Variety (May 1941)

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Wednesdaj, Maj 7, 1941 LEGITIMATE 75 Chi Legit B.O. Slides Off; 'Arsenic' $14,500; 'Bleen. Xf/p, Talher IIG Chicago, May 6. Loop, which last week was down to low of three shows, currently has quintet with the opening of 'Cabin In the Slty* Sunday (4) at the Sel- wyn, and Twelfth Nlghf in the Er- langer last night (Monday). Both shows are in for shoi't-term stays, the first for four weeks and the Helen Hayes-Maurice Evans Shakes- pearean for a five-weeker. Loop is in the doldrums. Advance sales on this wiek's openers were strictly disappointing, as is the call for 'Hellz&poppin, which comes Into the Auditorium Sunday (11). Estimates (or Last Week <ArseDlo and Old Lace,' Grand (4th week) (1,200; $2.75). Hot weather is dropping this one and the word-of- mouth indicates that the customers don't think it's too funny. Running now on strength of notices and N.Y. raves. Claimed $14,500. 'Lite With Father,' Blackstone (63d week) (1,200; $2.75). Three more weeks and the closing notice is stimu- lating trade; got over $11,000 last week. 'My Sister Eileen,' Harris (Uth week) (1,000; $2.75). Sticking in the flve-fi.^ure class neatly and will be here for several more weeks easily on last week's $12,500. ICE CAPADES' GREAT $38,500 ON COAST Los Angeles, May 6. 'Ice Capades of 1941' will hold over two extra days at Pan Pacific Auditorium, closing (13) instead of (11) as originally set. Outdoor skat- ing spectacle built nicely on second week and came under the wire with close to $38,500. Outfit goes to Atlantic City early In June and will play the present show while rehearsing a 1942 edi- tion. Trince' $10,200 in Balto Baltimore, May 6. Return of 'Student Prince' to Ford's last week built nicely, gross- ing estimated $10,200. 'Hope For a Harvest,' with Fred- eric March and Florence Eldridge featured, is in currently at Ford's as last of six plays under ATS subscrip- tion. HARVEST SUM $10,000 IN PriT; REVIEWS GOOD Pittsburgh, May 9. .Practically no interest at all in the Fredric March starrer, 'Hope for a Harvest,' last week at Nixon and new show wourid up very dis- appointingly at estimated $10,000 "That figure, too, included better than $4,500 in subscription . money, show winding up six-play series of Guild and ATS locally. Small take hard to understand, since March is a name, play got good notices and had been doing bang-up biz on road. However. Broadway stamp of approval wasn't on it and that seems to be very Im- portant around here. ■ Nixon has 'DuBarry Was a Lady' currently and winds up legit season next week with return engagement of Dante, result of $10,500 he did here at $1.50 top several months ago. Tabin/ $13,000, Gets Too Much Opposish in St. Louis St. Louis, May 8. Stiff opposish from a p.a. by Duke Ellington and his baod, olus near midsummer temperature, clipped the b.o. during one-week stand of Ethel Waters in 'Cabin in the Sky' at the American. Piece estimated average bi7 *13,000. Crix contributed raves. 'Pins and Needles,' with house scaled to $1.65, beean one week stand Monday (5). This will ring down the curtain for the season. 'Road' 5G in Mass. Town ' Springfield, Mass., May 6. "Tobacco Road,' with John Barton, grossed slightly over $5,000 in a three-day stand (April 28-30) at Court Square here. Fred Marshall, recently named manager of this £. M. Loew house, said the play did considerably better biz than in 1936 at the same house. JACK DURANT NOW IN 19TH WEEK Fealarcfl In GEOROB ABBOTT'S "PAL JOEY" Barrymore Theatre, New York NORMAN HARRIS and SYLVIA SHORE NOW IN 20TH WEEK GEORGE WHITE'S GAY WHITE WAY. N. Y. ' Uanagcment: WBI. KENT 1776 Broadway New Voi-li ROSALIND IVAN in "THE CORN IS GREEN' NATIONAL THEATRE, N. Y. 