Variety (Dec 1940)

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16 FILM REVIEWS Wednesday, Pecember 25; 1910 LOVE THY- NElCUlBOR li^.-Pfg^:^^ (Witii SONGS) ^ ■ Hoffa and Mary Livingstone, re- r«r»mount reicnie of koHt SanaHoh'i.r.iv;/P«:tive^ TOve? oi AU^ and-Penny durii "n> .iirecUJ by. fiandrich. sti)V8 .lark! and. both: iiriportant members of - - ",their husbands - radio casti^, are not seen in the iaim, ^ : Sandfich's. dirtectibn keeps things running at a speiedy tempo. He has; apparently been wise enough, too, to. let 3ehny and Allen take plenty, bt . rein in developing thei comedy. along their own styles,, ; ' . Hetb^ ; Henny ami . FreJ Allenr teatureH -M:ny | Wartln. JMdle. Andcreon, IVerreo. TenH.lsili' ■TilPrry Mn<"s. IWlp,.., ■ Orlirl"'.! Ki'i-ronpliiy liy Wllllanv Jlorroyr t'n<l, ''m- niuinl Bcjolu, ICiixoijt Papano, '/,, ;M>imi1;- ciinmrn, Ted Tpt/Jarr; cdllbi-, I>«Uciy SKinc; ' vuiiKx, Jlpiiiiy Vnn llcuscn. Jrihnny Uiu'li*. Al I'ai-nmouni. N, Y,, "'fck Ut-c/. IS, ..'Jp. | KiinnlnR lime: 81 :MIN8, Jni'k Benny KiCil Allpn...... tiary Allen Biirliara Allen.... Koclipsier Vii'Klnla Aslor...., jAspDhlne.......;. Jiie ]>(illoeinan..•.<>'•• (iein'pc........ ■ •.. Mr. IlaiTlnRton... C'Jianib^rmald,.-.... . JnilBO Tlie Merry Mrcb fed McMlchael, Joo McMli;ba«l, . Carroll. , - : Merclel AbUolt Daticer» ; .'. . Jack llenjiy. .;..,;KreU Alli-n ■ •.;.. ;Mary' .Mari.ln .,Velre.f 'Peasiliile, .Eddie Andersiiit". .^.•.Virginia ; Male. ; ..Theresa ■ llai'i'li' Rli-hard .ni'.nuiiiK.i .. ..".J.-ick -.CaMtn. ;-.narnipU-. I.'.irlter. .Ilussell Hli'kn HUDSON'S BAY .-..Indd. lIC.MK.nilfl .|.pver»ll -Martev uhd . Helen. Hardly a picture for tli.e critics. •Love "iniy Neighbor' will neverthe- less hit sockb-biz aniong the com- monfolk. The. quartet .of writers who piieced , the .'yarn together have- gone way .overboatd- on that decrepit feud between Jack. Benny: and • Fred Allien as •sourcfe' material for,: a.'fea- ture film, but audiences in the more homespun .sectors will overlook that In favor of the laughs, , Hollywood, ^^^^^ . axil\ Centur^VVox ' of . Kenneih- MaOtiOwiin pi-oductldn/: t>.tars ~I>aul 'AIunl;~ 'fea(urea Gen* .'flarney, lilrd Cregar,-. Jnhii' Snlton, Virginia -I'Meld,.' Vincent Price;.- - -" rected by Irving pifchei; iy,.'Lainar'Trotti; caiticrii, l^ev'erell 'Mai-reV utid .George . Uarnesi; tech- nical advisor; . Clifford - 'Wllaoft;' ' mu.slo, Alfred ,Ne\vman;_.edUor, . Robert Slmpison.- rreVlevi-ed In Projectloh Room," Hollywood, Vec; J», .'40. Running, time, »*. .M1N$, ' I'ieri-ii Radl«gon .Paul Mui)l. .Barbara Halli;...,.>.',.'.,.',...Gene. Tlemey iiooxeberb'': ,v,,...Laird .Cregar Lord' Kdward Ore.w.,.,........John Sutton Xell • Gwynn................. Virginia Field | Kinjr Charles. , 1...........Vincent -Price. Prince - Rupert.... , V. .'.-.iNlgel. Bruce; | UoS'ernbr - d'Argenson'... ..,... . Montagu..Xovd . Zahuck takes .another sideswipe sit: , hiistory here and comes off second ibest.againi The story of the birth of There have alio been months , of ] the Hudson's. Bay Co., in the heart high-powered plugging for- the pic- of Canada, has a .good .deal of ih- ture by both comics on. their rer ; trihsic- aDd automatic excitement,- Bpective iairshows..