Variety (Dec 1940)

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46 HOUSE REVIEWS Wedniesdiij, December 23, 19 to PARAMOUNT, N. Y. .Tommy . j3i6Tsev: Qrch with Frank Sinatra, Connie Hoines, Buddv RicJi, Zlflifify i5lman anrt the \Pied Pipers; Chris Cross, Lorraine .& Rogitan, Nicholas: Bro^.; 'Love Thy Naighhor' (Par), reuieiued in current issue. , Pl^ivirig its umpteenth. feturri ien- . ga^erncnt at ..the Pararnount, Tommy Dorsey's crew is .given stir.png supV port by a- well-rounded trio. of acts to provide ^ a. highly entertaining hour. The three ,turns booked . In-: depeijdentlijf; of the. band, as a. inatr . ter of fact, pretty much, steal the .-sha>s/- -iaytay. Itam the 'sentimiental gentlenian.' While,. oiE cdurse;. okay Instruitientally,; Dorsey's crew when caught exhibited some weak.sisters— atid bfothers^ih the vocstlizlng^ ■ partrheht;'V Battle for. top honors is between . the Nicholas Bros.: (2)' and Lorraine Bnd; Roghah. Nicholases, with their fine tap work and warbling, their ex- uberant .personalities :Ofid an allr around- appeal, win the .nod by a shade of applause. The 'two Negro youngsters also get full advantage 6i a swell session with Buddy pieh, pprsey's drummet, who comes down jfrom the stand to. dance With- tKeiii; This combination,, plus an unerring feeling for .rhythm,' tricky stepping and the heated Portuguese vocaliz- ing of the youriger of the brothers, makes the turn' vtnbeatable. Lorfaiine arid Rognah -have had a number of predeceissors in Similar acts and even borrow a bit of their clowhisK -dancing from The Hartr mans, but score, heavily Femmfe in- . dulges. in such by-play aS tossing her derriere but of joint, limptyrleggipg it .across. the stage and bending heir face, . into perp«tually : laugh-getting angles. ,6he indulges in all sorts of vocal and physical by-play, with her tall niale partner, winding iip -with, a waltz .'that turns out. to be the ex- pected coniiedy, Rpgriati gives the femme :-a chance for a costume • changie. .with spine good aero and comedy terping on ' his ovm. Feud -between Dorsey, iand Miss .Lorraine, which results in her chasing hinY all over the bandstand and his jump- ing out of the way. every time she. looks at.him is.also good for mirths Chris Cirossr (New Acts) is a yeh- tfildquifet making his . first majbr Vaude aope^rance after five years in . radio. Act heeds a little more shiip^ ing .tb the new technique, but offers ■pme. novielties, .and meshes liindily. House provides a neat Intro for Dorsey as his outfit comes up-on the elevator stage. Colored film of him Js. projected on the. :full outer cur- tain, jcoThing in from the Tight side, first shbwing the trombone and then gradually the maestro. As. it moves across the curtain,-the'name comes rippling Out of the horn, Dorisey in. person meanwhile playing hi^ tq^me. Drummer-boy Rich Is spotlighted . throughout the show and exhibits plenty of reason why with his torrid stick.. work. :"Buildup culminates in. his anntearance with the Nicholas . team; Ziggy IIlniah :gets the second A instrumental break. His trumpeting ^of his original 'And the Angels Sing'^particularly with a few in- terpolated militairy bugle notes for comedy—is tops. - On .the vocal end, diminutive Connie Haines shows the only merit. With plienty of personality and a nice' sense of showmanship, . she registers, well- with - "Rhumbobgie', and other tiines. Frank Sinatra's warbling when catught appeared tired and - hoairse, which may have been explainable at midnight Saturday, the day's sixth show, Pied Pipers, two boys and a gal who are aided by ' various "membefs of the crew, ^Iso