Variety (May 1941)

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Wednesday, May 28, 1941 ORGHESTBA GB088B8 89 Bands at N.Y. Hotel B.O. {Presented herewith, u a weekly tabulation. It the estimated cover charge business being done by name hands in various New York hoteU. Dinner business (7-10 P.M.) not rated. Figures after name of hotel give room capwdty and cover charge. Larger amount designates weekend and holiday price.) CoTcra Total „ . , ir«eli» Past C«v«ta Bmmi >l<>t«I PUrcO IVmIi Oa I>at« Clydfl Lucas Biltmore (300; $1-$1.50X , 8 525 5,850 XavlerCuiat Waldorf (375; $1-$150) 6 2,375 10,670 Hay Kinney* Lexington (300; 75c-$1.50) 6 1,150 8,475 GeneKrupa Pennsylvania (500; 7"5c-$1.50) 5 750 5,150 TommyDoreey Astor (1,000; 75c-fl)., ,, i t4,875 4,875 Harry James Lincoln (250; 75c-$l) 4 450 2,625 Hal Saunders ...St. Regis (400; $1-$150), 1 375 773 •Asterisks indicate a supporting floor show, although the band is t}ie major draw. ^Five days; band opened Tuesday (20). Herman Gets Strong Canadian Start, $6^ in I Nites; Byrne, Calloway NSG Baid Reyiews CLEHENTE and BIS KHVMBA MDSIC (5) Fcatarias Mayla Bidabaw Bo^n. N. Y.' ' Mayla should be called Clemente. She is tlte personality at the helm.of this quintet, handling the maracas and claves, and vocalizing the conga- rfaumba excerpts. At the supper ses- sion she gets a solo spotlight away from the band, just as Barry Win- toiTs songstress, Stgrid Lassen, dittoes tor the dinner cusk>mers. Mayla Is a Japanese-looking Latin, of fine face values and effective personality. Whoever Clemente is among the five men, he doesn't get ■ any spot- lijBhting. Two man a giant marimha, and a string bass, accordion and drums complete the quintet. No hraBs, v^ich is necessary to give it a lift Otherwise the unit, white melodious and competent, sounds rather static and colorless, whereas just ooe trumpet could make plenty of difference in its favor. Clemente aUemates With the larger Winton ensemble.: ilbel. Nab San Antohio Musician As Draft Law Violator San Antonio, May 27. Henry E. Porcella, a local musi- cian, was arraigned before United States Commissioner P. A. Lockhart, Saturday on a charge of violation of the selective service act. ' He was released on his own recog- nizance for a hearing to be sched- uled this week. LM,Br««M (Danceland, Cedar Rapids, la., May 21). Breese't pull of 600 adiDl£sioo£ at 50c for total gross of $350 was fair. WiU Bradley (Totem Pole B., Auburndale, Mass., May 22-24). Repeat - play for Bradley drew aOO Thursday, 2,500 Friday and 3,100 Saturday for excellent $4,220 gross over three days at $1.35 couple. Del Brtmrti* (Biverview B., Neponset, Mass., May 23-24). Brissette old fave here and drew season's biggest weekend with 1,342- Friday and 1,650 Saturday at 5Sc lor |1,645. \ Bobby ByrM (Ritr B., Bridgeport, Conn., May 25). Byrne accounted tor sub-par biz with 1,086 dancers at 75c tor $815 gross. Cab Csllomy (City Aud., Birmingham, Ala., May 20). C^Uoway cuUed smash 3,412 at 80c and $1 to pUe up $2,975 gross. At Macon, Ga., Thurs- day (22) Calloway dipped far under previous visits to Aud. with a. gross of $750 at B0c-75c-$I Dance hurt with locals by presence of 23 trucldoads of N^gro aoldiets from "nearby Camp Wheeler, Beb Craahy (Arena, New" Haven, Conn., May 25). Attempt to run week beyond season with Crosby ended up badly. Light $1,700 from 3,400 mat and evening at 45c-$1.10. AI Donahue (Pioneer hotel, Tucson, Ariz., May 21). Passing through on way to Hollywood Donahue got fair 400 attendance at $1. liauay Dortey (Metropolitan theatre. Providence, R. I., May 23-25). Bad weather first two nights- of three-day stay, but Dorsey did excellent $9,000 at 35c-5Sc-65c, about $1,000 behind record. At Totem Pole B., Auburndale, Mass, Tuesday-Wednesday (20-21) Dorsey drew fine 4,450 in two mid- week nights with '2,100 and approximately 2,350. Spot upped its usual $1.35 couple to $1.10 straight. Bcary Basse (Arena, London, Ont., May 23). Busse' take of $2,804 at $1 was best yet at this spot. At Yankee Lake, Ohio, May 25 Biisse drew solid 1,922 at $1 door 75c advance. Gross, $1,666. Weedy Hennan (Mutual Arena, Toronto, Can., May 20). Herman's draw of 4,232 at $1 packed the spot to capacity. At London