Variety (May 1941)

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WedneBday, May 28, 1941. RADIO MARKETS S5 >«♦♦♦«♦»♦*»♦♦♦♦♦»»»♦♦»*♦«*♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦> 4 ♦»♦♦♦♦«#♦ THIS WEEK. AND LAST RADIO INDEX now AND A YEAR AGO {Each week Varietv publishes reports of radio time placement/s in leading markets. These markets are selected from the standpoint of: (I) importance; (2) existence of normal competition; (3) avail- ability and reliability of data. A unit system is followed in com- puting network, local and national spot radio advertising activity. The totals are for markets, not for individual stations. The U7iits correspond to the clock, the measurement fundamental of radio. That is to say, an hour's sponsored program counts as 60 units. A half hour is 30 units. Each spot announcement counts as one unit.) PDLSE OF AM£RI(.A1V RAIMO iAfi EnrmplMUMl hy (he VARIETY SimpW) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ LAST Compared t«Nw» iiciiranii . « . . ^^^^^ ^^^^ * • V "11 ' +10^0 TOf AL . . * , . ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Dash (P&G) Places Year s Contract for Platters on KNX Hollywood, May 27. Last week's differential In ell units was about as (Um as a gnat's eyelash. No alarm, however, as It's the customary seasonal groove and there'll bi no appreciable upsurge until early autumn. KNX claimed the biggest slice of national spot business, a year's con- tract from Procter & Gamble (for Dash) for five quarter-hour tran- scriptions weekly. Time Is addi- tional to six participations weekly In the Fletcher Wiley combination. KHJ: George Belsey Co., 39 quar- ter-hqur periods, through Dan ■Miner; Personal Finance, 62 half- hour periods, through Anderson, Davis & Platte; The Roslcruclans, 13 quarter-hour periods, through Rich- ard Jorgensen. KNX: Procter & Gamble (Dash), 260 quarter - hour transcriptions, through Pedlar & Ryan; Cudahy Packing, 78 participations In Wiley . combo, through Critchfleld & Co.; Barker Bros, (furniture), 62 quarter- hour periods, through Marion Kyle; Paul J. Howard (nursery), 28 five- minute newscasts, through Hlxson- O'Donnell. KFI: Forest Lawn Memorial Park, 26 participations In Art Baker's 'NotebjMk,' through Dan Miner; Bank of America, 13 a-<nauncement5, through Charles Stuart; Hollywood Turf Club, 12 spots, through Milton Weinberg. PUICA: HoUywood Turf Club, 14 spots, thro-igh Milton Weinberg; Ford Dealer Advertising Fund, 78 quarter-hour newscasts, through McCann-Erlckson. Comparative Unit Count %»f May 24. May 17. Cbanre. Network .. 12,632 12,612 +6.2 Local 8,728 8,741 —0.1 Nat'I Spot.. 1,537 1,482 +3.7 Totol 22,897 22,835 +94 (Included: KECA, KFI, KFWB, KHJ, KNX) Bulova,' watch magnate. Elaborate ceremonies, with city and state offi- cials participating, are planned for the power hike. WFIL: Pfocter & Gamble (Duz), 52 announcements, through Compton Advertising; Stephano Bros. (Marvel cigarettes), 26 spots, through Alt- ken-Kynett; Herb Byrne (Hudson autos), six transcriptions weekly, placed direct; Beech-Nut gum, .seven transcriptions weekly, through Newell - Emmett; Carter Products (deodorant), 62 transcriptions, through Small & Seiffer, and Bid- die's, Inc. (haberdashers), six flve- minute programs weekly, through Vemick's agency. WIBG: American Mill Factors Co, (electric light bulbs), three 15-min- ute musical programs weekly, placed dhrect Comparative Unit Count % ot Hay 24. Bfay 17. Clianfe. Network 9,209 9,285 +9J Local 13,016 13,257 —1.8 Nat'l Spot. 4,942 8,989 +0J3 Totol ...... 