Variety (May 1941)

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48 Wednesdaj, May 21, 1941 Variety Oills WEEK MAY 23 Nacici-als lo connection with blUs below indicate opening day of shQw, whether full or split week. ^ NEW YORK CITY Hlutc (32) Gloria Gllberl Raye & Davis Cross & Dunn Frank Llbune Co lYASHINOTON Capitol (22) Rhythm Rocltcta Dert Frohnian Nonchalnnts Carroll «■ Howe Johnny MnQ Ann Prlchard ParainoDnt KEW YORK CITV Pammirant <£l) Vaushn Monroe Ore Hal Sherman Beatrice Kay Paul WInchell cHiraao ChlcaRO (23) Dick Jurcens Ore Lane Bros Oman 2 Bob Neller State Ijihf) (23) Grandfather Fol BtKHl (23) TOlla PlizBeriild Ore MIAMI Olrmplu (23) Bobby PInkus Joey Rardin Juvelya «nm>i,i!TON rammonnt 122-26) 4 Inhspote RKO BOSTON Keltli'R (22-25) Renna Co Dinah Shore. Thurston (IS) Marcua Rev CINCINNATI Shnbert (IS) Abe Lyman Oro ttoyal Guards S Sailors Klntr'ft Arlenft CLBVKLAND Pal*ce (23) Major Bowea tf (16) Horace Heidt Ore COI.VMBVS Palace (23) JSddle Duchin Ore Merrlel Abbott Co Johnny Woods DATTON Colonial (10) Walklkl NIchts Harry Savoy DIzon & Pals MansMnOB Xnec Gamble D & J Forde Oban Miller Co STBAOrSK fltnnd (2S-2S) Sally Band Rev lleachoombw X..e3ler Lanln Oro Chavez Oro Carmen D'Antonlo Toy & Wing HIca Martins Bill BcrtoIotU's Don Sylvio Oro Anselo Ore Prcderica Joan Benoli Peeey EUls Bdlth I^mbert Lynn & Marianne Blil'a Gay M'a Charles Strickland Lulu Dates > Prei Bishop Spike Harrison Harold Wlllard I Harry Donnelly I Bemle Grauer ' Cafe rtem Bob Knight Ore Adrle'ne Matzenanen Cnfe Society (Mldtown) John Klrby Oro £d(lle South Oro Hazel Scott Golden Gate 4 Jack Gilford Cafe Sodely (VUlace) Henry Allen Oro Kenneth Spencer ,'Meade Lux Lewis I Art Tatum Heleim Home Ammons & JohnsoD Casino Basse Cornel's Codolban O Kris Kay Ore Nina Tarasova Gypsy Markotr Dmitri Matvlenka Yanco Borca Lunla Nesterora Tina Boleva Georses Stefanescn Claremont Inn Joe RIcardel Oro Clair 18 Lucille Johnson ,Gwen Gary Sonny Tufts Daclta Belmont Balladeera Hotel BUtnora CU'de Lucas Oro Hotel Bosseit (Brooklyn) Bobby Parks Oro Imogen Carpenter Hotd Btevoott • Paula Lawrence Pace Sierra John Backmaater* I iM Bouwalatt Joe I>a Porte Ore Caas Franklla I Ann Toback Sadie Bank* (niqulta Venszia Place Elesanta Brnest Franz Oro I Bemlce Manning .Bill Farrell ' Jne Rnvazo I Vincent de Costa Art Tubertlnl Tlno DonelU Rainbow OrlO Russ Smith Ore Ashbnms Balnbow Boom Barry Wlnton Oro SIgrlo Lassen Clements Oro Mayla Laing & de Mills Billy de Wolfe Riviera ^ (Ft. tM>, M. J.) Pancho Ore C Cavallaro Oro Jimmy Savo Betty Bruce Gow'er A: Jeanne Peter NemlroK On Olga Ivanova Nastia Potlakova Marusia Sava Adla KiunetioS Senla KaravaeK Mlohel HIchon MIshI Uidanoir Arjslak Arafelovk Sawdoat Trail AI Sexton Carol Lynn Annie Kent Al WlDkler Morgan Sis Bfhr'» Boof Splvy Haywood A Allen Bddle MayehoK Betty Bryant Btoik ClDb Sonny Kendls Ore Ray Benson Oro Gloria Hope Jovlta Bampe VenaOlea M Bergere Oro Panchlto