Variety (Dec 1940)

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54 Wednesday, Pccembcr 25, 1940 OBITUARIES v. • .HAL KEMP' : Hal Kemp, 36, orchestra leader, died Dec. . 21 in Maderai . Cal., of pneumoniae which followed; injurie? ^listaiiied in a niotor accident while he was en route from .Los Angeles to a musicial engagement in S^n Fran- Cisco.--! ■■■ - v ■' , ,' Survived by. widow, the former Martha St.ephensdnv of flew York, and a daughter born-;last July. Further details iiivmusic sectiom FRANKLtN tNi)EEW<)OD Frariklyn Underwood; 63, eastern. story- editor ' for 2 ftth:: Cfent ur y-Fox^ diea in JNew york^uiidujr (22.). lie ha.d undiergone an abdominal opera- tion about a year ago which failed. t(> heal, and Was. operated on again a lew days before his. deith .in an. ef- fort to clear up the wourtdi Uhderwood, whose.; career in show business began as aft actor, joined .2Qth Gentury as s.tory editor In 1933 'arid continued in the post when that company was merged with Fox three years later;, For the . five years prior to th^t he was in charge of the .film department of the Century • Play Co.. Born in Denver in 1877, Under- "wopd began his theatrical; career ther6 in 1904 at the fanied Elitch's Gardens. He' later became a; male lead in various western stock com-' pariies: maintained by OliyerMorosco, coming to New York to appear op- posite.. Mrs. Leslie . Garter,; Nanc^ Q'Neil, Marjorie Rambeau.arid others, For: m.any years, following,. he was general manager for. Morosco. Surviving is Underwood's widow, known during her acting days as Frances Slosson'. She was his lead- ing laidy in stock when they were married. Two sisters and twb broth- • «ts also survive. ' : Funeral services were held yester- day (Tuesday) morning at the Little Church Around the Corner; N. Y. Out of respect to Uriderwbod,: the. company's, scenario; offices in New. York were closed all day yesterday (Tuesday). - MARl CiECIL Mary Cecil, 55, legit, radio and screen actress, died df pneumonia in St. Luke's hospital, -N. Y., Dec. 21. She was the widow of Henry Parker ^ of the Mprning Telegraph.: ' A native of New York, Miss Cecil started :with Proctor's stock company and later appeared in George Kelly*s 'Maggie, the Magnificent' arid road companies of 'Fifty Million French- men' arid 'Blossom. Time.' She had the part ot Maggie, the cook, in both stage and screen versions of Clare Booth's'The Women/ More recently Miss Cecil had been acting in radio drariiatic serials, in- cluding 'John's Other Wife'and 'Life and toyes of Dr. . Susan.' A news- paper contributor and author ".bf a book of mpnolbges, she also had ap- peared in Metro's Dr. Kildare' pie . tures. ., » Funeral services were held Mon- day (23). in N. Yi and burial followed at Gfeenwood' Certietery, Brooklyn. tract to Colliers at tiie time , of his death. He had liyed iri Beverly Hills for 15 years, Surviving 'are his Widow:,-Betty Esther Condon, his son John and his riiother. EDWARD N. Mcdowell Edward N. McDowiBll, 75, retired company riianager, , died. Dec.