Variety (May 1941)

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10 PICTURE GROSSES Wednesday, May 7, 1941 Only 2 New Fix in S.F.. Exlubs Are Blue; f'"' «r„?^!i™J'^^ Bette Fair 15G, 'Argentina-Vode 12^26 San Francisco, May 6. Everybody still moaning about poor biz. With only two new bills at the first-runs, combined take on Market Street this week will be way below average. . • • Best of the two new entries is •Great Lie,' but Bette Davis starrer Is doing just so-so biz. EstimaUs for This Week Fox (F-WC) (5,000; 35.-40-50)— 'Great Lie' (WB) and 'Here Comes Happiness' (WB). Good critics pic- ture, but not so forte at b. o. Bette D»vis starrer will get fairish $15,000, about the same as her 'Letter.' Last week (2d), 'Night in Rio' (20th) and 'Ride On, Vaquero' (20th), dived below $10,000. Geary (Curran) (1,286; 55-75-1.10- ■ 1.65)—'Fantasia' (Disney) (8th wk). Ads now being posted for 'last two weeks,' which will help this session to around $7,500. Last week (7th), ^^'colden Gate (RKO) (2.850; 39-44- 55)—'Met Argentina' (RKO) and vaude. Word of mouth bad on screen fare. Real draw, if any, is Bowes' '1941 Talent Parade' on stage Fair $12,500.. week. "Black Cat (U) and vaude, poor $10,000. . Orpheum (Blumenfeld) (2.440; 35- 40-50)-'Penny' (U) and 'Lone Wolf (Col) (2d wk). Consid- ering bad biz all over town can't complain at holdover take of $9,500. Last week, $13,300 was big. Paramount (F-WC) (2.470; 35-40- 50)—'Zanzibar' (Par) and 'Mr. Dis- trict Attorney' (Rep) (4th wk-4 dgys). Take for the final four days will be good $4,000. Last week, sweet $9,000. St. Francis (F-WC) (1,475; 35-40- 50)—'John Doe' (WB). Return en- gagement at pop prices after fairish run at Warfleld across the street. Gate will hit around $7,500. good. Last week, 'Men Boys Town' (M-G) and . 'Blonde Inspiration' (M-G) (moveover-4th wk), okay $5,000. UDlted Artists (Cohen) (1,200; 35- 40-50)—'Dictator (UA) (4th wk). 'D'ictator has been a great money- getter here. Perhaps the free front page ads every day in the way of wsr news is helping. Fourth stanza holding up well at $7,500. Last week (3d), strong $8,500. „ . _ Warfield (F-WC) 12,650; 35-40-50) —'Ziegfeld Girl' (M-G) and 'Sha- dow Stairs' (WB) (2d wk). Take wUl drop to around $10,000 this \ week, nice but not as big as expected Last week, $18,000, terrific. tiny Arctic' (U) and vaude. Fair $5,000. Last week, 'Back In Saddle" (Rep) and vaude, good $6,500. Majestic (Fay) (2,200; 28-39-50)— 'Flame New Orleans' (U) and "Man Lost Himself (U). Dietrich step. ping along to swell $10,000. Last wcek,^Great Lie' (WB) and 'Strange Alibi' (WB), nifty $10,500. SUte (Loew) (3,200; 28-39-50)— 'Hamilton Woman' cUA) and "Big Boss' (Col). Swell $16,500. Last week, 'Penny Serenade" (Col) and 'Washington Melodrama' iM-G), good $13,000. Strand (Indie) (2,000; 28-40-50)— 'Power Dive' (Par) and 'Lone Wolf Chance" (Col). Not attracting too much attention, though fairly good $5,000 is promised. Last week, 'Sis Hopkins' (Rep) and 'Round Up' CPar), ditto, . Teefing'-Woody Herman Poor lOG in N.G. Mpls. Despite Pantywaist Draw Minneapolis, May 6. This week is notable in-one respect particularly. It has "brought ho less than six film newcomers in place of the three that have been usual in recent months. And instead of the customary three or four holdovers there are but two—'Fantasia" and 'The Great Lie." Plenty of good comment for Woody Herman's orch at the Orpheum and for 'Ziegfeld Girl' at State, but they are suffering from generally adverse conditions here. 