Variety (May 1941)

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84 RADIO Wednesday, May 14, 1941 Jack Benny's 10th Anni jContlnnetl from pace i^s only the top figures of the sprocket and kilocycle set. But for the serious talks of NBC prexy Trammell; Colby Chester, board chairman of General Foods; Y. Frank Freeman, spokesman for the picture industry; Jimmy Walker, onetime ITYawk's first citizen; and Don Gilman, NBC Coast nabob, the evening was clive with quip, barb and gay repartee. Some gentle, some not, but all in the spirit of gay camaraderie. When the very forth- right and circumspect Gilman opened, the festivities with 'ladles and gen- tlemen, and friends of Jack Benny,' and then brought on Rudy Vallee as emcee with 'the men who discovered almost every radio actor except Jack Benny and who recently re-dis- 50,000 WAtTS SALT LAKE CITY coveired John Barrympre,'. the gang knew the die was cast and what was to come. Vallee wiggled himself loose from the high collar and milk white choker and warmed up fast with, 'I'm here largely to see that NBC gets the check—to pay at the source.' He paid tribute to Benny for letting the spotlight occasionally fall on others in his Jell-O cast, called for short speeches, and cued in Edgar : Bergen.^ That the pace and tempo' would be fast was at once evident I when Charlie McCarthy's alter ego i cracked, 'It was Benny and I that | weakened vaudeville so that Bob Hope could make the kill.' Followed I a few jibes about Crossley ratings, | topped by Charlie's, 'It's not Chase & Sanborn that keeps you awake, it's Jell-O.' Bergen laughed it off with, .'The crown rests on the head it best fits.' Charlie chimed in with, 'Yes, and we'll steal it from you if we can.' Parlaying FlJdle and Bear ^ ' Spot then moved over to the Jim Jordans (Fibber McGee and Molly) who led oft with 'anyone who can parlay a Addle, Fred Allen and a \ poler bear into a career deserves a dinner.' Molly wowed the mob with, 'All NBC did for us on our 10th an- niversary was to start signing our contracts with ink.' When Jordan : quipped, 'I see where Jack is going to have his own network,' the missus shot back, 'They've got to give one away to someone.' j After briefly remarking that 'a sponsor is the man who pays for the radio program his wife runs,' Vallee touched seriously on the Federal' Communications Commission report and hoped that all would turn out well. He then introed Colby Ches- ' ter, who referred to the shindig as 'a birthday party for our famous son.'' He departed, from his straightfor- ward tribute for a bit of executive hosspky, via, 'I would like to have your autograph. Jack; you've been ' getting mine for seven- years.' I George Burns and Gracie Allen' turned on Hilliard Marks, brother of i Mary Livingstone and script aide of Bill Morrow, and Ed Beloin, for an ' hilarious interlude. Glallcing over i at Marks, about 220 pounds of him,! Grccie cracked, "There's a kid who I could use a good dinner.' Chimed in ' George, 'I knew Hilliard when he, was a baby; he looked like Arthur i Lyons—about 10% of him.' Nor was i Sam Lyons spared. 'He was an in- I terpreter for Benny'a father,', whammed George. i What'! Tonr CrbssleyT ' Bob Hope took the dais with, 'I | guess they get you up here accord-1 ing to your Crossleyv* The sitters roared when he. said, 'It was a choice of sitting at the speakers' table or being put in the men's room and I don't get along so well with the CBS gang. (There weren't' more than a dozen Columbians In the room). Hope . guessed that NBC would have to sell the Blue network to pay for this 'wonderful publicity stunt.' Ha said it was his writers' good fortune that Benny goes on 48 hours, ahead of his Pepsodent show.. He had the mob rolling with his commentary on Benny's thrift. 'I saw Benny giving away dollar bills. It was the day that Hearst went to see.'Citizen Kane.' He got off with, 'When bigger laughs are manufac- tured Rochester will, get them.' Rudy brought on George Jessel with 'the man who has done so much for the youth of America.' Jessel engaged in a hit of self-twitting when he deadpanned, 'Those who have been reading the newspapers know that I have been particularly busy this year.' He then brou^t the house down with a sentimental tribute to Benny's program. 