appeared limp, but, added to that, were definitely fiat and sour. Did best on 'Friendship.' Dorsey as ever,, of cpurse; is the accomplished and good-natured .m.c, doing everything possible to aid and Eoint up thie other acts. He goes ghl on his own trombbning in the current.appearance. , a- . Herb. KEJTWS BOSTON puppetry; u.sihg solo, dolls, caricatur- ing real and fictitious personalities. A rhuhiha dancer, a W. C; Fields ■ marionet, and a ..'Luke McGlukeV eccentric hoofing bum-lead Up to.his best number, a skating dbU dressed a.s Sonja Henie. Excellent rcspoiise; to the skating turn brings CopUdge pn .with a skeleton jitterbug, encpre which is fairly amusing. ' . . Joyce Gailimpre/ winner, of a radio content: conducted /locally thrpugh WEEI, pleases with, four tuhes, both, siyincy and ballad. Miss ;Ciallitnore; with a sweet; smooth personality,; comes . throiigh ■ best, on.. the latter type,' narneiy.■■'Give You- My Word!, find 'Only Forever.' Opens with 'Dpwii Argentine Way* ahd later - vbejvls^^) u'rethb-iQree'.4rHas-a-chance of maki.rig the., grade in band and Vaude. work when she develops more finesise "pri ; thie gestiires and . stage, ^pregehcie,'-■';- , Closing", turn are the . Mia Miles, Trio,, mixed, Conventional ball- ' tobni {»nd art; adagio^-bfiilt around' a Mexican hat; dance by. the giri. .uei QfireK' working solo,:.was well; re- ceived foi" her dOpble-jbihted- aero' twisting on a pedestal. . Fox. EARLE, PHILLY . Pfiiiodclphid, Dec. 21^ ; Clyde McCoy Orch (14) with Ben- nett Siiiters. (3) and Wayne Gregg, Three Stooges, Catherine West field; 'Night ttt Eafl, Carroll's' (Par):• V' it's Christmas week, .tr;aditiohally the worst seven-day period iri show biz, and . the show ' on the: Earle's stage certainly reflects it; It's the saddest offering the house, has givep its patrons ih many, a nioori. Clyde McCoy and his boys are just anothei: band. No zip; no nov- elty. / A good: enough ;orch . to dance tp, hilt lacking in thief ihowmahship that makes, a dance outfit' a stage attraction.. \Wayne Gregg!s baritone vocals and McCoy's cornet' are the biright spots, but^ for the rest jt's just cut-aind-driea stuff; The : Three:. Stooges iaren't much help. Some Of their aintiqs get the guffaws from, the stub-holders,, but they spoil their stint with, a series of inahe gags; surrounded with their usual.'slapstick biz. Also but of place in a js their below-thei.belt .r.dialog- in dialect. Latter comes In part twp\ of the Stooges' act, in which ^Curly- : im-r personates a Bulgairiah rajah; .Thie stunt has '. plenty of laugh-getting possibilities, without the outhouse humor,. >:■ . The Bennett gals siiig and danee,, and both of their talents are. strictly io-so. The finale with the trio doing a conga with three guys in the banq cpuld well be. left out entirely.. Catherine Westfleld's dancing marionets are another bright spot. The dolls are almost lifelike as they hoof arouiid the stage, represieriling film stars. Best- are. takeoffs on Anne Neagle In 'No, No, Nanette,' Joe E. Brown aiid Donald Duck; Biz at catching (Saturday:.night) was way off. ShaL TOWER, K. C. STRAND, N. Y; i4be Lv)nan's~Band (IB) with Rose Bldnc and ' Toirirhy G leason's -Roya I Guards. (6); flcity Bmcc, Fred 'Pansy' Sanborn <t Co. (2y; 'Sdfita Fe Trail', (y/B)i teviewed in Variety, Dec. 18. ■ Though Abe Lyman's haiid is. get- ting the top billing herie .this. w<eek, e^ich of (he spebiailty turns at least rates cpnimehsurqiteiy 'with the head- liner, in the generally diverting 50-. minute setup -brought iti .for; the three-.Week holiday : stretch. This, incidejntally, js ■ L y mi a n '■ .. .third straight. .Yuletide date at.the Strs^nd.; After Lyinan's"opening. band numr^ ber; . first pf the . acts tio- take over Js Tommy.