Variety (May 1941)

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Wednesday, Maj 14, 1941 PICTURE GROSSES ■i.4l » MMMttMtttttttttttttttttttttt»ttttttttttt . Dip In National B. 0. Caused By Dearth of Strong Newlteleases iMH t MMHttttttttttttttttttttttfttHtttttttff Rise and dip of the nation's film boxoffice graph raflaota tha quality and supply of the week's first-run releases. Condttions of ganaral in- dustry, employment, weather and other factors play a surprisingly small part In ^mparison with the screen oSeringa thamsalvaa. Ollmpiing tha country-wide return in the adjacent telegraphic reports from key citief, the conclusion readily Is reached that there b great scarcity of new high- powered product. Tbe exhibition structure is being supported by m* better releases of late March and early April. ibese include Paramount's 'Zanzibar,' which is finishing off tha la^t of more than a score of important extended first runs. It Is completing its third weeks in Baltimore, Brooklyn and Pittsburgh, and its second week in second run In PhiladelphlaL Two other features are pressing it for extended engagement honors. 'They are 'Ziegfeld Girl' (M-G) and Columbia's 'Penny Serenade.' Former has shown strength in three weeks in Philadelphia, same number of stanzas in Pitt and Frisco. It Is completing its second week In Washing- ton and Is standuig up in Providence, Louisville, Cincinnati and Lincoln. Beturns in Buffalo are disappointing. On the other hand. 'Serenade' is' a standout everywhere, aided and abetted not a little by an unusually effective advance cooperative news- paper campaign. In addition to cities previously reported in tha past two ■•■ weeks, the current score stands: Louisville, three weeks; Loi Angelas, three; San Francisco, three, and two weeks each in Washington, Balti- more, Buffalo, Boston (two houses, day-and-date) and Detroit. Smash first weeks reported in Kansas City and Cincinnati. Crowding these three grossers are The Great Lie' (WB\ Th»i Hamilton Woman' (UA), The Dictator" (UA) and 'Men of Boys' Town' (M-O). Films that are just moving into the release hopper ara 'Meat John Doe' (WB), vei7 good; 'Wagons Roll' (WB), good, but not big; 'Affectionately Yours' (WB), too early to estimate; 'A Woman's. Face' (M-O), good to Lincoln; 'Washington Melodrama' (M-G), spottyi and 'Major Barbara' (UA) just starting. / TantasU' Big, 'CltUen Kane' NSO At higher prices 'Fantasia' is, heading the list of tha season's best (to date) two-a-days. Extended runs are finishing in Boston and San Fran- cisco. "Cltlzeh Kane,' despite unusual newspaper raves and free reading space, has yet to prove Itself in the. class with-'roadshow films. Noyr play- ing in New York, encouraging; Chicago, bad; Lot Angdea, terrible. Early openings set for Boston and 'Frisco. ' Back of the big headllners, listed above, is a small group of features, of recent release, that are carrying the top billing in the rurals, but with vary- tog success. These are 'Great American Broadcasf (20th), 'Pot o' C^old' ,(UA), 'Sea WoU' (WB), 'Flame of New'Orleans' (U), 'Devil and Itliss Jones' (RKO), big in spots, mediocre in others; That Uncertato Feeling' (UA) and 'Night in Rio' (20th). Judging strictly on the boxoffice record 'Zanzibar,' 'Ziegfeld GlrV (M-G), 'Penny Serenade' (Col), That-KamUton Woman' (UA) and "Tha Great Lie' (WB) are carrying the exhibitors' load at the moment. Mora