Variety (May 1941)

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38 ORCHESTRAS Wednesday, May 28, 1941 On the Upbedi Gey Carlisle opening indefinite stay Monday (26) at New Penn, Pittsburgh, replacing Henry outfit. Band Booldiigs Frank Andrlnl goes into El Chico, Pittsburgh, June 7 for eight-week stay, succeeding Ramoni conga- rhumba band. sey, replacing Frances Sargent who Loole Armstronr, May 30, Palmer • remains as Dorsey's secretary. Van-, Parlt, Denora, Pa.; 31, Crystal B., Blauth ' nerson is married to Martha TUton, I Buckeye Lake, O.; June 1, Palais ex-Goodman vocalist, who remained i Royal B., South Bend; 2, Palais Roy- on Coast making a picture for Re- ; ale B., Toronto; 3, Stratford theatre, public. Dorsey opened at Astor ho- tel. New York, last week (20). Kenny wood Park, Pittsburgh, dating Vaughn Monroe, for one- nighter, and Al Kavelin, for week, In August to complete summer schedule. Topsy's in Southgate, Cal., becomes the.. Trianon tomorrow (Thurs.), opening with Duke Ellington's band. Not Payii^-But Earmarkmg Nam* bands ar« not accepting as final the. decision of Chicago's Federal Judga Woodward regarding the placing of responsibility for social security 'taxes. In deciding the case of bandleader GrlS Wil- liams, who recently sued the government for the return "of taxes he had paid, Judga Woodv/ard ruled that Williams had a case, that in his opinion the people who hired the bands, not the bandleaders, were responsible for the payment of taxes. All leaders have stopped paying the taxes, but the major portion of them are setting aside the sums they would have paid in case the ex- pected appeal reverses Judge Woodward's ruling. If that happened and the reversal applied retroactively, even in part, the sums they would owe and maybe not have Vould be crippling. Billy Merle band back into Hotel Henry's Silver Grill, Pittsburgh, re- placing Stan Rucker foursome. Anson Weeks orchestra set for a atay at Euclid Beach, Cleveland, etarting June 7. Set through the Weems, Inc., office, Chicago. Les Hite plays colored Elk's ball Thursday (29) at Ansonia, Conn., Opera House. Joe Cnrran, trumpet player with Isham Jones band, called for induc- tion by his draft board in Philly. Inside Stuff-Orchestras Nathan Snader, former KYW (Philly) musical director, now an Army private at Fort Bragg, N. C. Jan Garber orchestra rienewed for another four-week stay in the Em- pire Room of the Palmer House, Chi- cago. Garber held down the band assignment on the Holland (Mich.) Tulip Festival single-shot program; and not the Ben KJarpenter orchestra as stated in Variety last week. Leonard Keller orchestra closes Btay in the Walnut Room of the Bis- marck hotel, Chicago, June 8. Then beads south for a sojourn in the St Anthony hotel in San Antonio (Texas). Set through William Mor- ris office. Bed Camp, a teacher of music at the University of Texas in the wintertime, has Joined Ben Young's band for its summer engagements. Lon Peppe, manager of Valley Dale, Columbus, is booking bands for the Crystal Danceteria, Buckeye Lake Park, O. Jimmie Richards or- chestra is initial offering, set to con- tinue through June 5. Policy calls for occasional name bands, Louie Armstrong playing Saturday (31). Glen Gray and the Casa Ijoma orchestra checked in at Warners studio for a musical short. Ingersoll, Ont.; 4, Summer Gardens, Port Dover, Ont. Beverly Twins, June 6-13, Pali- sades Park, Fort Lee, N. J. Ted Black, May 29, indef., Vene- tian