Variety (May 1941)

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Wednesday, May 14, 1941 RADIO 2$ TOWN HALL'S SEF-CLINIC OELEGIITES CmilGIZE FORUM George V. Denny Sits In N.Y. Auditorium While Program and He Are Analyzed by Open Demo- cratic Discussion Method 'SKY OVER BRITAIN' Another British War Betlef Socletr Frocram on Air RECOMMENDATIONS 'Sky Over Britain,* weekly dra- matic series at 8:15-8:30 Thursday nights on WOR-Mutual, starting May 22, will be presented by th* British War Relief Society. It will use guest name actors and will be based on actual deeds of British heroism In war-time. Writers are being sought to donate scripts for the show. Joe Milward is handling the series for the society. 'War Letters from Britain,' an- other KWRS series, moves this week from Thursday night to 7:30 Friday nights on WMCA, New York, and Is extended for 13 more weeks. €ops Nab Talent For Bu^. Quizzer Buffalo, May 13. Latest man-in-the-street twist finds traffic cops flagging drivers on Buf- falo's main^ street and inquiring if they want to gab Into WEBR jnike during three-times-weekly 15-minute shot tabbed 'Stop That Motorist,' Stanza plugs traffic safety, which makes bluecoats happy. If motorist can't answer query about traffic rules, etc., the cop obliges. August Ebke, car dealer, backs 11:45 a.m. pickup. Through Baldwin & Strachan agency. Fred O. Hyde, literary editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer, has in-, augurated a weekly literary program on WFIL. Code for Sacred Radio Programs Proposed by Natl Faith Conference National code for religious broad- casts, to provide both religious groups and broadcasters with a guide of 'minimum standards' for sacred programs, will be formulated dur- ing the coming year under the lead- ership of the National Conference of Christians and Jews. Proposal was supported by participants in the re- ligious work-group sessions during the Ohio State Institute for Educa- tion by Radio, meeting last week at Columbus, O. Committee, under the chairman- ship of James H. Scull, in charge ot radio for the National Conference, will undertake exploratory work for the development of such a code, poll- ing various groups throughout the country for their ideas. Material win be analyzed and presented to next year's Ohio State Institute meeting. New Britain, Conn. — Cofirad Bloomgarden added to WNBC's sale* staff. Taking a dose of its own medicine —open democratic discussion — 1 •America's Town Hall Meeting of the ] Air' after its broadcast (NBC Blue) of Thursday night was subject on the following Friday morning (9) to a clinical study of the program's faults and merits. Some 200 persons in New York for the purpose of attend- ing a three-day Town Hall Confer- ence (the first annual) conducted this program post-mortem. They had listened the night before to two speakers maul the subject 'Should Our Ships Convoy Materials to Britain?' Among' various suggestions to emerge from the floor were these: -Audience applause la bad and should be Hmtted to the question period so that the intellectual level 0/ the /ormol talfcs tvould not be lotp^red. More 'detached statements' and less partisan debate are desirable on \ all /oTums. Advance exchange o/ scripts bC' tween spzakers should be encouraged and the lines o/ the vr<xpose6. dis- cussion marked by t»hat new in/OT' mation or /resh viewpoint is to be contributed so that everv talk does .not become merely a hoah-over o/ the speaker's standard patter act. All speaker-s (and inferentiaUy oil Americans) s?iouUI be trained to listen to what the other /ellou) says. It was generally agnei that there wos a near-unxvirsal teridency o/ speakers to ignore the other chap's VoinU. Clinic in Frank Vein The clinic continued In frank vein for sonpe hours. Mutual's American Forum (Ted Granlk) got badly criticized as being conducted on the plane of a dog-flght with the mod- erator making little or no effort to restrain offside stuff. The Town Meeting was not excepted from crltl' oism of 'too much personal dlsputa- tiousness,' but the conference thought It was much nearer the Ideal. Denny Stands Up After quietly listening In the audi' torium to himself and his