Variety (May 1941)

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is RADIO Wednesday, May 21, 1941 Same Old Summer Time ^Continued from page 23- I I fng during the summer months, so the beverage series will return to its Afternoon niche in the fall, probably expanding to a full hour at that time Production setup for the show will remain the same, with George taulkner scripting and George ISachary directing for the D'Arcy agency. John Charles Thomas will iuest on this Sunday's (25) program find James Melton is set for the fol lowing week (1). P & G Drop Two Procter & Gamble is dropping two of its three evening shows for the summer, but will keep all the rest 6f its radio slate intact over the hot months. Two programs being folded ' «re Those We Love' and 'Knicker Igocker Playhouse,' both handled by the Kastor agency and both slated ' to go off at the end of June. Third '{■^ evening show, which stays on the air : I Is 'Truth or Consequence.' 'Those We liOve,' which plugs j Teel dentifrice, Is produced by the • William Morris agency. Latter has al ■ • ready optioned It to Pedlar & Ryan for an undisclosed account Show originates in Hollywood and is ccripted by Agnes Ridgeway. 'Knick- i; erbocker Playhouse,' now plugging i; Drene shampoo, may be resumed in 'I the fall for Ivory flakes. In the [. meantime, both Teel and Drene will be advertised via magazines and ■- newspapers. 'Knickerbocker Play- .. house' originates in Chicago and Is scripted by freelancers. Only other change contemplated ; by P. & G. for its radio schedule is ;. the addition of another serial for Duz, its new soap product on which I territorial distribution is steadily be- } Ing expanded. Cleanser Is now i plugged , by 'The Goldbergs' (Comp- l- ton ageney)-.and- in~-scme areas by ■( Xone Journey' (Compton and Black- : ett-Sample-Hummert). P. & G. is currently considering the idea of taking over 'Bachelor's Children,' ef- fective early in the fall. Cudahy Packing is now bankrolling the se- rial for Old Dutch Cleanser, but will soon drop. B-S-H is the agency on the show, which originates in Chi- cago. Pedlar & Ryan wiU keep all its current programs on the air through the summer. Guy Lombardo series for Lady Esther cosmetics Is uncer- tain for the fall and Reid's ice cream, a seasonal account, will drop its sponsorship of three European news •tanzas weekly on WABC, New York, effective in the fall. Slated to continue Indefinitely for the agency are 'Mr. District Attor- ney,' for Bristol-Myers (Vitalis) and three P.. & G. serials, 'Woman in White,' 'Road of Life' and 'Guiding Light.' E-W Continues Its SUte Erwin, Wasey agency will con^ tinue all its current programs through the summer and may add at least one show to Its slate within a few weeks. In addition. It Is one of the most active outfits in the spot radio field. Agency's newest show is 'Can You Top This7' comedy on WOR, New York, Tuesday nights for Par bev' erage (formerly called Vanti Pa-Pi-A), a Hecker product. Be- sides the three comics. Senator Ford, Harry Hershfield and Joe Laurie, Jr., the cast Includes Peter Donald and announcer-m.c. Roger Bower. Series has been on since last winter as a sustalner. (It was erroneously reported in VARrETv lost week thtt Par was a Vfasey product.) Other E-W programs are Gabriel Heatter's commentator series on WOR-Mutual for Kreml, Barbasol and Forhan'fl, and the 'Carnation Contented' stanza from Chicago. Latter outfit also sponsors a tran- scribed spot show with Arthur God- frey. Albers Milling, which some time ago dropped 'Voice of Experi- ence' from an NBC red Pacific Coast hookup, will probably begin bank- rolling another stanza soon. Bristol Myers may use 'The Amazing Mr. Smith' as a replace- ment for Eddie Cantor on the NBC- Red this summer. The comedy mys- tery's obligation to the American Can Co. (Mutual) ends June 30 and the Bristol-Meyers spot Is slated for a pinchhitter July 2. Both B-M and American Can are Young Sc Rubicam accounts. Goodman's Chore Benny Goodman band goes on a summer radio commercial for Hol- land Furnace Co. Jtily 17." Show, which will originate In Chicago, is to ride the NBC Red for seven weeks until Aug. 28 and sell air condition- ing units. Band wiU be working in Chicago during the period. It goes into the