Variety (May 1941)

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86 ORCHESTRA CROSSES Pan-Americanism No Help to Rimac, lOG, Ptsbg.; Himber Fme LL Tommy Tuckers 2d In N.Y.N.G.18G Wednesday, Ma^ 21, 1941 Bands at N.Y. Hotel B.O. (Presented herewith, at a weekly tahulntUm, ts the ettlTnated cover charge busines* being don« by name banda In-varUnu New York hotels. Dinner'bu«{ne«< (7-10 PJIf.) not rated. Figure* after name of hotel give room capacity and cover charge. Larger amount designates ueehend and holiday litice.) ^ CsTen Total _ Waeka Faat Conn Bud ... BMei Flared ITuk On Date Clyde Lucas £iItmor« (300; $1-|1J0) 7 650 6 325 XavierCugat Waldorf (S75; $1-$1 JO).. 6 tl,050 8^95 Ray Kinney* Lexington (300; 75c-$1.50) .6 1,300 7,323 GeneKrupa Pennsylvania (SOO; 76c-$lJS0) 4 1^25 4,400 Harry James Lincoln (290;-75c-$l) .*.... 3 828 2,17S Hal Saunders ....St. Regis (400; $1-$1JI0> 0 (400 400 *A«terlsIcs indicate a supporting floor show, although the band is the major drato. t Figure i* for tlx dayf, tt«o in jSert and /our on Roof, includ- ing opening, t Four days. ' J. Dorsey $5,421 Hutton $4,185, h Good Weekends; Lewis $1,736, Gray So-So f£itimated> . Al Donabnt (Playmor B., Kansas City, May 18). Solid gross of $1,000 was realized from Donahue's stop here at 75c advance, $1 at gate. Good crowd of 1,200 for midweek hop. Tommy Dorscy-Woody Herman (U. of Penn. Ivy Ball, Benjamin Frank- lin hotel, Phila., May 16). Dorsey and Herman lured capacity 2,000 at $2.50 a head for $5,000 gross. Hop Is top social event, limited to 1,000 couples. Following night (17) Herman drew $1,605 Into Valencia B., York, Pa.,, at $1.10 per. Jimmy Dorsey (Sunnybrook B., Pottstown, Pa., May 17). Despite rainy weather Dorsey came within 100 stubs of cracking brother Tommy's rec- ord here with 4,573 dancers at $1.10 in 5,000 capacity room. Band took $2,743 as its end. At Rltz B., Bridgeport, Conn., Sunday (18) Dorsey con- tinued his Saturday pace with a terrific $2,680 from 2,680 at $1 plus tax. Shep Fields (Casa Loma, St Louis, May 16). At 50c a head 1,800 hop- pers hiing up season's top mark. Grpss, $900. Glen Gray (Trianon B., Seattle, May 11-12). Casa Lomans drew mild 2,000 over two days at 75c-$l, getting total of $1,750. At Century B., Ta- coma, next day (13) band drew 900 for $800 gross. Shifting to Natorium Park, Spokane, Thursday (16) outfit drew dull 1,500 for $1,280 gross. Ear! Bines (Cotton Club, Dayton, O., May 11). Fair $350 from 600 at 40c to 75c. • (Estimated) ■ Milt Brltton, Baltimore — (Hippo- drome; 2,240; 15-29-35-44-55-60). With vaude, and 'She Knew Answers* (Col) on screen. Very acceptable $12,000 coming up. Bob Crosby, Buflalo—(20th Cen- tury; 8,000; 30-55). With 'Great No- body' (WB) on screen. Pounding out neat $14,000 In a week otherwise dull in this burg. Eddy Daohln, Chicago—(Chicago; 4,000; 33-55-75). With 'Great Ameri- can Broadcast' (20th). Good $33,000 sighted, but the film gets most of the credit. » Horace Heldt, Cleveland—(Palace; »,700; 30-35-42-55-66). With 'Cowboy and the Blonde' (20th). Very strong $18,500, with standees at most eve- ning performances. Btotaard Himber, Los Angeles — (Paramount; 3,595; 30-44-55-75). With 'I Wanted Wings' (Par) on screen. Eippy $20,000, best gross in the city, and may stay three weeks. Gay Lombardo, Philadelphia — (EarW; 2,350; 36-46-57-68-75). With •Sis Hopkins' (.Rep) on screen. Weak $18,500 in store. Abe Lyman, Cincinnati—(Shubert; f,150; 