Variety (Dec 1940)

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Wednesday, December 25, 1940 lUUlIO MARKKTS IT AsXihai .. San Ffajicisci^, Dei;: 24^ ■ With the. holiday pierio^ kayoin^ normal bii routine, JCSTO iiniqiie- jkjsitioji iol .t^^^^ down •sponsors this • week.. At. least tWo flrins se^kin^ tinie oii the ..lOQ^o sold Gileii Dri^kp; hc!usewives shdw to coritratt foir the fiirst- 6'peri periods; whfch wilV show up. in the spring. Station: .does hot accept- cdnitracts more than; 60 days iaheail of startiiiij : date, however, so papers have . been - d r a v i^n b utrrioUslgDgiL. -Sia?te<Lal:PJtl exjieriment iqst May,. show liasAex^ panded to .tw6 .30-mittute . slots daily aTi.d blocked - from MrtheV exten- ■■ sioh. by • co.ttimercials at both. ^inds. ...Drake' woi-ki .without script; liquor, Abbaccp ..arid " Similar ■ accounts ^are' barred"-and' J)roduicts must meet the . approval of . a jury .of 50's. before being; accepted for• sporiisbil'.-. ship. Enjoys a 90% renewal record. KRpW is . blasting . carols from speaker."? atop the le-ktofy Oakland city hall and IJi^stdry Cariilori hotel three ho\irs : .nightly;. Manager' .Phil Lasky got a quick brushoff when .he canvassed iriereharits. for firtancial. as- sistance, but installed- the egiiipmerit. Rtiywty, piping. music. -.■ ads:^ •Within 24 .hours merchantii decided they ; wanted in. on the deal ' arid proniised ;co-Qp next year., . ' \ ' First "basketban sppnsprship: fay Tidewater Associated Oii-started thi.s ^Mv-eek (23)/wilth a series of 2.r ga^^ fek'edded foi" airing by :K:RbW anid a. .similar'.serie.s pni KQWi Lord &c Thbmas set the deal; ; ' '. John B. Hiighes.'NeWs and Views,' spon.spred • three nights weeklyby- Sal liepatica, has picked, lip a year's p.iy .ride, for the Other three nights on the^. KRFC-Don Lee ,web. New bankroiler is Blackstone : ifl^spirin, hiaking .its -first effort to crock the Coast-market.- . Golden State Theatres circuit has shifted its trailer-deal tieup. from .KSFO to KFRC.; Station gets trail- . ers in at least a dozen ;Jipuses in re- . turn for a daily, flve-miniite resume ©r current attractions.. . , ■ . KROW; Trurrtani Co.," (morticians-), through Ryder & Ingram, Oakland, 30-ininute transcriptioris of Dickens' . 'Christmas.' Carol-; • Tidewater- As.sp- ciated Oil, thrpugh Lord & ThPmas, 23 baskt^tbaU ganies. . KSFO: American Chicle (for Blacjc .Jack), througli Badger, Browning. ^ .Hersey. 32 onc-nynute spots{ Bekins Van & Storage, thrpugh Brooks Adv., six^^.spots weekly; 51 weeks (renewal); Fred Benioff (furs); through Sepall Adv^^ 28 spots. weekly; 52 weeks; California Prune & Apricot .Qrowers Af«n., through Long Adv..: six parr ticijiations weekly, 13 week."?, -Galeii Drake; Brs. Carnpbell (denti.sts). through Rufus Rhoades,' 21" spots weekly, 52 weeks; Chrysler Corp. (for Dodge), through RuthraufE .& Ryan, eight one-mihute spots: Chrys- ler Corp. & Subsidiaries, .through J. Stirling Getchiell, 52 or rrio're spots. 52 weeks; Chrysler Corp. (for Plym- outh), through Getchell. 12 . spots; Colonial Danies, Inc., through !Gla.