'The warm, weather also hurts and there's staee show opposition from 'Time of Your Life," which comes upon the heels of 'Hellzapoppin' to the Lyceum. Estimates for This Week Aster (Par-Singer) (900; 28) —'Burning Question' (Indie) and 'Knockout (WB), dual first-runs. Marihuana sex film heavily plugged. Good $1,300 in four days, making yvay for 'Dead Men Tell' (20th)_and 'Comes Happiness' (WiS) today (Tuesday). Last week, 'Buck Pri- vates' (U) (7th wk.), $1,900, very big Century (Par-Singer) (1,600; 28- 39-44)—'Great Lie' (WB) (2d wk.). Moved here from State to cop shop- pers' trade. Looks like fair $3,500. Last week, 'Zanzibar' (Par) (3d wk.) $2,800, light. Esquire (Berger) (290; 15-20)- Bnff. OK. Bnl No Standouts!- wi^dow^andi^). ^Thlf spo"t'^havinI ' I plenty of difficulty in- obtaining product, subsequent-runs or other wise, and has stuck in this double horror bill. Very poor $500. Gopher (Par-Sineer) (998; 28)— 'Bad Man' (M-G). Traveling toward fair $2,100. Last week, 'Henry' (Par), $2,900, good. Minnesota (Mpls. ' Theatre Co.) (1,855; 50-$1.50)—'Fantasia' (Disney) (4th wk.). Last two weeks an- nounced. Getting bulk of play on weekends. Fair $3,000. Last week (3d), $4,500, nice. Orpheum (Par-Sineer) (2,800; 39 44-55)—'Uncertain Feeling' (UA) and Woody Herman band and vaude, Good stage show and Herman music, aopealing particularly to younger element, responsible for most of dis- aoDOinting $10,000. Last week 'Mary Dugan' (M-G) and Wayne King band, good $14,500. Stett (Par-Singer) (2,300; 28-39 44)—'Ziegfeld Girl' (M-G). Array of names don't mean a thing here. Mild $6,000 in nrospect. Last week, 'Great Lie' (WB), $5,500. poor. Uptown (Par) (1.200: 28-39)— 'Strawberry Blonde' (WB). First neighborhood showing. Pretty good $2,800 Indicated. Last week, 'West' ern Union' (20th). $2,400. World (Par-Steffes) (350; 28-39-44 55)—'Adam' (Col). This carriage trade house getting light $1,200. Last week. 'Night Rio' (20th) (2d wk.), $900, light. 'John DoTAII^^ Plagiarized; N. Y. Sni Robert Shurr and Pat A. Leonard screen writers, filed suit Friday (2) in N. Y. federal court against War- ner Bros, Pictures, Inc.; Vitagraph Inc.; Richard Connell, Robert PreS' nell, Robert Riskin, Frank Capra and Jacob Wilk, seeking an injunction, accounting of profits and damages against 'Meet John ,Doe,' claiming the picture is a plagiarism of their play, The Stuffed Shirt.' Plaintiffs claim their play was sub- mitted to Wilk, story editor of War- ner. Bifos., and rejected. It is claimed the other individual defendants, with the' exception of Capra, the pro- ducer, 'wrote the screenplay for 'Meet John Doe,' based on plaintiffs' play. ,.. "Broadcast' Good $12,000 Buffalo, May 6. General level of wicket takings is up at all main stem spots. 