Variety (May 1941)

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10 PICTURE GROSSnBS Wednesday, May 28, 1941 80^ Holdovers KiO Detroit; 'Crazy' 12G, Crawford 2d $9,000 Detroit, May 27. ■ There's only one fresh bill in the entire loop area. But, with only one exception, there really wasn't enough biz here to warrant the flock of holdovers. Michigan is the courageous house with a new bill of 'Love Crazy' and | 'Washington Melodrama' which Willi bring It close to the top spot al-' though the Fox will hit about tl^e, same level with its second week of 'Great American Broadcast' and 'They Dare Not Love.' I Sole house with any biz claim to: h o rights is the United Artists with •Woman's Face' and 'Wait for You.' Estimates (or This Week Adams (Balaban) (1,700; 30^0-55) —'Penny Serenade* (Col) (3d wk) and 'Scotland Yard' (20th). Dull $4,500. Last week, 'Penny Serenade (Col) with 'Boston Blackie' (Col), fair $5;000. Fox (Fox-Michigan) (5,000; 30-40-" B5) — 'Broadcast' (20th) and 'Dare Not Love' (Col) (2d wk). Looking' for so-so $12,000 after ^kay $15,000 ■ last round. I Michifan (United Detroit) (4,000;, 30-40-55)—'Love Crazy' (M-G) and ■Washington Melodrama' (M-G). Not; very hefty $12,000. Last week, •Hamilton Woman' (UA) and 'Road! Show' (UA), slim $12,500. ' Palms-State (United Detroit) (3,- 000; 30-40-55)—'Men Boys 'Town' I (M-G) and 'Hamilton Woman' (UA). I Unexciting $7,000 for one pic getting • fourth week and another its second.^ Last-week, 'Men Boys Town' (M-G) and 'Liberty' (M-G), okay $8,000. . United Artists (United Detroit) (2,000; 30-40-55) — 'Woman's Face , (M-G) and 'Wait for You' (M-G) 2d wk). Crawford film looking for' nice $9,000 behind choice $14,000. NATIONAL B. 0. SUMMARY Only Star Names and Showmanship Gounteracting Audience- Apathy BUFF. CLIMBING OUT OF CELLAR; ™GS' $12,000 ' Buffalo, May 27. Majority of mainstem spots are displaying uosKie tendencies. 'Love Crazy' at the Buffalo is building steadily, while 'Wings' is hitting a gratifying pace at the Lakes. Estimates (or This Week Buffalo (Shea) (3,500; 35-55)— •Love Crazy' (M-G) and 'Beauty's Sake' (20th). Moving up to satisfac- tory $11,000. Last week, 'Woman's Face' (M-G) and 'Wait for You' (M-G), dismal $8,000. ' ^ Great Lakes (Shea) (3,000; 36-55) —'Wanted Wings' (Par) and 'Nurse's Secret' (WB). Carrying on im- pressively, and may go to $12,000. Last weeki 'John Doe' (WB) and •Khockout' (WB), built to very soUd $11,000. ■ Hipp (Shea) (2,100; 30-45)—'John Doe' (WB) and 'Knockout' (WB) (2d run). Slow $5,500. Last week, 'HamUton Woman' (UA) and 'Wash- ington Melodrama' (M-G) (2d run), dropped off to poor $5,000. LafayetU (Hayman) (3,300: 30-40) —'Dare Not liOve' (Cdl) and •Queen's " Penthouse' (Col). Fair $5,500. Last week, 'Lone Wolf (Cql) and 'Blondie Latin' (Col), hit bot- tom for under $4,000. 20tli Centary (Dipson) (3,000; 30- 44)—'Devil Dogs' (WB) and 'Singa- pore Woman' (WB). Plenty of zip, over $9,000. Last week (30-55), •Great Nobody' (WB) and Bob Crosby on stage, scored a bull's-eye with nearly $15,000. Cleye. (Temperature) Hot; 'Crazy' Best at $13,000 Cleveland, May 27. Exhlbs could fry eggs on sidewalks here. State has best money-maker In 'Love Crazy.' 'Great American Broadcast' sticking to middle of road despite Hipp's ballyhoo. Estimates for This Week . Allen (RKO) (3,000;. 30-35-42-55)— •John Doe' (WB). One of its best bold-oyera from " Hipp-,- easily going - to $3,700. Last week, 'DevU Dogs' (WB) (re-issue), worthwhile .