Oro Doris Joe B Lewis Grace McDonald Villace Ban Jaok Denny Ore Dlok Coprad Bob Tlnaley Of Oraemen HoM <Olaas Hooi* Bib) ping Bell Oro fbelma UlletwU ED Hat ' Jaok Marshall Ruth Wayne Marshall A Shield Alphonse Berg Anita Lane Carol Sean Younger Ola Bddle 7ens Or« . Iranhee Florence Scbabert Al Trace Oro 4 Bards Helen Sumner 1,'AlglSB Splroi Stamos Ora Fin de Vlllerle laobel de Marco Ubeity m Deone Page Jean WlUlama' Joan Dixon Lou Reynolds Connie Austin Ana Baniett Oro Al lIlItoB Oro Old Inna Cooper Sally Sharratt Heidelberg Bna Mala Jk Weasel Sana Henaer (Enplre Boom) Jan Oarber Bddy Howard Bob Bvans * Matirtce A Cordoba Peres Four Abbott Daaoera Phil Dooley Oro Warner NEW TOBK CITV Strand <23) Wayne King Oro Don Commlngs Randall Sla_ Ambasaadbres Tommy Wonder Co Dennis Morgan (16) Tommy Taeker Ore Victor McLaglen Del RIos 3 Swifts Audrey Robert* - PHCLADXILPHIA Earle (23) Truth or Consequ'es Victor McLaglen Lester Cole Co Allen &. Kent (16) Guy Lombardo Ore Gil Lamb Olsoni Shirl ey FITTSBllHOu Stanley (23) Abe Lyman Oro 3 Sailors Harry King Co Gleason's Guards (1») CIro BImac Oro DIosa Costello Bmmett Oldfleld Co Nino it Lenora ' 1CASHINOTON Earle (23) Gae Foster Gls Marina Lord 3 Read Sis Wesson Broa SIggy Lane KEW TOBK OITX ' Unsle Hall (22) Wynn Murray ' Joe Jackson Juno Forrest Ward & Lane Robert Shanley Corps de Ballet Rockeites Glee Club Brno Rapes Bymph Roxr (22) Capt Tlebor Bcott Sodja Nellie Arnaut Co Ben Tost Co Paul Ash Oro Apelle (23) Andy Kirk Oro June Richmond Mary Lou Williams Bobby Campbell (Dondelaya & Lopec Runaway 'I Walker & Walker norman Attwood John Mason Bandy Bums AKBON PMaec (2S.28) Ouy, Lombardo Ora • Olaen d: Shirley Oil Lamb ' DALTIUOBE Hippodrome (22) Woody Herman Ore J & J MoKenna Bvelyn Farney _ State (28-2$) Stanley 3 Canfleld Smltb Mardo A Kaye Juggling Jewels (22-24) S Smart Gls ~ Bdwln George Carroll Sc Wb(te ' A Sidneys CAMDEN Towers (£4-25) Dobas 4 t Barkers Bvelyn Brooks Floyd Christy tt B Bums 2 Co ELIZAHETH -ToM Artie Conroy D A J Reading ' Eamtree Harrington Dtmcan Dodd & Day FBEEPOBT Ftaeport (23) Billy Van Peimy PAge Maglnts Levere ft Ware DeQulncy & Glron HA&BISBVBO State (2e-2«) C?razy Show MUt Britten Oro Isabel Jewell Al Gordon Co Floyd Christy i B HABTFOBD State (23-23) Pan Amerlcon Rev Bernlvlcl Co NEWARK Adams (23-23) Benny Goodman O W alter Dire Wahl pbhiAdelpiiia Carman (23) Jack Lavler Johnny Howard Lynn, Royce A V (One to fill) PITMAN VinT (24 only) StaUer 3 Mardo A Kaye Bell Tr (One to fill) FBOTIDBKCB Metropolitan <2S-2t) Jimmy Dorsey Ore BID Bailey . TOBBINOTON Alhambra (24-25) Elizabeth Co Ha'dman A Laverre Roy Smeck Levere Ware 3 Speed. Kings WII,LOW GROVE Wniow Omre (26 only) ' Slatler 2 Carol A Ckrlo Carrolr A White Bell Tr (One to mi) WOBCBSTEB ' Plymontb (13-21) Bemlvtcl U • • . TOUNGBTOWN FBtece (27-29) . Guy Lombardo Orb Cabaret BiDs mew tobx cnn Morris Orp IPedrlto Oro 'Jayne Mnnn^r* G Andrews Oro Peter Brent Oro .