Variety (May 1941)

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Wnloeaday, thy tS, IHl ▼ADDEVnXB 4S Adantk (jty Spots* Setta^ Nbjnr Talent Lookii^ to '^est Seasra' Atlantic aty, May 97. Decoration Day weekend of- ficially opens tiie Atiantic City aum- mer season, but this resort got off to a banner start beginning with ^e Easter weekend. From then on, business has been \inusuaUy good. Amusement operators, hotelmen, night club and restaurant owners gay It is bound to be the biggest season in history.' Resort ia close to scores of~large towns that are hum- ming with defense Industry. These workers will take numerous short and 'closeby vacation trips* and that Is where Atiantic City comes in. Frank Gravatt's Steel Pier opens on Decoration Day (30) with Guy Lombardo's orch playing that day and night Jimmy Dorsey follows on Saturday, and on Sunday; Bob Crosby and his boys play in the newly decorated Marine ballroom. Alex Bartha's. house orch returns, at same time. Milton Berle and Dinah Shbre top the vaude bill for the three-day bill. Ben Yost and his singers, popular here for many seasons, return at that time. Hamid's Million Dollar Pier opens with Ben Bemie's orch playing Decoration Day in the Ballroom of the States. Friday and Saturday, Will Bradley's orch lilays, with Eddy Morgan's band and Sylvia and the Debs returning for another season's engagement. Georgie Jessel and Dixie Dunbar top the vaude bill - - scheduled for Uie Hippodrome on tiie „, , . S^n Francisco, May 27, Hamid pier for tiie three days. ^ "Malcont^ts' who have asserted y Tom Endicott's Dude Ranch night bee'i sniping at the American Guild club opened Saturday (25) to be;°* Variety Artists here were given ready for tiie hoUday weekend. « verbal tongue-ashing this week by Babette's niterie, after elaborate! recently appointed local executive alterations, opened early this season! secretary Vince Silk A poup. caU- and bills Owens and Parker for Oie Jng the Actors Betterment holiday Committee and headed by Bud Beaclifront hotels wiU put on O'Brien and Steve Shepard, have as- special entertainment. The Tray- | sertedly made aUegations against of- more announces opening of Uie'Acers of Uie local and circulated a indict Kahidge St. Louis, May 27. Chris Kalaidge, manager of the shuttered Golden Dragon Club, downtown nltery, who recently beat a criminal assault rap preferred by a 16-year-old waitress-entertainer in the club, was indicted 'with his mother and two sisters for corrupt- ing a witness. The local g. ]. handed down the charge last week and those named have given bonds pending trial. At the felony trial the chief state witness repudiated her statement to the cops, then testi- fied her original statement was true and finally, under cross examina- tion, said she didn't know whether she had been attacked. Kalaidge'e mother and sisters are charged with having given the mother of the prosecuting witness about $69 worth of clothes with the request that they *go easy' on Kalaidge. AGVA EXEC HITS TOCONTENTS' stratosphere Room with Bill Mad- den's orch again playing. Chalfonte- Haddon Hall will present its own house string orchestra. The Round the World Room of the Hotel President will open for the holidays with Ciro Rimac's band. Eddy Morgan will play for Merry- Go-Round Hotel. DUCHIN WINDING UP CLEYE. VAUDE SEASON Ex-French Casino, N. Y., Opens as Bowling Alley petition demanding an election. 'The real facts of the matter,' Silk said in a statement, 'are that at our last meeting a vote of confidence in the local and its officers was taken and unanimously passed. Some of the malcontents, Including O'Brien ^ i.,. Licwj-.and Shepard, and supposed dis- room of Ritz-Carlton' grunUed members were present at that meeting and given every op- portunity to. bring any 'grievances' out into the open. They were asked three different times to speak up by the chairman, .president IjOU Ashe, but there wasn't a sound. 