Variety (Jan 1941)

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14 iPILM WBVmWS Wednesday, Januiciry 1» 19 il; The Invisible Woman :' decide Jiqw patrons will; accept' thcr . . ; story as unifolded, . ; ■ ' . . • • Hollywood, Dec. 28, : ijtory is a psychologifral.drnrna.<)t rMv«i«ii ifipiist' iif, uui'i Kii)>' iMiiiiiu- niosHniusual picturetQxtiir?..Thomas tion. ,stms viigiiiia'Jiriic*. J'l'in, !>'"•.'>> .Mitchell IS the college•prof«jsor, .whQ' K1P.S,. osciii- jii.moikM..DiicouMi. by A. asiKs advice 01 younger iiienqs ai isie Eiin«r.i .wiiiherinna.-.: .«>r!ry. i>y i(Vii>'i:i. University • Club as ,to his • occupa-'R, Kreii jiin;iiOi>,; c!ci-ii-uiie i;i.iiv«fi: ■ tjj,j,- cluring' his. time reiiiaihinji.' Oup joiln Kuii.-.ti; (iiiim-.-.KrHrik OriVxi.,; • Asi'.i .1 pfrcccl and:..brutality...who,wo.uld .not fliiivnor, Jki.-i'iHi .■ireiiDiuiviBiv. . i!i'e.\ iewi'ii-h); .bo- taken .care of by ordmaiiy legal iuidio. .i.injcrtii IV X.",'"- ueci . i"- -M».'i-.-.|;mcians.IJe 'finds sucli- a person • ihv Miniature Reviews llllifT lllHC/ TO. .VIINK Kilty' ("(iiroll..., I'rofPSKiir lillili;-'.,'hnWl .Hu«<>-n OcorKc...... ...'(^ UliioUle.,:... i ... liiU.... Kojihorn. ..i. ih'^. Jiiulcsun.'.. ITianKle. JViin... I'pBK'y...,., Marie G Vi'n'ini*. u,,,^ '■^^<^"3 '^^^ a' scheming, and. ruth-. ;jJi5»-i?ttrri-ilwViess adventuress who is attempting .. .joiiii 1 imviini to break up the successful mSrciagc ttwviie. luifiRli'M l^oj i^ijj closest fi^iends; . . Finding- the :.. Osi'il r: 1 liiiilolW.:'! '.. .■; Hi)w;iril ■ UinpHy . . .llininld- Miu-ltlMili-' .'Ma'rBiU'rt liiiiiiliiiin. ;..,.-.shemu itnwiiixi ■.'..i, .'....'. Amic : .NmkvI Knlhryii. Ailaili!* ■ vvomari. .lias .previously. ruijtied the Uvijs of .:■ niarty . others; ' he co[ld'- bloodedlyvkills her. and. surrenders to' the law. But his philosophical attitude change's ijuickly when .he ■..\i;iiin.-.M'>iupz discovers, his theory ;is. taken Groiviey.. y.,.'. i.;V...iMif»i io.<'. I .mic .| others' and whojosailo-' murders, could; Mrs, ■ yulK*. ; vV.-.. .:.M.U-.V-.tti>i (^nu\^.Q ^-^^ HSoci::;;::;::::^::v:;:viia^^^ ■;■ Mitci?eii-.;provixies .strong-. ahd- v ;. y- . . yivid portrayal 6f the dobmed :pr,6- bt .Unlversars- IhyiSible' .se'- ^ te^ssor, Ayith-..-Mif!s. Maris ;a cloie sec-, •rtes has Virginia Bruce as the sub-: ond, giving a po\yerftil. pprfdrmapce. ject tjf a scientific .dj^GOvery combine as t.he- unscriipiflous siren.Role, is ing chemicals and electronics for:" t ; Miss Maris', first -in-Hollywood after terest generated . in ■ the"-wieid hapr: niai-ried.; couple: •IbX. whom-.Jilitchell penings, and '\viU'clock good biz in > cbmrruts. (he crirhe; while Jameg. the regular runs generally. Stephensbn is the doctor. The fantastic taleos amply pre-!-. Vincent Shermart dii-ccled sented to ' carry .throu.^h consistent l the dramatics, bf. the. piece, audience iht^ercst. Johh .-Howard .is i V/ithout utilizing., comedy to. ^ a nch youth whb". carries. on' •.'?uB- ' the heavy.-sueject,:. ■ It s... stiaight sidizafion of eccentric' ihVehtbr, Johiv drama all the. way; ...and a, subject Barrymore, after . his • father/s death.' "o^.too/ suitable for. general, nictUre Barrymore uses • niodel ■ -Virginia ' ■:. .- Bruce as. subject ipr his .irivisibilily .i gadget . with ■ successful .results;' just.j iat the lime Howard discovers he-:s ] broke.. Frb.mi that-point-on, the girl- goes, on some adventures bf her own., winding -up in ' Howard's huhtin.ij KEEPING COMPANY . HbUyWood; ;bec; -: i27.': . -Mi>lfo-GoU1wyn-Mayer.'rele'Aae tit .Sjuiiiiel Ma'r.