^ 18 after an .operation in ■ Johns Hop-: kins 'hospital, Baltimore. For SO; years he was associated witlt such showfolk as George M. Cohan, John Gort, Henry. W. Savage, Arthur Hop-r kins, Sarti H; Harris and iother lead- ing.'producei-s;: :s--^iastH9tH}atlwajf^ngagcirient- was that of company: manager for ■'Abie's. Irish Rose;' Sitice retiririg iri 1930 he had. t>pen a; resident of St. Petersburg, Fla. In the early days of the .flto iridustry he was in chaifge of the -road bookings of 'Way Down East/ ^The Birth qi a Nation' ariid' other notewbrthy siients;: Surviving are his .Widow, Lucy; two brothers arid a sister. pianists and orchestral groups to Spartanburg, died Dec. 19 after brief illriess. ;•■ ■- . Bert Stock, former Caritbri, Pi, dance barid leader and iiater an ati- npuncer at' .WKBN, Youngstowri,- O.,. and his wife, Marcelja S,,' Were, killed following an automobile aicci- derit near Detroit, Dec, 14. Stock died.Dec. 17 and hls: Wife on Dec 19. ■ M.rsl -Loula Vernemli/ 50,. wiile the French playWi-ight, both ■ of whom came to the U; S. from France some months ago, died , suddenly in New York of a; heai:t attack on Mon- day -(23). ' ''.'. Mrs. Martha E. Branon, ■ mbther of Thoinas .Bi'ah'on,'president of. Affiii-, ated Producers, Atlanta, Gi., inde- pendent. excharige, arid Rby Branori, RKO Office, Charlotte, N. C, died re- cently; Beguirie.'. : In between they sandr wich -a rio'velly that is a cinch here, a stylized' version of 'Las Chap^ne- cas/ Mexican clap-harids dance. No Mexican : gathering . seemingly . Is cbmpletB ; Without it, but this Is; the first time • apparently it has shown' up in a ballroom V.ersibn. It'is nicely adapted, ..turn landing solidly.^ Duo is polished: and fiemnie hair plenty easy ;on the: eyes. Opening • turri^on the bill is How- ard Nichols, hoop juggler Who has been working this tertitbi'y for the^ past six irionths. or so arid is still-; iked. Despite handicap of low riitery ceiling, ■ leaving him little :V W.K. DAVISON .v. W.v k. (Bill) D.ayison>: 65, for.more than 35 years in outdoor amusefnerif field, died Dec. 12 in Fbrt LSiuder^ dale, Flai;, hospital, -yiM operating ridfes With Cientral ArtiUs, Co^ Wheri taken ill.: ■ -■ - .' Known Widely among show people as 'Ferris .Wheel Bill,' Davison dur-. ing long career was connected .with. E. W; Weaver's , St. tpui§ Amus, Co.; Imperial ShoWs, Milleir Brothei*s; Nat Nardner's Exposition, Betriardi Ex-? plosition, Woltbtt's Model Shows arid othiers. . Rites in; Fort LiaudeirdiileV Burial in Jacksonville, Ili, .: WILLIAM LAWTON . William -H. -l4iwt6ri, .85, former opera singer who; appeared ii) comr mand perfbrmances. before Queen 'Victoria and Presiderit Grover Cleveland/ died in Rochiester,. N. .Y., last week after a Ibrig fflnegs, La,wton, a native of New York, went to Rochester- riiany years ago to sing with, the: Rochester Park Band after he had retired from opera. In. his iater. years he taught singing. He leaves his second Wife, Amy. Infant son of .'Mr. and: Mrs. Billy- Leech died in .Pittsburgh; last. Week at aige of ori^e morithi - Father's : ai staff artist at KDKA there arid'feat- ured singer With ' Maurice Spltalriy orch.-':' '''-' ' John C. Wilson, father of, Jane Wilson, singer in the Fred Waring radio .shbWi and Jack Wilson, .isinger oii;^. the Fred' Alleri iadio , ptogrim^- died at Mansfield, 0„ Dec 19,. May MoCMlin wife pf John Ti Mc- Caslin; vet outdoor showriiari, died in Bialtiniore Dec.: i9;:folIbwirig; a long illness... ■ -William Li WHsoigi. Jr,, manager of. Lucas and Jenkins theatre, Waycros?, Ga., died there \ Dec.:V W Widow, daughter,, soa and parents survive. . Mrs. bora' Salena .ilpion, mother of Peggy Hopkins Joyce/ died in Norfolk, :Va.i hospital, Dec. 8. LANDERS STEVENS Landers Stevens,. 63, actor in pic tures. for years arid previously i legit player and producer, died m Hollywood, Dec. 19, of a heart at tack following an operation for ap- pendicitis. ; Stevens was the father of 'George Stevens, motion picture director and prodiicier, arid J?