Variety (May 1941)

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84 BADIO MARKETS Wednesday, May 21, 1941 1,040 Time Signals at KIZ Denver, Optioned to Brown & WiDiamson Denver, May 20. Industrial Federal Savings St Loan bought six lO-minute and one hall- hour a week over KMYR. The sta- tion Is located in the same building. Other sales by Denver stations in- clude time signals, chain brealcs and announcements into the hundreds. KMYR: Barr Lumber Co., through MacGruder agency, one 15-minute period a week, one year; Bluhill Foods, through R. L. Reaves agency, 600 announcements; Denver Jewelry Co., through Mex Goldberg agency, six half-hours a week, one year; Empire Building & Loan, through MacGruder agency, 500 spots; Gold Coin Creamery, through Otto Shaw agency, 50d announcements; Gross Finance Co., through Max Goldberg agency, five time signals daily, one year; Ideal Laundry, through Rob- ertson agency, 500 spots; Industrial Federal Savings & Loan, through McCann-Erickson, six 10-minutes, and one haU-hour a week, one year; Duffy Bros., through Galen Broyles agency, five announcements daily, one year; Hallack St Howard Lum- ber Co., through Woolley & Hunter, one flve-minute newscast daily, six months; IjSkeside Amusement Parle, 104 announcements. KLZ: Com Products Refining Co., through C. L. Miller agency, 520 thne signals; Brown Sc. Williamson Tobacco Corp., through Russel M. Seeds agency, 1,040 time-signals and 208 night chahi breaks:*Dave Cook Sporting Goods Co., through Max Goldberg agency, 10 daytime an- nouncements weeldy' on a till forbid basis; Denver Ford Dealers Associe- iion, through McCann-Erickson, six spots; Program Publishing Co., 52 announcements; Neusteter Co., 13 an- nouncements; America First Com- mittee, two spots; Wm.' Wrigley, Jr., Co., through Vanderbie & Rubins, 53 announcements; Rit P r o d u c t-s, through Earl Ludgin agency, 52 an.- nouncements; Packard Motors, through Young & Rubicam, 14 an- nouncements; Salvation Army, . 26 announcements. KOA: Bay Petroleum Co., through Raymond Keane agency, 13 quarter- ' hours;' McCarty-Shennan DistribU' ting Co., 12 announcm^nts; Colgate' Palmollve-Peet Co., through Ward ' Wfaeelock, 40 station breaks; Hamil- ton Furs, through Robertson agency, ^04 station breaks; Oyster Shell Products Co., through CecU St ("resby, 24 announcements; Kerr Glcss Mfg. Co., through Raymond . B.' Morgan agency, 40 announce' ments. KFEL: L. B. Patterson, through Faiil Grant agency, six flve-mlnutes; Red Dot Oil Co., announcemeiAs, tUl forbid; Brookrldge Farm Dairy, through Gaylen E. Broylei agency, 62 announcements; Cardwell Blue Print St Supply Co., five announce- ments; announcement service to ' ^hobert Grocery St Market, Navcrre Cafe, Black Pheasant Cafe, DeRose Grocery, . Hersch-Emst, Mawson* Bradfleld Lumber Co., Floyd Hill .'> Greenhouses, Rlngby Truck Line, Mclntyre Furniture; Paul 'Neuhauser Realty, Olln Hotel, Olson's Food Stores, Harry E. Short TUe Co., Bobby Jana Doll Hospital, Diamond . Truck agency, Dick's Radio Service, Hilty School of Organ and Chew Holt Motor Co. SATEVEPOST ON WIBG, UBERH ADS TO WCAU Philadelphia, May 20. Comes the w^rm weather and the popularity . of the drive-in ham- burger spots zooms with the younger set So a wise sponsor selling 'cheeseburger rolls' buys time on a Jive recording show to reach the crew haircut and sweater crowd. The smart bankroUer is the Frantz Baking Co., which this week completed a deal for six 15-minute pop disc shows weekly on WCAU. The contract was inked lor 13 weeks. Two publishing houses are taking to the air to plug their publications, Macfadden purchasing 117 spots to advertise Liberty magazine on WCAU, through Erwin, Wasey, and Curtis Publishing Co. buying 91 spots for the Saturday Evening Post oh WIBG. The' Philadelphia Arena and WPEN last week renewed their third annual agreement giving the Bulova- owned outlet exclusive rights to broadcast all sporting events from the Indoor stadium. WCAU: Packard Motor CoT,) 182 spot announcements; through Young St Rubicam; Clir. Hansen Ijabora- tories (Junket), 30 participations on Laura May Stuart program, through Mitchell-Faust. KYW: M. St M. Ltd. (candy bars). 