26,308 26,531 —0.8 (Included: KYW, WCAU, WDAS, WFIL, WIBG, WPEN) KCMO SPOTS RENEWED BY CARTER PRODUCI^ , SIGNAL^ON KOL Company Spensorln^ Leiand Stowe —Fcen-A-BIint Renews • Seattle. May 27. Total business here went up slightly, with national spots falling off. KOL had two flfteen-mlnute news periods of Leiand Stowe, sold to Signal OU, and also began John Nesbitt's 'Passing Parade* for Nes- bltf s Orange for an increase In net units; also received renewal of cur- rent Feenamint show 'Double or Nothing,' which Increased contract to 52 weeks. Comparative Unit Connt Idea Men' Contact Prospects In NBC s Frisco Drive for Holdouts San Francisco, May 27. , plate cleanser), through Ruftn Writer-producers at KGO-KPO ! Rhoades, 26 spots, who think they have a hot Idea are ' 5''^** Northefn Hallway, „ t I through Bronson-West, four spots getting a chance to convince Pros-| weekly, 12 weeks; Liberty magXe^ pective sponsors first-hand under a; through Erwin, Wasey, 13 weekly I % «f May 24, BCay 17. Change. Network . . 7,305 7^95 -+0.1 Local 6,578 6,543 +0.5 Natl Spot. 842 820 —2Je' Total 14,686 14,658 +0.2 (Included: KIRQ, KOL, KRSC) | ms, ROEBUCK BLURB SERIES TOKMYR Denver, May 27. Frumess Jewelry signs with ^ KMYR for two five-minute news- ; casts daily for one year, while' Olinger Mortuaries goes for a quar- ' ter-hour weekly for one year on the . same outlet. KLZ signs Southern | States Foods Co. for thirteen quar- ter-hours, 13 to Wright & McGill, fishing tackle company, and KOA ' signs a similar sale to Omar Flour. KMYR: Cahn-Forster Electric Co., through Max Goldberg agency, 300 announcements; Cottrell CHothlng Co., through Robertson agency, 500 | spots; Frumess Jewelry Co., through , Robertson agency, two five-minute newscasts daily, one year; Kendrick- | Bellamy, through Walter Eha, 26 ; spots; Merchants Biscuit Co., through Ball-Davidson, three time signals dally, three months; New Method Cleaners & Dy trs, through Ted Levy agency, 600 time signals'; Olinger Mortuaries, through MacGruder agency, 62 quarter-hours; Sadler Furniture Co., through MacGruder agency, 600 spots; Sears, Roebuck, through Otto Shaw agency, 104- an- nouncements; Red Dot Oil Co., through Raymond Keane agency, four spots daily, one year. KLZ: Southern States Foods Co., through Gandy agency, 13 quarter- hours; Croodyear Tire & Rubber Co., through N. W, Ayer, eight announce- ments; Denver Dry Cioods Co., four announcements; KaRose tiodge, one spot; Reader's Digest Association, ^through BBDacO,'nine spots; Wright & McGill, through MacGruder agency, 13 quarter-hours. KOA: Omar Flour, through Hays- MacFarland, 13 quarter-hours; Hit Products, through Earle Ludgin agency, 11 announcements weekly, 13 weeks; Kendrick - Bellamy, through Walter Eha agency, three spots. new system beiijg tried out by v.p. Al Nelson. Effective at once, Idea- men will accompany Bill Ryan's salesmen during actual peddling of programs, to give them first-hand contact with commercial angles and sa they can see why their shows do or don't seU. The old Idea of producers blaming salesmen, or salesmen wailing that they're given shows they can't sell, Is done away with by this method,' elucidates Ryan. The writers not only get a better slant on the commercial hook which seUs a show to an agency or sponsor, but It Is less disheartening to know the actual reason that an idea doesn't click than to toss 'em Into the hopper and wonder what happened.' , ' ' Local NBC outlets also are making a. concerted drive on the early morn- ing air, following tests whIcK. Indi- cate a surprising number tif dawn dialers. A kidding offer by Archie Presby on KGO's Musical (Hock at 6:30 a.m. to send photos of the hill- billy' glamour girl, 'Rosie and Her Guitar,' who does a couple of songs once' a week, brought something over 500 requests, forcing the sta- tion to make good. Starting this week, i hook Is be- ing thrown Into the Clock's news period In the shape of free cards giving pronunciation and biog data on names in the headlines. Early response is good and will be used in i quest of a sponsor for that sector. | Also new this ^wpek is the first quarter-hours, ■ Saturdays, news; Packard Motors, through 'Young tt Rubicam, seven one-minute spots; Standard Beverages, through Emit Reinhardt, 52 Sunday evening spots. I Comparative Unit Coant May 24. Network .. 