of equal boxoffice calibre are badly needed to maintain tha May-June theatre receipts at anywhere near par figwes. Unloading the B's In the absence of strong offerings, the exchanges are unloading a large package of B.'s, some of which haye teen gathering dust to film vaults for several months. The week's reports show ipany theatres are experiment tog with dual combinations on a hit or miss basis—mostly miss. Some of these films never saw the marquees of first runs; they were shunted to one side to await the occasion when they could slip mto release without attracting too much attention. Nearly every releasing, company has its headaches .with this type of product, whicli is stamped as second-rate by the very method oi its handling. Except m rare instances, neither paid advertising nor togenius publicity has softened the exhibitor impact. They are booked because there Is nothing else to book. And the paradox, as reported by soma ex- hibitors, is that occasionally these forgotten films furnish better entertato- ment than the toppers they support. i The exhibitors' choice of secondary product, as shown to the week's . booking reports, are: Metro, The Penalty,' 'Free and Easy,' 'Blonde Inspiration.' Trial of Mary Dugan;' Paramount, 'Las Vegas Nights,' 'The Round Up,' 'Mad Doctor,' "Monster and Girl,' 'Magic With Music' and 'Power Dive;' Warners, 'Strange Alibi,' 'Shadow on Stairs,' 'Knockout,' 'Comes Happtoess,' 'Lacb' with the Red Hair,' 'South of Suez,' 'Black Parrot,' and 'Thieves Walk Out' Also, from 20th-Fox, 'Dead Men Tell,' 'Sleepers West,' 'Street Memories,' 'Night Train,' 'Jennie,' 'Cowboy and Blonde,' 'Ride on Vaquero;' RKO, 'Scattergood Bains,' 'Girl, Guy and Gob,' 'Met in Argenttoa,' 'Repent at Leisure' and 'Melody Three;' United Artists, 'Monte Crlsto' and Topper Returns* Universal, 'Model Wife,' 'Black Cat,' 'Double Date.' 'Horror Island,' 'Invisible Woman,' 'Nobody's Sweetheart,' 'Frisco Docks' and "La Zong^' wt .Colitoibia's fillers Include 'Blondie Goes Latm,' 'Lone Wolf,' 'Boston Blackie,' 'Face Behmd Mask.' 'Devil Commands' and 'Glamor For Sale.' Reason for plethora of-second rate pictures showmg themselves to first runs currently is ascribed by a distribution executive as seasonal. He declares that comparable condition has maintained lata- sprtog and early summer offermgs to former years. Not likely any material uplift in standard is immtoent, ha avers, until ' tile new season's product begtos advance showtogs. Big <1«.0M: 'Lie; (T,MO, ^Iso Neat Montreal, May 13. Early summer this year is begin- ning to affect grosses, but there will be one pic currently that will be a stand-out on take. That's 'Hamil- ton Woman,' at Loew's, movtog to handsome $10,000. Estimates for' This Week Valsoe (CTT) (2,700; 25-45-55)— c _ _ , 'Miss Jones There isn't a great deal to choose •Great Lie' (WB). 'Paitog for good iBroadway film shelves Uiis e/S T ...I-lT 'Ml,,. I'noc' week and the customers are stay tog away to greater numbers than usual $7,500. Last week, (RKO), good $7,000. Capitol (CT) (2,700; 25-45-55)— 'Lady Cheyenne' (U) and 'Meet Chump' (U). Weak $5,000 to sight. Last week, 'Footsteps Dark' (WB) and ICnockout' (WB), poor $5,000. Loew's (CTT) (2,800; 30-40-60)— 'Hamilton Woman' (UA). In for a good run, with initial week sight- tog big $10,000. Last week, 'Back Street' (U) h.o., faded to $5,000. Princess (CT) (2,300; 25-34-50)— 'Met Argenttoa' (RKO) and 'Palm Sprtogs' (RKO). Fair $4,000 in sight. Last week. 