Variety (Oct 1941)

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4a ORCHESTRA GROSSES Wednesdaj, October 29, 1941 Long-Andrews Big $66,000 in N.Y.; Lewis Fair 19G in Philly, Knipa OK 14^2 LA, Pastor 14G in Balto (■Estimates jor TWs Week) Bobby Byrnes, Providence—(Met- ropolitan; 3,200; 30-40-55). Paired with 'Top Sergeant Mulligan' (Mono). Nifty $6,500 tor three-day shoeing. Dolly Dawn, Pittsburgh—(Stanley; 3,800; 30-44-60-66) with *Trut>i or Consequences' and 'Maltese- Falcon' (WB). Having a very satisfactory week at ,.$19,000, with the credits just about evenly divided among the band, the radio show and the pic- ture, which drew unstinted raves, compensating for lacli of cast names. Gene Krupa, Los Angeles—(Or- ■ pheum; ■2;200r-30-44-55).- Most-of- tht. credit for the $14,500 draw must go to Krupa's crew. On the screen, •Bullets for O'Hara' (WB) and 'Top Sergeant Mulligan' (Mono), without the band bacltup, would account for around $7,500. Ted Lewis, Philadelphia — (Earle; 2!76B: 35 -46-57 -68-75) with 'Father Takes Wife' (PaTT pluS a couplfe of variety turns. Getting about $19,000, fair. Screen attraction not much help. Johnny Lone, New York—(Para- mount; 3,664 ; 35-55-85-99). With Andrews. Sisters, . l,arry Adler, others, on staje, 'Nothing But Truth' (Par) being the picture. In-person entertainment and well-established pitband policy here helping substan- tially as support lor Bob Hope film. On first week through 'last ni'ht (TuesT), socko $86,000;- Goes two and probably three weeks. Tony Pastor, Baltiihore — (Hippo- drome; 2.240; 17-25-28-39-44-55). 'AU Money Can Buy' (RKO) on screen. Fair at $14,000. Jan Savltt, Newark — (Adams; 2,000; v25-40-44-55-65). On screen is •Mountain liloonlight' (Bep). Savitt aided by stage show. Fine $7,800 lor three days, with orchestrai handed credit lor bulk of draw. " Phil SplUlny, New York—(Strand; 2,758; -35-55-85-99). With 'Sergeant ■ York' (WB) on screen. In second week and should get $37,000, good, with third starting .Jjiday (31). Picture and Spitalny mike a sound b.o. combination. The flrst week's take was $42,000, nice. Uptown Cafe Society Reverts to Soft Music Uptown Cafe Society, N. Y., will, following eJtit of Count Basle's band, which has been at the spot for past six weeks, have a show virtually the same as the lineup that Basie re- placed. Eddie South, Hazel Scott (only floor act with Basie current- ly). Golden Gate Quartet, and an- other small combo, goes In Nov. 4. Spot explains thai It lost no money with Basie, but that it did lose many ol its old customers during the .band'sistay^- Despite. Basle.'s.leaning. backwards to soften his usual heavy blare, the band was adjudged too loud. Basle will start a theatre tour at the Strand, N. Y., Nov. 6. Ralph Allen and his Detroiters .back at New Penn, PittsbuiBh,_Iot their fourth engagement there in year. IS- Band Booldiigs Dean Hodson, Nov. 6, Cherokee Ranch, Augusta, Ga.; 9, Bijou the- atre, Savannah, Ga.; 18, party, WU- mlngton, N. C; 10, party, Wilson, N. C; 20, party, Lynchburg, Va.; 21, party, Roanoke, Va.; 26, party, At- lanta, . Ga. Shep Fields, Nov. 19, Cumberland theatre, Cumberland, Md.; 21, party, Roosevelt hotel, New York; 22, party, Riverside Plaza hotel. New York; Dec. 3, Police Ball, Morristown, N. J. Herble Kay, Nov. 4-5, Ingrld the- atre, Iowa City; Nov. 14-20, Orpheum theatre, Omaha; 22-Dec. 3, Peabody hotel, Memphis. Al Donahue, Nov. 4-6, Empire the- atre. Fall River, Mass.; 