Variety (May 1941)

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Wednesday, Maj 28, 1941 IMTERNATIOMAL BADIO 27 NEW ARGENIINE AIR RULES Over-Border B'dcasts More Important Many Mexicans Brush Up on English via Shortwave —Ecuador in Salute to Mexican Anniversary Mexlco City, May 27. U. S. radio prograins have become more popular of late In Mexico. Not only do more fans tune in more broadcasts, notably Yankee music, but news broadcasts and other types of information are increasingly ap- preciated. Numerous Mexicans are using radio broadcasts from the U. S. (and from England, too) to brush up on their English Dominant Politicid Party lises English Programs Mexico City, May 27. Good neighborism is being ad- vanced by the Party of the Mexican Revolution, dominator of politics in Mexico and baclcer of the federal government on its. XEFO <S,000 watts) here. A 15-minute nightly newscast in Eiaglish is delivered by Meantime radio also unites Span- Alexis Rovzar, young local Amer. Ish-speaking Latin Americans. An lean, whose voice and delivery much example was recent special program resemble Boake Carter. This news- broadcast (21) by station HCJB, 40 cast, covering Mexican, American meters, 12,400 kilocycles, of Quito, ^ and international events, is highly Ecuador, in honor of Mexico on the, popular with the Anglo-American occasion of fiestas attending the colony and the numerous Mexicans 400th anniversary of the founding of who understand English. Morelia, capital of Michoacan, Mexl-1 The Party is arranging to Intro- NOT AS INNOCENT ^tions Escape New Taxes lis THrY irrM f I Various Restrictive and Bureaucratic Proposals Ap- nU I 11L I U L L If I ■ parently Die in Congress Some In Buenos Aires Sense a Bit of Anti-Yanquism in Implications — In Any Event Government Has New. Brunswick Meeting Sets Up Maritime Branch St. John, N. B., May 27. A branch of the Canadian Associa Mexico City, May 27. Mexico's 104 radio stations, of which 26 are here, are breathing easier for it looks as if the black clouds of higher taxes and other V-rt^w,A^A n*. ^'O"* of Broadcasters has been or-' government socks that loomed a oreauy bxienaea ue •'^-.^ganized for the eastern provinces. whUe ago have at least temporarily tail of Its Regulation Over A meeting was held at Moncton at rolled by. There is every indication All Radio NEW WEB STARTS eluding high government ojflicials, were Invited to the EcuadoraK lega- tion by Cesar Coloma, charge d'af- faires, to hear this broadcast. Ecua- dor and' the radio station were officially thanked by the Mexican government for this broadcast. Mexican radio stations, it is said, will reciprocate this courtesy and broadcast special programs on the occasion of big events in the other Latin American countries. • this station and Its other service here XEUZ (100 watte). Buenos Aires, May 27. First step of a long range program eventually aimed . at complete na- tionalization of Argentine radio has . . . i . ■ 1 J ■ -r, ^ ^ been announced by the Dirccion can state. Promment, Mexicans, in- duce other programs in English at General de Correos y Telegrafos (Postoffice) which has charge of broadcasting here. Widespread re- percussions have already been noted, proponents claiming the ac- tion will squeeze out Nazis who've recently renewed attempts to move in on radio here while opponents of proposals insist the same nationaliza- tion ruling contains more than a hint of anti-Yanquism. I Rulings were issued in connection • with, the formation of a ne# six- Mexico City, May 27. station chain which will be the first Radio is being used by the State group of stations under one owner- of Jalisco to advertise its business; ship. Two other Argentine chains and tourists advantages in Mexico | f^/^^^^^^-J^-^JP-^ and abroad, with the inauguration selgrano, are similar to U. S. chains of a double sUtion, XEJB (5,000 that they operate under con- walte), long wave, and XEJG, short