'The Great American Broadcast' and 'Ziegfeld Girl," on its second lap, are slightly In the lead over the field. Estimates for This Week Buffalo (Shea) (3,500; 35-55)— 'Broadcast' (20th) and 'Cowboy Blonde' (20th). Looks like good $12,000. Last week, 'Great Lie' (WB) and 'Roundup' (Par), $11,000, fair. Great Lakes (Shea) (3,000; 35-55)— •Ziegfeld Girl' (M-G) and 'Strange Alibi' (WB) (2d wk.). Still showing power, satisfying $11,000. Last week, fine $14,000. Hipp (Shea) (2,100; 30-40)—'Dr. Kildare' (M-G) and Bowes Unit. Swinging toward gratifying $10,000. Last week, 'Zanzibar' (Par) and •Free and Easy' (M-G) '(2nd run— 6 days), as expected, oke $6,400. LafayetteJjUayman) (3,300; 30-4(r) —'Penny Serenade' (Col) and 'Bos- ton Blackie' (Col). Should register Impressive $10,000. Last week, 'Devil Commands' (Col) and 'Face Behind Mask' (Col), poor $5,000. ' 20th Century (Oipson) (3,000; 30- 44)—'Melody Three' (RKO) and In- ternational Casino Revue. Girlie tab will probably up digit to swanky $11,000. Last week, 'Bringing Baby' (RKO) (2(1 run) and 'Rookies Pa- rade' (Rer; six days, blah $5 000. PROV. HEALTHIER 'Hamilton,' $16,500, Dietrich's 'Fiame,' $10,000, Both Good Providence, May 6. Grosses are on the upgrade here- abouts. 'That Hamilton Woman,' at Loew's State, and 'Flame of New Orleans,' at Majestic, are at the top of the list. Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (2,200; 28-39-50)— •Model Wife' (U) and 'Met Argen- tina' (RKO). Holding up nicely for $6,200. Last week, 'Black Cat' (U) and "Play Gir.'.' (U), fairish $5,500. Carlton (Fay-Loew) (1,400: 28-39- 60)—'Great Lie' (WB) and 'Strange Alibi' (WB) (2d run). Nice $3,500. Last week, 'Sea Wolf . (WB) and •Double Date' (U) (2d run), good $3,300. Fay'« (Indie) (.Z.m-, 25-35)—'Mu- Week of May 8 Astor—'I Wanted Wings' (Par). (7th wk). Brcadway—'Fantasia' iDisney) (26lh wk). Capitol-'Ziegfeld Girl' (M-G) (3d wk). Criterion—'People vs. Dr. Kil- dare' (M-G). (Reuiewed in Current Issue) Globe —'Girl in the News' (20lh) (2d wk). Music Hall — "That Uncertain Feeling' (UA) (2d wk). Palace—'Citizen Kane' (RKO) (2d wk). Paramount—'Reaching for the Sun' (Par) (7). {Reviewed in Variety April 9) Rivoli—'Flame of New Orleans' (U) (3d wk). Roxy—'Great American Broad- cast' (20th) (2d wk). Strand—'Wagons Roll at Night' (WB) (9). (Reufciued in Vaiucty April 30) Week of May 15 Astor—'Major Barbara' (UA) (13). (Reuleued in Current Issue) Broadway—'Fantasia' (Disney) (27th wk). Capitol — 'A Woman's Face' (M-G). {Reviewed in Current Issue) Criterion—'Lady from Louisi- ana' (Rep). Globe — 'Girl in the News' (20th) (3d wk). Music Hall—'Devil and Miss Jones' (RKO). (Reviewed in Variety April 9) Palace—'Citizen Kane' (RKO) (3d wk). Paramount—'Reaching for the Sun' (Par) (2d wk). Roxy—'Great American Broad- cast" (20th) (3d wk). Strand—'Wagons Roll at Night' (WB) (2d wk). TOT. $6. LEAmN^ClNCY Cincinnati, May 6, General take of major cinemas Is sagging several notches under last week, yet score is favorable in view of warm weather and outdoor oppo sish. 