(Sleason^s.floyal Guards (<!),. heroic-type of warblers with:, re- splendent^ uhiforms of bltie/and white fh>>f arA inr Ifopplhg With thpir title ; :. Boston, Deci .19. Don CuThmingS, Keniiy arid Norjis, Walt Coolidgei Joyce Gal^irwre, Mia Milei Trio wifh Del OKreX, Larry Flint- House Orch.'; 'The Devil Bbf (Prod.) :ondl 'Her .First Romance'. iMpiia!), - - ■, - ■ AH but Don- Cummings, who headr lines this bill, are local acts, better known for • their club and banquet dates. ' AlWh-all, the hometown tal- ent averages,up to as good ah offers .. Ing as is sometimes booked^ ih here from more distant points. .. - Cumniijngs m.c.s, bringing; on the' Oth^r acts • with a commendable fiotirish.. In ..his own next-to-shut spot, the . rope-twii*ler and gagger gets away with some bid stuff' be- cause he how to sell it; the r, incidental ropfe tricks register okay, as usual, .He can sock out a stpry> but it would be refreshing to catch him With a new, assoftmerit of ma- terlal,. ,/ ;. ■.' .'. Kehiiy and Norris, .horizontal bar 'acrobats, stopped show when caught, though' the opening act; BojTs are . young, arid clean-looking, .one of the dub dressed Jn a mild rube rig to' acc;eht his comedy stuff oil ttie bars. . Took seyisral bows whein caught^ then encored with a pinwheel Und somer-. . lault that appeased the clappers. Walt Coolidge, deuce, does heat KoTisds CitVj. Dec. 22. Alfred Latell, Torre Twins, and Torfence, Lightning Flashes (3), Lester HardiTiflr, Yuletide. Kiddie Revue, House Line, 'Herb Six House Orch:; 'Youth Will Be Served (20th). ..■ . They do a medley of tunes isuhg by jeanette 'MaicDohald - and Nelson Eddy'in films, in addition ,to a nov.-. eity about is. soldier's, life in the army, which breaks iip .the some-^ wrhat : tiresome posturing. . They're generally listenable; with; piarticiulaf femme appeal. The sextet,; after a change to thft Cbhve.htiohar sky-blue, dinner jackets of ;,the band,' supiple- ment the latter latier on for Lynian's excellent presentation of 'Melan- choly: Baby,' with its gl'ee club effect; Particularly, • notable here is the; changing, effective lighting. ftose Blane lis the .Lyrhan: unit's vocalist arid she goes pVer big:;with foui tunesl opening with a scat num- ber; and .then smashing over, solidly with. -'Down ■ ■ Argentine.. Way,! 'Beat Me Daddy'', and, for. ain ;encbre, •Rhunibpogie;' . ■ ; '' Betty. Bruce is iskimping seemingly,: but that niay bie- apparent because the tapstfess is solid enough to go pn indefinitely. Attractive in. a~; yellow and lame cpstume that's in keeping with, the bright,; eye-filling colors of the general stage setting, Mi^ Bruce db^s two numbevs^ ohei an; iencore, for a generbxis tesppnse from; the. jiioderate attendance that caught the last show on Friday. Winding up .the specialties^^ and g:iying it the humOr jfiecessary. to round out the showr comjpactly, is Fred 'Pansy' Sanborn with his usually; smash hoke xylophoning. Sanborn foils during the. fir^ cbuple of moments, fori Charlie 'Lawrence's legerdemiaih,; hiit when , the wood^ pile is rolled ,on the thumper goes td-Work'to rock the audience. Ifi all stuff: that he's n;iade standard through the years, but bear.s. no end; of repetition because Of the pah- tomimic's heat sense of. comedy. However, he breaks.that up with his strong legit turn with the isticks towards the endi Lyman, as m.c., .handles the show; with neatness, dispatch and unob- trusivenesis.. His unit (18), is doing three numbers, opening with 'Cho- colate