<;-. ser Adv.. 13 .spots; Compagnie Paris- lenne, through Npr'thwester'n R,-idio Advertising, six .five-minute ijro- grams; Day-Nite Water Heater Co.. through HixsonrO'Donneli; six spPts weekly.' .52 weeks; Folger ' Coftee, through Rayhiond Morgan, brie quar- ter-hour >'eckiy, 52 week.s;/^ 'Best . Buys';". General Motors,- spiots . as. or^ .dered, 52 weeks;. Hale, Brother.s (de- partment .<;t6re).- ithrough: Segall Adv.. 13 spots; Hirsch & .Kaye, .(bpticians), through Long Adv.,'tvvP. spots;:*Lind- ;say Ripe ^Oliye Co:, thrpugh >Lprcl,-Sf. : Thpinas; .six participations weekly. 52 weeks. Gaiien. Drake; Moore',s. ^Clothr; Ing, . through.'. Lbnjf .Adv.,:.flye spot's; .National.; Funding Corp.,; . thirough Smith' & Bull, .sis; iQ-mihute -news- casts, ^weekly, - -52 weeks - (renewal);- Par .Soap,, "through "rho'maschkei. Elliott, six: participation^ weekly; 2(5 Ayecks,;. " Galeh: /Drake. ..(renewal); Schwabacher^t'rey; direct, onie flve- niinute newscast weekly, 13 weeks;: Southerri pacific ' Railroad,. through Lord & .Thoiiia.s, 34 spots;. Standard Bevietages'(par-t-pak), 'thro\igh Eniil . Reinhardt.. 65 spots; J, L. TUttle .Cp; (cottage cheese), through, Rejnhardt . |hrce sppts weekly, 52. weeks; .U. S. playing...Ciard Gpo thrOugh.J.' Walter ThPmpsoh, five, one-minyte spots ■weekly, seven WeeksV KFRC;. Lydia. .P CP., through ErAyin. Wasey, 52 one-mlriiite spots; Standard Beverages; through Pmjl Reinhardt,. six spots; Transport Motors, through Stack^Gobel. ,19 spots; Hir.sch &-Kaye, through Lpng ;Adv., tivp spotsr: BlackstPne. A.<pirin, SEATtLE DISAPPOINTS Holiday Biz Not Vp. to Expeclaiions ■v. V' . Seattle,-D(ec:-;24,::v . Althpugh local tiriits miacle a, sfn^li clinib: the week before . Ghristmias, hoiiday biz: h^re - was hot up. to ex- pectatipns.:.■.^;;.'•..;..'v \ ' -y. KDKA COUNTS ITS NEWER BLESSINGS De]c.-21'Compared.-to Pfecl. 14. Netwbrlr: Local. National: ' Total tiriita • ilhUK - Spof Units. . Units 5.735 ' 10.363: ...■7'7.8::.' 16.876 5,830. . '10.25(5 . -'STOI . • 16.847 —J;6%. . . Des ■Moines.^-Dec. 24. ;Unils -^here . siio\y . little . sign of iife, i continuing the ■inactrbh" of the 'past. : few wejsks: Njitiohaiipot.cbpp.ed the only gain;- arid that a small one.. ' I- yfUO: Smith Bros., through R. iv - Potts &. Co.,' 117 .65-word arinounce- I meiits. .three' a, week;" Spohri Medical .-Co; (Udder-Aid), .through Crllchncld ■ & Co., 39. 2p0-word armounceriients, three a ^^/eefc: Industrial iTrairiirig iri- .^stitute, throueh Janies k.- Liinke . & I Associates, two 'pef-iods^bf;- five rrii.n- ■utes each; . Household .Magazine, .1 through Presba, Fellers.& Presbia; 12.'. periods of five arid 10 minutes each, six a week.: 'Jerry-and Zelda': Hartz ! Mountain: PrpdUctS; through Geo.-: H. ' Hartriian Co,, 26.periods.' of: 15- iiiinr. utes each, 'Master Radio C:ariaries'; American Dairy Association..through Lprd . & ThOmasi . 165 30-word an/ riouncements, five a- week; Peter Fox Brewing , ep., through Schwiminer & Scott, five-minute, prpgrarns, lour" a week; b. L. Giark Co.,,throUgh Albert P. Hill Co., 10 periods'of .one lininute each,, .five a week; L. Ginsberg & Sons;; th rough Lessing Adv.,, 300 or more . 30-word ahriouricements,.. as scheduled ■.