Variety (Sep 1941)

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Wednesday; September 8, 1941 PICTURE GROSSES 9 LABOR DAY ON BmY HRRIF 'hsd Sod $22,000 Frisco Leader; 'Sun Valley Big $18,000;'Aloma'14G San Francisco, Sept. 2. AU eyes were on the Golden Gate this weelc to pick up reactions on the first pop-price run of 'Citizen Kane,' which is going great guns for Bocko $22,000. Will hold for a second frame, despite the fact that the pic- ture has benefit of ads in only two of the town's four dailies. The two Hearst papers, however, finally okayed small ads plugging the vaudeville only, first copy breakmg in the Call Thursday and the Ex- aminer Friday. Biz big over Labor Day all over town. Orpheum is holding 'Mr. Jordan' for a third frame with a new second feature, and the Geary's return road- show of 'Fantasia' is doing a healthy biz. 'Aloma of the South Seas* drew thumbs down from the cricks, but is holding up well at the Warfield, with 'Dr. I. Q.' helping on first broadcast. 'Sun Valley Serenade,* new Fox entry. Is doing solidly. Estimates for This Week Fox (F-WC) (5,000; 35-40-50)— 'Sun Valley* (20th) and 'Private Nurse* (20th). Doing nice solid biz for okay $18,000. Last (2d-flnal) week, 'Dive Bomber' (WB) and 'Nurse's Secret* (WB), finished with neat $11,500. Geary (Curran) (1,286; 55-75-1.10- 1.65)—'Fantasia* <RKO). Repeat re- served-seat, two-a-day roadshow opened strong for an excellent $9,500. House was dark last week after 10-day run of 'Vatican* (RKO), which finished with a big $6,500. Golden Gate (RKO) (2,850; 39-44- 65)—'Citizen Kane* (RKO) and Prof. Lamberti on stage. Welles' opus get- ting heavy play for a whameroo $22,000, assuring a holdover. Last week, 'Jungle Cavalcade' (RKO) and vaude wound up with fine $16,400. Orpheum (Blumenfeld) (2,400; 35- 40-50) — 'Mr. Jordan* (Col) and 'Officer and Lady* (Col) (3d wk). Aided by a new second feature and the Labor Day holiday, 'Mr. Jordan' is pulling a fine $8,500. Last (2d) week with 'Richest Man in Town* (Col) as co-feature, big $10,300. Paramonnt (F-WC) (2,470; 35-40- 60)—'Life Andy Hardy* (M-G) and 'Kildare's Wedding* (M-G) (3d wk). About $7,500 will wind up this one. Last (2d) week, okay at $11,500. St Francis (F-WC) (1,475; 35-40- 60)—'Wild Geese* (20th) and 'Very Young Lady* (20th). Probably a little under average at $4,700. Last (moveover) week, '(Charley's Aunt' (20th) and 'Dressed to Kill' (20th) picked up $5,800 in its fourth week on Market street, Warfleld (F-WC) (2,650; 35-40-50) —'Aloma* (Par) and 'Lady Louisi- ana' (Rep). Attracting considerable attention, hut probably won't get tjver $14,000, neat profit. Last week, 'Wild Geese' (20th) and "Very Young Lady' (20th) so-so $12,500. ladies' Sturdy $15,000 In Okay Prov.; Tom, Dick' $12,000, 'Serenade' lOG Providence, Sept. 2. All's well with the main-stemmers as holiday weekend weather, though warm, stayed on the threatening side and helped keep a few people at home. Loew*s with 'When Ladies Meet,' RKO Albee with 'Tom, Dick and Harry,' and Majestic with 'Sun Valley Serenade* are tops. Strand is looking fair with second week of Here Comes Mr. Jordan.' Metropolitan opened its fall and winter season with a three-day stage-pic policy, and with a break in the weather, packed them in. Tom- my Reynolds orchestra, featuring Dwsa Costello, held down the stape spot, with 'Country Fair* On the screen.. Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (2,200; 28-39-50)— Tom, Dick* (RKO) and 'Lady Scar- face' (RKO). Doing a landolTice business with tops $12,000 in the offing. Last week, 'Hold Ghost' (U) and 'Repent Leisure* (RKO) (3d wk), nifty $7,000. Carlton (Fay-Loew) (1.400; 28-39- 50)—'Wild Geese' (20th) and 'Dance Hair (20th) (2d run), holding to steady, $2,000. Last week, 'Man- power* (WB) and 'Sons o* Guns* (WB) (2d run), same. Fay's (Indie) (2,000; 10-25-35)— Raiders of Desert* (U) and 'Tin Pan Alley* (2dth) (reissue). Managing to hold own with a good $2,500. Last week, 'One NiKht of Love* (Par) (re- issue) and 'BulleU 0*Hara' (WB), neat $2,800. MaJesUc (Fay) (2,200; 28-39-50)— 'Sun Valley' (20th) and 'Dressed to Kill' (20th). Playing to hefty $10,- 000. Last week, 'Wild Geese* (20th) and 'Dance HaU' (20th), neat $8,500. Metropolitan (Indie) (3,300; 30-40- 55)—Tommy Reynolds orchestra fea- turing Diosa Costello, wiiih Francef Faye as -added attraction. 'Coimtry Fair' (Rep) on screen. Opened nice- ly and continued to build for swell $6,000. State (Loew) (3,200; 28-39-50)— 'When Ladies Meet* (M-G) and 'KU- dare*s Wedding Day' (M-G). House certainly taking it In and heading for swellegant $15,000. Last week, 'Life Andy Hardy* (M-G) and 'Perfect Crime' (Col) (2d wk), oke $8,000. Strand (Indie) (2,000; 28-39-S0>— 'Mr. Jordan' (Col) and 'Rags Riches' (Rep) (2d wk). Paced at fairly good $5,000 after knocking oft hefty $10,- 200 in opening session. BALTO UPBEAT. 'BOMBER'$16,000 Baltimore, Sept. 1. In spite of extra heavy Labor Day weekend exodui and troplaal tem- peratures, biz here this week ii rosy. Strong product all around Is helping considerably. 'Div« Bomber' is utilizing the oversized capacity of the Stanley to chalk up a most Im- pressive figure. Estimate! for This Week Ceniory (Loew*s-UA) (3,000; 15- 28-44)—'Jekyll-Hyde* (M-G). Draw- ing an impressive response for a big $14,000. Last week, second of 'Life Andy Hardy' (M-G), added steady $7,300 to fine Initial round at $13,400. Hippodrome (Rappaport) (2,340; 15-28-39-44-55-66) — 'Mr. Jordan' (Col). Plus stage layout built around Ciro Rimac's music, attracting a healthy figure, $15,500. Last week, •Blondie Society* (Col), leaning heavily on stage layout of 'Truth or Consequences* to hit okay $12,800. Keith's (Schanberaer) (2,408; 15- 28-39-44)—'Woman Is Mine' (U). Fairish goings helped by holiday prices to mild $8,(t00. Last week, third of 'Hold Ghost' (U). added a steady $4,900 to total of $18,600 In preceding braces, _ New (Mechanic) (1,581; 15-28-33- 44)—'Sun Valley* (20th). Nicely ex- ploited to possible $6,000, good figure in this house of limited capacity. Last week, 'Wild Geese* (20th), drew some daytime femma response to mildly satisfying $4,900. Stanley (WB) (3,280; 15-28-39-44- 55)—'Dive Bomber' (WB). Zooming away to a terrif $16,000 I^st weet second of 'Manpower' (WB), added good $6,600 to rosy opener of $13,300. 'ALOMA' NICE $13,000 IN BUFF.; 'JEKYLL' lOG Buffalo, Sept. 2. Not much to get excited over this Labor Day week, with plenty of folks flocking out of town. Best bet is 'Aloma of South Seas' dualed with 'Parson Panamint' at the Buffalo. Estimates for This Week Buffalo (Shea) (3.500; 35-55)— 'Aloma' (Par) and 'Parson Pana- i^int^ (Par)._. Nice $13,000 Last week, 'Whistlmg Dark* (M-G) and Bob Armstrong orch on stage, fine *^G?eat Lakes (Shea) (3,000: 35-55) —'Jekyll-Hyde* (M-G) and Thanl^ Million* (UA).