Variety (May 1941)

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18 FnLM REVIEWS Wedaeedaj, May 28, 1941 GOLDEN GATE GIRL (Continued from page 16) is plenty of argument aboutthe con-I her^^^^^^^^^ b.^JS sh?J lS"be '^arnoTfpee^^^'.fand there fhTr^un^ firn^Jw^Jn. nearly as a«J^«cMoo is evidently UtQe crttihg, no c«<«tf "^''e ««*fS*lST^the i ^ other thnn the bare, announcement 12prtoJ_the_ pi^ laid ^ bun«d| D Berlin-Bernie I (ram pace : other than Itte oare announceancnv mroi «i m« . "jm ron- <rom drownine. is nearly bunea . . , ^ . , , ,, salesman and cook do their best to of the «v«iL At times there ar^l^Tatl^t Is almost « ^^l^onecon ,&om S^STsUJie, sparklis in two explained that USO officials told brS^bout reconciliation for the comments, but the sound track most- trast^ to .^^^t^e |^^^ ^d«-Wate? Shots a^id wmes out vie- him. when he (Rose) was tryinfi to benSt of the child, '^ut the old man jj. bas the noise of the crowd. I Diti We^l.^d Hobm torious when pitted afiainst a Jion, i line up contralto Marian Anderson only fires the cook as well. The , principal pomt m difi>ute is banker mtfl«(^ ruSners^^^ lanned only with a dagger. Major;for the show, that they wanted to two men take over a laundry and Aether Louis • flattened ^er ffter . leader of the ff^ SSriJk' provides plot thread concerns a band of^coUect money from the south and, raise the infant, who grows up to the beU rang ending the sixth Comely Lynn we^^ CTOoks seeking coveted diamonds, therefore to duck colored Dcribrml be the image of her mother. Both round. Hiose with acute hearing ^ije romanhc an^em her ^^^^^^%/°]Sriian natives, and the ^ *** P*""™" roles are played by Tso Yee M^. say the bell can be faintly he^ and .fff^.^^^f^Sli likKew of the jungle girl ti) outguess,''^ _ _ , one of China's top stars. At the then came the lethal sock. To &e ioP^^^S c^lJ^rton tote Se thieves and a cin^iring tribal „ ,. P*^' „ . , , ■ ■• ation aU average onlooker the blow seemed l^??^'J°^^Bf^^e Sa medicine man. The girl has been I Bflm «>d Bernie at thu: Infor- to be legal enough. Referee Arthur Stant<m and CharlM SLMOore. la^ brought up in tte jungle by her, matioa. are declared to have become Donovan insisted the bell r^g at colored wmic "^<^««§-„„ con-'me^Slo fa&ier, who's been driven enraged. The songwriter, who was the same in^t that tte punch was .^"^^I^on^ ^. from rfvUizatin bv the crimes of on hand to sing his 'God Bless thrown. Other officials say it came tributes a suck_ joo on hie twin Kmtw 4Toup«e U>e twin »_„-i_>. ..-i„ki„ . finale there's around. , , ■ i Story has been nicely woixed out, with plenty of comedy touches. Wem. NAVAL ACADEMY companied Baer being batled to the marked skill, canvas twice before in the sixth, it | is understandable that neither the , mmv d/\V contfestants nor the referee heard ; l/ANn I a^J I the bell. _ . J * Over the radio it was stated that Wear. Hollywood, May 22. Cohjmbla production- and reiPAM. F<rR- tuwM FVeddle Bartholomew. Jimmy Lydon, .. „.__> Hilly Cook. Directed bj- Krle C. KcDton. „j;„ ;f ,„a5 ctated that (8BIT1SH-MADE) o 'iinni wreenptay by David ei«wr«tein. Over the iadio_it was^atea i^^ /WlUtSonesI Gordon RKrby. buaod on Kiory by Bohert i Donovan asked Baer s handlers il (Willi Bon£s| James Coawiir; camora', John fstomar: jjg nrould come out for the seventh London, May 1. editor, William l.yon: Aunt, director. fOund Thzt isn't seen. Ancil Hofl- I _.„„w, c™.iM, rplmse «f But- li^Z'r^-^y'^^l'-i^JSJS^^ manager, is depicted in c^^''i^lfi^>^^J^^"^'^,,'^^i- mtSSsbT^ ». jjjg-j^g demanding that Louis be wufred Lawaoo. Di«rt«d by Oawiiid Mu- ster^ Kendoii Preidie^Bartholomew disqualified and because he _re- ^'^' g ""Ta^b!