>ck Stevens, film - cameraman,. and .the brother pf Ashton :'Stevens, drama critic of the Chicago Herald-Amer lean. ■ '., - Born in San ^ Francisco,. Stieyens fcecaniie prominent in that territory tLs. the. producer of niany- legit ;shqWs, He also operated stock compariies in several of the bay cities. He Went to Holly Wood several years ago :arid appeared' in liriany films, includirig •We Who Are About to Die,' 'Ti-ial of "^Mary Dugan' arid "The :City-;That Never Sleeps.' Also surviyirig iri his Widow,: the former , Qeorgie Cbbper^ his ieadirig; lady,. . . FBAViK CONDON V-. Frank Condon, 58, magazine Writeif -and .scenarist in silent picture, days, died Dec/ 19 at his home in -Beverly Hills lolloVi^irig :a long illness.. He never fully recovered ftorn, a serious operaition last sunimer, 'but recently finished a story for Collieris,, arid was working on ariother when the end came. . '.■ ' Starting as a newspaper reporter in. his. home town, Toledo,. .Coridort • 'moved to New Yorkr;as .an advertiSr Ing: copy writer and wrote his first fiction for the: pulp magazines. For years he was a reguliar contributor to Vice iContlnaed from pa^e 2; COCpANUT GROVE ''v (BOSTON) Bosioni bee. 17. Mickey Alpert Orch \ (12), Ginger Manners', Gary Leon and ; Tut itfacc, Natlcy Goy, Collettc and .Dean, Leonora Prenticei - Billy Payne; Gcotfife Rdnd Linegirls (ll); Don Rico Rhumba Orch; $1%50 minimuTrti; ELSE SCHROABER Else Schroader (Mirs.,; Theodore Thomas), 65, onetime burlesk dancer, died in New York Saturday (21) of a'heart attack.. Miss Scbroaider was brought tb the U. S. from ■ Germariy - 35 years ago by Ernest Brengk as a member . b!f The Golden Graces, a. bronze posirig act. She then turqed to daricing in bronze' on the old Columbia wheel, later marrying .Theodore !.Thomas,. wealthy New York broker, who died about five years ago. There are no known survivbrs. 1. STIRLING GETCHELL J. Stirling Getchell, 4i, founder and head of the advertising agency Which bears his . nariie, died of a streptococcus infection Dec. 17 at the Harkness Pavilion Medical- Center, N. Y. ■ ■ His widow, the former Sarah Pas- chall Davis, daughter of Norman H. Davis, chairman of the Ameirican Red Cross, and three sons survive. . Further details in the radib .sec tiori. :• L. A. Saturday night the giroup; laid off in deferience to its leader's mem- ory, and . Sunday afternoon it at- tended private services at the Hop- kins. Kemp's body was sent on Mon- day (23) to. Charlotte, N< C., where it Will be buried tomorrow (Thurs- day). He was born in Marion, Ala., but went to the U. .bf North Cato- liria at Chsu'lbtte. Kenip started hi?: musical career as a piano player in a Maribri, Ala., ^he aire at $2 a .Week. : He first organized severi-ipiece. band at college and continued with it after, graduation, It enlarged and moved about- the coun- try uritir it started to assume name band proportions in; the Blackhawk cafe, Clhicago, in 1932. Since then .it lias been one. of the. country's fore most bands. Ennis, John Scott Trot tef, currently- leading a band on Birig Crosby's radio show, and s'axie DoWell, now leading a band of his oWn at Arcadia BaUroorii; N. Y., were members of the first Kemp or Chestra.; Ben Williams, sax: player still With the Kempi band;: was an other. NATHANAEL-WEST' ' Nathanael West; 36^ scrieen writer and -novelist, was., killed With . his Wife in an-auto acdde.rit hear El Centiro, eal.,;Suriday (i22). : '. . Details bn .page 2> ' : EDWARD Pi SULLIVAN Edward P. Sullivan/ of Flying Suiliyans' act, r died ~ recently ^ iri Ta'mpai: Fla., hospital. of, .injuries in automobile accident, whichi instantly killed friend,. Bin McCoy;. . BILLY'HILL Billy Hill,' 41, sorigwriter,: died Iri 'Boston: Dec 23 Pf • a /heart attack. ■ Further details in music ..depart- ment; yf:' :--■■-•■■.