« Pat Harrington Jack White Roy Sedley Diana Fontaine Frankle Hyera Irene' Barclay CoLcblta Anita Dillon Ann Paige dab Gaacho Don Avendano Oro Currlto A Coral Luis' Caraacbe Jose Perez Rosa Rio Harriet' Carr RSnee Co^cabana Nat Bran'dwynne O Frank Marti Oro |U,ara. ' Tvette Tito, Coral Carlii A Fernando Adele Norales Samba Sirens Cabaa Casino Consuelo Moreno Don Casanova Dimas A Belen EfU Dorre Diamond Hotscsboe Dr Rockwell Mae Murray NIU Naldl Carlyl* Blackwell Joe'E Howard - Rosa. Wyse, Jr Jane Mann Delta LInd ' Geo Fontana Llla Lee Gllda Gray Charles King Mangean S\f Clyde Hager . El Cbloo Don Alberto Ore Juan Martinez Gloria Belmonte Antonlta • Maria Lopez Charro Gil T El Morocco Ernie Bolst Ore Don Devbdl Oro Reva Reyes Famous Door Sylvan Green Oro Bee Kalmua 3 Heat Waves Oayle Gaylord Ford Crane Princess Aloma C Hoherty Gls Forbidden Cltr Sal Cabral Ore Maya Kella Hbo Sfiee Jue Fong Chin Wan Or'owlli VUUge ba Anthony Trlnl Oro Roberta Welch . Velyne Hague Ruth KIdd Dolly Reckless Frank McCormlck HaTana-MaOrld Frollan Maya Ore Juanlta Sanabrla O Roslta Ortega Cesar Tapla Las Adelltaa Vlllarino Dolores DeLeon Hickory Hons* Ray Connlfr Ore Harriet Clark Hotel Aslor.. _ Tommy Dorsey Oro Juanlta RIos Oro Connie Haines Pled Pipers Pratik Sinatra Buddy Rich ZIggy Blman Hotel Belmont Plaxs Arthur Ravel Ore Jop Pafnmv Or<» BOOKING THE NATION'S .LEADING INDEPENIXNT VADDEVI1I£ THEATRES EDWARD SHERMAN 1619 BROADWAY NEW YORK COL 5-0930 Tana Sam Ray Julius Monk Norbort Faconl . Margaret Scott Hotel Edison Blue Barron Oro Hotel, Essex House P^^ Baron Oro Grace Morgan Lucille Matthewa Hotel Lexington Ray Kinney Oro Aggie Auld Napua Lellanl laea ~ Nanl Todd . Lehua Paulson Sara Ann McC^be Norah Wllllama Carroll A Gormen Bobaa Blen Mildred Bailey Brenda Forbes Delta Boys Raaslan Krelelmia Nicolas Matthey O Bud Sweeney i Jimmy O'Nell Don A Ruthle Lane Earl Wiley Oro Whirling Top Teddy King Ore Jerry Blanchard Lllyan Dell Susan A Christine Marlon Bddy LOS ANQELES Hotel Lincoln Harry James Oro Hotel MeAlpIn Arturo Artoros Oro Wsndy Bishop Hotel Mew Vorker Peter Kent Ore Roes McLean Hotel Park Central (Cqcoanat Grove) Buddy Clarke Oro Jose Domlnguez O Jack Waldron Blenore Wood Hlbberl, ByrU Co Wlnton A Diane Bunny Howard Ginger Dulo Sylvia Barry Hotel Pennsylvaolti Gene Krupa Ore Bob Bberle Hptel PInza DIok Gaaparre Ore Chlqalto Oro De Marcos Paul Haakon Moxlne Klsor Hotel Booserelt Jose Morand Ore Hotel Savby-Plnra Bmlle Petti Oro Hlldegarde Leo Kabn Hotel Bbelton Johnny Johnson O Hotel Bt. George (Brooklyn) Dave Martin Oro Dee Williams Tank Porter Dick Fulbrlght Bill Dtllard Hotel Bt. MoriU , Ford Harrison Oro Lolo A Ramon Florence A Alvarez Betty Black Jaye Martin- Hotel SL Begia Hal isaunders Ore Gus Martel Oro Hotel Tkft Frankle Masters O Phyllis Myles Hotel Walilort- Astorla (BtarUght Boof) Xavler Cugat Oro (Mlguellto Valdes Llna Romay Margo Gypsy Markoir Evelyn Tyner H Williams Trio Iceland