14-15, U. of No. Carolina, Chapel Hill. Charlie Splvak, Dec. 5-6, Duke U., Durham, N. C. Mitchell Ayres, Nov. 21-25, Strand theatre, . Brooklyn; Jan. 3, indef., Congress hotel, Chicago. ■Jack Teajarden, Nov. 7-13, Casa Loma b!," St "touis; Nov. 14-15, Stephens C, Columbia, Mo. JImmIe Lnnceford, Oct 31, week, RKO Boston, Boston; Nov. 7-10, Strand theatre, Brooklyn; Nov. 12, week. Paramount theatre, N. Y., 20, week, Adams theatre, Newark; Nov. 27-30, Metropolitan theatre, Provi- dence,-R^I.;.Dec. 1-3, Plymouth thea- tre, 'Worcester, Mass.; Dec. 4, Rose- land B., 'Taunton, Mass. Freddy VMa Big 3,000 at San Jose; Dean Hudson's Bridgeport Tally, 1J52 Go the Upbeat Leighton NobU dropped his girl singer before opening at Green's, Pittsburgh, Monday (27) and Is now femmeless again. Ersklne Hawklm band and Ink- SROta pencilled Into Stanley theatre, Pittsburgh, week of Nov. 7. . Tex Bcneke, te^ior sax, shitted to flrst alto with Glenn Miller band and his place was taken by Babe Rusin. Cecil Golly's band played at Yan- kee Lake, near Youngstown, last week, coming from Donahue's Club, Mountain View, N. J. ' Bands at Hotel B.O.'s NEW YORK (Presented hereujith, as a weeklv tabulation, is tht estimated cover charge business being done by name bands in various JVcm York hotels. Dinner business (7-10 PM.) not rated. Figures alter name of hotel give room capacity and couer charge. Larger amount designates uieelcend and holtdav price-) ' Bund Rottt EddyDuchlnV ...^Waldorf (400; $1-$1.50) 3 Benny Goodman*.New Yorker (400; 75c-$1.50) 2 Harry James. Lincoln (200; 75c-$l) 6 ArtJarrett* Biltmore (300; $1-$1.50) 4 Ray Kinney*.......Lexington (300; 75c-$1.50) 28 Glenn Miller Pennsylvania (500; 75c-$l) 3 Vaughn Monroe*....Commodore (400; 75c-$l) 3 • DECCA SKIPS ONE Backlog ot Orders Again Forces Gap In Sohcdnle Decca Records will again ctfncel Its usual weekly release this week (6), the third time it has done so In the past couple months. Backlog ol .unfulfilled orders lor' stuff that had already been marketed is re sponsible. Columbia has skipped only one week's batch. Ol the three major companies Victor is the lone outfit that hasn't skipped any shipments ol new stuff, but they're lar behind In filling re peat orders, too. JIMMY DORSEY and His Orchestra Fcatnrlnc BOB EBEBLT ■nl UELEN O'CONNELL ORPHEUM THEATRE MINNEAPOLIS WEEK OCT. 31 DEC CA RECO RDS Fenonal Uanafciiwnt — Bnx BDBTOM Cov«rt Pant \Vr<k 1,600 1,825 575 325 1,425 2.025 850 Total Coven Od l»ntr 5,475 4,975 ' 4,600 1,975 37,525 6,400 3,475 'Asterisks Indicate a supporting floor show, major draw. although the band is (lie been Chicago Les Brown (Blackhawk; 400; $1.25 m>n.). Brown orchestra has smart click h^re; took .nifty 3,000 customers last week. GrIS WlllUms (Empire Room, Palmer House; 600; $3-$3.50 min.). Wil- liams' orchestra has established itself firmly in this class hotel nitery. Held up well last week at 4,200. Loll Brecse (Chez Paree; 500; $2.50-$3.50 min.). Spot i^ showing the pace of the town; literally packing the customers in, with Joe R Lewis on the floor. To the doors again last week with 5,200 customers. Will Bradley (Panther Room, Hotel Sherman; 700; $1-$2.S0 min.). Brad ley orchestra closed last Thursday (23) alter lour ol the saddest weeks this town or Bradley has ever seen; final week miserable 2,400. Woody Herman orchestra replaced Friday (24) and came up with a smart week- end. Art Kassel (Walnut Room, Bismarck Hotel; 300; $l-$2 min.y. Kassel orchestra always can be counted on to bring a steady loUowing; 2,000 customers in his third week.