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« FILM REVIEWS ITedncBdaj. .April 1, 1942 Strange Case of Dr. RX ' HoUywood, Macch 27. Unlvsraal nleaae of Jock Bombard pro- duction, Directed by WUlUm Nigh. OrlB' Inal screenpUy by Clorenco Upsoo lounfi eamem. -Woody Bradell: editor, Barnard W. Burton. Provlewed In Mudlo projeetlon room, Mnrcb 20, '-la. Running time, 94 BUJiS, Jorry Cburcb Br. Fl«h...;. ' KK Dudley Crispin Mrs. Dudley Crispin Swboney Jobn Crispin Patric Knowlco ....Lionel Atwlll .. .Anno Gwynno Samuel S. Hinds .;. .Mona Harris , .Shemp Howard .Pnul Cnvnnagh Inspector Hurd Edmund, MncDonsId Horatio Jtantiin Morelnnd Kmie Paul John Oallaudet Mason William Qonld Butler ,.Le>'land Hodgson CANAL ZONE Columbl^_r«ltaae of Colbert Clark produc- otu Featur<4^ Chester Morris, HaVrlet Hllllard, Jobn" Hiibbsrd. "Directed by Lew There are two strange things about this one; the title and how such an Incredulous and wearysonie tale got a front office okay for production. Hazily concocted arid presented drama of' a mysterious killer is a washout whodunit that, will catch spotty playdates in the lowest duals. Tliere's a mysterious killer at large, with ittention focused on acquitted defendants' criminal law- yer Samuel S. Hinds. Private de- tective Patric Knowles returns from a trip to be Inducted into service by the police, and Is suitably hamp- ered by Anne .Gwynne until pair marry m the middle of the unravel- ings. Script provides the -usual slinky suspectR and several blind alleys untU the solution is shot''at the audience In machine-gun style. ■When it's all over the slow-thinkers still will wonder who was the doctor throughout Cast does as well as can be ex- pected with the shoddy material and dialog. Direction falls to get over elemental comedy by " absent-minded colored butler, Manton Moreland, and efforts of Shemp Howard to' cre- ate laughs are generally fruitless. Knowles and Miss-Gwynne have the leads, witti- support including Lionet Atwill, HMds, Mona Barrle and Ed- mund MacDonald. Picture shows apparent quickie schedule In "the making. . Wolt. Harvard, Here I Come Columbia, release of Wallace MacDonald production. Features Uaxle Rosenbloom, Arllne Judge, Marie WUson, Bymo FV>ulger, Virginia Sale. Directed by Lew Landers. Bcnenplay .by Alberff Duffy from story by Karl Brown; camera. Fiani F. Planer:- edi- tor, William Lyon, At Paiomount, Brook- lyn, week March 20,' '42; dualed, Runblng time, 64 lUNS^ ,Uaxle Rosenbloom...' Himself Francle Callahan • Arllne J.udge Harrison Carey .....Stanley Brown Hypo McOonlgle Don Beddoe Zella Fblpps Marie Wilson Mlas Frisble Virginia Sale Professor AIvIb... .....Byron Foulger Professor Hoyworth. Boyd Dawls Professor Anthony...........Julltu Tannen Professor UacSqalgley 'Walter Baldwin professor Toeter. ......Tom Herbett Eddie 8pellman..< Larry Parks Bllnky..;. s Qeorgs McKay BIng .Jobn Tyrrell Landersl 'Adaptation and screenplay, Rob- ert Lee Johnson; based on story by Blaine UlUer, Jean DuPont .Miller: camera, Fram F. Pinner; editor, James Sweeney. At Globe. N.Y., Mnrcb 28, '42. Running time: 70 .UINH. 'Hardtsek' Hamilton Cheater Morris Susan Merrill Harriet Hllllard Hnrley Ames John Hubbord Klncald Larry Parks XTndlgnn Forrest Tucker Hughes Eddie LauEtiton Onldwin Lloyd Bridges MacNsnnm ...aeorge McKay Commander Merrill.. Stanley Andrews 'Red' Connors John Tyrrell Jones Stanley Brown Henebiw Jobn Sbay Commercial title and Chester Mor- ris, who has some, marquee value in subsequent situations, will serve to get this one by as a filler for duals. Otherwise ,it's an-uneventful, tin-' inspired piece of writing and direct- ing, padded out to an extent which would moke a cut of at least IS min- utes in the running time. beneficial. Morris is spotted as instructor for pilots who ferry bombers across the Atlantic. Combat and civilian flying tactics are recited