^ week, -Life Andy Hardy* (M-G) and •Private Nurse* (20th) (2d wk), potent $10,000 or near that figure. Hipp (Shea) (2,100; 30-45)-'Life Andy Hardy' (M-G) and 'Private Nurse* (20lh) (2d run). Neat $7,000. Last week, 'Manpower' (WB) and 'Ringside Maisie' (M-G), staunch £8 000 Lafayette (Hayman) (3,300; 30-40) —'Mr. Jordan' (Col) and 'Prisoner Devil's Island' (Col). Excellent $9,000. Last week, 'Hold Ghost (U) (3d wk) and 'Men Timberland (U), good $6,500. 20th Century (Dipson) (3,000; 30- 44)—'Citizen Kane' (RKO). Trim $8,500. Last week, 'Navy Blue and Gold' (M-G) and 'Mata Hari' (M-G) (reissues), poor $5,000. FILM THEflTBE 'Little F o X e s' Sensational $120,000 Second Week at Music Hall —'Aloma'- Tonuny Dorsey Smasheroo $73,000, New Paramount Record for Holiday Period —'Wild Geese' $55,000 for Roxy, 'Dive Bomber' Boom- ing $48,000 in Strand NEW YEAR'S EVE AURA Broadway resembled New Year's •va on Saturday and Sunday nights preceding Labor Day (Monday), and all picture theatres reaped a golden harvest. Old records fell by the wayside in big quantities, with man- agers generally rating business 15% ahead of last year. Weather afford- ed no particular break, with sultry heat on two days figured to dis- courage theatre attendance. Pecu- liarly, it cut no figure, with Times Square flooded with visitors and hometowners. 'LitUe Foxes' at the Music HaU did the outstanding landoffice biz, with a terrific $120,000 or even more In prospect for second week of this attraction. It is rated the best Labor Day week in the Hall's history, in- suring the Bette Davis film at least two more weeks, and maybe a fifth. Next best is the Paramount with 'Aloma of the South Seas,*, plus Tommy Dorsey's band and stage show. House was swamped on the three-day holiday with extra shows accounting for the remarkable $73,- 000 on tap. This smashes the old Labor Day week mark here, and is rated a record for any week not having a New Year's eve to help. Figures to go at least three weeks. Records fell also at the Strand and Roxy, latter with 'Wild Geese Calling,' establishing a Labor Day weekend attendance mark and may hit a smasheroo $55,000 week. 'Dive Bomber,' new Errol Flynn money- maker, aided by Sammy Kaye's or- chestra, is heading for close to $48,- 000 at the Strand, Labor day week- end bein^ classed as the best in 10 years. Biz is topping the 1940 corre- sponding week by 15%. It was much the same at the other cinemas, with the State's $29,000 racked up through heavy three-day trade. Ed Sullivan's Harvest Moon dance champs and 'Shepherd of Hills' did the trick. 'Sergeant York' at the Hollywood, now in its 10th week on the Street, reached close to $28,000 for the session concluded Sunday (31) night. 'Jekyll-Hyde* at the Astor and 'Fantasia' at the Hollywood also beat previous week's takings. Unfinished Business* reopened the Rivoli Labor Day, doing capacity and getting strong second day (Tues- day) with a boost from flattering newspaper reviews. Estimates for This Week Astor (Loew*s) (1,012; 35-55-85- $1.10-$1.25)—'Jekyll-Hyde' (M-G) (3d wk). Bettering previous week's take by small margin with highly profit- able $19,300. Spencer Tracy starrer got splendid $19,200 on second ses- sion. Broadway (Disney) (1,895; 55-75- $1.10-$1.65-$2.20) — 'Fantasia' (Dis- ney) (43d wk). Took an added spurt in 42d stanza just concluded Satur- day (30) night for $12,600, swell. This tops $12,200 garnered on the previous week. Capitol (Locw's) (4,520; 35-55-85- $1.10-$1.25) — 'Life Andy Hardy' (M-G) (2d wk). Micltey Rooney's latest in the Hardy family series, sensibly held for a second session, cashing in on Labor Day week. Sturdy $23,000, which is even better than the