Variety (May 1941)

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40 MUSIC Wednesday, Maj 28, 1941 Shepard, Gsk Oppose Weber i^^ta^S. On ADDUCSitiOn of ASCAP DCm so lone denied the radio exploiU- 4 A|f |«mMVMMwm> wm am^<w>.. « ^^^^ channels to which they've been , I accustomed, now that ASCAP. pub- lisher-members are back on Mutual ments similar to the above are re- Broadcasting System, it's becoming a moved from Mutual musical sus- jjjj ^ fleid jay for those bands taining programs and they are led jjgs wires. For one thing, It's to us, we will allow a monthly de-: opened up anew the sundry subter- duction on Mutual musical .sustaining (yggs and briberies, in one form or , programs to be made by Colonial of another of the payola system. th'«*?ie^.\?„^^l"l„^!!?Lr!?l'!'?,!| Hideaway Jersey and kindred Despite, the protests of John Shep- •rd, 3rd, of the Yankee-Colonial Net- works, and Steve Cisler, of WGRC, Louisville, Mutual last Friday (23) put into effect the provision in the ASCAP deal which obligates MBS to deduct the music fee from the Publisher Sources Unked to Rumors Of Continued 'Pressure vs. ASCAP wrote that he won't be agreeable .w ever is iuwc». —— — -— luavini? a the deduction until Mutual stops tions doing a business of less wa"!^'" .j-e moment so far as -^^.t ' i^^rjX^ ^'^ *^Srs°aV^:nc=^^ over Mutual. These bands, accord- ing to the professional managers, „ have been advised that they were per month. 'Be it further '«ol^«„d' "J'Jj^ p^^^^ playing ASCAP tunes and that mg the time we are ""t =arrymg 7 ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^.^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ieopiitd- Mutual musical sustaining programs, we will not allow any deduction for sustaining programs to be made by the Colonial Network for payment to Mutual.' hookups promoting ASCAP music, while Cisler advised Fred Weber, MBS general manager, that he's Still opposed to the ASCAP pact from every angle. Weber Tiad the week before cir- cularized the MBS affiliates to the effect that the deduction arrange- ment would become effective May 23 the affiliates decreed other- wise. He received but 12 replies, with 10 giving their assent and Shepard and Cisler voting in the negative. Under its contract with ASCAP Mutual has 90 days in t»nf affilfate/befo% dis^tSg | made-as' yet. to seek Ucensing |f mI^Ic, 11.0:, ll^ensV^ the service of ASCAP music to ! programs ongmatmg here. Since them. Professional managers of publish- ing houses affiliated with th« American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers charged last week that persons connected with NBC and Columbia were by In- nuendo bringing pressure to bear money due its affiliates. Shepard ; 6r pur highest one-hour rate, which-1 ^^^^ ^j^^ country, if on remote name bands broadcasting eeable to . ever is lower. In the case of sU- i^.„,„„ „ ^dio wire, are the prima Quincey Brackett's Slant Springfield, Mass., May 2'}. ^^^^ ^ Springfield is getting some ASCAP j^^j' ''^"^"gjj™";^ pitching for that plug. Cut-ins, paying for arrangements, etc., arc thus to the fore once more, and will continue' to be until the other two major networks reach an accord with ASCAP. It's frankly a case of itching for activity, and the boys are really throwing themselves So much so, that music through WSPRs Mutual tie-• ^^j^ accounts, presumably, for the up, but Quincy A. Brackett, WSPK relative paucity of BMI tunes, where president, says no effort has been | ^ station has both ASCAP and WSPR also carries Yankee and Colonial networks, as yet not in agreement with ASCAP, only what is sent out by Mutual may be car- ried. Brackett said feeling Is that contract if expenditure on a 'pay as you use' basis falls below a set mini- mum is undesirable. RALPH PEER IN ARGENTINA SheparAtes Wont Pay Boston, May 27. Sixteen of the 19 Colonial network ^^^^^^^^ .^^„„b - -.