■ (renewal); Peters Hatch- 'ery, thrPugh (boles, liic;, 132 periods of 15 minutes each; six a week, .'J[erry and Zelda,' arid 39 or more 15-minule farm news, three, times :a week; Western Grocer Co,, through Cobl- idge Adv., 312 peribds of 15-minute news, six a week (renewal); Fblger Coffee Co., through Lord & Thomas, 260 periods of l5 rriiriutes each, five a week, 'Judy and .Jane' /(renewal)-,, Compagnie Parisienne, Inc.; through Northwest Hadio. Adv., eight periods, of flivie minutes, four a. week; Skelly Oil Co., through Henri, Hurst; & Mc- Donald, six programs per week, 15 minutes,each, 'CJaptain Hprne'; Bayer- Semesan Co., through Thompson- •Koph do., 26. lOO-.wbfd announce- riients/six a week; General Cigar Co,, through Federal Adv.-. 26 periods of 15 riiinute.s eadh. two aAveeki 'An.swer fMan' (renewal); Murphy Products jCp.. through Critchfleld & Co.. 13 'periPds of 30 minutes each; 'Home on the Tarm' ' by wire from WDAY, Favgo...N. I>.; Industrial Training In-; stitute, Chicago, thrpugh Jarifie."! R: Lunke & Assbclates,. •..'Arherica. Speaks.' flve-rii.inute"ptb.gram .bpce ia week;. Groceirs 'Wholesale .Copperas iive; Inc:; through MitcheUrFaust, 13 periods of ao.Triinute.s each. 'Wlri.'iorri* quiz shPvi/. live talent; .ChifySler Corp; (Plynioulh).- through '• - j!-;; 'Stirling Getch'ellr i2 30- and /lOO-wprd an-, ribuncements... six ■ a; week; Farmers Hybrid Corn-'Cb,'. 100-wpfd -ari.iip^ trii^ntsi; thriee a week; direct; Standard j Oil --.oif 'Ihdiaria. thrbugh' -McCann- 1 Erickspn. 156 periods.Of-one minute each;..six;aweek-.^--...-,: - :'•■;,,'■ .Pittsbiiirgh, Dec. 24...: New: biz reported ' last .week- by WestinghOuse; statioTi: KDKA.. fol- lows:.:.- ; ''-.>;. ■':' •- ■ ' ■■ ' Nprth Am, Aceideht Ins/Cb;, fiveK thin spot three , tiijies weekly loir 13 :wks;, throiu'igh Frarikii.n. iBttick; : : .Piso Co,, station bireaks five times weekly- .for -17/. wks,, - through . Lake Spiro Shurman, / ' : / . •:yick .Cheiriieal, 50-onP-miri anricts; .five times .-.weekly, :through Morse ;intn; . :■/--./■• a/: \ '' ' '"/. •' \: ' Ludeh's Inc.. 180\ evenirig anncts. to-iMsirch 1. thrpugh' Ji-.Malhes; Pittsburjgh . Brewipl, 15-rnin /m"uT ■ijiCal -show 'once" weekly, for 5? through >Srriith; Hoffman & Smit h. . Otto.-Milk Co.; time anncts for -52. wks, ahrough W; S. Hill . Brauh /Baking, i.'i-niiri show five times weekly. for 26 Wks, through vy/- E; Long/,., -. .-:/- .•/^/:./: . -. otter. /: .Drlig &' Ghejpical/ ",-12 anrict&,/weekly for 52. wks/-.through ■.Athei-ton & ."Currier; •: ^ ' ■ . / F . Ad.-.,Richter; two i-riiiri accts. weekly for fPur months, through. H. W, Kas'tor. . K. A. Hughes, tWo anncts. weekly for 13 : •wks,, through . Badger & Bro.wning. .. v ■/ •-'.- •. //•../ ■,- - ■ Stand. Vitamin;. 26 panicipatiPris in Shopping Circle,: through :A1 Paiil teftori; ■-■ ■■ /■ ■ :"^"-^ :./ : Cleveland -.Gb-Op -Stove Cb,; re- newal of. quartCT-hb'ur weekly - on Musical Clock- fPt /i3 . vvks.;. .through Lang Fisher & :Kirk'.. •' .■ ■' "/ ■ . - Clearfield Taxidermy Co., 13 pa^ tiCipatipns bii dates tP 'be agreed upon, direct ■ ■'■ "... , .. Phillips Packiiig; ■ statiori. .-breiaiks five ^ times' weekly, for' 13. -wks., through. Aitkin,-Kynett./ •Dr, Ellis .Sales, : annct. participaT tibns iri Shopping Circle to May ,29, through Smith, Hoffman Smith.