'Penny iSerenade* is the top b.o. jingler this week, with a fine Albee figure. Palace has a disappointer in 'Pot o' Gold.' Combo Shubert is racking up its second straight win- ner with 'People vs. Dr. Kildare' and Bob Crosby's orch, bolstered by Cass Daley and other acts. Estimates tor This Week Albee (RKO) (3,300; 33-40-50)— 'Penny Serenade' (Col). Fine $12,' 000. Last week, 'Great Dictator" (UA), wham $15,500 for burg's best in some time. Capitol (RKO) (2,000; 33-40-50)— 'Zanzibar' (Par) (2d wk). Holding for second week of moveover run. All right. $4,000,. Last week, big $6,000. Family (RKO) "(IVOOOr 15-28)— 'Double Date' (U) and 'Dead Men Tell' (20th), split with 'Man-Made Monster' (U) and 'Horror Island' (U). Average $1,900. Last week, 'Old ColoGadi>.',..>.rPar) and 'Dead Man's Shoes' (Mono), split with 'Lone Wolf Chance' (Col) and 'Trail Silver Spurs' (Mono), ditto. Grand (RKO) (1,430; 33-40-50)— 'Dictator* (UA). Switched from Al- bee for extended stay on main line, Socko $8;000. Will remain here in- def. Last week, 'Wagons Roll' (WB) perked in last half to fairly good $4,000. Keith's (Lisbon) (1.500; 33-40-50)- 'Great Lie' (WB) (2d run). Fair $4,000. Same last week on 'Miss Jones' (RKO) (2d run). Lyric (RKO) (1.400: 33-40-50)— 'Miss Jones' (RKO). Second move over for third week In cinema cen- ter. Fair $3,000. Last week, 'Men Boys Town' (M-G), third week and second switch, fair $3,000. Palace (RKO) (2.600; 33-40-50)— 'Pot Gold' (UA). Few answers for sorry $6,000. Last week, 'Great Lie' (WB). okay $9,500. Shn^rt (RKO) (2,150; 33-44-80)— 'Dr. Kildare' (M-G) and Bob Cros- by's band, plus Cass Daley and other acts. Good $12,000. Ditto last week for 'Las. Vegas Nights* (Par) and 'Gay New Orleans' revue. 'hiDy B.O. Hefty; IWiss Jones' Neat $17,500. lusic'-Ray Scott Mild 18G keeping the citizens at home or in the country. Estimate for Unls Week Colonial (Monroe-Noble-Federer) (750; 10-15) — 'Ride, Tenderfoot' (Rep) and 'Killed Aunt Maggie' (Rep), split with 'Fugitive Justice' (WB) and 'Pals Pecos' (Rep). Fair $900. Last week, 'West Tombstone' (Col) and 'Private Detective' (RKO) split with 'Outlaws Panhandle' (Col) and 'Faces West' (Rep) poor $800. Lincoln (J. H. Cooper-Par) (1,503; 10-25-40) —'Ziegfeld Girl' (M-G). Didn't open until Saturday (3), but will do $4,500. May go" 10 days. Last week, 'Men Boys Town' (M-G), $4,- 000 on nine days, very good. Nebraska (J. H. Cooper-Par) (1,- 236; 10-20-25)—'Life Henry" (Par) and 'Street Memories" (20th). High school kids and family trade will up take to $1,800, not bad. Last week. Las Vegas Nights' (Par) and Michael Shayne' (20th), $1,600, fair- ish. Stuart (J. H. Cooper-Par) (1,884; 10-25-40) — 'Lady Cheyenne' (U) Should garner fair $2,400. Last week. Sea Wolf (WB), miserable $2,000. Varsity (Noble-Federer) (1,100; 10-25-40)—'Topper Returns' (UA). 'OOI'Et Suuq Suidiaq i))noui jo pjojft nice. Last week, 'Penny Serenade' (Col), strong $3,500. Baho H.0.S Losing Race With Nags; Leigh-Oiivier New Entry Fine $14,000 Baltimore. May 6. Holdover films not helping the general setup here, only good b.o. film being 'That Hamilton Woman' at Loew's Century. Mild weather and heavy attend- ance at Pimlico race meet nicking all biz. Estimates for This Week Century (Loew's-UA) (3,000: 15- 28-40)—'Hamilton Woman' (UA). In strong position against town h.o.'s and mopping up $14,000. Last week. 