— representatives meeting here Friday provision for compulsory (23) registered their disapproval of Ir^^ge^ver to a blanket — the ASCAP blanket contract wittf changeover xo a oiaiuie the Mutual Broadcasting System. President John Shepard presided over the meeting when the resolu- tion was drawn. WNLC, New Lon- don, Conn., voted ajgainst the resolu- tion, which further seeks to 'allow the Colonial Network to deduct 3% from their payments on Mutual com- mercial programs. Colonial to rebate this to Mutual for payment to ASCAP.' WNLC maintained that it wouldn't pay anything to Mutual on the advice of its lawyer. However, the statibn is keeping the 3% in a separate fund in case it has to pay. WFCI, Pawtucket, R. I., has an ASCAP license and so didn't vote on the resolution. According to the resolution, 'wa will not broadcast any Mutual sus- taining program which contains a statement similar to the. following: 'Remember, Mutual Is the network that now broadcasts all your favorite music'' ' ' Shepard explained to the Variett rep that Colonial will aflempt to cut this statement before it Is fed to the member stations. This remark points the finger at NBC, CBS and also oiirselves, since we haven't in- dividual ASCAP licenses,' Shepard ■aid. ' The resolution continued: "Be it further resolved, that whpn state- Franz Waxman turned in the score for Metro's 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.' Pubs Do Burn At Tommy Dorseys ASCAP Shut-Out Buenos Aires, May 20. Possibilities for U. S. music in South America, and particularly Ar- gentina, have only been scratched, Ralph S. Peer, president of Southern Music, declared here this week. Peer is in B. A. on a tour of Latin America. While here he is reorgan- izing his company, Editprial Argen- tina de Music Internatlon (EDAMI) along 'strictly U. S. lines' to take ad- vantage of increasing possibilities in S. A., he. said Andres Dominick, for many years representative of SADAIC, J^rgen tine authors' society In Europe, has been retained to head EDAMI's new setup. He will work with Alejandro Schujer, who has been heading the office. Domlnick was long active in Spain and has represented some of the leading Argentine publishers abroad., Peer declared he intended to con- centrate first on local music, tangos, milongas, canclones,' etc., next on Brazilian and Mexican, and thirdly on U. S. jive. Explained he found the interest existed in about that order and that there was no use at- tempting to build an entirely new I trend, aspedally in view of the fact that his company controls one of the largest Mexican catalogs. Peer hopes eventually to increase the price of S. A. sheet music. Pres ent system is for local printing of U. S. and other imported music which, retails at approximately 50 centavos (13 cents U. S.) to 70 cen- tavos per copy. He believes as much izlng their commercial programs or possibilities of getting a commer- cial. Both NBC and CBS officials Friday (23) firmly denied any one In their organizations was engaging in such tactics and that if Mutual- allied bands were telling this sort of story they were doing It to avoid the pressure from ASCAP song pluggers. Another alleged Incident having to do with ASCAP music on Mu- tual involves the netwo^ 4tself and a client, the JVheelIng Steel Co. When MBS heard that the account did not propose to use any ASCAP numbers on this past Sunday's (25) program it inquired around for the cause and' claims that it learned that WWVA, Wheeling, W. Va, which originates the program had obtained a pledge from John Grimes, the Wheeling Steel Co.'s advertising manager, not to use ASCAP music WWVA is an affiliate of both the NBC-blue and' Mutual. Frank Schreiber, manager for WGN, Chi- cago, and a friend of Grimes, called on the lattcir in Wheeling during the past weekend with a view to straightening out the situation. COCA-COLA EHENDS WORLD DISC CONTRAa Coca-Cola yesterday (Tuesday) re- newed- its. recording contract fo.r another 52 weeks with World Broad- casting System effective June 1. It's again for five programs a