^. i^^ '.al^'TiAe'S^Oire^d^'' ai,i sia h»d a<A participated in the re- gion'. Runnhc ttane, M MUCH. I crooked twin bi«rtber, shiftiag over hearsal. He said that when Bernie M^i" wim«d* I *o ^ villain character in the open- toW him it would be okay, that the jm!c."'.'.".'.'.'.'. '.'. '.V.V.'.'.".' AnnToddling charter when the medico is hand could ad lib music for him, he nanny , dain. • sanctioned Robinson's appearance. I iSrfg'flie'? l^*en^Sgf^stlfl ^ "^^^ ^ R^L^-- IfiamcSS!^ son must be aUowed to go on. Ber- Frances Ciflard appears ideally nle was equally vociferous and Rose I fitted as the athletic femme Tanan,! quicmy agreed that the pair was {tiie role of Kyoka, eombining physi- J rl^it, and told the maestro m.c. to cal attributes with fair actiag ^>illty introduce him. which is wasted on blah dialog. Tom Qose declared later that he had Neal. as the one upright gent in the instructions about Negroes in the S5^"'on"^' '^1„2^^bS f^' *^ dimculty being that Tommy Blake , mained in the ring after the seventh- a^^r. ;. ;. ;. ;.-. ;.-. ;.F;.-5«"'^v^ Sfunl be^l.struck,^Baer was.eUsqual- SStTBSoketi Warren Ash. ifled. It is shown, however, that Jimmr Mendenon noufiaa Scott Hoffman motioned to Baer not to Ray Ouneroo Wtirrer Uoyd ^ jjjj gt^i_ Hgd DonOVan , STp^r.V.-.V.V.V.V.-.V.-.-.j^'^w^r'i? ~^cfd°^ presence of Louis's sec- KldOIeallcks , iss^y" who ^cumbed, into a.e rin^; ^^^■::::::::::::::::uok^ \ ^ ""^'r. SJLsS?:^f....... ::....ftrt L«mo«|shambariritch doctor; Robert Bar-> the Secretary ct War. demanded t<o«ty Albert W4uiaii Tommy Cook, Bddie Acuff and " pr«>e at once. I etrongly protest Joey Martin Tommy Bupp might just as well have disquali J?"o«Ui.-.-.V,-.V.-.-.-.-.V.WS« b'.:S flea sus'^'^/ *3?Ji7' " colored guy with ^his is another version of the re- ' *e™ «'! ""ight generation of prep school boys Skinny Haro' Herherl Al KikuraeT ' 1^ undrmnpratic act,* he stated, Presence of six scripters on &t ^ahd appeal to you. Mr. Secretaiy, to soecD writintg staff indicates stoiy order an immediate investigation o( • ... - . jjnwarranted attack—though generawm oi prep stnwui i#ujri> ■ ^j'l_?lJ^iH*.?j''lf,„>f'^^ilJJ- S^ini ' Low budgeter suffers nearly all sovou wimi^ sian mnMrjHgis siuijr arat through strict discipline. Here, the ^fj^* i^?^.^ fliifrt ter^^ the way from that complex and tails I «liHioUlties m working ©nt some of ihls setting is a private naval sdiool, |^ he ^ad J'tteoAed sTL^ to Set much fr<>m the weU-4rjed tbt tiapttK. Hiram S. Brown. Jr,' ecfei but the stoiy formula sails the same to durinif tte ho*^ «* It wBl ring ao familiar course as many predeces- SSS^fit^ii n^e«^i^Sl l»eQB in any parHcidar location, hut sore. -Naval Academy' is a minor S'^l^ But ^ fartttat 'may be «o«a for some teax-jeridng league B entiy. to provide ,ntnnimd ,1^ *^S,m 1^ *^ avid^s«timental. Shaped „— _ . . , j„ _„t .niif fmin 4tin<w liuai itm: avsufjr ot^m n i n- i i ... .i,.^..^^ Johs Kngtifih. who've worked On his dual support for the juvenile trade. ^^tic K^RurJ^Sn for the masses, teature will get some ' aerials before, do weU enou^ with fo^£* ^^tic^^^^le'^fo^'^ l^rit^^^^^hlsn.^?^ the three or four tu^s it, the material at hand. Tear. '^^/^^ mdi^tes h^ ^ ^'^f^t^^^^d^e dinfction and a Weak script P^^^o^, ?^r^"^''*?SU^ l-^^rf tte^^e fllhter^a fJ 'are mainly responsitOe for tiie let- ^?^"*f» 4i«P^^^ basic appeal of fSESS^-SoSrr«™?