* And, inasmuch .but it ' played'ibf chaitterr--chattfer as Benny's leads, all other radio pfov r here with Paul- itLvini declaiming grams in popularity rating and i lohg Speech after long^: speech: to Allen's show is' ainong the first 10, slow up arid reduce to a minintujm that's mon^y .in the exhibitors' bank. . the little action 'that there is in ithie There's plenty of marquee valiie . first place. There are a. lot of natural In the film, tod, lor aside from the ^exploitation possibiUfies in the story': two comedians, there's : a fellciw ' which, with the aid of Muni's name, named 'Rochester' (Eddie Ahdef- ; sihotild: help it. Chances are, how- son) to tot ut) as 100%; and a gal, ever, that it will prove a disappoint- named Mary Martin, who brings to^, ment in ihost key houses, the screen tor its initial airing her j : it looks very much as thoiigh this version of Cole Porter s^. My Heart j is a case of over^onomy: dh 20th's Belongs ta Daddy/ which she intro- ! part; Certainly . there can ;be no duced m 'Leave It. to Me on Broad-. quarriel with the company's Attempt way a couple seasons^-ago.. . This go Overboard dn expenditure, vocalization, can be rated, | aind certainly, too; it is difficult to qualifications, as among the top . cau a picture which came in at vocal interpretations on any screen. | about $800,000 a cheater. Neverthe- any_ ^time, any.wliere 'Stnp^tease, , jess, there seems to be evidence here which.accompanied the tune in the ; j^at soiileone cut the corners in the legit, has, Of course, been Haysed out and the lyrics scrubbed. It's unfortunate that! with such virriting skill as Allen himself pos- sesses, a story couldn't have beep concocted to take minor advantage of the phony feud business which has been built up—^but not get tire- sorrie in leaning upon the same theme for so rn^ny laughs. Why two separate pairs of Hollywood scripteris were required on the yarn is clearly evident. It would take at least that many to torture put. n. four-year-old publicity stunt for U minutes of fast-moving film. Producer-diredtor Mark Sandrich, with apparently few strings tied to his budget, has iossed iii the works to overcome. the story deficiencies: And as/neither Allen nor Benny is weakling ait. ekeihg maximum laughability out of a mediocre .gag. the comedy is there. It's not what It should b6 or could be,, but. it's plenty in evidence. Yarn doesn't decoy the names of the two principals, biit calls them in character Jack Benny and Fred Allen. : It piiiks up-the. pair in a traffic ]am awaiting the docking of places where. it hurts most, Thiis, for instance, there is much talk about a big Indian War, but you never see. more, than half a dozen redskins prowling around.. There is mention of the hardships and ardors of life in the Canadian wilds, but Muni and his lads always are com ing from these hardships, or heading towards them. There is, actually, no production flash to speak of, except in the British court scenes—and it is this lack of production which hurts, since it is the type of production which, automatically brings with :lt a good deal of action. And lack of action in an outdoors, drama is well nigh unforgivable. . Muni must . have smiled with pleasure wheii he first read the script; and contemplated the role. .It permits him to strut his stuff in typical Muni fashion. It has long IHiiuatar^^^^ ♦Love Thy