Variety (May 1941)

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56 Wednesdaj, May 21, 1941 Some questions and answers about networks presented in the technique of our good friends and clients, the J. B. Williams Company t. Q. I. nuM on fAiswr Q. The Bliie Network covers the entire United States equally welli regardless of population and distribution of wealth? A. The Blue concentrates its coverage in the Money Markets, where the nation's buying power is greatest. TRvr Oft Mocr The NBC Blue Network comprises 99 sutions? , There'are 30 on the Basic Blue plus 69 'Blue Supplemen- taries, plus S5 other stations available by special arrange- ment for 'saturation coverage from within"—a total of 154 stations. nut OR fsise? The Blue and its major competitors have approximately the same system of discounts? FALStt ^.^ ^ ^ , The Blue not only gives the normal volume discounts and annual rebates, but through its unique system of Blue Plate Discounts allows an advertiser to expand his net- work with savings up to 20%. Thus, the advertiser gets 3. nationwide coverage at a cost per listener that can't be matched. 4. nrvr oft faisw? Q. For as little as tlA.Sb per Blue station, for an evening half-hour (or for thru daydm* quarter-hours) you can blanket such important markets as Lot Angeles, Denver, Tulsa, Atlanta, New Orleans and Miami? . Tfttff/ A. The Basic Blue (30 stations) costs ^3,960 or an average ^ of $\ 32 per station. Because of the Blue Plat* Discount the 69 other Blue stations (with a card rate of 23,768) cost only 21,694.88—224.56 per station. Thus you can actually blanket Los Angeles or Miami for less than it costs to blanket your own bed. Note: All of above costs art net on a 52-vieek basts. 5. TftOr Oft FAUtr Q. Dollar for dollar the Blue add* up to th«_best buy_aii ■ ." "advertiser can make? ' o^ftiir "THUWTIMO" irt ntuwi A. The Blue enables adverdsera to do a national advertising job at the lowest cost of any medium entering the home. No program is mort indicative of the Blue's success with low- cos^ high-interest shows, than the J. B. Williams Company's own "True or False" program, heard over the Blue Network from 8:30 to 9 Monday evening. In two years "True or False" more than doubled its listening rating—nsing from 5.6% in January 1939 to' 12.1% in March 1941 without the use of "big names" or "expensive" talent Its rating throughout each month of' 1940 was higher than the corresponding month of 1939. And each month of 1941 has similarly topped the 1940 records. As for sales results—take a gander at this! A recent survey made by Hooper in 29 cities showed that the percentage of fVilliams users among listeners is almost double the percentage of fVilliams users among non-listeners. And although Williams trailed a competitor among non-listener sales, it leads that same competitor and all others among "True or False" listen- ers. Striking proof once again that the Blue provides sales thru the air with the greatest qf ease, (Did you get your copy of our booklet "True or False" ? If not, please call us. We'll be glad to send you one.) NATIONAL BROADCASTINO COMPANY A Rodo C oipow M oB of Amwka Swvic* HOT menthi for radio advortliliifllThis (umraer \% going to b* the Good Blue Summertime. More listeners) mith mora money to apendf. more /isteningf lower cost per thousand llstencri. Write (or our presentation on Summer BnKtUcasting. Sotes thro the ft L )METWOItK ^ZitTfli^ (jreatest ofeS^