'It'* th* melting pot phase that makei it a great show. On It are many racM and creeds, a fine example of toler- ance. That's what makes thii a great country. Long may It live and long may It laugh at Jack Benny.' It was the most dramatic climax of the evening. At his side the spot- lighted flag was rippling In a man- made breeze. . Jessel called on Jimmy Walker and the. crowd gave him a terrific ovation, second only to Benny. He swung into stride right off with, 'I've turned out to be a buttonhole maker,' referring to his new Job with the N.Y. needle trades. Trying to duck the glaring spotlight. Walker shouted to the boothman, 'shut off that spot, I hate those damned lights. Time was when people couldn't see me, now I want to see them,' He said he wished he still wore the badge of authority to do PayroO Tfaffic WMhington—Though ha had been put in a deferred olasslfication, Stephen J. McCormick, chief an^ nouncer at WOL, local Mutual out- let, U in the Army now. Instead of waiting until the lists get a second going-over, who hed one of the numbers drawn earliest in the Octo- ber lottery, signed up as a volunteer. He'd been put aside on account of dependents and hla job. Pltlsborgh—Beulah Rodgera has Joined KDKA staff as director of Artists* Service Bureau. Bob Cochran has been -added to announcers' staff at WCAE. Eddie Safranskl, bassist with honor to this lovely^couple (Jack; Burton's WJAS staff band. Is u ^ « ".K . " • ^ '^^"i K I on the payroll of Tony Pastor, Artie bowed off with, 'we're ]ust aU hu-1 .ch„w «nH T.itiio .Tontrl f. „- and Mary) Shaw and Little Jackie Heller as an arranger. man beings' and looked around. 'I'm waiting for my wheelchair,' he grinned. I Vallee called on 'the finest mayor.. WIchlU, Kans.—Mary Fisher, In- Los Angeles ever had, Fighting J°£,"Jft'°n eirl at radio station Fletcher Bowron,' and then brought K^™'' new traffic manager there on 'untrammeled' Niles Trammell, 1 ^hile Montez Tjader, who formerly who recalled that 18 years ago he | PO^t, now heads continuity de- was peddling receiving sets in L.A.! P^'^'^^nt. Ruby Stiles is new to He lavished kudos on Benny and his' LaVeta Anderson, singer now gang, placing emphasis on the Benny' with station, will return to WHB, formula, 'Never laugh at the other Kansas City, June 16. fellow, laugh at yourself.' \ Rouslnr Ovation for Benny ' .Fort Worth—New voice of the Everybody rose' to their feet as 'Texaco Star Reporter'aired Monday Trammell warmed up to the intro through Friday over the Texas State for the guest of the evening and Network is George Erwin. He is c gave him an ovation that rang recent addition to the KFJZ-TSN through the Bowl for fully two min- staff coming utes. Benny strfod emotionally Houston, transfixed. It was" 1 a.m. when he ' went 'all out' for a ringing, hilarious finale over from KXYZ, New York Clty-f-Al Sommerfleld, 'I want to thank NBC for inviting ^I'^^'^J^^^ ^^Z^'X so many comics to speak.' he. said l°'"^^ijy,^„^,^'^^^^ There iave been ei^ht comics on' °" f;:"'°^„ and I'm standing on Milton Berle. J^'^*<> Why do they louse up a guy on his tt'^^^Z'^^ tf^^^'^^Z?^'^' own testimonial? I wishV discov-, ^^"^/""^^^y WDAS, Phlladel- ered by Vallee, Gus Edwards ot ^^^I'^^"^ ^■^"'^L^y'*°r^'''^y ]^}^ anyone else. I was found under a j several Kansas City stations, and the rock in Waukega? by Arthur Lyons, i "signatidn of Frank Crennan from His brother. Sam. SRid 1 iSiiked ffooH ■ production staff to Join CBS. Norman Sickle, of the WNEW con- tinuity department, will write the continuity for a new series to go on His brother, Sam, said I looked good for 10 years in radio ^nd we've^^en eating since, only It's more becom- ing on Arthur.' • 'One of the waiters here must be a writer for Hop^. He tried to sell NBC soon, Ethel Harris Gregory,- formerly a me a three-minute spot on the rain writer for Lord tc Thomas and In California.' On introing mem-, R"'hrauff & Ryan, has joined the hers of his cast he scattered his .■'^"^'0 "department of Shermcn K, Ellis quips. Calling on his writers, Mor- advertising-agency row and Beloin, he cracked, 'I justi '— wanted to see If they can stand up.'I Jnne»n. Alaska —Vincent Kraft, On Don Wilson, 'If you don't think chief engineer of KINY, recently ret I pay salaries take a look at that turned from a flying trip to Wash guy.