Variety (May 1941)

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Wednesdaj, May 21, 1941 RADIO MARKETS 35 U^. Rubber s WWRL Series To Onp»te at Natioid Shines Broadcasts made from various his- iorlc points of the United States and jeaturlng Hal Ayres as narrator, with Jan Rublnl and his violin, Sal- vatore Santaella, Mavis Lee, Steve llerrill and other artists of the film world, wUl be heard on the new transcribed series. Transcontinental Tour, being launched by thetJijltcd States Rubber Co." over wwKL on Sundays, 8:45-9 p. m. Each week, for a period of 26 ■ weeks, the program wiU take the lis-; tener on a tour of the historic shrines ,.ol the nation and relate the historic romance behind each community. Sponsor is awarding $25,000 in va- cation trips for the test letter telling of interesting trips listeners have taken. Material for the program la pTe- pared by Ruth Ayres. WINS: The publication PM, through Harry A. Berk, one-week contract for 12 announcements; Par- fum L'Orle, Inc., through Jasper Lynch & Fishel; 13--weefc contract, Trom Me to You Program,' five flve- minute spots per week; Strlckler's, Inc. (women's wearing apparel), through Golde Advertising Co.; 13- week contract for 156 announce- ments; United Shoe Exchange, direct, 13-week contract, 21 aimo'uncements per week; .Webster-Elsenlohr, Inc. (cigars), through Roberts & Relr mers, Inc., eight-week contract, six one-minute announcements per week; Americb on Wheels, through . IQinger Advertising, 52-week con- ' ■ tract, three quarter-hour programs per week. WMCA: Ex-Lax, through' Joseph Katz, 52-Areek contract for an- nouncements; Drake Bakeries, through Young &■ Rubickm, four- week contract for announcements; Procter & Gamble (Oxydol), through Blackett-Sample-Hummert, 24 an- nouncement^ weekly, 26 weeks; Ro- seth Co. (Mothex and Odora) tlirough H. A. Salzman, contract In- creasing present announcement cov- erage; the publication, PM, through Harry A. Berk, increasing announce- ment coverage, with participation in 1da..Salley Allen's Homemaker's Program' for one week. WNEW: I. Lewis Cigar Mfg. Co., through Lewis tt Tokar, 'John B. .Kennedy,' 52-week contract, one quarter-hour per week; Paramount Pictures, through Consolidated Ad- vertising Agency, 15 announcements per week; California Packing (Del Monte Pineapple), renewal, "Make Believe Ballroom,' 13-week contract, three quarter-hours per week. IRENE RICH PLAHERS ON WOAI FOR WELCH NETWORK GAINS IN K. C. Fignre Up 8%—Union Pa«lfle B. B. «n WHB Kansas City, May 20. Although the total figures for week just ending 'show little varia- tion, ttiere was softie switching of departments. Upping in the network column was due to EEMBC.and WHB, which came up with additional points here after the revision neces- sitated by daylight savings. Other principal fluctuation was in national spot department with KCKK and KCMO both showing drops, and others more or less holding their own. In all, time sales seemed to be holding up well despite advance of summer. KCKN: Glanville Furniture Co., 'Gay Nineties' 15-minute program daily except Sunday for two weeks, placed locally. WHB: Montgomery. Ward St Co., 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. newscasts, daily for 13 weeks; Union Pacific, sched- ule of 26 announcements, through the Caples Co. Comparative Unit Count % Of May 17. May 10. Change. Network .. 7,210 ■ 6,665 +8.2 Local 5394 6,275 —«.l Nat'l Spot.. 7,080 7,418 —43 Total ...... 20,184 . 20,356 —< (Included: KCKN, KCMO, KITE, KMBC, WDAF, WHB) Bond Stores' News On KHJ; Olympk Beer Ads to KFI Tre«dinff To«s San Francisco, May 20. Recent radio debut of O'Con- nor-M oflett dejwrtment store on S!FRC, underwriting a daily newscast, was a bitter blow for KJBS, according to those on the inside. Seems that'the Indle out- let spent six months softening up this radio-shy account and was just about to sign theqi up when KFRC stepped" in with Its news show and walked off with the biz. Seems the same, thing hap- pened some- time back with the ' Borden Dairy account Oddly enough, the retailer picked up the same newscast, grabbing It when Borden curtailed air time' to concentrate on Elsie the Cow. San Antonio, May 20. Units this week again hold their own in all departments. Due to a new state law, there will be c run- off here of the city officials, giving the stations two more weeks of