Variety (Feb 1941)

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44 RADIO MARKETS Wednesday, February 5,1941 Natiohal Spot Accounts Currently Active (According to Report from VARIETY'S 'Radio Market Cities 9 ) ACCOUNT American. National Bank Anchor Pain Expeller.!' Armour. Si Co.»,......... AS0AP . . ......;.y Barbasol .-.iy. v..'. . Bayuk Cigar.-. V. '..v... - ;'. Blackstone Products i . Blackstone Products.-. AGENCY ... . . . Raymond Keane.. .....rl! W. Kastoi'.... .. , ,V. ...Lord St Thomas...... ,;. . iilackstbrie Ady. . ; , ...., ..Erwin,...Wasey..... .. Ivey Ellington..;. ,.... < Raymond Specior... ..Raymond Specior .... Calif. Fruit Growers Exchange. Lord & Thomas,. Campbell ■ Cereal" (Malto-Meal). H;-';W; Kastor.;... Canada Dry Gingrer Ale (Spu'tf-):J; -M.'Mjthes.-.-' Carnation Co.. . ... . . ~ Carter Proilupts.. '.... Chelsea Ci?a"^.ttes, Consoliated Cir ; V.;. 1 Contl.Products.. .. TIME PURCHASES :. . ; .. /.'ii. Hours ,•. ..v...,,;5-Mins. 77;... : Jlpurs ,.' .>. . '. Full-Hours ,...; '.'. .. . . . \'\ Hours ..... Amiouncements ........ .Hour News .;..', . i : Hours ..v... . ;TinW. Signals ... i i.. .Spots .....Vi HoUrs .V..Hours .'■ ., Announcements : ; Farticipatic-hs . v*V.Hour.News Drake Bakeries. Folder Coffee. Erwin,.. Wasey. ,v. vi''.'-.V..>Street '.&-Finney i- . . ,-Vvv.' ,. Warwick &'. Le^lei* . . Erwin, Wasey'.. .*.. : :' : . . ;,.. .. .. B^mirigharn, Castleman & Pierce • Announcements ;.... v; .■., Young & : :Rubicam.../..■..,.. .Announcernents iRaymond ■ R. Morgan... V* Hours Foster-MHburn (t)oan's Pi lis)...Street & .Finpey Friday: Majrazlrie. i.'.... H. C.' Morris...i....y Gordon Bs»kl'ng• • '- • v.Parton..Steb.bins'.. Guaranty Union Life Ins....'. ,'Stodel Adv... Healthalds .....,.. Ruthrauff & Ryan.... Hecker Products............. ..Maxon, Inc...... International Harvester..........., Aubrey,. Moore; 8i Wallace '.'•.;"• Announcements, Participations International Harvester.........Aubrey, Moore & Wallace. Announcements Jolly Time Popcorn Kellogg Co;. 1. . .. Lehn & Fink'.'...;.. . Announcemerits ... ...Spots . .-...5-Mins. ..'4 Hours ., \'a Hours Announcements Buchanan Thomas • .';./.'; .Annouhcements ,. T <enypn & 'Eckhardt. .Station Breaks, Spots Lever Bros.'(Silver Dust). Lever Bros..... . .... »».Wm. Esty ..BBD&O . . Ybung-.& Rubicam.... . Weather .-Reports, ■ Arinouncemehts ..v. .Time Signals .Ahnounteroents P. Lprlllard (Union Leader.& Beechnut tobacco > ... A.. L'y.dia Plnkham. .. '.. Macfadden Publication . . %> Maryland.. Pharma?eu . M.y-T-F'ine Dessert.;. ■, Noxzema Chemicnl.. . >;... Omar Mills ;,;. / : Pierce's' Medic! ' .... '; ....' : Quaker. 1 ' Oats. i-. . . . : . Held, Murdoch... . .. . :. ; Rlchman Bros..... ; . Savarln Coffee..... . it. By Semler.... ........... ..'■..; ...^ Vapex. ,.. ... i Vlck' Chemical. . . I . . V .. Ward Baking. . . ,.. Wesson Q\l. . . . . v. White Labs. (Chooz)... . Wlllard Tablet Co :. . ... Williamson Can-' ■ Co.,. ...., Wm. H. Wise :(\Vbrl:Vs;Ci ; eat^ est Books).. ..'.'•......' ; W. A. Sheaffer Pen Co".. . . .Lennen & Mitchell;.;; .»..'...% Hour News . Krwin; W^sey. ..., ../.. .. ,5-Mins . Erw/ih,; Wasey.Vi.y. .....; \ . : Yt Hours . Joseph: Katz.. ...... .. '. vAnhouhcernents , 3BD&6 ........ ..... ..... Announcements .Ruthrauft & Ryan..............Vz Hours . Hays MacFarlahd.:,.......Announcements .H. W^ Kast6r\^...;. : ;>:..^:..; : ;V:Ah'noiADceme^ts .RuthraufT & Ryan.......... f .. .'.V4 Hours . Rogers 8c Smith..........Announcements .McCann-Ericksbn ;« , ,"; . : Hour New$ . Gussow-Kbhn . \ ...'.. Annpuncemehts i Erwin,. Wasey.........v...;. ...'A Hours .Small. & Seifier.-. ; ... ..,.;...,;. .Spots . Morse" International.. i... .Announcements ^Sherman. K. Ellis.......,... .Tjme' Signals , .Fitzgerald Adv.;.;. >.;... .... Participations i Wm, Esty. .. .'...•.>•. ,,.•'..... .Annbuncements . First United Broadcasters.;. U -• i5-MInsi ..Henri, Hurst At McDonald......Mi Hours. .Northwest Radio;, A, .'