Variety (May 1941)

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14 P^ filE^Y Wednesday. May 7, 1911 THE SAGA OF A FILM Variety's full, authentic coverage of every feature film pro- duced in America provides an unmatched service to the exhibitor. ADVANCE FILM PRODUCTION CHART. Under Hollywood date-line, Variety publishes in the FIRST issue of each month (start- ing this week) every essential detail about a film as it goes into pro- duction at major and independent studios. Accurate information con- sists of title (changes carefully noted), stars, supporting cast, director, author, type and technical staff. Camera completion date and cutting room data. REVIEWS. Films are reviewed exclusively by Variety staff writers weekly, but only when finally completed and ready for exhibi- tion. Emphasis always is given to the boxoffice exploitation values, original treatment of story material, potentialities of new talent. FILM BOOKING CHART. PubUshed weekly. Current and advance Ustings of release, dates of all companies. Used universally by theatre managers and film exchange bookers. A Variety copy- righted feature, indispensable to the house which must keep an eye on its opposition pictures. Bi^XOFFICE REPORTS. The dollar lowdown. Telegraph dispatches from key-city spots published weekly. The showman's con- stant reference; the distributor's most useful sales help. FILM EXPLOITATION. Weekly comment and news of ex- hibitors' approach to the public. TELLS ALL THERE IS TO KNOW FOR THOSE WHO MUST KNOW ALL