^ i tol™ a much smSna- mittman. mettier-love. Yam ti2rns on She re- M'*°°J^*^iS^S fiS,??SJ4!5S^' ^ote^ ai^ he^d something ■ torn «4 Aim Todd from Broadway ffl^^^^f ! ^^i^Sv^^bit>ther Mai . Britain go« io war. in h^p^ . . - . ... ■ . Bcfljversivdy <lDne—against a race who^B produced oiber trials, has y^^g^ ^^^j^ tinquesUoned and given the sanaJ trim back^undiiig ^hi.*, ^^^^ stilli . while directors William ?i^Qr^ ^^a^^"*^,^ ^ °* -TnVn 1l>«rKi!h n/hn'vs i»nrV«H ftn W» JkJBericanlSm. rich family. Kids go through regu- lar routine advei^ures, to all emerge as exen^lary examples of the Acad- emy tTBimng methods. iVeddie Bartatolomew^ Jiraimy Ls<don and Billy Oodk are the Hxree boys. Waii<en A^ie is most naturid in the si^pporting cast as the yomtg oSSoer wii& a sympailhetic imd^ staniitmg 'Of ^^uveoite prohleiro. Nei&er cast ser diiectar SMe C didn^ do. and that was to aobk it of finding young son and a dtvorced into Louis. ' bo^band. She'd walked out on lat- Again it was shown ttiat the ter *i*en pair were do^ a •vaude Y<hatnr is not posittvelbr inwacible. J act in the small-tmae. Film wanders SmpSsmgly senstftionBl bit of the aronnd feom IhMJe m stret^ing il- eocounter 'came n^ar the end of round one, when a left hook seat .Lonis Ihrough the ropes. Had Baer not lodoed one leg with that of the champ's file Betroit Bomber might have fallen inb> ibe :pi>e5s trrw. He Kienton «aii overoome syirihelnc sjid praBapgy cflimbed out and did not obviOB^y static titoty dificiences. Watt. Yo Qniero Ser Batadaaa il Waat to Be a Cbms CM*) (JUBGCNIIMe-MATC) (WHh Saws) Boenes Ahte^ May 7. l^nmlton ¥lUm pvoduotton «na mlaase. Pvatnrea l>Unl JSon^ll. Avblna Ohnoe, Allola Boixle, flefiundo Pomat. Juan ^CaiQoe Thorry, ffilnrlQue SolOoa. RtibentA BUmoo. Bona Mart'hi and (Dalela TTftyior. 'W<rltt«m mud .tUrnotod IMnxrael SUmiflvo. Stoviewed «^-tiie Srmdwoy theatre, Gubdos Alcea, seSf out to Ctill feature ileagth, oon- oeming itsdf with a lidi admirer who is eventually respons&ite for bringing the' busted pair together s^ gaVn ii Pjiihgrr gatA son SIC lay that tsme down to playing for nidc^ in ^the fiti^e0ts.. Wilfned Laweosi meanders thi>ou^ £he-pietiB« as a variety agent; he man^ses to make muc3i of very lit- La Casa De Los Cuervos (Hie BMac at ttc Claws') (ABCeNHNE-JtADE) Buenos Aires, May 7. Ajvrentlne Sono Film preducllon And n* leaie. Fea.tures Jf^ula Aldoa, Amelia B«dda, SIbb O'Connor, Mlgu«l -Oomex Rao, 3Ell0ar- jSo Santalla, Tllma VJdal, FTollan Vanla, SmUlo <Goln. ^rlo Coaslar, iSlhrla Lesraad and Joixe TUloldo. Baud on a sovel t>y Gnetavo Vartloex Zu\'irla {Huco Waat) and aireoted by -Garloa Borooaqoa. B«- vifiv«d al the Monumental theatre In SuenoB Aires. .seem disconoerted. Because <d the fontroversy over the matdh file piettire ^ould do weU _ •annrn^, «s!ce^ Of oolffse IS the tie. saem^der of. ihe -cast so-so. 'sotilfa. On Ihe strength <e(f the .^how- haringa iov&i time wxth the matC' ing, the coalender is sW. in the iniB- ' rial. Wylie Watson, as an eocentric nisg and the men may be remalched keeper «1 a -dead-^iest dive, sue- in $be SsiU. Some es^>ert6 th-ink Hhat yaung Saer will he the liext HSHs holdei;' tjnste ^possihle judged from the lowing as filmed. ■oeeds in clocking a lew lau^is The Zridi should not he confused 3}y dbe ^Qtle: it has to do merely 'with the song the mother used to (In Spanish). 'TSm screen version of 'La Casa de les Cuervos.' based on the best- selling Argentine novel of Dr. Gus- tavo Martinez Zuviria (Hugo Wast), looks lu&e a Bsttual for remake in lliviera ^uMng SsaCoaCbuied Imb vase l^^^ mal(7 or for some producer to skip down to them with an important contract Ihe tasinos at Nice and Cannes have reopened with the permission of the Vichy government. This in- olutles the gorgeous Palais de la Mediletxanee, originally built by Frank J. Gould; the Nouveau Casino at Nice (openeS March 17) and the Capno al Cannes. March also marlced 13ae reopening of the Ni.ce Hippodroime. 