Variety (May 1941)

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80 RADIO MARKETS Wednesday, May 28, 1941 Adam Hat Stores Renews 'Hour Cif Champions on WHN for 6th Year Adam Hat Stores, Inc., has re- newed Its WHN 'Hour o£ Cham-1 DETROIT LOCAL GAINS May 25. Sam Taub handles the fuU- fcour broadcast each Sunday. North American Accident Insur- imce, Mohawk Bedding and Peter Paul candy have signatured extend- «d contracts for Alois Havrilla's UP news periods on' WOR. Reader's digest, erstwhile non-advertiser, Is following up its experimental plunge Into the airwaves with a two-week campaign on the same station. WQXR received this week its sec 15 minutes each, through Geo. H. Hartman agency; Sahara Coal Co, 26 announcements of 30 words each, through Campbell & Reynolds; Chr. Hansen's Laboratory, 26 announce- ments of one minute each, through Mitchell-Faust; Consolidated Prod- ucts Co., 39 periods of 30 minutes each, 'Iowa Barn Dance Frolic,' through Mace Adv.; Moews-Lowe Seed Co., 78 announcements of 200 words each, through Triangle Adv." ions' for the sixth year starting ; Figure Close to Pins 7%—Web Still Ig j- Goodrich Co., 26 announce- Off Detroit, May 27. Following several weeks of de- cline, local business perked up here to give Detroit a healthier position. Considerable of the gains were hung up by the smaller stations, although the improvement was shared quite generally with most stations getting I at least a portion. I Network continued to fall ^away, ond major contract from the Gen- ^ but the recession wasn't considered eral Foods Corporation. Represent- ' as bad as the norjnal seasonal trend Ing one of the largest blocs of time ' usually is. Following up last week's ever bought on a non-network sta- • gain of close to 5%, national spot did tion" by this sponsor,, the con- .a little better than just hold Its own. tract calls for Maxwell House cof-1 However, most cheering to the fee's sponsorship of WQXR's half- ' sales staffs was the close to 7% gain hour 'Dinner Concerts' six days I In the local field. weekly beginning September 1. j comparative Unit Connt | General Foods also sponsors WQXR's 1J _—— „ Wednesday 'Symphony Hall' pro-1 r^l" ' May 24. May 17. Change. ments of one-minute each, direct; A. A. Schneiderhahn Co., 36 an- nouncements of 20 words each, di- rect; Fenn Bros., 130 announcements of 65 words each, through BBD&O; P & G, 178 periods of 15 minutes each, through Compton Advertising. Comparative Unit Count gram, broadcast from 8 to 9 p.m.,, for Sanka coffee. I Network -. 8,402 WHN: Adam Hat stores, 52-week' I-oe*' renewal,'Hour of Champions,'broad- NaflSpot.. 4,882 Total 26,678 (Included: CKLW. Not U. S. Rubber United States Rubber Co. is not sponsoring the transcribed ccries, Transcontinental Tour,' over WWRL, N. Y., Sundays, it was stated by a U. S. Rubber Co. advertising offical yesterday (Tuesday). The underwriting, he said, was being done exclusively by one of the company's Ja- maica, N. Y., dealers. Disc series, which takes the listener oh a round of the coun- try's historic shrines, uses Hal Ayres as narrator. cast Sundays, 1 to 2 p.m., through 8,630 —2.6 12,544 +6.7 4,859 -i-OJE 26,033 +2.S WJBK, WJIiB, •WJR, WW J, WXYZ) Socony-Vacomn Boys Qoarter-Honr News Stanzas on KSO May 24. Network -.. 7,621 Local 8,347 Nat'l Spot.. 8,236 ToUI 14,194 % of Hay 17. Change. 