Arena, day before (10) he pulled slightly over..2.00D at same price. fna Bay HuMmi (Jack o' Lantern, So.. Portland, Me., May 24). Small out- lying spot did well with 600 draw at S0c-60c for about f336. HcrMe Kaye (Jefferson Beach Park, Detroit, May 16-22). For the week's stretch Kaye drew pleasant $1,650 with 3,000 dancers at 55e. Jehuy Lonx (Arcadia B., Providence, H. I., May 24). Balh-oom has done lots better than 1,350 lured by Long at 50c. Gross, $675; fair. Jahnay McGee (Graystone B., Detroit, May 21). Pull of 1,900 dancers at 55c equalled nice'$1,045 at b;o. for mid-week. Taay Pastor (Lake Compounce, Bristol, Conn, May 25). Good business. Pastor meant $1,263 in stubs at 75c with 1,685 attendance. Alvino Bey (Aud., Springfield, Mass., May 25). Sock $3,000 from 2,000 admissions at $1.50. Another 1,000' admitted free, for total attendance of 1,500. Tommy Bcynolds-Johnny Long (Raymor-Playmor B., Boston, May 23). Coupled in twin spots Aeynolds and Long drew 1,480 at 65c-55c on hottest day this spring for $888. Teaming with George Harris Saturday (24), Reynolds had 1,900 at same prices for One $1,140. Baymond Seatt (Hershey Park, Hershey, Pa.. May 24). At $1 and 77c Scott's attendance of 1,587 was far from normaL OtTia Tucker (Tallcorn Expo, Marshalltown, la.. May 21). Tucker and Bonnie Baker cracked expo's record by 800 people with approximately - 3,700 at 7Sc for gross of $2,800. Columbia Ends John Kirby Pact A/c Victor Date Columbia Records last week can- celled the contract it had with the John Kirby orchestra and dropped it oft the Okeh label because Kirby allegedly took his six-piece combo to Victor Records' studios and ac- companied Una Mae Carlisle on a Bluebird cutting date. This is first recent action taken by a recording company against a band for outside work. Recording activities of various mu- sicians frequently take them into studios which are opposition to the company that records the band they work with, but no argument Is ever given that type of transient work. Four of Kilty's men recently ac- companied the Mills Bros, for Decca. Columbia has no argument with that, lings Flys Monroe to $48,000 In N.Y.;Jurgen$,Clii Hefty 44G, Cutier-VaudeMil(l$17,000inN.Y. Campos Best Sellers (VNIVEBSITT OF WISCONSIN) Madison, Wise., May 27. Six best record sellers on the Campus for the past week: 1. Hut Sot (King Sisters). 2. Daddy (Sammy Kay). I. iBtermezco (Gny Lombarde). 4. My Sister and I (Jimmy Dor- sey). 5. Maria Elena (Lawrence Wclk). 6. The Things I Love (Gene Kmpa). ll^estro Cngat's Review (Press Stunt) of Tngaf Book Inspired Lawsuit Detroit, May 27. Depositions were taken here, al- though tlie case is on file in the N. Y. federal court, (27) in the $150,- 000 damage .suit brought by orches- tra leader Xavier Cugat and his wife. Carmen, against Houghton-Mifflin and Isabel Scott Rorick. author of 'Mr. and Mrs.- Cugat.' The band- ,^ ™ « leader and his singer-wife contend f* »4<.000 reflects the excellent pull — .that the novel, titled with their »"« Powers of this strong combo. but clamped down when it found , unique name, holds them up to rid- 1 Wayne Kln«:, New York—(Strand; that Kirby himself and all his men icule. ■ 2,767; 35-55-75-85-99). With 'Affec- Chief testimony Uken in the fed- tionately Yours' (WB) on screen and (Estimates for This Week) Lou Breesc, Indianapolis—(Lyrlo; 1,900; 30-40-50), :With 'Missing Ten- Days' (Col) on screen. Screen fea- ture no help; so-so $8,500. Ben CoUer, New York — (Slate; 3,400; 28-44-55-75-90-$1.10). With 'Road to Zanzibar' .(Par) on screen, plus vaude. Mild $17,000. Picture had been milked at first-run Para- mount Woody Herman, Baltimore—'Hip- podrome; 2,240; 15-28-39-44-55-66). With 'Dare Not Love' (Col) on screen. Good $12,000 expected. Film Is not too strong an item, so Herman largely responsible. , Biefaard Hlmber, Hollywood — (Paramount; 3,585; 30-44-55-75)With 'I Wanted Wings' (Par) on screen. Second week for this bill is bringing in $12,500, after first session regis- tered beautiful $19,000. DUUrSungiaui, Chicago—(Chicago; 4,000; 35-55-75). With 'Penny Sere- nade' (Col) on screen. This Is Jur- gen's first Chicago stage date and he's coupled with a sock film. Gross worked the Bluebird date. It claims