poli- tics. State race Is just getting on for a State Senator with more to come in the next two weeks. WOAI: Welch Grape Juice, quar- ter-hour transcritied program of Irene Rich, through H. W. Kastor & ' Son; Lyndon Johnson, one full-hour and 20 quarter-hour progrcms for his candidacy for Senator; Gerald C. Mann, 21 quarter-hours; Greater San Antonio 'Kcket, four quarter- hour periods; E. B. Germany, 21 quarter-hours through the Texas Quality Network; Hal Collins, five quarter-hour programs; Martin Dies, two quarter-hour programs. KABC: Schodt Motors, 10 an- nouncements per day, direct; Shep- pard Laundries, through PiUuk Agency, three five-minute programs per week; Anti-Maverick Ticket, two quarter-hours daily; Mcverlck Ticket, one quarter-hour program per day until May 26; Martin Dies, 30-mln- ute. Ijroadcast through the Texas State Network; Interstate Theatres, 10 announcements for 'Thp Women,' and three quarter-hour programs for "The Great American Broadcast'; on the baseball side, San Antonio Seven-Up Co., four games, and Wheaties four games. I Comparative Unit Count | % of May 17. May 10. Change. Network .. 5,423 6,144 —11.7 local 1037S 10,659 —2.7 Natl Spot.. 2,285 2,161 -f-5.7 Total 18,081 ~ 18364 —4.7 (Included: KABC, KMAC, KONO, KTSA, WOAI) Hollywood,. May 20. Coast is just coasting through the seasonal slough period, as attested by the past week's total, slightly over 100 units on the rise over the previous week. Locals slumped, but the others picked up enough to off- set the dip. KFI: Sontag drug chain, 26-week renewal of Ted Cook's quarter-hour commentary, tturough Rol>ert Smith; Foreman & Clark, 313 quarter-hour newscasts, through Milton Weinberg; Hendricks fur salon, 54 participa- tions in Bridge Club, through Wylla Buck; Olympla beer, 26 one-minute transcriptions, through Botsford, Constantine & Gardner. K£CA: Black & White soap, 156 quarter-hour newscasts, through Robert Smith; Fifth Street store, six spots weekly, indef., through Mayers Co. KHJ: Bond Stores, 134 quarter- hour newscasts, through Neff-Rogow; J. C. Eno, 140 fine-minute periods, through Atherton & Currier; Gil- more Oil, 30 five-minute periods, through Botsford, Constantine & Gardner; Signal Oil, five quarter- hour periods, tlu-ough Barton A. Stebbins. KNX:'Mayfiower nurseries,-78 par- ticipations in newscast, through Torrey fit Torrey; Washington State Apple Commission, 14 time signals, through J. Walter Thompson. PACKARD CAR DISCS ON TWO INBALTO Baltimore, May 20. The city fathers went on the air last week with the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas buying spots and participations on WCAO to urge tradesmen not to neglect taking out licenses for the current fiscal year. Dairies changing style of milk I>ot- tles also bought all around, putting in a plug for chocolate milk and other specialties. WBAL: Green Spring Dairy, through H. B. Green Co., 12 spots; Consolidated Gas fic Electric Co., 57 spots; Chr. Hansen's Laboratory, Inc. (Junket Freezing Mix), through Mit- chell-Faust, 26 one-minute" transcrip- tions; Peter Paul, Inc. (Walnettos), through Platt-Forbes, 65 one-minute transcriptions; Gardner Nurseries, tlirough Northwest Radio, six five- minute airings a week. WFBR: American Chicle, through Badger & Browning, 15 five-minute programs; Paclcard Motor Co., via Young & Rubicam, 12 spots; Consoli- dated Gas & Electric Co., 24 spots; Green Spring Dairy, through H. B. Green Co., 12 spots. WCAO: Stanback Co., renewed for 364 spots via J. Carson Brantley; Court of Common Pleas, through Yale Merrill, daily spots and par- ticipations for two weelcs; Hecht Bros. Dept. Store, five spots a week; Cloverland Farms Dairy, via Penni- man Co., 13 Sunday spots; Packard Motors, through Young & Rubicam, 17 one-minute transcriptions; Green Spring Dairy, through H. B. Green Co., two spots dally, Comparative Unit Connt %ot May 17. Hay 10. Change. Network .. 12,612 12,491 -fl . Local 8,741 8,814 —03 Nat1 Spot.. 1,482 1,414 +4.8 Total 22335 22,719 + 0.5 (Included: KECA, KFI, KFWB, KHJ, KJTX) No, No Natchez Washington, May 20. Plea of Natchez Radio Corp., Natchez, Miss, for reconsideration and designation for hearing of the application o( Natchez Broadcasting Co. for a construction permit, re- ceived a final 'no' last week from the Federal Communications Commis- sion. Commish also refused to .recon- sider and grant without hearing an application by Natchez Radio Corp. True Story Gloms Field True Story Magazine is lobklng the spot field over for cHainbreak and one-minute announcement availabil- ities. Arthur Kudner agency has the ac- count Comparative Unit Couat | May 17. May 10. Change. Network .. 