Nelehbor' (Par), jack. iBenny and Fred Allen feud- v ing their way. to big grosses,. ; •Hadsbhli Bay' <20th). His-/ ■ tbri'ca^l' adventure yarn, starring • Paul. Muni, .:too gabby ahd with ibdiitlle action; ; 'N.o, No, N»netle' (RKO). Anna Njiagle in mild .fllmizatipn 6f the 1925 Broaidway musical ;hit....:>- ' '' '■■ -'.This TJilnr Called tbvc:;(CoI). Sock : corrtcdy .: bt sophisticated schbpl, fbr. smash )i}z. /South or SuM^ CWBi/Strange jungle ; whodunit, helpied . by . vGeprge Brfeht' and•^stu^dy cast. ■. •pualer.-'," '.■ 'Michael Shayiie, Private De- iective'" : .(20th-Fox), Exciting -sleuth meUjer, likely 'to ."be -.first of new'series. • ■-,>./ ■■• : vf'Cbarier: PilotV (20th). Mild aV iation; yarn starring Lloyd . Nolan; v--'-;.- '"'.■: '■>■''.'.-r,.: ■ 'Behlbd, ^;.'.th* .\^News' '.^(Bep);, - Newspaper yarn that's strictly. for the rural duals. ' : 'E\\ny Queen, Master Detec- tive* .(Col). Weak film debut fpr this wik. Tadio: and fiction.mys- tery-sblver;; \" ■ ■; , ■••. 'Lone Stor Raldeiris' (Rep), .Standard.westerner in the^Three Mesiiuiteer scries. . ■'Hp In the Air* (Rlpho), Fair lowerrbracket irtystery yarii with songs. . !iPohy V Post^ ; (U). Inferior western, with John Mack Brown, unable, to rfedeeni insufficiient ac- .'tibni^ : ■ ' • ■ .^hey' Met. on Sklt'r (Fr.) ; Surprise French. entry that inay do well if It, can be sold as not just another ski film. . 'Mannerhciin Line' (Riiss). Provocative . andfairly enlight- ening docunientary.. . 'Nosotros, XiOB nliichachos' (Argentine). Fair 'Boys 'ToWn' type, biit ..mostly for hpine con;- sumption.. . 'Speed Limited' (Indie). Just- released ol.die is a candidate iox the all-time nadir. 'Old Bill and Son' (British). Click ■ b.o; film .built around famous ekrtoon character created . by Bruce Bairnsfather. prbmiising thein help to get . ahead ih: their fields. Gals pop up .one after the other, Tamara, Eve. Arden and Dorothea Kent, at highly inopportune inoments. Miss Neaglc, as Younfi's nieise, sets abotit getting each of trie femmes the thing she wants,^ thus keeping^frbm; Young's wife ihe sor- did-details;;':' " ■■..■•.'.■ ^-:-•• ;'.'' Matiire is a theatrical producer arid .Carlson :an. artist. - Naijette. works oh each ■ to take.; thie. trouble-making, females -undei- their wings arid save the family honor.. In the process, the. two Ijoys both fall for Nanette and she ^finally chooses the artist. ] Meantime,. Miss Broderick gets' wise l:o the bld boy. and' is abotit tp hie to Reno when Nanette . Steps up, of course, to apply the balm. ;; .Neither Wilcox as 'the direclbr nor Miss Nea'gle ,as . Nanette iets out ot the role what Louise. Gi-oody did in . the BrOadv/ay version, ; Miss Groody weht about her task in a;' strictly brushoff mahncr/-gett-iit g .t hing s fixed- -an^dd jungi solely by plying her ilirtatious wiles; Miss Neagle; oh the /Other hand, is like the repairman frbni the. electric company.. . She knows trouble when she sees it and ih all-^seriouspess goes aboiit setting' it aright. She! should have started by eliminating a -hiusi- cal as a possibility .for, herself .and located a .juicy dTamatic role, which silifcs her mufch.better,' "■■'' Herb. NO, NO, NANETTE (WITH SONGS) RKO releaae of Herbert Wilcox produc- tion, directed by Wilcox, Star* Anna NeagTe; features Richard' CarlaOn, Victor Mature- and Roland Young. Screenplay by Ken Engliini)' from musical conaedy- of the same iiame by Frank Handel.' Otto Har- „ bach, Vlnceiit Toumans-and' Bmll Nyltray: declamations galore, even if they are music in iSoth picture and flim by 'Vincent of the* 'Canada—she. my wife—ho IXou!"