week for confabs with MCA of- ficers. . Ruth Chattertoh on a whirlwind schedule of exploitation appearances ;iTl connection with her 'Pygmalion* legit show. ; .' .. . Stlouis ; By Sam X. Hurst Jimrriy Gately, f^ooker for ftepubr lie Picture!?,; waylaid by liiflu'enza.: ;■.-;■■ ByHal;,C«iSien-.-•'■ :;-'-^;;c -'Biil -Sai-bri.-11, .salesman, just -re- ceived his flrial citizenship papers. Gene- Autry inked to star in an- hUii) rodeo at Gardens again this spi^ihg..-'. .:■■--"•"-'. Kap: Mbnah'ari kiddies are :qxiar- aritiried for- couple :pf^weeks..' It's: the mumps. ;■:-•. . Norma., -Sheia has. . teamed With ThbmpSpri; Brotbet-s .in . eastern vagdfe-act. ■- : -' : . • • . Frank and Julie? Seltzer back to Hoilywood'; after raurichirig 'Rbad Sho.w* here, • - ';.;.-^- .- :; Burt-Laytbn has quit>is vaude act, thiB ;4-Flirty, to join ArthPr Murray faculty hete.-:--- • Starile.y doorman Bill -O'Tpole cpn- valescing in Mercy hospital • Ironi auto accjdeht. ■. ; ' . Tech dramats doing-original one- act Nativilv ;play by :Thbrh'as ;Job, pf drnma faculty. - . :.Post-Gazette ,mu.<fic critic.-..Donald Steirifirst's yoiing son hit by;car biit escaped with minor-injuries. ' ; Marcelie Feiner. starririg in 'Here Today'-:at Playhouse, wife Pf Cy F^U ser. forirter. Tech'basketball star.: - ■ . Maxie Siriion do.wn with'ptoinalne and Diit. of, the .show at .Boogie Woogie's Nut Club-for.few nites; - John Montague in tbwn ahead of 'Man Whb Came, to Dinner.' Com- pany'willla-v off here next week. ' Sabu got the surprise of his life here when Bill Beal talked Hindu- stan to him. KDKA continuity chief lived there for six years. '. • The Maurice Spitalnys have an-, nounced the engagements of both their daughters, iris to.Gbdfrey Lef- ton./film man. and Jean .to Simon Ackerman of Indianapolis. ;; . 01 wnicn were the nrst act composea . .-xavier Cugat band opeiis three- by Johann .Straus^j Sr.,,.; the; second !,-week . 'crigagemerit at Chase Club .. , ahy cornnierit on European pblitic.s -.^irance-'.-wherie; they've been donii- \ Straus is ;chiefly' .cbncerned with • ciled: Plan .to-become U,; S,- citi-. i 'Mes>iriours,*=which, w.a.s-ia reigning :.L?iwen.Galvea:Selzriic tep, planed act by;Johariri Strau'iss,'Jr.; arid; the (Friday (13), third by Oscar Straus; no relation;. ] Triangle Club of Princeton U will ' However, insistent, that'.'he' eschew I make . aririual; pnernight .stand? .In ~ ' Municipal Auditorium: Friday (27).. • Grace Gale, locaUtft, again appcar- irig with. Sorija' Herii,e's 1941 'Holly .. ^'^''f^:yn^^^S^^^ ^'i^encjv.^apital; for:secbnd; 'wbrld premiere' of 'Gone|He.plains producing it in Amer.ica; .. ;.With:.,the.:W:ind.' He'll retiirn Mon-.;|- Stra^is', famed /ClibGpIate S.o.ldie.r' day (18). - Advance pirepavatlons; has been pn Metro's agienda fpr years, made by Kay Brown, Selinick »- «•--♦ «K.i r.i,*. era! - factotum, By -poiiglas: L., Oriiiliame' ::. Mapi)yr Cortes featured at fil Fatio; ;nitery. ' ;- :; - Andy Devihe 'vacationing here.-; ■ abouts.- - ■." .--■' -;,.