9,480 Local 4,292 Natl Spot.. 1,341 Total 15,113 (Included: KFRC, % of May 17. Chaof e. KPO, KSFO) 9,450 4,175 14,929 KGO, +04 +2J +2J +U iCjbs, KABC REPORTS MAY TOPS ALL . San Antonio, May 27. KABC reports that the month of May will go down as the most out- standing month In the station's his- tory. On five days throughout the month, time been all sold out.' On Sunday (25), station will be on the air for 17 hours, and of this 16 hours and IS minutes have been sold soUd. ' Eugene J. Roth, president and gen- eral manager of KONO, will go on a biz trip to Chicago and other In- dustrial centers following a short stay in St. Louis, where he attended the N.A.B. conclave and renewed old dayUght quiz, spotted on KGO at"I 7:15 a.m. and underwritten (during a test week) by Lambert Tire and Service Co., who have had a swap shop in the same slot (dropped be- cause it conflicts with NBC policy). Breakfast quiz is Archie Presby's Idea and Is handled by him. Each round consists of four questions, one for each member of tl^e faniily. If dad loses, he's asked to buy the Units, hold their own In all de- partinents again this week as local politics swing into the home stretch, and several renewals are In for na- tional spot accounts. KONO: MiUm Beauty Bath Salon, two announcements per day and a five-minute'*program each Sunday; Calpini, 16 spot announcements In- crease for 10 days; J. C. Zimmerman, Comparative Unit Connt WPEN POWER INCREASE starts as 6,000-Watter 'Jane 16— Marvels on WFIL Philadelphia, May 27. Radio has hit the slimmer dol- drums In Philly with very little activity reported, Only 'sign of life appears-to be at WFIL, NBC Blue outlet, where a halt dozen new con- tracts were placed in the files, main- ly in the spot announcement field. A-rthur Simon, general manager of WPEN, announced that the station, now operating on 1,000 watts, will be upped to 5,000 begbining June 16. The station is owned by Arde Kansas City, May 27. Market situation for the week Is practically changeless, not only as to totals but as to departments. While it hasn't shown up this week', the summer trend Is on the way as managers report gome warm weather open spots will begin to appear on schediiles from here on out. Longer daylight hotu's is making it possible for WHB, which operates daytime only, to carry more commercial tiine, especially Mutual programs. KCMO reports renewals by Carter Products' Co. of five transcription announcements per week for 52 weeks, and of Marmola for a series of 500 announcements, both through Spot Broadcasting. Cooper & Cooper, Inc. (razor blades), has also taken a spot contract. Royalton Crown Pipes has signed for the 7 a.m, news for 13 weeks, through Platte-Forbes. Hay 24. Network .. 8,105. Local 8,478 Natl Spot. 2,462 Total 19,045 (Included: KFEL, % ot May 17. Change. 8,140 — 4.4 8,648 — 2.0 1,967 +25.1 18,755 + 1.6 KLZ, KMYR, family a quart of ice cream; If ' Salesman.' quar- sonny misses, Presby tells him to ■ ^Jj?""j'^^'f-.P^^S"™ clean up the basement. Rounds are ^f,^;.I'S^,,3*"l^'!3fJ*'' J^"!}^ kept short and separate with com- S^^"' hJ^ program each merdials between. . m^ir'^'™!. . = „.., . » Nelson also Is gohig after a kid ' Travelers Building & Loan audience with a finZe-lady story | ^^f"°^ *^™"^''„^ernard Brooks, teller who gets a Saturday morning ride starting next week. Femml, I '/i**'^/^^ AUce Marino, is new to radio. ' ^^cCabe Agency, one announcement KPO was successful In getting a T'^..^' ^f^L^^"^ wire into Gump's tonight (27) for an & R"bl>er Co., through N...W, invitational s4 of ttie American ^ ^;y"' "^^^''^'t^^^ "^"IT^S" Institute of Architects, meeting on' *o lfe^^ the Coast for the first Ume li 30 IJJ^^"^ ^i^*f> ^"^'^'^^^^ years. Larry Keating will Interview Sl ^^J^t^'Ji ^^ll!^ the bigwigs. Stunt k geared to Im- press Gump's swank store which was I ^" Jw t^. o^n?n^^^ii' whittled down to radio by Art Link- I ^""fj'"??,??!' SShII letter and has just concluded Its' «"arter hours for the Senatorial fl«,V 19 „,^.i,^.,i-I,..iri~ i^i?