*"". »y irving caeaar and^otto woman—joost Ca'hada' school Of Writing. He is past as ^Pierre RadiSson. a French Cahuck who has. discovered, where. Hudspn's Bay is, :a spot a btw;t.'"jk<;kV i^ hiS'Ma^^ ■ ffi^^^^J^'V^^. He gets^he Allen in a limousine and they get in ^".t"^-** Interested _in .financing h^m a contest: to see who' can burtp the other harder. The Maxwell falls apart, Allen has come to the boat Nanette.. Tom..... William..\ Mr. liraltH. and forming the. Hudson's Bay Co. j Jf". .sm.'th (because the French have cheated tK*tty auaxi ii» i^uiiic: lu l.i.: uuhl t^c Indian fur trappcrs) and cstsb- snnva Benny has driven Rochester down, to ^rW'*'^,^"*?'ans for profit on both ^ I f^i'"^^^ meet his gal; Hieresa Harris. Miss.I iV J? .^"J"^ support cast that_^the Martin's maid, which sets the stage i^^J°r,.i"t"estl produc_^ for further encounters. . : V^J^^ sUindpoint. Laird Cregar and Allen app^rs to.J?^ foinK "V^s rJ£bl?^Se1^nSr iriT!;^'ii^^; of a man, a ;chaTacter player for whom there is a: distinct, and im- portant niChe ■waiting. . He combines the characteristics, (generally speak- ing) of Lavightoh.Jannings aiid the French Harry» Baur,' As Muni's major. domo here he doggone iiear a number bf: the Harbarh. Camera. Russell- Metty-; editor., .'Llle'ri W.UllHms; musical direction..-Anlhoiiy Collins. A t' Radio City Music .Hall, N. T. week, of 'Dec. Itf. IIMO. ' Running time, M MIKS. 1.. . ...Snna Neagle . lohard Carlson ...:Victor Mature ,.:.Roland Young ..Helen Broderick ....;..ZaSu Pitts ........Eye Arden ........'.. .Tamara .....Cilly Gilbert .Sluart ^Robertson ..^n'nrolhea Kent ... .\nhi'e.y Mather ......MhiT Gordon ;•. ; . Kussell Hicks llwitel', 1 .stlll^hier, Uetly*. Ilcnilnition (jerd-iide.; llutcii..... Jr. J over the feud and Miss Martin de cides to get a job. in a show Benny's producing in the hope she can bring the pair together. Idea runs into complications, however, and the bat- tle reaches the shotgun stage with Allen chasing Benny in. a speedboat: There's a crackup and when both Sr°ff™°„5*?' men come to. Miss Martin tells them. I ]*if**^Li.t* .1° that Jack dived ih and saved Fred's ""rS^f ^Pu* „■ ^;^ „ life. That makes them pals until it T^M.^i^^ ^^J'iu'P^'"'"^^^^^^^^ develops that Allenhas hired Rochek- ^ ^illi'l^^^L^^]^ reporter knows ter away from Benny,, which, starts p^fL^^Vi +1,0 l^J"^ places only be- lt alt over aeaih Meanwhile Marv cause all. the .newspaper ga's who ha?ffifor"6eSy3^^^^ time out is .takpn : jn the. bHtle ^^i^f^,^^^^^^ scenes to ;get them, iharried for the ' ni^fi^tf^^^ ^i'''^'"!,^^S** finale ': . '< hned up a load, of background. He Among ;the standout seqUerices is ; and -seems :t9 Rochester at a masquerade party at Sll^v^w^l^^^^^ the Harlem Socialand. Come-What- J l^jit''^^^^^ be called femmes May Club.: He's garbed as Ron)eo ;T^J^!^;^- . and duets with his JuUet one of the ' „ ^.t'itl^A ^ i^^^'^ • S**:^"?^ three ■ Johnny BurkeTJimmy -Van ' l.}Ilf!!}RfL. ^^'^^V^P^^^ ^ ^J!^^ - Heusen tiines iri the picture,. 