8,490 831« -H>-2 Local 4,659 4,747 —13 Nat'l Spot.. 2,181 2349 —3 Total 15330 15306 —1.1 (Included: WBAL, WCAO, WCBM, WFBR) TRADED FOR MUTUAL, LOCAL SPONSOR SUES Philadelphia, May 20. A suit, growing out of the recent switch of the Mutual Broadcasting System from WFIL to WIP, wcs filed last week in common pleas court here. The case is being pressed by P. B. White fit Co., tailors, who allege that their contract with WIP was broken and they were pushed off their air to make room for a Mutual program. No statement of claim or amount of damages has yet been filed in the case. The attorneys for the sponsor point out that the WIP program was their only advertising medium. They claim that the pulling power of the program, 'For Men Only,' had made newspaper advertising unnecessary. The broadcast, handled by WlP's program director Murray ■ Arnold, had been on the air for more than tour years. Because of this, White's lawyers said, it would take a long time for the program to be built up over an- other station. 'People have associated the sponsor and the program with a certain time and a certain station and it will take a lot of building up before a new program will have the value of the old,' said Paul N. Goldstein, one of the attorneys. WIP officials assert the contract was cancellable under" such a con tingency as making room for a net- work commercial. Trial Flights for Air Advertisers Is AI Nelson's San Francisco Idea GEN'L MILLION WXYZ Sponsors Station's 'Lone Hanger'— Peter FanI to WJR 'Detroit, May 20. National spot continues to be the bright spot here, with another good gain hung up this week. En- couraging here, too, is the fact that the seasonal toboggan seems to have been checked after last week's heavy skid, although local biz still is off. Most of the week's dip on the local ^nd was recorded chiefly at one station with the other five in the main improving, their positions, which makes the 2% fall more en- couraging than a superficial glance would indicate. Natlonbl spot , biz gained close to S%, which with last week's gain has meant a mark-up of 8% in the past two weelcs. WJRi Peter Paul, Inc. (Mounds), three 16-minute Bud Guest news- casts, 13 weeks, through Platt- Forbes. WXYZ: (General Mills, 'Lone Ranger,' three half-hours weekly, also on 46 Mutual stations, long- term contract through Blackett- Sample-Hummert Coinpanttive Unit Connt % of Hay 17. Blay 10. Change. Network .. 8,630 8,610 -^03 Local 12344 12391 —2.7 Nat'l Spot. 4359 4,640 +4.7 Total 26,033 26441 -tO.4 (Included: CKLW, WJBK. WJLB, WJR, WW J, WXYZ) Time Signal Phgs For Diamond Crystal Sah via WBBM Chicago, May 20. Action remains at -low' ebb throughout the nev{ business de- partments of the local radio stations. There is a tiny trickle of contracts coming over the desks, but amount to nothing more than occasional d eals for annbuncements. WBBM, the Columbia outlet here, drew down the bulk of the an- nouncement schedules that wafted into the offices last week. Got a schedule from Sprague,. Warner & Co., for Richelieu Food products, for a number of SO-second and 20- second annoimcements, three, times weekly, through Newby, Peron & Flltcraft; General Foods 'Co., for Diamond Crystal Shaker Salt four days of time signal plugs, through Benton fic Bowles; M. J. Lanahan Co., for Dodge and Plymouth deal- ers here, 15-second announcements three times ' weekly, tlirough ^ the Grant agency. Comparative Unit Count. % of May 17. Hay 10. Change. Network .. 