•■. :Louls: L, de Rochemont, 68, attor- ney, father of Louis; die Rochemdnt, producer, of the Maircli of Time,-and Richard :de Rbcheriiorit, its managing editor/died of a heart attack Dec 21 at the Boston, Mass.,;court house.,For. thre^ years he had been iii poor health. Also; surviving; are his widow, Sarah/ arid three sisters. \ \' J. Hartwell Anderson, Spartanburg, S.C, business and civic leader airid treasurer of Spartanburg Civic Music Association, which has brbught num- .^the ^teyppbistf^jiUt ,wa^ Vm4er. cqa- ^ro.ua_InternatibnaUx;k&own .^ingersj .^nd/'Sit PpWri/Bud.'. MARRIAGES Cheryl .Walker to J, . Etzell Coumbe, in Pasadena, Dec. 16. Bride is' screen player and former, - queen of the Tournament of Roses, Adele Sadler to Frank Parmenter, in Las Vegas, Dec 21; Bride is in the Waiidrobe departriierit for Globe pro dUctions and groom' is a cashier at Pa'rariiount studio; . Grace Johnsoji to Fred Lowery, iri Las Vegas, IDec. 19. (Jroom is the blind whistler witl^ Horace Heidt's band. - - Lilliari; Feitrier to Ray 'Behson, In MiddletoWn, R. 1, Dec. 22.. He's,an brchestta leader. ,. .'' " : :;^ ■ ■ Jackson Perkins to. Lauren Gilbert, Dec. 29; in New York. Both aire legit players. ' ■ ■ Jean Muir to Henry J:affe;; Eie.c 20i in New Ybrk. ^Bride is an actress he's an .attorney,. .:,■]::. . ;Eugenia ■ 'Wrilsori ; - to Frederics: de - Wiid.e, in R.eno,;Dec 17. He is assist- ant Stage manager with .'Little Foxes' :she's a legit player. . ' :" . Louise Dwight Bourn, Dec, 18, in Los Angele.<!. He is musitfal,di- rector of station 'WOAI,. Sari Antoriio Bride is harp soloist; - I ; Helen Wright to Jerry NeWriian in St. Louis, pec. 17,.; Pair do,a sing- inig-act bri KMOX,'St. Louis. ; S.tella .'Wesier to Michael! Visaroff, Dec; 28, in Las V€;gas. Groom is flim;Vactor. ' ' Charley. Splv&k band does its first recordings for Columbia's Okeh label Moriday - (30). Hie'll do his theme, 'Night Is Ending,' 'What's Cookin',' Nigfii C ;ContliiQpd from page 44; BAL TABARINi S. F. _ »g Clearance, ne deii.vers lor okay re- sults.. /New to the t^bast is Marie Ballero, Chicago iri.c.,: but he's -going- to bie an Pld fave before he leaves here; Opens with. series of . iriiitatibns of Fred Alien. Wallace:Beery, Edward: G'. Robinson,; Lionel Barryrtioi^e, Durante, W;C. Fields^ Jack Beriny, Rochester 'and :F,D.R, With: excep- tion ; of Benny,' which misses, his carbon copies are. iso real as to be uncanny, . particularly in case of Rbosevelt; Follows with a drunk bit as a Polish WPA Workeri it has •^erii. - yelping; :. At. perforhiaricc caught,;: augmented - for : ;beriefit. of the Frisco Ad Club's. Xmias party; a line of Helene Hughes girls was added on a test diate. One of the best-looking lines. to show up here recently, gals;. Would an advari- tagedus permanent ; addition, if the. budget wbuld, permit. ; Werni, chanted Garden's, Monte . Proser coriles up with a zombie parlor to end all ; zombie; parlors,: and under Clark Robinson's. effectively simu- lated decor, nite.ry is the tops for some time' to come/in local atirios-- pheric joints; ; . Large, layout . bn site of forroet Roadside Rest is; a natural, and Rob- irisoh has coritrived to utilize every inch by. duplicating ;a Tahitian sea< port street as the; dining room motif, and transforming spacious patio into a replica of famed Royal Gardens of Hawaii.. Bar, ■Which : runs eritite length of: the: room, is fashioned along lines of hull of weatberbeaten whaler, elevating sitties well above noggins of diners. 