tractual arrangements. The new wave, in Guadalajara, its capitaL' rulings provide: ' Offices of new stations are In the Teatro Degollado, historic playhouse which' the participants were; Lieut, jthat the new government desires to Col. K. S. Rogers, of Charlottetown; help but not hamper radio. P. E-. Laurie Smith, of Yarmouth, N. S.; Major W. C. Borrett, of Halifax; J. S. NeUl, of Fredericton, N. B.; N. Nathanson, of Sydney,. N. S.; F. A. Lynds, of Moncton. Within the scopie of the. branch are: one station each at St, John, Moncton, Fredericton, Campbellton, Summerside, Yarmouth, Wolfville, Halifax, Sydney, Charlottetown. London Calling ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4f»» London,, May B. Leslie Howard quit film-making for the day to appear in the quest niche on 'HI 'Gang.' Did his stand- by piano act. Stunt was part ot show's 'If I Had the Chance' idea, whereon show business names bare their secret ambitions. State of Jafisco Uses Radio for Tourist Ads Aimed at Yankee Nabes Barata, Brazfl Radio Head, Clippers Home Bills that were presented to con- gress in the recent past calling for higher taxes on radio stations by tha federal government and that the sta- tions be compelled to devote a part of their daily time, the amount de- pending upon ttte size, importance and Influence of the station, to broadcasting government news, in- formation and official propaganda, have been apparently dropped. Neither the ordinary session of con- gress which ended Dec. 31, nor tha special term which concluded re- cently, took any action on these ! measures. It is understood that the bills will not be reintroduced at the Willi ITJ^T ItCAAvf ^^'^ ""^ reintroduced at the nlUl llfltl ESCVIl new session of congress which begins Julio Barata, head of radio broad- Sept. 1. The federal, state and municipal government radio stations, as well MlohacI Arten stories continue to engage Val Gielgud's drama dept., latest being a version of 'The Crook- ed Coronet.' Hugh Stewart respon- sible for the air script. Scott and Whaley grabbing off more time. Their standard act gets plenty of calls, just finished a run with 'Laugh Train,' and hold down a good part of the weekly 'Ken- tucky Minstrels.' Bernard Miles from legit finally adds radio to his list of things done. Is currently handling a disc session with ad lib comment and drawing mail. Diana Ward bowed with 'Monday Night at Eight.' Her cabaret style has been tough to fit the mike hith- erto, and. she.'s.._side-stepped radio solo work. Carroll Gibbons' 'Saturday-Diver- sion' renewed for a further six weeks and given later spotting in the afternoon. Batoner retaining Jack and Daphne Barker, nllery team, on the vocal end, plus the solo niche now held by his own warbler, Anne Lenner. that the state recently modernized. Victores Prieto, state secretary gen- eral, is the manager. Inauguration ceremonies Included special program of typically Jalisco songs and music by the state band and the Guadalajara polictf depart- ment orchestra. Jalisco is the first individual Mexican state to use radio so extensively." The stations«re making a big play for American tourists. The pro- grams draw attention to the ease of visiting Jalisco and particularly Guadalajara which is served by the Pan American highway from No- gales, Ariz., and Laredo, Tex., the National Railways of Mexico and the Southern Pacific and Pan American Airways from Los Angeles. As a move to cultivate U. S. friendship, station XEB, local 50,- 000-watter owned and operated by the Buen Tono Cigaret Co., a French firm, has started airing a Latin American Hour two afternoons a week. Programs are in English and are intended to inform Yankee- visit' ors here about the history, back' ground and customs of this coun try, as well as the achievemente of Majority of ifuireholders and the board of directors of the new cowipony—ond eoentuallv of all stations —must be Tiatitie- bom Arpentine*. The