Variety (May 1941)

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Wednesday, May 7, 1941 P^RIETY ******** THIS WEEK ♦ ♦♦♦♦>»♦»♦«»>♦<♦» MMMM > MM »« RADIO INDEX NOW AND A YEAR AGO AND LAST ******* ♦♦♦♦♦» ♦ M «< (l-ach Kcck Variety publishes reports of radio time placements I leading markets. These markets are selected from the standpoint f:(l) importance; (2) existence of normal competition; (3) avail- bility and reliability of data. A unit system is followed in com- uting network, local and national spot radio advertising activity, 'he totals are for markets, not for individual stations. The units orrespond to the clock, the measurement fundamental of radio, 'hat is to say, an hour's sponsored program counts as 60 units, A alf hour is 30 units. Each spot announcement counts as one unit.) CITIZEN KANE' ADS TO WBBM Chicago, May 6. New business has slowed down to I walk, with all spring and summer :ontracts already in the bag and t)Oth agencies and stations resting Qow until the big fall push begins. WBBM picked up a couple of contracts ior announcements, getting an announcement campaign for the BKO flicker, 'Citizen Kane,' througl) Donahue & Coe, and some time sig- nal billing for the Bunte Bros. Candy Co.,through Presba, Fellers & Presba. WGN snapped up a three times weekly 15-minute sports review and forecast show for the Royal Tailors Co. through the Georgt H. Hartman agency, and two 15-minute daily strip renewals for Kroger Grocery Co., through Ralph H. Jones. Comparative Unit Count | % of May 3. April 26. Cliange. Network .. 9,705 9,805 —1.0 Local 6,736 6,797 —0.9 Nafl Spot.. 11,523 11,530 *... Total 27,964 28,132 —0.6 • No change. (Included: WBBM, %ENR, WGN, WIND, WJJD, WLS, WMAQ)^ Denver—Added at KLZ: Frederick C. Mueller, Jr., formerly at KLZ, KVOR and WKY, to sales; Douglas Russell, Oklahoma City, to engineer- ing staff. KOA: Ivan Schooley from music clearance to announcing; Beverly Ward takes over music clearance; and Martin Tobin, announcer, quits to do freelance announcing. ieSi'moU 50M0 woUs WJR RADIO MARKETS 6S SEATTLE TOBOGGANS Local Off 43%—Network Units Hold Gains Seattle, May 6. Although web continued good here and national spot held up fairly well, local Units plunged to minus 43.1% and cut the total drastically. Comparative Unit Count % of May 3. April 26. Change. Network .. 7;:40 6,612 -|- 9.5 Local 6,298 11,072 —43.1 Nat'l Spot. 802 826 — 2.9 Total 14,340 18,510 —22.5 (Included: KIRO, KOL, KRSC) KABC BILLINGS UP 62% OVER LAST YEAR San Antonio, May 6. No great change in units here this week. Rain again kept the local and national spot count static by post- poning baseball games. KABC re- ports a 62% increase in billings over the same period last year, and is adding a half-hour to its Sunday schedule to take care of new busi- ness. KABC: Interstate Theatres, two 15-minute programs and eight spot announcements for 'Ziegfeld Girl' which opens Saturday (3) at the Majestic. General Mills, for Corn Kix through the Mutual network three half hour programs per week of 'The Lone Ranger.' Catholic Union Insurance Guild, 26 weeks presen- tation of 'Highway to Heaven' quar- ter hour transcription each Sunday. On the political side station has signed for eight quarter hour pro- grams with the Anti-Maverick tick- et. There will be seven quarter hour programs in behalf of Bob Menefee. Seven quarter hours to be used by P. L. Anderson. Eliza- beth Bond, special Mother's Day program for a half hour. KONO: Eagle Furniture Co., an additional four announcements, making a total of 20 per day; Alamo Bottling Co. for Hippo Size Bever- ages, 16 announcements per day; Joske's Department Store, through McCabe Agency, 16 announcements for Evenr.ude Motors and 30 an- nouncements for Chambers Gas Ranges. WOAI: Frito Co., four broadcasts per week of the 3:45 p.m. news with Corwin Riddell; San Antonio Public Service Co., quarter-hour weekly studio program titled 'A Light in the Night'; Milam Cafeteria, through United Adv., two 100-word an- nouncements per day; Gebhardt Chile Powder Co., through Pitluk Adv., one 25-word announcement per day for one year; William H. Gross Chemical Co., through Ber- nard Brooks Agency, one 100-word announcement per day for one year. I Comparative Unit Count. | Ball Bros. (Fruit Jars) Participate In California Homes Pgm. on KH Longines-Wittnaner Underwrites i-Hr. Mosical on KYW KTSA, WOAI) FRISCO UNITS SKID All Categories Lose Ground—Spot Off 13.5% San Francisco, May 6. Lowest figure in many weeks for total network, local and spot biz was reported last week. KSFO's great gain in local billings was offset by a greater loss in network accounts, and KGO-KPO's sizable upswing in network biz was partially offset by losses in the other two divisions. KJBS reported gains in both local and spot billings, but KFRC lost more in network biz than it gained in local, although the change from last week was negligible. I Comparative Unit Count | % of May 3. April 26. Change. Network .. 