^■1.2 'l. Hipp (Warners) (3,700; 30-35-42- 65) —'Broadcast' (20th). Only fair $10,000. Last week, 'John Doe' (WB) on h.o., middling good $6,200. Palace (RKO) (3,700; 30-35-42-53- 66) — 'AfiEectionately' (WB) with Major Bowes' unit on stage. Looks like around $12,000, a light take but okay for economical bill. Last week, Horace Heldt orchestra, abetted .by 'Cowboy Blonde' (20th) broke long Cleveland jinx against them by swattitig out grand $23,000. ' ' State (Loew's) (3,450; 30-35-42-55) —'Love Crazy' (M-G). Nice going at 113,000. Last week, 'Woman's Face' (M-G), okay $10,700. StUlman (Loew's) (1,972; 30-35-42- 65)—'Woman's Face* (M-G). Proflt- ■ 4)b'e moveover for this time of year, on-way to $4,0.00. Last week, 'Ham- ilton Woman' (UA) slowed on third stanza, $3,400. Like the unhappy gambler whose luck changed at last and became worse, the nation's boxoffice slid fur- ther under par during the past week, although two new star-combination features showed strength at strategic first run bookings. Metro's 'Love Crazy,' in which William Powell and ^^y^na Loy are teamed again, and Paramount's 'One Night in Lisbon,' topped by Made- leine Carroll and Fred MacMurray, are the new entries. •The youngsters who have been .conspicuously absent of late during the windup of the schoolterms, found satisfaction in the return of personalities to the mar- quees. There may be in the significant lift provided by these starring pictures a clue to the solution of what has been happening of late in boxoffice reversal. The star films have fared better than the production specials. There has been something to exploit. Bette Davis is 'The Great Lie,' Irene Dunne and Gary Grant in 'Penny Serenade,' and Joan Crawford in 'A Wo- man's Face' (better showings everywhere this week) are examples of attractions that are better than av- erage money-getters in a shrinking market; On the other hand, the film with ballyhoo possibili- ties, although weak .in stellar names, is standing up in the face of public apathy. . Where the boys have gotten out and worked hard in advance of 'I Wanted Wings' (Par), the results have been gratifying. The sanie for 'Ziegfeld Girl' (M-G), which has taken over the extended run spot previously occupied by 'Zanzi- bar' (Par). The excellent returns on 'Wings' in Philadelphia, Buffalo, Baltimore and Louisville would indicate that showmanship in its handling had a part iipthe profits, whereas lack of push and enterprise. is responsible for the fadeouts 'in Boston, Indianapolis and Kansas City. Current week is off to the wost start in years. Presi- dent Roosevelt on the radio last night (Tues.) outdrew aU show business. By 10:30 EDT only ushers viewed the films. - ' . The Keys At a Glance Terse blrdseye of the key cities: Broadway way oil. Public picking its spots.. Hold- overs slipping. . Cinciimati. Poor. Theatres fighting weather and outdoor competition. Kansas City. Light Those summer prairie winds' are starting. Providence. Good. . Cooled by ocean breezes. Boston. Fair, with school commencement days In sight , : San Francisco. Poor, and hot. Fogs promised. Montreal. Fair. Victoria Day, national holiday, di- verted attention to more serious business at hand. Lincoln. So-so. Getting warmer. Minneapolis. Bad is putting it mildly. Strikes hurt- ing. Indianapolis. .Worse than bad. Other business pretty good. Chicago. Improving. New attractions helping. i Louisville. Spotty. Department stores doing great f Detroit. Bad. Mostly holdovers. Showmanship'| would help. Omaha. Surprisel Okay. _ . Seattle. Poor. No excuses. ^ Washiiigton. Town is booming; boxoffice on the Ijum. Pittsburgh. Speckled. Brooklyn. Good. Never heard of the war or- weather. Baltimore. Attendance only over the weekends. Cleveland. Up and down. Good pictures, fair; bad films, poor. Philadelphia, better. Denver. Very helping. Los Angeles. Couldn't be worse. Grauman. Eatings Films of the week on marquee displays and their national ratings: 'Pot o' Gold' (UA), bad; 