Sherman hotel July 24 for at least six weeks. Goodman recently dropped off a Monday evening half hour for Old Gold cigarets. Symbolic Prize Fort Worth, May 20. Novel angle is used here by station KGKO for Hamilton Mo- tor Amateur Hour. Besides the reguUr run of amateurs, mem- bers of the visual audience are selected to take part in Im- promptu skits. Winners are awarded a smoked ham. B-S-H SERIALS GO SUMMER CAMPBELL PLAYS SUSPEND Change Decision to Bon Summer— 'Green LUaos' As Wind-Up International Adds Five International Radio Sales has added five more stations to its rep- resentation list. They are: KQV, Pittsburgh; WHJB, Greenburg; WERC, Erie; WMUR, Manchester, N. H., and WKWK, new Wheeling, W. Va. out- let. With the exception of 'Bachelor's Children,' serial on NBC red (WEAF), which Cudahy packing (Gold Dust) wiU drop at an undis- closed date, all of Blackett-Sample- Hummert's shows from both New York and Chicago are slated to con- tinue over the summer and Indef- initely. Cudahy's plans regarding a possible successor for 'Children' aren't revealed. Among the agency's New "York shows that remain are 'American Album of Familiar Music,' 'Second Husband' and 'Young Wldder Brown' (Bayer asperin), 'Manhattan Merry- Go-Round' and 'Orphans of Divorce* (Dr. Lyons), 'Easy Aces,' 'Our Gal Sunday' and 'Just Plain Bill* (Ana- cin), 'Light of the World' and 'Val- iant Lady' (General MUls), 'Walte Time,' 'Stella Dallas' and 'Lorenzo Jones' (PhiUips chemical), 'John's Other Wife' (Boyle & Wyeth chem- ical), 'Mr. Keen' (Kolynos), 'Lone Journey'-(Procter & Gamble). Besides 'Bachelor's Children,' other B-S-H programs out of Chi- cago, all of which continue, are 'Hymns of AU Churches,' 'Betty Crocker* and 'Arnold Grim' (Gen- eral Mills), 'Woman in "White,' 'Ma Perkins' and 'Right to Happiness' (P. & G.), 'Romance of Helen Trent' (Kolynos), 'Backstage Wife' (Dr. Lyons) and 'Captain Midnight' (Wander Co.). Agency also has 'Lone Ranger' (General Mills) out of Detroit. Campbell soup will fold its Friday night 'Playhouse'. series on CBS with the June 13 program. Company will return the show In the fall, but possibly with a slightly revised setup. Decision to take a hiatus was taken last 'week, reversing the pre- vious plan to continue 'Playhouse' over the summer with a reduced budget , Guest for this week's (23) show will be Judith Anderson, In 'Young Woodley.' Next week (30) will bring Henry Hull, In "The Hero,* and the following week (8) will have Mar- garet Lindsay in 'Tarnish.' Show for the June 13 finale may be 'Green Grow the Lilacs,' but the leads are not yet cast PRE-TRIAL EXAM ON FLAMM COMMISSION ENLARGED 5 TIMES ^ Yesslree ... the Winged Plug's night time wattage has been I enlarged 5 times ... to 5,000 watts Night and Day. From my ! greatly Increased area of 'aln^ost 2 million consumers I noW* f pull more and more sales. All the more reason It's smart to hitch me to your selling team for more sales. NBC RED AND BLUE-S.OtO WATTS NIGHT AND DAY MRS. SAM ROSENBAUM TOURS WITH YOUTH ORK Philadelphia, May 20. Edna Phillips, who retired two weeks ago as harpist of the Phila- delphia Orchestra, will Join Leopold Stokowski's AU-American Youth Or- chestra as 'teacher-member* and first harpist for Its 1941 summer tour of more than 50 leading American cities. Miss Phillips, who quit the Philly ^mph after 11 years, association, Is the wife of Samuel R. Rosenbaum prexy of WFIL. Donald Flamm and Emile Z. Wein- berg were ordered to submit to an examination before trial May 26 In the N. Y. supreme court In connec- tion with a $117,500 suit against Flamm and a $21,250 suit against Weinberg, being brought by Alex- ander J. Jacoby, a broker. Exami- nation was ordered by Justice Ernest E. L. Hammer, Thursday (15). Plaintiff claims he was hired "by Flamm on Dec. 3, 1035, to secure a purchaser for WMCA. He was to re- ceive varied percentages of the pur- chase price, and was joined shortly by Weinberg. It is claimed that he se- cured a purchaser willing to buy the station for $1,500,000, but Flamm declined to seU, and wants a cpm mission on that Weinberg secured the actual purchaser, Edward J. No ble, who paid $850,000 for the sta' tion, and plaintiff wants half of Weinberg's commission. Wann-Up For Blue Serials Is More of Same NBC-Blue has set out to warm up as far as listening Is concerned the half-hour which precedes the serial sponsored by the Stirling .Products- American Home Products combina- tion between 3 and 4 p.m. daily. The two designated' warmer - uppers, themselves serials, are 'Midstream' and The Munros' and they were given their initial release in the 2:30- 3 o'clock slot Monday (19). Through this device the Blue hopes to attract enough serial ad- dicts to produce an appreciative tilt in ratings for the commercial quar- tet, namely, 'Orphans of Divorce,' 'Amanda of Honeymoon Hill,' 'John's Other Wife' and 'Just Plain Bill.