Rhythm,* following midway in the show With 'Melancholy Baby' and then winding up . the entire presentation with a medley of Irving Berlin : tunes, . the inevitable 'God Bless America' coming simultaneous- with.the lowering of the band eleva- tor. . Orch's offerings have a pleasT ant tinge and its support of the rest of the bill is, to quote the professor, magna curh laude; Kah. a few giggles, though hill monolog. at opening Is a bit blue. • . Elaind Barrle^ assisted by Jack Beakman, submits to a bit of patter, and then . goeis into a bit from 'Golden Boy.', Though thie ads make it .jplain that she's the former. Mrs. John .Barrymore, . this audience- failed to .respond to bids: for .apr plause, and the mitt greeting at her histrionic display, were itiild.: Gairr Brothers are standai^d with knock-' about aero work. Paul Tryon is the current WFBM Talent Parade wih- ner a'rid got one of:.the heatviei; hahds with his hiigh tenOr rendition of 'Tell Me Tonight.' ' -: Z / ' ;Cliriton, himself^;Is weak as an m.c. and at show caught: he had the wholerhearted; opjpbsition of :.the decic hari^ J who: was 'siipposfed: to. turn on the stage, ntike; every, an- nounciemeht camie over dead until the. last, few^, wor^s. . A cbuple bt good • cbniedy acts,; pliis a. Svmning m.c. to speed: up production;/would Viplp tri put fhia npa nn the twinning side. Biz -wis light at third show opea- Ing day, Friday (20)'. Kitey. EARLE, WASH. . .V ; Woshingtori,-Dcic. 21. . '/iilcen Hitter,' Dennett ontf. Dee, .June Lorrotne, Johnny Barnes, Reed Sisters, Joey Rardtn, Sixteen Gae Foster Girls;'South of Suez.' <WB). MUSIC HALL, N. Y. Christmas week brings the an nual lull,, which is a good time to work in a kiddie revue of local origin. The show runs: 55 minutes by virtue of leading off With .25 j uves showing their songs and. dances in 25. minutes.; This ^s about a, 20% in- crease in time, justifled'more by the promotional value than the: enter- tainment score, although the.ybung- sters make Tip in vim' and vigor what they may lack in experience. ; : ■The troupe of kiddies are irom the Studios: Of StoverrLahe arid Shirley Pierqe. Jijvies are: on arid off with good , paice, present their :varied types arid qualities of entertainment and get theii: end. of ;the show- cbm- pleted . creditably. ; ; • ' .~ .;: Lester: Harding. takes over from there as iri.c; to bring pn; the stand.- ard. acts and the house fof.ce which coriibine : With, the kiddies tb make this 'Passing, Show Of .1940.' First of the stahdards; is ah atlagio acrobatic and balancing turn, with sto;cky Tor- rence as anchor rifiart for the blonde .Torre twiris; ; Jlegular house line tollo'ws -in;- a seasonal candycane turn.-;'■■;;•..; ■ .' ::'■[[ In keeping with; the show's title .Harding reels oft quintet of choruses of the Song hits /which; have passed through 'the loud-speakers of ,1940, makji^g- ♦I'll. Never- Smile Again* hiis .chpice for the top of the year^ Gets a .gbbd.hand on the recerit favbrites and encores with 'Holy Night,' which is baritbned well.- Novelty: turn 'la- :pffered by iAl Latell in an . iauthentic canine suit as he ' accurately ipahtomimes the antics , of a bull pup for; goodly share of chuckles.. Closing spot Is taken by the . Lightning FJashiesi threesbme doing team and individiiaL taps at a rapid/ pace. The house liniB winds up the show :in' millta.ry costumes and tontinej. : , , Although the show doesn't match wouldn't make .ahy difference this some previous productions here, it week. ' ;. • / iQuin. LYRIC, INDPLS. Indianopolis, Dec. 20. Larry Clintm's Orch, Terry Allen, Peggy Maiin, Carr -Bros., Elaine Barrie and .Jack Beakman, Paul Tryori, Jimmy Currie: 'Laidy With Red Hair" .