'That Hamil- ton Woman' (UA), very good; 'I Wanted Wings' (Par), both good and bad; 'Woman's Face' (M-G), strong and first Crawford holdover In two years; 'Great American Broadcast' (20th), just better than average; 'Dare Not Love' (Col), anemic; - 'One Night in Lisbon' (Par), breaking fast at the gate; 'Love Crazy' (M-G), best wherever showirig; 'Model Wife' (U), all right at home but not at the boxoffice; 'That. Uncertain Feeling* (UA), unrealized possibilities; 'Ziegfeld Girl' (M-G), one of the year's best; 'Citizen Kane' (RKO), at ad- vanced admish one of the season's worst; 'Affection- ately Yours' (WB), no boxoffice sweetheart; 'Meet John Doe' (W8), strong at pop prices; Heacblng for the Sun' (Par), nobody reaching for their change; 'Million Dollar Baby' (WB), all the cash in the title; •Penny Serenade' (Col), has exhibitors whistling everywhere, and 'Flame of New Orleans' (U), not 80 hot Terrible. Even baseball Is drawing good. Rain and warm weather Ocean outdrawing 'B'CAST'JTG, B'KLYN drosses Fairly Steady—'Wagons' BoU io $16,000 with 'Sis' Brooklyn, May 27. RKO Albee doing well with "Great American Broadcast' and 'Repent at Leisure.' Holdovers at Fabian Para- mount and Loew's Metropolitan will come' through with' satisfactory grosses. ' Estimates for lliLs Week Albee (RKO) (3,274; 25-35-50t- 'Broadcast' (20th) and 'Repent' at Leisure' (RKO). Nice $17,000. Last 'week, 'Flame New Orleans' (U) and 'Double Date' (U), weak $14,000. Fox (Fabian) (4,023; 25-35-50)— 'Wagons Roll" (WB) and 'Sis Hop- kinsT (Rep). Good $16,000. Last week, 'Singapore Woman' (WB) and tab version of 'Crazy with Heat,' mUd $16,000. Met (Loew's) (3,618; 25-35-50)— 'Ziegfeld Girl' .(M-G) and 'Man Made Monster* (U) (2d wk). Good $15,000. Last week, attractive $20,- 000. - Paramoont (Fabian) (4,126; 25-35- 50)—'John Doe' (WB) and -Comes Happiness' (WB) (3d wk). Okay $13,000. Last week, sweU $18,000. Strand (WB) (2,870; 25-35-40)— 'Horror Island' (U) and 'Invisible Ghost' (Mono). Quiet $4,000. Last week, 'Wolf Chance' (Col) and 'Shot Dark' (WB), ditto. (Sam) Warner Theatre's 10th Anni in Youngstown Youngstown, O., May 27. .Warner theatre at Youngstown, erected by Albert, Harry M. and Jack L. 'Warner as. a memorial to their brother, Sam, . celebrated • it? 10th' anniversary recently. D. M. Robins, brother-in-law .of the War- ners, >stiU is general manager, and Frank Savage, who was with the firm when it operated the Dome, still is manager. . The Warner brothers an'^ their family had operated a grocery -store and a bicycle shop in Youngstown for" many years. The house, com- pleted In 1931, cost oyer $1,000,000. It-is one of the very few houses'in the country whicb has never played double features. TACE' $13,000, PROY.; 'AFFECTIONATEY' m Providence, May 27; With weather lumping from rec- ord-breaking heat to chilly breezes, grosses all around are fairly steady. RKO Albee shuttered until the latter part of August. 'Affectionately Yours* at' Majestic and 'A Woman's Face' at Loew's State are both rid- ing high. Estimates (or This Week BKO Albee (2,200; 28-39-50). House darkened for summer. Last week. 'Top Hat' (RKO) and 'Bring- ing Up Baby' (RKO) (re-issues), weakie $4,000. Carlfon (Fay-Loew) (1,400; 28-39- 50) — 'Ziegfeld Girl' (M-G) and "Missing Days' ' (Col) .(2d run). Doing very nicely with expected $3,200 after'two previous downtown weeks at Loew's State. Last week, 'Wagons RoU' (WB) find 'Flight Des- tiny^ (WB) (2d-run), fair $2,500. Fay's andie) (2,000; 10-25-35)— 'Missing Girls* (PRC) and 'Sheriff Tombstone'' (Rep). Juve trade help- ing toward good $4,000. Last week, 'Man Monster' (U) and 'Pals Pecos' (Rep), good $3,800. Majestle (Fay) (2,200; 28-39-50)— 'Affectionately' (WB) and 'Singa- pore Woman' (WB). Swell $9,500. Last week, 'Broadcasf (20th) ,and 'Sleepers West' (20th), nifty $9,000. State (Loew) (3,200; 28-39-50)— 'Woman's Face* (M-G) and 'Wait for You' (Metro). Getting a good share or the biz with neat $13,000. Last week. 