52 spots, through Lord St Thomas; Lever Brothers (Silver Dugt), 15- minute program weekly, through Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osbom; Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, two spots weekly, through. Donavan- Armstrong; Yellow. Cab Company, renewal of 10-minute. weekly chat- ter show,'through Brown & Aaron; R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co, three 15-mLriute weekly musical shows, throu^ Wm. Esty (renewal). PES MOINES SLUMBBRS Braoketa Bemain SI«nlA — ToUl Oil 0.6% Des Moines, May 20. Des Moines continued In th* dol- drums the past week. Though na- tional spot units still show a plus sign, that category has also slipped below the previous week's level. Comparative Unit Count % of May 17. BUy 1*. Cbsnao. Network .. 7,707 7,7t6 — Local 3,341 3,44» —8 Nail Spot.. 3,219 3,174 +1.4 ToUl 14^67 14,346 —•.6 (Included: KRNT, KSO, WHO) Tire Dealers' Sales Boost Local Coont Id Salt Lake City Compara'tlTO DnitConnt . ' . % «« May 17. May 10. Change. Network .. »;»S 9,467 —1.9 Local . 13,257 13,384 Nat'l Spot.. %989 3,905 -1-2.2 ToUI 26,531 %e,756 —^A (Included: KYW, WCAU, WDAS, ■WFIL, ■WIBG, WPEN) Mike Jacobs Answers PayrdI Traffic <tOO>*«0fOOO«0»OO0»O0Ot«»»O00»OO«««0> M I««« MM ». Mike Jacobs was examined be- fore trial Monday (19) In the N.Y. supreme court in connection with a suit by NBC against the 20th Cen- tury Sporting Club, Mutual Broad- casting System, Inc., and the Gil- lette Safety Razor Blade Co. The examination was ordered by Justice John F. Carew Thursday (15). NBC Is claiming the rights to broadcast the fights from Madison Square Garden, operated by 20th Century. Mutual is now carrying the fights with Gillette as the spon- sor. Comparative Unit Count % of BUy 17. Hay 10. Change. Eetwork .. 8,140 8,160 —0.1 teal 8,648 8,684 —04 Natl Spot.. 1,967 . IfiM +23.1 Hotel 18,7SS 18,432 + IJ (Included: KFEL, KLZ, KOA, KVOD) WBT Operating Record Charlotte, N. C, May 20. WBT made the best record of technical operations of all CBS man- aged and operated stations during the year 1940, E. K. Cohan, CBS-di- rector of en^eerlng, has informed the station. WBT ranked second in 1937, first In 1938 and second In 1939. , The record Is calculated from total Iiours of operation and Interruptions due -to technical difficulty. «In 1940, WBT was' on the air more than 7,200 program hours, and the total .time lost was one hour, 22 minutes and Dine seconds. WBYN SETUP Salt Lake City, May 20. Any local upswing is attributable in part to the tire boys, most of whom are staging thre sales in prepa- ration for holiday season. Refrigera- tion companies are also time-buying this week. National and network both holding strong. News broadcasts to pedestrians have taken the town in this week's promotion deals, with both KSL and KDYL cashing In on the public's thirst for news. KSL promotion is in conjunction with the Paris Department store contract for daily 15-minute news- casts at 7 a.m. In addition to regu- lar broadcast, Russ Stewart, station's chief announcer, gave miniature broadcasts from teletype releases in store's window, five times daily dur- ing rush hours. Typical radio sta- tion news room was set up in the Paris Company window, with loud speakers connected to street. Audi- ences swarmed to see Stewart per- form. KDYL tie-up is through Inter- mountain Theatres, Inc, who are now readying a new radio series, probably an audience participation show sponsored by Canada Dry. All KDYL regularly scheduled news- casts,, both local and network, are flashed to loud speakers in front of the theatres (Studio and Victory). Also,. during .commercial network schedules, KCYll sends news down which is aired only through the speakers in front of. theatres, mak- ing almost, continuous newscasts throughq^ the day. KSL: Packard Motors, through Young & Rubicam, six one-minute announcements; Shaler Co., through Kirkgasser & .Drew, series of idO- word spots; Corn Products Refining, through C. L. Miller, series of one minute transcribed announcements, plus series of five-minute daytime- newscasts; W. P. Fuller Co., 13 50- word announcements; Hadley Trans- fer Company, 15 50-word announce? ments; Saltair Beach Co., series of SO-word announcements. KUTA: Utah Builders Supply, 52 announcements through R. T. Harris Advertising Agency; Skibs Hat Shop, 26 announcements, direct; Goodrich Silvertown Stores, 52 announce- ments, direct; General Tires, 52 an- nouncements through Featherstone Advertising Agency; Success Tire Company, 52 spots for Goodyear, di- rect New York City.