■,,;. .. _ Pic actor Arturo. db- CbrdoVa: to San Antonio to personal in Mexican ■':theatres. '■;■■.. '., Robert Montgbmery has ordered a suite at a Ipciil hotel; brit hi.s 'arrivai dat6. hasn't bceri anhouriced yet.; ' Fernandp. de Fuentes. who.. Was'i - ; Par ; exec here before he becarine a pic director,- niakifig ariother pic. " ■ ■ Alex Morison, brother bf U.. SI;. w.obd -Ice. .Revue,'..current.;at the. Arena here.- ■"■:'; '; •; . The Ambassador, . F&M's- dbwri-- ! lowh deluxer;, ;.hi,ked .admish scsi]c.- lOc ;daririg rim.' bf ■ .T*lorth: West Mounted Policb':fPar).-:. .■ -,. .. Increa.sed biz: ha.s forced: Johnny . ^. , . . . ... ,^ . I?erkins to xeifit adjoining . building papy has • been ^clearing up rights. ; .to double, size of the docktail-loiangc starting with; G.,' B.^ ShaAy;s .'Arms: jh ; his side Playdium.:; arid the Mari/.bh whifeH-the original .' Mrs:; Harold Rogers Dahl, wife-of. book was Jpuiided.; .. ■ ' '^ : ' ' .. I Anierican .flyer held fPr a time in By Glenn;C. .PUrien DPn Pablo's crew returning to Monaco's Cafe ' PrriorrPW (12), re- placing King's-Jesters.: . Eugene J. Kelly, former manager of Stiatlcr hotel, has becPrhe sales manager, for a distilling cpmpariy. firrol Flyn.n i.. tPwn for three days of. Press arinual Christ- hias charity show Monday: (9) in civic .aud. , ■ .. MettManheim. West rep for Wm. Morris agency; dropped in for a look at Richard Maibaum's new play, 'Middletown Mural.' -Playwright Paul Green and Dor- othy MaynOr, the soprario, here to help Gilpin Players celebrate 25th anniyensary of ; their Karanju,. pioneer Negro theatre. . •:. . Allen James Lowe, -32;' become.s youngest; hotel manager; in town. Succeeds J. Bing Morris, who quit Hotel Garter Ip jPin National GUards- .'air corps as a lieutenant;. : ; L. E.' Pierce adding new.; cocktail room arid, musiii! en.semble, niakinjf throe spots for Cleveland hotel,, with Paul PendarviS in Broril'.e Room and Gafl Bergrier's orch in diriing ;room- la Mike' Levee back from Broadway;, Art Powell :ibiucd Pai ampunt piibr licity .staff;;;; . Heleii Jerome,'playwright, here: for " ;the;winter.' ;.: . Sidney Bl'ackiiier . laid' up for . week: with flU; ' '■ .: . . " ■ .Bee. Bangs .'ipined CoUimbja' ploitatjon staff. •'•: . -' . -, : ■.. Walter . 'Kan^ ;reoUi>^rating fi'om apjpe'ndecto'my;'; -. :■ Graritlarid Rice. Beverly JiiUs ; ,fbr the wjriter. '"■-'" : ;. Williani Koenigcto; Mexico City ph ■ a location;huiiit;;'. Linda; Hayes recovering fiprh :ton-. sil.coiriplicatibns. ■. . - Warlter. Wahger:;to Washington ipis. , a (jridiron Dinner feiiest; ;Herbert I.. LeedS ' back ; :tb work: after; an eastern vacation.\ '; . Julies Scherriier named assistant.: to ' Sol G. Siege! at Paramount; , -. ; Wesley . RuggleS: back. frprp his South American- hbheymoon.. Robert Armstrong spurring mem-, bershib drive for the Masquers;- Scott' Durilap; and . Paul Maiv^ejii .: returned from a duck, hunt in Ore-.: : 'gbri. .':; .....■:■ ;.•-"■;-••'■:■-:■■ .'•■■;■■-;.-•■-■ .:-'^: -- HoAvard Hawks divorced by Mrs:. Athole Hawks, Norma Shearer^s' sister, .: Carl Bfisson stopping oyer for the holidays oh his way .to Australiar^ dates.-.;. '.-■ ...r : , Jean -Parker: back; Ir-Pm ".. three- -. months". 'Stage:' toiuir; with George JesseK:--'.V';^ ■• '■-':' . Tpirimy- Dorsfty-s - flu; slowed pro- ducliori of 'Las Vegas Nights'at Pai'- .amPurit-^ . ■-:,-■'■•;•■ •' .:■'.