in some detail, with Morris pictured as a hard, efflr (^ent taskmaster interested solely In getting the planes over with as few losses as possible. . John Hubbard Is In as the unpop- ular socialite, ' smart-alec civilian flyer who wants to try ferrying for excitement and redeems himself in the end by saving his instructor fol- lowing a crackup. Harriet Hllliard is the frustrated gal who finds planes too much com- petition for Morris' Interest, but she ostensibly gets him all to herself when sraashup leaves the boy with a damaged arm. Dialog^ is puerile for the most part andi though film. undoubtedly is of some: topical value in pointing'up necessity of bomber ferrying to aid the United Nations abroad, It's too dull to get any message or entertain- ment across effeQtively. Sole con- nection between title and yam is .that the training station k in Panama. Morf. Despite Its rather aitablguou^ title, 'Harvard,''^lerej Come' Is A 'Dicely- galted, screwball comedy geared for maximum of laughs. Almost the en' tire hokum Is constructed around •Slapsle' Maxle. Rosenbloom's man- hanollng o£ the Baglish language. Excellent supporting laugh vehicle for twin setups. When Maxle Is given a special award by the Barwd 'Iiampoon for his pedlculousness, instead of being antty th« flstic nightclub operiator decides to go to college—and picks on Harvard "because it*s tops.' In- stead of actually enrolling, ^Slapsie' IS hailed by college p;^ as tiie near' est discovery to the missing link, and signed up for $1,500 plus room and board to be thehr 'guGiea pig.' That permits him to board at one of the halls, be initiated into a fraternity, and be exposed to' some clasiroom wo». His fame as an outstanding lerk' enables him to makatiiDusands per -week In testing nationally known products. '> Stoe formula has been used be- fore and recently In a short by Bosenbkwm, but not with the same - efTecMveness. Adept scrlptkig, slick dialog directing by Ted Thomas aSd an all-round intelligent directorial Btmt by I^Ew lianders account for this. Sequences where Maxie turns the tables on the two 'smart* lab students to dumfound them and Ills final test by the coUege profs, when the . - jPmPS!. jeactsJiest to the-^syratlohs of sciintily-cled Oriental dancer, are standout; But the glib pace director Landers maintains^ pluis snappy eSt- Ing by William Lyon, ipake fte most absurd developments shape up for chuckles. , Rosenbloom here Is the No. 1 Mo- ron, who cashes In^ on his reaction to different nationally advertised products to make more In college than he could at a nl^t club. Marie Wilson, as the frosh co-ed, who -makes a momentary play for the husky fighter, does best of the femmes, though Virginia Sale con- tributes a neat comedy characterlza' tlon as a professor's secretary. As- line Judge is around largely for deC' orative purposes. Byron Foul^ Is excellent as. the prof, while be^ In' the .support are Don Beddoe and George McKay. Wear, RKO Re<Booking 'Zola' . The BKO circuit in Greater New York lias closed with Warners to play the revived 'Life of Emile Zola,' starting the middle of this month. ' Sam Letk6wltz, metropolitan diS' 'ih ii6t\tmsx»t<3t.ttft. )WBi'inade;the deal. ^n UNSEEN ENEMY (SONGS) Hollywood, March 26. Universal release of Marshall Qrant pro- duction. Features Leo Carrillo, Andy -De- vlne, Irene Uervey, Son Terry. Directed by John Rawlins. Original screenplay by Roy Cb'anslor and Stanley Rubin, based on Ideft by George Wallace Bayre; camera, Jobn Boyle; editor. Edward Curtlss; dialog director, Ilarold Erlckson, Previewed In studio projection room, Mardr 2S,>'42. Rnn- nlnir Ume. 61 HINS. Nick ..Leo CarrlUo Sam Andy Devlne 0«n Irene Hervey Bill..' Don Tern Roerlng Lionel Royce Ito ; Tuihan Bey MuUer Frederick Qlerraan Callahan William Robl Davttii Clancy Cooper Badger Sddle Fetfiereioh This Is a typical meller of enemy