'Reachtog Sun' (Par) and 'Las 'Vegas Nights' (Par), weak $3,000. i Orpheum (Ind) (1,100; 25-40-50)— 'So Ends Night' (UA) (2d wk.). Nice $2,800, after good $3,500 last week. Ctoema de Paris (France-Film) (600; 25-50)—'Mayerling et Sera- jevo' (4th wk.). Fair $800, after good enough $1,000 last week. St Denis (France-FUm) (2,300; 25-34)—'L'Homme de Niger' and 'L'ASaire Stetoberg.' Potottog to good $4,000. Last week, 'Cavalcade d'Amour' and 'Tol. C'est Moi,' good $4,200. 'Bad Man*-*Argentina* (850; 30-40-50)—'Zanzibar' (Par) and j 'Penalty* (M-G). Moved over after Top Seattle at $6,500 i,*°g°5''JtTa1'$3!3oo.'' The burg is normal except for paucity of new films. Holdovers rule the roost and they are plenty okay. Ziegfeld Girl' has second fling at Seattle Mav 13 ' 'Men of Boys Town' Last week (M-G) anc Scattergood Batoes' (RKO) fourth week, $1,800, good. Orpheum (Hamrlck - Evergreen) (2,600: 30-40-50)—'Nice GlrV (U) the Fifth Avenue; 'Penny Serenade' and 'Model Wife' (U), second week, third at Liberty; 'Dictator' fourth at Indicate good $3,500. Last week, Blue Mouse; 'Zanzibar' moves ilrom Paramount to Music Box for third . week, and 'Nice Girl' is a holdover at Orpheum. . Estimates for This Week Bine Monse (Hamrick-Evergreen) (ffiO; 30-40-50)—'Dictator' (UA) and Dead Men Tell' (20th), fourth week. Indicates okay $2,400. Last week, flue $3,200. CoUseam (Hamrlck - Evergreen) (1,900; 21-35)—'Thing Called Love' (Col) and 'Footsteps In Dark' (WB) (2d run). Expect bad $2,100. Last week. 'Tobacco Road' (20th) and Malaie' (M-G) (2d run), floppo $2,100. Fifth Avenue (Hamrlck - Ever- green) (2,349; 30-40-50)—'Ziegfeld Girl' (M-G) (2d wk). Paced at good H700. Last week, great $10,200, SUMMER IN MONT'L HBmllton' B'way Down; lllfagons Roll-Tucker Band-McLaglen Mild $30,000; %m Stout; 'Reaching Sun'-Rey OK 35G No accounting for it except that the shows apparently don't look very allurtog. Strand brought in 'Wagons Roll at Night,' with Tommy Tucker and "Vic- tor McLaglen as st'age support on Friday (9), but it is finding the going slow. Only about $30,000 sighted, but show will hold stoce it was booked for two weeks. 'Reachtog for the Sun,' going toto its second stanza .at the Paramount today (Wed.), which will be its last, is dotog satisfactorily, but no better Crying Towel Biz Only Good Thing in Mpls^' ^ys Town' OK ROOD War Spending, OK Fix Hypo L'viHe;'Ziegfeld' Tops Town at $11,000 Louisville, May 13. War boom and first-class product responsible for free spending at downtown houses. 'Ziegfeld Girl,' at Loew's State, looks tops. Plenty of outdoor opposlsh cur- rently, with the gee-gees still rtm- ning at Churchill Downs; a free air show at Bowman Field Sunday (11) drew several thousands, and a rodeo and thrill show at the Fal Grounds promoted by Larry Sunbrock. Estimates for This Week Brown ■ (Loew's - Fourth Avenue) (1,400; 15-30-40)—'Penny Serenade' (Coy and 'Lone Wolf (Col). Played Loew's State fortnight ago and get- ting average $2,000 here. Last week, 'Night Rio' (20th) and 'ScoUand YaW (20th), pretty good $2,200. Kentucky (Switow) (1,200: 15-25) 'Smith' (RKO) and 'Virginia' (Par). Probably okay $1,500. Last week, 'Back Street' (U)- and 'Thtog Called Love' (Col), healthy $1,400. - Loew's State (Loew's > (3,300; 15- 30-40)—'Ziegfeld Girl' (M-G) and 'Penalty' (M-G). Hottest