Gardens, Altoona, Pa. Lou Breesc, June 7-July 2, Roose- velt H., New Orleans. Jimmy Dorsey, June 2, Casa Loma, Charleston, W. Va.; 3, Hampton-Sid- ney C, Farniville, Va.; June 4-5, Washington & Lee, Lexington, Va.; 6-7. U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. Sonny Dunham, June 6, Pleasant r ^e&%e«^rrkcr^a^ i dens, Sylvania, O. Ella Fitzgerald, June 2, Municipal Aud., Kansas City, Mo.; 3, Aud., Junction City, Kan.; 4, Tower B., Pittsburgh; 5, Downbeat B., Tulsa; 6, English Village, Tulsa; 7, City Aud., Oklahoma City. T, "^'o "!5-lff*'i.,*^°T^.nf i' 7^r^rB!! Robin Hood DeU has been moved up from July 17 to the 10th. Park, Reading, Pa., June 4-7, Georgia, g^^^ currently taking lessons in classical arranging from Dr. Hans Berns, former director of the Vienna Statz and is to play a guest date with the Memphis Symphony late this month. Others are being arranged for him. It's also possible he will assume a conductor's role soon. Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw, clarinet-playing leaders who battled each other for the top position in band ratings couple years ago, are both Goodman particularly is increasing his activity in the longhair field. With his latest bookings he's playing at least three summer, dates with outstanding serious music or- chestras and figures to. play more. Goodman is to play with the New York Philharmonic July 14 and after completing solos will bring in his full band for a program that is not yet set. Date is to be played at the Lewisohn Stadium, N. Y. Shof-with the Dayton, O., Symphony, has also been booked for sometime in September. Leader's solo and sextette program with the Philadelphia Symphony at VIotor-BlaebIrd has renewed its contract with Teddy Powell for one year with options: Betty Bonney is new vocalist with Les Brown band. She was with CoL Manny Prager until recently. John KIrby's combo set for new Monte Carlo Beach Club, New York, opening June 25. Leave current Cafe Society Job June-1 and play week at Appllo theatre, June 6. Re- turn to Cafe Society Sept. 14. Al Barr and his crew renewed for four weeks at Slapsie Maxie's . in Hollywood, Hughle Itarrett's Band is now play- ing at the Burden Lake Casino, Averlll Park, back of Troy, N. Y. George MacFarlane will lead bis orchestra in musical interludes be- tween races at the Wonjlerland Park dog track. Revere Beach, Mass., be- /ginnlng June 16 for the summer. Don StrloUand brchestra opens Echroeder hotel, Milwaukee, June 24,.&fter 21 weeks at the Radisson ho- tel, Minneapolis. * BlUy Scott and peddle Anne (femme), aire new vocalists with Henri Lisbon band at Theatre Cafe, Chicago. . Sammy .Elsen opens at the Dunes Club, Narragansett, R. I., on June 27 for the summer. Tan and Bill's' Adirondack Moun- taiiT'Spot, opened for the season May 25, with Jack Melvin's orchestra. Tommy Beynolds opens June 26 at Loew's State, N.Y.C. Don BIcardo succeeded Ray Men- kin's .band at the Blue Crystal night club, Girard, O., with Menldn join- Ilmmy Flora combo held over at Pennsylvania hotel, N. Y., cocktail lounge. Albert Ammons and Pete Johnson replace Golden Gate quartet at Cafe Society Uptown, N.Y., tomorrow .