'In regard to the petition of 127 supposed signers, many were not Cleveland, May 27. even members, others signed with- Eddy Duchln, whose orchestra goes out reading the petition, or were into the Palace, Friday (30), is, victims of sharp practices.' pulling down the curtains on the theatre's regular vaude semester. After his date Nat Holt, division manager, intends putting the RKO deluxer into the same straight pic- ture grind it had last year, with a thwitres, and tiiat house-building P^P^ Sedly cost $200,000 to boom as well as car-buymg fever is ^nicn icpmcu^jr » absorbing aU of tiieir money at pres- «'P|^^des 20 bowling aUeys, «ot has a restaurant, two cocktail lounges, 90-foot-bar, plus lockers and show- ers. The bowling will be in the light of a floorshow for the diners, thoiigh some of the alleys can be curtained off for those who would knock the pins down in private. Pitt's Wm. Penn Keeping: Roof Closed 2d Year - — Pittsburgh, May 27. William Penn, town's ace hotel, has decided to keep its Urban Roof, once class summer spot of the city, closed again for second consecutive year and will instead convert 150- seat Continental Bar once more into a-dine-dance spot. Changeover takes place May 30, when Wanda and Her Escorts come in for indefinite run. At same time, WiUiam Penn's regu- lar room, Chatterbox, where Baron Elliott's band has been stationed since February, will close until next September. Wanda replaces Frank Andrlni foursome, which has been at Conti- nental Bar for several months. Lat- ter, with his present crew aug- mented by two more men, moves into El Chico, local congarumba spot, June 7 for eight-week stay, succeed- ing Ramonl'B rumba oik. Miami Rhumba € asino Passes Into New Hands Miami, May 27. Deal was set this week for pur- diase of last leason's second ranking turkey, Tom Cassara'a Rhumba Ca- alno, by Lew Walters and Harry Heller, operators of the Latin Quar- ter. Tentative new tag Is Club Casa- nova. ent Betty Brace, Keith Gark In So. American Tolies' Pa. Labor DepL Is Taking Action Against "Benefits' . Philadelphia, May 27. The State Department of Labor & Industry acted this week to help stamp out the benefit racket The American Guild of Variety Artists had been trying to stem the flood of requests for cuffb acts coming from political sources, but manV per- formers had been forced by owners of niteries to appear at so-called 'benefits,' which in reality were noth- ing more than parties for' political big-shots. Yesterday (Monday) Dick Mayo, executive secretary of AGVA here, received a letter from Anthony C. Sharkey, agent-in-charge of the en- tertainers unit of the State Depart- ment's employment division, asking that his office be notified of all bene- fits. 'Unless these affairs receive the approval of this office, agents and all others concerned will be prose- cuted if actors are found working without contracts,' Sharkey wrote. Sharkey asserted that he had re- ceived 'many complaints' in the past few weeks from entertainers who were working benefits against their will. This condition will not be tolerated,' the letter stated. Mayor, who formerly was repre- sentative of the Theatre Authority, said he would cooperate with the State in eliminating the cuffo talent evil. Until now the only redress the union has had against a nitery opera- tor who forced an act to play bene-- fits was placing the spot on the un- fair list. .' ' Ft Worth's Casa Ends Its Show Biz Career; Highschool Replacing Fort Worth, May 27. Casa Manana,' open air cafe-the- atre that gaine^ national recogni- tion during the 1936 Texas Centen- nial with Billy Rose directing, is doomed. Rose came back in 1937 as director. More shows were staged in 1938 .and 1939. Every year, how- ever, Fort Worth merchants, eager to draw outsiders here, held tiie bag. They were willing to take the loss to keep Casa Manana on the go. - -But in 1940 they balked. The cost looked too big and the Casa direc-. tors merely announced that 1940. would be skipped with bigger plans iboming for 1941. But estimates have just been received that it will cost $15,000 to remodel the building —made entirely of wood. The mer- chants shook their heads. Casa Manana will be torn down and on its site will be erected a mod- ern