Variety (Dec 1940)

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S8 RADIO REVIEWS Wednesdajt Dedfmber 25« 1940 •HIDDEN STABS' IVith OrrlD: Tucker, Bontile Baker> . JacltV Balrlcll, Th« Bodyguards ■ Quartet Band, SooKS - : . SO Mins. VITAA9LIZED : TEASTFOAM TAB> •LETS ■: ■.• • Suiiday. 5:39 p.m; > yfJZ-KBCSKwYoTk About the'Qrily - thing which dis- tinguishes this:sessi6n ironi a straight dahce ttjuSlc program is ..the iriolu* Bion of the 'discovery angle.'. This one duplicates the •semi-amateur, twist which Al Pearce has been.'exr ploitlng on his. Camel show thisVsea'T Boii. Both programs credit the origin 6t their / tti.leht 'flnds' to stations In the: smaller coraiiiunities.. ' . Since the 'discovery'..consumes, but e jiegligible-iractibn of the half hour,, the task of cbrraling listener is r. "tirely that df Orrip Tiickor n n'l y^o"- riiie Bakidr, and . the job they^ turned. In for this initial chapter (15 > miist have clicked' nicely with the dancing, generation to' which the product is appariently. directing its main appeal;; The orchestral:numbers' were' neatly balanced and ^ varied, even though there was nothing of sbck quality iii the colle'ctibn... ." ■■..■■■}' , For Tucker arid Miss Baker It's- their flirst commercial btitlet, except- ing the brief series they did on the Lucky Strike. Hit piaraide, and as far as Miss Baker, is concerned, much will depend iri: the futtjre on the abil-' Ity to find . tnaterial which blends with that wispy little treble of'hers.i She did twb on the opening pro- gram, namely. 'You've Got Me This Way' and. 'Billy,'.and it seemed that of the twpsortie. the . number that jelled effectively was the latter, an bldtimer which Tucker dug up and recorded with her... Thpse respon- sible for "the. Yeastfoann. series «Jid ex- ercise gobt| judgment in one In- stance, and that is by. not having her do ^Oh, Jbhnriy,. Oh,' which by. Its frequency ol peirforrriance became aii eirache some months ago; V . Jiack Bartell, & cropner-type sihget with a pleasing tenor, alteriiated with Miss Baker arid Tucker himself on ■ the vocals. The.'discovery' was. a 16- year-bld soorano. Betty Ahn Lortch, who gave tVMBD, Peoria; as the sta tibri through wtllch her talents: were . uncovered. She did qiiite well by 'Softly as the Morning Suntiise;'.cbn> sideririg,that her training has a,long wiy 'to.igb;. ■ Sales copy Is chockfiil of vitamin meritions. Uses by inference quota tioris from medical journals which have nothing to do with the product, Includesr. the old.wheeze. 'Do you-sufr fer from: etc„ etC;,' and: speaks of •results almost xnagical.' Odcc. 'CUABtlE AND JESSIE' \ with Donald iCook, FlorenciB Lake, . 'Nelson' Case.'. 15 Mins. •• CAMPBELL SOUP M-^-F, 11 a.mi - ; WARC-CBS, New York • (Wheclocfc) From the chcnracters and basic, sitiiatibri pf several . of. his, .'Short, Short Story' programs for tlie same sponsor, .fled Cooper ba.s written this Click . Coriiedy scries ' as a. replace- riient- in.the,.sf)Ot ori CBS for Campbell Soup; '.Show is . deftly Scripted, skillfully produced, and, di- rected: and tjersuasively• plaiyed. Only question of its success .may- be \vhether .adult humor will appeal to dishrwaishers: !For. 'Charlie and Jessie'. is. e.'Jfieritially .a night', tinie show-^ahd a g'bod one.