Reataamnt Ted Bddy Ore Charles A Celeste Marcella Claire Danny Wblte Eslly's Stable Stun Smith Ore Vlola-'Jellerson La Conga Jack Harris Oro Noro Moraiss Ore Beatrice A Capella Jay A Loa Seller Lazara A Castell'os Josephine Del Mar Xa HartlnlQae Bddle Oliver t>rc Herburt Curbello O Danny Kaye Adrlenne Claire A Arena Le Coq Bo age Geo Sterney Oro Bels BIzony Rudl Tlmfleld Leon A Eddie's ' Lou Martin Oro Bddle Davis Nerlda Oro Don Richards • Bllllngtons Annette Sherry Brltton De Blmone Dane Honte Carlo Ted Strai>t»r Or- Blltmore Bowl Jimmy Castle Titans Dorothy Brandon Armand A Llta 3 Dee's Corlnna Mura Leon A Mace Chuck Foster Oro Casa Manuna Marianne Dunne David Allen Jack Teagarden O Coooannt Grove Mary Parker Billy Daniel Jimmy Brlerly Mitchell Lolsen Rev Freddie Martin Ore Earl Carroll Buster Shaver Olive A George e Debonalra Beryl Wallace Frankle Convllle Dorothy Ford Mary Peterbeck Helen O'Hara Sunny Dale Reyes* Rhumba Bd St CUIr A Day Rhumba Ore Slate Bros Bill Brady Manny Strand Ore Florentine Oacdea NTG Anniversary Fred Scott. Low, Hlte A Sunl'y Sugar Gelse David Marshall Ore Charlie Foy's Clob Charllb Foy Leonard Sues Jerry Lester Maxine Lewis Bd(;ie Calvert Red 'Stanley Ore Grace Hayes. Lodge Mary Healy Neville Flersoh Peter LInd Hayes o Grace Hayes Rebecca Hayes House of Ifarpby Dolores Frankle Gallagher Hal Chanslor Jean Neunier Gordon Bishop Bob Murphy IV Cafe Dave Forrester Ore La Conga Theodores Leon Navara Ore Phillip Lopez Oro Macambo Cafe Hurotiertos Bd Phil Ohman'a Oro Palladlam Andrews Sis Al Donahue Ore Paris Inn Kenny -Henryson Dominic Marg'rite A M'rtlnez Henry 3Ionet Revue Parlslenne Helen Harrison Helen Miller Chuck Henry Oro Plratee Den Pegleg Happeney Bugs Wilson Henry Grant Gaby La - Fltte Black Andy Flo Ash Marjorle Raymond Nick Cochran Ore Bbnmboogie 3 Rackets Dorothy Gartio Rose O'Nell Cee Pee Johnson O Joe Stevens Scheberaiade Cafe Tasclia Borowskl Alex Morlson Sandra Knrlna Russian Gypsy Ore Seven Seas Lllla'Klplkona Benny Kana PuananI Mathews Mike WIke Charlie Openul Bobby Mathews Johnls Bright Ore Slapsy Haxlee Ben Blue Cully Richards Be'nny Leasy Pattl Moore Sam Lewis Pat Shaw Al Bard Ore Someimt House Harry RIngland Lou Sallee Swaooe Inn Slim A Slam Gladys Bentley Trianon Duke Ellington Ore Wllshire Bowl Velaacos Slcinnay Ennls Ore Morrison Hetd (Boston Oyster House) Manfred GOtthelt New Yorker . Billy Gray Patricia Brent 3 Moods Hartzella Alex Perel Mary Camp Sherman Hotel (CeKle Cafe) Gene Eerwin Oro Jaroa Sis • (PBBttier Boom) Jan Savitt Oro Callahan Sis Byton Gls Carl Man , SUver Oload Jackie Richards Gls Mildred Anderson Dottle Dayne Collette A QaUe Lois Young Joe Gerkpn ' Ralph-J<ynden Oro - Elinor Daniel^ ■ Hazel Zalus 606 Clok Billy Carr .Margrot Faber Gls ' Knltt. JacobI DIan Rowland Dorothy Keller Jal Leta Jimmy Ray I Lewis Sis . Lloyd A Wlllla Carrie Flnnell Renee Andrle Virginia Jonea Millie Wayne Sol Lake Ore Tripoli 3 . . Todd's