3he C^ino at Monte Carlo has been doing biz since last August -^e takings ia all the cafiinos are reported te be very large and to Shttaisnwihy 3t <Skny-, tut'dose-Mp her Jdd, Hanny^ before the ---"-^^i^^ ' — rooms aiBter' paitiag. Grant Tyler doesn't im- .'^sls hi dressing the match aright, have made Ihe pic- ture mone ^disadihiK. Bowevec, foegent iSea in fflnnng Sgfats is to Stress in the Idd rele, A <ooimle of pop tunes are' wen handled !by a dubbed voice for Ami Appearing hi the rote olf ^atdta,** ■ charadter she created for ^e Tadiq, Nini Mazshall, one of the top draws among ^anish'ispeaking actresses in .fibow the ""otr^ without ejctxaneeas Hlodd. Whoever does the ^luteing de- triOs. Ihee. DESERT BAfa>n' Republic releaee of Geort^ ShAanon pro- the aates. « has a broad, higtoridd 1^ t. io badeground, plenly of artion and a I^^^^J'*'''^!!, if! , good wimanlae story, plus the fact |furtacr reported that a fairly large that it is popi:dar throughout Span- proportion of people at the tables i^ osuntries. The book has been 'oonsiEts of refugees fnom the Oer- monted in BagUsfa, German, Tt a l ia n, | man and Wjwwijiw occiyried oounlries, Portuguese, Bussian, Swedidi. Dan-, i^ot to mention British and Ameri- "^i^^^^HUm in MM, flie fact ^ If"" 5"?" thatttiVK^lslal*'. in th^ i«rOlu- | they were advised to get out tionary pcsuod around 1873 has pre- ! ""°e wondera where tiie Conti- vented any dating of the Sim. Di- neatzcl scfufiees here get their money reiAor Carlos Bor«oBgue, who also ,to ploy wafh, sonsidering the severe did the adaption, while fully fellow- penattieE there 'are for exporting ing the characteristics of the twcOc capital tnom their countries. But in;^»„V.^ji^,it^^S:? .t^ls ^ okay with the Frentih .ince SolItiTKS^ ; --V,- H're.''?."yn"n'"Ser?lX= likely to click (throughout Latindom. ' by ceorea sherm?n credit Peter Maacmester does *weitl with 'Mouodsins of Monme'' in Ihe Sns3 sequence, where ; - . the rtpeet mnsicianE ane hired to ! and tightened characterizations for , . . _,..-,„ „„ ,„ ^. provide entertainment at a ritzy I the screen. Narrative is agile, contl- Part of the pi ofits go to the national hotel. It's a small stoiy in bedroom slip- pers, with a bai^stage theme which provides diredtor Manuel Romero basis for a fast^moving amusing comedy. As usual, Romero has written his iiue iiaiiin..................T,ynn Merrirk I script, «Bd while well put togeiflhec. xmijoD wiiiinm iinnde .*1creenplay by Ben- nett Cohen, Eliot Gibbons from orlfflnal by Cohen: editor. Rny .Snyder; cameriw 'WlUlnm Noblea; munlc. Cy Feucr. Pre- viewed >hi Projection Room. N. T., May 22. '41. nmining time, sa MINS. Dob Cnnidall Don 'Red* Bnrry JUNGLE GIRL nuity good and the romantic epl- : exchetjuer. sodes well-copstructed. Document- I The reopening of the Nice and ary aspects, often a sore point with -. Cannes casinos has been detrimental local critics, have been carefully to the activity at Monte Carlo. While watched, and as a .result the film has the French spots were closed, every- '"Storf UlU "o1"=r- capUin (Luis ' '^'^^^^^ t't^e -all principality Aldas) who is the guiding spirit of a i '"}^^^^ casino had been open revolutionary attempt in the Prov- I since August, 1940. Now it is re- .. , ^, , . - , Tim-Martin Jam.. GiiiMi,. »°n- ...v».v. , >nce of Santa Fc. In the course of .ported that buses and trains it is not too origmal. Plot is one of I'll^*"""•'T,",!.! ^^y'.