okay $20,000 on initial stanza. Criterion (Loew's) (1,662; 35-44-55- 75)_'Whistling in Dark' (M-G) (2d wk). For first week winding up to- day. Red Skelton's first film starrer is getting around $17,000, surpris- ingly strong, giving it an additional week. Globe (Brandt) (1,180; 28-35-55)— 'No Greater Sin' (Indie). N^at $7,500 likely but probably won't hold. In ahead, '40,000 Horsemen' (Indie) (2d wk), satisfactory $6,000. Hollywood (WB) (1,225; 75-$1.10) —'Sgt York' (WB) (10th wk) and tontinued on page 31V AIvinoReyPlus'Aimt'(3dWk),Nice $35,000 in So-So Chi 'Kane $20,000, Cab Calloway-'Sailors' Trnn $20,000 First Runs on Broadway (Subject to Change) Week of Sept. 4, Astor — 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' (M-G) (3d wk). Broadway—'Fantasia' (Disney) (43d wk). Capitol—'When Ladies Meet' (M-G). (Jteuleuied In Variety Aug. 27) Criterion — 'Whistling in the Dark* (M-G) (2d wk). Globe — 'Frightened Lady' (Indie). Hollywood — 'Sergeant York' (WB) (10th wk). Music Hall — 'Little Foxes' (RKO-Goldwyn) (3d wk). Palace—'Father Takes a Wife' (RKO). (Reviewed In Vambtv July 16) Paramount — 'Aloma of the South Seas' (Par) (2d wk). . Rlalto — 'Badlands of Dakota' (U) (5). Roxy—'Sun Valley Serenade' (20th) (5). (Reirietoed in Vabiety July 23) Strand—TJive Bomber' (WB) (2d wk). Week of Sept. 11 Astor — 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' (M-G) (4th wk). Broadway—Fantasia' (Disney) (44th wk). Capitol—When Ladies Meet' (M-G) (2d wk). Criterion-'West Point Widow' (Par). Hollywood — 'Sergeant York' (WB) (11th wk). Mnslo Hall — "Little Foxes' (RKO-Goldwyn) (4th wk). Paramonnt — 'Aloma of the South Seas* (Par) (3d wk). Boxy—'Sun Valley Serenade' (20th) (2d wk). Strand—'Dive Bomber" (WB) (3d wk). 'HARDr $22,500 IN UPPISH DX Washington, Sept. 2. With ace attractions as a hypo, grosses are on the upturn in leading downtown spots. 'Life Andy Hardy' at the Capitol, 'Dive Bomber' at the Earle and 'Citizen Kane' in Keith's are socking through in' fine style. Exhibs still regard situation a bit woefully, however, maintaining show business here as far from what it should be. Unofficial estimates place popula- tion of Washington and environs well over million mark now and theatre men are wondering when they're going to get their share of defense coin that other boom towns report. Estlmatei for This Week Capitol (Loew) (3.434; 28-39-44- 66)—'Life Andy Hardy' (M-G), plus Patricia Bowman, Paul Haakon on stage. Sockeroo $22,500. Last week, 'Kildare's Wedding Day* (M-G), with John Barton, others, on stage, fair enough $18,500. Columbia (Loew) (1,234; 28-44)— 'Charley's Aunt" (20th) (2d run). Third downtown week, average $5,000. Last week, 'Whistling Dark' (M-G) (2d run), disappointing $4,500. Earle (WB) (2.216; 28-39-44-66)— 'Dive Bomber* (WB), plus stage show. Superb $21,500. Last week, 'Mr. Jordan* (Col), plus vaude, solid I $19,000. Keith's (RKO) (1,830; 39-55)— 'Citizen Kane' (RKO). Much health- ier now on its return at popular prices, very good $12,000. Last week, 'Hold Ghcsl' (U) (2d wk), fell off to shadow, $8,000. Metropolitan (WB) (1,600; 28-44)— 'Smiling Criiost' (WB).. Average $5,000. Last week, 'Jungle Caval- cade'. (RKO), unexciting $4,000. Palace (Loew) (2,242; 28-55)— 'Jekyll-Hyde' (M-G). Only so-so $16,500, Last week, 'Shepherd Hills' (Par), couldn't find a flock. Light «ii snn. Chicago, Sept. 2. With a big week-end to handle at holiday prices, the loop houses all started the week with a fine advan- tage despite yelps