>: .pi oduclion. Features Frnnk Morpdn,. A'liiy: Hii(h?r£or<l,' John - Shellon,. ITeni(> Ulrh. lodge for' "a strange romance. In *Vsn(' Nockhart. .Virginia- '\\'eidie.r... nirfi;ieii hAt«r«4pn fhf>rp'c ItiP atfpmni* nf a ''>' Sylvan Simon. . Screenplay by Jiarry; neiween, ineres ine oi .a , Ruskin, j^mtB . H. Hlii... .Adrinn Hcoit.-.- mob to steal the maChine-Kj.r trans-, orlitlnjil by Herman.:j; .Miinklewloz: .pani- portation to Meitico t6 invisifailize ' i-rii: .Karl.'Freundj editor. Elmo .Vcrdn. the gang, leadier for return, -to- the ' i;''«Vie*o'i, in 'Projection ,Room.; Dec. 20, city .in safety : ' • '"'-• RMnn'mr time, " »">■» cny in^saieiy. _ _ .., ^ ,s:ttomas.. . Stunts of• an invisible person walkr .Mary Thomas.^..... Ing in and out of rooms, through ''"'fi ^'uoteri doors, aha cOnking.others over the.-ilJ^HeiinXn'"*"*'' head is played.', to" the utmost and -iuiVrJe^ ThonVasV.V.' with jaitisfactdry- audience reaction. ! Anantasia Atherton. Stoi^ framework is okay for display I '^eJl^oH'"- of the novelty, and-Edward Suther-. \iv^-Koste^^^^^ land parries direction through, at a .| : consistent . pace,' injecting cbfny though surefire situations of- slap- Btiick yariety'eh raute. '. Barrymore grooves .as the «ccen- ,'Th(S Invisible: WoinariV (U), Trick .photography of invisibility ■ ^played fdi- broad farce. G.obd' cn- ;terlainmehtfor general audiences, '; -.Arty- production for .limited class. appeal; ■; , ■ ' •; ;'.'. '-,."-' • ; 'iKeep'ngf C 6 m p.a'ni y| (MrG ); " ..Faniily ..comedy-drarn^^ iar. textiire'..unfolding at tedius piace. For the family diials, '.♦The. qirl In the Neiys' (20th):..' .' ; An . .piitstanding • foitisiifmade ' melodrama, okay for :U. S.' 'rtiar- ket.c-' ■ .-^■ .: 'San .Frahclsco Docks' (tJ).. •. . Tiresome -. rnelbdrama- that, will , ^'need, plenty of support pn , duals., . v V 'Romance Qf the Ilio Grandie' . :(!Zdth). Fifth of .lhie.:Ce5ar Ro- .;. .:merb-'C Kid', series, .suitable . ■■;l6r:^dual siipporti;.' . :1 / . 'Melody ^Ranoh' (Bcp.V.:. Ela^-, .; '. rate. Gene Autry; westerrt with : '. Wusical .trirtmings : helped - 'by -.. Jimmy durante iahd' Ann jVJiller:-. . ''-'BpWefy-, Bipy',^; CRe'p):-.-' Mild;, - •'inclier of;N.- Y.- sliim'5,'headed:ioE';:'. meagre cliinl rbturns. ■ 'Phantom of, Chinatown';. V (Mono). Murder mystery, of - .. ;.Gi-ientai flavor thatstrikes a-fair. . ": average as a 'B! meiler. .-- llThati Qaii g :of Mihei'; (Mb nb).' '- . -D^ad End- k ids in a raceiracic . rnelier 'that falls -in. .the feather-^ - , Weight .classi ; ;.''..■/-•• ' ■ ' ;'':'; -.,■ Runnlnir tlnie, Itf MIN'S. .... .-Frank Morgan .>.Ann Rutherford .John'Sheltoh ..Icene^ Hlch Gene Locktinrt' . .Virginia - WeJdler .VIrg;ln'a-•Grey' ■.. .Dan Drtlley,. .Ir.' . .Gloria- De Huvcn .;.... .bara iiudeh This is the first of a . planned se- ries of features detailing the.,hbmey adventures, of a small town family, with three girls of ■varied • ages trie inventor mtist effectively, play- I pi'omiinently: spotted, • It might have Ing the . character nibre or .less , Ibbl^ed like a good subject on paper,, straight, with only a slight touch of but transference to celluloid is; hot farcical treatment. Miss Bruce is too successful. Floundering around under the wraps of .invisibility for 1 with too much story'and incidental the most part,, hiding her . charms happenings, picture is a lightweight behind the magic of the trick pho- tographers. John -Howard is okay