7,707 —1.1 3,341 +0J5 8,219 -1-02 14,267 ■^—•.5 (Included: KRNT, KSO, WHO) MAY OIL BURNER SP0nED0N3 INBALTO Active National Accounts Des Moines, May 27. Unit changes here were too small , tal Salt, four daytime spots a week; .to change the general picture to any ' early morning clock announcements; extent. Local biz made the best, showing, coming up from minus 3% to plus 0.2%, but national spot knocked off sev&ral points on the Esskay (meat products), through ride down. j VanSant, Dugdale, renewed 364 p.m. KRNT: Sentinel Insurance Co., an- spots; Johnson Bros, (radios), via Harry J. Patz, 26 daytime spots; Rev. I. Marshall Page, six 10-minute air- ««0« M ««ttO«t»««04«»««0««4««»»«««4«44« «♦>>>«<>>♦■( TIME ACCOUNT AGENCY PURCHASES Araerlean Chicle Co > Badger & Williams 5-Mins, Armand Co. (Brisk shave cream) .......Russel M. Seeds Announcements Atlaa Brewing Arthur MeyerhofI , Ajinouncements Ball BroB. (fruit jars) ; Applegate Adv. Announcements Bond Stores Nefl-Rogow V4 Hours BoBco (milk amplifier) Kenyon & Eckhardt Participations Brown & Williamson Tobaoeo Corp.. Russel M. Seeds..Chain Breaks Clloqnot Club (Sec glngerale)"..'. N. W. Ayer Announcements, , Participations Colgate-PalmoliTC-Peet .... Ward Wheelock. .Station Breaks Com Prodnots Beflning C. L. Miller .v, .Announcements Com Prodnots Kefinln|; C. L. Miller Time Signals Drake Bakeries Young & Rubicam Announcements Dora OloBf nail polish H. M. Klesewetter Announcements J. C. Eno, Ltd, ..Atherton & Currier 5-Mins. jj. C. Eno, Ltd. (laxative) Atherton & Currier 5-Mins. I Ex-Lait Joseph Katz ...Announcements Foreman & Clark Milton Weinberg ..... V4 Hours General Foods (Diamond Crystal Salt)...Benton & Bowles.Time Signals General Mills Blackett-Sample-Hummert Vi Hours General Mills (Wheaties) ..Westco Adv. . .Baseball Garnet GUmore Oil Botsford, Constantine & Gardner 5-Mins. Grnen Watch Co ''. McCann-Erickson Time Signals Gnlf Oil (Gulf Spray) Young & Rubicam V4 Hours Chr. Hansen's Lab. (Junket Freezing Mix)Mitchell-Faust .Announcements Participations Baltimore, May 27. chr. Hans4n*B Lab. (Junket dessert) Mitchell-Faust ...Participations May OU Burner Corp. bought all }a\xi» Boot Beer .-.O'Dea, Sheldon & Canaday around this week which, addled to j - Announcements major renewals, bolstered local and , Hoffman Beverages BBD&O Announcements national spot cdunt agamst summer- | Household Ftnanoe Co BBD&O AnnouncemenU time slump. Some ground lost m all i„dngtrUl Federal Savings & Loan McCann-Erickson classifications, but outlook generally I jq Mins._ Hours bullish based on biz In the making. ! Kelvlnator Corp. (refrigerators) Geyer, Cornell & Newell WCAO: General Foods, through . " jjours Benton & Bowles, for Diamond Crys- ^ehn & Fink (Hinds Honey & Almond „. . . „ ,„ , I Cream) Wm. Esty Announcements Goodyear Tires, through N. W. Ayer, | j^^^^^ g,,, (gilver Dust) , BBD&O Va. Hours three p.m. spots a week; May Oil [p^,, (Liberty Magazine) Erwin, Wasey ..Announcements Burner Corp., via S. A. Levyne, 42 g^^^ Franklin Bruck ..Participations Marlln Firearms (razor blades) Craven & Hedrick Glicksman Adv.; National inherit-: "ouncements, /direct; loWa Dairy ance Co., through MiUer Advertis- Industries Commission Iowa Uni- Ing. renewal of station-break an-! ^erslty footbaU. direct; Associated Ings; Chesapeake Carpet Cleaners, nouhcement contract; . Paramount Serum Producers, 60-word Pictures CI Wanted Wings'), through 2?f f!.VI!"ts Federal Ad^ agency Buchanan & Co.; the' publication PM, through Harry A. Berk, re- newal of contract for participating announcements; Metropolitan ■ Hud- son Motor Defers, through Brenal- len Co., renewal of contract for par- tlclpating announcements. WMCA: Toflenetti Restaurant, through C. Wendell Muench, 26- The Bolscreen Co. (Pella Tulip Time broadcast), direct; Kelvinator Co., one-minute transcription, through CJeyer Cornell & Newell; Chrysler Corp. (Plymouth), one-minute an- nouncements, through J. Stirling GetcheU; Wrigley's spearmint gum, chain break announcements, through Vanderbie & Rubens; Packard week contract, 7' one-quarter hour M"*""-. one-minute transcription, (Shows Weekly, starting June i; through Young & Rubicam; United Christian Science Radio Committee | I?f "8 Co quarter-hour proip-ams. of Greater New York, direct, re itewal for 52 weeks of remote ser- vices a5d ■ lectures, three and one- half hblirs monthly, starting July 6; Young People's Church of the Air, through Street & Finney; Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad, one- minute announcements, through Roche, Williams & Cunnynham; Chocolate Products Co., 60-word an. renewal for. 20 weeks, one hou^ ,JI^^"^**. ■'^"^"^l weekly, beginning Jupe 1. . WOR: North American Accident Insurance, through Franklin Bruck, 42-week contract, three times week- agency; Pepsodent Co., chain break and one-minute announcements, through Lord & Thomas. KSO: Geppert Studios, eo-word ly, five-minute United Press News ' ^lir'l'S!