33-44-60). With They Dare Not Love' (Col), plus stage show. Nifty $10,000 in store, after which this spot drops stage shows for the summer. Lyman is paying $5 to a customer singing a song at each perr formance, and will award the best warbler $50 on closing night. Alvino Bey, New York (Para- mount; 3,664; 35-55-85-99). Closed a second week last night (Tues.), •Reaching for Sun' (Par) being the flhn. On holdover got $26,000, fair, following first stanza's take of $35,000 for pretty good profit on en- gagement. Vaughn Moore, and *I Wanted Wings' (Par) open at house this morning (Wed.). Clro Kimao, Pittsburgh—(Stanley; t,600; 25-40-60). With Diosa Costello and Pan-Amerlc&n revue, on stige, end "There's Magic In Music' (Par) on screen. Coratx> Is falling to jelL Gross of $10,000 Is pretty sorry. Pinky TMnlln, Indianapolis — (In- dianapolis; Lyric; 1,000; 30-40-50)— With 'Lady Louisiana' (Rep). Fair $0,500 In a very dull spot Dkjk Stabile, New York (State; {,400; 28-44-55-75-»0-$1.10). With Ethel Shutta and Benry Armetta on ftage, They Dare, Not Love' (Col) On screen. Very Slow going, but $16,500 Indicated. Tommy Taoker, New York (Strand; ?,767; 35-55-85-99). With "Wagons Roll at Nlghf (WB) on screen, plus Victor McLaglen in person. Ita sec- ond and final week; only fbo\it $18,000 sighted, weak. . Victor Decides 4 Sides Not Fair Test of New Bands' Sales Potentia] Victor Records- has discarded its practice of signing a band new to its labels for test sides.' Heretofore, In taking on groups of doubtful pop- tilarity, the company recorded four .'slcles .with' each and awaited sales reaction I^efore taking a band on for a definite term. It now believes that except in rare cases where , a band clicks from the beginning, four sides ere not enough of a barometer. Every outfit now taken on by Vic- tor is given a term of at least one year to prove Itsell It is given all the advantages of Exploitation and tunes and if in that period it doesn't reach something of a rating in sales It's a' fair bet to be dropped. Policy was prompted a great deal by the fact, that several - names were re- cently about to be erased from the roster, but their releases, subsequent, to a decision to hold them a while longer, .^egan to click strongly and the artists have since become regu- lar occupants of best selling lists. McFarlands-Zucker Part McFarland Twins orchestra has ■plit with Stan Zucker, its personal manager. Twins notified Zucker that a lO-ye&r mangerlal agreement between them was to be terminated. It had about eight years to run. Band Is booked by IVICA, and In recent weeks was at the Syracuse botel, Syracuse, N. Y. NARROW ROSE SUIT Petrlllo Dropped As Co-defendant With Abe Lyman on Expo Matter James C. Petrillo and the Ameri- can Federation of Musicians were dropped last week as defendants in the suit which Billy Hose's Expo- sition Spectacles had brought in the N. Y. supreme court to recover $10,- 000 from Abe Lyman. Jack Rosen- berg, head of the New York local (802) remains as a co-defendant with Lyman. Lyman got the $10,000 on an award from Rose last summer, fol- lowing a dispute between the two over the bandman's employment at Rose's Barbary Coast concession at the N. Y. World's Fair. While the argument was on the union ordered that Rose post a bond for $10,000 or it would call the musicians out of his Aquacade. At a hearing of the case some time later the union turned the bond over to Lyman. Petrillo and , the International were dropped from the proceedings on the ground that neither ever had possession of the money in dispute. Campns Best Sellers ■ (U. OP PENNSYLVANIA) Philadelphia, May 20. Six best sellers on this cempuM 1. 