—Thomai Do Hull, formerly with th* advertising and promotion department of NBC 1q New York, hai bt«n asslgntd to special duty In tho public relatlona of flc« at Fort Monmouth, N. J., Army Signal Corps headquarters; A na- tive of ConnellsvlUe, Pa., ht was drafted April 18. Da Huff will -work on the camp's radio program, heard on WCAP, As- bury Park. N. J., every Tliursday. He was circulation meager of the Transmitter, NBC house organ, and had previously done some announc- ing and transcription work. Chloago—Army beckonlngs con- tinue to toss radio personnel around, especially the engineeiring staff. Paul Clark leaves the NBC to johi the U. S. Naval Reserve, and his post as junior control supervisor will be taken over by W. K. Cole. Glenn > Webster, studio engineer, replaces Cole as control - relief en- gineer. A. H. Otto, mcintenance en- gineer, joins the studio and field staff; and NBC adds R. H. Schoes- sow as maintenance engineer and W. J. Pickering Is added as vacation relief engineer at the WMAQ trans- mitter. ManliBtian and Brooklyn Stndlos For Foor Merged Links - Station WB'YN, Brftoklyn, formed recently by the merger of WARD, WBBC, WVFW and WLTH, wiU open new Studios in a few days in both Manhattan and Brooklyn. Those In Manhattan will be at 132 West 43d St, former site "of WOV. Brooklyn studios, now temporarily located at 427 Fulton St, will move to I Nevins St. early, next week. Griffith B. Thompson is executive .vice-president of the new station. Sidney Walton will'be program di rector, and Berne W. Wilkins sales manager, both headquartering in the Manhattan studios. Sholom Secunda will be musical director and Petei' Testan, former owner of WBBC, be- comes chief engineer. Plans call for the foreign lan- guage programs to originate in Brooklyn and the English-language shows from Manhattan, Station will have AP news service, to be supple- mental with news commenting, There will dso be coverage of local Brooklyn' happenings. Standard Oil Symphony, orig- inated twice in Portland, Ore., dur- ing May (1, 15). Paul Le May, con- ductor of Duluth'Symphony Orches- tra conducted both broadcasts. Pensacola, Fla.—Lt. James Lcrkin, who before joining the 265th Coast Artillery was a member ot the com- mercial saff of WCOA, Pensocola, has been stationcfd at Ft. Crockett, Galveston, Texas, after completing a training course et Ft. Monroe, Va. Several members 'of the WCOA staff are up for draft call In near future. They Include Ray Rogers, music director; 'Virgil Evahs, program director; Russ HIrsch, announcer, and Bert Meade, Harold Heath and Elner Larsen, engineers. Mrs. Larry Clemente, since her recent mar- riage, remains as continuity head of WCOA. N. O. Valley has joined sales staff of WCOA. . Portland, Ore.—^Alvih Barnard and Arthur Brudwlg, technicians of KGW-KEX, local NBC* stations, h£ve'. resigned to enter the service, Barnard Is a radio instructor in the air service and Brudwig is radio in- spector in the navy. Anthony Browne has befen named continuity head of KGW-KEX, local NBC outlets. Before' joining the station eight months ago as con- tinuity writer, he worked on various newspapers. PIttsborgb—Herb Morrison has joined publlcily staff of WCAE. He's been with station for several years, but as an announcer. Comparative Tnlt Count % of Hay 17. May 10. Change. Network .. 7,240 7,251 —92 Local 2,554 2,726 —SZ Nat'l Spot.. 1,444 1,321 +9.3 ToUl -.^11,238 11,298 (Included: KDYL, KSL, KUTA) Dick Marvin in N. Y. Hollywood, May 20, Richard Marvin, radio head of William Esty agency, flew back to New York for discussions on resump- tion of 'Hollywood Premiere' for Lifebuoy. Program runs out its qularterly string late next month. 'While here Marvin set summer status of the two Camel shows. 'Blondie' stays on through the dog days and Al Pearce checks off June 6 and returns Oct. 3. Ilka Chase subs from New York in the interim. Gallaher Optlon^d-Donble Minneapolis, May 20. Eddie GaUaher, WC(X)'s sports announcer, engagement - to Mary Remole, local model, was announced this week at a cocktail party at the home of Miss Remole's parents, • In addition to, the matrimonial op- tion, Gallaher expects to be drafted Wedding plans therefore Indefinite, New York City—Helen Dunlop has joined'the press department of WOR, New York, as secretarial assistant Formerly with RI^D and previous to that production assistant to Lillian Okun, free-lance radio producer. Richard Norman, formerly with WOV, New York, has joined the an- nouncing staff of W71NY, the FM outlet of WOR. / ■ Hannuro, who came to KCKN from WMBH, Joplin, In November. Bob -Burk* laft sales department to' tak* a post oi salesmanager of WSLD, Ogdensburg, New York. Jon Wheeler takes pla^o in the con- tinuity deparhnent