agent activities along the San Fran' Cisco waterfront, displayed .by • story that follows routine lines o£ minor league tenor. Strictly for the filler duals, where patrons are not (too concerned over the wild and in- credulous melodramatics disple^ed. Leo Carrillo is most concerned over lifting step-daughter Irene Hervey out of a waterfront ship cafe to so- cial rating, and becomes an agent for Axis plotters who are bent on rounding up a cfiptain and crew to man a Jap ship in the harbor for dAring escape and raiding of Ameri can. shippmg along the coast, on eve of the u. S. entry into the war: Andy Devine fitnctlons as a Govem- mentment ~ agent, vtVCCi assistance from Miss Hervey. Cafe is a rendez- vous for German sailors, with Miss Hervey getting wise through frO' quent requests to' sing "Lydla.' There's the rousing chase and even- tuat-roumJop- or thfe "6WeH>y Btehts,' and death of Carrillo to repay his misstep for acting as a paid hand of the plotters. Romance is generated throu^ by-play of the girl and Don Terry, Canadian intelligence officer, who Is of major a^lstance In grab' bing the Axis mob. DlMction by John Rawlins accen, tuates' the-incredlble-uielodraiQaUcs of the script, and the cast members walk through lines and situations In uninspired ' fdshioh. Miss Hervey's. brief appearances before the cafe mike are adequate. Walt ; ustice triumphant and the hero gets lis gaL Star, Don Barry, delivers a routine performance with Lornn Merrick, average cowgirl interest. Pop Saw- yer's attempts at comedy are mostly cliche and fall flat. Not sufficient ac- tion and the marksmanship of all concerned was terrible; not one man shot in a fight with scores of rounds used up, The boys need army train- ing. . Sound synchronization not too good, either, but photography OJC £d(Iv> JESSE JAMES, JR. Republic release of George Sherman pro- ductlon; directed by Sherman. Stars Don 'Bed' Bany; features Lynn Merrick. Al St, John.' Screer.play by Richard Murphy, Dorts Schoeder, Taylor Caven; camera, John MaoBumle; music, Cy Feuer; editor, WUllam Thompson. Projection room,"N. T,, March 2T, '42. Running time, B8 MINS. Johnny Barrett Don 'Red' Barry Joan Perry Lynn Merrick Pop Sawyer Al Bt. John Archie McDonald ...Douglas Walton Amos Martin .....Karl Hackett Tom Porfy ';. Lee Shuraway Ram Carson Stanley Blystone Sherirt '. .....^..,,..Jaok Kirk Unspectacular western which falls a trifle below par. Story Is routine, dealing with laW' less town, desire of decent citizens to have the telegraph brought in, the gang that wants the wireless 'to go through a neighborhood clfy, the son of the tormer sheriff, the rancher's daughter and the* usual-cUmax'wlth Miniatafe Reviews Hie Straage Case •( Dr. B3P (U>. Unimportant whodunit for filler spots In secondary duals. 'Harvard, Here I Come' (Col). Maxle Rosenbloom, Arllne.Judge and Marie Wilson In screwball comedy. 'Canal Zone' (Col). Unin- teresting meller, about ferrying bombers; for the duals. Unieen Enemy' (U) (Songs). Spy meller of convenient pattern for filler datlngs In secondary duals. 'Jesse James Jr.' (Rep), below par western with slow action and hackneyed story. 'Arizona Terrors' (Rep). One of best of Don Barry series, well above average.- Tramp, Tramp, Tramp* (C^l). Banal story, bad direction and poor acting make this a comedy of errors. 