in a straight part, "wliil'e Charlie Rug- gles clicks with ^ continual • .broad comedy as the .butler. Oscar . Hom- olka is the gang leader, aided b.v Donald. MacBride and Edward Brophy. Margaret Hamilton is the bewildered- housekeeper for the in-, ventor.' Trick: photography has the invis- ible form . bf Miss : Bruce walking around in . visible clothes, but with head; arms- and legs transparent. Wierdness of the situations are al^ ways -played for broadest farce, and dramatics are subdued in hitting for the comedy." angles of the. picture. Walt. Flight . From Des.tiny Hollywood. Dec, 24. programmer that will wend its "way through the family circ:uit as a dual filler without doing much more than consuming time. Frank- Morgan Is a real iestatje: broker, with his> three daughtfts providing plenty .of home interest with their kid adventures. - Oldest daughter, Ann Rutherford; is the pbr ject of John . Sheltoh's afflictions. Pair' become engaged and married. Although the . parents cbntihually provid'e sound advice on avoiding the pitfalls of -airgumehts and stub- borness, there's the separation and divorce cloiid before things clear up for happiness all around. Inter- spersed is plenty of madcap kid sis- ter-antics by tomboyish Virginia Weidler; and dashes of business troubles for the youhg hdsbdnd. - - - Cast - -headed ' by - Frank- Morgan, Ann Rutherford, Irene. Rich. John Warner Bros, rMcaso -ot 'Eoniund •Gmih-; Sheltoh, Gfene Lockhart and Virginia rer pcoOuollon.-. J-ortiure-s- G<>r:Udlnc ..ri.l-/.-,.w«)/llo- - ■ I.yiiri. I Weidler ,do,es as well as can be,e?: . . nii-PMp.i 'pected with-the rather static script X by-vinceni .siiernijiri.. Screei)i)ii>y by Biirry j material provided. -Direction by. S j/, PrlvcrB, from story by.^nlhony Berkelpy;. SvlVan Simori f»H<: to ffMPrate thf Kei-.ftld,- Thomuii Mlti-pell,: Jeffrev Jiimcs .<!lcph.pnsoi),. ..Mqna Marls. '" goiishes .'Night Train,' and has the benefit - of some ot, its-, excellent players, including - 'Margaret Loclt-; wood arid Biisil-ltadford; Screen^ play is by, Sidney Gilliat, who did the scripts also for-'Night Train' and 'Thel Lady: Vanishes;'-.' There the comparisons ehdj and 'The Girl In the .News' veers awiiy from the: British' secret service and becomes a case of murder mystery for: Scotland Yard attention. It is: the clever ^ directorial and script : twists which make the 111m unusually entertaining; Reed, has- a disarming faculty of employing bits of comedy as a means of. revealing- important plot ihcidentSi .His char- acter actors are carefully chosen and his murder trial scene, is cbnducted with the rigid dignity of a British court; In the .playing of- it Emlyn Wil- .liariis, in a villainous role, getis across, the murderous type v/hich he used in the stage version -of .'Night Must Fall.' Miss Lockwdod is° a registered nurse who escapes from under an almost perfect net of circumstantial evidence. Barry K.. Barnes is the defense attorney, Roger Livesey sustains the best* traditions ..^of the Yard.- . - Action is laid in presentr-day I^on^ don, and the nightly blackouts have a— part In shrouding some o.f. the mystery. Production as a whole is first class, against ample . setting.?, thbtograpliy and sound are up to best standards. . - This is the kind of film which con- tains nearly everything • that hun- exhibitors: have been com- plaining-as lacking in much of the Hollywood product. Story is excel- lent picture material and. the acting far" bietter than average. -Because the players have yet to develop a following, exhibitors shy from book- ings, wjiereias some .enthusiastic ad- vance exploitation and buildup would be justified in audience satis- faction. - . 