9,935 10,600 — 6.3 Local 4,032 3,701 -f 8.9 Nat'l Spot.. 1,578 1,824 —13.5 Total 15,545 16,125 — 3.6 (Included: KFRC, KGO, KJBS, KPO, KSFO) Philadelphia, May 6. With the advent of the outdoor season, two advertisers missing all year return to the local air waves. They are Woodside Amusement Park, which has contracted for five spot announcements daily on- WFIL for the remainder of the season, and the Wilson Line, which purchased a similar chunk of time on WDAS. The line features daylig' ' anc. moon- light excursions along the Delaware river. Another time buyer in the enter- tainment field is the 'Life with Father' company, currently appear- ing at the Walnut Street theatre. The show is being plugged nightly with a five-minute musical program vi WDAS. The broadcast will con- tinue during the rest of the show's stay. It is tentatively skedded to wind up in mid-June. Daylight saving time has allowed o.>-.c, WIBG to lengthen its broadcast day broadcasts by Art Bake' until 8:15 p.m. It previously went off the air an hour earlier. WFIL: National Bakers Services, five participations on Anice Ives show, through Richaru A. Foley; Gainsborg Optical Co., IS spots, through Solis Cantor; Fox-Weiss (■ rs), 19 e.t.'s weekly, through Harry Feigenbaum; Tru-Ade Bot- tling Co., two participations on Ives' show weekly, through Wettlin & Co.; Manhattan Soap Cc, 45 minutes weekly, through Franklin Bruck; Gardner Nursery Co., 78 e.t.'s, through Northwest Radio; Philco Radio St Television, 24 e.t.'s weekly, through Julian G. Pollock. KYW: Longines - Wittnaucr Co. (watches), 30-minute musical pro- gram weekly, through Arthur Rosen- berg, Inc. WDAS: Philco Radio & Television, 24 e.t.'s weekly, through Julian Pol- lock. WIBG: Central Plumbing Supply Hollywood, May 6. Strongest drop in weeks on net- work units nullified what gains were recorded on other fronts. Local and national spot shared in the rise, but not enough to put the total in the plus column. New contracts also on the spotty side. KNX: Yeast Foam, 132 quarter- hour broadcasts of 'Nightcap Yarns,' through Benson & Dall; Grayson's dress shop, 156 participations in 'Midnight Merry-Go-Round," through Torrey & Torrey; Earl Carroll nitery, 156 participations in news- cast, through Theodore Creamer. KHJ: Homemakers Club, 05 half- hour periods, through Gla.sser- Gailey; Municipal Airport Bond Campaign, 16 spots, through Charles Stuart. KFI: Guaranty Union Life Insur- ance, 22 quarter-hour newscasts, through Stodcl Adv.; Brooks Cloth- ing, 26 one-minute transcriptions, through H. W. Kastor; Kellogg's Bran, 29 one-minute transcript'ons, through Kenyon & Eckhardt; Ball Bros, fruit jars, 39 participations in Agnes White's 'California Homes,' through Applegate Adv.; Bullock's department store, 39 quarter-hour through Dana Jones. KECA: Western Auto Supply, 54 announcements, through Dan Miner; Town Talk Bread, 65 quarter-hour broadcasts of 'Superman' (renewal), through Sidney Garflnkel Comparative Unit Count I May 3. Network .. 12322 Local 8,731 Nat'l Spot.. 1,392 Total ...... 22,645 (Included: KECA, KHJ, KNX) % of April 26. Change. 12338 —2.5 8,642 -1-1.0 1,378 -l-l-O 22358 —0^ KFI, KFWB, Co, 15i-minute news progra.i daily; Fur Outlet Co.,-15-minute news pro- gram daily; Robinson Motor Co., 91 spot announcements; Gainsborg Optical Co., 15-minute musical pro- gram, six days a week; Forest Hills Co. (burial lots), 15-minute musical program each Sunday. [ BEHIND THE SCENES IN HADIO ADVERTI.SINC J II Why Be a One Man Band, Allan?" ^J fS "After all, you can't do evcnjlhing arounci iflft jCV^ -the shop. Why not let NBC Itadio-llccord- S^^K^M^^ ing lend a hand or two? " ^^ff-C^X^M^ "What can they do to help vie?" I I^Hc^^ "Listen, pal, when it comes to helping us agency men develop a spot program idea, they're the works. Why, NBC'll write, ca-st, pro- duce and record that .show for you from opening fanfare to sign-off. Yes, and after it's recorded, handle the proc- essing, manufacture and distribution of your records." "Lovely! But I haven't thai kind of money." "What kind of money? Son, NBC'll work with you regardless of your budget. I know! They've helped me whip more than one program into shape." • • • Whatever your rccordcd-program need—a series of simple announce- ments or a full-length script or musical show, we'll work with you from script to finished pressing—in whole or in part—and record your show NBC ORTHA(X)USTIC*, which mcann reproduction at its best... Let's team up... Write or telephone today and outline your program problem. •Jl^gifllcred Trwlcniark diO'Recording Division NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMPANY A Kadio Cerporatlon of Amtrlto Strv/c* IC« BIdt, lUdliCiti, H.Y. •MirclueillM Mart, Cbiufi •Tnin-Lgi BUf., Wnblittoa, D. C. tViai. HtDrwitl