^!!; *vZlm^ oTl'^Co program by Alois HavrlUa; Mohawk ^^^^ ^^^^ 0>l,„Ca Bedding, through Schwimmer & news programs. Scott, 52-week contract, ^3 one-quar- r^f^/^o.^^Siin^irpfokm"; ter hours weeUy. A^ociated FrcKi j,* p^^j cai«y Salt News by Alois HavriUa; Peter Paul, I participation on Helen Watts Schrei- through Platt-Forbes, 52-week con- program, through McJunkin tract, 3 flve-mlnute programs week- ' agency; Chicago, Milwaukee & St. tor, Associated Press News by Alois p^ui Railroad, one-minute transcrip- Havrilla; Dayega City Radio Inc., tions, through 'Roche, Williams & through, Pubbshers Service Co., 2 Cunhynham; Golden Glint shampoo, one-half hour programs; Sussex one-minute announcements, direct; County Boosters Conference, throjigh Pepsodent Co., chain breaks and United Service, seven-week contract,' one-minute announcement, through participation, one-quarter hour pro- Lord & Thomas; Waltham Pens, five- gram, three tlnjes weekly; the puh- minute programs, through United Ucation, PM, through Harry A. Berk, Advertising; Crescent Macaroni, participation, 'Ed Fitzgerald Pro- quarter-hour programs, through Bat- gram,' four times; John Golden tenfleld agency; Fulton Packing Co., ('Claudia'), through Blaine-Thomp- participation, Helen Watts Schrelber son,. participation, 'Ed Fitzgerald program, renewal, direct.-^ Program,' three times; PhiUlps Co., | WHO: Beech-Nut Packing-Co,, 95 through Aitkin-Kynett, renewal, 13- announcements, through Newell-Emiv week contract, three station breaks mett;. Garden City Publishing Co., weekly; Reader's-Digest- Assoriationr ■flve-miriiite" e.t. programs, through through BBD&O, two-week contract, Huber Hoge & Sons; Hutehinson .6 one-minute ETs weekly; Ken lAbs., Meadow Gold Co., 39 periods of 15 2 one-minute announcements. ■ minutes each, through Wallace WQXR: General Foods (Maxwell agency; United Drug Co. (Rexall), H6use Coffee), through Benton & three, periods; IS minutes eachi by '.Bowles,' 6 one-half hour £T pro- e.t., through Spot Broadcasting; Berd grams weekly, beginning Sept. 1, Products Co., 33 announcements of •Dinner Concerts'; Andrew Jergens, 65' Words each, through Rogers & through Lennen & Mitchell, renewal Smith; Flex-O-Gl^, 13 periods of for 13 weeks, 7 one-hour programs 15 minutes each, 'Iowa Barn Dance,' weekly, 'Just Music,' starting June 1. through Presba, Fellers & Presba; I Mohawk Bedding Co., I5-mlnute an- through Paul Brown, five a.m. an nouncements; Wonder Clothes through Jos. Katz, 54 p,m. spots. WBAL: Maryland Welding Insti- tute, through Leon Golnick, 101 75- word spots; Burke Savage Tire Co., through Golnick, 48'. 35-word spots; Ball Bros, (jars and rubber caps), through International Radio, 39 an- nouncements; Marlin Firearms Co., through Craven & Hedrick,. 65 one- minute spots; Conoco OH, through Tracy-Locke-Dawson, 26 one-minute announcements; May Oil Burner Corp., through S. A. Levyne, 26 spots; Wilson Line, through David Lampe, five spots; Chesapeake & Po- tomac Telephone Co., six spots. WCBM: National Brey/lng Co., through D. Stuart Webb, 13 half- hours of recorded semi-classic mu- sic. WFBR: Macfadden Publications (True Story), through Arthur Kud- ner, eight spots; Goodyear Tires, through N. W. Ayer, three an- nouncements a week; Free State Brewery through Harry J. Patz, 12 five-minute programs; D.S.