Variety (Sep 1941)

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Wednesday, September 8, 1941 IMTERNATIONAL RADIO 39 ROYAL SIGNS 92 UTIN OUTLETS CBC'S ALTERNATE NET GETTING ATTENtlON John F. Royal, NBC v.p. in charge ot International Relations, yesterday (Tuesday) stated he had signed con- tracts with 92 stations in 20 Latin- American countries. These stations will compose NBC's Pan-American networlc. Royal has Just returned from a 80,000-mile tour of South America. Mex Prez's Isl Speech To Congress Gets Wide Coverage From Radio Mexico City, Sept. S. Radio figured prominently in mak' Ing known to the world the first an- nual message to congress and Mexico by President Manuel AvUa Camacho yesterday (Monday). The address is a Mexican political tradition every Sept. 1, when the new term of the federal legislature opens. The mes- sage was of exceptional importance. In view of the tense world and national situation. It is estimated that upward of 0,000,000 persons heard it, in one form or another, thanks to radio, This time there was the biggest and best air service for the address. It was broadcast to all parts of Mexico by a web headed by local station XEW (150,000 watts) and the gov- ernment stations. All postal and telegraph offices and many public ■chools throughout the republic had receiving sets for relaying the broad- cast. A version in English of the mes- sage was broadcast to the U. S. and Canada by XEWW, and to Europe and other parts of the globe by 'Radio Mex,' powerful Government air service. CBS and NBS with XEWW broad cast comments In English on the message in a 10-minute program from here by Robert Allen, who has served as radio newscaster in Mexico since the hot presidential election of July 7, 1940. BBC Now Under Control Of Propaganda Bureau London, Aug. 15, Although the tie-in has not prevl ously been stressed, recent official paper discloses that operations of BBC are now under control of Min istry of Information. Paper also indicates coin grant from Government to BBC amounts for current year to $22,500,000, with probability of being substantially In creased. Sum Is about $4,500,000 over income from licences. In the past, total grant was always less than revenue. Montreal, Sept. S. Canadian Broadcasting Corp. re- ports plenty inquiries and some biz resulting from offer of alternate CBC network across Dominion. General Manager Gladstone Murray, back from England last week, is stated to be ready to develop an intensive selling campaign on the new air lines of the corporation. There will be a big bid for U.S. biz and national advertising, but noth- ing can be done until it's clear whether the States will continue or drop Daylight Savings at the end of Septembeh Esso's U.P. News On 14 Stations in S. A. Esso is now broadcasting Its news programs over 14 stations in Chili, Brazil, Argentine and Uraguay, using the United Press service. The S. A. schedule Is four flve- minute periods a day. Noriega's Comeback Mexico City, Sept. 2. Alonso Sordo Noriega has come back big as a radio announcer after several months' absence from the mike, during which time he was di- rector of the government's press and publicity bureau. Noriega, who built iip a big rep as a narrator, particu- larly good at running story coverage, is In charge of a new program, 'El Continental,' the 'Newspaper of the Air.' which Rip, a disinfectant manu- facturing company, is sponsoring over local station XEQ (50,000 watts). Noriega Is at the mike five times daily for 15 minutes a shot. I London Calling London, Aug. 20. Rudy Vallee drew a special script Ing by Roy Plumley around croon er's rise to radio fame. Thirty-min ute session used discs for the melody end, notably those he cut with Car roll Gibbons when on this side. Quentln Reynolds handling an other 'Postscript* for BBC's news attendees, and Collier'a scribe will do a guest appearance on 'Any Questions?', quiz session. BIng Crosby is to greet fang with eomething new when BBC airs six discs he cut 10 years ago, but which were never retailed this side. Iden tlty of the melodies U being kept secret till airing time. Claade Holbert guesting on the liUcan-McShane hour. Michael Redgrave, now in the British Navy, guested on Henry Hall's 'Guest Night' for his first ap pearance since donning blue. Film Ite sang Noel Coward's latest ditty 'London Pride,' Raymond Oram Swing's 'Amerl can Commentary,' for his first ether ing since return to U.S. from British trip, was nixed by technical diifi cultles. New Mex. Outlet Mexico City, Sept. 2." Active radio stations in Mexico have been increased in number to 105 with the inauguration of XETQ (5,000 watts) in Orizaba, Industrial center of Vera Cruz. Station Is owned by Francisco Compas H. Orizaba businessman. Mexico Regulates News Broadcasts; Censors on Watch for Nazi Tinting Mexico City, Sept. 2. As there has been so much funny stuff going on with regard to broad- casts of war news, meddling that has included subtle Nazi and other un-Democratic tinting, the Ministry of • Communications and Public Works, ruler of air affairs, in Mexico, has taken drastic action to assure that only the most impartial news- casting ia presented by the radio stations. These new regulations, it appears, will keep the air clear of all bias. That is in accordance with Mexico's policy of strict neutrality. The Ministry has assigned two censor-Inspectors to every important radio station in the republic to keep a strict eye and ear on all war news and kindred Information that goes to the mike. These officials have orders to take nothing for granted, to make absolutely sure that there Is no slanting of any kind to news that Is broadcast. Their job Includes reading scripts to determine whether or not anything objectionable to Mexico's stand for neutrality and Democracy has been injected. Th« censors must okay all scripts befor* they go on air. They are also re* quired to stick around and check up on the delivery of all news and com- ments of the announcers. French 'Big Sister' Montreal, Sept. 9. Starting yesterday (Monday), Ca- nadian Broadcasting Corp. threw open all its Quebec province French- language facilities to the airing of 'Big Sister,' with the French tltl« 'Grande Soeur.' under the sponsor- ship of Lever Bros. 'Grande Soeur' will run Indefi- nitely five times a week from 11- 11:15 a.m. Richard Sladt, ■ medtrn young formtr, flndt Ih* WLW aBrlcohural pregramt a raol 1i«lp In making Ih* tt««U farm mora prefllabi*. "MEET J. EARL STEELE AND FAMILY" Two hundred milM from Cincinnati; naor Millenburg, Ohio, Nvo the J. Eari Stmloc. To students of soclolofllcal trends, their family career offers eharaeterlstic •vents) one son, a graduate of Cart neflie Tech., tired of the farm) became a banker. But one son loved the farm; came home from college with practical tdeas that woriced; that cut down labori Increased production. Now the Steele farm olds the nation by producing grain, or eggs, or fruit, or poultry all year long. To these who ore Interested In which stations influence Ohio farmers and why they carry Influence, the Steele family's listening habits offer cross-i sectional characteristics. Mr. Steele believer in crop rotation, keeps an ear tuned to WLW for the market reporis. Mrs. Steele daily enjoys the entire ^'Everybody's Farm Hour". Their son, Richard, a graduate agricultural engi- neer from Ohio State University, pays particular attention to tree and plant spraying Information. And all enjoy the "high grade enteitainment" on WLW. larl ttnftr, thowt County AgonI t. M. M«» Inloih ■ •amp!* •t lh« •alt |utl lhr*«h*d. Mr. Il**l* I* an ardtnl *arly morning WLW fan. MICH I INDIANA, f" MPREStNTATIVIS: H.w York - Trantomtrlco. Broodcortlng t T*Uvliloa Corp. CHeoflO-WtW. MOM. MfcMflOiAvtiw*. Sm rnmtUto — MfMoioi «adfc> Sotofc WLW THE NATION'S STATION