it almost cancelled Kirby's contract last year wlien a small band under Buster Bailey, Kirby's clarinetist, ap- peared on the short-lived Varsity lab«L eral court here came from Dick Jones, publicity director for the Hotel Statler, who wrote a book re- view on the novel with the orcbestra leader's approval and which ap- peared in a Detroit newspaper un- . •• B - ^^'^ Cugat's byline. It was the news- Buie Unveilt Boton roint paper book reviewer's idea of hav- South Norwalk, Conn., May 27. ing Cugat review the novel bearing Roton Point Park preems dance . the same name as his which resulted season Sui>day (1) with Count Basie. , in his reading the tome, growing Spot's booked via Charles Shrib-. wrathful and bringing suit against man. ] the publishing house and author. Coin^latching Record Possibilities Dennis Morgan's personal. Film rated weak, with King orch and Morgan depended on for most of draw. Poor $23,000 looks tops on first week, but holds over. Abe Lyman. Pittsburgh—(Stanley; 3,800; 25-40-60). With 'Pot o' Gold' (UA) on screen. A bad booking job, with a band on stage and a band in the film. However, Lyman is mak- ing a swell $16,000 possible. Pic getting but scant attention. Vaogkn Monroe; New York — (Paramount; 3,664; 35-55-85-99). With 'I Wanted Wings' (Par). Initial date at tfab theatre and third theatre date for Monroe outfit, but will take rugged $48,000. Because of bahd'a newness to public, 'Wings' is cred- ited largely for excellent biz. There are a flock of duplications of various tunes this week. Most notable of the repeats is on an unusual Tiovelfy UTiearthed on the Coast titled 'The Hut Sut Song.' Much if expected of it, and deservedly to; it's a coin machine natural. 'Horace Heidt, King Sisters and Freddie Marlin were first releases. . Hetdfs -cutting (Col. 36138) is per flips best of three. He irefses it u>ith good arrangement, spotlighting Franlcie Carle's piano and vocals by Donna ond Don Juans. It's in good tempo. Kings CBluebird 11154) do it as straight rocal unth accomrwnimenf utkI bridging by an Alvino Rey combo. Their's could have been better. It discards introduction, going straight into lyric, uihich is repetitious when done that way. "They Insert own tricfcs ond ad (tb lines, however, and side turns out ofcav. Martin's (Bluebird 11148) is with full band, but it isn't close to Heidt's. Tempo is too fast, too. Eddie Stone and chorus vocal. Heidt's is backed by 'Way You Look At Me,' average. King trio backing is a version of 'Music Makers' that tops Andrews Sisters cutting, but ifs late. Martin's backing is a neat version of 'Karlstadt Ball.' Harry James 'Don't Cry, Cherle'—^"La Paloma' (Colnmbia 36146) First is a good pop, probably destined for brisk machine play. James' hand and trumpet approved via a tasty arrangement at steady tempo. Don Hamyes vocals. Reverse is an unusually good job on a standard. It's and comparatively .„ „..„,„...^ ^ _ ... high-priced bands on tip, the nut more effective 4han 'Cherie,' in a slow, jumping groove somewhat like the ^Ul run much higher, however. They Madison Sqoare Garden Dancery Opens Friday; Nut Is $18,000 a Week Monte Proser's Dance Carnival, opening at Madison Square Garden, N.Y., (30) Memorial Day with a charity preview Thtu-sday (29), figures to have to ring up at least 30,QOO admissions weekly in order to clear operaUng expenies, which are estimated to run atiout $18,000-$20,- 000. For the first stretch with three high - powered band's recent 'Music Makers.'' Pop gets preference, however. GEOBGE DUFFY ORCH (12) Baled Mnehlbach Kaasaa City, Mo. Band is a newcomer to this spot and is filling the niche nicely, altfaou^ unknown to the regular dancing and supper trade here. Band is far on the sweet side, aim- ing at pleasing the patrons in just such a spot as this. No stage band, ' but carries more vocal equipment than usual hotel group as leader has worked his singers into the i 'Goldenaires' glee club and can call | on three different soloists. Vocal set-up has t>een maintained with some tribulaticns as the draft has taken five men from the crew. I Instrumentation lists 12 with I leader at the piano, and making • much of a violin trio of Charles I Scarle, Al Bandy and Max Schaeffer. Reeds