'Pnchanted Gar-! ^ dens is an in npvaitio n ; Wit h; multi- • cblored b ulbs; Illuminating a'~25-f6aF~ waterfall, behirid Which lirie of femnies terpsr while the customers; ogle from huts of thatched grass arid bamboo. Setup is .garnished by ;; dozens of bright-plumaged' feathered friends Which fiit in :the foliage, - r ■With siich an;, 'eyeful, layout,, it's .- difficult fPr show, no .mat.teir: how socky, ; to ; garher. much attention.. However, in bringing doWri Chavez's crack corigarhumba band and Ernie Hoist's society crew, Proser has almost cliriched his charices. for scor- irig season's biggest click. Danc^fiobr is unusually large; and that, too, adds up tb iiefty b.o; here. Mary Jane Walsh is; a syelte song- : stress who socks her contributions across .With considerable, eclat. Has a riicely .paced repertoire. Of current tunes, hut it's iabout tiriie some of- the 'Too; Many; Girls' ^lyrics were displaced. She was in .the Broadway riiusical; '" Maurice arid Cbrdoba! 'are airi .ex- ; ceeding graceful pajf of ballroom- ologists,. highly' competent in' -their - intricate- -routinesj and with the , Gomez rhuiftbai troupe, provide jiist about; all the- divertisemerit rieieded. .. Proser's .Miariii venture is a highly glorified edition :of his .-home-plate cafe in New York, and as. such Will undoubtedly be focal point for cla^ss cafe trade. . Lcs;" This season the Htib niterles: have gone in for novelties which lift flobr shows oiit of the rut of; the conven- tional - menu of entertainment. At. the Grove ithis. Week it's the liriegirls staging a short but genuine basket-: ball game as the finale, When caught, this Wjas the outstanding act because it involved so many of the ringside customers, in one - way or another. Orie Way Was to have theni fend off wild shots, lest the ball plop into the soup or bash over a highball. Featured dance team are Leoh and Mace; Who emphasize the lifts. Leon is mbre athletic and staunch than most dancers In this field; and he can. spin, toss, and zobrii his petite, part- ner with :amazirig edse. In addition tb that, this dub have interesting routines and '■ personalities. . Their closing tango is nifty because bf their steps, change of pace and sriiartly- arranged background music, . Ginger Manners, reviewed iri Bos- ton yaude recently, is riext^tbrclbse iri a screwy melange that ranges from a terrific jitterbug delivery of 'Juriipin Jive'to a daffy, pantomime. Cbllette and Dean, both girls, reg-- ister nicely in several dance num- bers. Best session-features therii in a production niiriiber opening With a soft-shoe picture routine by the! chorus, with Billy Payne, tenor; vbcaling 'Love and I' from the band- stand. Cbllette and Dean do a bit of moderne. some adagio with fast whirls, then reprise with a jitterbug finish that garnered good iapplause. Leonora Prentice, solo daricer. Is okay in two specialties: a high-kick" control and ;ia buck, With appropriate costume changes. Nancy Gay, singer from the band, is spotted for two offerings, 'Maybe' and 'Exactly Like You,' Miss Gsy Was formerly with Jan Garber arid can sell a song iokay. The linegiirls