'DINNER' 16G IN MONT'L Proata. Royalties, Woollcott's Salary To Canadian War Relief Montreal, May 6. The Man Who Came to Dinner,' with Alexander WooUcott, played to smash houses at His Majesty's here last week and grossed estimated $16,000 at S7c to $2.82. Producer, authors and star donated profits, royalty and salary to Queen's Canadian Fund.. W OK 14G in Mpls. Minneapolis, May 8. Warm weather and generally slack conditions held down the gross of 'Hellzappoppin,' but the hi^h scoring revue nevertheless copped approxi- mately $14,000 for the four nights and one matinee in the 2,200-seat Lyceum at $3.30 top. Critics went overboard in their praises, and cus- tomers' word-of-mouth was another big aid. Time of Your Life,' In for three days (6-8), winds up the local legit season. Loots' $8,000 in N. H. New Haven, May 6. Final stand of 'There Shall Be No Night,' with the Lunts- (show closed road tour here Saturday), drew good but not capacity biz on three per- formances week-end (2-3). Failure to sell out is attributed to one-night stands in nearby Connecticut cities. Got approximately $8,000. 'Night' played to $3,900 in Hershey, Pa.; then Junior League dates in Bethlehem, Reading and Bridgeport for guaranteed $2,000 each. That held down final week's takings to $18,000. Only other booking to date is full week stand of the Alexander WooU- cott 'Man Who Came to Dinner' be- ginning May 12. 7HEATRE'FINE $15,000 IN HUB Boston, May 6. Cornelia Otis Skinner and a swell supporting cast are packing 'em in at the Plymouth to see 'Theatre' before it leaves town this weekend. 'Rose Marie' is okay, too, and will remain for a fourth stanza. Alexander WcoUcott comes in May 19 for two weeks of 'Man Who Came to Dinner' at the Colonial, where 'Arsenic and Old Lace' is tentatively booked for an early June date. 'Dinpfir' preemed here with Monty WooUey. _ Estimates lor Last Week Theatre,' Plymouth (1st week) (1,480; $2.75). While the local press notices were mixed, the ticket-buyers generally liked Miss Skinner and the Maugham play and the word-of- mouth is excellent. Dandy $15,000. One more week. 'Rose Marie,' Shubert (3rd week) (1,590; $2.75). Garnered good $13,000 for third week here and remains a fourth. Goes to Providence May 12. Corrent Road Shows (May 7-17) Horton $8,400 in S J. San Francisco, May 6. Everett Edward Horton, In 'Spring- time for Henry,' grossed estimated good $8,400 in its second week at the Alcazar here. Closing notices are being posted that 'Henry' will run four weeks, Hollywood commitments making it necessary for Horton to return south. Billie Burke and Paul Cavanaugh in 'Vinegar Tree' follow 'Henry.' V. & Y. 3G in Davenport Davenport, la.. May 6. Veloz and Yolanda, under aus- pices of the Junior board of the Visiting Nurse Assn., Thursday (1), grossed an estimated $3,000 at $1.50 top, filling Orpheum's 2,755 seats for the first time by a stage attraction since house opened in 1931. More than 500 were turned away. Dance team followed 'Hellzapop- pin' with Billy House and Eddie Garr, who drew 2,350 patrons in the same house Tuesday (29). San Carlo 14G in Toronto Toronto, May 6. Snared from Massey Hall for the first time by Ernest M. Rawley, man- ager of the 1.552-seater Royal Alex- andra here, San Carlo Opera, at $2 top, grossed excellent $13,800 on the week's engagement. Production decor was as ineffec- tive as ever and singing capabilities negligible with 'the possible excep- tion of Coe Glade. B way Dips Again, But'Rhine, $19,300, 'Arsenic' $16,600, 'Lady,' 0,700, Still SRO; 'People', Some Profit. 7G 'Accent on Touth* (Sylvia Sidney) —Cass, Detroit (7-10); Royal Alex- andra, Toronto (12-17). 'Arsenic and Old Lace' (Erich von Stroheim, Laura Hope Crews, Helen Twelvetrees) — Grand, Chicago (7- 17). 'Blossom Time' (Everett Marshall) —Forrest, Philadelphia (7-10); His Majesty's, Montreal (12-17). 