president of Ihe-boant, as well as executive officers, must be native Argentines exclu- sively. Personnel in technical and administrative side must be of Argentine Tiationalttv, except in special cases authorized by the postoffice. Broadcasters must place at the. disposition of the ■ govern- ment up to one hour daily to transmit the 'School of the Air" on all stations on the network. Also, without cost, time for any transmissions which the gov- ernment considers as of public interest. The network must also instal and maintain a speciat technical officer to cooperate with the government in the development of governmental radio plans uilth 'scienti/ic ond - cultural aims.' casting in Brazil, leaves todaymouthpieces of official organic (Wednesday) from Washington on have seemingly decided to he three^ay return trip by Clipper 1^^ d'„ their own power, to get to Rio de Janeiro. He and his wife ^ i^ormation and propaganda are being escorted in both directions , privately owned ?^*^nJf™JnnM X^l^^onlTT.lf stations alone to attend their own the International Telephone & Tele- business, which is steadily increas- graph t.o. I. i.^m^if tCr '^^•AJIrlc^^ ministry of the interior has ^ .^.vi«ir ir«rtt^n the set an example in this regard by ^Sn-'sui'te o?r WaK-^torU ' f'tmg Uie -ondiUonmg of its sta- hotel. New York. William S. Paley, i*'"" ^i^„^if'%l°\'?^!dc^^ ■m! Edmind Chester, Peter Goldmark . long »°<i wave broadc^^^ and AntOiWo Gonzalez of CBS were,work «» «P«=<f* tf* '^^^P^'}^,^ present along with John Royal, Frank J""* at^f a" , J Cl Mullen and C. W.Horn, of NBC, and. grams to pr.«nt "t honie and Julius Seebach and Adolph Opflnger abroad, Part''"'"'^'^"^f, "-^S^**** of Mutual. Rockefeller committee .Mexican picture wiU be lau nched, was represented by Don Francisco . ... l^lsonTo the BraTilians from the , A^^Q )(£^S IN CANADA NJV.B. convention In St. Louis on- | ward. Paul Revere of Nazis Unveiled as Chandler Nazi radio disclosed -Monday night FOR STUDENT FLYERS Toronto, May 27. Because ot the presence of large numbers of young Australians and New Zealanders now stationed- (26) the identity of the commenta-, , ^ ^ _ j ,„ .u tor who has been billing himself as throughout Canada in the schools of 'Paul Revere.' the Commonwealth Air Training He had been describing himself as pian, new program series tagged a journalist well known in 48 states .ji^^^^^ ^^^5 Letter* Is being broad- but when the curtain was lifted, ac- ,„i„» «h. cording to an NBC plckOp, the <^^t every Sunday morning over the propagandist turned out to be a Canadian Broadcasting Corp. na- Douglas Chandler, 52 years old, who tlonal network and la already a fa- claims that he worked In 1934 on the 1 y^^He with even Canadian listeners. Baltimore American ^d did some; AustraUan , , writing for the National Geographic ; '^e^s is caoiea oy vne ftu« au» While the rulings in themselves Magazine Broadcasting ^Jommission and appear innocuous on the surface, op- nounced over the CBC network by WWSW. Pitteburgh, is resuming'Noel Deschamps secretary to the the Mexican national and local gov- ' ponents claim that they indicate an emments. | intensive effort by the Argentine „„„,., o- - . i.,_u w. PresenUtion of American and , government to exercise far stronger presentation of series of programs, .Australian High commissioner nere. English plays, directed by Annelies ' control over radio than in the past.' prepared and transcribed at Fort Runs 15 minutes. Morgan, of Fernando Wagner's Pan-, While- U,' S. broadcast re-transmis- j Meade, Md!, under the title of 'Your i American theatre, is a part of the sions such as those recently ar- Boy at Fort Meade.' Programtf^ are ! series. Adaptations are by Rickey ' ranged by William S. Paiey, of Co-' prepared and produced by Captain K||g)| Translation Of Austin, who with Miss Morgan,' lumbia, are not specifically men-^ Ray Schneider, former chief an heads a troupe that Includes Ray , tioned, those familiar with the sit- nouncer at WWSW. Adams, Vicqui Ellis, Pedro Armen- j uation insist that the government \ by N. Richard Nussbaum. (Nuss- baum is a member of the NBC pro- duction staff in Chicago—Ed). President's Address Elaborate precautions by the webs broadcast of Pi'&sklent from outelde. imentellntenru i^'indicated, is-to to. the world at Eases B. A. Crowding I eventually extend regulations to all large Included NBC's flying of two Under the rulings, four Buenos stations. Only Radio Mundo has a! translators to Washington ye«terday Aires stations move to interior long-term license The others are ^, ^j^^ ^ j^^^ Spanish jmd points, thus somewhat relieving the subject to-annual renewal and any • - Vivian Ellis, cleffer, will be bio- , , _ grapbled In forthcoming 'Spotlight . dariz and Pol Delgado. First play of | desires to have a h^nd irt all op-1 ^, .^j^ ^^^^ liberal than those , on a Tunesmlth.' He's now a Ueu- .the series was 'Parting At Imsdorf,',eration, especially what's piped i" .required of other stations. Govern-, insure, tcnftnt in the zuivy * ^' — j iiT>>«nt>ik**>« ^t^ti !>•(•_ 4ff%m ntt^eiAa i ... ..t v^ncMraif'* •HI Gang' will take a summerlay- off. Bebe Daniels-Ben Lyon-Vic Oiiver session marked up 52 straight ■ . , poinis, mus Bomewnai. reiiev^itis uic auujci;^ .^w.-emnua* a^^i.^sttw.^ ...... _ —.-r . weeks, and will resume with the ' ody carries tag 'He Wears A Pair . overcrowded metropoUtan broad- new regulations, which have come up , Ponusuese. Duo were Ell Conei ano fall. Trio are signatured to make of Silver Wings,' and will be in for : casting field. LR 8, R?dio Sarmiento,' since previous licensing, : Fernando de Sa, They revamped ad- hefty plugging. She aired it for first' s^jfj^ jo Bahia Blanca; LR 10, Radio ■■ On approving the network, the ^ance copies of the fireside chat into time when BBC ran a wire into the cullura, to O>rdoba; LS 3, Radio Department of Ojrreos and Toio- the Latin tongues, so that broadcasts with . stage show. | ultra, to Mendoza, and LS 8, Stentor, grafos pointed out that from studies ^^yj^ ^e beamed out simultaneously I to Rosario. In addition, licenses are it was evident that the_ volume of ^jth jjje President's own airing. a film around the radio show. '.Dorothy Carleaa, warbler Geraldo's outfit, going dramatic for BBC. She's airing with Ronnie HiU | Max Bacon back in harness again granted for new stations in Cata- advertising revenue In the zones to. Practically all Latin American sta- in a Cockney characterization, 'Clear after auto accident. (>3mic gete marca, Posades arid Neuquen, to a which the stations are being trans- ^j^^^ carried the President's talk. As Crystal,' afternoon' comedy ses- around on crutches. ! new company -made up of the own- ferred will allow them to continue ^^^^^ ^^^^ gg^ in England, and Aus- sion. .1 ers of the four stations moving as operations without impairing their trajjan, African and Oriental outlerta. ■ ~ I Despite war, BBC will cut in on well as the owners of Radio Splen- financial position, as weU as "meet a 'Today the fireside speech goes to H. E.'Wright's book,'Rhubaiyat Of the nightingale again when feathered did, LR 4 of,Buenos Aires, which greatly-felt public need. Europe once more in Italian, German An Actor' belag adapted for radio warbler of the wUd woods does his will be the key station of the net- Use of the network system is we i French versions. by Eric Pawcett Tome is in praUe nightly chirping-at least, they hope work. „ „ . . . f^^^i^^"*^ l^^^f^^^'Ll^L^^nUn ' " ' of the performer. i he^U chirp Five spots have been The network is Umlted to two is added. Although regulations can . b ,, o^,, ,„ ,.„i„i„. periormen laUoUtedTo the ritey tt^uslTm^^ months grace in getting started and be changed the decree gives exten- Clevelmnd-BiU fettlpiece rejotaJ rent'sinkY^tltt,' Wwt^i;,m^^^^^ ' . . . | medical attention for workers, pro-1 make the switch. 1 Applied Science.