Theatre-Cat^ Prof LambertI Ben Yost Singers 3 Paul Remos Co Corlelt Joe Wallace Raymond Wllburt Todd Gls Joe. Sanders Oro Les Brown Oro Blaiaa Hlnkl* Chlo I>auler Baba Roth Max Levin . Jo* Lenny- Harry Small Joe Bcotty Silver Lake Inn Dolorea Worrell Geo Reed Alice Lucey Watklna Twins Frank Hessel Oro Stamp'! Barry, Prince A O Judy Toppy VlD Earlson Lllljan Fitzgerald Stamp Trio (iarner Gls Geo Marchettl Ore Swan Olab Barbara Barrell 4 Lavemes ■ XIraCe O'Haia Eathryn King Margie Drummond Henr}- Patrick Oro 20th Century 3 Peppers Ohocolateers Men of Rhythm ' Weber'a Hot Bra« Camden Bill Bllger Pen Bannerman Jules Flaceo's Oro 3 Flashes BoBlnda Blllle Ritchie Hollywood Blondes Prln Orells A Pete Dot Garsey Al Goldecker Syd Golden Raths'r Bldoradlana Dave Plerson WUsen'a Jeanle Van Johnnie Wager 3 Rhythm Maniacs La Fleur A Manners Joe nough Geo Baquet Ore Art Mathews Taeht Chb Pat Purcrll Mary Lore MIoKey Pearl Helen Wilson Mary Navls CLEVELAKD FHILABEIiFHIA CHICAOO Ambassador Hotel (Pomp Boom) Val Oman Ore Blamarrh Hotel (U'alnot Room) Art Kassel Ore Marlon Holmes Collette A Barry Hadley Gls Blachhawb Ted Flo RIto On. Earle Leslie Grandfat'r's' Failles Blackstone Hotel (nollncae Bm.) Johnny Duffy Ore Janet Fulton Drrvoort Hotel (Crystal Boom) 3 Nlbllcs Peggy Lester Bob Billings . Broadmont Buddy.Lake : Honey Chile Betty Coeds Anita Page Sally Barr Herb Rudolphs Ore . Chez Paree Lou Dreese Ore Gertrude, NIesen Jimmy Rae Cole Dane Frank I.lbuse 16 Commanders Lois Wallner Evans Gl* CIgb AUbam Mickey Dunn- Alati Rogers Msrlnn Mon^« Harriet Norrls Allen Coe Bernle Adler ■ L^.ITIe Bur'.on Paulletle La Plerro Dave L'nell Ore Dorolhy -Dale Eddie Rotli Ore Club Minuet Helene Carol Itltn Ray Alvira Morton Ethel Brown Fillmore Sherman Art Fischers Ore Del Bstr^s . Colony Club Bobby Ramo.^i Ore MoncMia Oro Coloslmoe TIrzs Ralph Cook Jack Prince Roy Rogers Frank Quatrell Ore Congress llnlel (Glass Hnt Bm) (Peacock Rro) Jot Vera , Edgewater Beach- UntH (Beach Wiilh) Bernie Cummlngo Roslta A Devo Martin A Allen Myrus Dorben Gls Herb Foote Frankf'* Citslnei Harriet Ehrllck Rocky Ellsworth Blllle Webb Ann An1«r^nn Clob Ball Alan Fielding Ore Ball-lovelles Juanlta Johnny Morgan MIguetto Amador Zedra de la Conde 3 Radio Aces " Gernldo A Helen Juanlta Juarez Uen Franklla Vera Fern Townnen^ls Ralph Eastwood Nlri6a Cordova Leo Zollo Ore Cndlllae Tavern Harry Dobb.s Ore Cadillac Caporeltes Bon Perry Darlene Montez A Maria Henrique A Adrl'ne Gallagher A Rush Carroll's Charlie Galnest Ore Maxine De Shon Fields A Georgle 16 De Shon Dancers Grace Gordon Wilbur Ranee Club 15 Harriet Hale Smythe A Dolores Ad Lib Barbara Stone Carol Kane Margie Hill Rose' Vehutl Dl Pfaito'a Flash Lnne Lillian Kuvak Paul A Bddle Dolores Dell Billy Cheater Dottle Verrae Bddle King Oro " Embassy Geo Cllftord Deane Denies Alllda A Chlco Gall Manners Cliff Hall Fran Urban Suaan Lang Carlos Reyes Oro Curt Weller Ore Ereigreen Casino Beth