9306 9335 —13 Local 6,633 6,702 —1.0 Natl Spot. 11,444 11,490 —OA ToUl 27382 27327 —03 (Included: WBBM, WENR. WGN, WIND, WJJD, WLS, WMAQ) Telenews Theatre Buys Time on W6AR, Cleve Cleveland, May 20. Telenews Theatre, recently opened newsreel house has completed ar- rangements for purchase of WGAR time and becomes only local theatre buying anything other than spots. Contract calls for five minute news broadcast Tuesday and Thursday on 6:25 pjn. spot. Sidney Andorn, sta- tion special events director and cur- rently mikeman for local about town and gossip commercial, wlU handle broadcasts. Emphasis will be placed on ampli- fication of news rather than straight reporting and pick up will be made directly from theatre's radio room. BUFF. PLATTER FEST Buffalo, May 20. First try here of lumping platters into nighttime disc show is getting results for WBNY, which has found sponsors for two 15-mlnute chunks of 'Roger Brown's Radio Ballroom,' on nightly from 9 to 11 o'clock. Nat Weisberg, jeweler, took 13r week ticket and Motor Tire Store, electrlq appliances, comes in next week. San Francisco, May 20. In furtherance of new NBC policy to educate prospects to radio, Al Nel« son is putting steam behind efforts to get- air-shy accounts on the air even for single-shots of flve-mlnute periods, figuring once they get their feet wet it'll be easier to crack a contract One-time participation in special shows are being pushed and the staff has waxed more than a dozen five-minute strips which are now being auditioned for prospects. IhteresUng sidelight on this drive for new blood Is reaction to KFRC's snagging of the White House, pre- viously untouchable. NBC and CBS outlets were also in the race, but although losers, are pulling for KFRC to do a bang-up job for the firm, figuring the 'told-you-so' of a good job will help-the whole town. KGO: American Trust Co. (home loans),'through Leon Livingston, two quarter-hours, 'We're Buildhig a House'; Gladding McBean & Co., di- rect two quarter-hours, 'We're Building a House'; General Electric Supply Corp., through the Conner Co., two quarter-hours, 'We're Build- ing a House'; W. & J. Sloane Co. (furniture), direct two quarter- hours, 'We're Building a House'; M. L. Priessler (men's clothing), through Kelso Normap, three five-minute shows weekly, 13 weeks, news; RCA Manufacturing Co. (radios),- direct five minutes weekly, 26 weeks, 'Con- cert Miniature'; City of.. Paris (de- partment store), direct -three five-- minute shows weekly, four weeks; Purity Stores, Ltd. (for, soap), through Yeomans & Foote, 26 par- ticipations in Ann Holden's Forum; WashingtonCooperative Egg and Poultry Assn., through Birchard Co., 26 participations, Ann Holden's Fo- rum; Margaret Bumham's Cottage Candies, through Brisacher, Davis &. Staff; 26 participations, Ann Holden's Forum; West Coast Soap Co. (for (Powow), through Brisacher, Davis & Staff, 26 participations, Ann Hol- den's Forum (renewal); I, Magnin Co., through Erwin, Wasey St Co., 50 announcements, Wednesday evenings; Glen C. Stater Co. (autos), through Ad-Setvice Co., dally morning spots, four weeks; Sir Francis Drake Hotel, direct spots and oarticioation, Ann Holden's Forum, six .weeks. KPO: Breuner's Department Store, through Ryder & Ingram, 26 quar- ter-hours, ■ 'Old Cabinet Maker*; Challenge Cream and Butter Assn., through Brisacher, Davis &'Staff, 13 weekly quarter-hours, The Ameri- can Challenge' (renewal); Bosco Company (milk amplifier), through Kenyon & Eckhardt 39 tri-weekly 'Bosco Bandstand' participations In Musical Clock; Orowheat Baking Co. (bread), through Brisacher, Davis & Staff, 52 twice-weekly narrations, •Grist from the MIH': United Dtug Co. .(for Retcall 1-cent sale), through Street & Finney, three quarter-hour transcriptions (variety); Henry Leonard and Thomas (for pipes), through Platt-Forbes, 41 morning news programs; Ball Bros, (for glass jars), through Applegate Agency, 39 tri-weekly -participations, 'Interna- tional Kitchen'; Lehn and Fink (for Hhids), through Wm, Esty St Co., 76 daily announcements; Walter N. Boy- sen Co. (for paints),' through EmQ Reinhardt, 52 Monday spots; Mother's Cakes and Cookies, through Emil Reinhardt 52 Monday spots; I. Mag- nin Co. (women's cI6thlng), through ErwIn, Wasey St Co., 50 Sunday eve- ning spots; Perfection Stove Co., through McCann-Erlckson, 26 mom.- ing spots; White Laboratories (for Choo2), through H. W. Kastor, daily spots (except Fridays, Sundays)- June 7; Moore's, Ltd. (men's cloth- ing), through Brisacher, Davis' St Staff, 13 Sunday spots. KSAN: Escort Cola, direct four five-minute programs daily, seven days a week, 26 weeks, news; Build It Yourself Boat Shop, direct two spots daily, 10 weeks; Wocter St Gamble, five quarter-hours weekly, 'Gospel Singer'; Redllck Newman Furniture Co., 10 spots daily, 26 weeks. Comparative Unit Coniit ~) May 17. HaylO. Olianeei Network .. 9,450 9,435 .+0.2 Local 4,175 4353 —13 Nat'l Spot . 1304 1388 —6.1 Total 14329 15376 —13 (Included: KFRC, KGO, KJBS, KPO, KSFO) ,