'The (3itl-in the News'Is news. ■ ' - . .Fltn.- accused of killing, a crbdlced . poli- tician: (Joe. Downing) -who has .beiefi: b()therihg Irene. Hervey, Meredith's girL- Miss Hervey, through a .series ot mirapulous hunches 'which only a .scriptei: at hi;s' wit's end" could have cbnjuredi : pirovcs, of course, that Meredith .clidn-t .do it.;. She's aided by. a.s. motley a :buhch bf ■ characters as were ever; gathered tbgelher outr side : of ; s Saroyan ' play. They : in- clude Barry Fitzgerald (who ; will, probably -cause his .(Ex-fellbw Abbey Players ito wince)., : Raympnd WaU burn, • Robert Armstrong, - .Lewis Hbyi-ard and Esther .Ilalston, : HeTb. ■ JO Grande-.'-,:V.'■-.■'.: : ■(WITH 'SONGtS)'' rSOlh .CeiiCiiry-Kox -r«J'riisi> ar-.'.SoV,M.. )Virt-t- ZL>1 iirudui'tl'iiii. . FiiiiiirCB ■ t'osiir'. Horiiero. I'utrlMii.'MQi'lson,' I'.'ynne J101)ci-ls," -Hlcartlo Oorlt--/.. Chr'ls-i'lp-JIurtiri; •■. Uiwpled by llcr- .bert 1. . I-ccds.: 5<orcpiij')liiy by Hiirold Hiick- M\iin ijinO -Stiimiifli .Ui- linKi-I. " --from -navel.- ^i.'oiiqui.slftdor,' - bV- l.Cil.bcrl'pe -; FuUorlon tieroulil! -:cainirt a; t-'lm'rU's <"l«rka:: innsilml dirpclor, -tJmll-.NVwriiim.i-.edllor..: l^'rcd Alli-M. -l'revloWi',1 ill j'ulutT.' :Y.> 'fois. 'M. .'itj, liuijuInK'thiu'. • 7;j - .^i I.N.S, I'lKcn lyid...,-.....':-.-. Itoslla-;,. . Marin..1,..-. Klcardii,.,:..-,. (iDrdllo....,. .". ;l'a.l.ri!-;-,.. C-';u'lo» Hftrnhtlili-/. I'lin KprnuiuUi.... .MaiiiK l.,upcv....-. t'urver..;, ,^ .\Tniiii:rl....... . i. .Miir'iitiul'...; Miirta,.'.-..'. .,. .Cesar Romor'o .'.Palrii-lit iMUrlsbn .-.. I.yiinu'.,llobprls;- .. .Ulcirdo :Coi!le;i .('hnN.-1'lii .Hiir.lli)- .'.-Atilrlcb -IJowker ..1iisp|i)i McUoniild 'I'dj-i) do I'oi-dobii .... .liicH I.'alP.ngu ,ltiipli:\el Jiennelt . .Tl'i'vor Hardette, .'....'.Tom. I.,ondoo . .'.^.-. .Evu:: -Puljf- niohnrds; .As.^s't 'illrei'tor. ■ F.lmer' De'fkpr. frreviewert at'l''i>iir .>!lar. Wee. -:!3, '-4U. Iliiri- nlng time, 7,i. .VIIXS.--'.-:'- Hetty FarrQ»vay;.^....Oeraldine FUz.iferald I'j-of. Ilctlry ToilhuiilCr.v...Thoma3 -MIU-)icll. Sllctloer Fn.rrowiiy .:,..Jeffrey ^ynn l>r, Lawrence -^-.Icvi'iw.;. .-James SlepbPiison .Ketli Mor'et. . :. . '....-....Mohit; Miiri.*: District Atlurn',;-! -Kaunders. i Jriean Soiher^.;.. Afurtha;, . ■l'elc'r.'iOn..V...'. ;-... ■ Kfirrera; . . I're'ntlss..;...'.. Brook;:',., .'i... r..^... ; 'J'ravln... Conw.ny.....,.: K(lvanv<l, IvrcindlliiK'. Ccohfi^.i. .Maid...,.!..:•; Jonaih'an..' Mule' ,v.tJavld Briii'p. ..Tburstorf tlall. , .Mary. .^.-inriloii . ;Oobn F.MredKP iirardie Aibrib'hl the homihess intended in'the family in timacies . displayed; However, he also;-was biirdiened by a rather, dull script. :- ' ;. Walt. GIRL IN THE NEWS (BRITIStt-^'niAbE)''''.-'--.-.; ' 20tli - -Century-Fox- 'relea;<ie ■ • of." Maurice Ostrep-Edward .Black-production. Jfenturps 'MiirKornt . .T;(ick\vbod,i- Bqrr.v- . K, ' Koriip's, „i ,'^('-'"'-''""^^'""^'''-"'' Dtreclfld by, Carol Rt^pd.' . w'iiri'irn\'Vi'o'r'i^e'i;! L .Si-rflenpluy, by. ;$ldhey'.'Ollllii.t fronj iinVel b.* Wbldon -Uevliiii'n /.Kfiyz-Vlcki^rsv- cainera^ Olio. Iviinlut'ek: qdl-- ... .DeWolf IIODiier ;:'''''■• ^- Dearllnp: music, J,<itilH- .I.evy. .\ lc.\'ah'.l«r Lockwiiill l'i'!'*\'!."'''!'_'"' ''''•"J*f,^'9." "r''5Iiv>li '''^" ..•'..,-. .'Friirik ltelc-lipr ; •!''