'Dear- est, Deairest I,' Another sock is the speedboat chase with sounds of auto . in ,ir. •* v v „ .brakes screeching and. tires skid- i - .ritlV-fii^"^^^ ^'^''^v^^^^ ding instead - of whatever kinds of ?^ ^t^^' ^^/^i'^'^vl?^/-**?* noise boats would, make'spinning in i-S.* -j*' .soi^nds; -that^ french; the water . .■ - ■ . Canuck patois; is a terrible handicap . Miss Martin, ^as ■ has.been rioted; i *^^^^?^ can take care of herself -^ith thc.;^"*^*'.. fo.r - that;matter. . best vocally and is .pleasing on; the.' looks angle." The tunes- she; shares with • the: Merry Macs are 'Do You Know':Why?'. arid "Isn't That' tike Love.' Neither is- more than mildly catchy, Verree Tea'sd'ale Is self-effacing as Allen^s Wife arid Vir-: irtia Dale regiisters excelieritly as a.. byden whom Allen hires to shower In Benriy'S; tub just as the niarriage' between Benny arid Miss Martin is to^ take place.; Theresa Harris scores okay, too, .as Roichester's playmate. Merriel Abbott Dancers are featiired practically, a walkbri, arid 'Vincent Price makes a snUill role .as King Charles of Britain^ notable^ enne , Starts Jan. 2 ., ..: '..■. : rfblly>Vo6d,^ Dec' 24.:. . , 'Lady from Gheyeririe,' first picturie for ■Universal by the Frank Llbyd- Jack Skirbail producing;; coiribiria- tibni goes before the lenses Jan, 2, with Lpretta Young, and : Robert Prestpn in the.-^op spots, . ' . Lloyd is directing the film, the ifir.?t of :three undei" his cbhtract -lyith SOUTH OF SUEZ -Warner Qros. relaa'\e of First 'Naiional ' S'rodqvtlgn. . 'Qta'ra GiebrKe Brent, iii'4<n>l(L'. larahall, George .Toblaa; faaturvA . Jarnrs' $taptienson. Lee Patrick. Eric Ulure,' rccted . by - Lewis Seller, .Hcreiinplay .lly ' Barry 'Trlvera from' story by Sherlilini tiib- - ney;'camera, Arthur .Todd; editor, ciii>'i-'>ii.'4 Kolater; dialog director, . Robert: Foulk music, 'Leo Ki fiMrbsteln.'. At rulit(<o, : Dec. 18. ;.40, dual. Running time, 84) MiS'i*., . John Gamble.'.....acor(;e-';ilrent Kalherlne Sheffield: . ..-.;-.,',Urcnda-: Marslmll Bti' SnideKer,.,.,...,Qeo'i-'Rc'Tiililiis In'iiprctur. Thornton;,«;..JameK' i!lei>hrhRiin--v Delia' Siledeker, Limey...;...-','..., HoKer ..^mylhc.'.-. -Henry 'Pulnnm.,, Mrs.- PuVnaht'.... Maridera....'..... Prosecutor,'.....,:.. Defense Counael, Judge;. RoglBtrar,. .'.-^ Sedley.....'...;,. SInipBon...,..';,.;. -Lano'..,.,..-....'-«-.'. . I'lltrick .'.KrKv. ltloi'» ..'.«,'.Miles Mitnd'er'. .'...'..Cerll KollH.way *.;..Mar? Ko'rbe's '.OlIliPiLKmei-y '. .,... .Riiiiiley - 1rf))fuh': .Frederli-k Woi-Un-k--. ;". ..EMward rif^MIng ' ,'., .;,J/<>»niir.l Miiilla '.' Orauforil--j\ t-.nt- .<.;Holnu-a. Hrrdrrt' ,.....Prlnca' Mpduiie.' .Chief peculiarity of .'Sputh of SUez;': This Thing Caile<l Hollywood, t)ec. 20. . Columbia release'...or \Vlll(om Porlberg . production. - Stars Rosalind Russelt.'Meh'yn -Doiiglaa: - features Blnnle . Barnes,: Allyri. Joslyn, Qlgrla'Olck'son. .Lee .T.-Cobb. .Gloria Holden! DireMed by Alexander . Hnll. Screenplay. George --Seilton.. Ken. BncUind, P. J. WOlfson; based on . play by -Edwin Burke. aa~produced. by;; ri<tterKon':^5lc.Nutt..;; cameria.: Joseph . Walker: asst. • .director, WIlllaiiL- Mull; music, >Verner.. Hpymarin.;. editor. Viola- liftwrence. At -Pnntngcs', " '40. Running time, B2' ., .'.-RO)<nilnd 'RuaXolI '...-,> .Melvyn . DnuKlas Blnnle llnrn^a .... i...'