(Thurs.) and are themselves placed at the Society's Downtown spot by Satnmy Price, another boogie-woogie pianist. Uel Btarvln band, out of Blue Gardens, Armonk, N. Y., at nejy Pel- bam Heath Inn, Pelham, N. Y. Opened last night (Tues.). Sbrjorle Unasell replaced Janet Black as vocalist with Mark Russell band at Heidelberg hotel, Jackson, Miss^ Allen Rensa replaced Rex «n guitar with Ted Weems, Kelly Eddie Fltzpatriok at Anacacho Room of the St. Antony Hotel, San Antonio.' Pan! Tremalne unshuttering lake- •hore Albambra dancery outside-of Buffalo. DIok Caton combo into Ted-Ra Club, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Morgan Thomas and Harold Aus- ,tin bands set for Crystal Beach, Ont., opening May 30. ~ Taok Beelfman held over, as m.c, at Hollywood Tropics, L, A. Mildred Wayne's addition to Char- lie Bamefs vocal staff makes eight singers ^with his band. Has Qulntone quintet. Bob Carroll and trombonist Ford Leary. Kate Count Basle guests on Smith's radio show June 27. . ing Ed McGraw's orchestra. Ricardo was previously at Melody Lane. Mnggsy Spanler's band will be the first orchestra of the current season at the Mansion, near Youngstown, O., which opens May 29. Linda Keene and Dick Stone on -vocals. El Dorado Boom of the Commo- dofe Perry Hotel, Toledo, closed the week of May 10 for summer decora- tions, but will reopen June 2 with Arturo and his orchestra. Tech., Atlanta. Ersklne Hawkins, Memorial Aud,, Buffalo; 3, Trianon B., Cleveland; 4, San Morltz, Pittsburgh; 5, Lincoln Colonnades, Washington, D. C; 6-12, Royal theatre, Baltimore. Woody Herman, June 6, William & Mary C, WUliamsburg, Va.; 7, State C, Raleigh, N. C. Inkspots, June 1, Tybee Beach, Savannah, Ga.; 2-3, City Aud., At- lanta; 4, State College, Montgomery, Ala.; June 5, My Club Tourist Cabins, Cottondale, Fla.; 6, City Aud., Macon, Gi'a.; 7, Beach Pier, Jacksonville, Fla. Johnny Long, June 1, Fembrook Park, Dallas, Pa.;. 2, Hampton-Syd- ney C, Farmville, Va.; 4, Chamber- lain H., Old Point Comfort, Va.; 5, U. of Maryland, College Park, Md.; 6, U. of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. Jimmie Lnnceford, June 1, Trianon B., Seattle; 2-3, McElroy's Spanish B., Portland, Ore.; 5, Civic Aud., San Jose, Calif.; 6, Aud., Salinas, Cal; 7, Sweet's B., Sacramiento; 8-9, Sweet's B., Oakland, Cal.; 11-17, Orpheum theatre, Los Angeles; 20, Mission Beach B., San Diego, Cal. Lanl Mclntyr«, June 1,'two weeks,- Iroquois Park, Louisville, Ky. Glenn Miller, June' 7, Saltair Beach, Salt Lake City, Utah; 13, week, Chicago theatre, Chicago; 20, U. of MicTiigan, Ann Arbor; 21, I.MA. Aud., Flint, Mich.; 22r Mod- ernistic B., Milwaukee; 23-26, Elec- tric Park, Waterloo, la.; 27, Aud., Cedar Rapids, la.; July 15-19, East- wood Gardens, - Detroit; 21, Sunny- I brook B., Pottstown, Pa.; 25-26, Surf Beach Club, Virginia Beach, Va Aug. 30-31, Steel Pier, Atlantic City; Sept 11, Hershey Park, Hershey, Pa. . Tony Pastor, 'June 1, Lucas thea- tre. Savannah, Ga.; 2; National thea- tre, Columbia, S. C; 4, U. of Mary- land, College Park, Md.; 5, U. of North Carolina, Raleigh, N. C; 6, Woodberry Forrest Academy, Wood- berry Forrest, Va.; 7, Wm. & Mary C, Williamsburg,'Va. Joe -Belohman, July 3, Roosevelt hotel. New Orleans. Dlok Bogera, May 20, Sylvania Beach, O. Tommy Beynolds, May 20, Citadel, Charleston, S. C; 31, Kentucky Mili- tary Academy, Lyndon. Tommy Beynolds, June 3, Military Academy, Staunton,-Va.; 5-6, Wash- ington & Lee U., Lexington, Va. Dick Bogers, June 5, Lakewood Park, Mahanoy City, Pa.; 6> inde'f., Roseland B., New York. Henry Senn, May 24, two xlreeks. Blue Moon Cafe, Wichita, Kan. Terry Shand, May 29, two weeks. Plantation Club, Dallas; June 13, two I Larry..Adler, vaude's harmonica- Virtuoso,'-is another pop musician