* WDAPS ARMY CAMP SHOWS Joe Nickel, Ex-y^W, Now Liea- tenant-Colonel-Announcer Prize Figbts Vs. R. G. Swing IBEW Battling CIO's Hold on Coast Indies Hollywood, "May 20. International Brotherhood of Elec- trical Workers Local 40 Is making a drive to take the independent radio field away from the CIO. Al Speede Local 40 business representative, an- nounced that the union had signed closed-shop deals with KIEV, KFVD and KFAC, and Is now negotiating with the Don Lee Network for a ^'Jil/,"'"*'*'^* covering KHJ and KFRC, San Francisco; KBD, Santa Barbara, and KGB, San Diego. The new contracts up wages 25% to 30%, and provide'for three weeks' vacation with pay, 10 days' sick leave, and arbitration of all disputes A general membership meeting of the Los Angeles local of the Ameri- can FederaUon of Radio Artists has been caUed for tomorrow (21) to elect a nominating committee to se- lect candidates for local officers and delegates to the national AFRA con- vention. White Owl cigar has extended Its contract for Raymond Gram Swing on Mutual to Dec. 25. The new agreement provides that If his Fri- day's program is to preempted by a prizefight broadcast he will do his second program for the week on the preceding (Thursday) night. He's also on Mondays. Swing started with the account in September, 1939. Harry K. Gilman Bankrupt Harry K. Gilman, musician and radio program "producer, now unem- ployed, filed a voluntary petition of bankruptcy In the N.Y. federal court Wednesday (14), listing $1,800 in as- sets and $178,234 in liabilities. Dur- ing the past two years Gilman has earned $200 annually. There are no theatrical creditors, .all large debts coming out of Chi- cago on non-theatrical matters. Youthbuilders' Awards Second annual awards by mem- bers of Youthbuilders, juvenile edu- cation group, for the radio programs, films and published articles which during the last year have helped them understand democracy will be made at a luncheon tomorrow (Thursday) at the Capitol hotel, N. Y. • Cereniohies will be broadcast from 1-1:19 p.m. by NBC red (WEAF). Rajrmond Massey will be m.c. Kansas City, May 20. WDAF (Kansas City Star) is th« first In this area with a program originating from an army camp. Dean Fitzer, manager, and Harry Kaufman, program director, have ar- ranged a setup whereby a 15-mlnute stint will be transcribed at Ft. Rob- inson, near Little Rock, Ark., and broadcast over WDAF, first once a week, later on a two-per-week basis. Some 20,000 soldiers are encamped at Ft. Robinson, with a good share of them direct from K. C. and Its listen- ing area, and estimated that such a program will have a potential lis- tener count of 60,000. Lt. Col. Joe Nickel, one-time man- ager of WIBW, "Topeka, is announc- ing the show, scripted by Sgt. Ken- neth Fox, former Star reporter, and produced by Warrant Officer Harold Ott, leader of the band of the UOTh Engineers. Transcribing Is done by station KARK, LltUe Rock. Later Fitzer expects to work out similar tie-ups for broadcasts from Camp Funston at Ft. Riley, Kansas, and from Ft. Leonard Wood, RoUa, Mo., both of which "will Include many soldiers from the Kansas-Missouri coverage area of "WDAF. Gen. MiDs' Tbe Renewal Chicago, May 20. General Mills renewed Its time for the Gold Medal Hour over NBC. Signatured for 52 weeks as of June 2, taking In 28 outlets. Programs sticking on the Hour are Valiant Lady,' 'Light of the World,' 'Mystery Man,' 'Arnold Grimm's Daughter,' heard across the board from 1 p.m. CDST. Two agencies Involved in the deal were Blackett- Sample-Hummert aind Knox peeves. 'Ay WSAI lA/CAI CINCINNATI'S VY Or\l OWN STATION BfPtJSfNTf:; N't-^A' CN.;, k:, DpO S.'. LJS