- "'"' nunfllnB time, .77. AII>S. . .; . . ;.';,;..- ,'.Willie :rji>sl'!.-^."'"*, i«r.Thai!i:.. ;.M;.ivfi(aret I.oi'kwoni] , .Elbby Tiiyloi- I if.t^l'?''''" Farlngdon. mil -jltatdei- Warriers figure they:.have.ah ar-:;,Tiidiih BentiVv.".";V tistic sleeper here,: arid intend giving I K'lwaid It a/ whirl:in-the, class houses in the ! T;;7'jK''^'ve•• key sppts-ifor^critical attention.' -Pic-.-JJi'/^iVs.^ ture may . catchi.varied reactions jn ~ thdse' boo'kiilgS; - and. becbihe a.' con- troversial subject, for the: intelli- gensia; .But' it's far from' acceptable I^lRle-. Cnoi;.. Odd . linrry- K; Uri-rops- ....Eniiyri-.-'iVllilatti.s i. ...^iRoger TJ-ve-'ey. ,.- .Mar(ciii;e(la ..SvoH . ;'.\Vynrlb.m'i GoIiMp .... ;.B:i-<ill R;idf.ol-rV . Irpiie: -Hirndi ,'-.....Mervyn..- Jiihiis ..-.. .-.Botty •JarVllhc'. Iv.-Uhleph: IIiirH'snn ProsecullM)f. Counsel... ...;■.;.;-..F^ Another ASplendidly .dlrecWd .fllrfl f >Se Cof .a College pro-: I'S^^iSf C^OtlJlS?'* & ^1"^^^ San Francisco Dotks 'Universal'.releai-'e of-Marxliall Gi-apt pro- dui'tipn. .: Stars Burges.s.' MeredlUi, Irene JJeryey; Biirry. FltzRevald; feiiturcs lluy- inortd .Wa.lburh," 'Kslbtir;-ftalston; Robjert .Armatrpng.. IJewta -Hcvwat^d. ■ - Ulrirted - by .-v-i-thur 'Lublri. .- Original-- screenplay 'by '.Stanley .Crea Ruhln.iand Edmund ti.---Hart- nianni c:i:niera, Charles :V^iV Krtger;"edltbr, ^^evnurd.• Biirton. A.I Rl.ilto, '. N.. Y., week Psc; :a^ MO. Runnln^^ .llme,'«« .MlNS, Ji)h.nny parhea'; ;. Kitty-.Thicy...; .% 'J"h'<»...tcky...'..>;.'..;■.;. Adihlrnl AUdy. .'V., .-^ Cainerpn-.. Sanfo'rd ..;:.■...;.-.',".-. Frances. March. i . -, Hi'ink'...■■;...,..;...;■.-.'.; .MonCef MarCll. 1'Viiue.'. .>-. r., ..... (•on\vay;...;,.,.....-,; Mlko^'i....,..v.'.'....-.. District Attoi-riey.;..; -. ;■ Cassldy.'.;.."...;, .'. ; .v. -^-Aeted—■with mbro spirit. ahd>d.a-"'h, 'Rbmancie of. the: Jlio Grande' might have been 'a very interesting and ex^ citing fllrh.. : The .J.otaie;. is . early- Arizona and the camera catches sorne inipre.ssive views of the iange; The story-has' possibilitiefs :and the lead- irig. role is a good llclional character, of the Robin Hood ; type. It turns out to- be a routihe WcsCerrier in the general groove of the Ciscb Kid. series, featuring Cesar. Romero. A-i dualer; -;- - -' ' .■ . .V--; ■-■';'■',■ : .Cisco is one of the creations of. O. Henry, and Warner Baxter iii .1929 won an academy 'Oscar'! for himself as the young outlaw who .righted wrongs of the oppressed .Without benefit of . the laW. 'Ih Old- Arizona' was the- Baxter vehicle, one of the earlier outdoor sound pictures. Nie.w version, is a iniiigling bf'.O. Henry and Katherine Fullerton .Ge- rould, virhose story 'Conquistador- is the basis fbr 'Romance, of the Rip Grande.;' .Harold Buckniart and Sam- uel G. Engel did the screenplay^ It deserves better ' treatment by the players, and the director. - Ot the; cast only Pedro de Cbfdobai as: the aged .Don Fernando, gwner of the greatest ranch in the southwest, handles -his lines with clarity. Some of the players, -atterhpting Spanish- English patois, miss the mark cOmr pletely. Romero is one. of the chief offenders. Unless actors are skilled in dialect it is better that they stick, if possible, to understandable Eng^ lisn. Audiences like it better. , . Lynne Roberts is' youthful, sings sweetly , and has the necessary good looks for the heroine of an outdobr romance'. Patricia Morison and Ricardo Gortez are heavies; Chris- Pin Martin is in for. comedy.: Flin. M£LOpY RANCH ■ (WITH SONGS) Republic release of So) - U. Slegel pro- ducclon, Stars'Gene Au'try; features Jimmy Durante, Ann .Miller, Directed by Jo.seph Hatttiey. - Original- ucreenplay, Jack . Mof- fltt, F.. nugh Jterb^rt; special comedy ee-- quenies, SJd Kuller, - Ray Golden; editor, 'Ije.