■'•■':-'.- Lieut; Gonfim;' Herrnah .Spitzel tb .Washirigtbri for. duty in U. S.. Naval . ■Reserve. . . ;' ~ ■: ■.. . : Louise ■ Campbell; arid husband ' Horace MacMahbri lo;Chicago for. thie . holidays, v:'.:'. ■ . ''S.: '. JPhn MurrayJAridersbn trained for' - New .York to Stage a heW Shubeirt: production. ■ ■ ■ :.' ' ; Gustave Schirmer in trom. Niew, Yoirk "to iPbk; oyer the HPllywbod' tnu.sic field. Maria. Korda . filed siiit for $90,.000 against her loririer : husband.: .Alex- ander Korda: ■ ;. Leonard. ' Vannerson and ■ Cick Webster hooked up in a new Holly- wood agency.- ■ : Frarik Portnoy opened a new riitery bh the Palm .Springs road near Cdthedral City . .; . William .Scully and Joe Seidelman training in this, week for product huddles at Universal. — ' ,Birig; Crosby, Ted Reed other, Hollywood farmers report bumper orange crops, by gosh? . Robert Sparks, producer at Co-, lumbia pinch-hittirig for Frank R. Strayer. director, who is ill. Chet Laiick and Norris Goff (Lum •n':Abner) back froiri a seven-week .stage topr to resume fllrh work. Elizabeth Jane Green, daughter of Jerome Kern, granted a divorce from Richard Green, assistant directbr. Barney Oldfleld is technical ad- visor on the; 1907 'Vanderbilt Cup . race,in -Back Street' at: Universal Darryl . F. Zanuck* awarded a plaqUe by Book and Magazine Guild for the filming ;6f .'Grapes of Wrath,* Lucille Ball was called back. frbm her hprieynibori for added sceries at ; RKQ. leaving her groom, Desi Arnaz,. in New York,' IIS By Les Hcca and"; in all that t'riie the film .comr .' Reporils ;.currerit;.tha.t; Phlic'b : will :tciev, hockey arid' ice carnivals, at Arrno-;.';'-"; .'• -..—'■''■'-;;- Eileen. Kent. WPEN ecbnomistrhas "added a riev* 'health bint', program to her. chores. . :' ■ ' .• ' .■. ..: Tom take;t)ver WCAU singing .: ;Sppt; left vacant .by 'Mark D'awson'.s p;a. IpVir." - '■ Lee Vine.S;'WiP ghbber, on a three . -The"^ds^*mu;ib:; publi,h^^ a<.. ^^Spain. -ade^^<.>eej. 1.^ I ^S^Sl^^^^^SS ih^'?i^^^^-Sli^';:«(*^:^^?M&i^"^ nhV^HV -Iter urpneum. engagement tms by the .Nazi m^ux, as. Salabe,r^ Billy failbcrt immediately ;ftiea Eachig, ChPlidens are pot. under any \ payees; almost, capacity, in the opera. | .Pu^,sH at informal nnKpide :Rf .cty at i-ba^k to Hollywood for. film aSsigri- 'Arvan'. restriction!!. - ": - ■ .- i Vionc* 'nf: «hp Mimrpinnl Auditorium .i Ja'^k L.ynch s on Monday. .:. _■■. ; ■ m«.nt. ■ Torty Sarg here for lecture. Bill Elson limping in corisequehce of rheutriatism;. ' -; M-G bowling .team boasts 12 sti*aight wins in. its league. Al Putz, M-G office manager,, to Cincinnati for brief vacation. ; * . University of Minnesota Playhouse , offeririg 'Knickerbocker. Hpliday.' ; Theodore. Hays, M'mnesbta Amus.' Gb; executive, tp Florida for a. rest. ; Ruth; Ghattertpn , in 'Pygmalion' .jchcduled , fpi; .^yceUm: Dec, 30-Jari. . 'Mdrgin 'for Errbt* underlined' for * Edyth- Bush Little Theiatre Jan. :-ll- 18;:./ ■:...;--. :;.;:> :-v:^ .;...-. -.- '....;; .Lurit and Fontaririe in. 'There Shall. Be Np .:Nighl' due at Lyceum; Jan; 23-25.■ ■.:; ,. ■'•■ ' :; ■;'-■. Lowell Kaplan. WelW-Prth ' circuit: bobkci:,. -won. -Variety , club. .'Bank Night'-pot, : ,. Fred . Horn; fromi :Des .