'Ziegfeld Girl' (M-G) and 'Missing Days! (Col) (2d wk), zowie $10,000. Strand -(Indie) (2.000; 28-40-50)— 'Dare Not ^ve' (Col) and 'Lady Louisiana* (Rep). 'Good'$6;500. Last week, 'First Beau* (Col) and 'Rookies Parade' (Rep),-fair $5,000. Skourases Worried O^er Their Nephew in Greece .^nxlety is being George and Spyros Skouras over tiie safety, of their nephew, Tbanos Skouras, distributor In Athens. No word hers been received of his whereabouts since the Germans invaded Greece. Last report from Thanos 'Skouras was while he was in the Greek capital, but that was before the Nazis took over. Thanos held the concession for distribution of numerous American 'ZIEGFELD' JOG, MONTREAL •Broadoast' Good $e,600-^Best Dented by Holiday . Montreal, May 27. •Ziegfeld Girl' is tops currently, with balance average to so-so. Vic- toria Day (24) pared grosses some, with week-enders making It first of the summer holidays. "Too' early yet for U.S.-toxirlsts to fill in. Estimat^ tor This Week Palace "(CT) (2,700; -30-45-62) — 'Broadcast' (20th). Pretty good $6,500. Last week, 'Boys Town' (M-G), $6,800. Capitol (CT) (2,700; 30-45-62) — 'Affectionately' (WB) and <Strange Alibi' (WB). Good enough $5,500. Last week, 'Sea Wolf (WB) and 'Thieves' (WB), weak $4,500. Loew's • (CT) (2,800; 35-53-67) — 'Ziegfeld Girl' (M-G). Handsome $10,000. Last week, 'HamUton Wo- man* (UA) (2d wk), good $7,000. Princess (CT) (2,300; 30-40-53)— 'Man Lost* (U) and 'Mr. Dynamite' (U). N.s,g. $3,000. Last week, 'Wagons RoU' . (WB) and 'Shadows Steirs' (WB), feeble $2,200. Orphenm (Ind) (1,100; 30-40-60)— 'Pot Gold' (UA) (2d wk). Good enough $2,500, after satisfactory $3,100 last week. (JInema de Paris' (France-FUm) (600; 30-60)—Tteclf de CoraU' (2d wk). Fair $1,000 In sight, after $1,400 last week. St, Denis (France-Film) (2,300; 30- 40)—'Fedora' end 'Anchols de Bombcs.' Weak $3,000. Last week, •Li Scandale' and 'Dr. Knock,' be- low average $3,200. Rains Help Boston; Hamilton' $24,000, 2 Spots, ICane'N. C Boston, May 27. Last week's heat wave withered opening day receipts and biz did not begin to perk until Friday night when the rains came. No standout film in town, with 'Hamilton Woman,' 'American Broadcast' and 'Wanted Win^s,* all running about even for medium dough. 'Citizep Kane,' accorded rives by the crix, was given the brush-off by ctistomers, and the opening week, ending Sunday (25), fizzled. Estimates tor -This Week Boston (RKO) (3,200; 28-39-44-55) -'Sell My Dfe' ^Select) and 'Red Head' (Mono), with stage show topped by .Thurston and Dinah Shore, four days; and 'Nice Girl' (U) and 'Man Lost'._ (U) (both 2d run), three days. Aiming at seedy $6,500. Last week, 'King Zombies' (Mono) and 'Singing Hill' (Mono), with Marcus unit on stage, four days: and 'Emergency Landing' (UA) ana 'Pirates Horseback' (Par), with Marcus unit on stage, three day^ $11,000, fair. Fenway (M&P) (1,373; 28-39-44- 55)—'John Doe' (WB) and 'Strange Alibi' (WB) (both continued from Met). Dying to tune of $3,500. Last week, 'Cheers Bishop' (UA) and 'Sis Hopkins' (Rep), $5,700, dandy. Keith Memorial (RKO) (2,900; 28- 39-44-55) —'Broadcast' (20th) and 'Repent Leisure' (RKO). Medium $14,0Q0. Last week,'Uncertain Feel- ing' (UA) and 'Double Date' (U), $12,300, off. Majestio (Shubert) (1,014; 75-$1.10- $1.65)—'Kane' (RKO). Dallied with only $8,000 for first week of road- show run. here. MctropollUn (M&P) (4,367; 28-39- 44-55)—'Wanted Wings' (Par) and 'Shot Dark' (WB). Around $14,000, so-so. Liast week, 'John Doe' CWB) and 'Strange Alibi' (WB), opened strong, but faded as week progressed to $18,000, still okay. Ofphemn (Loew) (2,900; 28-39-44- 55)—'Hamilton Woman' (UA) and 'Queen's Penthouse' (Col). Fair $14.. 