<iter- Oi-lebeck;' raincra, Joseph August, musical, director, Raoul Ki-aushaar; songs, Jule . Styjie.: Rddia Cherkose.- At - Bryant, N". 1'., week Dec. 'i'n "101- .Running time; ■80 MiNS.-: ■• . . Gene.., -.....:.. .Gene Autj-y Cornelius J.- Coiirihpy...... Jlinmy Durante •iulle.. . . .... i........ i. . Ann Miller . Mark llrtbuck .. ....:. .linrtdn MacT^an^ Veronica Whippe ,. .''Bail)iini -.ii)-Mien.(Vera'Vague) Pop.... ,;...... .TicorKe 'Gabby'- May^s -Tommy. S^iiunervllie,........ Jel:^mo.'Gb\vah' ■T•enny....i .-,..,..'...;.-;.-..-.;.,,.. Mary tee .Tasper- Wlldh«ck..; :Joseph lawyer Bud -Wlldhack'.-Horace MacMahoii Frontier Days celebratjbri.!: Th« . town toughies appareritly .still oper- ate this commuhity along old pioneer lines and make things; hot for., the! honbrary.: -sheriff, - hinting forcibly that he -is .overdue back in the big city,:-' . Insteiad, Autry decides;: to-: stay in Torp'edo, and get back into old phyi?. .cal: sha^e so he can stipaightcn out the town. gangsters; "Fhrs ii.e . does, .with : Ann Miller' (actress ■ on his' •radio show) -.remaining-in tlie Avest to cheer his efforts and his hearts ; i Durarite.\accompatiies. 'Autry .and gpe^ for the whimsiiial' schbolmarm ' Vera Vague)'in a big way; 1 There's a scene-in which Durante hqlp.s en- apt a 'little red riding 'hood' class-, room stunt that mUst. have been a :wpw before the. Haysitc's got hold bf it.' ■ Arid okay,- as is. ' : - '-'. . ' Autry. sings IMelo'dy RaricK'. iiit. tune of the film; 'We Never ;Dream the Snme^Dream Twice;'--niid 'Call of the Ganyoh.' . Part of 'Never Dte^m! is a:.duet .with.Miss Miller; .AU- of; these- -'tunes : are.' vbf hit cjilibre. Durante-sings in typical gtyle:pf his .owrir 'Vote :fbr Autry'; while :\Miss Miller has an'added'mufiical entry in 'My Cal; Sal,' which -pl-eludes her tip dance,'.:-o-.■•'.:■.';,' V-: '': ' Supporting;. this ■-threesome,; .Vera •Viague (Barbara Jo -Allen), radio comedienne, • i»s the schoolteacher; Jerome "dowari,.' as the sponsor; George 'Gabby' Hayes, Horace Mac- Mahon, and Mary Lee, as hi.*! daugh- terj are standout,: Comedy sequences by Sid KuUerrRay Golden,. are: ex-' celient;; JpSeph Santley; rates a bow for : his . neatly .. paced :- directibn. Joseph August is okay phptoj|,'raphing,. outdobr. scenes but .mediocre with his . clOseiipB;-. - .^; : - ' --vWeari BOWERY BiO% .Bepu'blio''/release . . . Armiuid - .Si-li.Tefet- productlon.-..' . Featul:ea. Dennis O'Koc.rei -- Louise "Calii'itb'eU, - Jimmy ' Lydon, I'lelen - yinsori. '.Directed .by: -.^Vllllam ' .Morgan.. Scrcciiplay by'-Robert ChaiiinV.Hnrry Kroii- : inqh,. Kugene Solow from orlKlnal by-.Sinv - Fuller. -Bidhey .Sutherland;: camera,- 'l£i-ii<<8t . Miller; editor, -Bdward Mann;' niuslv,- Cy Feuer;.' -Previewed la -. Projection' '■ Room, >J,- Y., Dec . 27,' '40. Running, lime.. 71. Tom 6'Hora,.-'. Anhe Cleliry;.. Sock. Dolnh.....^,...; Pegpy -VVInters,,:... J. li,-Ma^on....'..<<.^ Blubber. UMllins...'.. Ml*. Hanaen..,. Battler......-,.'.^,.'.:. Dr. (^rane., > i ... .-. Dn Axel .'AVlnters,-. Dr. George -Wlnteri, Flopa.'...'. i.;.Donilts a'Keefe !...'l^uuiso C-i'mpbell ... .:,.llmniy -Lydoa .-. .. .Hclwv Vinson ' ..'