'Uncertain Feeling" (UA), poor $6,600. Hippodrome (Rappaport) (2,205; 15-28-39-44-55-66)—'Penny Serenade" (Col) (2d wk) plus vaude. N.g. sec- ond stanza at possible $9,000, after fair $12,300 last week. Keith's (Schanberger) (2,406; 15- 28-35-40)—'Flame New Orleans" (U) (2d wk). Mild $5,500, after fair $8,900 last week. New (Mechanic) (1,581; 15-28-35- 40)—'Sis Hopkins' (Rep). Fair at $5,000. Last week, third of 'Night Rio' (20th), added innocuous $3,800 to previous brace at $11,800. SUnley (WB) (3.280; 15-!")-?"-" 55)—'Zanzibar*. (Par) .(2d wk). Holding up nicely at $8,000 alier sound opener to $15,200. . / Philadelphia, May 6. Plenty of biz for everybody this week due to an abundance of de- fense coin. Getting the bulk of the raves and coin is 'That Hamilton Woman' at the Boyd. Close behind is The Devil and Miss Jones' at the Fox. Disappointing at the gate is the combo of 'Magic in Music" and Ray- mond Scott's orch at the Earle. Bill was hit when Anita Louise- cancelled oiit at the 11th hour due to illness. Estimates for This Week Aldine (WB) (1,303; 50-75-86-$1.14- $1.71)—"Fantasia" (Disney) a2th wk.). Four days of the final canto brought nice $7,000. Eleventh week netted bright $8,500. 'Uncertain Feeling' (UA) opens tomorrow (Wed.). Arcadia (Sablosky) (600; 35-46-57) —'Men Boys Town' (M-G) (3d run). Not bad after long stay at two other mid-city spots. Okay $3,300. Last week. 'Ends Night' (UA), poor $1,800 in four days. Boyd (WB) (2,560; 35-46-57-68)— 'Hamilton Woman' (UA). Plenty drawing power in the Leigh-Olivier combo. Getting hefty $21,000. Will h. o. Last week, 'Great Lie' (WB), wound up second week with fair $10,900. Earle (WB) (2,350; 35-40-57-68-75) —'Magic Music* (Par) and Raymond Scott's orch on stage. Slightly sour with only $18,000 in the till. Last week, 'Blondie Latin' (Col) and Horace Heidt, fair $21,000. Fox (WB) (2,423; 35-46-57-68)— 'Miss Jones' (RKO). On the upbeat with neat $17,500. Last week, 'Zanzi- bar' (Par), finished a three-week stay with zingy $11,500. Karlton (WB) (1,066; 35-46-57-68) — Zanzibar' (Par) (2d run). Still packing them in after moveover with perky $5,000. Last week, 'Rage Heaven' (M-G), paltry $3,750 for firstrrun. Keith's (WB) (1,970; 35-46-57-68) —'Great Dictator" (UA) (2d run). Showing effects of long (seven weeks) run at Stanton. Getting bare $2,700. Last week, 'Night Rio* (20th), only slightly better with $3,000. SUnley (WB) (2,916; 35-46-57-68) —'Ziegfeld Girl' (M-G) (3d wk.). Four days of round three bright $7,- 500. Goes out tomorrow (Wed.) to make way for 'Meet John Doe' (WB). Last week, 'Ziegfeld Girl* (M-G), fine $13,500 for second week. SUnton (WB) (1,457; 35-46-57)— 'Man Made Monster' (U5: Spookie chalking up cheerful - $5,200. Last week. 'Bad Man' (M-G), smashing $7,000. mPED' GOOD $9,000, REST OF MEMPHIS BLAH •Ziegfeld Girl', $4,500, Tops iii Slow Lincoln Lincoln, Neb., May 6. 