- Fort Pitt Bedding,; bnCe Mv'eekly Shopping Circie participatipn tp'Feb. 26, through Smith, HPffman & Smith, Duquesne Brewing; renewal of 15- niin, sports show, tb Jan. 24. and quarter-hour nwsical . show once weekly to May 30/ thrbuigh "Walker & b'pwriing. Phila.'Co., stafipri break, six tinies weekly for 39 wks., direct. ; BriStplTMyers, one-rtiin .^annct. six: times "weekly for 52 wks.,. thrbugh Young &,Rubicatri. ' . /Kroger Gp.,: 'LindaV First Love* and . 'Editor's Daughlpr,' each five times weekly, to Feb." 6, Ihrough Ralph H." Jones. . American Chicle, renewal bne-min. annct. si3< times .weekly to April- 5, through Badger Sc Browning/ , john Morrell Co., flve-min. Horiie Forum arid Shopping Circle partici- pations, one on each weekly, for 26 wks.. through - Henri. Hurst & Mc- Donald. 10 Red-Headed GirU Columbia,- S. C;, Dec. 24; :. before . WIS •becariie .'the ■■ local■ release -foi' the NBC-^retJ. .. stafjori spotted .10 girls With -red " hair ari.d dressed in wW^ gpwrns : and. red .capies at ..variPiis irri- :; portant. downtown: cbrrters ahd-; had them distribute red' carria- . ■ .vtiphs./--,. . " ■■■■// / -. •; ■■.:.;. ,/ /. • Each. gil'i also wore a chest. .-■.ribbon/ with. the legend,,'/WIS- / the Network- a.jj^-F-^ BC B e d Netw o r k. Most Teople." Listen -' to . Most-..-" Colunibia, S. C, 5.000 wafts 560 fcc>- ■■/■ Not much spifrlt in the New York- figures this .we:ek,. with,..bbth national sppt and total "-units'ill . the red. local :biiS> showing-Igain. 'et only OA%r ^ ^ ■■:■;/ ^:'/:/■ ■^■./>/. / WHN; bayega-Clty / RadlOi Irtc.,. thrbugh: Mpser. At Cbtins, 23 :^t.ah-;^ riounC^me'nts. ■ .■■- ■-/■'■-. ; ; WINS:, Jahsseri-Pia;jp/Qo., ;inc,,^di- rect/ 48 One-ipinute anriouhcemi^tSi ■.^WMGA: -CPiiinninity Optibiaris pojlar Eye Glasses Manhattan.Corp:, i3r\yeek renewal of . complete/cbh-'. tract on . WMCA; Music .Box and/ Lyceum Theatres, through-Kaytoii-.. SpierOj. 10. anriPuncernents; .:Mainhat-.. tan- Centeri direct, /two-week con- tract 'foir programs featuring:: ^Zek* Manners;/ Rbxy - Theatrie, through Kaytbn-Spi.erOj il anhounceinenta, • Deic/vi;i Compared ito Dec. 14 Michael Arien's shprt-story grotip, 'These .Chafminjg People,* provides an air-vehicle in adaptation of 'When the Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square.' Title from back in the 2b's has just, been uricovered—on the heels of ppp song. Chicago, :"DiBC. 24// WbbM: Arides Candies, Iric:, time signal annouricements, :thrpugh .Mc- Junkiri agency;:^Quaker;Oats Co.. five. rriin\ites "six times .'vi'eekly for Aunt Jcmiina /Pancake./ Flour,' tb^'bugh •gherma'n K./ EUis; . Murphy ; Auto .Sales,.' 15 '/'rtiriutes o'h Sundays, thrbugh Daive Bennett agency.,, > ; . ."WIND:. Melody MUl BaUroorii, 15 minutes nightly: on- 'Night Watch', program six tiriies weekly;: WiW'am A/ Lewis . Credit. Corp.. three " spot .annbuncerricnts weel^ly f pr 26 - weeks, thrpiigh Reiwitch . & Wittenberg; Weyei's; Inc., special Christmas an- nojiricement. c a in p a i g.n; .Peoples Hardware^, special Christrhas nouncement camoajgn. / : Wx-...: L'"8-Belt Co'.,.., statiPn break' ia^nnounccntients four times weekly, through Behl it Waldle. ~' WMAQ: John Morrell i Co., 10 minutes six timeis weekly; renewed foi-, 52 Weeks through Henri, Hurst & /McDonald; "Wieboldt Stores,^ 30 minutes five, times weekly; Pn Musi■^ cat Clock, renewed: fbr/52 weeks, through Neerthani, Louis «f Brorby; "Wilson . ft . Co., five minutes six tiities weekly; renewed for 13 :Weeks, through , United- States agehcy; Schoenhofen-Edelweiss Co.. five min|- u.teS; five times weekly^ through "Western,agb.tlcy; : Network t'oicai Natt'onal total tiittst' Uiliis; SpiotUnlts Uitit^. 