... .noncrPryor .......Pnvll Hur«t .... Kdward''Gargan - .....;. Jnhri Kelly . .-.Selrnel- -Jhcksoo' .'Howard Hickman. .Frederick- Burton' .,.:..'.,;J'uCk. Carr -Judge ;Henderji.on: .Slirn*..';: • ^. .'^j,, .. finrence; Wilson ..\Vlll|ain;'J3encoict . .<Buri;ps-<i'Mcred)lh' ..,.:'... I rene Herve.v ... Bari'y..:FlUKcral(l ,Raymond: -Walbui-n: ...Robert. ArmslrOhg ...'.. Lewis ;-Ko\Vard ,..' .-^IJistMer -Kala.toh. ..-.;>..;Krt t;aj'Kan . i -.-i EdiPn iv ley, ...... .'.'Don . Zoirt'yn; ;.;..troliri C':i'ijf|)iiell ,:.—Glenn' Scrahge < .\Vllllam Davidson ...- . Juaeph. Downing ican-' theatre; kfl^'ng of -;., "•''eless person .will; be ; ago at the Globe; New York.- to cre^ justifiable, in. every i-espect—is .not (ate 'excitemeht in- the trade a.s a pb- p.articularly : :palatable^ preachment teritial (and heretofore' oveflboked). to ,$et before impre.-Jsibnable, picture ' heavy grOs.ser; when given any kind audiences, ■ Despite the, profs switch: bf showmanship breafc 'Night'Train" ih altitude at the finish, the priginal. has.:been on the exchange shelvef; premise cannot .be .-50 easily dis- |since jtiid-Octbber. It has had cartled. - Picture, originally made; plenty of ' cancellations and few -several months ago as'Inyitatibn to ibpbitrngs.^^'. " . Miirder,'. went back for revisions, on ' 'The Girl .in the News' contains the the Hays .coders/ It's still a- same distinctive quality of suspense- ..Pfbblem for iridividlial \exhibltofs to: ful melodramatic actibri as distih- !Bad ; scriptihg and.'bad: , direction have carried 'a number.- ib^ go'od play- er.s off :the:. deep. erid of Sari^Frah- ciScb; Dbcks.' A. few ;bf the per- formers,.: notably Burgess Meredith; haye jiianaged tb keep, afloat: but, uh-' fortunately:, them, have fbuhd the chains too- heavy and. have gone down .in a sea bf . hami Result, .e^s .' might be imagine^i is one the ; low. points of. the/iuh-'entlfilm-sea-^ I son;.'.' ■ ■ ■- '•...■■ ■ .-'.'. i- :Plo.t'. is. so cluttered up -With talky I characters'-it never gets a, cKahce to j'rjiove.' And' if it. did, .it" prbbably J.wbuldn't know. Avherie; to go; the story is .so diflhsely told; beginning, with .uts, efforts to introduce the characters by .half a doien discon- nected .sceries,: it .becomes almost an unwittirig montage in. its effect. It's a lesson in how not to 'make a pic- ture.' 'Yarn; In the wharf-rat setting sug- :gested by . the title, finds Meredith ■ Gehfe Autry:receives crack suppoi"t frpni Jimmy Durahte.and Ann Miller in his. newest^ .musical' western. And. thie combo helps the- singing -cow-, boy star, who has: zoomed< up' in popularity .'throughout the world in recent'. y.ear5, td. fashion, a vehible Whiph; will spell added boxoffid'e y/;ith his fbllowirig. Fbr dyed>-in-ihe-: wobl "western meller fans, 'Melody Ranch' may not "be as .actibhfiil as- previous Autry specials.. V However,' the comedy, sequences overfcome the .'handicaps'.'' ':■ t^'-:-'/-] The :most pleasant surprise of the ■whole vehicle is how. furiny Jimmy Durante prp'ves as announcer tp; the cowboy radiO'star in the story.; The schno2f has never been funnier on the, screen', the new surroundings:-mean- ing nothing ;."io his typical ■ line: of wj.secracks- and rhahgling;' of the .English' language. Ah: idded ''eyei bperter- performance is provided by Ann Millet'.i^gile tapster from ■vaude- ville'-'fthd -musical, com&dy. -.She .eri- hahceg • her. rapid-fire hoofing With forthright .singing' vvjth .Aiitry - and. a real. propensity for developing- £(s an .a' .:'''::...'