of some managers that the exodus of people over tha Labor Day holiday counteracts the upped prices. Balaban & Katz tried to stem the exodus by advertising in big space to the' public, telling them they'd have more fun staying in the city instead of bucking the rigors of the traffic jams. Saturday (30) broke with consid- erable rain which slowed down -traf- fic on the highways. General outlook is for bright re- turns for the Labor Day week. Best of the town will be the Palace which has 'Citizen Kane' on a regular price and grind policy. Excellent sales- manship is breathing plenty of life into this one for a bang-up $20,000, a big item of the season. 'Charley's Aunt* is now in its third week in the Chicago and this time with the Alvino Rey orchestra. Pic ture had two great weeks and will do a nifty $35,000 on the third. Cab Calloway is giving the lift to Three Sailors* at the State-Lake, with • good $20,000 on tap. Estimates for This Week Apollo (BicK) (1,200; 35-55-65-75) —'Panamint' (Par). Western doing all right and will come up with $6,500 for the holiday initialer. Last week, 'Stars Look Down' (M-G) fin- ished 10 days to okay $4,500 in the final seven. Chlcaro (B&K) (4,000; 35-55-75)— 'Charley's Aunt* (20th) (3d week) and the Alvino Rey orchestra on the stage. Picture is bang-up boxoffice magnet and with orchestra is hold- ing to a nifty $35,000. Last week, with the Horace Heidt orchestra on stage, brilliant $46,500 for its second week. Garrick (B&K) (900; 35-55-65-75) —'Ringside Maisie' (M-G) (2nd week). This series indicated strength, and comes up for its holdover week with predictions of $4,500 after scor- ing in the first week at $5,800. Oriental (Iroquois) (3,200; 28-44)— 'Dragon' (RKO) and 'Knew Answers' (Col). Holidays helping this one over the hurdles as the theatre struggles behind a long list of houses playing these pictures ahead of it. Looks like $7,500, not what this house rates for its location and .seating capacity. Last week, 'Billy Kid* (M-G) and 'Million Dollar Baby* (WB) satisfactory $7,200. Palace (RKO) (2,500; 33-55-66)— 'Citizen Kane' (RKO) and 'Scatter- good Broadway* (RKO). Opened on Saturday (30) and with powerful' ad selling the flicker looks for bang-up session at maybe $20,000, great. Last week, 'Hold Ghost' (U) and 'Melody Three* (RKO) finished short fourth week to all right $8,500. Roosevelt (B&K) (1.500; 35-55-65- 75)—'Manpower' (WB). Names on this marquee are aiding the take to a good $11,000 and the holiday is helping, too. Last week, 'Shepherd Hills' (Par) wound up short stay to mild $6,400 for final seven days. State-Lake (B&K) (2,700; 28-44)— 'Three Sailors' (UA) and Cab Callo- way unit on stage. Good line-up fig- ures to bring in good $20,000 cur- rently on holiday strength. Last week was a wow at $22,300 for 'Dance Hall* (20th) and the Earl Carroll 'Vanities' unit on stage. United Artists (B&K-M-G) (1.700; 35-55-65-75)— 'Life Begins Hardy' (M-G) (3d wk). Looks like final session for this one, but will get neat $10,000 after having taken down juicy $12,200 last week. Woods (Essaness) (1,200; 35-55-65) 'Adventure Washington' (Col). Not much at mild $4,500. Last week, 'Underground' (WB) faded quickly on second session after strong initial week and wound up meekly at $6,200. Tradeshow Shorts Also Warner Bros, is planning to trade- show its 1941-42 shorts, with the first national tradeshowing set for the week of Sept. 8, in accordance with Warners' policy on product. Nine shorts are slated for the first