195 11,512 8,510 .30,21? 195 11.468 8,594 20,257 : . • . -^.0.4%. .: —0.9% -tO.2% ./* Np-chahge.: --. .- •-, ■wgxit) Cmcy Dept Store .J)ec/21 Compared to Dec. 14 Network Units 9,835 9,885 —0;3% Local Units 6,346 6.201 +2.3% (Inc.ludea: .^'nnM; National, Spot Units 11.177 11,111 • + 0;6% -•. WENlt. WON, .W,7.TU, WUS. W.MAQ) total Units 27,378 27.167 -1-0.8% WI.ND. St. Louis—Patsy Montaha, hill- billy singer formerly with the Na'. tional Barn Dance troupe, has joined Pappy Cheshire's KMOX gang, ■ Dec. 21 Gpmpared to Dec. 14 Network . Local. "Naiiphal. Total Units Vntts. Spot .Units Unii^ ... 8.176 3.156 3,181. 14,513 8;310^ ^ 3,203 //•/3,166 14,679 —1.6% ■■ ■-r-i-.5% :> .+«:5^ ' —1:1% (Tndludedi KRST. KSO.- .WtlO) ; ,. .throughRayrnbnd Spectol',. three quiarterriiours. weekly^."- 52 " Weeks. 'Jbhn :B. riughes "News and Views.'.. L Aviiationd Spot Slides 251%^ ife hs. Buys 2 From Hotel Nkerjr . .:; Cincinnati, Diec: 24. - - Renewal . WSAI by. Alms arid Doepke,/. department . Stpre,: of its. second /13-weefc. stiretch of daily A5- niinute 'Vogiies and Values' prP"- gragins, Conducted by .Rita. ' Hackett, . was proriitrient in last. week's tlhie sales for local. accounts. . Same sta- tion carried . - a . special i. SO-niiriute broadcast for the H. ft S. Ppgue'de- partment .store that- was .unique. Stanza originated in the .Netherland Plaza hotel's . PavilloTv: ■ Caprice, swank : hitery, during the Saturday afternoon ■ lull. ...Men customers were guests fPr. rcpcktails and; mPde| showed women's di:6ss pretties. / Local accounts showed the. only advance last week, when total sales reflected week-befPre-Christmas ad- verHsing drpp in web anci spot dl- yisioris/ ;:... : •:" ' ' WKRS took on new spot biz for Ohio Gunhiison Co., . Hollywood Beauty ShPIi. Meier's Winie Cellar* , and the Copper Sound Service. . I Dec. 21 Compared to Dec.. 14 [ Networli Local National total Vtiils iTnits SpotUnita Units ' 6.655. 10,658 6,762-; 24,073 .6,835 10,533 8,866 24,234 —2.6% -fl.2.% • .-.^1.5.%' —0.7% Uncluded: WCPO, WKR(:. WL^W. W.^AI) . BEST XHAS sInCE '29 UPS DETROIT LOCAL I Dec. 21 Compared to Dec. .14 Network Local National .. Total tnits Units Spbt tnit^ Units 11.485 3.991 2.369 . 17.845 11.410 4.012 2.366 v, 17.788 4,0.6% "•^0.5% - -^-0.1% • : 0.3% i (inclutled: KFnC. ; ' KJBS. ' . ■ /, .' . Los Angeles, Dec. 24.. / Nationai spot and local units: fell .biii here this!time^the fprrtler losing ;26;9%,.'the latter .12.2%. Bulk; 0 hew traffic/"ca'mie: . from ..a^^^^^ hients, "with/a fev/ quarter and half- hour"" shbws thrown in ,to bolster the total. . . .. . :•■■'■ ../ .. KFL Chrysler Corp.. l2 50-word and 100 :; word anriouhcenients. thrpugh J./ Stirllng..