.•.',•.,-. .■';:<.5-Mins v Russel M.; Seeds'.. v;..... .Station Breaks DEPARTMENT STORES BUYING RADIO TIME LAST WEEK Richbooks Dept. Store. Marshall.field St Co... H. Macy St Co.,. . ..; -..'CITY'^';./ ........Sah Antonio i....Chicago .7.... ; . ■. ..New York City TIME FUBCHASES > • • » ♦ • » 4 .Announcements .Announcements . '.. : . .. .5-Mlns, s ingest, an Non-Advertiser, Buys Blurbs on KH Los. Angeles, Feb. 4. Gradually the home. transmitters •re hauling.up to safer: ground,, with the margins lenghening away from the scarlet drip. Total showed' bet- ter than 300 units on the Up-side and only lagger Was national spots. In- flux of hew contracts augurs for strong pickups on all fronts. Sales heads say the lag is purely seasonal and' reflects no especial significance one way or the other. Reader's Digests which accepts no •dvertising—and indulges . in very little of the . same except of the di- rect .mail variety—gave the nod to radio with a contract calling for 26 announcements on KFI. KHJ: Homemakers Club, 65 Half- hour periPds, through Glasser 1 -. Gailey! Hebrew Evangelization So- ciety, 52 halfrhour periods, through Tom "Westwood;. Payroll Guarantee Ass'n," 52 quarter-hour periods, through Cinenia Adv.; William Wise Co., . six flve-minute programs, through Northwest Adv.; Lohgines- Wittnauer • Watch Co., 3,650 an- nouncements, through Arthur Rosen- berg; O'Keefe & Me.rritt (stoves and refrigerators),' ~366 announcements, through Richard Atchison; Rockwobd St Co., 40 participations in Norma Young's 'Happy Homes.' KNX: Red Heart Dog Food, 78 participations •. in . F^tcher Wiley combination, : through Henri, Hurst & McDonald; Downtowh Dollar Day, - 14 time signals and six participa iions in Wiley combo, through Hill man-Shane; Fox-West Coast thea tres, 52 announcements, through Western Adv.; Compton's Encyclo- pedias, 12 participations in Wiley combo, through Sidney Garfinkel. KFI: . Pathfinder Petroleum, 13 quarter-hour broadcasts of The World't a Stage'; Central Chevrolet, 49' announcements, through Stodel Adv.;. Beckman FUr, ;: 42. announce mehts, ;through Glasser - Gailex; Reader's Digest. Ass'n, 26 annpunce-. ments, through Batten, Barton, Dur- stine & Osborn; Sweetheart _ Soap (renewal), 39 quarter-hour ' news- casts, through . Franklin ' Bruck; Foreman & Clark, 96 quarter-hour newscasts, through Milton Weinberg. KECAr Todd's Clothes, $9 quarter- hour newscasts/ through N. J. New- man; Baker Shoes, 26 announce- ments, through Sidney Garflnkel. |: Feb. 1 Compared to Jan. 25 Network Local National Total Units Units Spot Units Units . 13,127 8,872 1,394 23.393 12,882 B.716 1,471 23,069" + 1.9% +1.8%. —5.2% +1.4% (Included: KECA, KFI,' KPWB, KHJ. KNX) Bad Spotting William Esty agency ordered KMQX, St. Louis, last week to '.find a new spot for its announce- ment on Chooz when it was dis- covered that the plug, on the .acid indigestion remedy imme- diately followed a prdgranr deal- ing with good cooking, and meal planning. •". ' The program was the station's own .'Magic Kitchen.' . COLONIAL WEB MEN PLOT A YEAR AHEAD NBC 97 CRITCHFIELD INHERITS AIR-USING FEED ACCT. Chicago, Feb. 4. Critchfleld agency here has taken over the Murphy Feed account, forr merly, with the Wade aigency. Murphy Feeds have been using ether space for several years, and in- dications, are that under the Critch- fleld handling will increase purchases on network and farm stations' con- siderably. Plough Extends List Plough, Inc., has expanded its spot announcement list for Penetro Ihd St. Joseph's aspirin from. 35 to .47 stations. The added outlets are lo- cated, in the Carolines, Virginia, Ala- bama, Tennessee, Texas', Louisiana,. Missouri and Indiana. . .. Lake-Spiro-Shurman is the agency. Boston, Feb, 4. Some 40 representatives of the Colonial Network's 19 New England stations. met here in a round table discussion. 