'Cowboy Sereukde' (Rep) (Songs). Okay Gene Autry western. Haiders of the Bange' (Rep). . Three Mesquiteers wlU break no previous marks with this one; up to their usual standard. Kaestrlta- de Los Obreres* (Argenth.e). Excellent Spanlsh- languager destined for good box- office returns. ARIZONA TERRORS Republic release of George Sherman pro- dttotlon;- dirked by Sherman. Stan Don 'Red' Barry; features Lynn Merrick. Al St. John. Original by Doris Bchroeder and Taylor Caven; cameru, Ernest Milter. At New York theatre. N. T., March 27, '42. Running time, B5 MINS. Jtm Bradley Don *Raa' Banr Ula Adams ^...Lynn Merrick Hardtack Al St. John Halllday. Dou Pedro.,.. Ried Hftdley Larry Madden ......John Maxwell Henry Adams ....Frank Btownlee Brlggs Rax Lease Sheriff Wilcox .......Lee Shamway Wade.r ....Tom tendon than flvt mliMitaijdttrlnA tloMlii on th« loraM, -wbidi to ngnttable, •inco tht aotrus to'botti iMiapiUiblc and knows how to-handle sltuttlesti Th« ttoxy, iUdk u °tf to. dealrwith two barbm, forced oat of business du* to the drafting of thalr ctiitom> era, their, rejection at «n army post, and the formation of a home guard unit' gang of murderera seek a hideout In the home guard and arc subsequently trapped In a series of nondramatlc slfjepy episodes. Pho- tography to good, and the oUrection slow-paced, nie continuity and dialog-are inane and in many cases stupid. E<WV. COWBOY SERENADE (WriH SONOS) Republlo Mleoae of Harry Grey produc- tion. Stars Gene Aufry: features Smiley Burnttte,. Tvj MoKeuUe. (Directed by William Morgan. Original soreenploy, OllTs Cooper; camerk, ^ack Morta: editor. Lea Oriebeck; muslo director, RaonI Kraus- haar,. Reviewed at Colonial, Uncoln, Neb,, March 2S, '42, dual. Running time: 68 Cast: Gene Autry, Smiley Burnttte, Fay MoKencle, Cecil Cunningham,' Addison Rloliards, Road Brooks, Tristnm Coffin, Lloyd 'Slim* Andrems, Mellnda Iielghton, Johnnie Berkea, This to one of the best of the entire Don Barry series, for the picture combines plenty of action -with an excellent story tor a western, and some good acting to back it up. Pro ductlon values are of the highest order for the type film It Is, and the varying twists given the story add to the authenticity of Improbable situa' ■tlons. Yam concerns the efforts of Barry to save landowners from being ousted for non-payment of rent'by one Don Pedro who- supposedly, received a grant of land from CHiarles III of Spain. President McKlnley Is rung In the story, after Berry and hto partner land on top of the Presi- dential train in an escape'from des- perados. A fake execution, and plenty of gunplay before the schem- ing villains are brought to justice bruig the film to a rapid close. Direction, photography, and sup- porting cast uniformly good. As the love interest, Lynn Merrick looks well in a small bit she has, and Al St -John Is thoroughly cajpable as Barry's partner, . .Reed Hadley, John Maxwell and Frank Brownlee also add .considerable support In lesser roles.. £dd]/. Tramp, Tramp, Tramp Columbia release of Wallace MacDonald production. Stan Jackie Oleason; features Jack Durcst, Flor«nc» Rice, Bruce BeunetL Directed by Charles Barton. Story by Shan- non Day, Hal BrahAm, MB^^■T. Orint; cam- ersw. John Btumar; editor, William Lyon, At New York theatre, N. T., Manh 27, '12, Running time, M UNS. Hank :..Jackie Gleuon Jod Ja^k Purant Fam Mariln ...Florence Rice Tommy Lydel .Bruce Bennett Granny Hallene Hill Uldget.. Billy Curtis VIvUn Mabel Todd Blond.Bomber Forrest Tucker Biggie Waldron i..,..,..James Seay Le'ty John Tyrrell Mousey John Harmon Blackla .....Eddie Foster nm ^ ..Al Hill Borrah MlnevUch and Harmonica Ras- cals ThemselTss Columbia has 'wasted much time and money on this one to no a'valL Picture Is slow, exceedingly dull, end lt& attempts at comedy are so feeble that they tend to tmcomfortableness. Film does a takeoff on - Abbott & Costello, with Jackie Gleason work- ing hard and arduously on-ttie comic end. He fails badly, tor his material is dated and the continual repetition of hackneyed cliches tend to arouse resentment rather than good-hu- mored Eympattqr, Hto partner. Jack Durant, at times Imltetes Edgar Ken- nedy. Florence Rice receives less- Cowboy Serenade' Is on a par With the nest Autry pictures. Story gets away from sagebrush enough to eep from palling, with just enough wild and woolly for those 'wanting it Thto feature has two -women who take part in all