vacated by Lil- llan Faust when sha -went to a Texas station. Wheeler was formerly of Tulsa, but came to KCKN through WMBH. Nola Kendall leaves the accounting department to take a position outside the industry. ■ V Denver—^Walter M. Harrison, Jr., on KLZ news staff until drafted re- cently;-has been returned to Denver and stationed at Lowry flying field, In charge of radio department of public relations. City —Barney Corson Is new annoftncer at KMBC, where he'll be known as Brad Barton. He comes from 'WNAX, Yankton. Salt Lake City—Edward J. Broman sales manager for KSL, has recently been elected president of the Salt Lake City Advertising Club, with Les Bennett, vice-president Earl J. Glade, executive vice- president of KSL, was chairman of Tm. an American' Day, Sunday, May 18; ' Appointment made by Mayor Ah Jenkins. San Francisco—Al Nelson, KGQ- KPO chieftain, elected to board of directors of Frisco's Festival Asso- ciation. San Francisco — William Winter, former prosecuting attorney turned ether commentator, has been brought from WBT, Charlotte, by Lincoln Dellar as new news-editor for KSFO. Winter will be groomed for network sponsorship. St. Lonis—Earl Melby, formerly program director at WLOF, Orlanda, Fla., has joined the gabbing.staff at KWK. - Weslaoo, Texas — Evelyn Bledsoe replaces receptionist Ardis Young of KRGV, who retires for the purpose of adding a new listener to the sta- tion's'primary area, Weslaoo, Texas—Three employees of station KRGV have joined the volunteer Texas Home Defense Guards, a non-payinig organization which will become an important co^ in the defense on the Tex-Mex border. Earl Glbby, of the book- keeping department; Pennell Price, of the production department, and Victor Morava, merchandising man- ager, are the volunteers. New York City—Committee from Florists Assn., arranging National Rose week, May 19-24, after huddling this week with Martin Block re- garding publicity on his program on WNEW, decided his secretary, Leila Palm, was pretty enough to pose for window cards and other publicity in connection with the week. One of her first duties will be to sell the first rose to Mayor P. H. LaGuardla. Charlotte, N. C—Olin Tlce has joined the stoff of WBT as an- nouncer. He replaces Don Kerr, who has gone to' the Pacific Coast Tice started announcing when.he was In high, school and later became stafi announcer at WIS, Columbia, S .C. Later he was program director of WCOS, Columbia, and WDNC, Dur- ham. Ft Wayne—New addiUon to the sUff of WOWO-WGL is Hugh Hhids. vocalist. Eleanor Geiser has 1)een named assistant in the continuity de- partment She is a champion figure and waltz skater in this city. PhlUdelphU — William Gtlskey and John Fell have Joined the KYW announcing staff. (iriskey last worked at WBEN, Buffalo, and Fell fl)f. WOOL, Columbus, Ohio. Kansas City—Ruth Kendall, KCTOI editor, left May 1 after six years^ of service on the Kansan, Capper daily, and KCKN. She will probably take up agency work Post of continuity editor has been taken over by Phil Cincinnati — Winfleld R. Levi moves up as assistant to Richard Ruppert director of sales promotion WSAI, CincinnatL Replaces Mack Booze, resigned. Winfleld Hunter, chief of WLW's traffic department reports May • 21 at Camp Davis, Hpllyridge, N. C, as a first lieutenant. > A week later Eldon Park, the station's assistant sales manager, reports at the same camp also as a first lieutenant San Francisco.—Jack Patton, for- merly of Seattle, is now program di- rector of KSAN. Jerry Akers has been named to the sales staff. He was formerly manager of KYUM, Yuma, Ariz. BoSalo. — Art Ingram switched from WBNY to WGR-WKBW spiel- ing staff to succeed John Gill, now in the army. Roger Goodrich from WOLF, Syracuse, is new voice, at WEBR. • ■ Herman Loyett off WBEN sales staff after 10 years. San Antonio.—Ward Lang replaces Bill Shomette as the Old Trader on the; Kallison Trading Post broad- casts aired over station KTSA each morning. Shomette goes to WOAI. Latest additions to the staff of KABC include E. C. Kinslo in the continuity department and Johnny Hicks in aniiouncing. Martin AgTonsl(y, NBC corre- spondent In Ankara, Turkey; was off the air again one night last week, ' due to announced fact he -had re- ceived .the second anti-typhoid in- noculatlon. 'Drifting'Cowboys,' five-piece band from Montgomery, Ala., have re- placed Tex Dunn and ~ his Virginia IlUIblllles on the artist staff., of WCOA, Pensacola, Fla. Dunn £:roup Is moving to a western station.