'Planning today for next year's results was the keynote of this merchandising - promotion meeting,' was the statement given by Linus Travers, Colonial's vice-president of sales arid production. Present at the meeting were: Quincy L. Brackett, WSPR. Spring- field; Ivan Newman and Gerald J. Morey, WNLC, New London; S. R. Elman, WATR, Waterbury; Robert Donahue and Al Moffat, WLLH, Lowell - Lawrence; John Libby, WCOU, Lewiston-Augusta; James L. Spates, WHAI, Greenfield; Glover Delaney. WTHT, Hartford; Jack At- wood; WRDO, Augusta; James Milne, WELI, New. Haven; Earle G. Clement, WLNH,. Laconia; Malcolm Parker, WEAN, Providence; James J. Gavi- gan, WHAI, Creerifleld; Thompson L. Guernsey, WLBZ, Bangor; Philip Weiss, WSYB, Rutland; .William War- ner, WAAB, Boston; George Steffy, William Eynon, Robert Bartley, Ger- ald Harrison and Linus Travers from the Colonial Network. . - NBC has put out a new ratd card for the blue network which shows an increase of 29 stations. Card lists 97 regular, blue stations subject to special blue discounts', 1 55< additional outlets available, to blue advertisers by special; arrangements, making It a total of 152 . stations available.-for national'coverage. . The regular blue station list be- came 98 Friday (31)' with'the an- nouncement, that WORD, Spartan-; burg, S. G, becomes part of the southeastern group. March: 29. \ Washington,-Feb..4. Procedure followed by Federal Trade Commtssioii in pre vent- ing misleading advertising was rapped b>r the attorney general's committee oil administrative procedure ■ recently.' . Members of the F. T. C. try to pay personiil attention .to .altogether too many matters, according to. committee report. Urging greater , delegation of duties, the report , sent to the President said the job. of initiating proceedings should be as- 'signed to the head of the radiorperibdicals division, while cbm- plaihts ought not be made .know"—except where some Uniisual circumstance arises, such as need for protecting public health— ■ until the victim has had time to digest and ans>yer the accusa- tions. The stipulation method followed by the F. T. C. *n ad- vertising cases was. commended but the special committee felt there is much room for improvement in order to avoid possible injustice and speed-up Operations. Boston, Feb. 4. Priscilla Fortescue, Boston, com- mehtator, will be radio Clara Dud- ley' in new series, 'New England Home;,' starting Feb: 9 on CBS New. England network .keyed by WEEI. Three-a-week matinee schedule's under sponsorship • of ■ Alexander Smith & Sons Carpet.Co., Yonkers,' N.: Y., interior decorating consult- ants of which -write under f Clara Dudley : .monicker.';: . Accb.urit's han- dled by^Anderson,, X)ayis & Platte. , ESTP's Danish Doily Tie-Up : " Minneapolis, Feb. 4;. An . unusual 13-Aveek KSTP con- tract will aid.a Minneapolis Danish newspaper, Det Danske Ugeblat, in plugging its advertisers.! Show is a musicai game, called 'Songo,' with Cards for participation of. listeners, available only : at the places that ad- vertise the foreign' language newspaper. .'•.''..■■. program, aired each Thursday, noon, Will consist of blind: tunes, with listeners given a chance, to guess the titles and win: weekly prizes,. ALL CHI UNITS . . : Chicago, Feb. With' the between-season lull.' still", at the helm, here, biz generall'- ,vas becalmed, during the past week. Lo- cal units, the oiily category to feel any breezes at alii didnt get -far enough to cause more than ia. ripple. WOR: vEvans fW Co., two/15-min^': ute periods each Sunday, through Critchfleld agency; Sunfllled Orange Juice, two station .break announce- fliehts daily, through Newby, Pardn & Fliicraft; ■National Refining Go., one dally, one-minute announcement; through Sherman E. Ellis.. • : WBBM: Marshall Field . & Co:, seven time signal announcements weekly," 1 