. i. > AUyn Joslyn' ^ loria' DIckHOn ...........tiee J. Cobb .. . .Gloria. HoUlen' .i.J'aul McGrnth ... lipona '.'Marlcle Don Beddoe .... ;Rp!ilnn ~flrilll .....Slg Arno Hollywood, Dec. 90,' .MIN8. .... Ann :'W|hter8...'.'...'. TIce Collins.....;'i Charlotte Campbell.. Harry Bertrniid...., Florenrcr Bertrai)d.., Julio DIestro......... Gehe'vleve .Hooper... Gordon Da'nl^ia Ruth'Howland Tohi Howlnrtd. .'.•■.. Mrs. Dlestr'O.. Arnb ......'.......-. Mulsical coiriedies rareiy have much story. That's all right. No one ex- pects them to.. Plot is compensated for in a hit tune show by good iriusic. That's an elementary snow bpsiness lesson taught in a class that producer Heibert .Wilcox iriuiit have skipped. In riiakirig a .hllrri versibn of the 1925 Broadway hit, .Wilcbx .has Saved all the. book but: very little bf the music, .'Tea for Two' arid 'I Want to Be HappyV as w:eil as the title, tune, 'No, No. ;Nanet;te'. have hecri reduced, to virtually incidental-Iriusic.. ■ ■ Eyen^at that. -WilcoxJhas been for-^ tunate, 'Nanette' ha-S; a: pretty good .plot as musical comedy plots go.' tie has erred,< however; in cbrriplicatirig it instead: of .simplifying it, as waS: needed.- Screenplayy as. concbcted by Ken Eriglurtd, too frequently is hazy. Here is fiih with a capital'F. It is adult, it is amusing, it has sparkle,. :t has vim and-^perhaps more to the pbint^it is cinch boxpffice. Bas.ically, there is very little differ- ence in story here from 'His. Favorite WiiEe,' 'Doctor Takes a Wife' and other pix of that genre. It's a 'new* viray oil skirting around Mr. Breen-s frowns. The couple are married to begin with,, and all their troubles consist of trying to fulflll! or avoid their: marital relationships. There are those who will argue that there is too much blue material in this type of film for the good of. the bizi but there are^ none who will deny that audiences enjoy sitting through them. Rosalind Russell and DbUglas are the couple this time Who, though legally wedded, don't know what to do. about seic; Or^ rather, to be specific, only one. of them; (at a time); knows what to do.. while the. .'other is coy. Koz starts off by having a theory: they will test their loVe by a three-month abstainment pepiod. Douglas can'^ see that at all, and de- cides -to break her down. By the time she sees reason, he has con- tracted a bad case of oak poisoning and has to bow out, resulting in. a highly hilarious closeup of Miss Rus- sell, .doing a. triple-take and tiirnirig fullface to the audience With 'I don't get it; do you?' Alexander Hall has piloted; the picture with considerable spirit and a furious pace; So much so that it: seeriis a bit overlong, and some of. the bi2; is repetitious. Clipping 10 iriiriiites br so would help, although none of it. is ^ specifically to be painted at., The writin".; too, is well~ .in .hand at all tiriies and cleverly pointed, good ; situation , and gab huiftior; without resortirig to gags. ;•. Really topnotch bow (more sb than in most recent films) belbngs to ,the Werner ; .Heymarin scoririg job; Music. . ' tised here as an intrinsic and basic filrirv eleriiejit.: The way a Pertain tune keeps popping tipi every time Dpuglas.repeats a certain :piece of paritoinimic'* biisineiss (looking, at himself iri a riiirror