-' .;~ ' ..pbriald Cook; is Charlie, whose iBC- tiviti^s :as stai:: salesman foi'. Bissell, Cartwright, Emeirsbn flrid Speewack. Vnap ViiiTil^ft ^rnntip Wp pan>t get aWay for a. honeyriibon vyilh his: bride/^' seven . weeks, . Jessie;' played by Flor- ence Lake. Both- are solidly plaus- ible : artd>" by playing the- funny lines and situations straight, acterit ^eir coriiecly;. George Zachary's directibn has 'brispneSs-and fluency,' with such touches as the .miusical bridging and other, uses . of . music fis whijiisical italics Vto ;the .story. . Of ' .course Cooper's witty plot and characteers are the foundation! Campbell's commercials, plugging its .tomato, juice, are the endless, iiard-pUnChihg sort. ,but Tiielsori Case niakes them :as palatable, bs pbssible,; 'ALL SOLDIEB SHOW* From F«rt 49r4 " 30 Mins.T-Local Sunday, 7 p. m. ; : KFRCi San FranclMO. . .. Spotty on talcriti first Amy show ;t6 air from Ford Oird, Monterey, gets by principally on novelty. Aired oh Don Lee web with KDON, Monterey, brigiriating Iti the afternoon, pro-: gram, gets a delayed wa)c : release here at :7 p.rii. through tieup with Frisco .Examiner.'■ .' Operiirig with 'How I .Hate to Get Up' fanfare, drafteep sbiind. oft with the. 17th Infantry orchestrBi a 100- voice inale "chorus, 16-voice Negro choir and. soloists. Musically, there was nothing., outstahdirig on show- caught. except'e( piano soloist blllied as Private Bob Singer Who knocked out. a bit of Qrieg' In : real sty;le. Aribther private vocalized TlniCuli Firiiculai' arid 'To- "Thee: O Coui\try,' revealing Voluriie but not-much, felse, t ^^nlJ ni? greet rff^s Wi t h M t s ^'wii^ jidiileihe Negrg,.chqlrtackl6d 'Miirie'' iStelli^Sr^S^^ children and he describing the bbriib 'TUE COBN IS Oi^EEN' Willi Ethel-llarrymore, Emtyii Wil- liams, Mrii^'Emiyii Williams, Her- . man Shumllh, Bibhard Wwrlng, .'Chorus' 2b Mins. Sustaining: Tiiesday,. 11:30 p'.iu. , WOR-IVlBSr New York Originally conceived merely/as an expibitatibn stunt, for 'The Corn' Is iGrberi,' at' the 'National; Ni Y".;/this two-way trans-Atlantic broadcast Tuesday, night : (17) of last week be- catne, through various . Intangible factors; an . affectin,S experience ; for the listener. ■ Even . more moving than : the excerpts from the . play were the heart-breaking vlhiprbrtiptu conversations, : between" playwright Emlyn ■ Williams, in, Loridbh arid . his \yife in New' York.. ; -;' -, Program/opened with the Wii-" liamses, wiio had hot seen oi* talked tb each; other since she brought their i wn hnvs ^ :ft thp U. S. last July, ex ^ANET FLANNEB (GENET) / Book Talk . 10 Mins.—Local Sustaining Friday, 5 P, M. WQXB,: New York Janet Planner, who. lived and jbiir nalesed out of . Paris for 20 years, has returried tb : America. This was a one-time turn for the Leaf League of Women: "Voters*, program on New York . Citv's . 'high brow' station, WQXRi .It served to prove that this wpman of the woi"ld Can spiel as well as. scribble..' ■ 'Christmas Books for Thirtkirig People- was-her theme. And" she wasn't slumriiirig. 'Like a heron rises out of the; water' wais One phrase. And that's something on the radio at 5 p;m,i just when, flguraitively, Dick Kover is chasing the fifth columnists Iri a nrbtor boat through .the Panama Canal nn. jiny ordinary radio station. But WiOtXR i.-in't an ordinary station. Nor is Mi.<W Flanrier, :. . • .' Charlotte Seitlin. . of Simon St Schuster, has described ' Miss Flanr ner's voice ns 'Ditched in a reeister sli.ghtlV north of the Tallulah' Barik- head line,' The ladles will: perhaps excuse ' the gentlemen . but twb- "VARilETy guys listened at the .same tirtie .