are Well-trairied and lookers, operiirig the show With a snappy signal-flag idea in iriilitary outfits.' :: ::Mickey Alpert is a competent m.c, introducing, the acts ' with, a certain decorum: but' demonstrating ari apti- tude for ad-libbing at the right time. His hand ..has played here for-; twb seasons arid he arid his mUsic haVe a definite if olio Wirig in this: room,: Nbt to be overlooked is Martha Bu'fke, piahist with the orch, A novel at- traction, she's the only femriie musi- cian in . the outfit; adds; .a load of. charm to: .the: bandstand and some slick, interpolations to the: music. Don Rico ^nd his rhumba brches- tra play betWebri the Alpert darice sets; Nan BlakStbne arid Johnny An- drews keep the elbow-henders :amused. - in the downstairs Melody LoUnge,: There's another ; long . .bat in . the main roorii from which .the floor' show can be ogled :betWeen sips. ■ :,■■[■/ ■;■■■.;.;:■-....;;■"'Fox,: .;■ BEAGHfeOMBER '..;.;(MIAMI ',BEACH)' ■' Miami BeacK/ Dec; .20. Mary Jane - WolsJi; Maurice arid Cordoba, Tropicol Dancers, Chavez and Ernie jffbtst Orch; $1.50 mini- Milw. 'Free Beer- sContlHMed from page Ij ting" therii sample it to their. Ijpart's coriteriti; .Elaborate sternbwlrts have replaced, the prigirial crude cus-. tbmers- rooms,, and yisitors haye be- . come so ntimerbus that guides now conduct; tours bt thb breweries every half hour, always. Winding up at the bars Where beer lis free and the sup-., ply inexhaustible. . . • What the retailers think about the situation : was expressed character- istically at a meeting of the Wiscon- . sin TaVerri -Keepers.' AsSri. last week, When M!att Udbvc, newly elected di- . rector, complained: ; -. - ■ 'Convention delegates get 'loaded' free of charge at the breweries, arid when-they finally do-bome into our tayerns we-get a lot of .hoise,. but no beer buying.' Then the association voted to have: its officers confer with brewery, officials in an effort to stop the old-time practice. «t «■ *« i^-m*m- »-« «- In J:^^ Aew B^aq^poriiher oriid^ Jin- ASCAP War Chest sContlnued from page:!; board of directors ori Friday (20), came to $1,290,000, the same amount : $is distributed for the\ likfe .quarter of '39; less, of course, thb money earmarked ibr campaign purposes; . Board also vpted the .usual Christ- mas bonuses- to ASCAP's executives arid staff, this, ranging from an extra Week's salary • to - several thousand dollars each to the toprankers. Doy-. ble A writers this tiniie-iigurcd for; around $4,500, making their annual; divvy for .'40 . between $17;O0P and $19,060.- Publishers' divvy ■ is on an- other. . basis, .and. figures about erage, ■; same ■'.[. . last year. ;; ■ ■;-;■■;::^.■..B^RTHS^.:•■:;■■^■- ': Mrl ' and Mirs- Leonard : Taylor,; Canton, O., a daughter. Father is. with WHBC: there ; Mi-.r! arid Mrs; 'Frederick Kutner, Jrii ■son,,.pec. , 15, -in New; Yprki; Father with Broadcast Music, IriC; Mr; and Mrs, .Thomas Muchmbre,. daughtei-, in" San Bernardino, CaU .Dec. 17, Father is ■ theatre manager ■there.-- ' ';'■■ ■ • ■ . Mr. : arid%.Mrs. Harry Ga'rfieldi 'daughter, in Chicago,; Dei?. .18; Father ist^ manager in- Chicago for Harms. Music Co.;';,"-•;.- ■•■■..' Mr., arid Mrs. LbuiS M. Brown, in;Hollywbbd,; Dec. 16., pother is.-» reader at 20th-iFOXi : .. . Mr. and Mrs. Eiigerie King, daugh- ter, t)ec. l?!'iri Nevw: Yoi-k. Father announces a recorded program bver WOR, New York. Mr. and Mrs; Eldbri Park, son, in^ Ciricirinati, Dec. 16. Father is as- sistant salps meager of ytLW, pincy.