(WB). ; Larry Clinton arrived at this house for 'his initial appeariancc just about two years late. The three-rhythrii, three-trumpet, three trombone and fOur-sax sections ';perform ih the formerly popular—locally, that is—: swing style; but since that branch of cacophony -was popular .the, audience hereabouts has learned; to relish a. bit of sweet seasoning- with their . .music. As a-rule; a top band making itis initial; appearance at this, house is good for strong circulation at the wickets, but lack of interest:.this week can't be blamed entirely on .the season'.; Last -year;; dfiiri' ,Tucker's Orch played house during Christmas week arid turned in a gross which was fourth highest in history of house; It's entirely up tis the band, too, as the 51' minutes runriing tiftie is given Over alriiost' entirely to. the iivemen,;with the Carr Brothers and Elaine Barrie as added acta. / All of which, however, actually is no reflec- tion on the band's ability^ -.; ;The band pliays in ;the usual Clin- ton istyle, pleasing the ; small:; cbn- tingeht.of jitter,veterans who tiirni^d out; to. Welcome theih With 'Dipsy Doodle- theme to open,'iSuttin Sere- nade,' 'Kansas - City Blues,' -Satan Takes Holiday,' 'Our LOve,'. 'Study in Surrealism,' 'Jeepers vWho' ahd .'Semper Fidelfs' tb clbse./. Terry Allen lends a restrained baritbne to 'Down Argentine Way' • and .'Only Forever,', while Peggy ..Mann, barid vocalist, appears briefly to swing the lyrics of 'Our: Love* and; 'Five O'clock Whistle.' James Currie, of the trumpet section, does a deadpan: vocalization' Of 'Night. and Day,' 'Honey' and 'Welt, Alright' to garnet Hoiise didn't spend, much effort on "production in this' one, set in foi: only ;five days,-, but with -five/acts, plus permanent, line, productibriist Harry Anger; found- ertough person- alities .to whip up a sprightly .little revue. / Counting • Eileen Ritter, Roxyettes'. star; ivs almOst six acts. Besides backing up Jpey. Rardin as a sort of assistant emcee;, she does three tunes as full-^stage solos, even though: they.;do lead into: hoofing by her. colleagues in the line. Band is on -.stage, thus obviatirig . need; of ■elaborate /sets. / ■ ': ■ Siiss/Ritter starts biz with infec- tious wiarbling/ of 'Five; o'clock Whistle,' working in evening gipwn which sets her apart from gals, who troupe: but Oh applause for hot rhythm tap in leotards; Line falls, back : as . Dennett and Dee; .boy in tails and girl/ in short blue velvet dress, slide out a .coUple of chairs and go into their joint .drumstick workout. . They wallop everything in sight, including a cymbal fastened onto the gal's head, stopping pnly to ,do. a few strenUous tapj steps now. arid then. It; dbesri't make sense, rhythmically ior- otherwise, but audi- ence seemingly had neyicr seen, any- thirig precisely like it before and it got a fair hand. ; / Miss Ritter out again to. Introduce Rardin,/who presumably takes over as/emcee, although gal does as mUch subsequent introducing as he does. Rafden's short / stature and blonde hair got .a ribbing from the balcony at show caught, but he threw it back to 'em perfectly via iii 'delega- tion from Ft. Meade, eh!' crack or two, arid, the house was with him from there on. June Lbtraine, blue- eyed, black-haired and in -white satin gown, follows, explaining that, 'acting is all done with the eyes.' Her Imgei-sonations of Lionel Barry^ more, Edward. G. RObinson* Gracie Allen, Bette Davis, -Hepburn and Durante are nOne too accurate, but she sells 'em beautifully. Her Laughton, especially the facial con- tortions, Is