- Del Coikrlney (Continental Room, Stevens Hotel; 350; $1.50-$2 min.). Courtney orchestra managing to hold its own in the southside hotel spot, brought in 1,750 people last week.. Los Angeles Bay Noble (Ambassador; 900; $1-$1.50). Dropped bff along with the rest and pulled up with about 2,500 covers. Parties on tap lor next week will help. Carl Ravazza (Biltmore; 1,150; minimum $1-$1.50). Hit around 2,200 on the week. Early rainy season no help. Jimmy Dorsey (Palladium; 6,000; 55c-83c). Drawing all types lor an other hangup week ol around 15,000. Alvlno Rey and the King Sisters open (28). Clyde McCoy (Trianon, South Gate; 1,200; 40c-55c). Dipped to around 4,000 payees. Bob Crosby comes in (30) lor 16 weeks. Ted Weems (Casa Manana, Culver City; 2,000; 56c). Week will add up to around 4,900, not so bad considering the prevalence ol high log with the drips. * Jimmy Grler (Florentine Gardens; 1,000; 75c-$1.50). Grier is here, but Nils Granlund's show is on the floor and that's what most of the 3,750 came to see. Sail Francisco Paul Whitcman (Rose Room, Palace Hotel; 500; 50c-$l.S0). Third week still big at 2,500 covers. ■Whlteman very popu'lar personally here. ♦i I DON'T WANT TO SET THE WORLD ON FIRE Tommy Tncker—Okeh 6320, Horace Heidt—Columbia 36296 Cur Lombardo—DECCA «eM Dick Todd—BLITEBIBD 11291 Ink flpot*—DECCA 3DR7 MItchtU Ar<n—BLVEBIBD II«16 The CbarlotMn—OKEH 6329 SklnnoT EdiiU— TICTOR :7S8e Dick Bobrrtun—DECCA 8«S1 Bon Bon—DECCA 8980 Horlan Leonard—nliVEBIBD 10»1» CHERIO MUSIC PUBUSHERS, mC. NEW YORK CITY HOLLYWOOD CHlCACSO 1685 Bioddivar MM la MUada Am. Woodj Tbaatn Bids. Mark Wamow's New Deal for Victor Pops Victor Records has signed Mark Warnow and the Hit Parade orches- tra and chorus to a term recording contract, 'Warnow will make popu lar 10-inch platters and though It's not definitely stated^he probably will cut many oFIKe pop melodies that reach Hit Parade rating . Leader will have his flrst record ing session next month. Dalton Boys trio current at Hotel Stuyvesant, Buffalo^ Neville Trio opened Friday (24) at Lavin's, Buffalo. Frankle Masters' band begins an indeflnite stay at the Benjamin Franklin hotel, Philadelphta, Nov. 24. It will have Columbia and Mu- tual wires. Clyde Lucas is current at the spot, holding over until Mas- ters replaces. MiU Krasny, General Amusement Corp.'s general manager, and Dick Gabbe, one-night booker, in Florida lor three-week vacation. Evelyn Tyner and her band be- gan sW in the Lounge Room at Waldorl-Astoria hotel, N. Y., Friday (24). - Brown band renewed at Blackhawk Cale, Chicago, until Jan. 13. Outfit set lor Fitch Bandwagon show Nov. 16. Disc Reviews ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦ Woody Herman: 'This Time Dream's On Me'—'Blues In Night' (Decca 4O30). Herman tries some- thing new lor him (so lew do) with this fine tune Irom ■WB's''Blues in Night' film. Ballad Is done as choral vocal by bandmen, with tasty piano backing and Herman's voice riding out ot the pack. It's a solidly com- mercial arrangement that wUl spin in many machines. Reverse, in the leader's Blues groove melodlcally, is almost on a par. It's a repeateble novelty that sould also find machine lavor.