'Ziegfeld Girl' is getting a dandy reception this week ai d stealing the. coin from the rest of the crowd for the Paramount-Cooper-Lincoln. Nobody's getting rich, with warm weather and general lack of coin Memphis, May 6. It's 'Ziegfeld Girl' all the way in Memphis this week. Balance of the town is dying. Estimates for .This Week Warner (WB) (2,300; 10-33-44)— 'Wagons Roll" (WB). This one might get $3,500, though doubtful. Last week, 'Man Made Monster* (U), $2,000, poor. Palace (Loew) (2,200; 10-33-44)— 'People vs. Kildare' (M-G). Medical series not hot enough to rate full week at first-run here. Will be lucky to get $2,000. Last week, 'Un- certain Feeling' (UA), four days, 'Washington Melodrama' (M-G), three days, $3,200 combo, not bad. New Maico (Lightman) (2,800; 10- 33-44)—'Flame Nevir Orleans' (U). Dietrich no big pull here minus other names; will do about $3,000, Last week, 'Penny Serenade' (Col), $7,200, socko. State (Loew) (2,600; 10-33-44)— 'Ziegfeld Girl' (M-G). Marquee names plus reputation hypoing this one to $9,000. Last week, 'Bad Man' (M-G), $5,000, fair. Strand (Lightman) (1,000; 10-22- 33)—'Lady Eve' (Par) (2d run), three days; 'Night Train' (20th) (2d run), two days; 'Adam* (Col) (2d run), two days. Good repeaters should do nTcely at $1,700. Last week, 'Monster Girl* (Par) and 'Mad Doctor' (Par), second-run double feature, three days; 'Under Age' (Col), two days; 'Great Swindle' (Col), two days; $1,300, low. • Buzzell's Get-a-Way Hollywood, May 6. Eddie Buzzell is winding up the director job on ' The Get-a-Way '. at Metro, taking over the assignment started by Richard Rosson. Rosson was shifted to Ocala, Florida, to work with Victor Flem- ing on the direction of the best- seller novel, 'The ■yearling.' NO FLOPS IN DENVER; mS'STRONG $12,500 Denver, May 6. With most first-runs set to play holdovers or moveovers, there won't be many new films here next week. Currently 'Ziegfeld Girl,' at Orpheum, and 'I Wanted Wings,* at Denham, are leading field. Estimates tor This Week Aladdin (Fox) (1,400; 25-40)—'Sea Wolf (WB), after a week at Denver. Good $5,000. Last week, 'Night in Rio' (20th), after a week at Denver, good $4,500. Broadway (Fox) (1,040: 25-35-40) —'Men Boys Town' (M-G) and 'Footlight Fever' (RKO), after two weeks at Orpheum. Getting good $3,000. Last week, 'Gone' (M-G), loth week in Denver, very good $4,500. Denham (Cockrill) (1,750; 25-35- 40)—'Wanted Wings' (Par). Getting capacity $12,500 and holding. Last week, 'Zanzibar' (Par), third week, $7,000, good. Denver (Fox) (2,525; 25-35-40)— 'Lady Cheyenne' (U) and 'Black Cat' (U). C^od $9,500. Last week, 'Sea Wolf (WB) and 'Penthouse Mys- tery' (Col), nice $9,000. Orpheum (RKO) (2,600: 25-35-40) 'Ziegfeld Girl' (M-G). Big $13,500 and holding. Last week, 'Men Boys Town' (M-G) (2d wk) and 'Foot- light Fever" (RKO), fair $7,700. Paramount (Fox) (2,200; 25-40)— 'Model Wife" (U) and 'Sis Hopkins' (Rep). Forte $6,000.- Last week, 'Ends Night' (UA) and 'Golden Hoofs'.(20th), good $5,500. Bialto (Fox) (878; 25-40)—'Night Rio' (20th), after a week at each Denver and Aladdin, and 'Great Swindle' (Col). Nice $2,000. Last week, 'Pot CJold' (UA), after a week at each Denver and Aladdin, and 'Missing Girls' (Select), poor $1,500. Extras' April Shower - Hollywood, May 6. "April was a big month for film extras with placements at 32,907, top month since June in 1939. Based on an average daily wage of $11, atmospherics split up $361,907.