(a . formidable combination- two Variety guys) and the Bank- head coiriparison isn't- shared. Miss FlanneV is Poroihy Thbnijpson—the same crisp, cut-off phrasing, the.s'ame kriows-her-stuff air of aiuthority.: But above all the vbcal tlriibre vis sirnlr lar. Rfemarkably/so;; ^ A Vivid person: . PLO'T TO dyEii:TllBOW CHRIST- :MAS'-'.: ■■■ , With. Karl Swensoni Eric Burrbughs; Martin Gabel,. Rav Collins^ Sidney smith, Neil/ O'MaUey, Louis Van Rooten, Reynolds Evans, Irehe Winston, Everett. Sloane'' ' 30 -Mins. Sustalnihg''' / Sunday, 10:30 p^m. . WABC'CBSV New York. . This whimsical poetic fantasy by Nbrinari. Cbrwjn was dbne two. years ago on his .CBS sustaining, series, 'Words .without Music' An.ima'giria tive arid humorous play In a kind of dgdeii Nash bffrbalance verse, it made enchanting listenlrtg as a pre Christmas repeat Sunday night (22.) on 'Colunibia Workshop. Cprwin flew In from a Coast sc'ripting as-; :.. Idea' of the piece Is that a gang of the really dastardly villains: of all time gather in Hell to decide ori a way to overthrow the tradition of Christmas, which brings so much Ipy on earth. With a narrator called Sotto. Voce offering goofy comment.. Mephisto' chaifmaris the session at- tended by Nero. Hayriian. iVain the Terrible. Caligula, Simbn Legree and Lucrezia Borgia. After Some raucous name-callirig and dire name-nalling, Nero is sent to the North Pole to bump off Santa Claris., In the only serious bit of the sketch,/Santa ex- plains to Nero what Christmas really, means. Completely softened. Nero promises to reform and Is given a Stradivarius to fiddle while his col- leagues down, in Hieli: presumably burn. Number of ...eloquently wacky sound effects helped enormously. Casting also was a Vital factor. a.s all the Voices were 'charactersV and at the saifne time immediatply recog- nizable. .Karl Swerison as Sottb Voce. Erip Burrouehs as Nero//Mar- tin Giibel as: the /Devil.. Everett Sloane as a south emi-accented Simon Legree arid Ray .Collins as Santa all stood out. Others were also rredible.. It was the kind of thing, only radio can. do—and that radio can .''o so brilliantly. - . Hobe. dartiage to their-homb, and finally- With his reriiihder-of what he had told her; in a cable-r-tb. cn.ioy the play's ,iri New York 'for both of us.' Then ;the playwright *^as 'iritroduced- tb Ethel Barrymbre;:Star: o.f • 'Gbrh^ in New - York, arid ^with her. played :the enkindling clbsirig: scene of the play's first act. Miss Barrymore: asked Williams aboiit the present state of the thea- tre in England arid then .'introduced* him tb Heirman .Shumlin, producer.- directbr of the Bi-oadway editipri of fCbrri/; after which Richard -Waring, who; plays . the part in New York that: Williaims cr^atied originally Iri Lbridon. Next Miss Barrymbre and Waring played a. scene from the third act, after which, there .were; a few more brief greetirigs and -the program closed with^ another touch- ing Conversation between the Wil-; liamses;'. " Of course much of the. .effective- ness of the' show . /was diie to the sitiiatibri'is emotional, overtones. But also, it was a tastefully and skillfully prepared program, one invblvlrig extrabrdiriafy difficulties. V Idea was originally suggested by Sol- Jacob-, son; ari aissistant to Richard Maney, the play's press agent; Anri.Hoftey- cutt, WOR producer and/wi-iter, put the script together i»nd wrote w;hat continuity there was Vlri advarice. Alvin Josephy, of t.he special, fea- tures divisio.ri, and Adolph Opfinger, Mutual. program nianager, worked, out the technical details, Which were handled by cable. Stariza causied so much favorable; comment that a recording of it was rebroadcaSt over WOR locally Suriday afterrioon (22). .Hob«. Most authentic highlight cbmes mid\tfay . iriy a section tiibbed : the 'Rookie's Letter Home.': Kid; reiads the missive just penned to his iribm back: ori." the:/farm<. telling its Joys arid iosrows .In ..getting acquainted with; camp life. .