.'.'.: '. ''."■--;.,. -' . '; . Ihs'tead '.of 'the customary creaking M^estern -plot, scriptets Jack' Mbffitl and F. ,Hugh. Herbert use a sponsored radio cowboy warbler as a -wedge in' familiar.' sagebrush :. surround- ings.' It seems- that the. folks ..barck in Torpedo, Arizona: (put jri the •vyide' open. spaces) - want Atitry to. return ^nd becoine- hbnora'i:y ;6heriff at the . 'Bowery Boy' proves one thing- U nothing else^it Isikes more than cap- able players and aii archaic .tale of. Manhattan's": Bowery to. make a half- way acceptable picture; Vehicle has okay secondary talent, but. .apart from an apathetic story, for one rea- son : or another Dennis O'KeefiB, Louise Campbell, Jimmy "Lydon and Helen Vinson, in - the leads, never arouse, more than casual: interest. Direction, adaptation and" all-around' values: relegate this one to minor dual setups. . Xauhched in a strictly , artificial representation of N. Y.'s tenement district, the aH too-familiar pattern, of, the young, doctor; assigned tp a Bowery clinfc and. surmounting his environs, is laboriously unfolded. Food-poisohlng epidemic -with the new- doctor and the little Bowery toughie involved, the nurse-ahd-the-i rsopiety deb dual heart interest, -and braggard heroics of this, .same little juvenile gang leader are dragi^ed in. . N^early every ■ character,. excepting the Bowery, screams of artificiality; . - Nurse Anne. Cleary (Louise Camp- bell), speaks: crisply and i^ever arouses sympathy^ Tom O'Hara (he came frqni- the Oklahoma dust bowl, so the script says7 is the young medr ico, played with tons of enthusiasm but little . else . by Dennis O'Keefe. Main cog in thie plot is his signing off food ^certificates. Helen Vinson por- trays th« socialite femtne in .stilted- fashion.. Fourth member of this in- cbngrupus array is :-Sdck Dolan (Jimniy Lydon); .depicted as an in- ciirable'brat bf the slums. Originally he's vicious but softens imder. th* tendeir hand of-.nurs^ Cleary,:. - With these; Characters, the support heacVd by .Roger Pryor, who's badly , miscast. as a racketeer; Paul Hurst,. okay as a gangster fehce;; Johii.. Kelly, Jack.-Cafr and :iSelmer'"Jaek- sPh 'manages .to -salvage a- few -pl'aus^'i ible .rtiohnfents; Clirhax • when :ihfe hoodl.lini pals.' of, Sock; IDdlari 'rally *to rescue hini from' the mpbsters. is: a cleverly conceived ; bit .of meiodra- matics. ." But It comes too late. -One: scene shows the . society , feinme's Sunday evening reception with; .the; 'Park; Central Hotel' sign, plainly" trained' ift' the backiglrbtindi followed by a closeup Just in case anybody failed tb' hpte: it in - the first: shot- ■:■ '' .'■'■■ -:. . Wear. ■ Phahtom of- Ghiiialownv - Monogram, release ot Paui: Malvern:-.p.r(jr. diictron> 'Stars .Keye Luke; foatiirtfa L«lu'«r Long, Grant Wlthera. . .Directed by Tlilh Rosen.- 'Story.-. Hugh Wiley;: .tdn'ptatlo'n,.. JdStiBh Wc,«t; edttor, Jack'OKlFv-)e: :»!bolOKT' raphy",- Fred - Jdck'triah^ Jri -.\t -.N'cw Vork;: X. Y.-. dual, week Dec. 'J8, '^0. • Hunnl^ig, •limp, .61 .M1N.S. : . • ;'.-.'. .;-..';.;-..'.. Kp'yo Luke ,.;.,...'.-.-.lihiiis- T»nK ..Or.-iiit. WillirrH .Pinil .'ilr-Vi-y. :...';.;.f'rmrl<-K MMl.-P . ; .Virginia' (.•al'pcnler ..... ;..'.Ch;irlcs Frustr' J)Mimy -Wohg.:; Win LQn...,.i.'., Rlreiit,'... .';.-'.•...'. Grady,,,...'..',.; J.)r, .Uenf.on.'..,, fjoHlae Ilentoh,. John' Dllsdn...., Though it follows a familiar Hetec- tioii- formula, 'Phantom of China- ' (Continued on page 16) -,.