Variety (Sep 1941)

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Wednesday, September 24, 1941 RADIO MARKETS 29 Interviews in Cocktail Lounge KYW Also Has New Gospel Singers Program for Little Crow Milling Co. Philadelphia, Sept. 23. A novel commercial program was sold by KYW last week. The Hotel Warwick, one of Phllly's most ex- clusive hostelrles, will sponsor a 15- mlnute show each Friday from its cocktail lounge on which prominent hotel guests will be introduced and interviewed. The deal was through the Al Paul Lefton agency KYW also sold 'The Happy Clarks,' gospel singers, to, the Little Crow Milling Co. (Coco Wheats) -for 15 minutes a day, Monday through Fri- day. A new WIP quiz show was pur- chased by Adams Clothes last week, titled 'The Question Man.' The sta- tion's mobile crew makes the rounds of defense plants and athletic con- tests quizzing employees and spec- tators. It will be aired 15 minutes, thrice weekly. KYW: Longines-Wittnauer Co. (watches), 30-minute musical pro- gram weekly, through Arthur Ro- senberg: Conti Products Corp. (sham- poo), five spots weekly, 13 weeks, through Bermingham, Castleman & Pierce: Shyrock Radio, 39 spots through Hansell-Zook; Seven-Up (beverage), 130 spots, through J. M, Korn; McCall Corp. (Red Book), three spots weekly, througn Joseph Katz; National Oil Products Co. (shampoo), 78 spots, through Charles Dallas Reach: Pall Malls, 24 spots weekly, through Ruthrauff & Ryan; Vick Chemical Co. (cough drops), 85 spots, through Morse In- ternational; Philadelphia Reading Coal «c Iron Co., 52 spots, through McKee & Albright: Beech-Nut gum, 65 spots, through Newell-Emmett; Bryant Air Conditioning, 13 spots, through Albert H. Dorsey; Hardwick it Magee (rugs), 52 spots, through Harry Felgenbaum; Arrow Stores (drugs), 78 spots, through Felgen- baum; Chevrolet autos, 36 spots, through Campbell-Ewald; Citizens Non-Partisan Committee (political), 20 spots, through Philip Klein; Per- fection Stove Co., three flve-minute e.t.'s weekly, through McCann- Ih'lckson. WCAU: Evening Public Ledger, two spots weekly (before and after Penn football broadcasts), through Benjamin Eshelman; John F. Jelke Co. (margarine), 15-minute musical program, 30 weeks, through Young & Rublcam; Smith Brothers (cough drops), 252 spots, through J. D. Tarcher; Natural Casing Co. (sau- sages), 22 participations on Laura May Stuart program, through Charles Silver; M & M Candies, 52 spots, through Lord 4c Thomas; Philadel- phia Coal & Iron Co., 78 spots, through McKee St Albright; Wilen Wines, flve-minute news show across the board, through Frank A. Well- man, 33 weeks. WFIL: Owen-Illinois Glass Co., one spot weekly, through D'Arcy agency; Quaker Oats Co., three 15- minute e.t's weekly, through Ruth- rauff & Ryan; O'Sullivan Rubber Co. (heels), 12 participations in musical roundup weekly, through Berming- ham, Castleman & Pierce; American Cigarette fit Cigar Co., 41 spots weekly, through Ruthrauff fit Ryan. WIBG: Ojmmonwealth Optical Co., 39 spots, through Pollock agen- cy; Pierce-Phelps (food products), six flve-minute newscasts weekly, through Adrian Bauer. . WPEN: Ben Wilks. (clothes), 15 minute news show daily (Norman Jay). SOCONY-YACUUM BUYS NEWSCASTS ON KCMO Kansas City, Sept. 23. Fall increases for the town are not likely to be of proportion they have set,|,been in past as last summer's drop- off was not as heavy as of other summers. Best increase of the week was at WHB, which took on a new schedule for Milgram Stores with Mary Neal as Marian Milgram broadcasting three food quarter hours daily, six days weekly on a thirteen week con- tract. Baseball bid fareweU to KCKN as the Kansas City Blues dropped out of the American Association play- offs early in the week. This will cut heavily into national spot units at this station, but increases in local accounts will likely absorb It soon. KCMO listed several new con- tracts with several more expected to be conflrnied within the week. Peter Paul candies, through Plat^Forbes, placed contract for Ave announce- ments daily, Ave days per week, 13 weeks; Socony-Vacuum began a daily quarter-hour newscast for 26 weeks on Sept. 11, placed through J. Stirling Getchell; Webster-Eisen- lohr, for Tom Moore cigars, two an- nouncements daily for ten weeks through N. W. Ayer, Pabst Sales Co. signed for the 11 o'Clock Final, hour program daily six times weekly for 52 weeks, placed direct. Comparative Unit Coant Network .. 6,905 Local 5,139 Nat'l Spot.. 6,020 Total 18,064 % of Sept. 20. Sept. 13. Change 6,905 5,363 6,000 18,268 —4.2 -1-0.3 —1.1 • No change. (Included: KCKN, KCMO, KITE, KMBC, WDAF, WHB) SUmford, Conn.—Moe Magliola commanding sports and Harold Yudain news at WSRR. Yudain was late Heywood Broun's m.e. on Con- necticut Nutmeg. French Canadian Village JJfe Serial Revived in Quebec by General Foods WRUL's New Abilities To Reach Far Places Boston, Sept. 23. WRUL is the first short wave sta- tion in the country to optairi the FTC's permission to operate on three beams, and will now be able to blanket Europe. The World Wide Broadcasting Corporation now operates WRUL and WRUW. The call letters for its third station have not been assigned. President Walter S. Lemmon of the corporation explained, 'We now will be able to reach all of Central and South America and Mexico simultaneously. The additional beam will enable us also to send one broadcast to all of Europe and the British Isles, central Europe, includ- ing Germany, the Balkans, Italy and Africa.' Montreal, Sept. 23. Canadian Broadcastins Corp. is reviving 'Cure de Village' (Village Parson), Robert Choquette opus, Oct. 1 from 8-8:30 p.m. Thursdays for 39 weeks, under sponsorship of General Foods of Canada, Ltd., for Jello and Jello Pudding. 'Cure de Village' ran for years up to end of 1938 when Choquette dis- continued it. Telling the troubles, tribulations, amusements and general jollity of a village priest and his parishioners, it was typically French- Canadian and had an immense fol- lowing throughout the province of Quebec. 'Cure de Village' will be broadcast over CBF, CBV (Quebec City); CBJ, Chicoutimi; and CKCH; Hull, vir- tually blanketing the whole prov- ince. French-Canadians in the New England states were a considerable factor in the audience reaction pre- viously. Comparative Unit Count % of Sept. 20. Sept. 13. Change Network .. 6,651 9,306 -f2.6 Local 19,937 »0,211 —1.3 Nat'l Spot.. 5,806 5,453 -f6.4 Tout 85,295 84,969 -f 0.9 LOCALBOTTLERS PLACE NEHl BIZ Nehi (Crown Cola) will continue on spot this fall with one-minute announcements. These will be placed direct by local bottlers. Account has been furnishing the bottlers with flve-minute transcrip' tlons of Sheldon and Howard rou tines. no advertiser can afford to ignore. For WBAL hurls your selling message with ten tmes the power of Mary- th land's next-strongest statioji -; loy^l aftd targe —placing; Red Network Statiorfi BaWnJorethoUi BAlTiMORE'S ONIY 50,000-WAH NBC REO NETWORK OUTLET rROM 00