-Had sbihe good huriibrbus touches In .comment about a dbg. that gbt IntbVfirIng range ;and unset practice, etc., although the nv*erial is all strongly reriilniscent of '17^18. : Wcm, ?PICJC YQUR PRICE' With Gren Ra^nd . Thieatre .'Qulz ' 30. Mins;—Local NUrPRESStJRE OIL Wednesday. 6:30 P.M. ' WABY, Albany . New show; from.:Warners' Strairiii, Is anotjicr/ vjiiiation of ' 'Dr. L- Q.,' upon..which there:has been superim- pose^ a type .of. 'luck' /element re- cently" ad^ecl as a ■ spicer to many. qUiz'ze.s. Orie different touch is .as- DICK GILBERT With Merle Pitt Orch Variety 15 Mins.; Moiii-Sat., 11:30 a.m. WNEW, New'York • ■- ■; Following Martin Block's morning MakeTBelieye Ballroom, hour, con-, sidered.^ the. ;:Chbicest grbbve ori WNPW. tomes Dick Gilbert with a new Moriday-throngh-Saturday quar- ter.hour from 11:3,0 a.m; "Backed by; Merle Pitt and his. Five Shades , of Blue, house, orchestra; Gilbert Iri. su&ve/ .style' gives oUt wffh 'swirig: low; sweet i'liythm,' which'he. calls, 'relaxed arid righteous .music a hbw kind of blue.S, jazz arid subtle swingi* to distinguish-it frbm. the Cacaphoni ■ous: ..; .. . • ' ■ X ■:' ■ Besides being a .band Style Inter--: prefer.' Gilbert also has si pi be, .un- conventibrial -baritone, ; 'warbling 'Dream Valley* and ^If -I :Had You/ - He's a former vaudevillian;:; now a riew>papermari; who al.«o: conducts .XO;U. .quiz ShoW on WEVD; which,' with;this si3v-a-(Jay stint, gives Gil-- bert some sbi^t of distinction as bb- irig the only iierspri, to write and emcee a live "show ori: the; air seven 'LET'S PRETEND' Christmas Carol 30 Mins. : .. . Sustaining Saiturdiky, 12:30 p.m. WABC-CBS, New York : For the eighth successive year, Nila Mack's; 'Let's Pretend/ a Christ- mas Carol for children was pre- serite'd Saturday (21) over CBS; The program continues to have an. ini- mierise following, and for good rea- son, for although it wa^es.. senti- mental in Its pre.sentation of the travels of 'Good Will' and the child. 'Love' through, the 'House of the World/ , it carries a punch that is simple enough to be effective. with children, and tb cause their elders to pause and thihk. ; , ; :< . The-fairy, tale tells of 'Gooci Will* meeting - the child 'Love,' and through the Very natures of both, successfully break down,the walls of greed, ^selfishness, Intolerance, and poverty as presented in skits for each. The very simplicity of the writing arid acting is the programs strbngeist .point, especially In this, the Christmas seasori. sigrimcnl of yoiirig women tb' rov- i times a week;.- Thb WjEVD quizzer irig mikes. ..i.s a s.tage . board .l is In its 29th week or: .so. . s' witli ., cbverod .numbers. Sounded ;j Come-on for this WNEW entry. Js bad on occasion caught Ayhen winner a. pri}:e award for the title -lo. of top sum . was '' a •; .Nu-Pre^sure dealer. • ■ ' ■ .■, ■'•■;,:; Dick Harligian manipulates: solo- vbx for musical queries .(ali in pD on debut), and Signori-off tuning. Harry . Gbldmhn. . 