are handled by Morris Drage, Jack Price and Erwin Wahl; trum- I pets by Vincent Shank and Paul ' Speelnikn, and rhythm is filled out by Jack Lloyd at piano, Bernie . I Anderson at drums and Lyie Speer j ' plucking bass. For singing tarns I Duffy denends on Scarle, Drage and , Speelman, besides the' singing en- semble. I Duffy has led a crew more than seven years, and in that time has ac- ' quired a large portfolio, complete with a long list of ASCAP perennial . favorites as well as the newer BMI sheets. From this supply he draws extravagantly for medley after med- ley to the dancers' pleasure, and mixes it up with, an occasional conga, novelty and swing tuiie. It's I essentially sweet and fits the room ' suitably, -with that type of music. | Following date here Duffy take.<: his oi^t to Bronze Room of Hotel Cleveland and a MutucI wire. Quin. are disconnected though, making their use in boxes easy. are Benny Goodman, Charlie Barnet and Larry Clinton. Prices will be Artie Shaw 'Bines' (Two BIdei) (Vieior 87411) 66c-88c, latter on holidays and week- Unusual stuff for Shaw, with a different sort of punch. Blues sides are i solidly sown with numerous solos and fine full band work. Not very com- | spent a heavy wad mercial; however, and probably won't get much machine attention. Sides ."^ ffansformlng the interior of the Garden into a tropical setting, with I eight tall palm trees and a false ceil- Sbep Fields 'Marche Stov'—'Million Dollar Baby* (Bluebird lllSfl) >"S which will help to confine the Initial release of Fields' no-brass, 10 reed, four rhythm combo shows. o' the building. Is not sure the outfit to neat advantage on the 'Slav' side, but ordinary on the pop. "l* bands which will succeed the Kicks with solid beat and colorful arrangement on first, and it stands out. j opening three. Ben Bernie Is set to Reverse, a tune getting new impetus from Warner Bros, film, lacks quali-Goodman, and Shep Fields is ties expected in view of band's possible reed combinations. It's at good down to place Clinton on an in- dance tempo, however. Dorothy Allen and Larry Neill vocal. From com- | definite date. Barnet's stand lasts mercial standpoint Tommy Tucker's (Okeh 6188) version is better. His is until June 26. But either of those a nicely played arrang'ement, also at good tempo. Don Brown vocals welL 'might be changed for more powerful Reverse brings, up lifting arrangement of 'Blues My Naughty Sweetie names. Taught Me'; vocalled by Amy Arnell, Clinton, Leo Reisman and Ina Ray Hutton will work at the Garden to- Jan Sa^itt 'Where Ton Are'-«'I Take to Ton' (Victor 27414) morrow night (Thurs.) at a preview Two good tunes from 20th-Fox's 'Great American broadcast' are &lso ^showing which will be a charity duplicated three times. Savitt's sides are best. He puts 'Where' through ! affair, proceeds to U.S. Navy Welfare solid paces at easy tempo with a good Allen DeWitt vocal, then hops 'Take' . British Sailors Relief and Greek War to good reaction with Jack Palmer and Toppers vocalling. Gene Krupa '. Relief. (Okeh 6187) turns in almost as good versions thou^ the arrangements . are not balanced enough. 'Where' is completely dominated by piercing WTrinA/lTT PTPr"K n svfrv brass following Howard Dulaney's vocal, and it hurts. Take' side gets r.iifit^K) CLAMCY good jump tempo and an appropriate vocal by Anita O'Day. Alvino Rey's „ • tr oi ^*"0'*> May 27. sides (Bluebird 11151) are least effective mainly because they're not as ■ George V. Clancy, of Detroit, waj good musically as the band can do. Alyce King vocals first and Yvonne 5?°'. , Pf«f'a«nt of the Michigan the reverse . Musicians' Association (AFM) at the state convention in Jackson. Others named are: Maude Stearns, Teddy Powell 'Went Oat My Way'—'Ode i« Spring' (Bluebird 11152) Kalamazoo, vice-president; William Powell is being given good tunes and his work deserves them. First; a I Ukrt, Port Huron, treasurer, and likely ballad, is well done and nicely arranged' for commercial play. Ruth {Hdrry ' Bliss, Ann Harbor, o'wight Gaylord'f vocal, however, could have' been better. 'Spring* Is a driving Ldmoreaux, Grand Rapids and W. A. piece similar to band's recent'Blue Danube'in performance. 'Mafchi/'Pontlac. truateex.