a honey. They liked her plenty and said so. Rardiri reappears for a bit of banter, leading irito his own. im- personation piece de; resistance, Cag- ney's death-house scene in '^ngels with Dirty, Faces.' Chap! looks amazingly like Cagriey, as admitted in the bariter, arid does a ^ock dra- matic job in/the scene. The Ritter femme takies. it over on Hardin's exit and: tickled 'em with a chorus, of 'Maybe,' leading, into brief pretty number/by line in long greeri net /skirts aria scarfs.' Gals form .back- §rb^nd/ fOr'.Johnriy: Barnes; intfo- uced by the gal m:c^ : as.-local boy who made good.' . Kid/ works in brown business siili arid makes Up in perispnal charin-wh^t he lacks In spectaculaii tapping.; His imitation of Bill Robinson .is. solid and he does a -cbuple of. rieat walks arid slides that get him/ bff;tb . a strong 'hand.,,;. " ' " " . ilardin: again,, .tiiis time /to ciick smai?tly with vocal .imitations, of trumpet, trombone, Hawaiian guitar and bagpipe. . Then the Ree^ Sisters, :three young and; attractive brunets In pink . net, slip out to warble 'It Must Bie the Latin in Me,' 'Shbrtnih' Bread' and. .'Darktown Strutters Ball.'/ They ; work pretty straight with very little attempt to: sell it other than vocally, but local a^idi- ence, which: is a bit tirad Of such acts, gave 'em surprisingly big hand.; Rardin gets final-: specialty spot with hiis/ aUto . horn imitations, tying each up with 'different types of people they would remind me of,' aha a swing arrangement of'Gasey Jones'r-^'the; respectable / version'—: done, with vocal s.ourid. effects. Bothi click solidly. Miss Ritter returns tq sing trick lyrics to ,'I Want You for Christmas,' fixing it so she and-the other; gals want 'youj our ' audience, every week in thie year,' and gals close bill to big applause by dancing 'Jingle ^ Bells' with different tprted bells on their waists arid ankles./ /. ; Biz oke at show caught. / Crdig.: Chtistmas Pdgdant in two 'vdrta' 'Christmas Eve nrid the Nalivity' and 'The Season's Gteeiings.' Produced: by Russell Miirkert; sets, Nat korsom costumes designed hy Willo Van- ci. ccutcd by H. Rbtjipc; dances by JWar, kert and Florenipe Rogge; mtistc,:iVdt : ■Simon, lyrics by Albert StiHman. .- Cast; M. H.;Symph6ny"dirccted bu Erno Rap.ce Glee Club, plus speciol ' wcimen's. choir, directed : by Irvina Landau: Balm, Rockettes.: - WfChotas , Daks, ; Robert./; LahdruTn^ :;/ Bill , flairds Marionettes, Cdrlbi d Peterson: .'JVo, JV:o, Jeanette' (RKO). Tei>ieU)ied in; Variety tffis tueefc,, ; . I :Almostv/a .naUbnal / JriStitutibri, .th» 1^^ Music Hall's annual , Christmas /pa. ^■ geant forced the theatre's addition of ■/ two. telephOne operators and several ''' clerks, during, the week prior to th» 0 pageant's dpenihg, to answer what «' th p ;M H/ pYfc, offi ceig. siay wece-l?,.. 500 <lueries regarding presentation. ? In deference to such public interest ' and the tremendous coin investDd - / in/the shbw,: an unsual .stepi will ba taken. Production Will / play two weeks despite a change of ; picture8 > aftet the initial week..-Current film ',■■) is 'No, :No,':Nariette,' which depar^. tonight (Wednesday) in favor' of i 'The Philadelphia Story.' New Year's '/i presentation at the house' opens on <i New Year's Eve, with the expecta- i tion that !Story' will hold over for J; at. least an extra week,., running i; through/^bbth . stage shows., . ' ■ ;1 . Extensivericss: of- the sets and coS^ -'1 tume / changes he'cessila.tes dividing j the Christriias presentation into/ two i parts, ■ separated by- a Walt Disney /; cartoori. This' is a procedure adopted/ at past Christhiases and-occasi^onally ^ at SSasteri First portion; .'