Technical High School Pfete mm &Ji*y M.C. Murdered In Gangland Fashion Nnttery Site Sought Pittsburgh, May 27. Boogie-Woogie Sherman and Sonny Miller, operators of Boogle- Woogie Nut Club here, are in At- lantic City scouting locations with an idea of launching a similar spot at seashore for the summer. Taking their cue from Mercur Brothers, who have a nuttery on outskirts of Pittsburgh and tried a winter branch two seasons ago in Miami and turned it into a big money-maker, Sherman worked for Mercurs for long time &ut decided year ago to go out on his own with Miller, for- mer circulation man for the Pitts- burgh Press. If Atlantic City project materializes, they'll keep their local place going just the same. Keith Clark, French magician, and Betty Bruce, dancer at Ben Marden's Riviera, roadhouse near New York, are Utest additions to Clifford C. Fischer's 'FoUes Bergeres^-whlch sails mid-July for Rio de Janeiro. It's due to open there Aug. 1 at the Urea Casino. Fischer, meantime. Is opening a straight class cafe in Rio, as an in- dependent venture,. and-that will have debuted by the time the show- man returns to Rio. No More Intros ■ " ■; Detroit, May 27. Don Sheirwood, former nitery m.c, has been appointed manager of the Club Bob-Lo, swank riverfront com- bination restaurant and bowling alley here. For last two years, in addition to his m.c. chores, he had been cruise director of the (Georgian Bay Steam- ship Line and in charge of arrang- ing shows for the ships. A. Robins Booked For Atlantico, Rio A. Robins is the latest act set for South America, the quick-change pantomimist sailing June 6 for an opening at the Atiantico, Rio de Janeiro, June 20. He'll stay there eight weeks, with options. Along with Robins, Hal Sands also set the booking of Ilona Massey, opening at the Urea Casino, Rio, early in July. She sails June 20. CHARGES MPLS. RUNNING WILD' Minneapolis, May 27. With the Law Enforcement Iicague here and one of the aldermen charg- ing that the lid went off again after the primary election and insinua- tions of 'protection' and 'night spots running wild,' vice is getting a front page play in the local newspapers again. Alderman Syl Blosky charged be- fore the city council polled com- mittee that 10 unlicensed all-night liquor and gambling spots had re- opened after the primary election. 'The town has opened up all right,' he declared. At the same time, the Rev. H. J. Soltau, head of the Law Enforce- ment league, asked for volunteer investigators, alleged that all-night liquor and gambling spots were go- ing full blast after having been closed during the primary election campaign. The minister, who is" ap- pealing, from a perjury conviction in connection with previous law en- forcement • activities and who now is being charged with voting ille- gally, engineered a raid against a disorderly house. Mayor George E. Leach, who re- cently banned 'Du Barry Was a Lady' and was defeated lor reelec- tion in the primary election, con- tinues in office until July 1. He'is a proponent of an open town, but prohibited the appearance of the 'DuBarry' show when Catholic or- ganizations protested against it. Lucas' S.F. Nitery Date San Francisco, May 27. Nick Lucas replaces Jimmy Durante at the Stairway to the Stars, new nitery here, tomorrow (Wednes- day) . Faith' Bacon holds over. Balance of the show has been drastically cut. Bookings have been switched from the Music Corp. of America to the Bert Levey oS|ce. CarroD Readies Fourth Revue m H'wood Nitery • Hollywood, May 27. Earl Carroll's fourth revue at his theatre-restaurant will be unveiled June 4, with the house shuttering Xor three nights after current ex- travaganza winds up Saturday (31). Heading the new show will be Bor- rah Mlnevitch and his Harmonica Rascals, supported by "Thlnk-a- Drink' Hoffman, Buster Shaver and his midgets, Olive and George, and the Six Debonairs. Latter two turns are holdover-s. Carroll is negotiating for, the slap- stick comedy team of WilUet West and McGinty. Miami Beach, May 27. Pete Clifford, former nitery enter* tainer and owner of a bar here bear- ing