'Daddw' (Sammy Kaye). 2. 'My Sister and T (Jimmy Dorsey). '3. 'Green Eyes' (Jimmy Dorsey). 4. 'Lefs Get Away From It AW ITommy Dorsey). 6. 'Music Maker* (Harry James). 6. 'Everything Happens to Me' (Tommy Dorsey). Home Market Rises So Ratio of Coin Machines To Total Is Lowered Record distributors figure that coin machine consumption of records has dropped about 10% from the once roughly estimated 40% of the total sales. But the lowering of the slice which finds its way into machines is due to the tremendous increase in home consumption rather than any lowering of buying for commercial use. In fact the latter movement of discs has increased, too, although not as much as the home spinning end. Heavy jump of buying for home use is based on the vast number of combination radio and phonographs sold last year and particularly around the past Xmas. But, strange- ly, jukebox operators report com- paratively little slackening in nickel dropping. Band Bookinss Loots Armstronr, May 24, Castle Farms, Cincinnati; 25, State theatre, Sandusky, O. Gns Arnhelm, May 20, week, Loew's SUte, N. Y. Charlie Barnet, July 7, five days, Steel Pier, Atlantic City, Ben Bernle, June 12-20, Madison Square Garden, New York. Tiny Bradstaaw, May 25, week Sunset Terrace, Indianapolis; June 1, week, Indiana Roof, Ind. Lon Breese, May 30, . White City Park, Herrin, 111.; 31, Fairyland Park, Kansas City, Mo.; July 1, Tri- anon B., Crowebury, Kans.; 2-3, Westwood Park, Little Rock; 4, Fort Worth Club, Fort Worth; 5-6, Texas A. & M. College Station; 7, four weeks, Roosevelt H., New Orleans. Henry Basse, May 25, Yankee Lake Park, Brookfleld, O.; June 19, Ocean Beach Pier, Clark Lake, Mich. Bobby Byrne, May 25, Rltz B., Bridgeport, Conn. Cab Calloway, May 26, Aud., Ro- anoke, Va.; 28, Market Aud., Wheel- ing; 29, Lake Breeze Pier, Buckeye Lake, O. Larry Clinton, May 26, Aud., Ot- tawa, Can.; 27, Arena, Hamilton, Ont.; 28, Arena, London, Ont. Bob Crosby, May 25, Arena, New Haven, Conn. Allen Curtis, May 24, Hampton Beach Casino, Hampton Beach, N. H. Shep Fields, June 1-2, U. of New Orleans, New Orleans; 12, two weeks, Madison Square Garden, New York. Ina Bay Hntton, May 21, Cappy's, North Easton, Mass.; May 23, Klm- baU's Starlight B., Lynnfield, Mass.; 24, Jack O'Lantern, South Portland, Maine. Freddie Fisher, May 28, hidef,, Old Vienna, Cincinnati. Glen Gray, Aug. 1, week, Cedar Point, Sandusky; Ohio. Woody Herman, May 29, Town Hall, Philadelphia; 30, Lakewood Park, Mahanoy City, Pa.; 31, Hunt's Pier, Wildwood, N. J. - Everett Hoagland, June 4-7, Totem Pole Ballroom, Auburndale, Mass. Herble Kaye, May 16-22, Jefferson Beach Park, Detroit; 23, Aud., Green- ville, Pa.; 24, Edgewood C. C. (Du- quesne U.), Pittsburgh; 25, Rosefleld Gardens, Brownsville, Pa.; 27, Basle theatre, Washington, Pa.; 30, Green- briar hotel. White Sulphur Springs, W. Va.; 31-Jime 6, Coney Island Park, Cincinnati. Gene Krupa, June 9-14, Totem Pole Ballroom, Auburndale, Mass. BUI Bordo, May 27, week, Tune- town B., St Louis. Guy Lombardo, June 4, Great Smoky Mt. Festival, Knoxvilla, Tenn.; 5, Aud., Hendersonville, N. C; 6, Aud., Chattanooga; 7, Air Carnival, Birmingham, Ala.; 10, Pre-Harvest Jubilee, Kingstree, S. C; 11, Tobacco