reflectively) " ; positively: :ins)]iiringi It is as riiuch a laughrgetter as .any of; the acting,_,iai^ that the acting is far better than the story, yet the. cast is .not Calciiiated to add much lustre to. ihe exhibitor's jnarquee^. Film's length doesri't fit in too w^U for dual setups where it should fare best, .; Georpe. Brent Is' iritelligeritly:'cast as: a mine, foreman who becomes iri-. volved in the irivirder of his boss uri- ^ii he- iis accidentsilly cleared by the actually guilty party. Struggle to gain possession of a giant gem dis- ' covered in the African diamorid min- ing district results in the slaying .of Rogei: Smythe by ^Eli: -.Sriedeker. (Geoirge Tobias), with the 'murder. frariied on- John Ganible- (George Brent). ■■'■.;■ '•.-'' • George Birent has the tough ta.«(fc. 0^ - riiaking the flighty Gamble char- acter seem reasonable arid, forthright; Suavie work ..partially dpes this,- Brenda Marshall, as the slain mine bwner.'S: daughter, shows vast im- provenient over . recent ; efforts. George Tobias makes> ai thproughly. villainbus Snedeker. Of the support, Eric Blorci as Limey.r'the fastidious butler, and 'Lee Patrick,; cast Snedeker's wife, are best. Not t»b' much, attention is paid to: production, details but Arthur Todd's camerain^ helps overcbme: part of this weakness. Lewis Seller's direc- tion helps surriioiint part of the story's deficiericies. . .Weor. ' Michael Shayne, Private Detective ■ 20lh-Fox■ release 6t-Sol M. Wurlzel pro-' ducllon. Stars -liloyd -Nolan; fealures Mnr- Jorle' Weaver, Walter Abel, Joan Valorie, Rllzalieth Patterson, Uon.ild MnrBvlde; Doufrlas . Dumbrllle. Directed - by Uugeo* Porde. ■ Screenplay ' by Stanley. R.tuH and .Manning-O'Connor, based on novel by Brett -Halllday;. camera.. George Schnelderman;- edltor,- AI De Gaetano; niuslccl direct Inn, Bmll Newman. At Palace, N.' Y.,' -week Dee. 18. '40. dual. Running time. .77 .MINS. Michael. Shayne.,'..;..........Ijloyd Noinn Phyllis Brighton..'.. M'orjcrle Weaver Marsha <7or'don..:.Toun Valcrl* Elliott Thomas;,,-...........'..;Walter Abel Aunt Olivia............EIIzabelh.Patl<!rsiin Chief Painter..Donald MacBrldo Gordon...'...;, . . .Dougla's Dumbrille ' Brighton... .Cldrenre' Kolb.. Harry Grange., Ponsby. AI... Lany Klriculd. Steve. Fisherman.., George Meeker Cliarles Coleman ........Miichael Morris. ..Robt, Emmett Keaiia. ,...'...' Orth ...,....,.. Irvfhg. Bacon on.detail. It has the audience guiess-.^-^- „ , , „ irig: what's; happening' arid why jn- ^Business'or ;any of the dialog.' And stead of sitting back arid- erijoying the fun..' •'" ■ - .':':V •'-- - " Wilcox has been,. however, in instilling pi-oductibn values . in 'Nanette' and there's nb (Jienying, de- splite their age, the lilt of the Vincent Younians tivnie.s; Anna Neagle, as the iittle. Miss Fix-It who .<?parks the film is passable. Which, added, up, means the . picture .will do .orily mild bUsi- .ItMl ri<3J(!,d strong ; support to hold top billihipSlh' the duals,. • Roland Young, with; accustotrted facility, tops the cast-appeal. RiiriV ners-up. are Helen Broderick' arid ZaSti Pitts, which niakes it clear that ail the honors go to the older gener- ation. Migs .Neagle and -the yourigr sters. Richard; Carl.son, Victor.Mature airid .Eve Arden, show to no advati- tage against such/a trio of cbmedy Vets. the.' triumpharit military '\ march "motive pliayied very, miich forte as, MisS Russell walks tbwairds Dougias' bedrpom for the: fadePut is a roar. Both rare .