^? 'ace; Dr. Dudley Jackson, two quar- flrst 13-week sponsorship on KSFO. ter-hour programs, poUtlial. Comparative I'nit Connt May 24. Network .. 7,210 , Local 5,847 I Natl Spot.. 7,148 Total 20,206 ' (Included: KCKN, % of May 17. Change 7,210 5394 7,080 20,184 KCMO, KMBC, WDAF, WHB) —4>A +1 +0.1 KITE, KOA, KVOD) SILVER DUST ON WBBM Announcements Set by Lever Bros. Chi Units Slow . Chicago, May 27. • Tempo of radio time purchases re- mains at a mild and meek pace. About the only national business of any consequence to hit the commer- cial managers' desks Is coming from the Lever Bros, firm which is out to buy a flock of announcements for Its Silver Dust product. WBBM cor- ralled this contract,'which calls for a flve-a-week time signal announce- ment schedule through the BBDfitO agency. « WJJD came up with a full year's contract'with the Chicago Motor Club for a flve-a-week 16-minute schedule, through Aubrey, Moore & Wallace. I Comparative Unit Connt | % of May 24. May 17. Change Firm ha» indicated It wants to take another crack at the ether in the fall and everybody's preening for attention. With other stations gunning for KFRC's desirable trade-deal with the California Retail Grocers' and Merchants' Assn., which nets beaU' coup magazine and store plugs, out KABC: Jordan Ivfefs Sport Flashes, 10 per day; Fair Maid Bread (Fehr Baking Co.), through Pitluk; 10 spot announcements per day for one year; San Antonio Public Service Co., spe- cial remote broadcast of the Second Division Review fop- one and a half hours; two quarter-hour programs fpt h« T nnni; ,,n , of; ^nd 10 spot announcement* by In- ihnw for fhi^^^,^n ^Moi, ' t^'state Theatres for showing at the show for the group, which kicked "a<p-tic startini? Saturdav '(24) 'I off from the Telenews theatre stu-f5i!Jf/ji*= dlos last night (Monday;. Ideaed by I ^r MTlerick t^^ket^for^e S Pat Kelly of KFRC and Bert van "le MavericK ncKet, lor uie Anu- ni^.,^ ♦ho. Maverick ticket, 10 quarter h(Jura S .c l^L^^ ^♦l A ' .r^'^'and 50 spot announcements; on the Ldi.^i^.rTfn". Sri^P ^ii' 'baseball side of the ledger, San An- Zr^^X^yL^l^^^^^^^ Seven-Up Co., five games, and ters by hurling darts at baUoons, General Mills, makers of Wheaties, Sales triumph for the week in the't^. -^ tl,^ T^^t^„ j^^.^nsi Frisco area belongs to a plucky, grey-haired gal named Ann Holden whose listeners have no idea of the cane she carries. Miss Holden ac- cepted a challenge to test her abil- ity to sell canned chicken, with two s rter. one-minute participations weekly in : ^X„, ««■ wbaIt. t.b Frfreiii Hour reports the addition of the Karotkin Furniture store with six spot announcements dally for. one year; Dragon Bottling Co., six spot- announcements daily for one year; •No change. Network .. 9,475 9,605 -^.3 Local 6,611 6,633 —0.3 Natl Spot.. li,426 11,444 —OJ Total 27,512 27^82 —OJ (Included: WBBM, WENR, WGN, WIND, WJJD, WLS, WMAQ) hour program per week; La Estrella Department Store, one quarter-ho.ur per .week; Tru 'Value Shop, six .an- nouncements weekly; San Pedro laboratories, one quarter-hour pro- gram per week for five years, I I Comparative Unit.Count'. | I - % of I May24. May 17. Change.. ii4'"wedneVd7yTVaVtlcri^irions,* A^^^ •H'l ,S'l" Holden's Home Forum; Lynden "jU "^'++" Chicken Products Co. (canped chick- • .I'^^l ^.f/. +"12 en), through Pacific National, twtf,-»»*»>••,•••• 22.649 ".«81 +25* spots weekly, 13 weeks, Ann .Hold:-'4/<IhCluded; KABC, KMAC, KONO, i en's Forum; Denalan Co. (dental.f t' . KTSA, WOAI) her KGO Home Forum. The firm, [Lynden Chicken Products Co., set her a goal of 20% sales increase In 13 weeks. Tinned-bird sales jumped 39% and firm kept its promise to re- new. Sales now are up 100%. Pa- cific National AdVertising Agency In Seattle handles the account, I KGO: Fisherman's Grotto (res- taurant), through Yeomans & Foote,