Variety (Dec 1940)

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0/ t Ih keeping With its tra- ditions oi more than a third-bl-a-century,the 35th Anniyersary Issue of VARIETY will contain val- uable, unique and read- able news, comment dxid information on all phases of show business. In addition io recaps of events of the past 12 months, VARIETY'S spe- cial writers glinipse the near future and discuss the trends and move- ments in the ever-chang- ing amusement scene. ALSpl The issue offers imusual bpjportunity for advertisers in every fiel4 ol entertdinmeni to reach the . greatest number of readers of any trade me- dium of the year. Space resetydtioiis should be xnad^ immediately. No advance in rotes, or newsstand price of 25c.