Festival, Ahoskl, N. C; 13, week, Stanley theatre, Pittsburgh. Johnny Long, May 23, Raymor B., Boston; 24, Arcadia B„ Providence, R. I.; 25, Baab's Park, Suffleld, Conn.; 26, Whalom P4rk, l^ftchburg,' Mass. MoFarland Twins, June 13, week, Palisades Park, Fort Lee, N. J. Johnny McGee, May 27-28, Casa Loma, Charleston, W. Va. George Olscn, June 4-B, Jayhawk _ theatre, Topeka. Will Osborne, May 23, U. of Wssh- ington, Seattle; 24, Oregon State C, Corvallis, Ore. Coin-Catching Record Possibilities Raymond Sco^t 'In Hash of Night'—'South of North Carolina* (CoL 36193) First is best ballad try Scott has made to date. Band plays well a testy arrangement that packs machine punch. Backing for Clyde Burke's neat vocal helps. Tempo is just right. Reverse weds Scott's tricky instru- mentel leanings to a pop and results are good. Burke's vocal, however, is less effective, bothered by upped tempo. Frankie Masters' "Hush* (Okeh 6176), in dance tempo, leans bit toward listenable classical groove at kick- off, but falls off sharply following Marion Francis' vocal. Reverse brings up 'Apple Blossom Time,' which is gaining machine attention. 'Swing- masters' .do nice job on vocal, but Andrews trio cutting remains more commercial. Voothn Monroe 'Years*—'Sweeter Than Sweetheart* (Bluebird 11146) Monroe may have wanted to avoid confiiction with Bob Eberly's vocal of 'Yours' on Jimmy Dorsey's record so he assigned vocal to Marilyn Duke instead of 'doing it hhnself. It's okay as is, but It would have had much more machine power with a Monroe vocal. He handles reverse, a nice melody, in good voice. Band sounds good. ElU Fitzgerald 'No Nothing'-'Keep Cool Fool' (Decea 3754) Mora first side is played better plaintive lyric and fine melody get. It's a tune that's a natural for Miss Fitzgerald's style and she does' it with miles to spare. It grows to exceptionally strong reaction. 'Cool,' a jive bit, is almost as solid. Singer gets in another strong vocal at easy tempo. Band on both sides Is good and arrangements are far off usual colored band track. ' ' Barry Wood-King Bisters 'Pretty Maiden'—'Bless 'Em All' (Victor 27407) Two click sides. Wood and Kings combine on light burlesque of Gay 90's era. Tune gets laughable Interpretetion via. Wood's corny vocal twist and. Yvonne King's foiling. Side sounds' like lingers enjoyed making it; It Bubbles. Machines wUl find it useful becaOse it's way off beaten track. Reverse is blanketed In comparison, but has what It takes In itself. Claude ThomhUI 'Sleepy Serenade'—'Do I Worry* (Okeh 6178) First, a fine melody, Is neatly handled. Smartly written arrangement, featuring leader's piano and good band, it ought to get machine play. Side could have been Imbued with bit more instrumental life, however. From that viewpoint Woody Herman's Decca side tops It in test 'Worry,' another pop not yet started, is strongly Interpreted on reverse, covering ■tune's possibilities neatly. Dick Harding vocals. Orrin Tucker's 'Worry' (Col. 36102) is poor by comparison. Arrangement Is run-of-mill and Tucker-Bonnie Baker vocal Is weakly handled. 'I Went Out of My Way,' a too average melody, with below-par Tucker vocal, is reverse. Larry Clinton 'Essential to Me'—'EstrellU* (Bluebird 11140) Clinton keeps coming up with well-played, listenable stuff. Both sides are enjoyable. 