^^^, those very involved things in which caiitain"Banning.Tom Chattcrton ^'''"^'^ Balaon; bnned on Rdjfar Rice Bur- Nini Marshall saves the compaqy 'OrfhvAy trom jahveii ""f,*'"!"7**vi?t?"^''rr9''*'' ^u- ^ «^*w*««w.a (16-CHAPTEB SEBIAL^ Republic releaee of HIrnm S. Hrown, Jr., production. Features Frnnces Glfford. Tom ... , „ „ „ ?orEhfXhMnJ^;^''"brRrar^^7d^l revolt attempt in the Prov: | "nee August. 1940. »on, Normnn s. Hall. William I^lvely, ., . ... . ,. . . Jo8oph_ o'Donneii, Joseph^ V. Poland. A. the battle he talis the brother of a half empty to Monte Carlo. I youg woman to whose home he is | Theatres, filmeries and variety taken wounded after the (revolution j^ows are doing a land office biz. run tre in a finish that one local re viewer compared to a 'David Utiak. Griffith epic' Although her rnle is apart from the main plot, she doesnH let that stop her and constantly' dominates the screen. Her cSown- I^Shertir "Warde Dmie Stitnton ■ ! <Queen This latest Texas Ranger western Room, N. Y., Kay 32. '41. RunninR lime. {terrupted by the gild Sriend of the Many of the travelling troupes have Death by Voodoo.' fliii ciinpter, 20 MIN8.' dead brother and Ihe captain goes "^ong stands in the various Ri in„nAn of Beasta,'. .aecond -chapter, ' - . ■- ... ^—; -i*;—* a- —*. ' out to find death in a iiew nevoilu- j viera cities from Marseilles to Monte _„„,.. . _ _,_ ,,tionary csmfpaign. .Story, while -Carlo, and the.takings everywhere . . ^- , S stnnion:::::::::;::::^"^"^^^ is much more than the plot have been tops, studios in Nice, S"?^ "^."^^^PP^f^^ "^^-^^T^ Meredith-Bradley Trevor n.irdeite',outlitie indicates. -Battle soones, Cannes and Marseilles are booked advantss Don Wed' Barry as a head- screen. Her ctewn-;liner in oats operas, and at the sanie MeTedlth-Bradiw.'/^ indicates. -Battle ,.^tiu« Ing, especially, in a parody of Satrit time enhances the prestige of Re- siick xaiimer ooraid Mohr i done on a lar^e scale unusual in _„_*u- i_ n *u — Saens' 'Death of a Swan,' is a mttle IputQic as producer of b.o. .outdoor nnriy Roven. .....Eddie .acuk Argentine jn^s^^ ^jjceOlently han* ,™?"^ i?,, . "f the acting liKe Fanny Brioe-with a Spmiirih ac- sagas. 'Desert Bandit' rates high in ??Jj^j^l'-;TomiTv toX died. CJhief difficutty is ttSt the Medicis, at Cannes is cent. There lis little double eoi- '•Driguial treotm^t snd last^gaited Bombn., ii'obert rfarron, ^altiOn is Bometimes moi* mechani- l™ore popular than ever, Revue scenes, 'directed by Merce- des H. Quintana .and carried out hV her dance group, are excettlent. Music by Rodolfo Scianarella, and Jlayed by the tengo orchestra lof uan d'Arienzo,. also very Skdy .to' save a large sheet ■music and disc' sale. ' Ray. tendre whi<:h I.atins like in their -direction for .a familiarly patterned. butembi.,,.: ai Kikume films, but it's feetft well in -hand. cactus Tnellor. ' *'*<"'•.•. ^V* J?'''!''*' - ^— - - - — 1,. . CloKSatt Al Taylor Gun 'smuggling along the Mexican. Bone Joe McGuinn iborder accounts for all the shooting. The -Lion Chlet aerry ^-rank The famUiar unfaithful new recruit """'"•Ba ...Konnoth ito (the Rangers angle' is itaken care V • , - -., - . -Of t^hen the suspected di^yall mem-, .„ .