Chains NItza.A Ravell Linda March Emily Adrian Doris Elliott Pat Shevlln Ore 4-1) Bar Gloria Dale Brooks Sis Tom Plunkett Fred Lasprelle Kny Rartell 5Iarle FItzpatrIek Eileen Graven 1523 Locust Marian Proctor Bvelyn Bradley Pola Montoya Elaine Black Bubbles Shelby Rose Peoney I Keller Sis j Kay Lavory King's Swing Ore Ooy BO'S Cafe Pinky Lee Phil Wood Ore Strut Flash Nat Wilson May Joy Juanlta Gomez , (U Walton Boof) Paul Rossini Glamour Gls . Helen Heath ' Bob Russell I Vera Neva Frank Paris ; .Maurice A Cordoba (Trace Corwin ' I Michael fjaudlna Rone Oallo Lou MorrlBon Nell Fontaine Ore Jam Sesalon Geo Vorrechla Mickey House I Billy Kretehmer Alpine Vllhtg* Terry A Walker" Juchlteeo Trio Bob Copfer Carl Mueller Otto Thurn Oro El llunipo Bob Manners Oro Sammy Llpman Antoinettes Freddie's 'Cafe Gale Parker Tubby Rteves . Geo D Washington Six Glamour Gls Goormet Club Eddie Robinson Ore Carmellta A L^a Jean Marshall' Hotel Carter TtUxlon Sprenger Ambassadors Oro. Hotel Olereland Lanif Thompson O Margaret English Hotel Fenway Hall Johnny Joyce Oro Mary Wine Hotel Hollenden Sammy Watklns O Roslta RIos Alblns Skate-O-Manlaca Sloan A Gary Hotel Blatirr Jules Duke Ore La Conga Clab Ramon Arias Oro Lindsay's Skybar Jaun Florer Peurl de Lucca Monnds Clab Adelaide Moflett Monaco's Cate Jimmy Harris Ore Chapelle A Hnnnoa Regal Clab Ducky Malvin Oro ' Southern Tnvera Lee Allen Ore 3700 Club Tucker A Tremalna Art Weat Roma Huston Arlene Days Lollta Frederick Reld Jack Griffin Chlqulta Agnes Barry Udo Venico . Bonnie Stuart Alan Gale Linda Lelf Estelle Dupree Lorraine Chevalier Bobby Campbell Danny Versee Ore LIHIe BathskeUer 3 Radio Ace's Sally Keith Dixie Roberts DeLloyd McKay Al Stone j Victor Hugo's Oro Uanoa Inn Jack Hutcblnson Don A Dorese I Nancy Newell Glamour Gls (3) I Lola Clair Bdythe Sallade Frank Cuneo Oro ' klayo's Gus Johnson Ore ' Chick Mullery Paul Kane Blllle Cheater Karl A Yvonne 4 Octaves Bill Bailey Bin Hughes Alan Wood, Minstrel Tavern Shandon A Mnrgot Margie Rose March Sissy Glnnlo Loftus Bd McGoIdrIck, Sr Helen Marriott Nell DIeghan's Leons!rd Cooks > Marrone A Gallo Mary Bller Havenalres (4) Rny Hettinger Ore Old Fnll* Tavern Helen Wilson Bllly Hayes' Oro Jane Reese Buck Calhoun Andy Busrell Jeau O'Neill Open Door Cafe Myrna Lee Marlta Bonnie Watera Mildred Kay Judy Manners Len Lenehan Irving Braslnw Oro Palombo'a Lucky Bucks Lavee Twins Irene Kaye ; Bbrnett A Barclay I Little Joe ft Jean Johnny I,eary | Park Casino ! Pk Casino Trou'dora Frank Hall Stephanie A Craig I Edith Delaney Margot Wells | Rainbow Terrace ' (Stratford, Pa.) Cecil Golly Ore > Mildred Stoutly Gene Hymsir Jimmy Engler Hal FIfer Roman Grille Thunderbolts Sunny Stone Cornbread A Honey Mildred Gllson Bddy Uockney' Rol Parker Ore Bendezvous' (Hotel Senator) Ersklne Butterfleld University 3 ' Spalola's Grille : Bob A The Twins ! eMh St. Bafhskcllet I Gale Sheridan I Harry McKay Ross A Ross {Allcs Ross ' Ruth