'WABY-WOKO the prbgrain which I.s- riiarked by an easy style, punctuating the straight iristrum.cntal renditions with perti- nent .rbmarks such- ais reference to Artie Shaw's and' now his yesteryear :'Begulne' 'Frcnesi'; or the fact: sales mariner,;. Iiaridle.s .bohrd. Iniv that,.;v,-hen .the Diike of Windsor was tial broadcast received, at 7.:3.0, a 15- • a "carefree Prince-of- WjilVs in a for- minute buildup—mainly: plujging merly .imtroiibled worlrl his favb was new product arid backpattirig officers (area nien).' 'lf;;I Had Yoivl whereunon Gilbert vocally interprets tlie lyrics tq .show Prograni,; pays liberal prizes 1 why, (for Albany),, has its riioments; but .'Quarler hour is a smooth .esossiori, : . " Jflco;' 1 V » tempo" is .too" slow. •LETTERS OF DOOM' with Franeis Urry. . Dramatic . 30 Min.s,—^Local .Sustaining '•' ; ■"'■ ,..■■:'.■..,■.. Thursday, 10:30 p.m. ' KSL.'Salt.Lake tily.. ...-"■ ■/'■';'• / / Opening; With the deep tones df -ah Oriental;-gong, a crack of lightning; and music a la .;mysteploso, 'Letters of Doom' sustains the bbglnningmood expei-tly throughout .the half-hour stanza',;. StbrieS ■ are .- of varying length running /from several wieeks to :a two-shot.; All'consist bf drahia- tizatibns of-gn usual cases whlch.hjive been sblV.ed by Roger Gordon, tracks er-dbwrier of the gUiltj'; Everything is. used thai might add to the SuSr: pense and air of; mystery—stealthy footsteps, 'slamming dbors," screams, etc..^- But skillfully;. .1 ' , : • Story just,flriishing.i.s..''nie Eye: bf the Cobra,* with ' the locale iri deep- .est jungles of: Burma, where Roger Gofdon has gone to recover the sacred eye of the cobra (airi: invalu- able . ertierald ). f rorii: riativo temples, Consuls/ -half-breeds." natives : and .slippery Ameiricari soldiers of fbrturie! were all featured : in the ^session caught arid the jgoing was plerity tough:-'- ■.- ;.■'_ :" . Series is sci-Jpted by Gladys. Wag- staff Piriney. . KSL Players are used, under direction, ot Parley Bafer- in- cluding Francis- Urry. Lyrin McKin-. lay; -LaVerne Stallirigs, .Wayne Rich- ards, Carl Grayson. Jbe Shaw, Dick Keddington arid Scbtt'CIawsbri. Gbrie Hp.lliday at the organ pirovides the ^niiirAicalvbaeUgrourid.- ,. jnti:e. • , 'HAY Ride' ' With Dwight Butche'r, Rattle Bailey,. '." Hank"Penny 30 Mlna.-^Lpcal .Sustaining Friday, 10:30-p.m; ; - - ' WSB, Atla>nta ^. ..:'/■-,'■ This Is :a WSB attempt to:hreak. away from traditional network dance .:band feeds. As heard, this brie was just so-so in production but with group singing.: of old Americtin bal- lads good. Show opened as the WSB.. barn dance gang set out on dn irtjaglnary trip across the-.state: to some town with a -historic .back- ground. : .". ■ Dwight Butcher threw away the script m places and his ad-lib emcee- ing; was, on the whole; funnier than the printed- words. Copy ruiis to <Such honey chatter -as 'While-we-gpt- old-dobblnTgbirig-how-abbut-a - song, Hattie.*: Original .note, and well done was Inviting city officials to climb aboard the hay wagon when the touring. WSBers reach 'their. destina- tion;- ■ Warm. Spring,..Georgia, 'secbrid: home* of the Presiderit; was town honored . on: program caitght: and voices ghosting for mayor, fire chief, police chief, etc., weren't bad; As an historic name,: Warm- Springs qualified but as a city strained the scripter's Imagination. Population of. this thriving metropolis is 400 (Rand McNally) and that includes patierits at the fbundatiori. ,Not quite a bobm town; ■ All In all, 'Hay Ride' was accept- abe . listening and a good 'local switchover from swings When the thin spots : are padded this show should bear up well with its partners in the Wte evening slot, which from left to right read: Sunday, 'Chariot Wheels;' Monday, 'Home Folks;'. Tuesday, 'Pari-America:' Wednesday; 'It Happened in. Georgia:' Thursday, •Ballad Time 'In Dixie;* Saturday, 'Barn Dancie/ . Hank Penny Stole the honors In the singing division but three new- ■cbmers, Minnie, Martha, and Mattie Bailey will build listeners too. Ar- rangemerits a trifle spotty and standi ard now, Jim. 