'Cabin in the Sky' (Ethel Waters) —Selwyn, Chicago (7-17). •DnBarry Was a Lady' (Bert Lahr) —Nixon, Pittsburgh (7-10); Ford's Baltimore (12-17). 'Gay Divorce' — Shubert, Boston (12-17). 'Happy Days' — Playhouse, Wil- mington, Del. (7-10). 'Helliapoppin' — Davidson, Mil- waukee (7-10); Aud., Chicago, (11- 17). 'Hope for a Harvest' (Fredric March, Florence Eldridge) — Ford's. Baltimore (7-10). 'Life with Father' (Lillian Gish)— Blackstone, Chicago (7-17). 'Life with Father' (Dorothy Gish) —Walnut, Philadelphia (7-17). 'Man Who Came to Dinner' (Alex- ander WooUcott) — Court Square. Springfield, Mass. (7); Metropolitan, Providence, R. I. (8); Bushnell aud.. Hartford, Conn. (9); Mem. aud., Worcester, Mass. (10); Shubert, New Haven (12-17). 'My Sister Eileen'—Harris, Chica- go (7-17). 'Pins and Needles'—American, St. Louis (7-10); Biltmore, Los Angeles (15-17). 'Rose Marie'-Shubert. Boston (7- 10); Metropolitan, Providence (12); Bushnell Aud., Hartford, Conn (13); Erie, Scheniectady, N. Y. (14-15); Empire, Syracuse, N. Y. (16-17). San Carlo Opera—Bushnell aud., Hartford, Conn. (7). 'Sim Sala Bim' (Dante) — Savoy, Hamilton. Ont. (7): Park. Youngs- town, O. (8-10); Nixon, Pittsburgh (12-17). 'Student Prince'—National, Wash- ington (7-10); Forrest, Philadelphia (12-17). 'Theatre' (Cornelia Otis Skinner,^ —Plymouth, Boston (7-10). 'Time of Yoor Lite' (Eddie Dow- ling)—Lyceum. Minneapolis (7-8); Aud., St. Paul (9); Cass, Detroit (12- 17). 'Tobacco Road' (John Barton)— Capitol, Lynn, Mass. (7); Empire, Fall River, Mass. (8-10); Palace, Norwich, Conn. (12); Garde, New London, Conn. (13-14); Strand Waterbury, Conn. (15-17). 'Twelfth Night' (Helen Hayes Maurice Evans)—Erlanger, Chicago (7-17). 'Women Aren't Angels' (Bobby Clark)—Wilbur, Boston (15-17). A number of shows are approach- ing the end of their engagements as summer nears. G/'osses dropped down further last week. Estimates for Last Week Key: C (Comedy), D (Drama), R (Revue), M fiWusical), F (Farce), 0 (Operetta). 'Arsenic and Old Lace', Fulton (17th week) (CD-938- $3.30). An exception; getting all the house will hold, gross being quoted at $16,600; Chicago company alright, too, but a little less. 'Clandia,' Booth (12th week) (CD- 712; $3.30). Quoted tipping the $12,- 001 level; that is very good for limited cast one-setter in house of moderate capacity. 'Hcllzapoppln,' Winter Garden (137th week) (R-1,671; $3.30). With- drawal of Olsen and Johnson did not materially affect attendance; patronage nearly all from out-of- towners; eased off to around $19,000. 'It Happens on Ice,' Center (5th week (repeat engagement) (R-3,087; $2.75). Somewhat better last week, but hardly comparable to former pace; $18,000; understood to be okay at that figure. 'Johnny Belinda,' Longacre (33d week) (D-1,016: $3.30). Little change in takings of modest money show; claimed to have gotten $6,500; that's an operating profit. 'Lady in the Dark.' Alvin (15th week) (M-1,375; $4.40). Distinctly topping Broadway and probably will until suspending June 14 for sum- mer; $31,700, which means standees all performances. Life With Father,' Emoire (77th week) (C-1,005: $3.30). Slightly off again at $15,500 quoted, but makes plenty at that pace; using some ex- tra space advertising to attract in- comer trade. 'Lonislana Parohase,' Imperial (49th week) (C-1,450; $4.40). Near- ing year's run mark; slipoed to around $19,000, which should pro- vide some profit for former leader. 'Man Who Came to Dinner,' Music Box (81st week) (C-1,013; $2.20. Top reduced from $3.30 starting this week; expectation is to play into summer: dipped to around $7,000 l3st week 'Meet the People,' Mansfield (R-1,- 000: $3.30). Final and 20th week; intimate revue from Coast started mildly then got press commenda- tion, but never climbed as expected; down to around $8,000. 