through Charles Daniel Frey; Beatrice Creameries,, three an- nouncements weekly, through Lord & Thomas; Churchill Bros/Fur Stor- age Co., Sunday 15-mihute period, through George Hartman agency. WIND: Schwimm'er & Scott agency, six night-time hours weekly. Monday through Friday; General Furnl.ture Co., ^30.' rhihutes daily, Monday thrbugh Friday, ^thrbugh Illinois agency; CoCa-Cola Coi, 30 an- nouncements weekly, / through Wil. liam, Wisdom agency; Cohti ^Prod- ucts; • 24'. announcements weekly; through Bermlhgham,. Castleman & Pierce. ' ': ; Feb. 1 Compared to Jan. 25. Network Local National Total Units 9.915 ':■. 9,930 —0.2% (Included: Units 6.287 6,250 +0.6% Spot Units Units 11,260 . 27i462 11,265 27,443 WBBM. WENR, WON. WIND, WJJD, WI*S."WMAQ) ♦ No change* SNIFFLE BIZ GOOD, VICK ADDS $30,000 Vick Chemical has increased. its spot expenditures for the current season by $30,000 as a result "mostly of the bull market that cold'reme- dies have had this winter. The Com- pany may extend, its campaign into the summer in many of its markets because of the success that its latest product, Vick's Inhaler, has been meeting. • Affected by the extra appropria- tions are about 20 markets. PETER FOX B|Z PUSH-UP Big User of Radio Tim* Shows Comfy Margin for Tear Chicago, Feb. 4. Peter. Fox Brewing Co., wholesale user of radio time in this territory, showed a 61% increase in volume sales for the '. six month period end- ing Dec. 31, 1940, as compared to the similar period in 1939/ In 1940 the closing six. months showed a sales total of $1,907,752, while the year previous had .been .only. $1,264,298. Beer outfit has been slugging It out on ! radio in these parts through the Schwimmer &: Scott, agency. ■ NAT L SPOT PHOTS DETROIT UNITS—UP i% ■ — —• •'■; i Detroit, Feb. A. Conditions still are spotty among the Detroit stations, with those mak- ing gains offset.. by . those losing ground. National spot took the big push upward last week recording close to fOur per cent while the Other categories, which the week be- fore had seen an upward/push, lost slightly> "■ . Prospects still are good here for the year with the figures emerging from the seasonal Slump better than in previous, years in. a good position to make this one big:. Sales staffs still are lining up the accounts locally, but. there is some fumbling around for starts, WXYZ: Quaker Oats, 15 minutes, five weekly, 13 weeks; Crowley- Milher Department., Store, five an- nouncements weekly, 13 weeks, Air- casters, Inc., Detroit; Swift & Co, 15 minutes, three times weekly, 13 weeks; Dr. Pierce Medicine, five, an- nouncements weekly, 13 weeks; Sears, Roebuck, 10 . minutes, six times weekly, six weeks; Michigan Highway Department, 15. minifies, weekly, 13. weeks. Feb. 1 Compared with Jan. 25 | Network Local National ToUl Units Units Spot Unite Units 9,395 11,834 4,335 25,564 9,434 11,850 4,172 26,456 —0.4% —0.1% +3.9%. . +0,4% Stations Included: CKLW, -WJBK, WJB. WMBC, WWJ. WXTZ) . Parents' 'Magazine Scripts . San Antonio, Feb. 4; . 'Kindergarden. for Parents' is the title, of a new series of programs to be aired here by William (Buster) Bryan through KTSA.. Scripts compiled by Parents Maga- zine. ■ ' ■ m j. ".;'-'- - • ■ ; ' '•' ' Milwaukee, Feb. 4. . Sunday is the. big day of the week for 1 foreign language programt on stations, and the sample schedule herewith tells its own story: , ': ■ .:'. '■ ./•. 9:15 o.;wr-Musical Sunshine (GermaW, WEM-Pi 10:00 a. Tn.-^Jeuiish Hour, WEMPi 10:00 a. m.—Bavarian Hour, W1SN. 11:30 a. m.r-German Ifour, WISN.. 12:00 m,.—Czechoslovak Hour, WEMP. 12:30 p. Tti.—-Bohemian Airs, WEAfP.. 1:00 p. m.—Musical Sunshine ■(German) , WEMP. 1:45 p. m.—Polish Merry Makers, WISN. 8:00 p. m.—Polish Hour, WEMP. Other broadcasts, in English Or dialect, slanted- to nationality groups, are heard from time to time, bespeaking the cosmopolitan nature v of the community. .