'SATURDAY JAMBOREE' With Chet Gaylord, Kay Ivers, Jack .. Dalton, Hum and Strom* Salyy Cavlcchlo, Rakov Orchestra Songs, Music, Comedy 30 Mins.—Local Saturdays, 0:30. p.m. WBZ, Boston Here Is a program with some of New England's finest talent, but lets listeners down with so-sb comedy which cbuld easily be dispferised with. Program-opener . Chet Gay- lord Is Pne 'master, pi ceremonies who doesri't talk . tob; much... :Keeps everythihg.mbvirig; alsb ttirns In fine robust baritbning on old songs. Jack Daltori, guitar-pl&yin'g. siriging cow- bov; chants, melodies of plains well. Kay Ivers is real surprise both iri. .reading script and as ballad: singer. She has -rare cbmbinatlbn ~pi excel- Ibrit phrasing with exceptibnail qual- ity, and still doesn't ape any lesiding femnie singer's style. . Hum and Strum -should stick to their' pleasing harmony duets and forget forced; humor; Salvy:, CaviCr- chio. cbntinues. well-piced prbgram :.with marimba Solo, 'Darice of Come- dians,* souriding a$. if dozeri .cbmiCs were tapping at samfe/time arid, not gbssible by mere tec'hriiqiie of two ands.'';. ■."-■ • Although .R^kbV's: orcheatira eoh- sists of three trumpets, trombone, four saxesr accordion, string, guitar, piano, and: 'maestro's' Hddle, jib idrurii^ ate .usedi / Musical, back- ing :\ip gives Vocalists definite lift. While instrtiraental . numbers' . show unusually fexcellent taste - in' ar- ranging, played by fine. musIcians-T-. with orchestra giving. impressiori Pf 20 tb 25 meri; , r . Script has boys rivals- for" Kay Iver's attentiori, with Rakov- winriing out. amidst comic situatipris entirely lacking, in humbr. : Script definitely needs reyisiori. However,: show has- many compensatirig igobd points. BOONE COUN'TY JAMBOREE Witti Lola BcU pad Sootty, Happy Hal O'Halloran, Drifting Pioneers . (4), Lasy Jim Day, Girls of Golden West (2), Boone County. Bucca- neers (0), LafeHarkness, Merio Travis,; Bob Collins, Jim Leonard, Daisy and Her Bangerettes (4), Hugh Cross and Ills Radio Pab ■': .(5), Danny Slowfoot, Helen Diller,' ; Pa and' Ma ..McCormick,: NPvelty :Aces (5), Clem, and Maggie, Bus Bartoii:,.- Rural .Variety Two SOrMin Sesslooa - " PINEX ':..- Saturday, 8:30 and. 10:30 js.m;> WLW, Cincinnati (5i<ssel M., Seeds) . / ' FPr. the thir;d seasori of WLW-'a Saturday ; night ^hoedown opfies George C. Biggar, . wrfio supervises this division of. CrPsley's talerit staff has. rounded up capable people; To' th6 acts already, solid with the sta-' tiPn's:: rural faris, he has added sev-- eral new Pries that.; are fast in. cli nching - i ^ uuiei ' s. / : • • ■.