&D. Mo- tors, via Leon Gplnick, 86 announce- ments; Court of Common Pleas, through Yale Merrill, four spots; Hand Printers, Inc., through Harry J. Kaufman, 117 spots; May Oil Burner Corp'., through S. A. Levyne, i White Laba. (Chooz) Announcements Martinson's Coffee ......~ . . . .. Al Paul Lefton Station Breaks Matson Navigation Bowman, Deute & Cununings Announcements Moxle Co. (soft drinks) Alley & "hichards 5-Mins. Noxiema Chemical Co Ruthrauff & Ryan Vi Hours. Old English floor wax ... J. Walter Thompson Participations Packard Motors Young & Rubicam Announcements P & O (Oxydol) Blackett-Sample-Hummert Announcements Peter Paul, Inc. (candy) Platt-Forbes 5-Min. News Peter Paul, Inc. (Mounds) Platt-Forbes -.V* Houri Peter Paul, Inc. (Walnettos) Platt-Forbes ...Announcements Penlck St Ford (My-T-Fine desserts) BBD&O ''.Announcements Dr. Pepper Bottling Co Benton & Bowles ...iVi Hours Plongb. Inc. Lake-Spiro-Shurmaq Announcements B. J. Beynolds Tobacco Co ..Wm. Esty Announcements Rit Products Earl Ludgin....Announcements Salada Tea Co John C. Dowd. .Announcements Selberling Bobber (tires) Meldrum & Fewsmith Vk Hours Signal Oil Co Barton A. Stebblns....% Hours Spragne, Warner (Richelieu food products) Newby, Peron & Flitcralt Announcements Snnbrlte cleanser Stack-Goble Participations Swan Soap , Young & Rubicam.6-Mln. News Ward Baking (Tip Top Bread) Sherman K. Ellis Announcement* Washington State Apple Growers J. Walter Thompson Announcements Washington State Apple Growers J. Wa'lter Thompson Time Signals Webster-Elsenlohr (cigars) Roberts & Reimers Announcements Welch Orapa Joiee H. W. Kastor .........Vi Hours • H. W. Kastor ..Announcements 42 announcements. Comparative Unit Connt May 24. Network .. 8,366 Local 4,98« Nat'l Spot.. 136S Total ..15,215 (Included: . % Of May 17. Change. 8,400 —1.5 4,659 +6.9 2,181 —14.3 13,330 —0.8 WBAL, WCAO, WCBM, WFBR) ^Willys Baying Spots Willys Overland Is buying spot an- no'uncementS\ in various batehes, but in any event they ere to be run off wlt^fn 30 days. . - United Advertising . Cpxp. Is the agency. Wm. Wrlgley, Jr., Co Vanderbie' & Rubens ... Announcements DEPARTMENT STORES BUYING RADIO time; last WEEK STORE cm TIME PUBCHASES Brenner's Dept. Store' Oakland % Hours City of Tarls Dept. Store San Francisco 9-Mlns. J. H. Cor<utran ft Co. Boston .vr.';).ParUcipatIons" Hecht BrMi\Dept. Store.. BaIti|rioi:« Announcements Joske Bros. .....,.'. ....Sail Antonio ..^Announcements Keith O'Brien Dept. Store ..Salt Lake City;Announcements ADD: TtinOB EINSTEINS Seattle, May 27. Bea'Tlpp, jeweler, has bought the e.t. progt'am,'through Schwlihmer & weekly 'Junior Brain Trusters' White House Dept. Store San Francisco, .V4 Hours •Pappy' Cheshire, maestro of Scott;. American Chicle Co., 132 an- quizzer over KIRO. Airing Fridays KMOX's St. Louis hillbiUy galaxy, nouncements of one-minute each, 9:15-9:45 p.m., the show uses five In Chicago huddling with execs of throtigh Badger & firowning; Lever Seattle high school kids, chosen for Republic Pictures On forthcomi^ Stros., ISO periods of 16 minutes each, their IntelUgence and knowledge, •flicker. It will be Chishlre's seS-j thrdtigh Ruthrauff & Ryan; Hartz 1 The two making highest scores ond. I Mountain Products Co., 26 periods of 1 held over for a week. Devil's Food Sandwich, Wine Loaf Cake Use Air Ward Baking is putting on a con- centrated spot campaign in behalf of its Devil's Food Sandwich and Wine Loaf Cake brands. It's buy- ing 00 chainbreaks to be run off at the rate of six a day within 30 days. Sherman K. EUls Is the agency. St. LonU.—Arthur T. Jones, pro- gram and publicity director of WEW here, has. resigned. TEST SWAMP ROOT ON KFBK, SACRAMENTO sterling Products, Which recently bought 4ho proprietory medicine. Swamp Root, Is testing the product In early morning periods with farm audience the main target of appeal. Initial buy was six quarter hours a week on KFBK, Sacramento. Blackett-Sample-Hmnmeri New York, la the agency.