* It's catehy. Tommy Dorsey: 'Filty Million Sweethearts'—'That Solid Old Man' (Vic. 27617). Dorsey hasn't Made such a poor commercial aide as the flrst in a long while: In last danoe tempo it can be played 'til the cows come home and nothing happens. Muted trumpet, trombone and Con- nie Haines' good vocal of ordinary lyric are best points, but hardly enough to sell the whole. Reverse, a rhythm bit. In good tempo, is nicely arranged and has a lair chance ol clicking in boxes. It's got some llle. Miss' Haines vocals. Tunes are Irom this year's Mask and Wig show. Bob Chestcri 'JoUln' Joe DlMagglo* -'This Love ol Mine' (Blue' 11310). This is lootball weather—remember? In short, Chester's 'DlMagglo' hasn't a chance because, (1) it's dated (Les Brown's original is just about dying) and (2) if a lar in the ruck ol Brown's interpretation, from any a gle. Reverse, a fine tune, la moving strongly in sales, but Chester's work, with Betty Bradley vocalling, won't disturb the versions now riding. It's lair. lEsttmates) Will Bradley (Chermot B., Omaha, Neb., Oct 26). Despite bad weather Bradley got good 804 at 75c-$l lor $1,066. Del Conrtney (Modernistic B., Clini ton, la., Oct. 20). On night off Irom Stevens hotel, Chicago, Courtney played to okay 603 dancers at 85c lor $585 gross. Chock Foster (Convention Hall, Enid, Okla., Oct. 24). Okay $600 ponied up by 700 dancers at 83c ad- vance, $1.12 door. Glen Gray (Totem Pole B., Auburn- dale, Mass., Oct 20-25). Casa Lo- mails are maintaining steady pace; ie,8Cn hooters last week at $1.45 pair which equalled $12,180 at b.o. Ersklne Hawkins (Paradise ftance Hall, Nashville, Oct. 21).- Excellent - $1,100 realized off 1,250 hoppers at 8ec-$1.10. Dean Hudson (Ritz B., Bridgeport, Conn., Oct 10), Hudson's southern combo pulled nice 1,152 at 75c in delense boom town and was well- Uked according to McCormack and Barry, operators. Kay Kyser (Arena, New Haven, Conn., Oct 20). Final bill ol Sun- day band-vaude series drew excep- tionally big $8,000 at 45c to $1.10, mat and evening, Irom approximate- ly 14,000 customers. Freddy Martin ' (Aud., San Jose, Cal., Oct 17). Martin's long stay at Cocoanut Grove, L. A., spelled big biz here; cracked Glenn Miller's rec- ord with 3,000 at $1.10. Band took out $1,804 as its end. Baymond -Scott. (Brookline C. C, Philadelphia, Oct 23). (Setting tougher .^nd tougher here; only top names will draw well. Scott pulled disappointing 175 patrons at $1. Artie Shaw (Playmor B., Kansas City, Oct 23). With plenty opposi- tion Irom 'Icecapades' and live stock show, Shaw piled up neat $1,840 Irom 1,400 dancers at $1.26 advance, $1.50 door. 'At Turnpike, Lincoln, next day (24) Shaw might have run into what his managers feared Irom his last year's mag remarks; college kids shied away and only 1,400 dancers showed at $1.15, $1.40, $1.65, only par lor this course. However, band bounced right back next night (25) at Ak-Sar-Ben Coliseum. Omaha, drawing 7,500 lor better than $10,600. 01 that 4,200 paid $2.50 per; rest on ASB membership tickets. HENRY BUSSE and HIS ORCHESTRA OPENING NOV. 29 PALACE HOTEL SAN FRANaSCO HuuLffcmeot WnXlAX HOBBIB AOENCT DICK ROGERS And Hie Orohestra ' 01IBBBMTI.T AT [ROSELAND, NEW YORK Bnadoaitlur Cowt to Ooul NBONBTWOBK GOLUHBIA OEXH BECOBDI HUZAK TBAMBOBIFTIONS Par. Dll'.i BABBT .A. BOHH MANACCMr.NT GENERAL AMUSEMENT CORP. 'Muiic wUh the STRONG AppedF BOB STRONG AND HIS OBCHESTBA TREAT TIME UNCLE WALTER'S 000 HOUSE CBS MBO-BBD ^Innacementi M.O.A. Jiut at good a* iu "DADDY!'I It THE SON OF THE WOODEN SOLDIER If rOBUSHED BT BELWIN,INC. Bol* DlsMbotor* B008Br-HAWKS-BKI,WIN, IMO. 4*-4S-4i Wert' Mfd Bt, N. T. 0.