„_„. ._„. „ Juan dArienzo. also very iHk^y to n>er is.shof flown 4n cold Wood iby a come along with aicomely femme as'"""* Improvement over previous iflidhonest sheniff, ■In cahoots with the. star -since the time Pearl "While won! l"*^! eifEorts. Bjay. ■smuggling gang. After that, 4he ajlot attention with her Perils Pauline'' cal than logicall and parts of the dialpg are dedlamatory. Aidas does weill, -e^ciaUy con- sidering Jact that it^ nis Arst pic- Terreii i ture. Slsa CTConnor,. a leading stage I actress, also draws favorable oom- This is virtually Ihe first serial to m^nt, and Amelia Bence ^ows HOLD TIGHT LOUIS-BAER FIGHT UTIE CHANGES HoUywbefl, May 27, 'Out of the Fog' is thh?d title for a Brown, the Carpenter, Has His Own Ideas of Collecting Detroit, May 27. Since the law was too slow mov- ing to suit him, Charles Brown, De- troit carpenter, nailed shut the doors of -the Grant, nabe theatre here, to collect hade wages. He did such a thorough job that not only customers swerves into the old groove -of aiav-' and (Ruth Roland averted in^excit dug dauntless corporal (Don Bariy ing weekly -episodes. Opening leign a (disgruntled, diacharged dhsfftter sort of overlooks emphasis Recorded by Pathc for.RKO«t Oritflth ' fl^^SJ"„f'^h7 inn r\'lnSir^^„?fil™' 2!! 'j""^^ Sirl' becMiBe SO many Btadium, Waahington, D. c. May s»\ •BCBrtions of ithe jgun runner .outfit : dharactets are ibemg iintroduced but _ ^ ^ heavywelRht championahip bcbweon jne \ Unlike numerous Other westerns, fbe second indicates futtire buildup Wsraei: picture which -started -out as hut also the owners of the house Ji'"y °B*,■^nl^t^?,2^■1«*MVvs ^"""'' thepc 'is & iminimum of .chases and for the femsile Tarzan. Without such 'The Gentle People' and was j w,t .^mt N. Y. Running t ime, 18 MIN8. | gunpltiy. And when there lis a stress on the -feminine Jure, .this I changed, temporarily, to 'Danger'- ^ DiSDUted but Sensational boxine Plethora of galloping jjoriies and might well :slump into just another .Harbor:' coSIIT between jfe Louis thf tossing of lead, there's always a n-ea- serial for the juvemles. | 'ihe Big Store' is release tag on champ, and Buddy Baer, the con-;^°n- Film consequently is that muah, Ejthibttqrs have a_ good name .to |'Bargain BaseiMnr at Metro, tender,'.is showing, in RKO houses, swifter in action and in riv^ing in- sell in Edgar £ice Burroughs, who! Warners diitted Irom 'The Maltese but with the Palace occuoied by ' ^^e^t' Pj^'o^ """el between the authored the origmal noval bearing' Falcon" to Knight of Malta.' ' ■"" ~ " " " ""™ " ' I Harry Balk, nephew of the house I owner, testified in court that Brown had done some work on the theatre but that it was a sub-contractor and . ^ not the management which owed him 'CitizeW Kane' the Rialto "Indie ^"^Ker corporal and the shrewd the same title as" the picture, if his' 'Dumbo of the^vCircuS' is -new han- for the carpentry. Brown was in house which 'also gets fight first Sang leader serves as a realistic cU- rep as writer oi the Tarzan tales is j die on Walt Disney's 'Dumbo.' court for disturbing the peace but runs, is showing the film in Times 1 ff'^^",**''^, 9.''?''*'=*^^ ^ T"^ J'*""^ from Manhattan- is .ju^ge John J. Maher didn't do more Squart. Book^ in rather unex- | Barry looks and acts like a rugged 'Jungle Girl' is virtually a femme release handle on 'Girls from San- Ljj^ y under a $500 peace n^eterflv there was no time for ex- Texas Ranger as the corporal who counterpart of this lusty jungle ath- ama' at Columbia. ' u^n^ V;^ "o»„,»*«r;n<< SloiteHon i^d eSriv this w^^ He lete. She's known as Nyoka, dresses I 'Back Door to Happiness' shifted P,""!**',''^'P l"m from shuttering wMubt"tMe pictJ^fwa^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ea>^b ISI^kP*"""^ fof h7/n»t°° " * ^eciS iaw: However, as there without the usual mugging and. swings from tree to tree with the public. , I ing for his pay.