- ... ■ '• ; Stage-and-air shows orlglhaite ^iri the 2,200 seat Emery auditorium; in- dpwritpwn Cincy.., Admish scale Is 20-25-45-65 cents and turnaways arb the .rule, ... Walter 'Harik' Riohatds;; -scribter-producei*, Is assisted by Paul DeFur.:and Howard Chambeirlain in the staging. ' First of two half-houi: broadcasts is' bankrolled by Pjncx (cough syrup) for the second season. • Second session is sustaining. Jim Leopard,: who handles the blurb chores, entwines a rare and effective , plug. Takes: a hand mike Into the' audience and ad - libs! with one. alslersittbr on his' or her ex* perierices, if .any; with Pinex cough" syrup. Conversation usually brings but. pplnts siboyt a family's Ibng ex- perience, with the product; Happy .Hal; O'Hallorari, m..c., keeps the; acts rifiovlng. in breezy tempo; Vocal- arid" instrumental soloists arid combinations, supplying the • -wide range of: musib popular with folks on the farm, in. the mountains and scatterfed over plains, glVe oft irii original and special arrarigenierits. Comedy entwined in.the proceedings raises howls: "from spectators and also, lurids with" dialers. . Koll, 'WHAT'S The ANSWER?' With Leston Fanenf Quix " ', . 30.Miiui.—^Local MARINE TRUST CO. Sundays, 2:30. p. m. WKBW, Buffalo • Back, for a third seasori Is direct takeoff - on 'Information Please' that pleases.; because judicious care has bebri exercised In selecting a quizzer arid experts' board. .Quizzer Is Leston Faneiif; one-tinie newspaperman; mayor's secretary and now sporisbr- irig bank's p.a., whose calm. style,, poise and . sense of timing move half-hour; shot with the. flair of a Fadimari.. Period opens with ship's bell de- ribtirig: 2:30,' and laiiinches . quickly Irito qi»e5tions, riiahy,bf local import, which four-man boardi usually cares for well. Queries pay. $2 per arid-ian additional; $8 if the experts miss. With hp cbnsclous 'attempt at levity^ the board turned up .some interesting humpr on its return program (10 h Regular answerers, for this season ai-e Dari Street, muhiclpal official-, author and. big-game, stalker; Walter McCaUsland, D.'a. for local street cat systerii, and Thomas Brown, newspa- perman. Voices registered well, and all await turn Without jumbling In oil top bf.each other. Result Is an easy- riding' program ■that catches dialers in: their easy chairs,. «fter Sunday dinner, where they cari digest quiz withbut expending too much effort. Betz. 'DOLLARS TO DONUTS' Qiiiz Program 30 Mins.—^Local Friday, 8:15 P. M. MARY JANE SHOES WiP, Philadelphia A new quiz program broadcast from the Fays; Theatre—a vaude- filmer.-^ Aririouricers placed, through-. but the house select" patrons willing to answer .a qiiestlon .and ahnourice their names. .■ / . Questions sent . in by lisle"ners receive orie .buck, arid up and' -ii answered incorrectly receivfe an^adr ditlbnal gift of a pair bf j^Iai•y Jan* . ,lf coritestant /cannot answer: . the questiori .correctly he receiyes. « aonut arid the amount bf- the ques- tion Is put iritp the jackpot.^' At iM end.: of the" program .all contestants receive a 'jackpot-queStipri.'. . : This is ari.swer to the "State ban on Birigb and, Bankriights. Crowds" at the Fays Theatre on Quiz niglrts are -pirbpf of its popularity... -... Snai- - •AIR TRAVELER AIRS HIS VIEWS' With Tim Sanders . .15. Mins.—Lobsil' '■. ;••'" ■.;: CRESCENT AMUSEMENT CO. :Tues.rSat., 9:15 p.tft.. WLAC, Nashville, Tehh. .' ImprprijptU discussion, pn busmess and -. international affairs.^, with air passengers by: Tim .Sanders. may - range .from ladies'^^ <ii;«sses...-to philosophy. , Sanders spends .hoUM each week readirig ; latest scientmP: journals, filmmagazines, and ciauy news events in order ;that. he ca" parley pn" any subject with the. pas- sengers.' " " f Program is sppnsbre'd by Crescent, Amusement Co; arid has large locai followring; Many interviews^wtn film stars/going from L A., to