the action and liven. It up- plenty. They are Fay McKenzie-and Cecil Cunningham. Miss McKenzle gives Autry plenty of competition on the singing score, and she's good on the acting end, too. She hasn't the stereotyiied Hollywood looks, but makes up for the lack 'with vlvaciousness. - Sne to much better in everyway than the average western heroine. Plot builds up around AUtry's at- tempts to break up a crooked gam- bling ring. Miss McKenzle's dad to behind aU the crookedness. The gal thinks he's a right guy and sets out to prove it to Autry, storting a scheme to crack do'wn on the ring, not knowing that she's sending her father to his nave. Addison Rich- ards, as her father, of course ends up a victim of his own plot, ~ Cecil Cunningham and Smiley Bumette provide the laughs, which are plentifuL They're the olies who clean up on the gang at the end, an unusual angle for a (Sene Autry western. Musically, the pic has a lot of power and to not overloaded with songs. 'Cowboy Serenade' should share heavily In those spots doting on tuneful westerns. Hie songs are good and Autry and Mtos McKenzle make the most of .them. They sing one duet William Morgan has kmt the pic rolling along at a good pace. 3ui technical angles are up to the usual Republic par for Autry westerns. ■ , ' Art. Raiders of the Range (ONE BONO) Republic release of Louis Ormy produc- tion. Stars Thn* Ifesqulteers (Bob Steele, Tom IVIer, Rufe Davis). Ott«cted by John Bngllsb; story, Albert Demond; screen- play, Barry Bhipmen: camen, Bmest Miller; editor, John. Lockertr oharoofera created by William Colt MacDonald; muslo, £r Fouar: Mng. Raoul Kraushaar, Sol Msyer. Rarlewed at" Colonial, . Uncoln, Neb^^M^roh 27, '42; dual Running Ume, Tucson Smith.. Bob Steele fltoney Brooks..«.. Tom Tyler Lallahy Joalla Rufe Davis J*aa Travera Lois ColUer Sam Daggett. Fkank Joauet Dpo EUglns Tom ChatteHon TraTers.....'. Charlea Miller Ned Faster. Dennis Moor« Plummer..... , Fred Rohler, Jr, The Coroner..... Max Walzman EU>ertf( Em Price 'Raiders of the Range' will score at the boxoffice solely because of the stan^ the Hiree Mesquiteers. It's even keel with other Mesquiteer re- leases. Film is poorly stocked witit comedy, althou^ all the tried and thoroughly tested' Ingredients ere used. Whole story to hung on the at- tempt of the Mesquiteers- to dear up a mysterious set of reverses in connection with the drilling of an oil well by Tom Chatterton, a tireless worker who realizes that if oil is struck a railroad wlU run a spur through the town and restore the valley to prosperity, and his friend and financial backer, played by Caiarles Miller. ' A young weakling (Dennto Moore) Inadvertently potoons one man and deliberately kflto another, thus be- ing bUckmailed by Frank Jaquet local saloon owner who owns a sec- ond option leAse on the oil property, Into trying to sabotage tne welL The well, of course, comes in re- gardless. There's only one song of Import, sung by Rufe Davis. If s "The Whistle of the Five Twenty-seven,' Raoul Kraushaar and Sol Meyer authored, a light ditty forced In rather than needed, Loto Collier has only a few lines, but Bandies them weU. She's pretty, can ride, and will do well in west- ems. Fred Kohler, Jr., appears onW in the first reeto of the pIc, but hto ctossic features and ability to act dtotlngulsh him from the usual run of western actors. John Engltoh managed to keep up a pretty fair pace. Most of the tech- nical section hit the western par. •' Art. Maeitrita Da Loc Obreros (Uttle .Teaeher of Workmen') (ABQEIJllNE-taADiS) Buenos Aires, March 20. ■FA pnduoUon fUDd releua; .Stars Delia Oareei; features Oacat -Vallcclll. Oreetes CavlglU, Fellsa Uary, Rafael Frontaura. - Nelo Coslml, Maria Santos, Nellda Bilbao Maria Ester Bnschlazzo. Bemllllu, Salvador LoUto, Jallo ScsMllo. Ceaar Flaschl, Itde Flnvano, Jose Tracenia, Armando Bo. Dl- reoted