going into classical, for a spell. Adler plays Vivaldi's 'Violin Concerto in ' A Minor' on bis mouth organ with the Bronx, N. Y., Symphony of 70 men. I Latter is a recently organized group. He «lso has a date with the Cleve- land Symphony later this summer. Woody Herman band bad to get along without a trumpet section and one of its sax players for almost two hours last week when playing Sadie Tassia's Valencia Ballroom, York, Pa. Men were detained in Philadelphia with trumpeter Cappy Lewis when bis car was broken into and instru- ments and personal luggage lifted. Band had played a teadance that afternoon and immediately after set sail for York, about 100 miles away. Lewis and other men, however, were stymied by two colored thlefs who were nabbed by cops between the time the loss of the Instruments was discovered and It was reported to police. Lewis found that everything was safe when be walked into poUce headquarters to report the robbery,. Most of the delay was in going through red tape of making charges; identi^ing stolen material, etc; » Youngsters who frequent one-night ballrooms such as Sunnybrook,. at Pottstown, Pa., .have a new trick to tie themselves closer to their band- leader idols. Many of tbem tote flash cameras with them and worm their way close to the bandstand to take all kinds of angle shots of musicians, singers and leaders at work. Candid shots, of course, aren't new; they have been taken at theatres, night clubs, etc., repeatedly. What makes the camera work on one-nigbters a bit more novel is the patience the snappers have in getting the shots autographed. Even if a name leader doesn't return to one particular dancery for a year, there always are at least a" few lens fiends who show up witlL-candid photos taken the last date, which they bold up for autographs. State legislature in Harrisbutg last week tmanimously passed bill mak- ing 'Rolling Hills of Pennsylvania,' number written by Lois Miller, local radio slngar-organlst, official song of the commonwealth. Measure was introduced recently by a Western Pennsylvania assemblymen who sang the words on the floor of the bouse, accompanied by Miss Miller on the piano. Gal, ope-time assistant to Dick Leibert, then organist at Penn theatre, Pitt, but now at Radio City Music Hall, is also-author of 'Atlantic City Is Calling. You,' which has been adopted as official song of annual seashore beauty pageant Miss Miller leaves for A. C, this week to spend third con- secutive summer there as organist at Heinz Pier. Meredith Willson .ls the latest band leader to go in for publishing. He's having-*-sheet music and stock arrangement of his theme song, "You and I,' printed, but the distribution wiU be done exclusively by Music Dealers Service. Bing Crosby has cut the time for Decca. Music Corp. of .America v.p. Bill Goodbeart, Jr., and Charles Swafford, ad agency exec, have been going in extensively for a back-to-the-soll campaign, buying up farms in Ohio and elsewhere for practical livestock and produce raising. Raymond Scott, bandleader-songwriter, couldn't figure out si song title until be "heard about the book H. Allen Smith, feature writer on the N. Y. World-Telegram wrote, "Low Man' on the Totem Pole.'' That's now the tag on bis tune. Wltb Jukeboxes, the country around taking a beatbig from a flood of slugs, there is one place where the nickel counterfeiters better not pull the trick. One of them tried out a slug on a stamp machine in the Detroit