'Essential,' with cute and clever lyrics, is identical in theme to 'We Go Well Together.' Peggy Mann and Butch Stone do good rhj^hmlc vocal and band plays It solidly. Accompanying stendard Is ar- ranged somewhat along lines of recent"Smiles.' It's a capable piece, well done. Mills Bros. 'Big a Jig Jig*—'Down, Down, Down' (Decca 3763) Both originals with rhythmic punch. First, a repeated phrase, sits easily because of its liveliness and brilliancy of unusual, but familiar instru- mentel accompaniment. Breaks are bright. Reverse gets, over with ease, an unusual tune. Backing is for rhythm only. Benny Goodman Sextet 'Good Enough to Keep'—'Smooth One* (CoL 36099) Jive buyers will get solid kick out of Cootie Williams' trumpeting on first Bide, a jump piece which sextette rides out at a fast clip. Bright side. Backing slows down to roll out a bPuncy arrangement' that sounds like some of Eddie Sauter's trlcked-up arranghig. It also clicks. -Tony Pastor 'Hurry to Sorrento*—'Helen of Troy* (Bluebird 11130) Strong versions of 'Sorrento,' by Woody Herman and Al Donahue, are already biting off much play on first tune. It wasn't smart of Victor to cut a version that doesn't Improve on either, though company had to have' at least ope release of it Dorsey Anderson's lyric is weU done, but won't disturb Herman's cutting because of relative band positions. Donahue's lyric is in Italian, Reverse playing and arrangement will likely teke play. It's well played piece at good jump tempo, showing band in good light Horace Heldt 'Toy Piano Jump'—'Toy Piano Minuet' (Columbia 36100) Frankie Carle's able pianoing wraps up both sides. It stands out of first side, which shows Heldt band in okay jump style. Player's nimble fingers set reverse solidly, too, and Is a better'job than Joe Relchmcm's recent Victor release because It's slow paced. coma, next day (13) band drew 900 for $800 gross. Shifting to Natorium Park, Spokane, Thursday (16) outfit drew dull 1,500 for $1,280 gross. Earl Hines (Cotton Club, Dayton, O., May 11). Fair $350 from 600 at 40c to 75c. • Ina Bay Hntton (Totem Pole B„ Auburndale, Mass., May 14, 16, 17). On first visit Miss Hutton played to good Wednesday crowd of 800 for $540 at $1.35 couple, Friday and Saturday room pulled 3,000 and 3,200 for top weekend teke'of $4,185, At Lyric theatre, Bridgeport Conn., Sun- day (18) take was poor $667, Ted Lewis (Casa Del Ray, Sante Cruz, May 10). Lewis tilled good $1,736 at $1 per with that many hoj^pers. Johnny Long (Old Orchard Pier, Old Orcnar^ Beach, Me., May 17). Long is favorite here, this time drawing 1,300 at 65c for good $845. Harry Morrlssey-Oeorge Harris (Raymor-Playmor B., Boston, May 17). Two local outfits brought in 1,200 at B5c-63c for good $720. Will Osborne (Civic Aud., Glendale, Cal., May 10). City fathers set 25c as top terifl so Osborne's draw of 3,340 hoofers paid only $810. Tony Pastor (Stete theatre, Whjston-Selem* N. C, May 14). Pastor turned click job here 2,700 at 25c to 50c piling gross of $800. Teddy Powell-Newt Perry (Raymor-Playmor B., Boston, May 16)i Powell mainly responsible for 1,700 at 55c-65c for good $1,020 on warm night On Wednesday (14) Powell drew 650 at same prices for $3i»0, good for that night. - Raymond Soott (King PhiUip B., Wrentham, Mass., May 15). Band drew poor 400 at 65c for $250. Orrln Taoker (Turnpike Casino, Lincoln, Neb., May 16). Fine $1726 from 1.500 dancers at $1.10 and $1.35. At Coliseum, Davenport la., May 14 outfit drew fine 2,600 people, and the day before cracked attendance mark at Decatur, HI., Armory, with 2,500.