-about, evenly ,' divided on the acting honors, both managing to- poirit up their, lajughs beautifully, although a ,tpp: scene , in which Douglas does a rhuriiba as a cover- up. fpr scratchirig (having coritracted oak . pbisoriihg) is. outstanding. Iri ■support, Binnie Barnes does nicely .and Sig Arno gets a few. rieat scenes^ while Allyn j; slyn tiltns in another of his topribtch jobs., hut there are two. or three girls cluttering Up the scenery' who photograph top wuch, alike for coriifPrt.'; ;. ; -' • ^ . Incidentaiiy, Hall Tepeafs a piece of business out of his bwn 'Doctor Takes a- Wife,' using a,' gargoyle statuette as a' poiptrcatchej-, which is 'Michael Shayrie, Private Der tective,'. looks good enough to be the start: of a new series for 20th- Fox. Jnitial story • is well-knit, trimly directed and further bol-' stered by a unifoiinly slick cast. Lloyd ;NoIan appears an excellent choice in the title role and takes to his starring robes with ease. Afr fairs of this private sleuth should continue. stalwart boxoffice if they can measure up in subsequent films. Film Is strong, support for a dual setup, and good enough to stand alone in some spots. Swift manner ih; which the opera- tions of Shayne are unfolded indi- cates part of the flavor .of Brett Halliday's or.iginai was retained by the scripting combo of Stanley.. Rauh . and Manning O'Connor; Fariiiliar background . bf .' crooked racetrack, gambling, ispoiled society debs, etc., is bolstered by the <»uick- thinkirig. way -Detective ■ Shayne solves the'tangled everits.': - : ' Lloyd Nolan is ideailly suited to; play the toughrskinned .Irish itective. Marjor^e Weaver makes a lively, spoiled, young rich girl, 'while Elizabeth: Patterson, ;cast' as ; the Slieuth-novei addict, contributes . a laughable charaCterizatibri; • Head- ing the superb support are Douglas Duriibrille, Dpriald MacBride, Walter Abel ;and; Joan Valerie. . .W.cdr. CHARTER^^^l^ . Mth Cen'turyrFoM release bt'Sol WOr.lzeV ptflduttlon. Start Uoyd : Nolan; feirnne? Lyiih- Barl,: Directed by Kugcno -Pfid; '-^icreenplny.: Stanley: Jtauh and .ne-Mier '^-lff; . ren,-'based on atory by i: llober't B.reii a)i<i Normalj Houaton.l' camerHi Luclen-.>Andrl"t; editor. - Frqri Allen; . rnualc. . Enill. .Nc«'- mah. ; At Albee. B'klyn.. week ;tff Pec. II!. ' Running .time,- 70 MINS,.'' ;- King Morgan. ii.,. . i v.Lloyd Wan .M^rge Duncan.Cy.... •..... O'V" ""''' ;Rffi(ue:t: Andrevira:^.....i;...,Arl?cri TMH'I-nn /omaTllo .C'i-uri«.?v,*P.....OeorKe; .Mioiltfouiery Horace sturgeon-:-.....i^Hob.lrt ("avaniJ.vlMh .Fnber .,.;i,..;.i^',,.'.Henry .>.t':'"r. Ophle. ............ i.-........ 1^1 lit. -^'f''^1 Brady' .;....... -i- ......... .Andrew ^T^'";!"-? Owen . ..,.. .•,. .-v.V...("Iinrlcs;^ -NV ll.-<<.n, Fred Adftins •....•.....';.....'.Clilck C'lan.dler Yarn finds rYoiing a gay bldster questionable. wisdPni sipce it looks with a perichaht; for making people | tp the .uriinitiated as a sWal fromja 'Charter Pilot,'as a title, is a mis- nomer for this mild actioner. It.sug- gests riiUch more-kick than the him manages to-' convey. ;Running lime (70 mins.) is far overboard,-: ana