post office. Uncle Sam tucked bim in a Federal prison for five years. Bert Lynn, inventor of the Rlcken- backer electric guitar, is working east^ where he wll lorganize' an all- elet^lc orchestra within the next two months. Ina Bay Bntton has made two Clevelariar June 20, ~ with a 12- piece. group. Lillian Harvey is vo,- calist Fonr Chloagoans replaced Howard LeRoy's orchestra in the Cascades Room, Hotel Ohio, Youngstown, May 23. . changes in her band: Jack Andrews ai^e placing at Craig Beach Park, from George Hall repUced Charlie | Youngstown, O., which opened May Maxon on second trombone, and Baymond Russell. Allen in place of Paul Leonard Vannerson, former' Tf)^ manager -for Benny .Goodman, turned fropa Coast last week t6..a^ cumei $ame dutl^ with 't!oioxpv,,P49(r. Bernard Bagaxzo has reorganized ^ his band and is now playing at the ^*,*eei^/c'^iJ,"o'Fort Wor^^^ Casanpva Club, near McKmley ^wo weeks. Plantation, Houston, Heights, O., but will open an en- Muggsy Spanler, May 29, indef.J."'? e^een^ntjtt UiePalojraxL JaUroom,- Mansion Bouse,-Y6ungsfo^n, a " Jack Teagarden, June 10, Rainbo B., Fresno, Calif.; 13-14, Civic Aud., Pasadena; 15, Sweet's B., Oakland, Calif. Claude Thornhlll, May 29, Canoble Lake Park, Salem, N.H:; 30,Hose- land B., New York-city; «1,''Kim- ball's Starlight B., South Lynn- field, Mass.; June 4, Hampton Beach Gene Snlllvan and his orchestra Casino, Hampton Beach,' N.H.; 5, Wentworth Institute Sr. Prom, Bos- ton; 6, Niagara U., Buffalo, N.Y.; 8, Lake (jompounce, Bristol, Conn.; B, Mass. State College, Amherst, Mass.; 10, Mass. Institute of Technology, Cpmbridge, Mass.; 11, Holy Cross, Artie Bemstelpf i)BS3, ^ leaving Bancroft Hotel, Worcester, Mass.; 12, Benpy'Goodman;s bpnd afteti^aeveral party, Rutland, Vt.; 13, Renssalaer j5ears' .assb'cIatiop, return to his Polytech, Troy,'N.Y,; 16, Babb'a Park» home in Callfornia.1 r -».^ •, ■ .--.^'SufllBld, Conn-.'. - . A. Edward Moskowltz, attorney-manager for Bobby Byrne, Johnny Long, the new songwritar-maestro Harry Nemo and other bands, has legally changed bis name to A. Edward Masters. 24. Arthur K Mallory, manager, Cas Earl F. Peltz .as assistant manager, | in charge of publicity, promotion. Englewood Cliffs Cabin Adds Dancing Area Rustic Cabin, Englewood Cliffs, N. J, spot now housing Alvino Rey and the King Sisters' band, is to un- dergo an enlarging. -It will add ap- proximately 6,400 feet more of danc- ing space by Imockinf out the wall which currently backs - tb^ band- stand and nmnlng the present dance floor out into the open as a summer garden. Floor'will be roofed, bow- ever, and equipped with large, slid- ing windows or doors which can be MAESIRO RAY KINNEY FILES BANKRUPTCY Ray Kinney, orchestra leader em- ployed at the Hotel Lexington, N. Y., filed a voluntary petition of bank- ruptcy in N. Y..federal court Friday .(23), listing no assets - and liabili- ties of $18,137. During the past two years Kinney has earned an average of $6,000 yearly. Among liabilities are $1,572 in uni r...t <n r,r^t^*t^ I- : cmployment insurance, $2^00 to the S,Pfltw*^^/?^i«n^^«, 1 ♦ ''Sf.C«e"l Amusement Corp., $2,420 to weather. In addition there is to be rp««« n^t* t+j t;ri»i„i., a bandstand on wheels. Changes are to be ready some time in July around which time Key's band exits.' No outfit bas been ^et to oi>en the new setup yet Castle tc Cooke, Ltd., of Honolulu, $425 to Hansen-Williams, Inc. , Harlan Leonard's orchestra, Trocadero, Wichita, Kans. at