thing to town, although long show will c)it down turnover. Heading tot great $11,000. Last week, 'Uncertain Feel- ing'^(UA) and 'Adam' «3ol), oke $7,000. Mary Anderson (LIbson) (1,000; 15-30-40) — 'Wagons Roll' (WB). Aimtog at fair $3,000. Last week, •Great Lie' (WB) (2d wk), fairish $2,500. Blalto (Fourth Avenue) (3,400; 15- 30-40)—'American Broadcast' (20th) and 'Cowboy Blonde' (20th). Pulling fair quota of radio fans. Heading for all right $8,500. Last week, 'Lady Cheyenne' (U) and 'Mr Dyna- mite' (U), fair $7,500. Strand (Fourth Avenue)' (1,400; 15-30-40) — 'Model WUe' (U) and 'Black Cat' (U). Couple of average programmers, but pulling some fam- ily trade. House has been opentog new bill on Thursdays, and current stanza will wind up Wednesday (14) with pretty good $3,400. 'Fantasia' opens Thursday (15) night at road- siiow prices.. Last week, 'Sis Hop- ktos' (Rep) and 'Rio Grande' (20th), h.o., okay $3,000. Minneapolis, May 13. It's the same old sad story. Cur- rent boxoffice situation affords no more reason for cheering than 'its predecessors. Taktof" are of infini- tesimal proportions and the total Haul will be pathetic in its smaUness. Peculiarly, no. blame Is being at- tached to the films themselves. Strikes, general uneasiness and com- parative lack of defense spending are generally accepted as the depres- sion's cause. ■ Bowling and other op- position entert^nment still get a whacking, too, however. Estimates for This Week Aster (Par-Singer) (900; 28)—'Bor- der 'Vigilantes' (Par) and 'Convoy'| (RKO), dual first-runs, split with; Big Boss' (Col) and 'Big Swindle' (Col), also dual first-.runs. Mild $1,200 indicated. Last week, 'Burn- tog Question' (Indie)' and 'Knock- out' (WB), dual first-runs, split with Dead Men Tell' (20th) and 'Comes Happiness' (WB), also dual first-runs, pretty good $1,400. Centnry (Par-Singer) (1,600; 28-39- 44)—'Great Ziegfeld' (M-G). Moved here from State, where it had fairly good first week. Looks like^air $3,000. Last week, 'Great Lie' (WB) (2d wk). $2,300. Esquire (Berger) (290; 15-20)— 'Mad Youth' (Indie). Sex flhm at- tracting some attention. Pretty good $1,000. Last week, 'Torso Mystery' (Indie) and 'Face Wtodow' (Indie), dual first-runs, light $600. Gopher (Par-Stoger) (998; 28— 'Tall, Dark' (20th). Okay $2,600 in prospect. Last week, 'Bad Man' (M-G), $2,700, fair. _ ^ ^ Minnesota (Mpls. Theatre Co.) (1855; 50-$1.5O) —'Fantasia' (RKO) (5th wk). FinUhes profitable stand this week. Stretching to mild $3,000. Last week, $3^00, fair. Orpheum (Par-Singer) (2.800; 39- 44-55)—'Topper Returns' (UA) and Portland, Ore,, May 13. Major Bowes' unit Picture just so- Best new opener is "The Great so, but probably will account for i Lie,' 'whlch"'is wowirtg'Em at the big most of mild $7,000. Last week, 'Un- paramount. Otherwise the bills are certato Feeling' (UA) and Woody | matoly h.oj, H.O.S FLOOD PORT. 'Great Lie' Flhe $7,000; 'Mlsi Bishop' Average $4,800 $3,500. around. $8,000, neat. Paloraar (Sterltog) (1,350; 21-40) —'Rookies on Parade' (Rep) and 'Great Train Robbery* (Rep) plus vaude. Expect nlc« $4,500. Last week, 'Roundup' (Par) plus vaude, $5,200, big. Paramonnt (Hamrlck - Evergreen) (3,039; 30-40-50)—'Bad Man' (M-G) and 'Met in Argenttoa' (RKO). Pointing to nifty $6,500. Last week, 'Zanzibar' (Par) and 'Penalty' (M-G) (2d wk). Dandy $7,900. Boosevcit (Sterling) (800: 21-35)— 'Girl, Guy and Gob' (RKO) and ■Cheers for Miss Bishop' (UA) (2d run). Expect fair $2,000. Last week (30-40-50) 'Great Lie' (WB) and 'Strange Alibi' (WB) (4th wk), $2,700, good. Wtoter Garden (Sterltog) (800; Herman band and acts on stage, hurt by warm weather Saturday and Sun- day, but built to $10,500, still leaving theatre in red. State- (Par-Singer) (2,300; 28-39- 44)^'Men Boys Town'(M-G). Pres- tige of first in series and Rooney- Tracy combo spelltog .boxoffice. Hit- ttog okay $7,000. Last week, 'Great Ziegfeld' (M-G), same. Uptown (Par) (1,200: 28-39)—To- bacco Road' (20th). First neighbor- Looks like fair $2,400. Estimates for This Week Broadway (Parker) (2,000; 35-40- 50)—'-Miss Bishop' (UA) and 'Sis Hopkins' (Rep). Getting just aver- age $4,800. Last week, 'So Ends Night' (UA) and 'Road Show' (UA), good enough $5,500. May fair (Parker - Evergreen) (1,500; 35-40-50)—'Topper Returns' (UA) and 'Outsider' (Mono). Move over from UA making nice $5,000. ' Last week, 'Pot Gold' (UA) and 'DIsr Liberty (J-vH) (1,650; 30-40-50)- j 16-30)-'(:ome Live with Me" (M-G) ■D. , .A J 'Break and 'Flight from Destiny (WB) (2d (M wk) Look-I run). /&»tlcipate $2.1(W, good. Last Liit week, great, week, 'Kitty Foyle^ (R^o} jjnd T^ Dark and Handsoma* (20tb) (2d Penny Serenade' (Col) and 'Break ' and 'Flight from Destiny (WB) (2d we News' (Mono) tag to big '$5^500. Last $7J00. Mnslc Box (Hamtick ..Evergreen) run), big $2,500. hood showmg. uooioimci^^^^^ Attbrney' (Rep), moveover !'wnw«n^t2 700 [from Broadway, fair $4,500. ^ ™''if ?D,rQf«ff»Qi r<?sn- 2ft 19-44. Orpheum (Hamrick - Evergreen) K^^t EndVlffeht' (UA^' Heavl?; d.BOO; 35-40-50)-'Pem,y Serenade' fd^rfisefaWst nime^pl^ll?^^ (Col) and -Met in ArgenUna' (RKOJ Uge of novel helping to offset propa- ' (2d wk), Still okay. $?,900. gMda drawback somewhat, Reach^ Sig'toward good $2,500. Last week, 'Adam' (Col), mild $1,500. First week took great $7,800. Paramount (Hamrick-Evergreen) (3,000; 35-40-50)—'Great Lie' (MTB) and 'Scotland Yard' (JOth), In line lor strong $7,000. ,Last week, 'Zan- zibar' (Par) and 'Lone Wolf (Col) closed third week for still high $5,000. United Artists (Parker) (1,000; 35 SUBE DOES Hollywood. May 13. Director chore on 'We Go Fast' at 20th-Fox goes to WUUam McGann, 4o^50)""D?cVa"^r''(UA)'VinRl'rbilied who just finished piloting The Par- ^^j^g ^^gj. heavy $6,800 on son of Pansmint' for Harry Shermai ^j.^^ return at pop prices. Last week, at Paramount. 'Topper Returns' (UA) and 'Out- Plcture rolls May 26, Lou Ostrow Islder" (Mono), fine $6,000 and moved producing. to Mayfalr. than that. Finished ib first seven days last night (Tues.) at $35,000, aided by addition of 'I Wanted Wings' to yesterday evening's (Tues.) show. 'Wmgs' Is due at the house next Wednesday (21). Par has the Alvino Rey band, Eddia Bracken and others on its rostrum. Best of the holdovers but not espe- cially strong are 'Great American Broadcast.' in its second week at the Roxy. and 'Uncertain Feeling,' plus the 'Madame Butterfly' unit at the Music Hall. 'Broadcast' will get about $31,000. so-so, and goes a third lap. The Hall at $70,000 on the hold- over compares favorably with the first week's $77,000. Much of' this business, adding to fair profit, is be- ing drawn by the opera tab, which has received considerable word-of- mouth. 