000. Last week, 'Men Boys Towii* (M-G) and 'Washington Melodrama' (M-G), $18,300, good. . Faramonnt (M&P) (1,797; 28-39-44- 55)—'John Doe' (WB) and 'Strango Alibi' (WB) (both continued run from Met). About $5,500, n.s.b, Last week, 'Cheers Bishop' (UA) and 'Sis Hopkins' (Rep), $8,000, very good. Scollay (M&P) (2,538; 28-30-44-50) —'Pot Gold' (UA) and 'Sis HopklnS* (Repj (both 2d run). Skidding to very bad $3,000. Last week, 'Great Lie' (WB) and "Knockout' (WB) (both continued from 2d run from Par and Fenway), $3,500. State (Loew) (3,600:^28-39-44-55) —"Hamilton Woman' (UA) and "Queen's Penthouse' (Col). Just creeping In for around $10,000. tiast week, "Men Boys Town' (M-G) and 'Washington Melodrama* (M-G), $14.- 100, very good. ABE LYMAN TILTS TOr TO 16G IN PUNK PIH. Bags Are Ont, Let's Go Hollywood, May 27. Start of The Remarkable Andrew* is slated for June 30 at Paramount,' pictures in Greece. He Is widely following the elimination of contro-' versial angles In the script Brian Donlevy and William Holden are assigned to top roles. known In U. S. trade circles because of his many visits to America)* last time to study American dlstribijlUon. and exhibition methods. . 'Mnrder Man' Theft Suit Comes Up Thors. Notice that th« depositions of J. Robert Rubin, y.p. of Loew's, Wil- liam i. Fadlmhn and Kenneth Mc- Kenna, Metro's nrtern and.'tvestern story "editors, Julie" Heme, head of the play department Harry Rapf, producer, and Tim Whelan, dlr.^ctor, will be taken In N.. Y. federal court tomorrow (Thursday )r has been filed in that court by Stephen Van Gluck and Joseph Eisinger, authors. They seek an injunction, accounting of profllts, and damages against Loew's 'Murder Man,' claiming the film to be a plagiarism of their play, 'The Last Edition.' Play was written in 1833 and sub- mitted to Loew*a In July, 1834, but refected. .. . • - ■ Pittsburgh, May 27. Biz spotty. Abe Lyman helping roundly-panned 'Pot o Gold' over the hump at the Stanley, while "Love Crazy' is doing first-rate at-the Penn. Rest of town is in the doldrums. Estimates tor This Week Fallon (Shea) (1,700; 25-40) — 'Rage Heaven' (M-G) and 'Penalty' (M-G). Doesn't look like much more than $2,000, very tepid. I^ast week, 'Flame New Orleans' (U), a washout at around $3,300. Penn (Loew's-UA) (3,300; 25-35- 50)—'Love Crazy' (M-G). Lot of nice words in the press. Should touch at least $13,000 which is good enough, and more, to send it to Warner for holiday session. Last week, "Woman's Face' (M-G) all- right at $13,500, although it feU off somewhat after a fast start BItz (WB) (800: 25-35-50)—'Hamil- ton Woman' (UA) (3d wk). Brought here after first playing Penn and then Warner, and Louls-Baer fight pix were added oil Sunday (29). Around $3,200, allrlght. Last week, 'John Doe' (WB) (3d wk), 'about $2 800 Senator (Harris) (1,750; 25-35-50) — Penny Serenade' (Col) (2d wk). Doing about half what it did open- ing stanza-^d stays for a third'try.' Should get better than $5,500 cur- rently, as against $10,500 getaway. Stanley (WB) (3,800; 25-40-60) — 'Pot Gold* (UA) and Abe Lyman's band. Film getting scant attention, and most of the biz can be attributed to Lyman. Looks like around $16,000, and may do bit abov?, tVat. Last week, "Magic Music* (Par) and t>iosa Costello-CTro Rimac probably hit a new low for house at $9,000. Warner (WB) (2,000; 25-35-50) — "Womanis Face' (M-G) (2d wk) moved here from Penn. Should grab poor $3,800: I^ast week, 'HamUton Woman' (UA), also .on move-over lroni,'Penn," around $^fiOO.