^Moinesi jbihed: RKO .' Sales staff - as . special. repteseHtative. 'Nick!;, Goldhammer', RKO . district manager, and wife off . for ; fort- night vacatiPn. in'Calitoirriia, ;: Warner Birothers* staff gave fare- well tlinner" for C. K.' Olson,; brsfpch manager, transferred^b Omaha, , After O^pheurn erigageirrent ;this 'Aryan', restriction!;; Sltraus' sbn, Wa fis. . ; V.-,.. .... : - pf: the Municipal. Auditorium;. :;Ja;H; ^^^^r:^.^^ ^^l^^^ ,w -: v'l Iter; preceded -him' .- -Dorothy ' Crawford. - ' moriblogist.- . 'Lc, Roy Miller,' .K-YW .i Mu.sical,. tp New York by tWQ;months;;;Ei-wi ;strauS, 29; also a. tii.iiesm'ith) is; still in Vichy, - b.ut .expecti to cprii'e' pyer. ■ ^ 'Wei'6:-' it '-' npt:. -for : Gscar: Straus' preseriled her 'One: Woman Theatre! atthe Pfincipia to a good house.-Sbe Was the third to appear iri tb? .schoor.s'-coricert "arid lecture opifrse. Sir Thomas Beecbam, British pori- ment; Twin City Variety club tb' Induct GlQcker;' made hopbtary member of - Chief Barker Ben Blotcky. ar^d. otiver! . Pott.slown. Fire. ComD.any, ;. :fecentTy: elected - officers at,' dinner. Lou, Gros.s, WPEN s pro-I n,eeting "Dec 16 • ; ;gram . director,. m:c. ^at - . Yiddish i -Paf HallPran, Univ^ersal. North. Da-: j variety show at Pork -thea^^^^^^ : .' kota .saleFmah, skjdded off road and' ': Sonny ^Saumlpr.s .with Joe;: s pole, crack- - orch' 03-14); diiring' the.abl'ieri'ce .of i F-rasettos;WIP house;band, has been.' ing.lip car, hut' escaping' iiijuiy. . Vladimir Golschmann, "Who is; vaca- ' signed.for p.a. at.Park Ca.«;mp.:. . | ■ Eddie ^Grueriberg, RKO .salesman, tiohirig for a: week.; . ,: ^ - ■ r .1 Execs .of \yc.stinghouse Radio Sta- | ;^ustained bump.s ."and .' .when Louis Lovato reelected busirie.<!s lions setup .parly ho.sts at the.| hi,s car skidded off road, ttirned aeerit for Local Union B-1,- lATSE f Warwick hotel yesterday (Tue.sday). j over four times and landed iri; ditch.' - ■ _ I., T ie-K^., i,» affiliate erhbracing film exchange Wive.s of .sale.smen for : Canada - City council hearing ori license crooning in the Gocbanut <?rove nit- •• f he recpitteu ^^^j^kerj!. The presidency will be de- iDry were; 'entertaiped,> at . WCAU ] applicatibn del&yihg reopening '«! ery.: ' . .;iJn^rvi^ws to be broadcast only after i gjjjgj j,j a^.studies last Friday '^6.) ;^t Laurd Gay/etx^librmer.buclesqiie.hause:by , Alfonsp Sordo. Noriega, the radio - l^e .s.ailed fPr America, and npn« of :: st , Louis School' of the Theatre ' May ■.Stuart s 'For .Women.:- Only'j lrvirtg Gillman;. who-will, offer, sub- announcer, has becpme chief of the.'these touched; on politics.. : J Wiir preserit- tv^Q scenes firorrt 'One < prograirn, '..'.;'sequent-run duals. standing-in .French arti.stiG. circles he .ductoi^.= witl' direct' St. Lbuis symph I would riot have :had his exodus ex-': - - - - 'p'edited; ■■ As'it- .wa."!, he was stalled;, j at the: Spanish border for ..'w-e<;ks.':ancl.: lihen had Iplay over ;i.n Lisbon. Ihi'ee flTm.,*»» Ta'V-"'"^"' ..-"vrv niore weeks waiting ,foi: .passage ac- fllmster.Patricia. ;doing well w-ith his comodation..; ;In Lisbon he recorded