* . He called Dennis Day 'my ington, D. C, where he conferred Charlie McCarthv,' and kudosed with TCC engineers regarding, a site Rochester with 'a great comedian. ^or the station's proposed new 5,000 and a fine artist." Speaking of his I watt transmitter, next picture, 'Charley's Aunt,' be of- Richard Erbe, formerly of Detroit, fered, 'that's one 'picture Rochester | and O. Leonard Beardsley formerly i won't steal. He won't be in it.' Also o' Spokane, are new announcers on taking bows were Mary Livingstone,. KINY. Sam 'Schlepperman' Heam and ' Aridy Devine. I New Orleans—Jon Duffy has ■ Just before the party broke up,' been upped from announcer to pro- Y. Frank Freeman presented Benny j gram director at WNOE 'Pinky' with a watch on behalf of the Pro- Grant left the post to join promo ducers Association. Inscription read,' tlon department of local brewery. 'To Jack Benny—in appreciation of; AI<.GodwIn, sports commentator at his services to humanity.' Freeman WWL, will be off the Job for more i added that the sentiment is en- [ than a week. He's down with Ger- I .graved on all our hearts. NBC' man measles. j gifted him with a chest of silver that| Lou Patberg of WWL engineering I required the ^efforts of - two men to; staff has resigned to become a monl- ■ carry in, the master keys to all NBC; tor officer for the FCC«in Washlng- I studios in New York and Hollywood, I ton. Johnny Daspit, professor of and a scroll. i physics at Loyola University of the I Clay Morgan handled arrangement South, will act as studio relief engi- ; for the testimonial and received. neer for the summer months, Congrats all around for a perfect Job run off without a hitch.' It was the biggest shindig ever tossed by radio along these shores and it'll be a long time before It's topped.- And that goes for all other party-givers. IJCTBii TWICE DAILY ■ NBC Red Network, 12i 16 to 12:30 P.M., ED8T WABC—B:30-6:4S ED8T—CBS COAST TO COAST Mr. OOWPTON ADTKBTiania AGSMOV MGT. ED WOLF—RKO BLOC NEW VORK CITY Dan Hines of WWL engineering staff has accepted a commission as a second lieutenant in the Air Reserve and will act as communications of' fleer for the 122nd Observation Squadron. CInclnnaU—Ford BilUngs, WCKY sales manager, is In Christ hospital mending from an emergency appen' dectomy which he underwent late April 28. Eldon A. Park, assistant sales man ager of WLW, Is to report May 29 at Camp Davis, Hollyridge, N. an anti-aircraft training center. He Is a first lieutenant in the U. S. Army's Officer Reserve. Bnffalo.-^ohn Gill, WGR-WKBW announcer drafted recently, will send back periodic newsletters of bis camp life to be spotted into sustain- ing shows. Stations will tag them •Johnny GUI writes.' Roger Cole- man, WGR-WKBW singer, expecting June 1 call Detroit,—On the premise th^ jobs are |nter-related, 3. E. Campeau, managing director of CKLW, Wind' sor.^Ont, hai created the post of sales promotion manager which has the three-fold purpose of sales mas aging, public relations and the de- velojiment of new programs. Richard E.' Jones, Detroit adver- tising executive, has been appointed to fill the Job. Marlon, O.—Stanle/ A. Miller, new program director of WMRN here, succeeding Russell Salter, who has joined the program staff of WKMO, Kokomo, Ind. Saa Antonio. — Walter Pridemore joins the WOAI news staff as assistant news editor. . He renlaces' William Springer, wh« has been an- nexed to the staff of the United Press In Dallas. Pridemore was feature writer for one of the local dailies previously. San Antonio—Hoyt Andres, WOAI announcer, leaves for a similar post at WK, St Louis. He will be re- place^ by Bill Shomette, former wordslinger lor KTSA and KMAC, TOL€DO 0. Cjoit OrLcLu/^.i ^chkeX Just— tp refresh your minds 1 WSPD Reaches one cmd a hcdi million listen- ers! (Primary Area) WSPD Is the only BASIC station in North- western Ohio. (NBC Red) WSPD Is the only station in Toledo -..served by TWO world- wide newsservices. (UP cmd INS) WSPD Is offered at a low cost — because the rote is based on the Toledo Trading Area and does not reflect the station's vast PLUS cover- age. We're Represented by Kats 1 The station that does a job on a tIMnity basis A'.!. ?■ '■: •'