program being Analyzed and taken apart George V. Denny, the Town Hall moderator, finally stood'up to make a few comments on his own. He told of th$ experiment at the begin- ning of this season when the Town Hall attempted to conduct discus- sions in series of three-broadcasts- per-theme with the 'debate' aspect largely cut down. This policy was • flop and Just befora Christmas, naving suffered a' loss of audience, the forum resumed something closer to its standard formula ot the past Six years. However, Denny thought the experiment of using a 'clarifler,' which was tried on several occasions, was rather succassful and that it ■ would be further amployed. Tha Conference preceded by one Week the beginning of a Leadership School which will run at Town Hall for the next threa weeks under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Overstreet. This Leadership School the first of Its kind, alms to drill Interested persons In discussion nethods. It has an enrollment of •bout 60 'students' who are paying $50 each. Among the students are two public relations officials of the Jewel Tea Company, several saleS' nien, four professors, a broadcaster and a woman probation officer. John Doggan, Tenor, on WOB John Duggan, tenor, has been signatured by WOR, New York, for a buildup on a night-time schedule. He was formerly on NBC, working under a haphazard a.m. and after- noon arrangement. I WTA WOMAN WILL ALWAYS LISTEN WHENTHS tllAEAND PLACE ARB RIGHT That's why thcM special ndlo progranis for women... these dally Btatlon fea- tures ... are such successful sales pro- ducers... They are broadcast when women want to listen... by women who know how to k4^p Hum littening.. . And, moat Important, they are featured on eleven great NBC stations, dominant In their markets... eonststently preferred by leading spot and local advertisers. If you have a product women need for their homes, their families or themselves, you will certainly want to know a whole lot more about these programs. Check the list at the right and then contact the NBC Spot Sales office nearest you. R*pr«nn>ing WEAP I I I WJZ I : i WMAQ .- . WENR : : • KGO I I . KPQ I « J WRC I t I I NawYork ; , I N«wYork . . > : Chicago . , : ; Chicago . . Son FranclKO ; . Son Fronciico (WBZ I I t Wothlngton (WBZA I III Woihlngton : : , ; . D«nv*r I ,- . : Cleveland WESnNOHOUSE STATIONS t I : . Boston) WAAALl KOA I WTAM KYW I KDKA i WOWO WGL ; Phllodolphlo i PIHtburgh i Ft. Woyno : Ft. Woyno I i I ; Sprlngfiold) WCV OENERAl ELECTRIC CTATION Sdionoctady CHOOSt MOMeMT' OH THtSt eurentuum Here are wBlI-established, adver- tiser-tested features... known by women.... listened to by women- ,.. responded to by women ... thousands of women in each of these great marketa. 'And each program- is so favorably priced that it offers advertisers a value that cannot be equalled. WJZ ... New York —Nancy Craig's "The Woman of Tomot- Tow." 9 to 9:30 A.M. (E.D.T.) Monxlay through Friday. WEAF . , . Naw York—Isabel Manning Hewson's "The Market Basket.^' 9:30 to 9:46 A. M. (E.D.T.) Monday through Friday. KYW... Philadelphia-Ruth Welles, Woman's Home Coun- selor. 1:30 to 1:46 P.M. (E. D.T.) Monday through Friday. WGY.. .Sohanoetady—Martha Brooks "Market Basket" 8:46 to 9A.M. (E.D,T.) Monday through Saturday. . ^ WBZ-WBZA... Naw England —Mildred W. Carlson's "Home Forum."lltolt'16A.M. (E.D.T.) Monday through Friday. WRC.. .Washington, D. C— Mary Mason's "The WRC Home Forum." 11:16 to 12noon (E.S.T.) Monday throuf^ Friday. KDKA... Pittsburgh—Evelyn (Sardiner's "Home Forum." 2:46 to 3:00 P.M. (E.D.T.) Monday throu^ Friday. WTAM . . . Cleveland —Jane Weaver's "Woman's Club of the Air." 4:46 to 6fl0 P.M. (E.8.T.) Monday through Friday. WOWO... Fort Wayne—Jane Weston'a "The Modem Home Forum." 9:46 to 10:16 A.M. (C.D.T.) Monday through Sat- urday. On Saturday, 9:46 to lOKX) A.M. KPO...San Franclaco—Gladys Cronkhite's "International Kitchen." 8:30 to 9:00 A. M. (V.S.T.) Monday through Friday. KGO ... San Francisco—Ann Holden'e "Home Forum." 9:30 to 10:00 A,M. (P.8.T.) Monday through Friday. N.B.Tear out this advertisement ■ for your files. It lists every special radio program for women on NBC represented stations.