bjr Albeito de ZafalU, Story, Ed- mundo de Amtcls; 'jadnpted by Adejandra Casona; photography, Roque Funes. Ar- tlstlo direction by Ernesto Aranclbla. Re- viewed at Monumental, Buenos Aires. Run- Bloc time, Vt UDia. ^ Oai of the best Argentine films of thto or any other season, "La Mkes- trlta de I,os Obreros' CThe Little Teacher Of the Workmen') to likely to be that rare combo In Latin picta^ an artistic success that's also a smash boxoffice attraction. Film, if it goto to U.S., which is not unlikely, may also serve to present DeUa' Crarces, Its star, to \J.S, audiences and to Hollywood. It's a vehicle made for the dark-tressed Latin laeauty, and the care that has been lavished on the production by Senorita Garcef director-husband, Alberto de Za- valU, shows throu^out Definitely under the influence of Hollywood, de Zavalto has empha- sized the drama -without making it too melodramatic. Comedy touehet are good and restrained. Senorita Garces has proven herself by thto pic to be in the front rank of Latin stars. One criticism might be that her -performance to a little too uniform. She looks like a fine Sossibility .for the U.S., especially '. her Engltoh can be' brought up to Holbrwood standards. Film, based on the novel by Ed* mundo de Atalcto, tells of the. ex- periences of a young teacher just out of normal school, whose first job to in a night school for adults In a blg,- local factory. An . orphan, she in* teresto herself in the private dlffi- diltles of her varied scholars with whom she goes through a series of telling situations. Narration has been excellently realized. Atmosphere has been etched -with care and taste, and per- formances are natural and fluent Oscar Vallcelll to worthy of partic- ular note as Julio, the ex-con, and Er< nesto ArandblA deserves particular attention for hto artistic direction. Music by Julian BauUsta to of high quality, and photograpby by Roque Funes to praiseworthy In spite of ups and downs, ' Rov- This Week's New Shoits 'Bfother Oeoie on (be Loose' (Walt Lantz color cartoon comedy, U. 1 mins.) Excellent -teaming of color, trim action animation and voices makes thto unusuaL Timely book-; Ing, •Shuffle Rhythm' (Henry Busse band short, U, IS mIns,) Aided by ■Six Hits.and: a Mtos* rhythm vocal combo, thto to Busse at hto best, Ejjid's familiar sig, "Hot Lips,' and 'Rose Room' are outstanding. Ha- mona' and 'Cirlblrlbln' are cllcko u done by the Six Boys-and-Mtos group. Lee Edwards, Otto Glaeser, ROse Anne Stevens, Nick Cochraie and Fetch and Deauville, totter with acro-stepplng, are specialists. High- class band snort 'Good-bye Mr. Moth' (Andy Pandr color -cartoon comedy, U, 7 mins.). Head and shoulders ahead of most Andy Pandy cartoons. 'Sports In the Bookies' (Travel scenic, U, 0 inlns.). Canadian Rockies, mostly around Banff and Lake Louise, more than passably In- teresting,"'well described and done In color. Okay I entry In nearly all SROtg_despIt(Llength, .. Wear. Corr^ Short Rdeases (Prints In Exchanges) (Complied by Besa Sliort) , 'Cracyi Ordlse' (WB), eU mins. Color cartoon. 'Donald Geta Drafted - (btoney* RKO). Color cartoon. 'Fleeta of SlrengtV (Par), mins. Fopeye cartoon. i. .. ' 'Health for Defenw' (Col), 9 mins. Camera report on Gallup polL •Hub of the Worlds (20th), 10 mlnf. Washington travelog. ■Land et.the QotaitiipIeU' (M-G), 8 mins. Fi^zPatrick color travelog. 'Pablle Sport No.. 1' (RKO), 9 mins. Andfe Baruch's illustrated talk on new baseball season. 'Snow VnOif (20th) 9' mins. Sun Valley contusioos. 'So Ton Thtok Ton Know Muslo' <Col), 10 mbis. Tune quto with Hendrik Van Loon, Owen Jordan, Eltosa Landi and Jim WIQto. The First SwaUow* (M-G)i 8 mins. Rudolf-Islng color cartoon; The Sky PHbcosb* (Par), 8 mins. Color cartoon. The Wabbitt Who Came to Sap- per (WB), B mins, C!olor cartoon. The Witness' (Far), 9 mins. Bob Benchley. -•.<■..:/->,,. ^ . - «>