-G,etchell; Sm & Final Co.. 39 half hour .programs, 'Johnny Murray - Talks It. Ovei^,' t.hrbugh- Hiijjrttz. /iPiCkpring; ..National 'Furidiri^ Cprp;, 208 15-minute .niews- caSts; . Western ./Federal. Savings & Loan :.Ass'n, . seveti - ^O-w.ord, . an- no.uncenients,-.thrpiigh • Elwood. Rob- irisori, Jr.; Guaranty Uriion, Life In- .surarice Cb., 52/one-minyte pro-, .grams, "through ;5to.del: Adv, . '/ V -K.ECA: Guaranty Union L'fe In- surance Co., S2 l5-miriute. prbgrariis, Ihrpugh 'Stpdei Adv.; ;C. .H. Baker & Co., 26 50-w.ord ahriouncenicnts, through Sidney Garfirik^U Occideri- tal liife; Insurance. Co., LTI' prie-half hour programs, 'School Kids Kwiz,' through Heintz,'Pickering, . KFWB; ; Listenwalter. & (Jough, Inc., one half-hour program, 'Beam, of Light; through Cecil; fioble Adv.; Glreer-Robbins Co., 260 participations- in Torii Stoddard's .'Bridge. School of the Air,' through Campbell: Adv; KHJ: Sears, RPcbuck;^ four 100- word announcements, . thrpugh the ilayers Co.; California/Fruit Grpjw-- ers- Ekcliahge, .fbur- lOO-Wbrd nbuiicefnents, / thrpugh . Lord . & "Thonias; Mqsterole Co^ 20 ori^iyriiin- ute aj>npuncei^ents, thrbugh " Erv/in,. WasPy; jLydia":E.. P^^ .Medicine Co,, 65 pne-mihute arinbuncernent.Sj thrbugh . Erwi'n, . Wa.sey; ::The : M^ Company, 30 • 35 . Or 100-word an- nouncements or Pne-miniite/ tran- scriptions, through Miltpri :WBinberg; Federal outfitting/Co.," 52 .15/mi|jute progirams. -Radio Charadesi' through lileiriti; .Pickering,, . . / // " - KNX: Western Fe.derai Sayings and Loan .Ass'n," eight lO-rpiiiule prOr grams,, thrbugh ElwQdd; J. Robinson Co.; May Cbnipany; 52 100-wbrd an- nouncements, through ^iltori: "N^pin- herg: \ ' " . .'•■■:■■.'.■ ■'/ /. ■ - --': ': Detroit, Dec, 14, With some of the national spot businesis ducking out , because of the seasonal cpmpetition, Detrbjt caught a drop in that category, balanced up fairly evenly by network and local units. . "»' - • Netwprk vaulted here;, partialiy on the strength .of twp fights carried .during the week; Local business still fathers. " additional .^rength "from Store accounts in a year which has; • seen Detj-pit on Its biggest- shopjpirtg spree/ with/vplume of sales topping- even the boorii of '29, ../:-. / National spot.won't reflect- much/ mor.e • here for,;the rest pf the year, with .stales staffs-cpncentrated on th resumptio n after Jan. 1.. / - / / -./" ' Dec; 2i/Coupared to .Dec. 14 I i . Dec. 24 Compared to Dec. 17 : ( Network Local . National. :• Total Units ; Unit? . Spot Units Uniifi 12.920 9,054 . - i;706 . 23,680 12,389 10.317 2.335 25.041 '.+4-3'5fe -•—]2;2f| '—26.9% ^^5.4% (rnfliidPd: KKCA. : ■' "iiFWn, KHJ. -■- - K." ■ • NetWork. Units - '9.635 : 9,375 ■ (Ir^rlude'l: : Local tfntts 12.052 • 11.925 + 0.8% National Spot Units 4.645 • 4.825 . : ■ —3.7% './ .cKi,w; ■w.lnK. wjR. ,wmbc; - AVWJ. \VXT7a ,. total Units 26.332 26.152 +0.7%,. Webster, WGAE Spieler, To Run WGED, DuBois, ;/ ..JPittstxutiSh. ■ Dec, 24^ -. Bob W^bister/announcer at WCAE, hks resigned, his.-ppst-there to her come gcirieral manager: of. WCeD," a. new sl' DuBois,.iPa. He leaves ; here • fl !"jEt. :p( "year for preliminbiry ! work :i;n-. WCK.-X which will go oh. I the .ail' /in February, pperatihg fu*" ' tim'c at 2.')0 watts.' ." ' I His sU.cce.ssor at WCAE riot named!