his name, was shot to death In gangland fashion Friday (23). night by an unknown assailant. Threa hours afterward, blonde Jeanette Krohnberg, 24, near whose home the shooting occurred, was picked up In a nitery with two women and three men' companions. She is being held on an open charge, along with a co- barbecue stand worker, Ida Belle Rosen. Both women are from N. Y. According to Clifford's sister, Mrs. Stella H. Venti, who worked in his 23d street bar, a woman who refused to give her name called her brother at about 10:50 p. m. Clifford then said he was going out for. a few minutes. Witnesses at the scene of the mur- der told police and sheriff's deputies that apparently Clifford was either attempting to park his automobile or turn it around on Jefferson avenue when another car drove up. Two shots fired from the interior of tiie car struck Clifford in the chest As Clifford attempted to get out of his automobile, the gunman jumped from the other car,, which was driven by a woman, companion, ran around the machine and fired three ipore shots, /all hitting Clifford. Despite this, Clifford still managed to get out of his car and stagger to the curb befpre falling face downward on the avenue. The woman driver of the death car sped away. The gunman disappeared afoot without anyone apparently making an effort to follow him. Ralph C. Pole, Miami Beach peace justice, indicated that the shooting resulted from a 'love triangle.' This belief was strengthened by knowl- edge of the- telephone call from a woman, and that Miss Krohnberg was alleged to have visited the bar less than^wo hours before the kill- ing. Clifford, whose real name is Tessl- tore, came to Miami Beach six years ago from N. Y. He was formerly m.e-. at the Paddock club, and was reputed at one time to have been interested in tiie Kit Kat club. He purchased the old-Polo Bar on 23d street, near Park avenue, last .fall, and changed the name to Pete Clif- ford's. Reputedly, becaose of a criminal record, Clifford had trouble getting a license for. his bar. - He is said to have threatened to spill the.Unslde about the Miami Beach mobs, which may have been a reason for his mur- der. For a time Clifford was part of • vaude trio billed as 'The Three Racketeers.' ICE FOLLIES^ ^0,000, BIG IN 2 SEATTLE WKS. Seattie, Wash., May 27, Ice Follies of 1941,' revue on skates at the 7,0d0-seater Civic Ice Arena is surprising even the spon- sors. L First week's take approximated $35,000, but the second week brought the biggest surprise with an esti- mated' take of $45,000, making it $80,000 for the two weeks. 4 Ferns Who Escaped Nazi Blitz Off to Atfs$ie Ease Sl L Curfew St, Louis, May 27. Drinkers of hard liquors in local niteries, taverhs, etc., will have a reasonable time to finish their potables after closing time, accord- ing to a decision handed down last week by Circuit Judge David J. Murphy, who dismissed a temporary injunction against the cops and the Excise Commissioner granted the Missouri .State Retail Liquor Deal- ers Assn. . The judge did riot.fix a reasonable time, ..but called attention-to..the fact- that ih«. State; Supervisor bt'lAqUve^ Control, C. Ro/.Npelrhad, previously' said 45 minutes was the Umli ■ Detroit, May 27. There may be nothing prophetic In this, but the Hollywood Blondes, quartet who moved one by one through the blitzed countries of Eu- rope, now are leaving the United States, sailing June 25 qu the Mon- terey for Australia. The quartet caught plenty of at- tention and art when Uiey returned some months back on the evacuee ship American Legion from Finland ^fter two years in Europe. First stranded in Italy with • troupe, the four went out on their own, visiting Germany, France, Hol- land, Belgium and finally Denmark, where the blitzkrieg overtook them in Copenhagen. Young Nazi fliers told them to cancel their return, dates In Belgium, not explaining why, and, after being unable to get through Russia, they finally got out through Finland. Thevfout are: Joan Reld, De- troit; yi^IeleBte Elchling, Memphis; Dorothy Hayes, Miami, and Dorothy Olson, Boston.