.Christmas .'i Eve and the Nativity,' is -mairked by 'y, /carol singing .and a religious note; second, ."The Season's Greetings.' ' a straight / entOrtainmeiit. pattcr-ri. Both-are even more'lavish than the-f- high standard regularly set by the a Music:.flSaii. . - .'t -..Prolog to the stage pfesenlaition };' itself is. a series of six. 'living Christ-/;!)/ mas cards' in the panels that flank i' the huge auditorium. - As the lights ;> die on them,, curtains part toireveal the fUll stage similarly set as a much larger/panoramic card. It's an old English street scene, with the figures all in stock positions before a catned- i"al. ..Lights are coming. through , stained . glass windows from inside f the church ari/d,,through the; of the tiny houses/and .shops next to.' it. Its pretty peacefulness creates a twinge with recollection of hov^ different thatscehe is in Britain thiJ YuleUde. As the. figures unfreeze and move: frbm the;stage, the,M. H. Glee Club. i augmented by a special chorus of . i; women's voices, presents five of tha best-known Christmas hymns, 'It Came ;Tpon a Midnight Clear,"Sllent Night,' 'Firs.t/Noel,' 'Hark;:the Her-;!i aid Angels Sing' and 'Adeste Fidelis;' M The Star of Bethlehem sinks in the background and like a vision in th* clouds appears the Holy Family.; Part II opi6ns with the ballet arid dancer Nicholas Daks pouring forth from the giant shoe of 'the lady who had so many children she didnt know what to do.' Femmes do a t routing marked by. considerably more [ humor than usual. It's one; of their best.: ■ . ' •; ^, - ,., Next nuhiber Is <iulte a departura 1; from Radio City tradition—satire ft After the Glee Club and Robert g Landrum do a patriotic tune, 'LooW S Like a Red. White.and Blue Christ* | -mas,' Landrum sings a biting bit E, slapping at songwriters and popular l bandleaders who are trying to casB j;] in on the wave of by i doing all sprts of ''America-I-LOve. t You' tunes. Words of the hit wer« j originally written by Albert ■Still- man, Music Hall's staff, lyricist, for Variety, appearing in the Dec. ^is- sue .under the title 'Of Thee They ^^Bni Baird's itarloneltes follow. They appear; as toys in the Norm f Pole workshop V presided .pver^/oy i j ,Santa/Claus (Carlos Feterson^ Sey-j , erai: figures- perform, the . best, px i. them being a horse :mounted by ■» soldier, the two of them.-working in . unison. Final figures quartets or i soldiers marching, together-by.oper?- ;^ tion of one set/bf strings; Each quar. tet is larger in- stature, than .the, pre-- s vibus on.e, until almost hfe.-size. r which leads into Rockettes'/appear- r /ance ih similar costuriies.;;. '^.^'-^^ ', . Precisrori troupe of 36, like the sa- c^j Hie of the Glee^Chib; proyii^s^an- , Other eyebrow-hiker for the Rpcke- V /feller; establishment./ .bUt_9n^ >P,f' f -wins a great r.esponsp. ;Tliey bava fluffy lace: /under their . short mili- tary skirts and, turned backs to tna audience, they shake their fluff in unison/as!they march in.a line up stage. - Costumes are/ excellent an*, the eritire /routine :gives vy^-.-^: ev^ri more: than/Usual opportunity for precision -leg-kicking, .w^jch^f probabl,y one: of, the most exciting, sights -and - /surest. . aPPla"f;f/S that- has ever marked -an. Americaa presentat ion stage; ...; ./ : ^fT^V .,[^1 ■ SOPH TO ALBANY ': ■ ■/ ] } ' Albany. N. Y., Dec. 24.:. ;^ Rainbo Room of New Kenmort . ■ hotel here, has booked Sop|»« Tucker for a week's engagcmen' starling Jan. ^ 1, as ;foll.owup to • similar/run by. Estelle Taylor. ; Miss .Tucker has not playea .» regular local date Since way bacs.