'Citizen Kane,' on its second week at the twice-daily Palace, is not a sellout though doing a good business. It got $25,500 on the first full week, but is. running behind that on the second, first four days being $14,000. Picture is weaker on the mats than at night. Astor turns to pop prices today with 'Major Barbara,' which was given a special opening last night (Tues.). Estimates for This Week Astor (1,012: 30-40-55-65)—'Major Barbara' (UA) begins pop-priced, continuous run today (Wed.) follow- ing a special benefit opening last night (Tues.) to- >whlch press was invited. Par took 'Wings' out of the house Sunday night (11), final (6th) week being $6,500, light. Broadway (1,895; 55-75-$1.10-$1.6S- $2JO) — Tantasla' (Disney) ,(26th week). Reported departing shortly: last week (25th) $10,000, about $2,000 profit. Capital (4,520; 35-55-8S-$1.10-$1.2S> —'Ziegfeld Girl' (M-G) (3d-final week). About $17,000, slow this week (3d); second $25,000, under hopes. Criterion (1,662; 28-44-55-65)— 'Lady From Louisiana' (Rep). Opens today (Wed.) after pfetty nice week with 'People vs. Dr. KUdare' (M-G). $7,500. In ahead 'Sis Hopkins' (Rep) weak $5,500. Globe (1,180: 28-35-55)—'Girl in News' (20th) (2d wk.). Pointing for $5,500, fair, after first week's tatce of ^7,500 and goes third round. FaUce (1,700; 75-8S-$1.10-$1.65- $2.20)—'Kane' (RKO) (2d week). Roadshow doing well but not within a stone's throw of capacity; first seven days $25,500, while capacity Is $30,800 as house is scaled. Running behind on second semester, with first four days $14,000, but Still good. Paramount (3,664; 35-55-85-99)— 'Reaching for Sun' (Par) and, on stage, Alvino Rey, Eddie Bracken, other acts (2d-final week). A weaker b.o. show than house has had in some time, but at $35,000 on initial week ending, last night (Tues.) far from reason for complaint. Begins second semester today (Wed.). Last week 'Zanzibar' (Par) (4th week) and Harry James (1st week), $28,- 000, o.k. Badio City Masic Hall (5,960; 44- 5S-85-99-$1.65 )—'Uncertain Feeling' (UA) End 'Butterfiy' (2d-final week). Condensed version of Puccini opera providing able support for weak pic- * ture; holdover $70,000 while first week was $77,000. not fancy but no kicks. 'Devil and Miss Jones' (RKO) opens tomorrow morning (Thurs.). BUIto (750; 28-44-55) — 'Great Swindle' (Col). Moved to yesterday (Tues.). 'Invisible Ghost' (Mono). 6 da:^ $4,800, light. 'Mutiny in Arctic' (U) sloiy-goer, $4,500. RIvoll (2.092; 35-55-85-99). House closed Friday night (9) after two very disappointing weeks with 'Flame of New Orleans,' first being under $20,000 and second only $10,000. Ordinarily closes'for sum- mer but not 2s early as this, reason being lack of suitable product right now. Boxy (5,835; 3t-55-6S-75-85)— 'Broadcast' (20th) and stage show (2d week). Gross isn't Up to figure picture deserves but far from flop- ping at $31,000 Indicated this week; second $39,700, good albeit not sockeroo. Holds third. State (3.400; 28-44-55-75-90-$1.10) —'Men of Boys Town' (M-G) (2d run), John Boles, others, on stage. Seats are not tough to And, with business looking no more than about $18,000. mildish. Lest week 'So Ends Our Nicht' (UA) (2d run) and 'Crazy With Heat' unit (2d week), $22,000, good: Strand (2,767: 35-55-75-85-99)— •Wagons Roll At Night' (WB) and Tommy Tucker band, plus 'Victor McLarlen. Not in hieh gear at $30,000 but will hold because of stageshow commitments. La.<it week, fourth for 'Great Lie' (WB) and JlfFiv Po<-cpv. tti^ onn -11 ri<»'»t