Templeton Tony Bennett Ore , BETBOIT Book-Cadlllae Hotel (Book faslno) Loren Parsons SanCord Mandel Bobby Allen Barry Wilkinson (Motor Bar) Vic Abbs Bowery Gertrude NIesen Ren&el A Shore Chez Chase B Berdun Jitterbugs Arden Dane Dlsn Rowland Johnny King Chas Carlisle Benny Resh Oro Casanova Beth Farrell Keaton A ArmAeld Pat Paradise Roberts Lee Walter Ore Corktown Tavem Beet Trust Good A Goodie Prof Crump Orlando The Wests — Jackie Del Rio Diek Havlland Leq Arqugtte Oro Hand's 3 Old Timers Manuel Lopez London Chop Honse Tenia Valentl- Chet Everhart Ruby Oro Morocco "Gay Nineties' Rev Buddy Duray Joe Foder Ore Madelon Baker Neblolo'e DI Giovanni Frederick A Collins Phelps A Cullenblne i 6 Vanettes { Leonard Seel Oro > Morlhwood Inn Anita JacobI Woods A Brny Harry Schilling Roshee A Lee Ray Carllh Ore • Olde Wayne Clab , Charles Costello Oro .MeColl Sis Bernlce Bishop Palm Beach Bobby Jones' Ollle Tate Co Baruzzl "Twins Horry R Rose Don Pablo Ore Hack's Bedford ina Mac McGraw Ore Clab Boyale Donald Novis Margie Knapp Winnie Hoveler Gls Lloyd A Willis 4 H'woxid Blondes Stan Korrls Ore Saks Show Bar Sharon Lynn Gls Ray Vincent Bllly Meagher Gonzalo A Beryl Pete Vlera Oro • Btatler Hotel - Gloria Hart Orlando Fauato Curbelo Are San Diego George Presnell Al Alexander Ore Great Zlegfrld Bstella Que Durand A Barry Mary Welsh Verne's Sbutta A Kent Connie Luzon Dick Hughes Harry Collet Ore Whlltler Hotel (Gold Cab Boom) Herman Fine Wonder Bir Sammy Dlbert Ore PTETSBTJBOH I Hopklns'Batbshell'er. Bc>>« Belmont 'jlnttny VonntI Ore I SUrer Meet bin Roland Reld Virginia Lawler Anchorage Hugh Morton Ore Maynard Deiine Arlington IrfMlge Phil Cavezza Oro Balconades Buddy Corison Oro Dill Green's Marvin -Dale Ore' Boogle-Woogle Club Boog Sherman Maxie Simon Harry Comornda Buddy Dlalne Tubby Miller Reggie Dvorak Club Pellte Piccolo Pete Oro Betty Smiley Art Schnmbei'g Pelley A Sullivan Rne Valine Cork and Bottle Lloyd Fox ' El Chlco Ramonl Oro Rossi Sis Lollta. Cordoba Carlos A Carlta Hotel fort Pitt Ken Bailey Ore Johnny Mitchell Jessica Wheatley Hsrry Walton Irma Outhrell Hotel Henry (SUver Grill) Stan Rucker Ore Bob White Jim Blake Lou Forman (Gay BO's) Dorothy Neabltt Hotel 7th Avenue Beis Saunders Ida lola I Betty Donahoe IaI Devin Evergreen Gardena Red Clarke Oro Ebble Schaub Paula Harvey Jimmy Barry Lois Dawn Johnny. Ray t Hotel Roosevelt Don Barl Ore Shirley Jeane Hotel Scbenley Billy Hinds Oro Rita Seaman Buzz Mayer Jack Calhoun Hotel \Vm Femi (Chatterbox) Baron Elliott Oro Billy Cover Michael Strange Marianne Krelg (Continental Uar) Frank Andrlnl 4 Kennywood Parte Bob Chester Ore Torrence A Victoria Ruton's Dogs Merry-Go-Bonnd Bubbles Becker Ore Danny Bridges Francea Stone New Penn Henry Blauth Oro Don Andre Harrisons . Bllly Irwin Jean' Lord Lester Nlxnn Cafe Al Marlsco Oro ' Bob Carter Howard Brooka D'lvons Dancing Debs ■\ •■ Nut Hotwe Dverett Haydn iBherdlna Walker O (Contipi—on' page 55)