'My Sister Eileen,' Biltmore (19th week) (CD-901; $3.30). Eased off further after maintaining excellent pace for months: quoted at $13,000; should be oh Broadway's summer bill. 'Mr. and Mrs. North,' Belasco (ISth week) (C-891; $3.30). Doubtful after this month; moderately paced to op- erating profit until last few weeks; rated around $6,000. 'Native Sod,' St. James (6th week) (D-1,520; $3.30). Like most other shows, business was off last week, though pace not materially affected; rated around $14,000, which okay nets profit for book-drama. 'Old Aoqoaintance,' Broadhurst (18th week) (C-1,142; $3.30). Among those shows which have done fairly well, slipped to around $7,000 and likely to close soon; 'Women Aren't Angels' due here. 'Out of the Frylnif Pan,' Windsor (12th week) (C-893; $3.30). Last weeks announced; another doubtful sticker; never better than modest gro.sses despite rating as laugh show; $4,000 estimated. 'Pal Joey,' Barrymore (19th week) (M-1,104: $4.40. Eased off with gross around $19,000; varies in pace, but rated among the summer shows. 'Panama Hattie,' 46th St. (27th week) (M-1,347; $4.40). No longer musical leader, but still getting big money; went off around $1,500 last week and approximated $27,000. 'Separate Rooms,' Plymouth (58th week) (C-1,107; $3.30). Management confident of sticking into summer; Msing two-for-ohes but making money; $6,500. 'The Beautiful People.' Lyceum (2d week) (C-1.004; $3.30). Claims better than $7,000; not big but profit- able in operation; difference of opin- ion over this comedy. 'The Corn is Green,' National (23d week) (D-1,162; $3.30). English comedy drama was over-estimated previous week, when rated number one import; last week the gross was $15,000; plenty okay at that level. Tobacco Road,' Forrest (285th week) (C-1,107; $1.10). Another summer nears and record staj-er still on the list; low cost drama around $4,000. 'Watch on the Rhine,' BeCk (5th week) (D-1,214; $3.30). Unques- tioned straight play leader; "held pace while others started to fade; quoted at $19,300, which means capacity plus standees. Revivals The Doctor's Dilemma,' Shubert (8th week) (C-1,405; $3.30. Eased downward, which was expected for vintage play: around $17,000, which is still excellent for Shavian work. 'Charley's Aunt,' Cort. Closed Saturday (3), after playing 29 weeks; unusual for old comedy, which was lifted from summer stock spots; dived to around $4,000. HAYES-EVANS GREAT $17,000 IN MILWAUKEE Milwaukee, May 6. With the entire engagement com- pletely sold out before opening, and minimum newspaper ads carried only for directory purposes, Helen H'vec rpd MauricP Evans in Twelfth Night' hit the high spot of the legit season at the 1,600-seat Pcbst (indie). In the four days ending Saturday (3), they grossed approximately $17,000 at $3.30 top. Thousands were turned away, but efforts to extend the engagement were unavailing. In contrast, 'Pins and Needles,' at the 1,500-seat Davidson (UBO), got the season's record low of $5,000 for full week at $1,10 top. Trance/$7,500, N.G. In WasL; Withdrawn Washington, May 6. ' Theatre Guild's 'Somewhere in France,' Carl Zuckmayer-Frltz Kort- ner drama now withdrawn for re- writing, was weak here last week at an approximate $7,500 gross. Current is 'Student Prince,' for season's final week of legit here, house being wired immediately for Tantasia' opening May 12. EDDIE GARR CO-HTARRINa IN RECORD BREAKING "HELLZ-A-POPPIN" ON TOl'R Mgt.: WM. KENT 1778 B'way. New Vork Rant or Lease (Straight or Percentage) PILGRIMAGE outdoor THEATRE Spectacular Setting — Seats 1320 Avonlable This Summer for Legit, Stock, Music, Pictures or Drama School \ quarter-million-dollar plant in the heart of Hollywood.,. Opposite Hollywood Bowl... Home of the famous Pilgrimage Play WIItK on IVRITK LLOYD D. MITCHELL, Pilgrimage Theatre 2580 North Highland Avenue Hollywood, Calif.