week. Series Is now on 212 stations. Edward Kay and Harry Tobias clefled three numbers "for 'Sweet Sixteen' at Monogram, 'Let's Do a Little Dreaming,' 'Harlem Honey- moon' and the title song. Added to the headaches that have popped up for professional men -with ASCAP-afflllated firms trying to get plugs on Mutual is the situation ere- _ ated by Tommy. Dorsey, now clear-1 as a peso can be obtained provided Ing five half-hours a week over that, numbers arc built up.more. As an network from the Astor hotel, N. Y. example, he cites Mexico, whose eco- Dorsey, who was at loggerheads with nomic conditions are somewhat simi- ASCAP publishers even before the lar to Argentina and where music is outbreak of hostilities between j sold at an average price of 25 cents ASCAP and the networks, refuses to i U. S. do any of the ASCAP tunes other I Plugging of both Argentine and U. S. tunes Is similar here to the Sitates, except that everything is done at a much slower pace. Peer believes-itt-PluKin«-disc. sales-par- ticularly and in concentrating on the number he broadcast during I radio, pointing out that the number t-hour was 'Dolores.' The ' of places where U. S, music, for ex- (Wednesday) he did' ample, is heard is coniparatively limited. Foreign stuff doesn't hold much interest outside of B. A, and therefore Peer believes in concen- trating in the metropolis. Peer's biggest competition will come from Julio Korn, local maga- zine and mtisic publisher, who han- dles the Marks and other U. S. cat- alogs. Peer believes he'll be able to beat Korn because the latter has no than 'Dolores,' which he did in a re- cent picture, and'an occasional stand- ard tune. Dorsey opened at the Astor last Tuesday night (20) and the only ASCAP the half- next night (Wednesday) he did 'Stardust' and on the following broadcast (Thursday) Dorsey again confined himself to one ASCAf* tune, 'Hallelujah/ while on Friday he re- frained from doing a'single ASCAP number. What burns the ASCAPites Is that now that they have. a net- work for the exploitation of their music they are faced with a hostile bandleader who controls five halt hours of time they currently regard ■ particular Inducement to plug U. S, as very valuable. It is reported'that Dorsey had the choice of going .WJZ «r WOR, NBC-Blue and MuttuldceoB Jn New York, respectively,, taltlslie (tiected to tie up with WOR.':':<^;' nujsic. Casa Neumann, another larg« local .publisher, v/orks on a similar 4)iBt«tn;. Neiimanni teiHsesents Berlin, Robbing Feiat, MttUr,.\Runo1i».MtUie, | Pa:ramount Mii athera. -i - .< -4' 10 Best Sellers on Corn-Machines ^^^^ ^^^^ § (Records below are grabbing most niclcels this week in jukeboxes thrcmohout the country, as repotted by the major coin-machine distributors from coast to coast, to 'Variety. Names of more than one band or vocalist after the title indicates, in order of popularilv, whose recordinps are being placed. fHeures and names in parenthesis indicate the number of weeks each song has been in the listings ond respective publishers.) .' - 1 taapola Jimmy Dorsey Decca... (11) Marks Decca. 2 I URderStUd . . . . .{KillgSlS^rf^; i BlueWrd. (0) Feist ^^^^ ^^^^ n DISKS GAINING FAVOR (These recordings are directly below the first 10 in popularity, but growing in demand on the coin machines.) Sorrento J Woody Herman Decca. .Southern lAl Donahue.j;,,,,. ,..,Okeh-r.PD . Everything Happens t« Me. Nighty Night. Tommy Dorsey Victor Woody Herman Decca Alvino Hey Bluebird _ Dick Jurgens Okeh Daddy Sammy Kaye Victor. Let'. Get Away from li All... | ^^j^^ Herman..... .becca (Tommy Dorsey Victor Until Tomorrow Sammy Kaye. -..Victor, FrL^.!!., T^ir.r.. Pnikir i Horace Heldt... .Columbia Friendly Tavern Polka | gammy Kaye...,.. .Victor' Wise Old Owl , \ Robertson Decca (Al Donahue Okeh' . .Embassy . .Beacon .Republic •Embassy .Republic .BMI G'bye New. Anrora- f Horace Heldt Columbia . ' i Vaughn Moproe.. .Bluebird fJimmy Dorsey Decca Andrews Sisters Decca' .BMI .BMI .Robbing